Macn-R000130709 - Affidavit of Personum Jurisdiction

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moorisb national re public febtral gobtmmtnt

□ ~ sorittas rq,ublitat ta al maurikanos ~ □

moorisb bibittt attb national mobttntnt of tbt tnorllr
nortf,bldt amtxtm / nortbb:ltst affim / nortb amtrim / 'tbt nortb Batt' abjoininlJ
atlantis anb amtdmna tiianbi
□ ~ ltffllllt of tbt moon anb flln ~ □
tbt true anb bt jurt natural ptoplti - btiri of tbt laub
□ ~ ~ '::\>o

affibabit of soberei11t personam jurisbittion inbotation

notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent
nothing in this document is consent to be in any jurisdiction other than in the jurisdiction of our ancestral
inherited estate.

i am theodore moses antoine bey and all points in time.

"no UNITED STATES SERVICE CORPORATION CITIZEN has personamjurisdiction over the ab
original indigenous sovereign moorish american nationals".

all CORPORATE/corporate contracts with THEODORE WILBURT ANTOINE, and all derivatives thereof
are now publicly revoked, terminated, cancelled and abolished forever as all contracts that begin in fraud
remain in fraud.

tbtobort mold antotnt htp, a natural Jibing bt , mo�llmtfkan national/ coiuul / mtntittr
a free anlJ solJereign moorisb american national, in pVop_�ia perfona sui juris, sui berl'lles, in
solo proprio: nortbWl'st amexem / nortbwest africa / nortp america / 'tbe nortb gate'
temple of tbe moon anlJ sun: aU rigbts exerrisell �rrlr.rt.ilrrlJell at all times.

amen, amen dico vobis. quaecumque alligarveritis super lerram erunt ligata et Ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super lerram erunt solute et in
caelo amen, amen dico vobis, quaecumque alligarveritis super terram erunt ligata et Ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram enmt solute et
in caelo amen. amen dico vobis. quaecumque alligarvcritis super tcrram crunt ligata ct Ego in caclo el quaecumque solverilis super tcrram crunt solute
et in caelo

page 1 of 1 mam-r000130708_affidavit of sovereign personam jurisdiction - born name

ab original and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest arnexem / north africa / north america / 'the m.oroccan empire' -
continental united states: 'temple of the moon and "un': non - domestic. non- resident. non-subject- being the rightful heirs and
inheritors of the land.

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