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CLIC ON 3 = 9 Oo ca = oe Oo = s Student - Neil O'Sullivan Virginia Evans } Ass Express Publishing CLICK ON 3 WORKBOOK Student's Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan On Express Publishing Published by Expres Publishing in 2001 Libery House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berahire RG19 GHW Tal: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 ‘ema hp: //sewwexpresspublshing © Virginio Evans - Neil O'Sullivan, 2001 Design and illustration © Express Publishing, 2001 Fics published 2001, Fith impression 2007 ‘Made in EU All igh reserved. No port of this publication may be reproduce stored in o relieve system, of tasmited in any form, of by ony meons, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior writen permission ofthe publishers This book is not meant to be changed in ony woy. ISBN 978-1.942167250 Acknowledgements Aor’ Acknowledgements \We would Ike to thank ll he tf ct Exeress Publishing whe have contributed hi ls to producing tis book. Thanks for their support ond patience ore due in portvlar a: Megan Lawton [Editor in Chie), Stephane Smith and Seon Todd (senior ecto), Michoel Seder and Andrew Wight eda ewsstons, chord Whie [enor production corr, the Expres design team, and Kevin Has, David Smith, Timothy Fert, Slaven Gibbs, Eric Simmons and rc Taylor We would also like to thank these isons ond teaches whe piloted the manuscript, ond whose comments and Feedback wer ivalvoble in he production ofthe book Colour laos: Nahe, Chris © Express Publishing, 2001 ‘Wi evry hos been made ae al copyright hls, f anyhow bao nade oelstd he ubishes wil be pleted to make the necessary arrangements ot theft oppo. UNIT UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 UNIT 7 UNIT 8 UNIT 9 UNIT 10 Contents Busy Doys What o Story! .. On the Move Out and About Testy Treats All Work and No Play... Nature's Warning One Good Turn Deserves Another ‘A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body (ur Changing World Click on Grammar Present Simple, Adverbs of Frequency, Present Continuous, Relatives, Relative Clauses, Like ~ As Past Simple, Past Continuous, Personal Pronouns, Possessives, The Possessive Case Present Perfect, Ever ~ Never, Already ~ Yet — Just, For ~ Since, Present Perfect Continuous, Prepositions of Movement Comporatives, Superlatives, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Clauses of Purpose Countable / Uncountable Nouns, Will - Going to, Reflexive Pronouns, Conditionals Type 0 and Type 1, Result Clauses Infinitive ~-ing Form, Modal Verbs, Tenses of the Infinitive, Must ~ Con’ {essumptions} The Passive, Shall - Will/Would Question Tags, Short questions, Reporied Speech, Could - Wos able to Reported Questions, the Imperative, Reporting the Imperative, Exclamations Conditionals Type 2 and Type 3, Wishes, So ~ Neither ~ Nor ~ None ~ Either ~ All Irregular Verbs Progress Tests 10 16 22 28 34 a2 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 98 106 2 118 122 128 129 i Busy Days Vocabulary ] 4) Look at the pictures. Use the suffixes -er, -0r, «ian, ~,-i8¥0 write each person's job. 4 b) Use the prompts below fo say what each person does. un an office indoors/both? Which jobs are well-paid? Which involve travelling? 2. a) Match the jobs to the qualities. Then make sentences, os in the example, giving reasons . You can use your own ideas. QUALITIES A nurse has to be caring because she treats sick people. b] Which of the above jobs would you choose to do? Why? Use the prompts as well as your own ideas. paid * (no + regula u's * Interesting * sot | think would like to be a teacher. I's nice to work with children and | am patient. Teachers ore wellpaid and they work regular hours. | think i's ‘an interesting job. 3. Circle the correct response. 1A: Shall | opply for the Why not? How long does it take you to get to sch B: a Oh, it's not for. b Abou fifeen minutes Can you speck ony foreign languages? 8: aI speak German b But | don't have much experience A: Do you work long hours? B: a Yes. | often do overtime at weekends b I'm doing overime, You work as @ manager and have to interview somebody who has applied for a secretarial post. Use the prompls below to ‘ask questions, os in the example. * experience © skis @ fully qualified ‘© married # overtime Have you got experience as a secretary? 5 oon Fill in the correct word, * shift © suspect * patrol © quolty * licence * worth In busy city contres policemen ore on all day The new Stephen King novel is wel reading A driving insiuctor requites on instuctor’ to work CDs offer high sound. Kate had to work night all week. The police arrested an armed yesterday evening Choose the correct word to fill in the sentences. © harm # hut Be careful with thot knifel | don’t want you to yourself b Drinking @ small amount of coffee won't do you any * work # job © Ne gota lot of to do this morning, Tony has got o new * worth # volue @. This necklace is almost £1,000. b I don't know the exact ofthis vase * hear ¢ listen 4. Sshl | want to to this news report b Speak up! | can't you Complete the sentences with two to four words, including the word in bold. 1 Will you check my homework quickly ond tell ime if I've made any mistakes? look Will you cond tell me if 've made ony mistakes? 2. My neighbour tokes care of my cat when I'm on holidoy afer My neighbour when I'm on holidoy. 2 don't know a word, | find it in the dictionary. up IF don’t know 0 word, | » the dictionary. 4 The detective is investigating the crime looking The detecive is crime. 5. Will you help me try to find my keys? look Will you help me keys? Which of the following best describes your teacher/boss? Give reasons, os in the example, * polient © understanding * creative * knowledgeable ® confident # dedicoted Our teacher always helps us with our questions because she’s very patient. You are interviewing a telephone operator. Use who, when, how offen, how much, what, where, what time, etc to ask him as many questions as possible, as in the example, about: ae ‘routine ‘his freetime cacti ‘his work {pros & con qualities needed) his family his wages: What time do you usually get up? 10 Give five words/phre the following: j 11 Replace the words in bold with their synonyms from the list. © ordinary ® creative ¢ welkmannered © brave ® sad 1 Steven is very polite. He is never rude to anyone. 2 This film is really depressing. | can't stop crying 3 Cheryl writes wonderful stories, She's very imaginative. 4 Having cold is quite common. I's nothing to worry about 5 think firefighters ore extremely daring Grammar 12 Fillin: do, does, is, are, have, has. 1 Steve work as a batber? 2 Jone go! a lot of work at the ofice; that's why she’s doing overtime, 3 Andy and Bob going on a skiing tip next month? 4 Jason and laura imy problems too busy to listen to 5 yOu got experience os a ski instuctor? 6 Jennifer looking after my plants while I'm away. 7 hairdressers have to work long hours? 8 I think you fully qualified for this job 13. 4) Which of these do you do every day? ‘Make sentences about you and your fami using adverbs of frequency, as in the example. ‘My mum usually does the washing-up, but | never do. My dad sometimes does it, too. b) What are you/your family doing now? 14, Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous 1A {you/study) tonight? B: Yes, | {want} to do well in my finals 2A {Sve and Alan/work) long hours? 8B: Not really, but they often {do} overtime aA (julie/meet) us for lunch? B: I'm not sure, | {not/think) so. 4A: Whot time. the train/leave) for Manchester? 8: AV holf past five: 5A: What (Mork/do}? B: He {be} © milkman, He (deliver) milk 6 A: Where Uohn/stay]? B: Today? At the Milton Hotel 15, Use adverbs of frequency to talk about yourself. How offen do you: clean your room? watch the news? travel? play computer games? go to the cinema/theatre? play golf? go to the gym? cook your own food? 16 Fill in: who, which, whose or where. 1 A mechanic is a person epairs cars. 2 Janet is the gic brother is a vet 3. George works for « company manufactures cars 4 What's the name of the actoss husband is Bred Pit? 5. That's the shop 6 Loura meta man 7 That’ the hospital 8 Con you give me the book is on the top shelf? 9 The man 10 A lawn mower is a machine | buy amy clothes owns a cal. my father ives next door iso singer. we use fo cut gross. 17 Use who, which, whose, where to give definitions for the following: © supermarket her brary * basket * ola * bicycle © lifeguard * te Reading 18 0) Look at the pictures below and the ftle of the article in Ex. 194. What do you think it is about? b) Have you ever seen any of the animals in the pictures below? When? Where? Are there any parks for wild animals in your Pf) chime all } Guessing game. Can your classmates guess which animal you're describing? Use ‘words from the table below to describe the animals in the picture, or any other animals you can think of. carnivore | big,small, | body, ears, herbivore | heavy, —_ legs, claws, bird sharp, long, | beak, arms, mammal endangered thin, thick, | scales, fur, reptile species. short, _ feathers, insect colourful, | wings, head, wild animal | dark, bright, teeth, tall, strong | neck A: It iso mammal and a herbivore. It hos got Jong arms and dark fur. B: Is ita chimp? A: Yes, that’s right. ... etc 19 Read the article and choose the mos suitable heading from the list (AE) for each part (1-4). There is one heading that you do not need to use. Discover Id Meet the animals Feeding time for humans voe> Getting around E Wild creatures BEASTonished! jcover 2500 animals and some of te widest creatures on earth sot Ama art : "Sei park yur cv cra your own pao ae eau an 1) ead eight 102 orate! Wak fii aard tne Great Whibsnade Panay etd of Asian animals, elephants and ings “vas, The Siberian wer cubs and the ere at ase sas fbb cote 5) basking on their parent's back an 6) marvel as the flamingo - chiks tum pink Kids lve to meet ou eny animal he Gren’ Farm or ust have fan nthe Run Wd Pi | They can also test ther skils — can they ar by, climb ikea chimp or 7) charge lke a ino? fora awalaby, i gh ara wander Trova oe rsa rainforests for crocodiles, snakes, 2 you are in Asia as the igass by on their 8) stall around the park. eam you afe in te Antarctic wie you watoh the pengus Yn “ed, r in sunny Galforia as the sea ions splash around in ‘hele pool 4.150 i 7 te Tie Cate on the Lake oF n te Cookout Café wih a “hat meal ota snack: Have @ pen on ton of Mount Whipsnade and watch the animals visi helt favourite watering Mole, ~ ome to Whipsnade and prepare to beastonished! Sena aaa eee b) Read the article again and match the words in bold to their synonyms below. ina slow, relaxed way to be at the same height as photos, snapsho's (DIT ing in the sunshine express your wonder/admiration [EL travel through on o steam train jwandering around freely HL atack Communication {job interview) 20 9) Fill in: what (x2), why, when. A: Well, Mrs Simpson, 1] do you k for Toyne Trading? mpany which offers g experience do you have have three years’ experience as a soles assistant 3) would you be able to start work? Any time after 1st July fou have any questions? 9 B: That sounds fine. Thank yo b) Now use the prompls to act out si dialogues. INTERVIEWER INTERVIEWEE Why/work for us? What qualities/required? ‘married/single? How much/be earning? What/experience? _ What/working hours/like? When/start work? need/work overtime? Listening 21. You will hear o man, Mike, ond o woman, Kate, talking about work. For statements 1-6 tick (/) Yes if the statement is true and No if its false. 1 Mike doesn’t think being a vet is ewarding of a (ee 2 Farmers sometimes call Mike unnecessarily oo 3° Zoo animals are difficult to with wl od 4° Kate is 0 traine oo 5 The farmers know more about animals than Mike. Oa 6 Kate is ealous of Mike. =O O Writing (an informal letter talking about your job) 22 4) Read the letter below and fill in the gaps {A-E] with the topic sentences (1-5) 1. My daily rou 2 Ireally ike my 3 I'd better go now. 4 Hil How's everything going? 5. Being an estate agent is quite difficul e Is quite different now! Dear Amy, [A]! thought I'd drop you a line to tell you I've got a briliant new job. 