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& yacuae Green Belt Problem Solver Training 5-Day Instructor Led for Body Engineering Suppliers JAGUAR Green Belt Course Introduction Green Belt Training Module Product Development Rev 3, February 2010 Updated 8 February 2010 Ice Breaker a We JAGUAR On an A4 sheet, write down 3 questions to learn more about someone else in the room (eg. WELCOME TO: what's your pet's name?) Take a sheet of A4 paper and write your name at the top (your answer sheet). Jaguar & Land Rover Green Belt Training Meet with someone else in the room and swap A4 answer sheets. Ask each other your 3 prepared questions and write their answers to your questions on their A4 answer sheet. * Move onto the next person (taking your A4 answer sheet with you) * Present back your own sheet at the end > neetene it fae (aes ena ie Sign-in and Emergency Procedures a JAGUAR Ensure you have signed in on the class register Know the emergency » procedures within this training facility in the BY event that the alarms sounds e TT fx Facility Logistics sacuk Making the most out of breaks! @0@e 4 & exegranaRovr us. Febru 200. a Green Belt Training — Participation 723% The key to successful Green Belt training is participation Training Sections saebxa JLR Context Introduction unpartananover i. Fray 201 sia 6 Feb 2010 7 Course Objectives raat Upon completion of Green Belt Training, you will be able to:- > Understand the origins of 6-Sigma, and the wider JLR Quality Strategy. > Describe the roles of Project Champions, Master Black Belts, Black Belts, and Green Belts. > Describe and apply the process used to select projects. > Describe and apply the problem solving methodologies which would be applied to specific issues. > Demonstrate the ability to use and make decisions based on basic 6-Sigma analysis tools. > Apply problem solving methodologies & data-driven improvement process techniques to everyday work. apvranaover it. Febuary 2010. panes Fabra 2010. 8 Green Belt Verification =, | * All Green Belts are expected to use these problem solving tools appropriately with DMAIC or 8D methodology to complete an improvement project:- > Black Belt coached project (individually or in teams) > Assisting a Black Belt on a project * Completion and verification of the task through the GB's function, and a JLR certified BB or MBB creates “Verified GBs” * Consult your supporting MBB for more information dour. aan, Fetery 2010 Upted 6 etry 2010 9 What is 6-Sigma? pare Consumer Driven 6-Sigma is a tool set that significantly improves customer satisfaction and shareholder value by reducing variability in every aspect of our business. “6-Sigma is not something else that you do ... itis what you do.” nga Lit, Ftrary 2010 panes Febraay 2010 10 Unlocking our potential = | JLR company strategy JAGUAR & One High- Jaguar Performance Land Rover Company Two Global = & Iconic Brands JAGUAR Three ustand ° Customer’ | Environmental Passions Experience movation Dynamic feontdent.escers| engagedana |THDKLKE Business | gas and Business tha Spiitot | Passionate. | Oners,bulld | cost cava Foundations Independance Peopie | Teamwork and | “Operations ‘Achieving Driving Total \\ Funding efficient | Increasing the | Long Term Delivering the ferenium Market] Quality |) Investmentin our | Value of our Sustainable Performance Postions \ Excatence future ‘Company Business” \ Challenge Total Quality Excellence ‘aourandRovr iF 200 pares Fabry 200 " What is JLR TQE =o | Dp The Common Quality Culture racuan | i We must satisfy our customers; attract our potential customers and continuously delight our existing customers. We must speak with a common quality language — regarding failure modes and the way we address failure modes. We must all consider the ways in which things could fail, and address them before they do fail — turn hindsight into foresight. We must progress all problem solving activity to the point where we have prevented recurrence forever — we must value standards. We must ALL drive Total Quality Excellence in our business agurandovr i. Ferny 200, pose ebrery 2010, 12 Training Sections saat Problem Solving Methodologies Project Selection OR Serr Introduction agua nant Foto 2010, patos Febrany 2010. 