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Shane Porter

Professor Hugetz
ENGL 1301-04
September 12, 2020


The four-letter code I received was INFP which stands for introvert, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving. I
think the feedback is very accurate because it describes how I am empathetic and loyal to my friends. I
think it is very accurate when it comes to my strengths because it talks about how people with the INFP
four-digit code are devoted to the people and things they care about deeply, which describes me very
well. My personality reflects this because when I care about something, or someone, I will do everything
for that person or thing.
Some of the weakness listed were a tendency to be very sensitive to interpersonal tension and tend to
avoid conflict. This describes me very well because I do not enjoy conflict and tend to not give my
opinions on things to avoid confrontation with another person. Another weakness is that I set very high
goals for myself and expect everything I do to be perfect. This leads to being frustrated and not satisfied
with myself or my result a lot of the time. Some other potential weaknesses that I found about myself that
seem to be accurate are that I take criticism and feedback personal. While that is not true all the time, I
have found myself sometimes taking constructive criticism or coaching to heart occasionally.
There are a lot of career paths that were suggested for me but the two that interest me the most are being a
therapist or a journalist. When I first saw these two paths, I was not really intrigued about either one of
those career paths but, the more I started thinking about it the more they started to interest me. I think
being a therapist would interest me because I am very sympathetic towards others and would love to help
people express their emotions. Also, the thought of being a journalist intrigues me because I would love
to write about topics that I am interested in and be able to express my emotions that way.

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