'm working as an estate ogent for a large firm. The people are friendly and | really enjoy the work. {BL}! get up at seven o'clock because I have to be ot work by 8:30. It's not easy, | can tell youl In the mornings, | workin the office. | make appointments, tak to customers and write reports about the houses that people want to sell | prefer the afternoons, though, because then | take people to see houses, | usually finish work at five o'clock, but I sometimes work extra hours at weekends. | don't mind, because its an interesting job. (CLJ! have to be very persuasive to make people interested in buying the house and | need to be confident to speak to people I don’t know. Its cetoinly not a job for shy people! I also have to be quite organised and punctual and make sure | meet customers on time. [DI] tes great to be able to find the perfect house for customers, and the look on people's faces when they find their dream home makes me really happy. (E11! hope you can visit me soon. ! look forward to hearing all your news. Write soon! Love, Trocey b} Now read the letier again and answer the questions below. which .groph 23 Which of the phrases below are opening remarks (OR) and which are closing remarks (CRI? Mark them, os in the example. Which ‘of them could you use to replace the phrases in bold in the letter in Ex. 220? Well, I'd betier go and do some work. CR The reason I'm writing is R | can't wait to hear from you. Hil How are you? Sorry | haven't written for so long but I've been very busy * Wall, tha's all my news. ‘© Write back soon ‘© Drop mea line and tell me oll your news. © I'm writing to tell you # hope you're well © Sorry | haven't writen sooner, bu ‘When we write « letter too fiend tling him/her about ou job we can divide it ino five paragraphs. We seat with Deor + our Fiend’ frst name. Inthe intoduction, we wile cour opening remarks and the reasons| for writing. I the second paragraph, we describe our job routine using the simple present tense In he third paragraph, we wre obout the qualities that ore needed for this job. In the fourth Paragraph, we write about cur fealings |e. what we lke/don't lke about our job). In the conchsion, we waite cour closing remarks ond we sign of our leter with love,/Yous,/Best wishes /elc + our fist name. Note: In friendly letters we normally write in an informal siyle by using * everyday vocabulary (e.g. ! can't wait) qual expressions idioms e.g. drop me a fine| * phrasal verbs * short forms le.g 9 5 mee 2A Use the prompts below to describe a ski instructor's job routine yt wo z oo have. grovplescons with b © chowfhow to ski on flat land i o ° | Aiea advanced eee licated techniques = fabout ¢ix o'clock. 199 t | 2 z 2 = 3 4 le 25 Match the qualities (1-3) needed to be a ood ski instructor to the reasons (a-c), then make sentences, as in the example. (1 patient a spend all doy skiing (2L] responsible beach people o new skill fi € make sure that there ore no accidents 1b You need fo be patient to teach people a new skil 26 Here are some things that a ski instructor likes or dislikes about his/her job: coy % teach people how to ski @ ~ ‘ the looks on their faces when they ski down the slope for the frst time * people who think they know verything Now use the phrases in the boxes below to make sentences, as in the example. @ Likes » kes bike (+ -ing) = (What) hate). |- What ike mostis.. | (What) I can* stand (s) |— The best thing is [ike teaching people how to ski 7 J You have found a job as a sk instructor at @ | ski reson. Write 0 letter to friend | describing your job routine, the qualities | needed for this job and your feelings about it | (150-180 words). Use the plan below and the ideas in Exs. 23- 26 to write your leer. You can also use the letter in Ex. 22a as a model. aa —— Introduction [Para 1) reasons for wrthg ‘Main Body i describe job routine [Pora 3) [Para 4} Conclusion [Pore 5) closing remarks What a Story! Vocabulary ] 0} Match the pictures to the newspaper headings, then fill in the missing words, B ‘Two people lost a sea afer mysttons ——— Road collapses when strikes Terrifying. caused by pilot losing control, <0 Carls smoking coves result in terrible in oporiment buldng fr rail tracks | | disastrous avin le =(FT | hurricane b) Talk about the newspaper headlines, os in the example. last weekend two people were los! at sea after a mysterious shipwreck Choose the correct word to fill in the sentences, then say what is being described in each sentence, as in the example. ‘oken into 5 © gun # w id @ man corrying a 3 Have you ever felt relieved” shocked? proud? embarrassed? awhul? frightened? exhausted? Use these adjectives with the prompts below to ask and answer questions, as in the example. Have you ever felt relieved? Yes, I have, When? When | passed all my exams pba A. Circle the correct response. escoped pr eC eNoULen—| > Thanks for calling us. You're welcome. b Oh, nol Did you hear the news? Ted's house burnt down B: a Whot's wrong? b. What caused it? ‘A: We olmost drowned in «boating accident yesterdoy. B: @ Well, ot least you're safe now. b Icon see. . (0) Match the words in column A to the words in column B. A 8 laugh with @ fire | come to b in horror | give © abroad | freeze din fight | lose @ onend | limb f lief travel 9 control catch h oboard jump 1 a. waim welcome ) Now use the phrases to complete the sentences below. There are three phrases you do not need fo use. The rescue team helped the shipwreck victims to the boat. We waited at the airport to. to the survivors Iris very easy for motoreyelists to con wet roads. The crowd hoped the thunderstorm would The loud noise made the children ‘One of my biggest dreams when I was young wos 10 ‘¢) Make sentences with the phrases you didn’t use. Complete each sentence with two to four words, including the word in bold. When Sue heard the news about the accident she lost control and started crying, broke = When Sue heard the news about the accident and started crying. V wi Why hes Luke ended his relationship with Mary? up Why has Luke Mary? When | fainted, Tom helped me regain ‘consciousness by giving me o glass of water. brought When | fainted, Tom by giving me o glass of water Why don't you mention the subject during the meeting? bring Why don't you during the meeting? The council would like to introduce changes to the parking laws. about The council would like to the parking laws Grammar Complete the fext with the past simple of the verbs in the list. burst ® leave ® travel © beg # see * decide ® hear # find * teach ‘One day, 0 young Bedouin man called Ali that traders were coming to his town. He 2) to join their coravan, which 3) coves SIC85 across the Sahara When his mother 4} out, she 5) him not to leave. But Ali 6 the next morning. He 7 by camel ond 8) beautiful towns. The traders 9} 8 1 him everything about the desert. The following year, Ali 10) kitcher carrying gi | into his and exotic spices mother's Underline the correct item. Yesterday, | got up/was geting up early and caught/was catching the bus. The teom was stil raining tll rained for the match at 8 o'clock in the evening. Dovid was chatting/chatted on the phone while was trying/tried to get through. 7 12 1 girs/eat/ watermelon jconre read/was reading o book when he starting playing the electric guitar He was climbing/climbed Noun The rocket was landing/landed were collecting/callected mineral samples My grandmother planted/was planting roses in th | pulled/was pulling ou! the we: | teceived/was receiving Pele’ let lost week. started/was den while Use the prompts to say what the people were doing at 6 o'clock last Sunday, as in the example. 7 2. John’s dad/point/ door of he colioge 3. Samantho/teach/ dog/new ticks 4 Mike's grondfather/ ‘ke/leaves 1 A: What were the girls doing at 6 o'clock last Sunday? B: They were eating watermelon. 10 Look at the note John’s boss left for him, then ask and answer questions, as in the example. John, Can you please do the following before | get * fox the reports to Tokyo W # arrange business lunch with Mr Adams 7 type letters x * cancel 2 pm meeting X book tickets to Warsow 7 # pick up clothes from dry cleaners X Thanks, Ms lipton ‘A: Did John fax the reports to Tokyo? B Yes, he did. 11] Read the extract and use when, where, what, why to ask and ‘answer questions, as in the example. jeor-old Bobby Marcus from Surrey 10s thrown off his Friday night. He was riding along West Terrace when o The driver said that he didn't see him becouse of hit him hick fog Fortunately, the young boy escaped serous injury A: When was Bobby Marcus riding his bicycle? B: On Friday night. 12 0) Use the adjectives in the list to describe the pictures, «8 in the example, # block * leather # round * proud sted + blue * large delicious 4 © white * beautiful * brown * \cosvol * wooden, W's @ proud black eagle with a white head and chest. b) Guessing Game. Look ceround you and choose an item to describe. Can your classmates guess what you're describing? A: I's brown and it's made of leather. B: Is ito schoolbag? A: Yes, itis. 13 Underline the correct item. 1 My mother checked to see i everything wos switched of before/while we lef. 2 The fans were having o good ime al the concert while/until 3 Everyone left the campsite when/while they heard abou the bush fires 4 Afer/While the play, the leading actress « bouquet of flowers 5 You should always brush your teeth while before going '0 bed 6 My fiends a | sometimes go for pizza after/until school 7 | always listen to music while/until I'm ironing 8 Peter cut his han Bi untl/while he was preparing the salad Reading |4 9) Look at the pictures and the title and try to guess what happened. b) Read the story and number the pictures in the correct order. When Chris and Lizzie won « helidey competition, they couldn't believe their luck. They flew to Moputo, where they met their Afican guide, Siso. Siso drove them in fis jeep 10 the green banks of the great Limpopo River. They climbed into small wooden canoe and begon on adventure they would never forget The canoe glided silenly through the Limpopo’ slow moving water. Relaxing, Chis and lizzie looked at ol the nferesting riverside planis ond tees, and the coloutul birds which flew across the river, They fel ike ‘rect explorers in on unknown land. {ust then, on enormous grey crocodile slthered down the muddy bonk and slid info the water, The foint splash made lizzie jump. “Don't wary, lizzie," Siso said, “There are plenty of crocodiles around, but they ‘re nol o danger fo us.” But Lizzie was right to feel nervous; a minute loler they noticed not one, but ot least ten other crocodiles. swimming towards the canoel Plunging his oar info the water, Siso quickly began cowing the canoe away from danger ... but the codiles followed. Chris grabbed the other oor and sored to beot the water furiously, trying o scare them aif The narrow boat rocked dangerously, causing lizzie to scream in panic. Suddenly, they were surrounded by 0 dozen paics of sopping jaws which crunched ond smashed both cats to pieces. Now there seemed to be no escape! ‘AY that moment, 0 large fishing boot appeared. Hearing the tertfied cies of the people in the cance, the boa's captain realised what was happening immediately, he ordered his crew to throw some of the fish they had cough! that day back into the iver Smelling the fish, the crocodiles swam towards the middle of the river, where o much easier meal was waiting for them. Thanks 10 the coplains quick thinking, Siso ond his fiends were rescued justin ime, Safely on board the fishing boat, Chris pulled Nwo rather wet postcards from his pocket. Smiling, he soid ‘Atleast we have a story 19 tell our friends back in England.” ‘Thats for sue,” lize replied, “but do you think they'll believe us?” ere Holiday of a Lifetime! } Put the events in he the prompls and the pictures to tell the story. The captain of a fishing boat come to their rescue. The crocodiles attacked, so Chris and Siso tried fo keep them away. Chris and Lizzie met Sisa. They went on canoe ride. They were all safe on the fishing boat 13 Communication {talking about an accident) 15 4 Put the conversation inthe right order. How awfull What did you do? Wow! You're o 1_] Hi! How was your weekend? Oh, no! Did it crash? [J thot was brave of you How many people were inside the cor? Why? What happened? Well, | was driving home from a party when a car went past me, aut of control. I didnt think about it. | jst did what | had to do. [2]! wos