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‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic CLICK ON 2 Teachers 8B. edger s Doo Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan @~- Express Publishing 5.cominjetzatarbasic srr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS Contents estab otawiot ee! enue aiale [EPISODE 3 The Hound of Boteviles— Danger on Daron. 62-63) he aps Hoe bs spe: 0 ond Sir ood own TPSODE 6h nde heb The Msg Woe pp. 74-75) {EPISODE 5 The Hownd oft Boas — The Hound Atos pp. 84 85) [MODULE SELF-ASSESSIMENT 4 pp. 86-87) ae [EPISODE 6 The Hound oft Boel — An nan Mec fp 96 97) ae [EPISODE 7 The Hound of he Bokervles — The Can Cod fp. 108-107) ‘ine words wih he present imple [MODULE SELF-ASSESSMENT Sfp. 108-109) Sens ‘GeAAR REFERENCE SECTION IRREGULAR VERS wor ust Z PHOTO FE SECTION {GUDE 10 UK 4 Usa CULTURE [UIE FOR PUNCTUATON [SUGGESTED ANSWERS SECTION ‘ey Test 8008 6Y- oro ACIMTY 800K 2 i ——-wooute 6 hitpstiphimi5.cominjtizatalbasic 31237 -ari2020 ‘kent xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pag 1-50- Text Version| FipHTMLS hitpstiphimi5.cominjtizatalbasic 4237 Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Graesham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW Tol: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 ‘email: inquiries @expresepubl ‘np: // © Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan, 2001 Design ond illustration © Express Publishing, 2001 {All ight reserved. No port ofthis publication may be reproduéed, tHoted ino retieva sysom, or Wansmited in any form, oF by any ‘meons, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, withou! sriten permission ofthe publishes. Fits published March 2001 Third impression 2004 ISBN 1-842167022 Acknowledgements ‘Ashen Acinowngenens ‘We would ke otork ol he safe Express Publahing who hove cone thei sls producing his book Thanks ‘are dein ptculas io: Megan Lown (Eatin Chief, Stphanie Sth ond Seon Tod (snr eto), Michoe! Sod ‘ond Andrew Wright federal ost), ichord Whte (enor prodecton con, the Excess desig tem, Onyx (ecerdng produce) ond Roche Robins, Kevin Has, Dovid Smith, Eco Thompson, Kimberly Boker, Tinchy Forte, ‘Stove Gibbs, Ere Simons, Chris ile ord Exc Fy for heir uppot and paince. We would io lite honk those invons ond toches who poked he monucrip, ond whose comments ond feedback were invluabein he rodcon ofthe book. The thos od blab who hr lowing who fa indy i pinion he we capil mai: © Alon Pepi rth ale on p11; © LEGOLAND fre atelé on p31 Phoogrch Actnowadgurens {© Alain Pepin fo perros on p11; Botheron Caection University of ned or ped of Fences & the Leaping Foxy cond Fairy oeng Nowor © Elia on p19; © SeaWerld Al igh resored for pctres on p27, © LEGOLAND for fice of The Diagn Ride on p. 31; NMEC fr piewe on. 69; AUDIO VISUAL lr ples of Mal Gibon on p. 103 [WARNE Jodie Foster on 103 (© 1997 BY WARNER BROS |; obo Robers on (COPYRIGHT © 20TH CENTURY FOX FIM CORPORATION. Al RIGHTS RESERVED} on p. 103; Nichols Cage, Mop Ryan ond Antonie Bordes on 103, Pot File secon, Uni 4 fer cures of Rager, Amoo for pics of jelly on p. 28. Calor teas: Nathan, Che ‘Musi Compotton & Acranganent by Te end To Wile avery fort has Baan mado Roce He copright holies, i ony have ben inavaneny crooked he pushers “wilt planed om he pecan rangement heb ospornty srr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS Introduction to the Teacher Click on 2 is a complete course for young learners studying English ot Elementary level. llows for fexbily of approach which mates i suilable for classes of all kinds, including large cor mixed abiliy classes. The coursebook consists of five: modules of wo units each. Ech unt is designed to be tough in four SOminuelesons The corresponding uni inthe Workbook provides the option cof an edditinal lesson. The coursebook also contcns Five Sel “Assessment sections and an adventure story in seven episodes wih accompanying longuoge exercises, Click on 2 ond is Ccomponenis may be covered in a total of about 65 teaching hous Course Components ‘Student's Book ‘The Student's Book isthe main component ofthe course. Each units based on single theme ond the topics covered are of ‘genera interest All unis follow the some bose sructve [see Elements of the Coursebook) Teacher's Book This Teacher's Book contains Teacher's Notes, fully interleaved wih tho Student's Boot. These provide stepbystep lesson plons and suggestions about how to presen the material. Alka included is full Key tothe exorctas in the S's Book and topescrpts ofthe litenng materi Workbook The Workbook is divided into two ports. The ist part consists often units corresponding o those in the S's Book. H contains exercises to revise, consolidate ond extend Ss" learning throvgh © voriety of tasks. Thé’second port, caled Click on Grommor, summarises and revises the specific grommor items, dot within eoch unit of the course and offers addtional ‘exercises. A the end of the book there are ten Progress Tests ‘one fr each unit. A separote Teacher's Key reproduces the poges of the Workbook, overprinted with fll answers to all ‘Test Booklet The Test Booklet contsins five tests, each if two equivalent Nersions to ensure result reliably, expecially wih larger closes. Ss iting next fo och other work on differen less, but ‘re tesied in the some language oreos. The tests Focilitate the ‘ssessment of Ss’ progress and enable the Yeacher to pinpoint Ss specific weaknesses, There is olso on Ext Tes! which covers all the material learnt ot this level ord can be used as an cffeiveessessmen test for those planning to move onto the rex level hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘loss Audio CDs or Cossetios The Class Audio CDs or Cosseties contain all the recorded material which aéeompanies the course. This includes the diclagues and tex’ inthe Listening ond Reading sections, 08 well os model dialogues, Pronunciation and the moteral for oll listening asks. Student's Audio CD or Cassette The Ss Audio CD or Cassete contains he recorded dialogues fond the main ext in the Listening and Reading secions ofthe S's Book for the purposes of homework ond preparation, os well s he seven episodes ofthe sory. Elements of the Coursebook och unit contains the following sections: Loodin + Assisted by pictures, Ss are introduced tothe vocabulary fond grammar of the uit ‘+ Alston and repect drill piesenis everydoy phrases and sanfonces which will be encountered inthe dialogues that follow. Uisoning ond Reading Each unit comprises two Listening and Reoding texts. +The fist Listening and Reoding Yex! presents stvotional diclogues in o variety of everyday conies. Stidens ore mode familior with naira, everydy longuoge. *+ The second Listening and Reading text presents meaningfl oricles on crosscutral opis. In this way, Ss practise simple everyday communication. Skils Tike reading for gist oF for specific information ore obo practised, ard vocabulary is seen ina fnetonel ond ‘meaningful context Vocabulary Vocabulary is practised through various types of exercises, ‘A particular feature of he book isthe teaching of eollecations, ‘which helps Ss fo remember vocabulary iems as pats of se! expressions, Grommor ‘+The grammar items of each unit axe presented by means cof clear and concise theory boxes + Grammer exercises ond tivities reinforce Ss" under standing of these fers 6237 sarr2020 Listening tasks and Speoking practice Ss can develop their listening skis through 0 variely of tosks. These tasks employ the vocebulary ond grammar proctised in eoch unit, in this way reinforcing Understanding ofthe language tought in the unit + Controlled speaking ocivies have been corefully designed fo allow Ss guided practice belore leading hem to less structured speaking actives Photo File These sections provide visual and linguistic input for closely controlled Waiting Procice. Ss are referred fo the Photo File section atthe back of the book by Projects which feature in each unit. These should be discussed in class before being assigned os writen homework Pronunciation Pronunciotion vies help $s to recognise sounds ond reproduce hem correctly Communication These sections provide procice in rellife communication Standard expressions ond longuage sracresossocieted with reals svations ore extensively procsed ‘Vocabulary Revision Gomes These sections use the format of team competition to consolidate learning of vocabulary ond phrases presented the unit Reading txts These texts practise specific reading skill e.g, porogrophing, working wit cloze tex etc}, while athe some time providing «6 madel text for the writing fosts which follow them. Writing The wring sections have been corey designed to ensure that $s systematicolly develop their writing sls +A model text is presented and thoroughly analysed, followed by guided procice ofthe language o be used +The fina tsk is based on the model text ond folows the detailed plan provided. + Allwring octivites are bosed on rol types and styles cof witing such as lters, descriptions, stories ond ortcles ‘Do you know ..2 ‘the end ofeach unit, interesting vie boxes provide a short reading tosk Module SeltAssessment sections These follow every second unit, ond reinforce Ss understanding of the topics, vocabulary ond sructures thot 1ave been presented. hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS ‘+The material has been designed to help Ss learn new languoge in the context of what they have olready mastered, rather than in isolation, ‘© Each section concludes with on entertaining song wich practises the languoge items presenied in the proceding nits +A motking scheme allows Ss to evaluate their progress ‘ond identify thie weoknesses Grommar Reference secon + This section offers full explanations and revision of the grammar skuctuces presented throughout the book ‘+ Itcon be used both in class and at home to reinforce the grammar being ‘ought. The “Rules for Punctuation” section atthe bock of he book includes full explanation «ofthe rues in a clear ond concise manner. The Guide to UK & USA Culture and the American English — British English Guide ‘These sections offer on insight info the culturl similarities ‘end diferences between the two mojor English-speaking + Inteesing ond informative, they provide the stent with eutural information, not use eught in the clossroom ‘Adventure story The story of The Hound of the Baskervilles is presented in comic stip format in seven episodes. 