13, Section Objectives | JLR Context & Journey yacuaR GD At the completion of this section, participants will be able to: > Describe the Ford Motor Company's rationale for implementing Consumer Driven 6-Sigma to improve customer satisfaction & JLR engagement in 6-Sigma. > State how improvement projects are used to deliver customer satisfaction. > Explain the difference between 2-Sigma and 6-Sigma performance. > Understand the role of problem solving within TQE, and the evolution towards ‘Failure Mode Avoidance’ > Identify roles & responsibilities angurtanaorrus.Fetrary200 pastes February 2010. The 6-Sigma Journey acuyh | Ford Motor Company was the first automotive company to target 6-Sigma tools directly at improving customer satisfaction. Introducing: Consumer Driven 6-Sigma equi, Frusry 201 snd Feta 2010 “Leadership Quotes” : “AND ann = | Bob Joyce on 6-Sigma in 2007 “6 Sigma has already demonstrated it's potential in improving Customer Satisfaction across JLR. It is a fundamental foundation of our current and forward quality operating systems” = Bob Joyce, Engineering Director, Jaguar & Land Rover gvrandonr Li Fela 200 tnd 6 etry 200 16 CTs eZ y The Goals of 6-Sigma Defect Reduction ¥ Yield Improvement ¥ Improved Customer Satisfaction ¥ Higher Shareholder Value eatery etry 200 oaed = Febrary 2010 7 6-Sigma as a Goal Defects per million opportunities 308,537 66,807 233 3.4 Is 99% Good Enough? 3.8 0 99% Good 20,000 15 minutes per day 5,000 Two per day 200,000 Product or Service een ee aid Steg ene Emery eRe eg oa 6,210 2 Most North > American Companies Texas Instruments & Motorola are here 65 99.99966% Good Seven One minute per seven months One every five years 68 Background of 6-Sigma en | ep zi 4988 | 1989] 1990 | 4991] 1992 | 1993] 1994] 1995] 1996 sore Li, Fetes 200 peed B etry 200 20 What Makes 6-Sigma Different? JAGUAR Understanding of Customer Needs & Wants Methodology & Tools > Data Driven > Statistically Validated * 6-Sigma Community (MBBs, BBs, GBs, Project Champions etc.) Project Focused Leadership Commitment & Involvement * Compliments and reinforces other tools/processes (e.g. Lean, Kaizen etc.) pura Ls Feta 2010, ped 6 February 2010 a Using a Data Driven Approach ~ | ap Importance to Decision Making races * We don’t know what we don’t know * We can’t act on what we don’t know * We won't know until we search * We won't search for what we don’t question * We don’t question what we don’t measure * Hence, we just don’t know eaerandonr i. Feary 200 Upieed 6 Petra 2010 22 The 6-Sigma Improvement Process = = | Attributes JAGUAR =p Systematic Procedure + Customer Focus Utilises cross functional team working (project based) Decisions based on data and statistical analysis Identifies and attacks root causes of problems Identifies means of sustaining improved performance Replicates best practice throughout the business apr andor Li. Fern 200. ated 0 Foray 2010, 23 The 6-Sigma Goal JAGUAR * Stop defects at the earliest possible point by attacking variation in the product or process. * The target is to link defect reduction to improvements in Customer Satisfaction - which leads to positive financial benefits. * 6-Sigma is about Customer Satisfaction and Money! pirat Feary 2050 pisos Fabrany 2010. The TQE Deliverables 24 is del = | What is delivered to support JLR TQE strategy? JAGUAR ee Erie FMEA pcan pcov activity Problem ee) rng ey ee DMaIC Pod ed Standards Good at Foundation FMEA’s Pts Design Rules Bercu Dcov Lean, HHSI, Kaizen, etc. Conti me qarnconeLi,Fetrry 200 panes Fabry 2010 fea 25 Deployment Structure = | & pura Li, Fara 20%0, Responsibilities Green & Black Belts Upaod Fabra 2010 26 & JAGUAR Green Belt Responsibilities * Apply 6-Sigma problem-solving tools and