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British History

Old English Period (Anglo- Saxon) Period

Middle English Period

 Age of Chaucer
 Age of Revival

The Renaissance

 Elizabethan Age
 Jacobean Age
 Caroline Age
 Commonwealth Period (Puritan Interregenum)

The Neoclassical Period

 The Restoration
 The Augustan Age/ Enlightenment Age
 The Age of Sensibility (Age of Johnson)/ Enlightenment Age

The Romantic Period

The Victorian Period

 The Pre-Raphaelites
 Aestheticism and Decadance

The Modern Period

 The Edwardian Period

 The Georgian Period

The Postwar Period

The Post-Modern Period

American History
Pre-colonial and Colonial Era (Pre-Columbian–1720)
Revolutionary and Early American Era (1720–1820)
Romanticism (1820–1865)
Realism and Naturalism (1865–1910)
Modernism (1910–1945)
Postmodernism (1945–Present)

World History of Literature

Pre-classical and Classical Greek Literature(c. 750–350 BCE)
Classical Chinese Literature (c. 1000–200 BCE)
Arabic and Persian Literature from the Middle Ages(c. 500 CE–1400)

Literature of the European Renaissance (1350–1650)

Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature (1820–1910)

Literature of European Modernism (1910–1945)
Postcolonial African Literature (1950–Present)
Twentieth-Century Latin American Literature(1940–Present)

Literary Devices (*M.H Abrams)

Literary Terms (*M.H Abrams)

Accent, Rhythm, Meter, and the Poetic Line
Images, Symbols, Allusions, and Figurative Language
Voice and Genre/ Types of Poetry

Rhetoric and Prosody

Prose Fiction
Plot Structure
Point of View
Characters and Characterization and Types
Types of Narrators

Style and Tone
The Novel and Its Genres

Plays/ Drama
Structure, Plot, and Theme
Character and Dialogue
The Physical Stage: Mise-en-Scène and Lighting
Major Theatrical Genres: Tragedy, Comedy, Drama

Literary Movements

 Scottish Chaucerians
 University Wits
 Comedy of Humors
 Masque
 Sons of Ben
 Metaphysical Poets
 Cavalier poets

Enlightenment Age

 Commedia Dell’ arte

 Kit Kat Club
 Scriblerus Club
 Graveyard Poets

Romantic Age

 Lake Poets
 Satanic School of Poetry
 Cockney School of Poetry
 Dark Romantics
 Transcendentailsm

Victorian Age

 Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
 Aestheticism
 Fireside poets
 Oxford Movement
 Realism
 Naturalism
 Impressionism
 Symbolism
 Imagism
 Surrealism

Modern Age

 Rhymer’s Club
 Irish Dramatic Movement
 Auden Group
 Georgian Poets
 Harlem Renaissance
 War Poets
 Lost Generation
 Bloomsbury Group
 Stream of Consciousness
 Black Mountain Poets
 New Apocalypse
 Southern Agrarians
 Post Modern Age
 Black Arts Movement
 Existentialism
 Agitprop
 Theatre of Cruelty
 Epic Theatre
 Angry Young Man
 Kitchen Sink Drama
 Theatre of Absurd
 Theatre of Oppressed
 Beat Generation
 Confessional Poetry
 Movement Poets

Literary Criticism
Greek Critics

Roman Critics

Middle Age Critics

Enlightenment Age Critics

Romantic Age Critics

Victorian Age Critics

*(M.A.R Habib, Harry Bleimers, David Lodge)

Major works in Criticism

Literary Theory and their Applications

Literary Theories

 New Criticism
 Formalism, Russian Formalism
 Structuralism, Post-Structuralism
 Deconstruction
 Marxism
 Feminism
 Gender Studies
 Queer Theory
 Psychoanalysis Criticism
 Archtetypal Criticism
 Reader Response Theory
 Modernism, Post- Modernism
 New Historicism, Cultural Materialism
 Cultural Studies
 Post Colonialism
 Eco Criticism


 Close Reading and New Criticism

 Semiotic and Deconstructive Approaches
 (New) Historicist and Cultural Studies Approaches
 Theories of Social Class and Ideology
 Psychoanalytic Approaches
 Gender and Feminist Theories
 Queer Theories
 Postcolonial and Critical Race Theories
 Rhetorical Analysis
 Genre Theories
 And other applications

Major Works

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