4+ invited to rod for enjoyment + Each episode is followed by varity oftasks, offering the ‘opportunity fr ext practice and consolidation ‘SUGGESTED TEACHING TECHNIQUES A. Presenting new vocabulary ‘Much of the new vocabulary in Click on 2 is presented through pichres. Ss are asked to motch the pictures to listed words [see $s’ Book Unit 2, p. 14, Ex. To). Vocabulary is always presented in context, ond emphosis, is placed on collocations, since memorising new words is ceases if they ore presenied in lexical sels. (see S's Book Unit 2, p. 20, Ex. 24) Funher techniques that you may use to introduce new vocabulary include: + Mining. Mime the word you wan! to inttoduce, For ance, to present the verb sing, pretend you are singing and osk Ss to guess the meaning of the word * Syronyme, opposes, parophraing end hing definitions. Examples + present the word store by giving @ synonym: "Store; shop." + present the word sod by giving is opposite: "Sad; 101 happy." present the word weekend by paraphrasing it "Weekend; Soturday ond Sunday.” Ta37 srr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version | FipHTMLS present the word garage by giving its definition "Garoge: the place nex! to the house where we put ‘+ Example. Exomples place vocabulory into contex! and consequently make underslonding easier. For instance, inkroduce the words city ond town by referring lo acy cand a town in the Ss' country: "Rome is 0 city, but Prima is @ town." + Visual prompts: Show pictures, photographs or drowings to moke understanding easier ‘+ Use of dictionary: Encourage Ss 10 try to explain the word, then check if they are cortect using their dictionaries. ‘+ Sketching. Drow on the board a simple sketch of the word of words you want 6 explain. For instance: tall short + Flasheards. Flashcards made out of magazine or newspaper pictures, phoiogrophs, ready-made Gi. playing 2 Bill -teathAr “The wind is blowing Anita each Drama - eat a sandwich J 9 Ada is barking, ‘Marek - teach forse'ticing - read o magazine }0 Children ate laughing. v a ag hitps:tiphimi5.cominjtizatalbasic 10237 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic srr2020 1-50 Text Version| FipHTMLS 3 Misten and repect. © Who's tha! mon? © What does she do? * Come on! : Pie reeiee wuilies 5 0} Read the dialogues (A, B and C) and circle 1m the correct answer A,B or C. | eye + How co fp yo Mie es aa © Don't you a working on Saturdays? ‘A Right. _ B-Wrong. © Doesn't say. © Fancy joining us? 2 Ws Low's fst vst 0 the camp © Sorry, | con' A Right B Wrong Doesn't say iret 3. Kate lites horse riding gas A Right, BB Woong. C. Doesn't say. j i ii : Who's that man? Listening and Reading ee ere 4 vite Sch i : The one who is drinking cola. ae ie ee Thats Bil, He's the Ad teacher, ibe pesteoragame uname elhay Oh, and who's that woman with him? Bill or A (for Alon). That's Anita » What does she do? 1 He's drinking colo oO ma texe She's looking la fe, Ait room, = axle = 2 nt at St George's? have a purttime job at weekends 2 What do you do? a supermarket, Dave: Don't you mind working on Saturdays? Laura: Not really. A aa * [E] Steve: Hey, Kate! We're going sailing. Fancy joining us? 3 Kate: Sorry, can’t, | Steve: Why not? “ a Kate: I'm waiting for Alan. / Steve ishe? Kole: He's flying the camp helicopter at the mon Steve. Oh, right. Are you going rg Kate: Yes. See you then. “Steve: OK. Bye. b) In pairs, road out the dialogues. < Fe he dogs aed hitpstiphimi5.cominjtizatalbasic 199237 te a 4 SS Le: sarr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS Vocabulary * The time 6 2} Complete the sentences with the time phrases. * o'clock ® half pos! to ® (o} quorier post ® twenty pos * Wwenty to listening (Sb) Listen and fil in the missing times. Kendal Camp - Monday | in the morning | 10:15 | i045... Mia in the afternoon -“ 4:05 7.00, ‘Speaking ¢) In pairs, ask ond answer, <5 in the example. A: What time does the sailing lesson start? B: It starts of nine ten/len past nine in the morning. A: Whot time does it finish? B: It finishes ot ten Fifeon/fo) quorter post fen - hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic + Everyday & Free-Time Activities Speaking 7), Use the prompts to say what you do/ don't do during the week: in the morning/alternoon/evening; on Saturday mornings; on Sunday ‘evenings; on Friday afternoons. J catch the bus to school in the morning. [don't walk the deg on Saturday mornings + Jobs Match the definitions to the words, then make sentences, as in the example. ck people A. shop ossistan and answer Bourn C use mer D corpenie umniture e e F secretory he G houdiesser the radio __-H. fashion designe A-3 A shop assistant is someone who serves customers. 147 ‘aterut xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘aint xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic sarr2020 ‘aterit xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS oe * Agreeing - Disagreeing Speaking Look at the pictures, then use the prompts to talk, os in the examples. # Like /enjoy .. * |hote..* t don't mind # I'm good at... * lca A: Hike rollerblading. 8: So do I. / Really? I don’t © A: I.can’t stand fishing B: Neither can 1. / Oh, I don’t mind it. ° Project Look at the Photo File section and complete the article about Julie's daily routine Grammar ‘ Present Simple or Continuous 10 ©) Read whot Sandra says ond identify the tenses in bold, Which time expressions go with each tense? Him Sara ana a secretary | | work for an Insurance company. Every day rom 900 am t 5.00 fm talk customers ar wrk on te compute ove my 2. At he met, Fm ‘typing @ letter for my boss, Next wk Fm ging on hoy te | ove. tak frat hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic b) Which tense does Sandra use to describe: 1 a doily routine? —_present simple work/talk 2 apermanent state? 3 ona happening at the ed orangement in the sor future? happening around nt of speaking? Speaking 11 In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer, 1s in the exomple. 1. Paula ~ Brazil ~ gardener ~ laok after plans (¥] 2. Ana — England - nanny ~ look after children |] 3 Costas - Greece ~"security guard ~ protect buildings (X) 4. |von & Rosa ~ Spain ~ fight atendonls ~ serve passengers (0) 5 Jacek ~ Poland ~ stockbroker ~ buy and sell stocks ond shaves [¥¥] Where does Paulo come hom? She comes rom Brazil What's her job? A 8 Key A B: She's 0 gardener. A 8 A 8 What does she do ot work? She looks after plants Does she'like her job? Yes, she dors s737 sarr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS * Adverbs of frequency ]4 Ask ond answer, as in 12. Put the adverbs of Seen frequency in order, then study the examples. Use codverbs of frequency to talk ‘about your doily routine. 50% f—olien} an Cares) 10% (elfen 10% o% 1 always get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. bags tircnilaln kee’ A: What does Irene ‘saad do at work? 7 7 B: She cuts hair. listening IA: i she cutlng haan? 8: No, she isn't. She's 13 Go) What is each person doing? listen ond 5, Look at the ‘write letters in the boxes, Browns! 2s in the example. notes, then 7 in pairs, ey ‘ask and o onswer questions, Bil as in the example. b} Ask and answer, os in the example We usually look ot David. He 1 2 3 Josh 4 They 5 A: Is Mott reading a newspaper? B: No, he isn’t. He’s while you'te here? ¢) What are you doing now? «= 7 He What are your fiends doing 8 Jone now? at the moment. 10 hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic SI: Are the Browns having a barbecue on Tuesday? 