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Which role of a man complements a woman What would you say is the biggest problem faced

better---father, son, or a partner? by our educational system today? Why?

-People function in multiple roles according to the -The biggest problem faced by our educational
needs and circumstances of the moment. As for the system is that it believes it IS a SYSTEM. Well, a
male role that most complements a woman, that system is a set arrangement of things. However,
would still depend upon the situation, having each education means to impart knowledge that would
role as significant. But for me to choose, a father really be used in the real, outside world, by simply
complements a woman, best. As father is a empowering and educating the uneducated. This
woman’s first love and her first, great hero. has been forgotten in the process of being a
system, and it now really needs to be re-evaluated
and learned once again.
Do you prefer a love marriage or an arranged
Tell me about a recent goal you accomplished /
-Not affecting any religious doctrines or dogmas,
What accomplishment are you most proud of and
but I would still be preferring to love marriage.
Even though arranged marriage is somehow a good
choice because your partner was chosen by people -As I stand here in front of you, while the whole
who are older and more experienced, still, I would crowd is watching over me, I am proud to say that
prefer to choose my partner on my own. Because THIS is my recently achieved goal/achievement---of
with that, the two of you will be developing and being able to stand confidently in front of
nurturing the trust, fidelity, love, which you are numerous people, of being able to express myself
bound to have, to have a fruitful and happy and not just to impress everyone. And I am proud
married life. to say that I still have many more
goals/achievement in store.

Tell me something about yourself /

When you wake up in the morning, and you look What is your definition of success?
upon the mirror, what can you see?
- As a young man, I believe that success is not final.
Intro, Epitome, Light Everyday could be considered a success. We may
encounter failures, but still we rise up every day
-Well, I'm Adrianne John P. Emperador, a 15-year
and try again for success. It is the courage to
old student. I am studying in a Catholic school, and
continue that counts. And that is my definition of
with that, I am constantly and consistently trying to
be an epitome of the spiritual and corporal works
of mercy that is worth-emulating by others. And
with that, I could gradually inspire others in the
Do you think that the youth of today faces more
light that I bring, and that light would scatter to
pressure of performance than the previous
every person in the world, making this world free
generation? Why?
of indifferences and worth-living in.
-Yes. In the field of science, the youth of today is more
pressured, simply, because they want to achieve more
Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? today of what the old generation had achieved
Why? yesterday. For nowadays, new perspective, ideas,
and innovations are instilled to enhance to new
-I would consider myself as both, but being a giver
way of living. Moreover, in the field of life, they are
is what still, stands more. I am not referring myself
pressured because of the intensification of global
to a giver, who gives temporary, material things.
warming and the deterioration of rainforests,
But as a giver of love and life, because with that,
which someday could greatly lower the
you can gradually change the world with the light
survivability of mankind.
you shine to people.

How would you change the world if you were to Who is your role model? Why?
play God for a day?
There are actually two of them---my parents. They
There are infinite ways you can do and change if are our very first teachers, and to them, we have
you were to play as God for a day. However, as learned the basic foundations of life. They admit to
what I read in the Bible, I would totally eradicate their mistakes, learn from them, and consistently
first the root of all evil---the love of money. I would strive to better themselves, for us to be also better
rebuild the world where diseases are totally in life, the choices we should make, and the paths
eliminated; graft and corruption into the state of we must take.
oblivion; and a peaceful world where indifferences
aren’t present anymore, thus love conquering all.
What do you expect to gain by participating in
pageants? Why?
What is the essence of being a man?
By being a part of this pageant, I expect to gain
As a man, I think it's important for us to have goals, new friends and introduce myself to a wider range
and plan how to reach them and follow through. of life experiences. The pageant will also help in
“Being a man” is all about making your own choices developing my confidence and abilities in many
and when necessary, going against the flow of different skills that are applicable in more than just
popular opinion. It is the hardest thing to do a pageant setting. Lastly, I expect to gain an
sometimes---to think and act differently. But it is opportunity to discover my strengths and perfect
the most important thing men do in terms of self- them, realize my weaknesses and transform them
realization and self-determination. “A man living a into strengths, and most importantly, to take home
useless life, is not a man at all.” the title today.

Which quality of men gives them an edge over What has been the biggest disappointment in
women? your life to date?

I think the quality of men that gives them an edge So far, I haven’t yet considered any bad event in
over women is that derogatory words/names don’t my life as my biggest disappointment in life.
even totally mean to them. They often see at as a Disappointments are caused by the nonfulfillment
joking manner rather than to be a direct insult to of one's hopes or expectations. Thus, the best
them. Some derogatory names can be even solution for that is do not expect at all. Being
positive for a male. Whereas, if those derogatory content is what you need to the path of happiness.
words are said to women, that would really start a But once you had one, always believe that you
great issue, and you wish that you hadn’t said it. never lose until you accept your defeat.

If you could be on the cover of any magazine, Why should we select you as our titleholder?
which would you choose and why?
You should select me to be the titleholder because,
It would be the Men’s Health. Men's Health with the leadership experiences I used to have in
magazine is a publication for men who want to lead our school, I can fulfill the responsibility you’ll be
a healthier and happier life. It is an essential read giving to me to perfection. While doing so, I will still
for guys who want to look better, feel better, and continually strive to be an epitome of perseverance
live better. While the focus of the magazine is on to all the aspirants and those around me.
health and fitness, readers will also find topics
about nutrition, relationships, and even style. With
that, it would be an honor to be on the cover of
that magazine, for it simply focuses on men’s
health and lifestyle.