certainly ex {11 called the ambulance on my mobile, then | ran to the three people inside. | knew the car ight burst into flames, so | opened the door and pulled them out [Dv¥es. left the road and hit a telephone pole b) Imagine you witness the accident in the picture below. Use the questions and the prompts below to act out a similar dialogue © What happened? * Whot did you do? # Wes onyone injured? * Did you call... ? * bridge/collapse * can to edge of bridge © ombulance/ traffic police Listening 16 (> You will hear some people talking about Tour different situations. For questions 1-4, choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1. Paul is talking about. A acorcra B a plone crosh CC a house fire. 2. Olivia wos grateful to A because he co B forhis sailing skil C for not being 14 3. How does the woman react fo the man's advice? A gratefully B doubriully C itonically 4 How does the woman feel now’? A hoppy thot she survived B still frightened upset because her house was destroyed Writing (third-person narrative) When we write a story, we begin by setting the scene (i.e. we write when ond where the story ook place, who wos involved in the story, what happened firs and/or what the weather was like). n the main body [paras 2-4), we develop the siory by describing what happened in detail. We write chronological order. To show the sequence of events the events in Je use lime words such os of firs, then, while, when ater, before, fin in the last paragraph we end he story by referring to people's feelings, reactions or comments ond the consequences of their actions. We variely of adjectives, adverbs and verbs to more interesting, We normally use post make the st tenses in stories, We can use direct speech to m our narration move lively. V ost par longer, mote sophislcated ore can use pre les 10 join two simple sentences into a She opened the window. She sow a stranger epproaching. ‘Opening the window, she saw a sanger approaching She was excited. She set off for the party. Excited, she set off for the party 17 Fill in the sentences with the post simple of the verbs in the list below, then match them to the pictures in Ex. 18. ego oute dig out © reach # begin * follow # meet # pick ® tell AT] the suiel rant the foot of o tae ond something half burie BJ_] The next morning, when Rosie 2) her next door neighbour, she 3) rim about her adventure in the woods. 2 21 Join the sentences, using present or past participles. 18 Look ot the pictures. Which show(s): sb wearing a coat? a torch? a path? a squirrel digging in fallen leaves? o cottage? What do you think the story is about? 22 Use the plan below and your answers in Exs. 17-21 to write @ short story entitled ‘More than Luck for a teen magazine competition (120 - 180 words). You can use the story in Ex. 14 as a model. Plan t= Introduction Para 1 here, Main Body i Paras 2-4) Conclusion Final 15 On the Move Vocabulary ‘) What would you take with you if you ‘went; on a business trip? on @ Wwoweek cruise? on o camping holiday? to a Sstar hotel? Choose from the list. You can use your own ideas. * travel alarm clock # high-heeled shoes ‘Tshirts @ shoris ® jumper # beach towel * traveller's cheques cool box # binoculars * camera * swimsuit raincoat © trainers # sandals # suntan lotion + insect reps driving licence * sunglasses en # compass port ing bag helmet © sur # matches * flask © penksi * hiking boots # money bel * torch * first aid kit # mobile phone | went on @ business trip, 'd take my travel alarm clock with me. A 8 16 b) In poirs, ask and answer, as in the example. Would you take a camera with you on a business trip? No, I don’t think so. I'd have to attend meetings, so | don’t think I'd have any free time to go sightseeing. Would you fake a raincoat with you? Yes, because it might rain 2. Match the words below to form as many compound nouns as possible. What do you need them for? bag knife glasses. clock money sun belt — lotion = pen rain suit coat sleeping wet hiking alarm — suntan sleeping bog - You need a sleeping bag to sleep in when you go camping. Write the opposites, then make sentences PP using them. 1 cold #h 5 cromped # 2 6 owlul # 3 7 ug # 4 rainy # 8 plain # Is very hot in Aico. A. Fillin: compass, screens, binoculars, turned, traffic, start, scenery, take, trip, round. 1 You can 4 flight over the Victoria Fall. 2 Usea to find your way, 3 Are you going on that rafting 2 4 You can use to see things from a distance. 5. You can’choose to play a of golt if you want to 6 We've been waiting for hours and she hasn't up yet 7 You can enjoy the breathtaking from th & “Set off’ means 9 Check the departure times on the 10 They ore late. They might ha got stuck in 5) Find how these words are connected. Then make sentences, as in the example. # Asia ® Africa # Australia continer # department store ® jewellers a 4 * caravan * 5 © humid © hot # mild 6 * Paris # london ® Madrid Asia, Africa and Australia are all continents 6 Use the words related to the means of transport to make sentences, 1s in the example. Grosle place py eerie a * passengers © station © driver (nouns verbs >) * compartment ¢ © t on ott # tracks . roc t off © wait Creople Use the words in the list to ; complete the tex. # cyclist scyclecath °Pl yele po * passengers # en suite # unforgettable * flight attendant * breathiakin * entrance * * private © wide If you want to experience F al the 1) - . veibs 7p 20enery of the Rocky Crouns verbs (C nouns ? Mountains, then we gears * cycle © ride © seatbelt © runway * fy * toke off © land recommend you stay ab ack ® check in © fasten Stone's Bed and Breakfast. Guests will enjoy the 2) Bs accommodation of this 7 2) Name as many types of climate as you can think of. redecorated lodge. All rooms have 3) facilities and a(n) © heli # brakes * wear * luggage « J always catch the 7:15 train to work. When I get fo the station there are a lot of passengers on the platform. ete b) Use words from thelist fo talk about the climate where you live, ‘and in other countries you know about, asin the example, 4) Sone * hot * heavy tain ® hot and humid * cool to cold at night with an open fireplace. # wet # roiny ® mild summers © cold winters The lodge offers a7) 5) variety Sydney has « humid subtropical climate. It has hot summers and cool winters, with some rain all year round. Pieper ae walks for nature lovers. @ .. fees to Yellowstone National 8 Circle the correct response. 1A: How long have you been here Park are included in the B: a Almost a week price. This will certainly b A month Be ath) 7) carota 2. A: Where can he be? trip for all the family B: a He must have got stuck in traffic b No, he can't V7 10 Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the brackets. Dear Sally, We have been travelling around Malaysia for ten days. It is a really 1) : (beauty) country. We watched a 2) x (tropic) thundersiorm yesterday ~ it was the fist really 3) (rain) day we have hhad since we arrived here. Graham has been taking lots of photographs. We have also been shopping a “ street market souvenirs is quite 4) E = i Gee Paul bought @ gift for is imum which looks like @ 5) 3 (price) antique. Our hotel is a 6 ae There are four swimming pools; ae De (cirele) and is surrounded by exotic plants. We can see the ‘Petronas Towers from our balcony. They are 8) ss .. (spectacle)! We don't want to leave this lovely place! Lots of love, Adrienne 18 11] , Complete the sentences with two to four words, including the word in bold. 1. Sarah recovered from the fall quickly because she stayed in bed. ‘over Because she stayed in bed the fall quickly. 2 Brian found it difficult to manage on his unemployment benefit every month get Brion found it difficult his unemployment benefit every month 3 Alistair thought he wouldn't be punished for breaking the window. way Alistair thought he breoking the window. 4. The mountain guide had to be out of bed by 6am every day. up The mountain guide had to 6am every day 12. Underline the correct item 1. | wait/expect the guests will arrive soon. 2 The hunter followed the bear's footsteps/ footprints Jone didn’t agree/accept our invitation to dinner. 4. The lost/latest train left five minutes ago. 5 Using a computer makes my head ache/ pain 6 Can you please chop/break the onions? 7 How leng/far is York from here? 8 9 0 Wl be with you short/shorly. Can you feed/eat the dog, please? Have you seen the new announcement/ advertisement fo: Pizza Giovanni? 11 He spent the all/whole doy in the garden 13 Match the items to form phrases, then ask questions with ever, os in the exampl 1 dye 4 a. sb nomes 2 mow b in public 3 go © the lawn 4 chop d_ your hair 5 call eo prize 6 win £ yourself out 7 lock g_ bungee-jumping 8 sing h wood ‘A: Have you ever dyed your hair? B: Yes, | have./No, | haven't. Grammar 14 Fill in: along, past, to, around, down, through, ot, over, up, from. 1 They've been cycling Europe. 2 She lives in a big house the top. of the hill. 3 Jim's car broke down miles the nearest garage. 4 We went for a lovely walk he fiver bonk. 5. Does this bus go the town centre? 6 He caused an accident when he went a red light 7. The horse jumped the hedge. 8 He walked me and didn’t even say ‘Hello 9 She ran he street calling his name. 10 The fireman climbed the tree to rescve the frightened kitlen 15 The people below have gore = Communication ‘camping. What have they been doing since 11 o'clock this morning? In pairs, act out dialogues using the prompts below, as in the example, 18 Complete the dialogue with phrases from the list. Draw a line which shows the route speaker A should follow. * turn left/right again) # on the corner * on the left/right © Mr Rogets/put up/tent * go post * opposite © take the first tuning ® on/between © Mis Rogers/prepare lunch © at the traific lights * go along * Miss Simpson/sunbathe * Amy and Keith/swim/in lake * Jack and Gory/climb trees * Cindy/pick flowers As Is Mr Rogers putting up the tent? B: Yes, he has been putting up the tent since 11 o’clock 16 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form ofthe present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Scientists say they 1) [discover] a new wonder drug thet can help people lose weight without hoving to diet or take exercise. They 2) (ies) the drug on laboratory rats for the past year and say they 3) (have) good results. "We 4) {not/stan} testing the drug on humans yet, but it won't be long before we do," said Professor Higgins. ‘A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Tony's Pizza, please? Although research 5) B: Of course. 1] Go along London Road, then 2} nto (show) that there Green Street. 3] ‘again into Park Lane, then may be a market for the new 4) Park lone, 5) the pork and wonder drug, dietician Rosemary Park Lane café, then 6) into Birch Steet, Connors is against the idea. She 7} again into Milton Street. Tony's Pizzo is soys, “The only safe way to lose next to the art gallery. weight 6) A: Thank you very much, (always/be} o balanced diet and regular exercise In pairs, osk for and give directions to get to the following laces. 