52: No, they aren’. They‘re visiting their parents. Are the Browns [E) 16 Pat the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Which verbs refer to the present/future? {gol sailing. Fancy joining me? Igo} to schoo! on foo! {make} lunch (ploy) tennis this afternoon Uf 1o Madrid next Fridoy [you/want] fo try rock climbing {not/lice} fishing Ulook for) «new fla 18237 ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic sarr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS Listening & Reading 17 ook at the pictures. Which shows: someone swimming underwater diving equipment ......; kayaking .... someone wearing @ wetsuit and helmet ......; 18 ( }liston and underline the correct word 1 Inthe morning, he works in a surveying suring 2 Atypical summer day for Alain stats around 8 am/7om 3.Alain spends all morning in frontof is ‘equipment/computer 4. A photo shoot usualy takes a long/thort lime fo comple B Woslitincerwater con be o bit ley OOemat in the wine 19. Read the interview ond correct the statements 1 to 5, as in the example. Then, highlighted words. Alain leads o normal life. Wrong! Alain doesn 4 lead 0 noimal life. He leads o double life. He drives to work He leaves the office ot 12 om Alain enjoys going skiing in his spare time. Alain hates working underwater Speaking Read the article again and make notes under the following headings, then talk about Alain Pepin. * daily routine © freetime activities Feelings obout working underwater Alain gets vp ot 7 am, He has breakfast, then hitps:tiphimi5.cominjtizatalbasic ear sarr2020 Vocabulary Practice 21 Fillin the correct word from the list, then moke sentences using the completed collocations. * financial « pholo ® spare © underwater i * ‘eport © sense * lead © sit © clerical) 4." * reds soaibiine 10 ° 6 time double life 7 ' tricks 2 abn! sunimon 8 ola) job 3 oir) shoot 9 agreat 410 in ‘of achievement front of a compuier 10 ceccounis e wok 11 to the news QD Flin: about, in, from, ot, to, of, for, afer. 1 to work on offico; 2 wookends; 3 he’s Brazil, 4 10 think something; 5 alot fun; 6 0 typical day his le 7 to work nine five; 8 10: stay home, 9 to be full energy, 10 10 look sb (= search|; 11 to wait a; 12 to look sick people 23 Fillin the correct word. 1 What is ot —— doy like in the life of a secretary? (ordinary) 2. She works ftom 9am tom _ then she has a break for lunch. (noon) 3 Stella |______0 normal life. thas) 4 Wakes a long lime toc photo shoot. finish} 5 letmei____ myself. I'm Ralph Boren. (present) © Nuses!__ a take care off 24 Vocabulary Revision Game: In teams, make sentences with the words/phrases in the list. _ — sick people + seldom ® introduce ourselves * don't you mind ® going sailing * stor! work # 0 break ‘+ full of energy © spare time ‘Fancy © this way where from ‘¢ meet fiends * is borking ‘the fun starts # go horse riding * quocking * wooden furniture # l'm good ot # set off 12 hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic faker xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pag 1-50- Text Version| FipHTMLS Communication * Giving personal information 25 (> Listen and fil in the missing words, then {3e the prompls to act out similar dialogues What's your 1] 7 Ricky And your 2] 7 Connors Con you 3} C-O- double N-O-R-S. What 4) m American Where ore you 5} I'm from California that, please? core you, Ricky? in America? oR er er ere * Anilo Eder - Austria - Vienna * Pierre Ducall- France - Dieppe * Keiko Mioggi- japan - Tokyo * Velic Rabal - Spain - Barcstona *# Rosa Ferés - Brazil - Brasilia ‘* Feinado lopez - Chile - Santiago Pronunciation (word stress) 26 (> listen and underline the syllable of each Word where the stress is. Listen again and repeat. teacher - doctor -ossistant- secretary - carpenter = journalist - hairdresser - accountant - designer architect - stuntman - footballer - receptionist @...... Choose one student to be the leader. He/She chooses one of the places: ct school/work/the seaside, in the bedroom/kitchen/garden living room ec. The class, in teams, ry fo guess what he/she is doing now. The team which guesses correclly gets one point Choose another student and continue the game. The teom with the most points isthe winner. e.g. leader: I'm in the park. What om | doing? Guess. ‘Are you riding your bike? No, I'm not. etc Team A $1 leader 221237 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic srr2020 Writing (a letter to a friend argo) 27 Read the eter ond fill in the appropriate topic sontences. There is one sentence you do not need. ‘A There's so much 10 do hete thot | don't know where to begin. B Well, that’s all for now. C Hi, how are you? D Ws the end of my fis! week here. E We're all ooking forward to this weekend Dear Angie. | [EET] tm having a great time here at “ourmmer camp. The place is lovely and the weather is good. BL] ine rorings we have Art lessons ‘or we go swimming, In the afternoons we 40 canoeing or horse riding, Everyone looks forward ‘to the evenings, when we all sit togetiner around the campfire. We usually have barbecue, sing songs or tell stories. It's Just great. We've got lote of exciting plans. On Saturday we're going rafting. We're spending the whole day on the river and having a plonlc lunch. Then on Sunday we're having a big party with live music and lots of food and drink. | can't wait! [4] See you ina couple of weeks. Love, Ryan 28 0} Read the leter again and answer the ‘questions. 1. Who is the leter from? Who is the leer to? 2. How doss the lei start /tinish? 3 Which of the phrases can you use instead of Love? Tick (¥) Yous ....., Thanks again Best wishes ....., lots of love... Fine 4 Which paragraphs ore about Ryan's daily routine/ fixed artangements? What tenses does Ryan use in these paragraphs? 5. Which paragraphs include Ryan's opening/ closing remarks? b] A topic sentence starts @ paragraph. Iti the summary of the paragraph or an introduction to the topic of the paragraph. Replace the topic sentences in the letier with ‘other appropriate ones Ul hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic faker xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pag 1-50 Text Version| FipHTMLS 29 Imagine you are at Sunrise summer camp. Read the advertisement, then choose activities from the advertisement to answer the questions. 1 What do you do at the camp: in the morning? in he afternoon? in the evening? 2 What are you doing this weekend? 30 Use your answers from Ex. 29 and the plan below to write a leter to a friend of yours telling him/her your news, (80 words) the later in Ex. 27 a8 a model. Deer {hiend's first name), Introduction {Para 1} opening remarks - what the place/ weather is ike ‘Main Body {Para 2| what you do every day {Para 3} what you are doing this weekend Conclusion [Para 4} closing remarks Yours, {your frst name} people. *# In Alghanision there is ony o people. © In Ethiopia there is one doctor * people every 13 251237 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic srnzaz0 anc xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1-50 Tox Version| FpHTMLS Vocabulary 2... * Family Members & Dates Choose a leader. The leader says a name which belongs to a member of his/her family. Students, in teams, try to guess how ‘his person is related to the leader. The team who guesses correctly gets | point. Choose 6 AFillin: son, husband, mother, cousin, count, nephew. grondtother (grandad) | grandmother (grandma) another leader and continue the game. The other team with most points is the winner. daughter uncle. " leoder: Peter. wile Team A $1: Is Peler your brother? cousin 4 leader: No, he isn’t. etc } niece = J Grammar ) Look ot this part of the royal family tree. + Past Simple Now choose five people from the family ree cand say when each parton was born and 7 ©) Read the texts. Which refers to the presen? when they died. Which refers tothe past? ‘When | was ten, ‘had shor akan | wo lasses. | ci’ ke playng tenn, but hed football | could ride a bx then, but Icoulcn' crve a can Queen Victoria was born in 1819. She died in 1901. QUEEN VICTORIA = Albert (1819-1901) (1819-1864 | oe ee ss, fe th eis “coniact lenses. like play tennis now, but | dont football any more. | rive a carnow.. § Loss Ateransra Vitoria (1872-1918) (1863-1950) | b) Use the verbs in bold to complete the table, | (1885-1836) had wear liked don't like ¢) Look atthe royal family tree again and ask can ‘and answer questions, as in the example. ‘A: When was Queen Victoria born? We we the past simple for actions which B: She was born in 1819. hoppened at a definite ime in the past. He wen! io A: When did she die? the Bahomos last year (When? las! year} B She died in 1901 Time expressions used with the post simple: ‘A> How wos she related fo Sophia? yesterday, ago. last Monday/week/month/year/ | B: She wos her grandmother. ote 2, in 1989, 2, 0 week/month ago e'c 16 hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic 281237 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic sa7r2020 ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS Speaking B Use the prompts to ask and answer questions, 43s in the example, Where was/were you [es Sundoy your best fiend Iwo weeks ogo your parents yesterday moming | your brother/sister lost summer | your uncle /aunt Jost weekend your cousinis| fost November your neighbours ele | | lastnight etc {Hi school, work the cinemo, the shops, home) @ hole, the sports centc, he seaside, ete 6: holiday, an island, the beach, o foim, ete Int the mountains, the living room, the classteom, the garden, ete SI: Where were you last Sunday? 2:1 was at home. Where was your best rend two weeks ago? 53: He was on holiday. Where ... ote listening 9 Cre) Listen and tick (/) what Claire had, 6F cross out (X) what she didn’t have when she was seven. Then, ask and answer questions, as in the example. T[v Jeddy bear computer SI: Did Claire have a teddy bear when she wos S2: Yes, she did. Did she have ... ete hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic Speaking b) What did/didn’t you have when you we seven? 