If you had one message to the world, what would put in my mind that there is no obstacle you
it be? cannot overcome. You surely can overcome those
all. Just believe in yourself and in the beauty of
If I had one message to tell the world, it would be
your dreams, and let those dreams turn into
all about love. I strongly believe that if everyone is
acting in accordance with love, everything would
be better in the world. When you have love in your
heart, you treat people the same way as you want
What is the importance of beauty pageants in
to be treated, and this action would be like a chain,
today's world?
gradually scattering to everyone. And we can build
a world free of indifferences, where love truly The importance of beauty pageants is that it helps
conquers all. people find their personality, their own strengths
and weakness as a person, gain confidence and
raise their self-esteem, and prove to people that it
What made you decide to enter this pageant? is not impossible to have both beauty and brains.

To tell you honestly, I’ve joined this pageant just

because to represent our school. But little did I
If God granted you one wish, what would it be?
know that there is something even greater to that
reason---that is, this pageant has helped me in If God granted me one wish, I would ask for a
boosting my confidence, improving my public selfless wish that would bring a legacy in my life---a
speaking, having myself go out of my comfort zone, greater humanity. With that wish, it seeks to let
and lastly, to have the chance to build a new, people be compassionate and sensitive towards
better me. each other---helping others whenever and
wherever possible, forgetting our selfish interests,
and extending unconditional love to each and
How important is it to look good at all times? every living being on Earth.

It is very important for to be well turned out at all

times because of how it makes you feel about
If you could change one thing in the world, what
yourself. I sincerely believe that beauty lies in the
would it be?
eyes of the beholder. And I am the beholder of the
beauty in my eyes. So, if I am not turned out well There are many things that should be changed in
on the outside, no one will make an effort to see the world---education, healthcare for all, global
what lies within me. warming, crime, war, racism, terrorism, poverty,
climate change and more. But I want everyone to
think bigger: Why are there so many problems in
If you could go anywhere in the world, where our world today? One word: human greed. Global
would you go and why? warming exists because of our greed. We were
greedy and wanted more goods so we built more
Not being grandstanding, but there is still no place
factories. Human greed is at the core of most of
like home. Everyone wants to travel, and I’m surely
our world’s biggest problems. It ultimately blinds
one of those! But, I would still look and search for
us from the truth.
the place where I could really find the comfort and
happiness with the people I really love, and that is
no other than, home.
What is your idea of happiness?

Many people believe that happiness is having fun

What is your greatest obstacle? Why? How will at a party, the excitement of new experiences, the
you overcome that? thrill and passion of sex, or the delights of a fine
meal. These are all wonderful experiences to be
The greatest obstacle in my life is this pageant I’m
cherished and cultivated, but they are not
joining, for this involves a lot of training,
happiness. These experiences are the definition of
perseverance, and critical thinking. Yet, I’ll always
pleasure. They are experiences to have and let pertaining to marriage. As a student, raised from a
pass. Happiness is when your life fulfills your Christ-centered school, I have to make a stand and
needs. It is not having what you like, but liking with that, I would totally disagree with the idea of
what you have and being content. same-sex marriage. First and foremost, marriage is
a privilege, not a right. And lastly, allowing gay
couples to wed could further weaken the
Imagine that you are left, deserted on an island. institution and foundation of marriage.
Given a chance what or who would you like to
accompany you?
How can we make this world a better place to live
I would like to be accompanied with Bear Grylls.
Even though it was proven that some of his survival
shows aren’t true at all for those are just TV shows, By simply recognizing the humanity of other
still he has the knowledge and wit on how to people, and respecting their dignity, we can make
survive with this kind of environment using his this world a better place to live in. Realize that the
survival techniques; and it would be a pleasure to homeless man you pass on the street every day is,
me to also know his techniques in surviving. in fact, a man. Say hello and warmly greet him.
Your greeting could bring healing to his heart, and
help heal the world one person at a time. Treat
Would you like to be born as a man or a woman in people as equals; be kind, no matter how you
your next life? Why? interpret their social standing.

Still, I would like to be born as a man in my next life

for several reasons: you can simply wear a shorts
Do you think euthanasia should be made legal?
and t-shirt and walk out; you don’t have to go
through those painful, monthly periods; and lastly
you can easily sneak out at 2:00 A.M. with friends Having Philippines as a Catholic dominant nation,
or alone on a bike, and still your parents are euthanasia or mercy-killing should not be made
absolutely cool with it. But with those stated legal. Know that our life is given by God, and ONLY
reasons, I would still like and choose to be as who I God should decide when and where to end it. And
am today---to be me. if euthanasia was made legal, the laws regulating it
would be abused, and people would be killed who
didn't really want to die. Let us let God rule over
What is your stand about the SOGIE Equality Bill? our lives and always trust in His plans.

The SOGIE Equality Bill, or the Anti-Discrimination

Bill, seeks to prevent and penalize discriminatory
What can you contribute to lessen the severity of
acts against a person's sexual orientation. I love
LGBTQ people and I think this bill is a great bill for
them to have a normal life just like the ordinary I believe that everything starts at home. So, it is not
people. But to the fact that they have exceeded the impossible to eradicate fully the cyberbullying. If
limitations of the natural law, just like having the the parents have the knowledge about
right to change one’s gender in his/her birth cyberbullying, then they must also educate their
certificate in the age of discretion is totally wrong. children about that topic, thus making them have
It was a good bill after all, but due to going beyond an ethical perspective and importance to one’s life.
the limits, I would not stand for it for the common And with that, we can lessen gradually the severity
good of everyone. of cyberbullying until we aren’t even aware that
the issue has finally been eradicated.

What do you think about same-sex marriages?

Like heterosexuals, the LGBTQ people want to form

a stable and long-lasting relationships, thus

What do you think about juvenile crimes and life How do you plan to contribute to the society if
imprisonment? you win the crown today?