17 Make sentences about : yourself using ever, never, yer, for, since, just, already, irom the sports centre to Benji’s Restaurant irom the library to the ort gallery ® from the post office to the theatre Acapulco is the bes! place I've ever visited 19 Reading 9 0} Have you ever travelled abrood? Which places have you visited? What do you know about their history? What did you see/do there? What were the people like? bb Read the text and fill in the do not need to use. water everywhere in Bali w a line in the sand. Joubt about its charms. ork boicand clack « eu Areca Cee ee popular resorts. EI Soon, luxurious hot ee ec Reh) oe 4) ue Peer em can and, of course, the clear, blue sea. The people of y wash in the waterfalls and canals ) Suggest synonyms/opposites for the words highlighted in the text d) Give three reasons why somebody should visit Bali @) Why has the writer weitten the article? Tick vy). [Lite make Bali famous (to help the Balinese [to attract visitors to the island Listening 20 You will heor four different speckers Yélking about problems they have when travelling. For speakers 1 - 4 choose from the list A- E which statement applies to each speaker. There is one extra statement that you do not need to use. A This ing sentences from the list below. There is one sentence which you Ce Writing (an article about a place) }|_ 0} Read the article and label the paragraphs (1-5) with the correct headings (A-E) honest T]_] Acopuleo is o laige town on the soubwest 0681 of Mexico. With its warm climate and excellent beaches, it is @ popular resort and the perfect destination for an unforgettable holiday. [2 [_] Acapulco has several tourist atractions-which ‘are worth visling. Among these is Rocket Island in ‘Acapulco Boy. Tourists can travel to Rocket Island on a { glassbottomed boat and visit the island's small 200. However, Acapulco's most famous toutst atraction is the amazing show offered at lo Quebrada cli, where professional divers leap from cif ledges inlo the rough waiers below. & [_] There are pleniy of places to go shopping in ‘Acapulco. There are large modern shops and small e tourists con buy attractive Mexican blankets, jewellery cand omnamens [4 [_] Nightlife in Acapuco is exciing. There ore a Tot oF music and dance clubs which ore extremely popular with young people, The ares is also well Known for is foshionable restaurants, which offer o variety of dishes from around the word [5 [_] Acopulco is « town that has something o offer ‘everyone, It's the ideol choice for an exciting break ‘owoy fiom home, b) Underline the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs. Suggest other appropriate ‘ones. Where could you read this article? ¢) Suggest on appropriate title, When we write an article about a place we can divide it into five paragraphs. In the intoduction, we wile the name and location of the place and the reason for chocsing i. In the second paragraph we describe the things we can see and do there. In he third paragraph ‘we write about where we can go shopping, and in the fouth paragraph we write obout rightife/restourans. In ‘he conclusion, we write our comments /felings ond /or «@ recommendation. We nommally use present lenses os wel as 6 variety of adjectives. 22. Join the sentences below, using the words in bold. 1. Rome is the ideal holiday destination. It has a foscinaling culture and spectacular monuments. (with) 2 Rome has many tourist attractions. They are no! to be missed (which) stent 3 There are also mony shops oround Rome. There you can buy beautiful souvenirs. [where] 4 Rome has amazing music clubs. They are popular with young people. (which} 23 a} Decide on your country’s most important holiday resort and complete the spidergraph. Then, talk about the place, os in the example. location boutiques. Thete ate also several flea markets where | shopping nightlife/restaurants Rome iso historic city in central italy. i ) Suggest appropriate topic sentences for each paragraph, then use your notes to make supporting sentences, ¢} Choose phrases from the lst to recommend the place, * on excellent holiday resort * o visit to remember # « tip not fo be missed * 0 perfect choice an ideo! place for @ holiday * 0 grea! place fora relaxing break Write an orticle for an international travel magazine describing your country’s most important holiday resort (120-180 words). Use the plan below and your answers in Ex. 22 and 23 to help you. You can use the arttcle in Ex. 21 as a model. Plan sete | Introduction |) Pore 1) name, location, reason for i choosing it | Main Body |) (Para 2] things to see/do Fora 3} shopping f) (Pora 4 fe, restaurants Conclusion i Para 5} feelings/comments and/or sommendation 22 Out and About Vocabulary ] 0) Use the words to make true sentences about the places in the pictures. * congeste! \/crowded steels # trendy shops + ancient monuments # picturesque vi ields © busy she centres # stresstl lifestyle # tll bul © exciting nightlife * oil countryside * s * polluted air © Phuket hos many sandy, deserted beaches. b) Talk about the place where you live, or o place you've visited. Say where itis, what a Visitor can see/do there, where he could stay/eat and what he could buy. 2 a) Write the opposites. City Countryside olluied air modern hi ing nightlife OURON= b) Now use the words in the chart to compare life in the city and life in the countryside. Where would you rather live? Why? The air in the countryside is cleaner than it is in big cities. 3 Think of your journey to school/work. What do you see on your way there? I catch the 7:15 bus to work. On my way, I see the Town Hall A. 4) Motch the verbs to the nouns. lose unburn get flight leave -.. behind passport b) Have ony of the above ever happened to you? What did you do? Ask and answer ‘questions, as in the example Have you ever lost your passport? Yes, | have, What did you do? | reported it to the police es 5 Circle the correct response. 4} Fill in: spoil, springs, trendy, winding, _— 9) panoramic, cobbled, unspoiled. 1 We wor’? let the weath 2. We took a long walk through the sireets of Allama 3. The hotel hos a(n view 4 You will ind some of the mos countryside in England. 5 The tiver ran through the vill 6 Every year he went to ho! hink you may find those shoes in one of the shops in town b) Give five reasons why someone should visit your country, os in the example. There are breathtaking views of snow-capped ‘mountains. 7 4] Underline the correct item forgot/left my umbrella at home ‘You must fasten/tie your seatbelt before dri n't understand/realise whot to Guess/Imagine thot you are on o island 5 Hoving giown up in the suburbs/city centre, he wes used to a quiet lifestyle, 6 Ic ess becouse | knew suil/match your taste i 2 3 4 would b) Make sentences with the words you didn’t use While on holiday you lost your passport. yy Explain to your friend: Complete the sentences with two to four words, including the word in bold. lust bought a comera because she phy interesting, interested Saich hos jus! because bought @ camera job offer in order to finish his studies offer in order to finish his studies 3 The actress proved to be much younger than she looks on TV, fumed The much younger than she looks on TV. 4 There was no one on the beach when we artived deserted = The beach we ortv 5 The airline lost my suitcase when | flew to Paris, and it arived in Moscow! tumed The airline lost my suitcase when | flew to Paris, \ Grammar 10 Match the phrases in the two columns, then make complete sentences, putting the verbs in the correct tense, CITE] she/tesign ° He/turm down the the neighbours / music b she/lose/her number Tom's mother/be ¢ because/she/ ee breok/her arm BD) sesen not at d_he/do/very well o SI] Merian/not call Cathy © she/find beter She resigned because she had found a better job. 11] Look at the table ond compare the three department stores, expensive) big modem | popular Hotrods VVV vd VV Vdd Debenhams 7 tiles lberys vv |v |v ivv Harrods is the most expensive of the three. Debenhams isn’t as big as Harrods 23 12 Fillin: thon, 05, of less, much. 1 The beach here is | | th | 2. Shopping her department store 3. That's the most imp 4 This one | read last month. 5 The documentary ight wos ‘expensive than the one 13 Make trve sentences about yourself, using the superlative ofthe adjectives in the box below. Talk about: a film you've se * a book you've read * a hotel you've stayed at * 0 shopping centre you nner at good, bad, expensive dirty, noisy amazing, inleresting, congested, boring, coloutu ied, pretty, quiet, modem “The Mask” is the worst film I've ever seen. 14, Think of five things you need to take with you ‘on a hiking holiday. Choose from the list and sive reasons why you need them. Use fo, so that, in case. # mosquito repellent © diary ® map fs © Tshirt © money belt meta & film # hos * tent @ sleeping bag {need to take mosquito repellent fo keep mosquitoes owoy. 24 15 Join the sentences, as in the example. 3 We'll 4 Icalled him |!" he called her. 5 Ann stayed in he could ha 6 Mike lived in ‘ond quiet. a cotloge Il go out to buy some bread. Communication {reporting lost items) Read the dialogue ond complete the questions. Then, in poirs, read the dialogue loud snoon, madam. How 1} you? B: I'd like to report a lost credit cord, please A: | see. Can 2) 8: OF Ws Diane Peters, A: And when 3} Ms Peters? B: Well, | noticed it was gone yesterday evening A: OK. Ill cancel it ond issue you with a new one, B: Thank you. 4) I receive the new one? le of doys 17 4) You want fo travel to Manchester and you're at the train station. Think about the questions you will need to ask and answer. Use the following phrases to help you. * direct train to ... ° time * ticket # single or return # cost b} In pairs, act out the dialogue. Begin like this: A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. Con you tell me if there is a listening Rei oe acne ton Care mk Lead eee rem ck} ee ote ee Castle - Special Events COM eect nee country do they remind you of? What kind of holiday do you think is being offered in the Oe Ru ered Se eee ee ene Mice ead ahd eM en ci? eee emer) eg Roe on enc Ceres eee ec ea) Bea ea Caravan If you've ever dreamt of traveling across the Sahara desert on ‘camel, you'l be surprised to know that your dream can come twue! Traveler's Tales offers a ten-day caravan adventure which will allow you to experience the mage and mystery of the Grand Sahara Desert andthe nove of traveling by camel (ur journey begins with a flight on @ comfortable jet from London Heathrow to Casablanca After a shortstop in that famous city, we ly on to Quarzazate, a Moroccan town on the edge ofthe Sahara Desert. We wil spend te fst day exploring the historic sights of Ovaeazate and enjoying the unique Moroccan cuisine. (On the second day, our true adventure begins, as we meet the ccamels which wil carry us safly across the dese. Aer passing villages where people lve amast exactly as they dd 1000 years go, we wil join the caravan, We will enjoy the desert sunset and spend the night under the stars, wih cool breezes gent biowing through our tents. For the next si days, our camel caravan will take us across sand dunes, through valeys and into oases where __ alm tres grow. At night, we wil set up camp and ig for water for our camels, then sit around a campfie crinking traditional mint tea under the desert skies. (nthe eighth day, we will retum to Casablanca and enjoy @ tour of Morocco's capital city before having & final dinner together in our hotel, ‘We guarantee that our ten-day journey will be an experience you wil never forget. tis not usta holiday ~ its a true adventure. Call 01967 362158 to book your caravan adventure : : 26 Writing (an assessment report) 20 } Read the rubric, hen fll in the sentences (1-5) in the report which follows. Write a report assessing the suitability of Court's Hotel for family holidays. Describe the accommodation, the staff, and the facilities and services. 1 All stoff have received training in first aid and giving medical attention. 2 Childcare assistonts supervise this area every day from 8 am to 3 pm. 3. The aim of this report is to assess the suitability cof Cout'’s Hotel for family holidays 4 | would only recommend this hotel to families with older children 5. Cout’s Hotel contains 10 fomilysize rooms which ore extremely spacious To: Mr Starr, Manager, B&B lid From: Mrs P Terry, Assistant Manager Subject: Coun's Hotel Dole: 31st March 2001 A. Purpose 8 Each room could easily accommodate a family of six ond has a small fridge. However, the electrical equipment is not checked regularly and is not fited with safely locks G ‘Alhough they oren't available ot all hours of the doy, they ore polite and friendly and will be happy to resolve any problems that guests may hove, D Cours Hotel has © play oreo with various activites. The hotel offers a free babysitting service for children aged 3 years and over. Despite the fact that it olso has @ children’s swimming pool, there is only one lifeguard, who is not on duty all day. E (On the whole, even though Court's Hotel offers, some excellent facilities and activities, it may not oppeal to families with very young children. b) Now match the subheadings below to the paragraphs (A€} # Purpose * Facilties/Services * Stoff © Recommendation * Accommodation When we write on assessment report we divide it info three parts: the introduction, the main body and the conclusion. In the inkoduction we clearly state the purpose of the report. In the main body we present each main topic in a new paragraph under fan oppropriste heading, We present the positive and/or negative aspects of each topic in the some paragraph. The number of paragraphs depends on the number of main topics you want fo include. In the conclusion we give @ general impression and moke cut recommendation Nole: © We chvoys write assessment reports in formal syle. (i. full verb forms, impersonal language, et) We normally use present tenses. We can also use past tenses for reporis related to pos everts. 