10 What could you/couldn’t you do when you were six? ride o horse * fly a plone * read ¢ wite *# ploy cricket © dive ® swim # count ® draw * play chess ¢ use a computer # use 0 camera ** cook # play hide-andseek * play the guitar * speok English * play football * play hopscotch | couldn’t ride a horse when I was six. could write when I was six. Speaking 11 ol Which of the verbs i pas forms? Which have the list have regular irregular past Forms? When did you last. ? take a photo wail ¢ letier go on holidoy lose something study English go out with friends travel by coach break something play snakes and drink lemonod lodders eat of restaurant give sb a present see your grandparents visit your friend tidy your room play video games rent o video b) Ask and answer questions, as in the ‘example. SI: When did you last toke o photo? $2: | took photo a week ago. When did you ete 12. Meg went on holiday last summer. Match the questions to the answers. In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. [11] Where /go? By plane. When leave £500. A 0 8 [31] How/get there? | C Japan. D E =] How long/spend Ina five-star hotel th Light clothes ond 0 ]Where/stay? camera, ]How much/pay? | F 2nd Jul FT] Wha /take with her? | Two weeks. A: Where did Meg go? B: She went to Jopon. 311237 srr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pag i Listening 13 (D> Liston ond write the correct day under ‘Sach picture, then say what Pat did last week, Pak re 14 9) Read the text and put the verbs into the ps! simple. Tom Stevens 1) live) in the county on 0 big faim. He 2) {have} o hoppy childhood, but he 3} (want) to see the world. When Tom 4) leave} school, he 5) (decide) to join the navy. He 6} (spend) the nex! 1en years sailing around the world. He 7) (travel) to lois of places and 8) (meet) lots of people. Tom 9} {sovel his money and cone doy he 10} (say) goodbye to the savy He 11) (00) back to his village 12) {buy) ¢ farm of his own, and 13) {star) work. A yeor later he 14) {many} Cotla, his schoolfiend, and they 15) (hove) three children. Tom ond Carla 16) live) hoppily on their form ond 1 [bal icky enough to have lols of grordehildren b) Now complete the questions. 1 Where ..... Tom 2s a boy?" "On a form.” 2 “What he to do?” “To see the word.” 3 “What Tom to join? “The navy. 4 How mony years... he al sea?" “Ten years.” 5 "Where he when he left the navy?” “Back to his vilage.” 6 “Who! he 2° form.” hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic => 1-50 Text Version| FipHTMLS 7 “Who ha = “Carla.” 8 “How many chien hey ie “Thee * * Project Look at the Photo File section and complete liso’s diary, * Used to 15 Study the exomples, thon answer the questions. '* Louro used to hove/had shor! hair. (state) ‘She has long hair now. © Louro used to walk/walked to work. (post habit] She diives to work now. © Loura went to Waly jas! month (NOT, Laura weed-o-ge-to lialy last month.) 1 Whot do we use to describe an action which hoppened at a specific time in the past? 2 What can we use to describe pas! habits/sates? 16 ©) Sondra was very poor until the day she won £100,000 in a competition. Look at the prompts and ask and answer questions, as in the example. tay soon: tla © iweina smal fal = wotkong hous © ato ot entinfationd rests Did Sondra use to buy designer clothe: No, she didn’t. She used to buy secondhand clothes. etc ‘Speaking b) What about you when you were five? Did you use to have a nickname? Where did you use to spend your holidays? Did you use fo have « hobby? What games did you use to play? Did you use o have a pel? ‘What was your favourite toy? What did you like/hate doing? 321287 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS on hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘aterit xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic sarr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS Reading & Listening 4 “ ed VAs Lad rad Cay your favourite? | 15th July Frances and | went down tothe stream again today to pay, but fll in and got my shoes and socks wet Mother was veryangry | with me and said mustn't | | go there again, but cant 18th June, 1917 ear Diary, England is very cold. smiss the sunshine of Aca. Cottingey i avery small village. There isn't much to do here. Fm glad I'm staying with Aun Polly and Uncle ‘arthur because theyre very ind to me, and | have my cousin Frances to play with We spend everyday by the ~— stream inthe woods Sy) watching the fairies ee stay away. | red to tell her about the fairies but she doesn’t believe me, ches 18 C> listen and find which picture shows se, and which picture shows Frances. 19, Read the extracts from Else's diary, then read the sentences 1 to.5.and correct them. Read again and explain the words in bold VeBlsle soem: every day-onthe beach 2 Elsie fll ino the sea 3. Six Conan Doyle wrote an article about ghosts 4 Frances and Elsie were happy abou being 5 > Elsie diew the fairies inthe photogroph, 20 4} Read the extracts again, and put the sentences in the correct order. hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic Good news! Uncle arthur lent us his camera to take photos ofthe fires. He couldn't belive his eyes when he saw aphoto of me with « fairy offering me a flower! He says Frances and re playing tricks and we can’ use his camera again, but | think Mother and Aunt Polly believe us! big hit. tt made Frances, me and The Cottingley Fairies" famous. know | shouldbe happy but 'm not. Every day ‘eporters come to Cotingley to take photos ofthe village and the stream. They always want to ask alot of questions. can't stand them, pee Seren eer tr fairy? Which shows Pend ee Pen tg 17th July 12th August Guess what! A very Jamous author called Sir Arthur Conan Doe san our pictures and wants to write an article about Frances and il meter ef Pictures of the fairies, too, He's sending a reporter to interview Frances de, 30th November 25th December Fs} Sir Arthur's aticle was a Frances doesn't ike being everyone we never sow the fairies and that it was ll big ka joke, She wants me to say! | row the fires in the photograph and that they rm aren’ eal. Everyone knows that | draw and paint very j well but I can't say that— mymoheriidmets af wrong to tl is! ee TALE] Sir Arthur Conan Doyle sow the pictures. [BIL] Elsie moved 10 Cotingley {CEZ] They took pictures ofthe fairies [DIZ] Elsie ond Frances sow foiries in the woods. [ELE] Sir Conor Doyle wiote on aricle about the foites [FB] Else ond Fronces borowed Uncle Arhur’s camera [GEz} The gils became famous. Speaking 'b) Use the sentences above to talk about Elsie and the fairies. 19 351287 srr2020 Vocabulary Practice 21 Replace the adjectives in bold with their correct opposite from the list. * miserable # big ® ditty © horrible ® small 1 lean rivers = 2 huge buildings = 3. happy childhood = 4 fantastic time = 5 small village = 22 Fill 1 to travel 3 to move 5 to be kind 10, in, with, by, about, on, at. coach, 2 10 be: london; 4 to live holidoy a house, someone; 6 10 work... he studio; 7 10 go comping the lake; 8 to be home; 9 10 be angry someone, 10 10 write an article someone; 111 to live faim 23 Fill in the correct word. For each pair of sentences, use the same word twice. 1a Doyou believe in fairies? b She couldn't believe her eyes when she opened the door. 20 She likes tennis. b Stop tricks. 3.0 Canyou please up? I can't see you Your jokes are horrible, | can't them 4-1 Lolien sleep late and ..... the bus to work b | like working here, but | my old job, 5 0 Josh ‘lf he ladder ond broke his leg b Sharon in love with her husband the very moment she saw him. 6 a Can you tell me the to the bus sation, please? b I don’ like the he talks to me. the correct word from thelist, then make sentences using the collocation 24 «# great © big * block ¢ five-star # fairy * popular * fomous * play * social « tli offs 6 0 ! autho 2 spot 70 hit 3 occasions 8 to ick 4 fimes 9 to ies 5 hotel 10 tale 20 hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS 25 Vocabulary Revision Game: In teams, make sentences using the phrases/sentences below. * went foxhunting * original # imagine living sounds boring © wos born * moved ® pure ‘© great times ® pollution ® steom # inleview '® miss ¢ in the woods # lent * can't stand laticle © big joke © fakies « much to do Communication (past activities) 2% Cx in the missing words, then listen and k. In pairs, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. W did you go on holiday? 8 | went 1o the beach a2 aid} you do there? 6 | swam inthe sea A. Did you enjoy i? B 3) 1 P_boved '* on your birthday ~ restaurant — eat/pizzo © like/it - no/hate it *® last Saturday - park ~ feed ducks ~ enjoy it ~ yes/like it Speaking 27 Answer the questions about yourself. Where were you born? Where did you grow up? When did you str school? When did you learn to write? When did you lean to read? ‘Wha! was your favourite subject when you were seven? Pronunciation /e/ pronounced or silent 28 (> Uiston and ick (7). Liston again and ‘peat renounced | silent pronounced) silent liked looked wanted rested hated moved walked, ended 361287 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic srr2020 Writing (c biography) 29 0) Read the article and put the paragraphs into the correct order. Abr Gime Dayle [A tis suing that wit ih a ‘busy life Arthur had time for a family, but in 1885 he married Louise Hawkins and they had three children. They travelled all over the world until they returned to Engla becase of Louise's poo heath. Ste din 1806, ‘A year later, Doyle married Jean Leckie and moved to Sussex. [BT [Most people lve the stores about the famous tisten ond underline the correct word. be your answers and the information to talk about Jules Verne. | Jukes Gabe! Vere, author (nown ax the ‘grandfather of science fiction) 1828, Nantes, France - 1905, Amiens, France Books: Five Weeks ina Ballon, A Joumey to the Centre of The Earth, Twenty Thousand ‘Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, From Earth to the Moon What did he study? Law/Medicine When did he marry Honorine de Viane? 