Although the death penalty does not exist for I will be using the fame and influence I’ve acquired
youth offenders, juveniles still receive life in such a way where it is for the betterment of
imprisonment. But know that these teens do not everyone. I would use my influence to inspire many
deserve to be treated this way. A kid is not born boys out there, that if I can do it, then they can too.
with a killing mentality. When a kid is born, he I would also be a role model to the younger
knows nothing---doesn't know how to walk, eat, or generation, that pageants are not solely about
even speak. They are taught. You can't expect to fix beauty---but both beauty and brains. And with
years of trauma by caging them in. They deserve a that, I’ll be advocating about the importance of
chance for a better life, a chance to change, and education.
they are not going to have this chance in prisons.

What have you learned from this competition?

What is the most justified punishment for a
I have learned from this competition that, even
rapist? Why?
though you might be good, there will always be
Rape is without a doubt one of the heinous and someone better and more prepared. But, I always
most evil crimes to do. Having been raised in a say to myself that my biggest competitor is no
Christ-centered perspective, I do not find “killing” other than myself. And once you realize that,
as the most justified punishment for a rapist. A things start to becoming less stressful and more
lifetime imprisonment would do. But rapists are genuine. The most important thing is to show them
still rapists. What people must need to know is to that give your sweat, blood, and tears, and lastly to
have the knowledge about self-defense for them to enjoy this lifetime experience.
prevent any cases of rape. With this, we can lessen
the severity of rape.
Which round have you enjoyed the most in the
entire competition? Why?
What is your stand about gender change?
The round that I have enjoyed the most is this
I believe it’s a wrong term. The procedures don’t round---the question and answer portion. Simply,
change your gender; they change your body, and because you would know that you have different
the goal is to make it closer to your gender. And perspectives in a particular situation, and it would
with that question, I would say that, if it’s for them be also different on how will you react, assess, and
to be happy, why not? But it must be incredibly answer on a particular question. And for me, it is
difficult to live in a wrong body. And know that an enjoying thing because you would also know
even though God has given us free will, we must and learn about one’s unique perspective to life.
not be abusing it for our bodies are as holy as His.

What is the one change that you would like to

Imagine that you have been selected as the bring in you?
President of the country for a week. What do you
Passion. If I could change one thing about myself, I
plan to do for the country in just a week?
would choose to have one, driving passion. I've
If I have been selected as the president of the been a jack of all trades, but I've never had that
country for a week, I would totally eradicate first one consuming passion. It affects everything: I have
the root of all evil---the love of money. Because too many interests and constantly distracted by
with that love of money, human greed sprouts. anything interesting and new things to learn. But
Human greed is at the core of most of our world’s I'd still swap that ridiculous amount of knowledge
biggest problems. And with that greed, people on all sorts of subjects for an all-consuming passion
become indifferent, focusing more on themselves, because it would be a lot more solid to keep
and not with the betterment of humanity. pushing and pushing to achieve something major

instead of having the same interest with lots of coping with trauma, women are most likely to
disparate ideas at the same time. come out on top. But let us not focus ourselves
onto these differences. Rather, consider the
opposite sex as exceptional, for everyone is unique
Is career more important to you than family? in different ways.

Career is important but know that family is what

we live for. Yet devoting full time to family’s sake
What is your opinion about Philippine politics?
will affect growth. Growth in career gives
What changes would you like to make?
satisfaction, improves self-esteem, prestige, pride
and also gets you more income. But, those Politics in the Philippines has traditionally been
mentioned above are worthless if there is no place dominated by clans, political bosses, and
where you can lean on and have comfort. In short, personalities, and is characterized by law makers
at the end of the day, there is still no place like who are involved in graft and corruption, and the
home, having your family with you. voters who make choices based on personality
rather than reasoned policies. I would just like to
change the mentality of people about that
Who is your favorite celebrity? If you get a chance traditional “utang na loob” or “pakurong”, that
to meet your favorite celebrity, where will you they are obliged to vote that person, in return for
take him/her, what will you say to him/her, and his political support. Let us vote wisely, for it will
how will you plan to spend the time? affect our future; and know that one vote matters.

If I have the chance, it would be Miss Catriona

Gray, our current Miss Universe. Having flawless
What are your thoughts about Greta Thunberg?
beauty and also critical brain, I am just amazed on
her advocacies to help the youth and about the Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old girl from Sweden
HIV-AIDS awareness campaign, since HIV and AIDS who became the poster child for climate justice.
are very rampant in Southeast Asia, most especially She is an environmental activist who constantly
in Philippines. I would like to meet her on a cozy fights and advocates for the protection of the
place, talk about one’s philosophies in life, and natural environment from destruction or pollution.
spend time with her on how can I help with her She makes us think about this statement: what if
advocacies for the youth. we took care of our planet, but it turned out the
climate crisis was a hoax? We don't have much to
lose, do we? But what if we stubbornly believe that
Apart from you, who do you feel should win the climate crisis is not caused by humans and we
today's title? Why? do nothing to help solve this problem, and then it
turns out climate change is real? That would be a
In my humble opinion, each one of them is an
great problem to humanity.
amazing individual and qualified to have the title.
All of the boys who joined in this competition have
an edge in their commitment. Like my pageant
What is the role of the youth towards the future
brothers, I am committed to working hard for the
development of the country/world?
betterment of myself, and setting a great example
for the youth. Youths constitute a major part of the population.
Thus, they have the most important role to play in
the development of our nation. They are not only
Which is the stronger sex---male or female. Why? the partner of today, but also the leader of
tomorrow. They have a role to renew and refresh
As I conducted a research about that, I found out
the current status of our society including
the female sex is stronger than male sex. Yes, it is
leadership, innovations, skills etc. They are
proven that men are physically stronger than
expected to advance the current technology,
women, but it doesn’t mean that we end up there.
education, politics, and peace of the country. And
When it comes to longevity, surviving illness, and

always bear in your mind that the youth are the What are the problems you had to face before
hope of the country. entering the field of modeling/participating in the