21 0} Look atthe sentences below and identity which describe positive aspects (P), and which describe negative aspects (N). a. The campsite is quite small. N b The small swimming pool is suitable for young children ¢ It may not be suitable for families. d_ Hot water is only provided in the evenings. The campsite has a very friendly otmosphere. The campsite is idecl for people who prefer more peaceful holidays g_ The small swimming pool is not supervised h Washing machines are avoiloble. i There are several showers. | The washing machines are expensive b} Now use linking words expressing contrast falthough, however, even though) to join each positive point with the matching negative one, and rewrite them below. One has been done for you, as an example. 1 ae Even though the compsite is quite small, ithas a very hriendly atmosphere. 2 3 ‘c) Match the sentences in Ex. 21b to the sub- headings below. * Facilites: # Atmosphere: J Look at the advertizement for Hydale Campsite and answer the questions below. thenight oNVeN elma Rerelalleks disco and between “and ye ae eee eee 1 Whet can you do on Friday and Saturday evenings? How much do you have to pay to go dancing? What can you do early in the morning? How old do you have to be fo take part in the organised games? RON Ek ‘The sentences below are written in an inappropriate style. Rewrite them in an ‘appropriate way. 1:1 want to know if Hydale Campsite is suitable for family holidays 2 The compsite is small, but really good 3. As you can see, the campsite is OK for family holidays 24, Read the rubric and underline the key words. How many paragraphs are you going to write and why? Write @ report about Hydale Campsite | for the editor of “Camper's Guide" tourist | magazine, assessing suitability for family holidays. Write your report desc! ond atmosphere of the camp: 25, Use the plan below and your answers in Exs. 21-23 to write your report. Use the report in Ex. 20a as a model (120-180 words). From: Subject: Date: Introduction [Para 1] state the purpose and content of your report Main Body [Para 2-4) present the positive and/or negative aspects in detail under opproprte subheadings Conclusion [Fincl general assessment and/or paragraph] opinion/recommendation 21 2.0) Which of the following dishes and desserts are: hot and spicy? sweet? juicy? crunchy? creamy? sour? low fat? Tasty Treats Vocabulary ] 4) Which group do the following foods belong to? Use the words below to complete the fable, then add as mony examples of these foods as you can. 2 3 3 b) Which of these dishes/desserts do you a like /not like eating? Give reasons. | like eating chicken wings with sauce because they're hot and spicy. 5 ¢} Which of the dishes/desserts above would you prepare for: a children’s party? «a dinner for vegetarians? a Sunday lunch for farily? b) Ask and answer questions, as in the your family example, to find out which of the foods cy You are preparing a birthday party for your above are high in vitamins, calcium, protein, friend. In pairs, decide on the menu, using fibre, iron and calories. phrases from the list. A: Are fruits high in calcium? oT think Il... @ ink thet B: No, they oren’t. Fruits are high in vitamins. : | think I'll do chicken wings. That would be great. We could also have fried prawns. A: Yes, but John doesn’t like seafood. How about... etc c] Which of the above foods do you eat: every day? once a week? twice a week? Which of them do you like/not like eating? p> 28 4. Match the products to the sections, then ask cand answer questions, as in the example SUPERMARKET SECTION, lemonade peonuts Beverages cashews | tetreshiments — Toe lentils crisps spaghetti Pasta o'ains 7 almonds orange juice Nuts | sntks Fizzy drinks peas A: Could you please tell me where | can find some lemonade? B: In the Beverages and refreshments section, madam 5, Match the nouns (1-6) to the adjectives (a-f, then use the prompis to ask and answer, as I'd lke some breed, please. Brown or white, madam? 1 think Il hove brown bread, please. inthe example. 1 bread ([1a] boiled /scrambled 2 cheese [LIB] brown/white 3. potatoes ooked/taw 4 fish [1g] moshed/tok 5 eggs sliced grated 6 vegetables A gtiled /ried A: 8: A: o Which of the following can you: grate? fry? boil? grill? Make sentences, os in the example cheese ® carrots # onions # cabbage * cod ‘eggs # ch fice * potatoes ® turkey # peas © mushrooms ® tom You can grate cheese and carrots. 15 | Fill in the blanks with words from the lst to make collocations, as in the example. # main # party # cooking # silloin # variety * benefits What was the Grilled salmon. This restaurant has @ wide of salads on the menu, Really? Does it hove Mexican solad? How would you like your steak, sit? Medium rare, please. per How many people are you inviting to your dinner 7 About eight. A: The nutritional are well known, | know. | eat fish ot least ice a week. ch cil do I need to fry of eating fish How mus these potatoes? B: I'd say about two cups «} Look at the pictures and use words from list to say what you can see, as in the example. > ‘© ub © corton © jar ® packet ® tin ¢ bottle # box 1 Icon see a tub of margarine b) You want fo bake coke. Make a shopping list ofall the ingredients you need to buy, including the containers that they come in. 1 packet of flour 29 30 g Circle the correct response. 1A; Would you like cheesec 8: @ No, I'd rather have fruit solod b I'm afroid | won Can you pass the salt, please? B: a Yes, | con b Yes, here you are How about vegetable soup for starter B: a That sounds lovely! b Thats nice of you! have some more tea, please? B: a Yes, of course. Help yourself b Got any ideas? 5. A: How would you like your steak cooked? B: @ Very well b Medium rore. 10 Use the verbs below to complete the sentences. n be preserved treat * pr 1 Freezing ond conning are two of the most mon ways 10 food: ny people of the ingredients in the products they bi 3. Fresh fuit such as peaches and apricots 4. When we follow o healthy diet we he tisk of becoming il 5 I don't think the chemi your burns. You should see a docto cour skin young and healthy 11] Complete the sentences with two to four words, including the word in bold. 1. To attract more customers the restaurant man: handed out ad gove sing leaflets To attract more customers the restaurant manager odvertsing letles. y food when she lems 2. Jeanne had to stop eating si storied having stomach give Jeanne had to spicy food when she started having stomach problems 3 Your book reviews musi be handed in by Friday. given Your book reviews by Frido 4 The fire doesn’t seem to be producing much giving. The fire doesn't s much heat 5 |trusted you! W give you reveal my sectel? trusted you! Why 12. Write the opposites of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. (behave) at the patty, Sorch won't invite you again. 2. The waitress waited for the man to {fold) his napkin before she took (trust) Worren st people think he’s very reliable, 1 you 4. The tepoiiman had to connect) the cooker from the electricity supply. 5 Po: ised not 10 toelis until the plane com complete stop. Grammar 3. Look atthe picures and use the prompts to soy what the people are doing. Then, guess what they're going to make, as in the example. 1 He's chopping some vegetables. He’s going fo make vegetable soup. a What are you doing now? What are you going to do: this afternoon? tomorrow evening? this weekend? 15, Use if, when or unless and the prompts below to make sentences, as in the example. * Jone ond Simon/ | | © not find/toble/at make reservation jira © Andy/move/new | | © be able/walch/ house ourite/TV show * Susan/leave for/ | | © give me/call work/now * artive/on time * We/find/matches | | * not be able/light/ © I/fiish/homework/| | borbecve before 8 pm * redecorate/every * Lly/orrive/aitport oom Unless Jone and Simon make a reservation, they won't find a table at the restaurant. 16 What will you do when you ... leave school? # get your driving li * get your degree? © go on holiday? 17 Use reflexive pronouns and the verbs below to make sentences, as in the example. © hurt # enjoy * burn ¢ look at ® introduce * cut # scald Be carefull You're going to hurt yourself! The film was great! We really ... etc 18 4) Look at the picture and ask and answer questions, os in the example. A: Are there ony pineapples in the picture? B: No, there aren’t. Are there ... ete b) Which of the food items above would you use to make breakfast? lunch? dinner? 19 9) Fill litle. uch, many, few, a few, litle or a A: lets moke shepherd’ pie. I'm in the mood for some traditional English food B: Good ideal What do we need? A: Well, we need 1) potato: B: We've got four potatoes. A: Oh, thas fine. We need 2) minced meat, too. B: We've got two kilos in he fridge. A: Great, that’s plenty. Now, have we got any B: Hm ... We've got im How 4) do we need? A: Only one, if i's 0 large one B: Oh, that’s OK, then. What else? A: Well, how 5) butter have we go'? B: Very 6) ectually A: That's alright. We only need 7) And we need a B: Great! We've got everything. Let's get cooking b) You want to make an omelette. What do you need? Write down the ingredients, then act out a dialogue similar to the one above, Listening 20 Grou will hear four people talking about iets. For questions 1-4 choose the ne answer, A, B or C. 1 Kaye takes multi-vitamin tablets becouse she A often gets ill B only eais organic food CC wants fo stay healthy. 2. What is Joe's attitude towards food? A You should eat whatever you want B You should eat only fried food C You should always eat breakfast 3. Sarah used fo have an unhealthy diet because she A didn’t know why she was overweight. B didn’t have mi C ate three large meals a day, plus snacks. h energy, 4 Alan is complaining because A his mother treats him like o pet. B his mother’s cooking is tasteless. C his mother wants him to eat healthier food. 31 32 Communication (during mealtimes) 2] 0} Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. # Can you pass # would you like * Can | have ‘* How about some # Is that enough As Julio, W) some more potatoes? B: Mmm ... no, thanks. I've got plenty Reading 1 How con a person feel energetic? A by trying to get fit B by going on a diet C by eating properly D by trying to get slim 2 Why should someone eat often during the doy? A because they won't have an evening meal B 50 they will have less sugar in their blood so that they don’t put on weight D in order not to suffer from low blood sugar A: 2) mote carrots? B: Oh, allright, then. Not too many, though. A: 3) 7 8: That's great, thanks. 4) the sauce, please? AL Yes, of course. B: Thanks. 5) some more water, please? A: OK. Where's your glass? B: Here itis. 'm really thirsty. A: Oh, deor. Pethops | put oo much satin the sauce. b) In pairs, act out similar dialogues. 