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Assignment on

The Emirates Group and Employee Diversity

Course Name: International Business
Course Code: BUS 606
Section: A

Submitted to:
Piana Monsur Mindia (PMM)
Assistant professor

Submitted by:

Kazi Rajaul Islam 112 193 040

Hridoy Saha 112 193 060
Fahmida Sultana 112 191 036
Iqbal Parvez 112 191 032
Shamarat Rahman 112 191 003

Date of Submission: 26th July 2020

1.This has thusly prompted the ascent in the level of non-local populace inside the city and yet
contributed completely to the quick financial and business command of the city just as the nation
overall. With the constant business and money related ascent of Dubai, it tends to be sensibly
accepted that the level of ostracizes would even increment in the close or far off future as
increasingly word related open doors will prosper expectedly and it could especially turn into a
social "blend" with a far reaching social, strict and ethnic absorption and the financial and
business strength of the Emiratis or the local individuals of UAE would steadily decrease.

2.As recognized by the given article, one of significant characteristics of the worldwide business
achievement of The Emirates Group is its gigantic workforce and worker assorted variety.
Nonetheless, in spite of such huge numbers of business points of interest of workforce decent
variety, the organization may likewise confront some of the confinements that emerge from such.
Right off the bat, over the top social and ethnic assorted variety in the work environment can
conceivably prompt miscommunication or correspondence mistakes among the worker because
of language boundary. There are various challenges that are faced for diversified workforce. The
challenges are It involves recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination, and
promoting inclusiveness, may also be challenged with loss in personnel and work productivity
due to prejudice and discrimination and complaints and legal actions against the organization.
Moreover, Negative attitudes and behaviors can be barriers to organizational diversity because
they can harm working relationships and damage morale and work productivity. Resistance to
change is another challenge that organizations usually face when implementing such an initiative
in the workplace. However, with the challenges of diversified workforce there are several
opportunities and they are: a variety of perspectives, increased creativity, increased productivity,
reduced fear, improved performance, global impact, boost your brand’s reputation.

3. Living in a diversified workforce like Dubai is a complex activity as there are various types of
people in the same community. So, considering the diversified workforce that is prevailing in
Dubai I would assimilate myself with the people who are like you as it will be easy to associate
myself with the people with the similar mindset and therefore work productivity will be higher.
On the other hand if try to integrate into the overall community of all people there will develop
several complications which will reduce the pace of work as there might be several
miscommunication within the people as my way of working and their way of working might be
different and eventually the result may not be satisfactory.

4. Yes, there will be more ostracizes that will remain longer in Dubai contrasted with the
previous 10 years. As indicated by the World Bank, the number of inhabitants in Emirates was
9.27 million of every 2016 expanded to 9.4 million out of 2017 and arrived at it tops this year
with 9.54million. This populace information incorporated the ostracize populace. An
investigation by Global Media Insight (GMI) found that 88.52% of the populace in Emirates are
comprises of outsiders while just 11.48% of them are Emiratis. The workers are essentially from
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and furthermore Philippines. There are such a significant number of
elements that will make Emirates alluring to ostracizes from all around the world. In the first
place, Dubai have a decent work possibility. A large portion of the expatriates that went to the
nation were extended to an employment opportunity by specific organizations. This is on the
grounds that the career openings will continue developing as the nation keeps on creating.
Furthermore, the unemployment rate for Emirates, as indicated by Trading Economics, was just
1.72%which was exceptionally low. The administration would not charge any duties on your pay
in this way you will have an extensive sum of earnings. They likewise have such a significant
number of occupations accessible; you can look and find for a better job or attempt to show signs
of improvement paying job easily. Though Arabic is the official language for Dubai, English is
broadly spoken and justifiable there. Around 89% of the populace in Dubai are expatriates, most
of whom communicate in English and their local language. However, if English is reasonable in
Emirates, we can presume that there will be less miscommunication as it is broadly spoken and
understandable by individuals all around the world. Next, the earth in Dubai are sheltered and
made sure about. As per the YouGov survey by The National, 97% of the residents have a sense
of security in Emirates. A great many people have had practically zero involvement in
wrongdoing in Dubai. Notwithstanding that, the way of life in Dubai is young and flourishing.
This is on the grounds that the middle age in Dubai is 33.5 years old. The majority age bunch in
Dubai was between the age of 25-54 years of age with 6.29 million which speak to 65.9% of the
populace in Emirates. Thus 92.1% of the populace is urban, as indicated by Worldometers.

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