If given the chance, what will you say to the

Do you think you are the most desirable winner of
corrupt officials of our government?
the contest? Why?
I will say to them mightily that they are worthless
What is your greatest strength and how did it
officials, because of what they are doing. Even
help you to become one of the finalists today?
though they are considered intellectuals, it would
What can you contribute to lessen the severity of just be pointless if they do not use their minds for
bullying? the betterment of the community, whom they are
entrusted to serve. And lastly, I would be saying
I believe that everything starts at home. So, it is not
that they are OFFICIALS, and to them must start
impossible to eradicate fully the bullying, not just
the change, not the wrongdoings.
lessen its severity. If the parents have the
knowledge about bullying, then they must also
educate their children about that topic, thus
Do you think abortion must be legalized in our
making them have an ethical perspective and
country? Why or why not?
importance to one’s life. And with that, we can
lessen gradually the severity of cyberbullying until For me, abortion should be really illegal, because
we aren’t even aware that the issue has finally we are bound by the Divine law that is present at
been eradicated. any age. However, keeping it illegal doesn’t still
stop it from happening, like for rape victims or
health issues. But if the reason is you just want it or
There is a group of people who does not support you aren’t still ready, oh come on! Why did you do
the concept of beauty contests. What will you tell it without protection? Life is precious, so why kill a
them? child so innocent and who is blameless to be killed?

What are your insights about the LGBTQ

Would you have been still a part of the show if
The LGBTQ community are the ones who are your parents did not allow you? Why or why not?
mostly judged nowadays. They become depressed
What makes you happy and what makes you sad?
because the world doesn’t even consider them as
part of the community, where in fact, they too, are
like us. For this to stop, we must first have a deeper What are your thoughts about political dynasty?
understanding about the LGBTQ people, and with
Political dynasty is system wherein the power or
that, we can build a world free of indifference, and
authority to govern only revolves around a single
where love truly conquers all.
family or member. Political dynasty can be both
good and bad: good in such a way that the political
family is known to have good intention for the
Which countries would you like to visit? Why?
people and the betterment of the place; and bad in
Who is your inspiration in life? Why did you say such a way that there is an imminent danger of
so? using the country's funds and other resources for
the personal interest of a few influential families.
I actually have two inspirations in life---my parents.
Therefore, the effect would still depend on the kind
They are my inspiration because they work hard to
of leaders we have. So, I encourage you to vote
see me in good condition and for the betterment of
my future. And I look forward that one day, I’ll be
in their position and it will be my turn to work
hard, to repay the sacrifices they did, and to make
their dreams come true.

How will you balance your family life and career? The biggest mistake I have ever made in my life,
was severe copying, with the awful fact of
You don’t and you can’t. When people talk about
maintaining the high grades you used to have in
work and life, they are suggesting that somehow
school. And learning shouldn’t be like that. I always
are they can be weighted and can be equal. But
put in my mind that learning should be fun and
they aren’t. There’s no world where it makes sense
stress-free. Thus, I now always manage my time
to spend 8 hours of your day sleeping, 8 hours on
wisely, because it just not helps you to have a
work, and another 8 with your family. You have
study habit, but it makes you to be a better and
other responsibilities too---physical health, need
independent person.
for personal time, self-education, travel, and a
myriad of other tasks that fill your day. So, what
should you do instead? Simple---cycle them.
In what ways do pageants help the men?

Why did you join this pageant?

How do you plan to celebrate after winning the
What can be your contributions to the
development of school system?
What are your thoughts about youth, engaging to
Many students suffer from the school system. They
premarital sex?
face problems in schools due to worst school
Most teenagers are immature and are still system. But there are ways on how can we make a
innocent. They are curious about trying new things development of school system. First is the police
in their adolescences, and also due to the media, presence; with this, we can prevent hazing and any
and the lack of sex education. Therefore, they can form of violence in school. Second is avoiding
easily go astray if they lack correct guidance in this overcrowded classes, because students will be able
period. As for my fellow youth, be mindful of what to understand more when there are fewer
you do and don’t be engage in sexual acts that are numbers inside the classroom. And lastly, to have
intended only for a legally wedded couple. It may more qualified teachers. Education is a very
be an attractive topic, but know that it still requires important part of our life. And we should always
correct guidance from their parents and their keep an eye on improving it.

What is your sport and how does it help you in

What is the role of the Internet or social life?
networking sites on the youth?
I most likely play volleyball. In my life, it helps me
Social networking services can help young people to improve my health, and develop balance, speed,
develop their interests and find other people who flexibility, and stamina. But it doesn’t just help me
share the same interests. They can help introduce in physical aspect, but also in social, emotional, and
young people to new things and ideas, and deepen mental aspects like it improves my interpersonal
appreciation of existing interests. They can sprout skills and sportsmanship, and also, it develops my
social participants and active citizens when it self-esteem. So, give it a try to play volleyball!
comes to fundraising and creating awareness of
various causes. But let us not be blinded by the
expectation of fame and the importance of being Do you think we still need to continue the
liked in the cyberspace. Be responsible netizens relationship we have in China? Why or why not?
who contribute for the betterment of humanity I think, the dispute about the possession of Spratly
and the world. Islands doesn’t greatly affect our economic
relations with China. The trade still continues,
where in fact, China is one of the greatest partners
What was the biggest mistake you have ever
of our country in trade and industries. It is not to
made in your life? What did you do to overcome
be feared that the economic relations of the
Philippines and China are to be affected by political
tensions, for they both benefit from trade with one given the chance to change something from the
another. And with that, I don’t see any problem at past, what would it be?