22 Read the article and circle the correct answer, A, B, C or D. ‘energy and nutrients you need to get through the morning. Try fresh ‘nit, juice oat ané honey, or ee ‘though many of us cxinkcofee to Keep ourselves awake’, cafe (wich isin cote, tea and fz eins) actualy makes us ‘even more tired. Next time you reach for the coffee machine, stop. and have a glass of water instead. Without plenty of water, you will fee exhausted and may suffer rom headaches, You shoud dink at ‘east five glasses of water every day — your body needs it ‘Vitamin Cis extremal important keeps us heathy and helps ‘our blood to absorb iron and calcium. The most important source ‘of Vitamin C is fresh frut and vegetables, so you should eat vary of these every day, Citus fut. stawberies and iomstoes ae ali nvtainC, and decous, to! It doesn't take much effort to eat healthily and you will soon fee! ‘the benefits, The right ciet will make you feel ful of energy. Losing netimparant The eis tat when youl pd, ov ‘ook good! fs 3 Why should people always eat breakfast? A to have an easy life B to hove plenty of energy until lunchtime C iin order not fo lose weight D because there is always plenty to eat in the morning 4. Why do people need to drink plenty of water? A becouse their bodies need it B so thot they drink less coffee C to keep themselves awake D because coffee causes headaches When we wite ¢ review of « food festival we usually divide it into four paragraphs. In the first paragraph we write the name of the festival, where ond when i takes place ond the reasons} for celebrating. In the second paragraph we describe the preparations for ihe festvol. Inthe thitd paragraph we describe what happens on the actual day le.g. food, aclivities etc| In the fourth paragraph we write our recommendation, giving reasons. Writing (a review about a food festival) 23 Read the review and fil inthe blanks with ‘the correct form of the words in brackets. The Elmira Maple Syrup Festival takes place every March in Ontario, Canada. It is held because collecting maple syrup from the sap of maple trees is ol {tradition} Canadian custom. Days before the festival, 2) (organise) set up a long line of stalls for the outdoor mall, where locals display and sell a wide 3) Wary) of foods, toys and crafts. They also organise 4) lexcite) touts to the countryside and treks in the woods. (On the actual day of the festival, the big event is the Pancake Flipping Contest. People make delicious golderrbrown pancakes ond use all kinds of silly Utensils to flip them. Participants 5) (particular) enjoy taking port in it but it is also very 4 fentertoin) io watch. The smell of pancakes fis the oir and makes everyone feel very 7) hunger). 8) (Wek) there are ahways plenty of pancakes 10 go round If you have © sweet tooth, love pancakes and enjoy nature, don’t miss this unique festival. Wis the perfect way to celebrate the end of winter. 24. Read the review again and answer the questions. } What tenses hos the writer used? Why? b} What information does the writer give in each paragraph? ¢) Where can you read such 0 piece of writing? Bi 25, 0) Read the recommendations and mark them P (positive) or N (negative). © Don't miss itl... © I wouldn't recommend it # I'm sure you can find better things to do. @ highly ecommend it. ... # Iris @ highly entertaining festival. ... # I's @ waste of time. b) Rewrite the last paragraph of the review in Ex. 23, using phrases from above. 26 Correct the mistakes. Write S (for spelling), P (for punctuation), M {for missing word) and GR for (grammar). In-P @rihe weeks leading up to the music Festival, the organisers makes various preparations, They book several popular bands ond they print colourful is inviting in the town to attend the event they also order plenty food and drink too sell. Finally, they build a large stage and set up special coloured lights. ink of an annual festival in your country ‘and make notes under the headings below. Use your notes to talk about it. ‘* Name, Where/When, Reason for Celebrating ‘Preparations * Actual day 28 | Your teacher has asked you to write a | review of an annual festival in your county, ‘to be published in your school magazine. @ the plan below and your answers in Ex. 27 to write your review (120-180 words). You can use the review in Ex. 23 8 a model. | Introduction i F (Para name of festival, i where/when takes place |} / reason for celebrating = Main Body ' [Pore 2] preparations j [Para 3] the actual doy i i Conclusion i [Para 4) recommendation and reason j All Work and No Play... Vocabulary (6) Use the items in the list to fi below. in the boxes * top hat # leggings ® jeans © # waistcoat tailormade suit ® striped tie © cotton shirt # flat shoes ® miniskirt © belt ‘© wedding dress # sand: loves # shorts cather jacket * straw hat # sports shoes # evening gown «tshirt © parasol # dinner jacket # bonne! * beret * high-heeled shoe: # kneelengih skit z e & & ACCESSORIES => wron- Nv b) With a partner, ask and answer questions, 18 in the example. What do you wear when you go on a picnic? | wear leggings, @ tshirt and sandals. What do you wear when you go to 0 wedding? ete Circle the odd word out. conductor, instuments, performance, exhibits safety net, bond, musici ns, singers halftime, referee, audience, players ditector, sound engineer, comeraman, potter heavy metal, romantic, classic country 3, What do you/don't you enjoy doing in your free time? Use the prompts fo ask and ‘answer questions, as in the example. k cone * go 10 10 11s football matches, marine parks /art galleries/ parties © g0 to the cinema/theatre/circus im (not a(n)... person; | don't mind; | love; | quite enjoy/really like; | hate; | don’ ike A: Do you enjoy going to football matches? B: Not really. I'm not a sports person. Match the words which collocate to complete the sentences that follow. * popular * spare # form # street ® sill © second * ottroction demand, there will be 0 second film went back for a k before they bought their new car father loves fixing broken things in his 9 time. 4 The photographer told the litle gil to stand s0 that he could take her picture. 5 Euro Disney is probably the most popular tourist n Europe. 6 My brother considers graffiti on ort but I think is just rubbish 7 Shoppers were entertained by tolented performers during the Chrisimas sales. 5 Circle the correct item. 1 fyyou don't hury miss the train A up Bon Cin 2. I'm oftaid the Sunday performance is sold A off B ou Cup 3 The ploy was fontastic and | wos very he costumes. B wih C fom 4 Tickets for the concert must be paid one week in advance. A fo B by Cio 5 | finolly got hi that book that’s been out of print for months A of B from C with & When my mobile phone rong during the lecture, the woman beside me turned ond glared me. Ato B C of Circle the correct response. he restouron! wos excellent ond A: Hutry up, Tom! ible isso fastmoving thot you can h Ba OK — here | am. b Come on! 5 creative. We could sit for fening A: Can | help you? monet sieves B: @ Yes, plecse. 'd like ——-Q__) Match the adjectives in the boxes with the items of clothi some information in the list, as in the example, E short-sleeved, long-sleeved, plain b Colm down. ‘A riding, top A: How was the football match? 8: a I eclly like it b thwas grea F frilly, fancy summer, formal, smart, casual B ballet, platform, walking, low-heeled comfortable A: Come on, Sue. We'll be 8: @ That's fine b Just give 6 leather, fur, winter, smart, casual, cotton, woollen, dark seconds, A: Could | have your address, please? B: @ Oh, nol b Yes, of course H pleated, straight, long, flowery D denim, blue, black, te T plain, checked, bow A: You'te in luck ~ there's one ticket 8: @ Oh, thot’ great! bs We aah ] Using phrases from above, as well as ideas of your own, describe what the people below are wearing, os in the example, 1 Sam is wearing a long-sleeved orange shirt and blue jeans. A: How about watching a 4 B: a Don't worry b I don’t mind. A: Can | pork here? B: a I'm afraid you con't b You won't Read the sentences below cond replace the words in bold with a synonym from the list 2 Shelly Bh eee * boring ° fistrate * imaginative ® reclisic * oction packed The lectute was ra Uninteresting so we let early. boxing The computerised dinosaur is ) Guessing game. Youteacher thinks of a stident. Ask questions to find out who itis. SI: Is he/she wearing blue jeans? T: No, he/she isn’t. ete 35 36 6 + exoy | next yeoman week don't mind | weekends | hn eave schol + cant ond | em on ay © look ovvord 9 iam = expett J enjoy playing tennis at weekends Gi 16 Read the sentences and correct the mistakes, as in the example. singer 6 od hav’ » went on working @ sandwich ond 7 I-don't think it's dificult learning how to ski 8 My father mad: me washing the car 17 Fill in must or mustn’t In basketball there 1) be five players on each team: A player 2] run with the boll without dio A player 3) kick the ball and 4) hit it with their hand. During a gome, all trainers and assistants 5) ‘ain on the bench 18 With o partner, think of three things you ‘must/ mustn't or can/can’t do in the situations, as in the example. ren you have 0 dog ‘A: When you have a dog, you must feed it every day. 8: That's right. And you must take it to the vet regularly. ete 19 Talk about your daily routine. In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example, * wake up on weekdays * leave for school or work tidy your room + wosh up ofter dinner ® do the shopping * hove din A: What time do you have to wake up on weekdays? B: Ihave to wake up around 7 am. What about you? etc 37 20 38 Reading ‘] Have you ever seen a totem pole? b) Look at pictures A-C. Which of them is: a totem pole? a statue? an obelisk? c) Why do you think totem poles were built? 2] Read the article about totem poles and circle the correct answers, then explain the highlighted words. otem Poles A visual expression _ of Indian Culture , a Totem poles are tall wooden logs decorated with beautiful symbols and paintings. The geographical area which ‘gave birth to totem poles is the northwest coast of North ‘America, and the people ‘who created them are the North ‘American Northwest Coast Indians. | This area isthe only place in the world which has produced the totem, so itis also known jokingly as the Totempolar Region. Once a tree was selected and ‘cut down, it was, Then it was marked off into equal ‘sections in order to be carved. ‘After the carvings were ‘completed, sometimes by more than one carver, the totem pole was painted in shades of red, black, green and blue, ‘There were several kinds of totem poles, depending on the reason why they were built. For ‘example, there were memorial. poles which honoured both the ving and the dead, house posts which supported the root, portal poles, welcoming poles, and many others. Apart from anything else, however, totem poles were built as a way of passing on stories, myths and legends about the indian culture. The totem pole was a ‘means for Northwest Coast Indians to communicate and remember past events. “The term totem is derivediffom the word ototeman, which ‘means a blood relationship between brothers and sisters. A totem could be a companion, a relative, a protector, a helper, ‘a supematural power or an ancestor, and it served as a ‘symbol ofa family group or a person. Indians believed there is a close connection between a group of people, on the one, hand, and a species of animal or plant on the other. Totem poles are visual, narrations of the ‘mythological beginnings ‘of great families at a time when animals and men lived together as equals. ‘These poles stand as forms of written records of the history and culture of a D found in india. 2 Totem poles can be found in A various shapes ond colours B different counties, C other cules. D all North American Indians’ homes. 3. Tolem poles were buil A os a tibute fo other Americans B 10 suppor families. C for o number of reasons D ‘to send messages fo olher species. 4 The word ototeman means the connection between A animals ond plan's B cetlain family members, C the living and the dead, D o protector and a relative. 5. Northwest Coast Indians use totem poles A 0 write on B os decorations C as calendars D to carve their history on Communication (Asking for Information) 22 4] Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. © the reservation ® book a ticket 8 8 A Yes, there's im King’s Cross A 8: please. A ” B: Single, please. A: Thats £: B: Thank you very much. b) In pairs, act out your own dialogues. Listening 23 >You will hear part of an terview with Max McCarthy, © person who does computer crt. For statements 1-4, tick (V) Yes if the statement is true cand No if its false. Yes No 1 It is easy to correct mistakes in computerised pictures. C 1) 2. Max thinks that painting using @ computer isn creative oa 3 Computer artis considered as valuable 4s traditional ar oo 4 People will iate ne future. oo 39 Writing (an article describing a building) 2A, Read the article and match the paragraphs (1-5) to the headings below. Where could you read such an article? dation Jatural History Museum a eee ea reta Eee en tet neni Ae on cen ec ah ce oon Seen ee eds eat er ea Cs cy Rey ees ea eM Sm artes Sea RC eerie er ae ent Peon ee eee ed eee La Sear we) orca ain ec 25, Highlight the topic sentences in the main body paragraphs, then replace them other appropriate ones. 26 Look at the pictures and the topic sentences. Use the prompts fo write appropriate supporting sentences for each, yr | The outside of the house is truly charming. bright chimney - sma goiden path - four steps Inside, the house is cosy. big windows - wooden rated - brig fortable furniture $e leading bedroom \ Writing Tip article about a building we con graphs. Inthe introduction, wwe divide it into five paroy 2 the name and location ofthe building and/or th aso In the second paragraph, we 's about the building e.g. who when ond why it was buil, et). In the third paragraph, we describe the exterior of the build is it made of, dppeorance, dens, etc). In the fourth paragraph, we describe or of 1 iding (e.g In the conclusion, the building noimally use pre 1d the interior of write about the hi 97 0) The editor of your local magazine has asked for articles on famous building in your town. Look at the map, the pictures and the prompts, then use them to answer the questions that follow. The Globe Theate Southwark, London © built in 1599 by FE 3 Gathbert and Richard si Ld Burboge + Shakespeare himself ‘acted sometimes destroyed by fire in rk St 1613, rebuilt in 1614 pulled down in 1644 rebut, opened in 1996 1 What is the nam ulding, and where is it located? lly built, and who by? 613? When was it pulled down? it ond opened to the public? 