1857/ 1862 What did he work os? Lawyer/Stockbroker ‘What was his soa’s name? Michel/Jean How many boots did he have? Two/Three What were his hobbies? Sailing/FYying ‘What kind of person was he? Newous/neligent ‘What kind of stories did he write? Science fiction Historical 9 How old was he when he died? Sixtyseven/ ‘Seventy-seven 32. Write a short biography of Jules Verne for your school magazine (120 - 150 words). Use the information in Ex. 31 as well as the plan below. You can use the aticle in Ex. 29 as 6 model. eNoune Introduction {Pore 1) name of person - what famous for Main Body {Para 2) early years (when /where born, education, etc} [Para 3} laler years marriage, achievements, ete) Conclusion [Paro 4) date of death, comments 33 Fillin: pointer, businessman, composer. do you * George Train, an American 1) around the wotd in 80 days in 1870. 9 Wellgong Aeclais! (osctl ta fone a swicle his First pivee of music ot the age of five 7 © Sorch Biffin (1784-1850) fron liverpoo! become 0 celebrated 3) ‘even though she wos boin without arms or legs. She used to hold her pen, pencil or brush inher mouth 21 30287 -ari2020 tye an CLOG ON 2 nach hack Pages 1-50 -Toxt Veo | FIpHTMLS PreReadi Wha is in ased of Holael plone pater 5 aoe Ueanead from the. cn 1] _ look ot the pictures. Which show's}: « fireplace? 7: « block hound with eyes of fie? 4 men chosing a gil cross the moo? 3 Shetlock Holmes, the fomous delecive? 1, 6, 8 ‘COREEE EEF Listening and 1 ein ober 3b ik SEAS Se neal fer ley Reading Activities Geni plans! tings 1 bape ; 2 D teen and write Ys be No. Dr Walson is Holmes! friend Sir Hugo was a good man. ‘The hound killed Sir Hugo. Sir Chatles wos 0 very oor mon No Ao Read the episode on p. 22 . i 7 ‘and answer the questions ‘Read ary and replace the words in bold using one to three words. from the table above, then identify the words. - 1 Who came to see Holmes? o $i ng la an i De Mosier. 2) Dr 3) Ha friend, Dr Watson. Dr Mortimer tel 2 Who kidnopped o girl? 44) Holmes Watson tha! Sir Hugo Baskgwile kidnopped o git” Sk Higa soaatiaee cand look 5) HAP Gil 10 Baskervile Hol. 6} The gid escoped, but St I wed did the gi dle of? en ¥s fiends chased 8) thE it.The git te fea Sit his fiends saw o huge black hound. 10} F vaagieel Ih eae we pic ih killed Sir Chatles? block hound kiled Sic Hy 5 Wie Feeble nephew? The hound pe 1) Si Dr Motimer asks Holmes | Sir Henry. wonts 12) Holnes to "prod Sit Hemy Bestewle. 13) PR, | 4. Reed he eotte end Boskenille wil inher al Sir Chotles’ money ond apt oe E i i Henry io die. Holes says that imes wail iumiisieetel at err doesn't want ap sir ie Which ore regular? Which ele care irregular? U, kidnapped 8], took I, sed chosed [R}, died (Rl, 77 (H, killed (R) Me a Listen to the episode again and follow the lines. Take ‘and act out the episode. 23(T) a allt SS hitpstiphimi5.cominjtizatalbasic 4237 srr2020 24(T) ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS Vocabulary 1 Whats the time? Soy it in two woys. @egea ae [See Suggested Answer section] (8 mars) 4} Fill in: have, get, go, talk, do, catch, meet, brush, surf, wolk, wash, visit Use the phrases fo talk about what you do on Mondays. ge! up? have breakfast; have lessons; do homework go lo wotkschave @ break; talk on the phone; mee! fiends; do crosswords; biush teeth) wash the car catch the bus; surf the nef; do the shopping; walk/ wash the dog; Vist reltivesiz60 fo bed NO mors) 'b) What do you do in your free time? ot weekends? (See 7 mea) jagesied Answers section) 3 Fillin the correct verb. An architectid e s |g 0 S\buildings A secretary typ e s keters Ajouinalistre pos the news A shop assistont se « v e s customers. A nurse 100 s aller sick people waene (5 mets) A Fillin: borrow, spend, stand, alone, pocke?, believe, typical, moved. 1. Can'you please leave me olone? 2. How do you spend your fee time? 3) What iso typical day like for a nurse? 4 Tom can't sind footbal. He likes crickel instead 5. How much pockel money do you gel each week? 6 Our fla! wos too small so we moved to another 7 Dod couldn't believe his eyes when he saw my exam ts. 8 Can I borrow your camera to take some photos? 8 mons hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic Grammar Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Lenny doe: doy. 2 Mand Mis Brown dive (drivel to work fogether in the mornings. 4 Jone is going (go) 10 Spain on holiday this yeor 4. \s she using [she/use} he computer a the momen’? 5. He walks (walk) lo school most days 6 Brian isn’) working (nol/work) today. I's his doy olf 7) What are you wesring Lyou/weat) 10 the porty tonight, Sharon? B Do you fancy fyou/fancy) playing tennis? (8 mos wash [not/wash} her hair every 6 Use the prompts to say what Winnipeg used to be like and what itis like today. * very few cars * nice houses + huge blocks of flats * trees + gardens * clean air * polluted air There used to be very few cars in the streets. Today, there are o lot of cars in the sires See Suggested Answers section 110 mot) 7) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple 1 AD How was (bel the party last nigh!? B~Greot. We hod thave) 0 foniastic time thanks 2 A: Tony called (call while you were out 8: Oh. 1 toke (you/take) 0 message? 3A: Rob rrovelled thavell oll over Europe lost 8: Did he have he/have a good time? srr2020 4B Did you see you/see) that film on TV last right? B: No, I didn? watch Inot/watch) TV yesterday. (8 mons) Communication 8 _ Fill in the missing sentences. Then, in pairs, “read out the dialogues. fe What do you do © What ime does the lesson stant J+ What did you do yesterday # Hove you gol the line © A: I) Have you got the time, please? B: I's a quarter past ten ‘A: 2) Whoi did you do yesterday, Steve? B: I wen! fishing ‘© A: 3) Wha do you do? B: I'm an architect ‘© A: 4) Whal ime does the-lesson star!? Br At 4 o'clock ao Reading | | Rood th article ond put the paragraphs into |) 7 the correct order, then answer the questions. Always in the News. | [ATS] At 4pm she's back in the office, racing to nish her orice. Then her edior reads i and she | makes the final changes beloce the newspaper goes “10 print. She usvll finishes work ot 6:30pm [BTS] Ann hos some advice to give to young | people who want 10 get a job like hers. “You can | do anying you want to! The only thing you need is | determination.” [ET2] The work is quite ough. At 8:30 every day she’s in the office wring aricles. Each one takes @ lot of work, She makes hundreds of phone calls 10 find out information and most days she goes out io interview people o attend a big event. [DT] Ann Reynolds iso journals. She works for 0 daily newspaper called the Son Francisco Chronicle. [E [4] In her free time Ann writes her own poems cand books Sometimes, she dives tothe count 1 What does Ann do? She's o journals 2. Whor time does she stri/fnish work? She sorts work as 8:30 and finishes at 6:30 pm hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic faker xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pag 1-50 Text Version| FipHTMLS 3. What does she do in her free time? She writes poems ond books. Sometimes she drives to the countryside 4. What advice does she give? “You ean do determination.” (8 mis Writing (a short article) 10 Use the notes to write @ short article about Lynn Smith (100-120 words). Use the text in Ex. 9 a3 a model. See, Seggesed Answer Introduetion secteel Heab [Paro 1] lyan Smith ~ D!~ Chicago Rado Main Body (Fora 2) get p 3:30 am ~ has a shower ~ goes 1 the slo — sons work 5:30 om ~on air unl 10 om ~ plays ecords~ aks to lseners (Pore 3) finishes work 12 am ~ oferncons ore free ~ usally spends tne wis her family ~ goes 1 partes inthe evening (Para 4) likes diving her cor~ being wit her fomily~ playing tennis Conclusion (Para 5) lyan loves her job “ove rodl~ 1 have fn while I work.” Fairies in the Wood ‘Many years ago, when I wos very 1} young And there wos lps of magic croun—— | went out for 02) walk. it the wood And this is what | found. (On a stone by a 3) steam inthe heart ofthe w Danced a beauiful shining light Q Dancing there on a slone in the } wood A truly wonderul sight sa \ooked athe light ond soon | saw Ht was 0 6) airy with golden wings She spoke to-me righ there in the wood And 6} tld me magical things. | 7) believed in foiries right there and then And | knew thot they were good © And | knew that | could B) never loige! My mogical walkin the wood 439287 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic faker xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS: b) Explain the words in bold, then in pairs, Peer cet < Read the dialogues and highlight he Sey etter ei) Mee ery ee aturtles, Josh? eee Wha u doing: touch it ny finger were a fish ire canvas with leather straps hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic es How was your trip to the USA, Alice? It was fantastic. We had a great time, thanks. Se Iwas out of this world, Here! Take a look at ens Wow! Did you realy go on the rollercoaster SC eae Poca Seo ee ene ss You know what you should do? hat ete cr) Tea Deane waad Pe meeeetcenas srr2020 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS aE 1 plea feme Vocabulary * Describing Objects - canvas rucksack, 0} Look around your class and» i, seart 6 make tue sentences using the colours on the right. The desks are brown. ) Look ot the pictures. Use Coulee) the prompts to make sentences, (lend pit 9s in the example. 