Honestly speaking, I would never change any part

How do you see yourself ten years from now? of my life, because with those happenings, it made
me who I am today. I would never correct my
Well, I've learned one thing in life, is that tomorrow
mistakes when I’m in the past, because I believe
is promised to no one. So, while it's a good idea to
that with those mistakes, you grow better as a
set goals for yourself and visualize where you see
person. And I would still be eager to have again the
yourself in the future, keep in mind also that life
challenges in my life, because with those, you will
can throw you a curveball at any time, and all your
acquire a lot of experience, for experience is the
best laid plans can be nothing. So, if there is a
best teacher.
major goal you want to accomplish, think about
alternative ways you could still accomplish that
goal if the most direct route is blocked. Our
How can you fight fake news?
dreams, our future plans, are the only motivation
to live our lives. You only live once, so enjoy life Fake news is very rampant nowadays, and in order
and give your best today as if it is your last. to fight this, we must not easily trust—verify. Be
more discerning about what you read and be also
accountable of what we share online. We must also
Who is the most influential person in your life? teach the children, not only children, but everyone,
to think critically. And I hope the media, always
The most influential persons in one’s life are
filters and do a fact-check always on what they
probably their parents, and so do I. I consider them
inform to always deliver true and authentic news.
as God’s most precious gift in my life. They taught
me that intelligence is useless if you don’t have
character and virtues in your life. They also said
If you were given the chance to live again, what
that aptitude goes with attitude, and your attitude
would it be?
will define your altitude. With those lessons they
taught me, it greatly influenced and had an impact If given the chance, I would choose to be a tree.
to my life. Those made me strive for greatness, but Being a tree, I could provide a habitat and food for
let values shine more in your life. birds and other animals. And at the same time, I
can also absorb potentially harmful gasses from the
air and release clean air, reduce smog, and
Assume you won a 1 million jackpot. What would enhance one’s respiratory health, and with these
you do with it? benefits, it would still be a good life to live because
you help other people.
The first thing that I will do is to invest half of it.
With those investments, I could guarantee that I
wouldn’t end up losing money over time, and I will
Is the construction of Kaliwa Dam a detriment or
be using that for myself and my family. And since I
a benefit? Why?
am also concerned with the world’s greatest
problems---poverty, hunger, pollution, and global Kaliwa Dam project is being aggressively pushed by
warming---I would be using the rest of the money the government and they attempt to use the
to at least contribute to lessen the severity of these “water crisis” in Metro Manila for the dam to be
problems. Because I know that, happiness is much built. Frankly speaking, it would be totally a
more cherished when you help other people and detriment for some reasons: it will destroy the
being humane. area’s rich biodiversity; it will contribute to the
climate crisis, for dam reservoirs are the source of
methane, and it is more potent than carbon
If you had to live your life all over again, what dioxide in trapping heat; and it will put people’s
part of your life would you change? / If you were
lives at risk because it will be constructed within Here is a pen; convince me to buy it.
the zone of two active tectonic plates.
What will you do if you find out your current
parents are not your biological parents? Why?

What edge do you have over other contestants? I will not be mad at my adoptive parents. But I will
How did you say so? make them understand that I am eager to know
who my real parents are and the reason why I was
What can be your greatest contribution to the given away. If the reason is valid like they cannot
community? Why? sustain me with just what they have, I will
My greatest contribution is to fully and personally understand that. But I will still get to know who my
develop myself as member of the community. With real parents if lucky enough that they are still alive,
and I won’t push back my adoptive parents. I will
that goal to develop, I would constantly pursue to
be considering it a blessing that I have been given a
be an epitome of values. And with that doing, I
chance to have 2 sets of parents.
could inspire others, also pursuing to do what I’m
doing, and it that will gradually spread to the whole
community, making it a better place to live in.
What do you dislike most about yourself?

What are your thoughts about President Duterte

What will be your contribution to mitigating and his administration?
global warming?
President Duterte’s administration both
Healing the planet starts in your garage, in your exemplified a checklist, and so far, it was grouped
kitchen, at your dining-room table---in your home. into achievements or are still ongoing, or failures.
Well, we should first reduce carbon dioxide and Some of those who belong to the
other greenhouse gas emissions, because with achievement/ongoing part are the Bangsamoro
these, they severely trap heat in the atmosphere, autonomous region, free college education, the
making the world’s temperature rise up. We could bloody war on drugs, universal health care, and
also contribute through these simple actions: environmental rehabilitation policies; while on the
investing in energy-efficient appliances, reducing failure part, are the EDSA traffic problem, graft and
water waste, and even powering your home with corruption, respect for the human rights, and the
renewable energy. With these small things shift to federalism.
combined, we could mitigate the effects of global
If given the opportunity to send a contestant
home, who would that be? Why or why none?
How would you describe your own personality?
As a boy, how can you ask a girl out?
What is your philosophy or value that you hold
What will you do if you find out you have
dearest in life?
impregnated a girl?
"Good things come to those who wait but better
How can you fight graft and corruption?
things come to those who work for it." Good things
come to those who exercise patience and are Graft and corruption are what make our country
timely towards what they seek for, but great things still a developing country, and have caused people
come to those who take actions to make those to suffer due to poverty. But in order to fight graft
great things they wish to come to reality. With and corruption, there should be an impeachment
that, just don't wait for the things to change, but trial for the corrupt officials, and also, online
make things for a change. transactions could also help to track the
negotiations of an official. Lastly, it would still
depend on us, the people, for we have been given
If you will be winning the title tonight, what will the chance to choose our leaders of tomorrow. So,
be the very first thing you will do? Why? I encourage everyone to vote wisely.

think with their brain but act as per their heart.
And lastly, they lead by example.
Other than you, who should we pick for this title?

What makes you the pride of your Alma Mater? Describe yourself in three words.

Do you think being handsome will get you far in I know in myself that I am 3D: Dedicated to serve,
life? How did you say so? Determined to finish, and Driven to succeed.