principles to daily work. * Participate in Black Belt and Master Black Belt 8D, DMAIC and DCOV projects. * Lead Improvement projects. eeqworonaovr a. Fray 2010 Black Belt Responsibilities Teach and coach 6-Sigma & 8D strategy, methods, and tools. Train Green Belts. Lead project teams through improvement projects Identify barriers. Serve as an expert in 8D & 6-Sigma tools & improvement methodologies. pated Fabran 2010 ar Responsibilities Project Champions & MBB’s JAGUAR Project Champion Responsibilities Master Black Belt Responsibilities Identify and prioritize projects. Serve as an expert in 6-Sigma & 8D Review projects. tools and methodologies. Conduct Black Belt and Green Belt Identify Black Belts. * Remove barriers. training. * Coach Green Belts & Black Belts * Assist in Black Belt delivery through coaching. Share best practise * Lead 6-Sigma mega projects involving several Black Belts. ageranaRone Lit, Fete 200 ted brary 200 28 Review — Key Concepts Ss, | * Consumer Driven 6-Sigma ° JLR TQE * Focus on improving customer satisfaction * Roles & Responsibilities > Green Belt > Black Belt > Master Black Belt > Project Champion seoveranatone Lit. Fete 200. pte 6 brary 2010, 29 Training Sections | JAGUAR univer nave Ls Feta 200, peed 6 Fetmar 2010, 30 Section Objectives ox, | Project Selection yacuae | & This course is primarily focussed on problem solving and product quality improvement. Project selection is presented with that in mind, though 6-Sigma projects can be addressed to any area of business improvement. At the completion of this section, participants will be able to:- > Understand the PD problem response guidance > Recognise and apply the ‘Level 0’ Checklist > Understand the Y=f(X) relationship concept > Identify the Y, determine the X’s — Variability reduction projects our aoe is Fat 200, yrs 6 Foray 2010, 31 Draft for Applicat Problem Solving Response Guidance ion in PD yea | & a ee Leon | Sensi ed ‘Manoge the CexpurandverLit. Fate 2010, Problem Solving Response Guidance | & For Application in PD Post Te ‘STARTHERE | fate Problem Solving Response Guidance ges? = | &@ Step 1 —- Check the Basics Engineering Level 0 + Is there a spestfication or standard? + Do we meet design intent? *Does the standard meet customer expectation? + Do we have prior experience? (Lessons Learned) + Are we following intended process? = Does the process check for this issue? + Is there enough data to proceed? Conduct Engineering Level 0 (Check the basics) ROOT CAUSE IS KNOWN & VERIFIED?, ioutansovr it Feary 200 Upto Fabra 200. 34 Problem Solving First Response g P = | The ‘Level 0’ Concept Engineering ‘Level 0” * Is there a specification or standard? * Do we meet design intent? * Does the standard meet customer expectation? * Do we have prior experience? (Lessons Learned) * Are we following intended process? * Does the process check for this issue? * Is there enough data to proceed? The answers to these questions may guide a problem resolution response without the need for a problem solving project. eovatandRovr is Fenny 201 pied Fatraan 2010 35 Problem Solving Response Guidance = | ap For Application in PD Post ATE START HERE ‘a tbonding sa To, van eine “Coneude De, update AIMS pura Ud Fetus 2010, pa Problem Solving Response Guidance «=. | ap Step 2— Robust Problem Definition gm** 1 1 ' | Report summary via TT 8D ee ‘ ' } '| Robustly define ' r ; issue and 1 || Use appropriate f project scope || problem solving “ate using ‘ methodology PROJECI SPD ' ——— ‘Standardised Problem ' on | | Document +} decision and | | update AIMS ‘euaqurtondrover tis Fewuayania Updated oFebrwany201 7 Standardised Problem Definition Introduction JAGUAR | Recognition Definition Hand-over refined scope / definition / ‘opportunity Initial Problem Standardised Scope & Problem justification Definition Ceapuaranaovr Fry 200 Uptnd 8 Fabraany 200. Scoping Projects for Process a | Improvement JAGUAR & 6-Sigma DMAIC projects can be scoped for the purpose of process improvement, rather than response to specific reported issues or ‘error states’. Where project identification for process improvement is undertaken, the Y=f(x) cascade is an important tool for project scoping. 