2. When was it original 3. What happened ir 4 When was the heatre re b) Use the pictures above and the prompts below to talk about the Globe Theatre, as in the example. Exterior: — walls made of traditional mater plasier made from sand, lime F building is round a (bricks, id goat hai) d special Interior: con benches The Globe Theatre’s walls are made of traditional materials. For example, bricks and wood have been used, as well as a special plaster made from sand, lime and goat hair. ie ¢) Read the following paragraphs. Which one would you use as @ conclusion for your article? Why? A | hove never been to such 0 gteo! pla much t There was so hat | want 10 go and stay thete agoin next summer. I's 0 ploce Ill never B The new Globe Theatre is a fascinating and wonderful place to visit. Visitors now have the opportunity to see how plays were performed cover four hundred years ago. 28 Write an article (120-180 words) about The Globe Theatre for your school magazine. Use your answers in Ex. 27 and the plan below. You can use the article in Ex. 24 as a ‘model. : Plan Introduction [Para 1} name, location of ‘Main Body (Para 2) historical facts [Pora 3} description of ‘ora 4] description of nterior Conclusion (Para 4) recommendations 41 Nature’s Warning Vocabulary |] Match the headlines to the problems, then ask and answer questions, as in the example. FISHING VILLAGE BECOMES GHOST TOWN [NORTHERN EUROPE, TROPICAL PARADISE OF THE FUTURE _ overfishing - ‘turns Black off deforstorion | $28 ftast of Norway «ir pollution oil spill global worming) 10SCHOOL CHILDREN HOSPITALISED ‘WITH BREATHING PROBLES ‘A: Why has the Fishing village become a ghost town? B: Because of overfishing, 2. 4) Match the problems to the pictures ‘A drought endangered species B forest fires D_industiol waste OT b) Work in pairs. What headli write for the problems above? 42 ANIMALS LIVING IN BARTON WOOD LEFT HOMELESS 3. Underline the correct word. 1 The ozone layer is being contaminated/damaged by the use of aerosols 2 Zoos help to preserve threatened/endangered 3. Deforestation is destroying/polluting the forests 4. The Eden Project was built to increase/improve the living conditions of animals in captivity 5 Foctories should not be ollowed to pump Industrial waste/greenhouse gases into «vers, lakes or sec < o1@ being wiped out/rvined by 7 Globo! warming is caused by heat dumped/ trapped in the atmosphere. ‘4 What are the following threatened by? Match the prompts and make sentences, as in the example. There may be more than one ‘answer in some cases. elephants b || @ legging companies rare plants b hunters fish © a forests waste and sewage the ozone layer @ acid rain Elephants are threatened by hunters. 5 0} Do these problems cause land, water, air or noise pollution? Look at the table below nd tick (7). You can add your own ideas. ubbish in the yside 5 pumping industial waste b) Use the prompts in the table above to make sentences, as in the example. Oil spills cause water pollution ] Match the solutions below to the problems in part o, then complete the sentences, as in ALT Ine YS || Factories B q a ne ‘FROM CITY CENTRE | jameagniaas (el | _ Fir cars there || WITH Perro won't be so many | rmrers D q “INRODUCE STRICTER! people LITTER LAWS BUILD BETTER there {| OMLTANKERS | won't be so many Your uncle is a factory owner. Persuade him to make the changes you suggest. ‘ell him he should stop burning rubbish, and give a reason ‘ll him he should stop into the river, on uring chemicals ree with the arguments pr your uncle and give count *# suggest solution What is wrong with: - the water we drink? = the food we eat? - the air we breathe? Use the prompls to make sentences, os in the example. gates from factories fumes ® crop sprays ® chemicals The water we drink has been polluted with chemicals G _Using phrases from the lst, suggest ways to Improve the quality of our water, food and air. Use the pictures to help you. 1 We should clean up ‘our rivers and lakes. 9 Circle the correct response. 1 A: Ho paper? B: a No, | hate them b No, I've been too 2. A: Is he in some sort of tr B: a He could be. b No, he isn’t there. Let's go home. b Can't we stay o litle longer? 4A This is a waste of time, B: a | agree, b No, not yet. 5 A: It's o total mess B: a I's not this one. b's not the 6A Im exams. 43 44 10 Complete the sentences below four words, including the word in bold. 1 The ‘community 10 cleon up the neighbourhood. ‘cooperation council must work together with the The council must work the community to clean up the neighbourhood 2 The politician continued with his speech, even though no one was listening. carried The politician with his speech, even though no one was listening. 3. From Ist July, parking in the city centre will be banned, effect The parking bon in the city centre will come Ist uy 4 Jims teacher was angry with him becouse he missed the test trouble Jim was his teacher because he missed the test 5 > Children under 12 should not ploy wih tis toy suitable This toy is not children under 12. 6 The council completed is plan to build o new sports centr. out The council to build a new sports c 7 Jim was delayed in heavy trafic, so he was late for work held Jim was late for work because he in heavy tic J] Match the words in each column, then soy what we use each item for, as in the ‘example. 1 cheese [Ja] opener 2 pencil [_]B] dryer 3 nut (4) grater 4 tin Cd] peeler 5 hair Ce] sharpener 6 dish —- ELF] wosher 7 potato Ic We use a cheese grater fo grote cheese Grammar 12 Fill in: is/are, wos/were, have/has, will. Which sentences are not in the passive? 1. The recycling bins emptied every Monday, 2 There «2 documentary on TV about Greenpeace tonight. 3. The building by professionals. 4 The palace next April 5 This record been redecorated be open tothe public been banned by radio stations 6 An announcement made bout the tube strike 7 The family sent out over 100 invitations 8 Martha ‘working last weekend 9 They ‘ound a great new way to save fuel 10 couldn't go tothe new pool becouse it being used for a TV commercial 13 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense. 1A: Did you know Jane take} to hospital last night? No! What happened? ‘She ‘Oh, no! That's owtull Great news! | @-now job. That's wonderfull When do you start? Did you know that the house [build) over 0 century ego? (hit) by @ cor Se offer) B: No, | thought it was only about 30 years old Ws in good condition, isn't it? A: Yes, well (maintain) 4. A: Do you know why cars {ban) from the city centte? B: No, | hoven’t a cluel A: It's the new council plan. They say it's so that polltion (reduce) 5. A: Did you see the news las! nigh? B: No — why? ‘A: Oh, it was quite funny. While the new moyor interview) his hat blew off and landed in o huge puddle 6 As In the future, smoking {not/allow) in public ploces B: That's good! 7 A: Everybody knows that the ozone layer (estoy) by aerosol sprays and greenhouse gases B: Of course, but not enough {do} about i 8 A: Hil I'm glad you're back on the team. Why did you miss last week's game? BI {punish} for not doing my homework. 14, The manager of the Haley Wildlife Sanctuary is talking to his assistant about his work. ‘Answer the questions, using the prompts below, as in the example. 1A: Hove you contacted the new volunteers yet? B: Yes / new volunteers / telephone / yesterday Yes - the new volunteers were telephoned yesterday. 2 A; Have you cleaned the cages yet? B: No / cages cleaned / tis afternoon 3A: Have you faxed the report fo Head Office yer? B: Yes / report / faxed / last Friday 4A: Have you ordered the equipment for the veterinary surgeons? B: No / equipment / order / tomorrow morning 5A: Have you put the new squirel in his own cage? B: Yes / new squirel / moved / first thing this morning 15 Fill in: by or with, 1 St. lovis Zoological Park is owned and operated the city council 2 Oils ore thick paints used ottss 3 Records have been replaced topes, CDs and DVDs. 4. Hard Times was written Charles Dickens. il enviconmentally 5. The dessert was served 6 The fields were sprayed friendly chemicals 7 The survey was conducted 8 -A stotement was issued UPC Research, the company. 16 Expand the newspaper headlines into full sentences, using the correct form of the passive uy 1 Chemical disaster caused by local energy company at the weekend A chemical disaster was caused by a local ‘energy company at the weekend. 2.10 killed in Friday's tragic train crash 3 Saltley Museum to be opened by local historian 4 Taylor children reunited with porents 5 Hikers trapped in avalanche since Seturdey 6 Brad Pitt expected to win 2 Oscar Listening 17 (Yeu will hear four children talk about what they think life will be like in the year 2050. For speakers 1-4, choose from the list A-E which statement applies to each child. There is one extra statement that you do not need fo use. A Life on Eorth willbe ideal. [] Speaker 1 B There won't be enough space for everyone on the earth, C1 Speaker 2 There will be no water at all. [—] Speaker 3 The ci will be clean People will develop breathing [—] Speoker 4 problems moo 45 Communication (Agreeing/Disagreeing] 18 Use the prompts to make short dialogues, as in the example, Who could be talking in each dialogue (e.g. friends, parent-child, etc]? y the bins all the time «© ask before using the computer ‘fidy room © not study hard en: do washing up * Agreeing That's in hat's not tue. Ido I dis So do I/Me 100, Ne J empty the bins all the time. So do I! [two flatmates) You never help with the housework That's not tre. [wife-husbond) eho>d Reading 9 a) Match the prompts (A-E) to the pictures (1-5). Which cause acid rain and which ore part of the solution? A. solar energy panels B electric power plants C fumes from cars and lorries D public transport E smoke from factories o b) Read the article and choose which tile from the lst bes fits each paragroph. There is cone title that you do net need fo use. A. Athreat to lif D The need for change B A chemi ion _E Blame it on energy © Fect or fiction? F What can be done? Acid Rain i : Can you imagine o world where acid falls out of the sky? lt sounds like something from science fiction, but tt hoppens every day on planet Earth. Acid rain iso | serious environmental problem which is geting worse all the time. it destroys buildings, planis and wildife, ‘and it is slowly poisoning the entire planet. Acid tain is caused by cars and lorries, factories and electric power plants that use fossil fuels, such 5 oil ond cool. In recent yeors, we have used | mote and more fossil fuels 10 provide energy for our homes and businesses. As a result, the omount of acid rain has increased dramatically. [3 3 When fossil fuels are buined they release gases called sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the ‘oimosphere. Thase gases mix with water to form clouds of dangerous acids, When rain falls from these clouds, it is highly acidic and causes a great deol of damage to our plone. 