Do you think there is a double standard for

physical appearances between males and
What is a current national policy you would like to
females? How did you say so?
change? Why?
Do you plan to get in shape as soon as possible?
I would like to change a section of the 1987
Why or why not?
Constitution, located in Article II, Section 6. It
Do you think all sports should have a professional clearly states that the separation of Church and
women's division? Why or why not? State shall be inviolable, where in fact, we are
bound by the Divine law that is present and will
Is Martial Law really a good happening or not?
always be present always. These constitutional
Why or why not?
laws only came from imperfect intellectuals, and
Personally, martial law is a good thing for me. they would totally be incomparable to the Divine
Otherwise, that presidential power would not have judge who is omniscient, omnipotent, and
been provided for in the 1935, 1973, and then the omnipresent. Hence, I would want that the Church
1987 Constitutions. Even the draft constitutions must have the right to interfere with the decisions
being considered today include martial law of the state.
provisions. It is helpful in case of rebellion,
invasion, or when public safety requires it. But still,
the martial law in the administration of Marcos is Who is your favorite Disney character? Why?
kept continually alive in the public minds; it may be
It would be Nani from Lilo and Stitch. Nani is Lilo’s
because of the killings and tortures, or having the
older sister. They were orphaned because their
peaceful time that Filipinos, who didn’t oppose the
parents died in a car accident. And to that awful
government, had nothing to be afraid of. What
happening, Nani stood up as father, mother, and a
happened, happened. So, what we need to do is
sister to Lilo. And though it was a hard task for
just move on, recover from that past, and focus on
Nani, she still did her best in taking care of Lilo
the present.
because she loves her very much, and she doesn’t
want again to lose her only loved one in life.

What do you wish would be socially acceptable

for men to do, that is currently not considered
Should circuses discontinue the use of animal
performers in their shows? Why or why not?
Do you think it is time for a woman to be
In my personal opinion, it can be both good and
president? How did you say so?
bad. Animals in the wild are endangered by human
Yes. If equality is what we need, they why not? predators and shrinking habitats, thus they live
Women, in the field of leadership, are known to short and dangerous lives---on the brighter side,
handle crisis situations well, for they are trained circus animals receive food, shelter, veterinary
caretakers and know how to deal with crisis care, and be safe from harm and extinction. But on
situations at home, and it is very relevant when a the worse side is that, circus training for animals
woman leader is dealing with political crisis. I are often brutal and dangerous. Training methods
believe women make phenomenal leaders because can include use of beating clubs, electric prods, and
they are experts at making the impossible seem deprivation of food. And with that, I conclude that
possible. They look at the world with bravery. They animals are living things. They must not be used for

entertainment, and they must not be used for fails me, He will be mine and I will be His. So, He
one’s business. Hence, they must be loved. will be my first priority.

What is your favorite TV show? Why? / What If you could trade places with any person in
television show would you recommend to be history, living or deceased, who would you be for
someone’s next binge watch? one day and why? What would you do as that
My favorite TV show is KMJS---Kapuso Mo, Jessica
Soho---that showcases a lot of entertaining and “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” That is
informative topics within the country, as well as a one of the quotes of a person, whom I would like
few significant topics from abroad. Jessica Soho is to be. He is Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi
one of the most credible and trusted names in the was a visionary leader. Still, I will be continuing his
news industry. The show “Kapuso Mo, Jessica advocacies in life for the rights and dignity of all
Soho” captivates the heart of its viewers. And what people. And being him, I will preach the people
I like the most is that it is as an all-in-one show, not about the power of saying more with less, and to
just entertains its viewers, but also informs them be the change that they wish to see in the world.”
with something that they don’t usually know or talk
What is your definition of an “ethical” person?

An ethical person is someone who is consistent

When you’re having a bad day, who is the person
with their beliefs by their actions, and they have
you go to that brings some sunshine into your
empathy for others. He is honest and follows good
life? Why?
moral standards. An ethical person takes into
What is your number one priority? Why? consideration of what will benefit the group or
society as a whole while not engaging in self-
The thing that I prioritize in life is my harmonious
seeking behaviors. For example, an ethical doctor
relationship with God. God is the one who created
would refer a patient to a psychiatric assessment
me from nothing. I don't know when I came into
for a mental health diagnosis rather than
existence---physically, maybe in my mother’s
diagnosing the patient. An ethical person acts
womb, but as a soul He was my first relation. Then
without fear or favor towards those that are under
came my mother, father, siblings, and then friends;
their care. He makes unbiased decisions.
but I know all these relationships will end at one
point. Yet in the end, He will be my last relation.
This makes me realize that He is my only true
How do you influence people to live a healthy life?
eternal bonded relation with no expectations in
return. Even after this body of mine fails me, He Before you try to encourage anyone else you have
will be mine and I will be His. So, I must nurture my to make a commitment to your goal---to live
relationship with God and have it as my first healthy. If you are not committed to living healthy,
priority. you have no right to influence others and it will be
hypocrisy on your part to ask others to live healthy.
Now, if they are currently out of shape and
Who is your number one priority? Why? unhealthy, do not criticize them for their current
state. You can decide to perform a few easy
The thing that I prioritize in life is God. God is the
workouts together by going for walks, easy hiking,
one who created me from nothing. I don't know
and go for biking together, instead of taking them
when I came into existence---physically, maybe in
for hardcore workouts. Offer complements when
my mother’s womb, but as a soul He was my first
you see these positive changes happen in them.
relation. Then came my mother, father, siblings,
And most importantly, never try to take credit for
and then friends; but I know all these relationships
their improved health. Instead, make them feel
will end at one point. Yet in the end, He will be my
that these results are happening due to their own
last relation. This makes me realize that He is my
efforts, which actually is true.
only true eternal bonded relation with no
expectations in return. Even after this body of mine
Do you think that the modeling industry has more What have you done or what are you now doing
of a negative or a positive impact to the youth? in your life to help save our environment?