39 eagvrandonr i. Foy 2010 tnd 0 etry 2010. Y=f(X) Relationship scXe Where Improvement Projects are scoped to reduce variation in a product or process, the Y=f(x) concept helps project selection * A fundamental concept of 6-Sigma methodology: * “Y" is a function of “X” * i.e. Output is a function of input..... A transfer function Y= f(Xq» Xos Xgu---Xn) Y= F(Xq, Xp1 Xgy---Xn) Y= F(X) Xp) Xgu--%Xn) eoveranaRove Lit, Fete 2010 nd 8 Feary 2010 40 Y=f(X) Relationship JAGUAR | Consider the “Ys” and “Xs” involved in having a good meal at a local restaurant A Good Meal Y = f (Xj, Xg, Xg «+» X_) Sy & ® Ye, “nye eo OF, %e %, a eon ano Fata 200 Uptoed 8 Fata 2010 rT Y=f(X) Relationship =, | A Good Meal V = F(X 4s Xa» Xs «++ Xa) eepirtancve i Fay 2010. pst 0 February 2010, 42 Y=f(X) Relationship =, | ee A Good Meal Y = F(X4; Xg5 Xg --- Xp) S a. M% *%, “ty Se & & a, 7, Or "Ing Pr Upated Bebra 2010 ra Y=#(X) a High Level Business Performance ’*°’** Y = Business Performance Y= F(X, an X53 Kay X5x Xo --» Xn) Soe Xe, Ph, ae Cen, Y= F(X Xa Xa Xa Xp *- *) Xg,. 6, rs, Sebi, “i Cun Pn, Pag Me Uy Me ® Gay, ng wit ‘ont “ox Y= ae Xap Xq ++ Xn) ae aos, Te ‘A eee ay Y eo aoe Fabry 200, 45 Objectives Review Project Selection JAGUAR This course is primarily focussed on problem solving and product quality improvement. Project selection is presented with that in mind. At the completion of this section, participants will be able to:- > Understand the PD problem response guidance > Recognise and apply the ‘Level 0’ Checklist > Understand the Y=f(X) relationship concept > Identify the Y, determine the X’s — Variability reduction projects exeoertandRovr it Feary 200 send 9 Feta 2010, 46 Training Sections pnoSkh | Dp Lede) od ete) LLL | Methodologies JLR Context Introduction ‘evartangiovr is Feary 200 Upsated Fabra 200. 47 Problem Solving Response Guidance For Application in PD Post SAI START HERE update AIMS Problem Solving Methodology Which do | use?? vee Use appropriate problem solving methodology Definition Known Special Cause ‘8D problem solving 6-Sigma DMAIC Variability Reduction / Process Improvement methodology Cevonrcansover Lt. Fateuy 200 UpdedB Fatrany 2010, 49 Common Problem Solving Process Alignment to Methodologies & JAGUAR Tanase] [improve] [bonita Repeat + 8D Question based approach / DMAIC Deliverable based approach + Common process identifies how to answer both agent. Ferry 2010 Uptind 9 February 200 50 & The Steps of 8D Note: nine steps because DO was added later...! JAGUAR Prepare for the 8D Process Establish the Team Describe the Problem Develop the Interim Containment Action (ICA) Define and Verify Root Cause and Escape Point Select and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions (PCA) for Root Cause and Escape Point Implement and Validate Permanent Corrective Actions (PCA) Prevent Recurrence Recognise Team and Individual Contributions agar anon id. Fray 200 yssied 8 etary 2010 51 The Steps of DMAIC-R jacuxe + Define - The selection of performance characteristics critical in meeting the customer's expectations. + Measure - The creation and validation of a measurement system. + Analyse - The identification of sources of variation from the performance objectives. + Improve - The discovery of process relationships and the establishment of new procedures. * Control - Monitoring improvements to maintain gains and ensure corrective actions are taken when necessary. + Replicate - Communicate the learning across the organization & prevents making the same mistakes again pirat 2090 Upset Betray 2010 52 a GD JAGUAR The Phases of 6-Sigma DMAICR apvrandove Lt Fobra 200 Uptoed Fabra 2010, 53 & Common Process & Course Content nacua eaarandovr i. Fetay200 Usted > Febrsry 2010. Who’s The Customer? e Problem Solving Customer Req’ts JAGUAR | = + Current Model Quality — Fix delivery in current model production — Replication to other current models + Warranty Spend Reduction — Failure mode & root cause knowledge — Opportunities to optimise the dealer response + Failure Mode Avoidance (Future Model) — Failure mode & root cause knowledge — Insight into ‘Escape Point’ in the PD Factory — Identification of detection methods eaten i. Fete 2010, aed 0 Febraany 2010 55 Other processes and tools of 6-Sigma “=. | E> JAGUAR * 6-Sigma Kaizen® — Team-based, Sensei lead. Lean, rapid, continuous improvement approach to DMAICR/Kaizen problem solving. (Soma Kasra For Motor Conpany Cope) * Design for 6-Sigma (DfSS) - Fundamental Failure Mode Avoidance and Customer Satisfaction by design. > Technical DfSS: Applied within Forward Model and engineering design disciplines. > Business DfSS: Process / system design process and tools for use in transactional areas. eagurandovr Li, Feu 2010, Upstes mFedraany 201, 56 Recommended Reference Pcuan | ep * Global 8D Reference Guide http://www. jaguar. The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to 70 Tools for Improving Quelty ond Speed (Paperback) eel Gaarne (Ar), Jtp aun (tor, David TL. Bananas (hor, Malan te (ator) “MAIC (renounced SBaRALEAD Sisucured sebamsshong matadsny sland m boone taal ‘teeheteft © ( autemar cae) ord vice: £5.99 a this tem Delivered FREE in the UK with Supar Saver Devery, See datas and condtions ‘ou Seve: £6.00 (S056) In stock, Dpoced ram and zd by avast The Black Belt Memory Jogger: A Pocket Guide for Six SIGMA Success (Spiral-bound) by Sasa Acadamy (hor) io cutorar eve ot aha it rie: £17.95 a this item Delivered FREE In the UK with Super Saver Doivory. See details and conctions In stock ant avaranted delivery by Saturday October 107 Grier tithe nest 2 firs and 19 mines, an choose Express etre at dso Set Bet nea fem £670 uted fom £796 87 epvrancRover Li. Feuer 2010, panes > Febay 3070 Training Sections seek | ep Methodologies Project Selection evar andor, Feary 200 patted Fabraan 2090 58 JAGUAR Green Belt Course Introduction Supplier Quality League Supplement Product Development Rev 1, February 2010 ulaguartandRover Lid. February 2010, Updated 8° February 2010, Final Supplier League Table 2009 sx, | GD { ! Problem Solving Capability + An area of league table of high _ concern to JLR Seniors: |“ fundamental for progress on many other league table criteria court anon ts Feb 200, Upased February 200 60 JLR BE Supplier League Goals Ren | ep * To harness supplier support for continuous JLR product quality & customer satisfaction improvement, and warranty spend reduction * To build relationships with our high impact and strategic supplier base, which develop supplier and JLR quality capability What does success look like? * All suppliers achieving high league table scores — premiership or ECL status (self sustaining & successful VRT teams) * Achieving and Exceeding quality targets for BIC JLR Body Quality * Reducing warranty spend to industry competitive ‘% of revenue’ level 61 executor it. Ferny 2010 Upaed Fatraay 2010 League Table Assessment Criteria Part 1 JAGUAR A3 Assessment Definition Identifies eurent porormance, targots, resource structure and meeting cadence, maor ‘elves to deliver targets ‘KS avaliable and QOS con plan forall elements, All OK Structure! Meeting Cadence Regular supplier mesting cadence in place with ‘ingle point of contact dented for \VRTSIVEG's, escalation process clearly "dented and eoss functional supplier support ‘Supplier VRT team with appropriate loadership & ‘meeting structure in lace and being fellowed with fl key atlendees present Targets Agreed Targets agreed by supplier Targets agreed Current Model Quality (CMQ) | Gide patvpian developed to deliver said Planglide path to meet targets using JLR reporting Plan / Glide path rts tools. Problem Solving Capability (Six Sigma, 8D) ‘Supplier problem resohton uses appropiate ‘Quatty tools (6-Sigma/SD/Standaraioed Problem Definition