5. gold watch (G-coten shorte MEE G IBiia lait rame with Cl a. ee! ue. geld bene © Shapes When Mrs Adams came home lastnight she found out that some a Cart ee jewellery was missing, Look at the pictures, then use the ee ts to describe Mrs Adams’ jewellery, as in the le. prompls to descr jams’ jewellery, as in the exampl wer, | foams. Choose @ picture from Exs. 6 or 7. Ss, in teams, ask questions until they find the picture. Each correct guess gels one point. The team with the most points is the winner, Teacher: (picture showing watch) Team ASI: Is it made of plastic? Teacher: No, itisn’t. ete Platinum ring © Project Mes Mills was ot the Hilton Hotel in London last week for two days. When she (fiers) eS got home she realised she >, = didn’t have her handbag. Complete the letter she sent Mrs Adams had a pair of earrings with oval sapphires to the hotel. Ee hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic 47237 ‘aera xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version | FipHTMLS nips: iphtm.cominjctizatabasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic sarr2020 listening es Listen and tick (V) the correct answer, nat has John bough!? 2 What has Solly bough? aes i0e 4 What hasn't tony got in his bedroom? Oh Grammar * Present Perfect (have/has+past participle) 9 Study the examples and answer the questions L He has fished his homework He has fallen asleep. He finithed it half an hour ago. hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS 1. Which verb describes an action which happened ot on unstated time in the past? 2. Which verb describes an action which hoppened ot o specific time in the pas!” 3. Which verb describes an action whote result i visible in the present? 4, How do we form the presen! perfect? 5. How do we form the pas! paticiple of regulor verbs? @.. ive: \/you/we/they have called. he/she/it has called Negative: | I/you/we/they haven't colle he/she/it hasn’t called ntetrogative: | Have |/you/we/they called? Has he /she it called? Shot answers: | Yes./ V/You/we/hey have. as « he/she /it has _7V/you/we/they haven't Khe/she/it haat Time expressions used with the presen! perfect yet, just, already, never, ever, etc 10 Whet has happened to each person? Write sxample. questions ond answers, as in the A: What's wrong with him? B: He has broken his orm. 2 catch 1 break/arm 29 501287 aurienz0 avert xn CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1-50 Tox Version | FipHTMLS 11 In pairs, use the prompls to ask and answer Listening } questions, os in the example. rare } 1 f0a,/ fron? yes / Joxt yoor 14 G) the Smiths ore on holiday in Edinburgh. AA: Have you ever seen a lion? Listen and tick (7) what they have done or B: Yes, I hove. cross out (Xx) what they haven't done yet. A: Really? When did you see one? Then make sentences, os in the examples, B: Lost yeor. 2 chive / car? yes / last week 3 eal / mango? yes / last summer 4 fy / ina plane? yes / last April 5 visit / theme park? yes / last weekend © play / computer game? yes / lost night * yet / already / just 12 ‘Study the exomples and complete the rules. Speaking 15 Whot routine activities have you already done today? What haven't you done el? ‘Make sentences, as in the examples, using prompts from the list and/or your own ideas. te cima * tidy /room * watch/TV Gee ‘Yes, I've just # eai/dinner * hoover/corpat the dog yet? done it. ** do/homework * comb/haic * woler/plonts * moie/bed '* wosh/dishes © brush/teeth * walk/dog + dust/furniture We use in questions and negations We yse or in I've already tidied my room. affirmative sentences 1 haven't had dinner yer. F 16 Complete the prompts in bold, using the 13 Wot has jut happen ond eh NO Er cd ser oe he correct answer, then write sentences, as aoe in the example. 1 Jody = breok/tate [7] clote/window nee ee aaa Judy has just broken @ vase. 2 They are very happy. they/have/baby 2 Som * have/bath ump into/river [_] They've just had a baby. =. 3. Who is that women? —/not see her/betore 3 Kim ~ he ¢/carpet wash/dishes: roe Oo 4 This is my new dress, | buy it 4 Sarah tun on/T¥ knock on/door [_] Vins moe i/meylck 3 Don. - crash/ear cul/grass 6 Mum is cngiy wih John he break/window 30 hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic srr2020 ‘aterit xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS Listening & Reading 17 21 Have you ever been to a theme park? ‘What was it like? | What can you see in the pictures? Tick (7). famous cartoon characlers {jewellery .; rides live shows and atroctions ..; casle.; o hospital ‘an cldfashioned riverboat ..; a theake «an aquarism a rollercoaster... blocks of fats 18 (> took at the pictures, then listen and mork the pictures. Write L (for Legoland), D for Disneyland Poris} or A (for Asterix Park). 19 0) Reod the advertisements and answer the questions 1 to 5. Which theme pork(s) isn't in the some counity os the olher two? tortan an abet: ce ® LEGON nog ountryside ere are sever beautiful ae 4, windsor Sr amy, tela inet eae ctetand and try the aman ‘Duplo Gardens) wonderful Ue. Castes he a trip tothe fan have 8 wig wood ot Minitand fone, Or younger ce we ety TOW W Tare st aes vo spend 2 08) great way 10 Pe asthe Aterixamovernent pith $ Sh as wing ttl and etait pe ae srtoon character, Asterix, ated onthe fous et te med areas allowing you 1° the park as i ences Thee ley a ere es and shows wo sl shen north of Pat ming Daphin Theat > rotor he etek ee lercoasters you've ever been tothe most ing plce oral tea on Ast oye Cone sete nt] _—_ ene is the biggest of all? hhave themes bosed on carloon characters? has themes from 2,000 years ago? has the most themed octivity areas? oaens b) Read the advertisements again and explain the words in bold. Then, underline the sentence/ phrase which best describes each picture. Speaking ¢} Read the advertisements and make notes under the headings, then talk about each theme park. # nome ® location/size * what i do/see there and, Pais. Come Legoland is in WindsorsJt is set in 150 acres of countryside erful world of Disney today hitps:tiphimi5.cominjtizatalbasic sear srr2020 a 32 faker xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pag a * Since / For 20) ‘Study the examples. Which do we use to stote: the moment an action started? the duration of an action? He has been in Paris for three days. He has been in Paris since Monday. Speaking 2] Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the examples. # not/see him * January © lve here * c long time © not/work © two years * be in Englond © three months + not/tavel abroad = * 1985 * not/iidy my room Friday © know John © ten yeors * not/waich TV © yesterday evening + not/sleop © last Monday * not/eot © lunchtime have ths bike * st yeor SI: haven't seen him since January. 2: Ihave lived here for along time 22. Put tho verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple. TAN ox tomortow's tes!” B: Yes, | have, 12) (spend) oll yestedoy oternoon [you/ study) studying A: So, 3] {you/learn} everything? B: | think so, but I'm a bit nervous. ‘A; Why ate you nervous? You 4) (always/be) good at History B: History? But §)...[ (think) it was o Physics test! 2 A: John, 1) (you/see) imy old Spice Girls CD? B: No. Why — 2) {you/lose) ii? A: Yes. 13) (disoppear] B: Well, 14) thar) lucy listening to music an hour ago. Maybe she 5) {borrow} hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic 1-50 Text Version| FipHTMLS 3A: Sam| Look ot this mess! | 1) (osk) you to tidy i vp. B: | know! | 2) {star tidying up an hour ago, but | 3) (o1/finish yer ‘A: Icon see tholl Why 4) (you/not/put| these clothes oway? B: I'm sory. 15) (not/do} it yet. Bui | 6) {ind} this ving ‘A: My diamond ring! | 7) (lose it weeks ogol Thank you, Som. Vocabulary Practice 23 Vocabulary Revision Game: In teams, moke sentences with words/phrases fom the lst * thill’® atvactions lifetime * look ike © ever * chance ® riverboat ® strap ® woollen * gold « enterin # adventue * clieady checked «# moter ® is hanging * rolleccoaster © spend o day ¢ relief 24 Fill in the correct word from the list, then make sentences. + lost © wild # cartoon # lve # fairytale * lecther * oldeshioned * themed 1 Bon thows 5 a character 2 feral... ores 6 kingdom 3 eon west 7 sexe property office 4 tiverboat 8 strop 25 Fill in: of, for, in, on, ot, out. 1 set 150 acres; 2 to dream sth 30 wall... sb; 4 based ...... 0 character; 5 10 take o look some pictures; 6 to ride o fiverboat; 7... fun; 8 to be holiday; 9 10 be ..... of his world; 10 0 wovel Bock... ime 26 Underline the correct word. 1. You dont look well. Whar’ the wrong/matier? 