I think, the modeling industry has more of a What is the most important area of competition
positive impact to the youth. The modeling to you?
industry gives us a perspective of how important of
If you could start an institution in your
beauty pageants are, for these help people find
school/community, what would it be and why?
their personality, their own strengths and
weakness as a person, gain confidence and raise What is that one thing you would like people to
their self-esteem, and prove to people that it is not learn from your social media profiles?
impossible to have both beauty and brains.
Recently, we have had more violence in schools.
How do you think we can better promote safety
and harmony in our schools?
What do you think is the best way to combat
terrorism? Do you think social media is a positive or a
negative thing?
If you were any kind of candy, what would you be
and why? Who in your life do you wish you had met sooner?

How would you introduce yourself if you were a What do you want your legacy to be, after your
guest speaker at an event? reign?

Where do you think competing in pageants will Would you encourage your sons or daughters to
lead you in life? be involved in pageantry?

What are the three qualities you possess that What would you say to someone who said
would make you a great titleholder? Why? pageants objectify women?

What title would you give yourself? What is your biggest dream? Why?

How do you influence people to live a healthy life? How do you turn negatives into positives?

In most states, today is their general election. If your name is not called as the winner, how will
How important do you think it is to vote? you respond?

What does the month of November mean to you? When is the last time you did something expecting
nothing in return?
Who is the most confident woman you know?
Why? If you were an animal, what would it be and why?

Who is the most confident man you know? Why? How can you prevent the undying issue of rape?

What is that current goal you’re working toward If there was a movie made about your life, who
outside of pageantry? would you want to play you?

What is your favorite thing about holiday? Why? If you could be an Olympic athlete in any sport,
which would you choose and why?
What is the best piece of advice you have ever
received? If you won the lottery and were only allowed to
keep half the money for yourself, what would you
What is your stand on same-sex marriage?
do with the other half?
What is the biggest problem that teens are facing
What is the best solution to the country’s heaviest
If you could go back in time, what is that one
If men were to rule the world by 2050, how
piece of advice you would give to your younger
different the world would be?
If you had one message to the world, what would
What is the best thing that happened in your life
it be and why?
this week?
How important is it to look your good at all times? If you had one hour with our president, what
would be your topic of conversation?
What is the importance of beauty pageants in
today’s world? Who in your life has made the largest impact and
How can you implement equality on all aspects of
life? If you could spend a day with one person who
would it be and why?
Someone commented that the beauty industry
makes billions in revenues by telling people What's your favorite memory?
“You’re not good enough.” How would you
What does male empowerment mean to you?
defend this contest in the face of this criticism?
What would you tell a man who lacks self-
Many kids and teenagers are bullied worldwide
for having “imperfect looks” --- buck teeth, large
ears, and overweight issues. What is your What's the most powerful life lesson you've
message to these young people? learned?

Would you have considered competing for a What does selflessness look like? How are you
beauty pageant if there were no cash prizes, being selfless?
modeling contracts, constant press conference
What do you think is the greatest contribution
and zero publicity?
your generation is making to society?
Would you advise men who are genetical – How do you feel about expressing individuality as
incapable of looking as “perfect” as you to get it relates to professionalism?
plastic surgery to approximate your looks, since
any contestant here is seen as the ultimate gold What is your definition of beauty?
standard in beauty? If your actions could only portray one message to
Right now, there is a protest going on right others, what would you want it to be?
outside here calling the male pageant as How has your education shaped your confidence?
disrespectful of men. Convince them they are
wrong. In what ways do you live confidently beautiful?

Which have it easier in life: men or women? How do you intend to make the world a better
place for women?
Would you marry a woman who is less successful
than you? What makes you feel coincidently beautiful and
how do you share that with others?
Social media is now a very powerful tool of
communications. Can you tell us your thought What do you think about poverty and how can we
change it?
about Internet censorship?
If you could have any career for a day, what
As a modern Filipino, what is more important, a
would it be and why?
successful career or a happy home? Why?
If there was one thing you could change about
When is a man truly successful?
schools what would it be?
What would you tell a child, who longs for his/her
What is the biggest misconception about your
OFW mother?
In our modern age, do you think it is appropriate
What is the most far-fetched project or goal you
for women to court men? Why or why not?
want to accomplish.
What is the difference between being confident
If you were trapped on an island with 100 people
and being conceited?
what role would you take on.
Do you believe that high schools should require
Tell us about a time you overcame defeat.
community service in order to graduate?

What's your favorite song and why? Do you agree that jobs should be more about
skills, rather than university or college degree?
What one thing are you not allowed to do that
you really want to do and why? Do you think a transgender man must be allowed
to compete in male pageants?
Due to the current influx of tourism, culture is
being exploited. How would you protect our What is your favorite color and why?
What do you want to be when you grow up and
Why should you win this pageant? why?

What quality do you consider as your biggest Who do you most admire and why?
strength and why?
What do you think is the best trait of a
What is your stand regarding beauty pageants? Pangasinense student?

What do you want to be and how will this help If you will try to categorize your life, what genre
the community? would it be?

How would you describe a man or a woman with How does modernization affect the cultural beliefs
substance and why? of the youth?

How important to you is winning the crown? What is the importance of having this
competition, Mr. and Ms. PRISAP?
If you win this pageant, how can you promote our
culture to other people, especially to the tourists? What are the three qualities of a Pangasinense
beauty that differ from other regions?
What is the first thing that you would do after
winning this pageant? What is culture vs. tradition?