Template ec) robustly define and resolve customer concerns [Assessed by CoC MBB. Appropriate prebiem solver traning and suppor (e9 cal MBB) to be implace Evidence of consistent and robust use of appropriate problem solving tools (8D & 6-Sigma) ‘onal JLR projects in real ime trough to project Closure. All appropiate team members to be Tranedin wining and engaged in JLR projects. League Table Assessment Criteria Part 2 62 JAGUAR Category Warranty Spend Reduction Plan Definition Plan developed to deliver waranty spend reduction target. tan to meet targets using JLR reporting tools <10% NFF (Cat 3) Quality Mapping Level of No Fault Found reporting of waranty retured pars in the UK (using latest ling (Quarter dat). ‘Supplier robust use of quality mapping (Form 4 or equivalent) “10% of pats were Cat 3 for the last quarter ‘Quality mapping used consistently by product and presented witin CFE review. QSFs | Service Actions ‘Supper gonerated QSF satus in the last year No QSF open longer than 72 days in eure year ‘Stop Ships and Gate holds & Quality Track Stoppers ‘Stop ship, gatshol, qual rack sop status in the act quarter No event open longer than 72 days (to closed PRAG) occured inthe curent year. On Plan. Timely dolvory of planigidepath to targets. (On plan to targets. VRT/ VEG Rating RT VF rating of suppliers overall periormance including day o day supper. ‘Subjective assessmont by JLRVRT Usted brn 2010 63 League Table Assessment Criteria Part 3 Z| PD Category a Defi ion Does tho suppor hold Qt status fra supplying plats (1 score greater than 800 at supplying plants Control Plans Updated “Timely updating of suppl contol plans following the closure of VRTIVEG projects (STA support) Control Plans all updated appropriately. ‘TPM Schedule Updated Provent Recurrence (FMEA Updated) ‘Timely updating of supper preventative ‘mainionance plans flowing the closure of \VRTIVEG projects (STA support) Prevent Recurrence processes support the timely learning of appropriate lessons in FMEA standards ete PMs ll undated appropriately FMEAa/Standards all updates approprataly. 'SREA Process Robusttimely use of the Supplier Request or Engineering Approval process. SSREA proces followed correctly, No woatons in last quarter. Forward Model Quality Demonstration a forward model quality operating system and faire mode avoidance capability, Robust demonstration of forward model quality ‘operating system withn JLR FM reviews, Replicate to Sub-Suppliers Replication ofthe VRT process, methods and clue to second ter uplers, Rebuet demonstration of second ter engagement capabilly and appicabon, pir ancovr Feb 2010, Uoates > Fabrany 2010. Supplier CFE Quality Review Presentation Requirements 64 ‘Supplier High level A3 ‘Second Tier Su Leaque Table tuk High Impact Proje {SPD & 8D /.6-Panel & Plan) peed Ferny 2010 65 JLR MBB Support a ED High Impact Projects JAGuAR | ° First point of contact / support - JLR PVT Engineer / Quality Leader *° MBB review required on ‘high Impact’ projects from SPD stage * Ongoing review at key project stages as required / agreed ° MBB Pre-review of projects to be presented at CFE Quality review High Impact Project (SPD & 8D / 6-Panel & Plan) engvarandtovr Lit. Fete 2010 sed 6 Febery 2070 66 Supplier VRT Best Practice = | Recipe for League Table Success nox | * Select the right team, and develop the right capabilities * Ensure that the team engages effectively with the JLR quality team * Secure senior organisation (Quality Director) sponsorship Establish robust & achievable high level plan * Use the data & JLR support Establish a detailed action plan to target Stick to the plan — regular team review cadence & project delivery * Embed VRT requirements in supplier QOS Listen to the coaching, ask for help when needed * Plan progress in the league table — know what it takes to succeed Deliver to the targets Recognise & complem eouranaover i. Fata 200. Uptoed Fabra 2010 67 QA = | @

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