2 We're going on a two-day trip/travel to London this weekend, 3 Woit o lime/minule, I've never met him before. 4 Did you spend/pass the doy in the countiyside? 5 The beauty of the place is sure to take your lfe/breath away © The place sults/fits all ages and tastes 551237 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic srr2020 Communication Describing Lost Property 97 (> o} listen and tick (7) the correct picture: b) Reod out the dialogue, then in pairs, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. A Has onyone seen my bog? 8. Whot does i ook like? A. W's blue with white handles. 8: What's in it? A My wallet ond sunglasses «purse -black/stiverleties - credit cards/some money * briefcase - brown/gold lock - car keys/ papers * handbog - orange/ellow strap purse/watch Pronunciation 98 Cal tisen ond tick 1. Listen again and repeat. Jel \feal| | he/\/eo/, fery| | [eet |_| fairy Ob) tiston ond repeat. Is not fair to store ot Mary Come here and fix my hair. ve paid the fare for the ferry Jenty shared his pear with Claire hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic faker xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pag 1-50- Text Version| FipHTMLS Writing (an article describing your favourite possession) «@} Read the article and correct the mistakes in bold. Which of the two objects does the writer describe? Tick (V). b) Read the article again. What information is there in each paragraph? Why does the writer mainly use the past simple? 30 What is your favourite possession? Who gave it to you? When/Why? What isi ike? How do you feol about it? 31 Your teacher has asked you to write an article describing your favourite possession explaining how you feel about it (80-100 words). Use your answers from Ex. 30, as well as the plan below, to write your composition. You can use the. article in Ex. 29 as a model. Introduction {Para 1) what itis; who gave it to you; when; why ‘Main Body [Para 2) description of object Conclusion [Para 3) how you feel about the object {$400 milion 7 $187,000 4 hus 36 mins / 5 mins 50 secs T16 km / 2,285 m 1843 / 1913 Disneyland Florido cost The rollercoaster a! lightwater Valley, England, is long, The ride lasts for ‘© Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark, is ‘amusement pork. I! opened in 501237 srr2020 ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS Lead-in ] 4) These photographs wore taken at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Who was/were: running a bath; grating che having o snack; hanging out the washing? b) Use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example. 1 Poul / fish? A: Was Poul fishing at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon? B. No, he wasn’. He wos reading @ newspope: 2 Mary / tead a newspaper? 3. Adam and Do. 4 Sarah / hang out the washing? run a bath? 5 Billy and Tony / have o snack? 6 Tom and Steve /grale cheese? 7 tym / read 0 book? talk on the phone? Listening (D tien and repect. © How did i stan? le A normal afternoon, then? L think | can guess what happened How shocking! have no ideo. They talked for ages. What 2 silly thing to dol hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic 4 What a day! 3. CS tisten to the dialogues ‘and correct the words in bold in sentences 1 to 3. 1 Paul's car has burnt down, 2. Sarah wos fuscing @ Bane when the doorbell ang 3. Adam slipped agoin and Fel into the lake, Reading A, 2) Read the dialogues and ‘onswer the questions, then ‘explain the words in bold. 1 What wore Poul and his family doing when Tom come home? 2 Who did Tom come home with? 3. What happened when Pauls son plugged in his electric guitar? 4, Who was on the phone when Sarah answered it? ‘Whot happened io Sarah? Who! happened io Adam when he slipped th firs ime? How did Adam fall ino. the river? ; 50287 ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘aterut xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic sarr2020 ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS a “Al Helen: Paul, | heard your house burnt down. —_[€] Jessie: Adam! Look at you! You're soaking I'm 30 sorry! How did it start? wet! What happened? Paul: Well, | was reading a newspaper, my ‘Adam: David and | were fishing when I slipped wite was doing the hoovering and Lyn fon a rock was talking on the phone Jessie: Oh, no! And you fell into the water? Helen: A:normal afternoon, then? Adam: No, {landed in the mud Paul: Yes, Then my son Tom came home Jessie: But how did you get wet? with his pop group friends, and they ‘Adam: Well, as 1 was getting out of the mud, 1 wanted to practise slipped again Helen: 1 think t can guess what happened Jessie: Ah, so then you fel into the river Paul: Yes. He plugged in his electric guitar ‘Adam: Yes, but atleast I'm not muddy now. and .. bang! ~ the fie started. Helen: How shocking! b) Take roles and read the dialogues oloud B]_ Kaye: Doyou know what Sarah did yesterday? —_) Read the diclogues again and underline Uhave no idea the phrases/sentences used in Ex. 2. Who Well, she was getting ready to bath her said each phrase/sentence? little daughter. She was running the bath when the phone rang, so she went to answer it, Don: Yes, and... ? Kaye: And it was her sister. So, they talked for ages. Don: Mm-hmm Kaye: But Sarah didn’t realise that the water was still running in the bathroom. Don: Oh, no! Kaye: Oh, yes! She flooded her bathroom! What a silly thing to do! hitps:tiphimi5.cominjtizatalbasic 621237 sa7r2020 Vocabulary * Misfortunes & accidents 5, 0) Whot happened to each of these people yesterday? Match the pictures (A-F] 10 the prompts (1-6), then make sentences, as in the example. Tony 1 crosh/iree 3 bun/hond Jill crashed 4 breok/iooth into o tree. 5 buri/leg 2 sproin/onkle 6 cui/finge b} Complete these sentences, using the prompts above. 1 jill wos driving home from work yesterday when she shed ink 2 Tom was slicing me bread yesterday when 3. Cloire was jogging in the park yesterday when 4 Mike wos playing football yesterdoy when 5. Tony was eating sweets yesterday when Greg was cooking yesterday ay at hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS * Feelings 6 How does each person feel? Match the prompls in the list to the pictures (1-5), then make sentences, as in the example. 1 lonaly ‘and miserable boted and annoyed exhausted but pleased surprised and excited ztelieved and hoppy had to work Ive finished 7 my report * Means of Transport 7 0) Where can you see these notices? Circle the correct answer. 2 PLEASE DONT TALK jg TOTHEDRIVER | FASTEN YOUR ‘SEAT Gad) teryooat ® LiFe JACKET ©) ‘9 UNDER SEAT ol!*hiease Have exacr } Soci |@ CHANGE READY. Teleope b] How many means of transport can you think of which we: drive? (e.g. car, lorry) Aly? (e.g. aeroplane} = tide? (e.g. scooter) - travel in/on? (e.g. ship, train) | How do you travel to school/work? Which means of transport do you use the most? Which is your favourite means of transport? 63287 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic sarr2020 Grammar © Past Continuous (was/were + -ing) G Read the exam Tony was pointing ‘pict atten o'clock yesterday moring He was windsung when he low his balance ‘ond fell ito the woe: lb was raining sofly that Friday ahemoon Pele ond Ann were) woking by he nes She wa thing or br inci while he wos reading his newspoper 1 Which verbs desciibe hwo actions which were happening ot the same time in the posi? 2. Which verb deseribes an action hoppening at certain time in the pas”? 3 Which verb describes an action happening ‘when another action interrupted 4 Which vetb describes an action that interrupted. {an action in progress? Which lense is this? 5. Which verb sets the scene in the introduction to @ story? Pfirmative. | was working, you were working he was working, etc Negative. | wasn't working, you weren't he wasn’t working, etc | working? Were you Intecrogative ? Was he working? etc Short Yes, Iwas. / Yes, you were. conswers. Yes, he wos. / elc No, | wasn't. / No, you weren't No, he wasn't. / etc pressions used with the past continuous 3s, then answer the questions. ll doy yesterday, e' hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version | FipHTMLS Listening 9 Gy ) Listen and draw lines, as in the Siomple. wf Sarah Tom Dayid . Ella ”'b) Say what each petson was doing ot eleven o'clock yesterday morning. 4 e.g. David was flying a kite at eleven o'clock yesterday morning. Speaking 10 What were you doing at these times - yesterday? - last Saturday? ©6:000m °8 © 11:00 am © 9:30 pm ©1130 pm ©2:00 pm °6 At 6:00 am yesterday, | was sleeping. At 6:00 am last Saturday, | was flying to Rome 1] Put the verbs into the past simple or the past continuous. ‘A: What did you do yesterday? B: Well, 1) with Andy in the morning, {olay tennis That's nice B: Yes — then, in the alternoon, 1 2} ake] my dog for a wolk in the pork. | 3) thave) «grec! fine. Children 4) {ploy) football and other people 5) (lk) Unottunaely, os 1 6) {walk} home, 0 boy on his rollerblades 7) {push} me ond | 8) {fall} over a) {you/break} anything? B: No, |only 10) (scratch) my knee Bin Bers, my dog, 11) {be} very onguy ot the boy. He 12) (run ather) and 13) (tar) his shorts A: Ohno ae 661287 sarr2020 ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS (D tisten and underline a ee thon moke full sentences, as in the example, to tell the story. 