What is the greatest challenge that the people is What makes you a good role model?
facing today?
If you were an animal, what would that be and
Do you make your own decisions or let others why?
make them for you?
Why do we have rich people and poor people in
How do you define a true Pangasinense? the world?

What bothers you the most about what is As a student, how can you exercise your vote and
happening in our country today? how will you influence your schoolmates to vote
As a Pangasinense, what would be your greatest
contribution to the community? What are your thoughts about failure and how
can you overcome it?
What do you think is the essence of winning this
Mr. and Ms. PRISAP 2019? How can you serve as an instrument in promoting
physical fitness and well-being?
What do you think, a Pangasinense like you, can
do to help in raising awareness about climate What do you think the government can do to
change? improvise the standard of living of the average
individuals in the society?
Why did you choose to enter this pageant?
Since you were a child, what are the changes
How has this pageant challenged you?
you’ve noticed in the world with focus on values,
If you don't win this pageant, would you consider environment and health especially to people?
competing again? Why or why not?
If you were a superhero, who would that be and
Recently, the Philippine Congress proposed to why?
lower the age of criminal liability to nine years
If you would be given a chance to meet one
old. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
person, who would that be and why?

What is the lesson you'd learned as a child, that How would you describe the color red to a person
still affects your life today? who was born blind?

If you could change one of your physical How will you respond to people who say that
characteristics, which one would it be? Why? having gym-fit bodies is a form of narcissism?

What is something you had done, and you would Do you think it's okay for a woman to ask you out
never do it again? on a date, and not be ashamed to admit that she
has a crush on you? Why or why not?
What could men learn from women?
Millennials are labeled as the entitled self-focused
What do you think is the importance of
generation. What can you say to non-millennials
to correct this stereotype?
In this day of modern technology, what is that one
Stereotyping is not the best option to solve this
thing you would wish in order to make our lives
issue. Others get insulted because of being dictated
that they are same just like these group of people. I
Which significant event in your life, influence you believe that it is somehow true to us, because we
the most? Why? all acquire imperfections. But know that as the
youth, we know in ourselves that we are the hope
What do you think is the biggest influence of
of the country and the promise of tomorrow. We
social media to the youth?
will forever put that in mind because we want the
In what way has joining Mr. or Ms. PRISAP, non-millennials to know and believe in us that we
changed you as a man or woman? are not that fully self-focused---we really do care
about others and the community.
If there is a sector in society, that does not
appreciate the value of beauty pageants, what
would you tell them?
What traditional female role should males take
What do you think is the biggest challenge that on?
Filipinos face in this day and age?
What would you tell to a young boy who is
Which charitable institution would you choose to attracted to men?
support, and why? An organization that takes
There is nothing wrong with that infatuation or
care of the elderly, or an orphanage that looks
attraction with your same sex. That boy still
after abandoned children?
deserves to be respected for he is also human, like
Would you be willing to spend one whole year us. He must not be forced to express fully who he
without access to the internet? Why or why not? is, because that is not the best solution or
treatment for him to solve the issue. But let us tell
What do you think is the biggest misconception
and explain gently about what the Bible says about
about beauty pageant contestant? Why?
homosexuality, because these teachings stand
Do you believe that hazing and fraternities has its more than our personal, imperfect decisions and
own good? Why or why not? judgment. And lastly, let us build a world of love
What is the role of pageant winners in the and care, because with these, he knows that he is
persuade of our country's economy success? safe.

How should a winner of a pageant respond to a

ruthless criticism? What can be done to stop young men and women
What do you think is the most important quality from being recruited to undertake acts of
of a millennial man? terrorism?

Do you agree that the third restroom should be I believe that everything starts at home. If the
built for transgenders? Why or why not? parents are aware and knowledgeable of the things
happening in their country, then they must impart
that knowledge and understanding to their
children, and teach them what are the good and Millennials are labeled as the self-focused
bad. And with the school as an additional support, generation. And yes, I believe that our
they must build a friendly and loving surrounding in generation---the youth’s generation---is being
the entire premises. And I believe, if these are misjudged. It can be of our rude attitude towards
immediately done, then we can prevent violence the elderly by talk backing, or forgetting the
brought by the illegally recruited youth to happen manners and conduct that the elders used to have
in our country. when they were also in their youth. But even with
those reasons, they must think critically that not all
of the youth are like that. They must avoid
Is macho culture a detriment or an asset to stereotyping, because that what makes other
Filipino society? youth to rebel towards the elderly. Let us just build
a world, where love and respect exist and
What are your greatest weaknesses and how will
you overcome them?

My greatest weaknesses are still depending on the

approval of others and the fear of not being the For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
first in a competition. With those weaknesses, I
I’m most grateful because God always gives me
used to have an unenjoyable life, for I am bound by
another chance to live my life to the fullest, thus
these hindrances. But as I delve into what is life,
having me also the chance to still feel the love of
you don’t really need the approval of others to
the people around me like my parents. And I know
make yourself happy; by just being you and being
that with those grateful reasons, God wants me to
content with who you are and what you have, then
thank Him, by making Him my first priority in life
you could erase that mentality in your mind. And
and by serving and loving Him with all of my heart.
the fear of just being second, third, etc., is not
really a big issue at all. It is a constructive criticism
that makes you strive even harder and aspire

What is your favorite thing about the school you


What is the biggest challenge facing mankind


The biggest challenge that the mankind today is the

fight to survive. In these days of global warming
intensification and the unending issue of poverty
and hunger, the mankind’s survivability goes down.
And it is all because of the core of all the greatest
problems in the world---human greed. We become
indifferent in every thing, thus the world now
becomes indifferent towards us. But there is still
hope for us all. If we just become humane and
sensitive on the things surrounding us, then we can
build a world of greater humanity.

What advice would you give someone who is

entering a pageant for the first time?

Do you believe your generation is being


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