1 Laue / wok / along sect / when it / strt/ raining blowing Laura was walking along the ‘street when it stored roining. 2 As she / tun / towords on old house/thunder / mmble/Fash 3. Lowa knock/ring on he door / but / there be / no answer 4: She push / door which slowly creak / crock open 5 Asloure / walk into the hall / she hear / someone loughing/erying 6 Scared / she turn oround / but / heavy door/ clase/slam behind her 13 Filln: and, when, while, 25, 50 oF because, as in the example. 1 th wos raining this moxning so Hock an umbrella lo work 2 let london twas ten years old 3. John put on his coat let the house. 4 She decided not to buy the bicycle it was 100 expensive. 5. Maty cooked lunch | wes tired 6 | saw Bill diving @ new car | was waiting for the bus 7 Steve was hovering the carpets Mary wos dusting the furniture B It wos very dork he didn’t see the man crossing the road 38 hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic Choose a leader. He/She says where he/she wos last Scturday at 11 o'clock in the morning. The class, in teams, try to guess what he/she was doing. Each correct guess gels 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. leader: Last Saturday at 11 o'clock in the morning | was at ‘home, What wos | doing? Guess. Team A $1: Were you sleeping? leader: No, I wasn’t Team 8 $1: Were you doing your homework? leader: No, I wasn’t... etc * Adjectives /Adverbs e 14. Study the examples and complete the rules. Adjectives describe fun... They hove the same form in the singular and the plural. He iso elever boy. They are eever boys # Adverbs desctibe Vn.nnn. Most adverbs usually odd... 0 the odjecive. (careful -carellld Adjectives ending in te drop the e ond take y (terble-teribh| Adjectives ending in a consonant + y diop y and toke jl (happy happily) Iegulr forms: good -* well, had -* hard, fast > fst eatly ~ eaty, late + fate 15 Fill in the spaces with the correct form — adjective or adver — of these words, then answer the questions. ‘cold © daik © fast © stiong * heavy ® potient ® nervous © quick # sudden It was @ 1) cold (od) winter's night. There was o 2) song {od} wind blowing and 11 wos vaining 3) Jenny Moson wos standing at the bus slop in o 4} sheet, waiting 5) for the last bus home. 6) she heard footsteps coming 7) towards her. Her heart was beating 8) as she looked 9% nto the darkness. 1 When was i? 4. Whore was she? 2 Who! was he weather lite? 5 What was she doing? 3. Who isthe moin character? What happened? © Project Look at the Photo File section. Use the prompts to say, then write, « beginning and an ending to the story. eri237 ‘aterut xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version | FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic we xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version | FipHTMLS -ari2020 Lost IN THE DESERT Fick Anerson, a magazine pttogaptr had node what woul hapen to {iene st of te Satara Destin a smal pare st mon The ‘ew was beaut, but the sun was boting hot a Frank, the pt, lew Slowy over the desert. / Flick was taking lotures when e hear aloud bang. What's hatnoise?* he aid Frank “Somat wong wih he eng Fank yen lane began to lose altitude, They checked the radio, but it wasn't working Rick decided to go for a Fak i st in,u ewer iste, "You sty be sn {the rai," Rick sid He took a water bottle and stared waking. The sunwas burning his skin 2s he went on, hou after Rou. hough the hat eset. [2] JThew nas no wart ine baie 4 as tengo {ung bck wen be san sone peopl on camels he dane eof ‘hem was waving oink cubes ees He te fo mae ‘ack, but he el exhausted onto the sand, en ek opened sees he was nse a ent [IT] some Betoun sen on camels found me at the plane," Frank said softy. “Then we followed ‘yout footprints in the sand. Everytting’s tine now * Rick smiled gratetully 2nd sai “hans the Beto. On ~ aye we cnet fe te maga” hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic srr2020 faker xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pag Communication © At the doctor's Listen and fil in the missing words. en, in pairs, use the prompts fo act out similar dialogues. 20 A Good afternoon, Mr Brown. What's the 1) 2 B: | sprained my 2) while | wos iogaing | see. Can | have a 3) Yes, of course Dees it 4) 2 Yes, it does. You should keep this bandage on ond rest your cankle for the next few 5) oti? Serer ‘© Mis Barker / cut finger / slice vegetables / keep it clean / change the dressing every doy © Mr Peters / burn hand / light fire / tub this cream on / put « bandage on it * John / scrope knee / skateboard in the park / ‘wosh it carefully / put a plaster on it Vocabulary Practice 2] Vocabulary Revision Gome: in tems, make sentences with words/phrases from the * set off # plugged in * muddy # relieved * land the plane * fell exhousted © view * followed fooiprins ® head ached «yelled ‘realise # flooded * was waving * for oges * soid sollly © smiled © gioteflly * realise * wos hoovering ® wos getting ready 22 Fill in: i, into, on, over, at 1 to talk the phone; 2 to fal the water; 3 to land the mud; 4 to slip © rock; 5 to crash 0 199; 610 fly the desert; 7 lost the desert 8 the distance, 9 people camels 10 footprints the sond, 11 leost 23 Underline the correct word. 1 “I think there's something mistaken/wrong with the car,” John soid. 40 hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic 1-50- Text Version| FipHTMLS 2 haven't seen Ann for ime /oges. 3. Josh los/missed his way 10 York and slopped to ‘ask for directions 4 The pilot managed 10 bring/land the plane solely on the ground 5 What would you like for desert/dessert- opple pie or ice cream? 6 Con you please fosten/tie your seot bel? 7 His hood hut/ached because of the song sun 8 The sun wos boiling warm/hot os we reached Egypt. 2A Fill in the correct words from the list, then. make sentences. *# fo hang out ® soaking # to lose # to run #0 loud ® electic * cracked © boiling 1 guitar 5 obinude 2 obah 6 bong é wet 7 lips 4 hot 8 the woshing Pronunciation (silent /1/) 25 (\> listen and circle each tin bold which is not pronounced. Listen again and repeat. Listen to the tiny birds in their nest. Look at the castle! It's beautiful, isn’t it? Fasten your seat belts ond stop whistling. To write a story, we start by setting the scene: ‘we wete when and where the event happened, who the people in the story were, what the weather was like and what happened first In the main body paragraphs we describe the events in the order they happened. We con use and, alto, but, etc to join sentences of ideas. In the lost poragraph we write what happened in the end and how the people fell. We con use adjectives or adverbs lo moke our slory more inleresting. We normally use past tenses in stories 71237 ‘ater xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic ‘tert xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Text Version| FipHTMLS hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic sarr2020 ‘teri xan CLICK ON 2 teacher book Pages 1 - 50 Tex! Version| FipHTMLS 26 0} The pictures show what happened to Roy Dakin last summer in southern California, Which of these phrases can you use to say what hoppened? * sprained her ankle © orange flomes * swimming * start the car © fog © catch o train * thick smoke * leave immediate! © be alive © cut fi ‘© foshing light © relieved un fast © wi Nun! Wennve to leave ne hose now 7 b) Match the sentences (A) fo the pictures (1-4). Then, use phrases from a) above to complete the sentences. AT_]As Ray was going downstairs, he looked ou! of the window and saw [EAA lost he sow the lice cor through the smoke. ie desperately ried to but nothing hoppened about a mile oway in his bedroom ET] You'te lucky to one of the policemen said [FT While they were running, Maggie fell ond ¢) How did Ray feel in each picture? hitps:iphtmi5.cominjetzatalbasic 97 (> a) Listen to the story and correct the rilstoke bold in each topic sentence. 1 ras 0 geld; sunny morning in southern California last summet. h 2. He got up immediately and called his sister Noggee 3 The air was very hot and the wind was blowing white smoke towards the house 4. They both jumped out of the car and tan as fast as they could down the mountain 5. The nearby houses were now on fie cand there was thick smoke all round hem 6 Two firefighters con towards them and helped them into the cor ] Use the sentences above, together with the pictures and sentences in Ex. 26, to tell the story. Can you give another ending to the story? 2B Ateen magazine is running a competition for the best shor story with the file “Up in Flames” (120-150 words}. Write your story for the ‘competition. You can use the plan below, as wall os the information in Exs. 26-27. Plan - c= Introduction (Pora }) ser the scene who, where when, what) | Main Body | (Poras 2-3} develop the story fevents in the order they happened) Conclusion | (Pora 4) end the story; people's feelings.) 29. Read the information. Can you guess the survivor's name? do you know. On 5 December 1664, 0 boat rk while crossing the Menai Strat, off North Wales. Only one of the 81 passengers survived, wos Hugh Williams. On 5 December 1785, another boat sank in the ;ame place. There was only one survivor. His nome was Hugh Willis ° The only survivor's name was is nome 24 August 1820, another ship sonk there al 4 71237

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