4) | Kad ain domages many different kinds of plants, including the crops and trees which provide us with food. I! also pollutes our lakes and streams, ond > consequently the fish ond the animals that drink i 1 Various species of plants and wildlife are in danger of becoming extinct os @ result of acid rain. 5] So how can we prevent acid rain from completely destroying our planet? The answer is simple. We. must cut down as much as possible on our use of fossil fuels. We should find alternative forms of ‘energy, such as solar power, 1o supply our homes and businesses, and use public transport instead of private cars. Only by doing this can we save our planet from acid rain. ¢) Can you think of any other alternative forms of energy? d) Con you think of other suggestions to help stop acid rain? When we wie on article suggesting solutions to problems, we usually divide it int five paragraphs. in the fist paragraph, we outline the problem(s) and/or causels) Inthe main body {paros 2-4), we present ou suggestions and their results, in the last paragraph, we summarise of restate our opinion. We can use Firstly, Secondly, etc to inoduce each paragraph, as well as phrases of suggestion, such os it would help if... i ‘would be @ good idea if... , one/another soltion/ good idea is to... alnother) useful suggestion would be to ... el. To introduce results, we can use By doing ths, In this way, I this were done, As a resul, Therefore, etc 20 9) Read the article ond replace the phrases in bold with other synonymous ones, @ Conditions in our city ate getting worse every day. The traffic is awl and the streets are fll of iter. What's more, the air is so polluted you can hardly see the sky through the smog. How can we rake our cil a cleaner, healthier place to live and work in? @ Faty, steps must be taken to improve air ually ‘A useful suggestion would be to ban cars from the city centre. n this way, there would be fewer cars on the roads and lower levels of harmtul gases would fe released into the atmosphere. If this were done, there would be ess smog over the city. @Secondly, it would be a good idea if factories ‘were moved out of the area. The result ofthis would 'e that air polation would be reduced. Alternatively, it would help i factories used special fiers to stop poisonous gases escaping nto the atmosphere. @Finaly, efforts should be made to deal with the problem of litter. This could be solved uite easily ‘by providing more rubbish bins in public places. AS 2 result, people would stop dropping litter on the ‘ground There are many ways to improve conditions in ‘our city. Putting some of these ideas into action ‘would definitly make ile beter for everyone. b) Match the topics (A) to paragraphs 1-5. A Ajr pollution {cars} © Air pollution [factori D Co E Introduction (state the problem[s]) 211 Write oppropriate supporting sentences for the following topic sentences. 1 To begin with, public ransport should be improved [people avoid using cars + reduce pollution levels) lly, it would be a good idea to introduce stricler laws for those who hunt animals illegally. longterm prison sentences - deter hunters from kiling animals for their skin, ivory, etc) 22 Match the suggestions to the results. Then ‘expand the prompts into full sentences, linking them with appropriate phrases, as in the example. You may add your own ideas. stop cutting down no oar use altemative forms frees reduce/liter nimals/birds /not of energy ecycle containers, papers, etc natural resources/ not come fo an end/reduce air pollution caused by hormful gases 1-b Firstly, it would be a good idea to stop cutting down trees. If this were done, animals and birds would not lose their natural habitat. 23 A local newspaper has asked its readers to write articles entitled “How fo improve the global environment”. Write your article suggesting ways to improve our environment. Use the plan below and your answers in Ex. 22. You can use the article in Ex. 20 as a model. pian——— , Introduction | [Para 1) Main Body | (Pora 2-4) Conclusion (Pore 5} suggestions and results summarise your opinion | 47 lose/natural habitats fem moke new products / aaa One Good Turn Deserves Another! Vocabulary |} Look at the people in the pictures, then use the prompts to say where they work and what they do, as in the example. Where? ® hospital job centre ® city streets © ambulance/hospital # beach/pool What? cute sick people, teat illness make sure people don't park illegally in danger * help people find work ‘help in medical emergencies 2 Roy isa traffic warden 1 Della is @ doctor ‘She works in a hospital, She cures sick people and treats illnesses. 5 Keiko is a coreers advises 4 Daniel is @ paramedic b) In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. Where does a doctor work? He/She works in a hospital. What do you think he/she does at work? He/She cures sick people and treats illiesses. eho ] Which of these jobs would be best for you? Why? 2. Use the adjectives below to oct out dialogues, as in the example. + stressful # interesting * rewarding * boring « difficul © # nerveracking # dangerous * sotistying King # chi ging What's @ doctor's job like? I's very stressful Really? Why do you think so? Because he is responsible for people's lives. That's true, but its also rewarding. It must be very satisfying to help cure people and save people's lives. peered 3 Use the prompts below to act out dialogues, <8 in the example. Problems * {ve got toothache/earache/backache, ‘ach ache/o heada «© My shoulder/chest/knee/arm/back hurts Suggestions # lie down © toke o poinkiler $1: What's wrong with you? $82; I've got a headache. ST: Why don’t you take an aspirin? A. Fillin with phrases from thelist © take care * do something about # keen on # look after ‘© work at # spend time with Dear Max How ate you? I'm wring to tll you my ates! news, V'm going to 1) ° refugee comp in Rwanda. | con't wait to leave. My responsibilities will be to 2) crphaned children and 3) of the eldety, I'm also going to 4) “the locals, teaching them how to grow their own food. | hope tht through our eons Te ee able contond hal here people have to lve in. \'m really 6) helping these people. way, |can make o difference. hope to see you before | leave nex! month hope thot in some small love, Vicky 5) Circle the correct response. 1 S You shouldn't go to bed late. B: a I'm not surprised. b No, I guess not. How long will he have to wear the cas for? B: a I'm not sure. b W's almos finished 3A: Guess who colled me last night — Tery! 8: @ Allright b Really? 4A: Mum says | have to stay in bed for a week B: a I'm afraid she's right b Good for her! I'm going to work for VSO next year. B: a That sounds like a great experience b We won't aigue about it You never pay attention to me, do you? B: a Dol? b That's not tw. Add the prefixes re, over, mis, un and under-to the verbs to complete the sentences. | don't have time to pack my books. IFyou don’t stop behaving in class, you'll be sent to the headmaster Jone was late for work because she slept The social services department is staffed; that’s why it doesn't work propery The more paper we cycle, the fewer trees will have to be cut down Fill in: charitable, developing, priority, physical, skills, relief, distribution, supplies. Ir should be © government. ‘ find shelter for the homeless Mary countries in the ‘are in urgent need of medical This foundation teaches the disabled the bosic life they need fo survive Our local charity sent hwenty workers to Somalia last yeor world My mother goes shopping twice a week for people with disabilities. Most organisations help with water and food to poor countries. Underline the correct preposition. ‘My parents have been members to/of Oxiom for Iwelve yeors ‘Many homeless people rely with/on the kindness of shongess. My teacher gove me advice on/for how to prepore for my exams Our local shelter provides food, clothes and blanke's from/for those in need He is dedicated on/to doing all he con to help save our planet Complete the sentences with two to four words, including the word in bold. There was o distress signal from the ship ten minutes before it sank sent The ship signal ten minutes before it sank. 49 2. My mum asked for a docior to be sent when my litle brother had « high fever. sent My mum when my litle brother had a high fever. The coptain of the team was told to leave the field for bad behoviout. sent The captain of the team field for bad behaviour. 4 Over twenty people submitted applications for the post of assisiont manager. sent Over twenty people the post of assistant manager Grammar 10 Fill in the correct question tag. 1 You can ride « bike, 2 She helped you, 3. Emma works in an art gallery, 4 Lets go for o walk, 5 He's got a laptop, 6 The Browns are Welsh, 7 Cathy is 0 nus, 8B Close the door, 9 We were late, ]O She hasn't been here before, 1 1] Use the following question tags to ask your partner questions, as in the example. * cren't you? # can' you? * didn't you? # isn’ he/she? «© don't you? ® have you? ® shall we? * weren't you? You are a student, aren't you? 12. Underline the correct verb. 1 Mary told/said Tom what had happened the other day. Mum said/told us io go to bed The Connors said/told they were moving to Scotland. My uncle said/told us some funny stories. ‘My dents told/said that | hod to floss every night Jenny told/said her brother to lock the door before he laf the house. oan 13 Report what these people said, as in the example. 1 Mary: "'m late for work." Mary said (tha!) she was late for work. 2. Jone: “Tom has parked his car in front of mine 3. Lucy: "ll buy some coffee on my way home.” 4. Fred: I'm going to Thailand.” 5 Allen: "I broke your CD player by accident.” 6 Koihy: "My sister is coming home on Monday.” 7 Carla: ‘I work as o relief worker" 8 Duncan: "I'll water the lowers.” 14, Underline the appropriate word 1 He went to live near the mountains so thot he could/ ‘was able to go climbing every weekend. 2 Allofthe students could/were able to poss the exam because i was e0sy. 3. Tom could/was able to read and write when he was only thee years old 4. She couldn't/wasn't able fo speak any French ot all before she went o live in Pars 5 | couldn’t/wasn't able to go to the meeting, because | hed a dentis's appointment 15 In poirs, ask and answer, asin the example. # cook # read * wile * dance # swim «# use 0 computer # side o bike © tell he time ‘A: Could you cook when you were five? B: No, I couldh’t, Could you read when you were five? A: Yes, I could. Could you. Reading 16 4) What different ways ore there of curing illnesses, ‘aches and pains? Have you ever heard of holistic medicine? Look at the pictures ‘ond say what you think each one shows. \ b) Circle the item you think is correct. 1 Holistic medicine @ treots the patient as a whole. b can't teat the symptoms of a disease 2 Reflexology @ can only help you if you have problems with your feet or hands. helps remove toxins from the body. 3. Aromatherapy involves using pleasant smelling oils. b_ having flowers in the house. 4 Patients who have gemstone therapy 2 believe in the healing powers of crystals and gemstones. b need to stay menially aler during the therapy Be Read the text below and answer the questions that follow, by choosing A, B or C. Medicine Holistic medicine is the belief in treating the person as a whole — including ‘their emotions and general health ~ rather than just treating the symptoms of a disease. Preventative and therapeutic forms of treatment range from reflexology and aromatherapy to gemstone and crystal therapy. Reflexology is an ancient form of holistic treatment, with links to Arabic and Eastern cultures. It is based on the principle that major glands and organs of the body correspond to areas on the feet and hands. Therapy involves using pressure on a particular area of the foot, which in tum stimulates the nerve connection. Reflexology, it is claimed, also helps improve the body's blood circulation as well as removing toxins. ‘Aromatherapy has been practised in one form or another since the beginning of civilization. itinvolves the use of pure oils from aromatic flowers, herbs and spices to enhance health and beauty. Apart from the physical benefits to the face and body, the oils can also have a calming effect on the mind and ‘emotions. The oils are most effective when applied directly to the skin, but they can also be added to bathwater or inhaled. ‘Another alternative therapy for strengthening and energising the body, as well 4 treating linesses, is the use of crystals and gemstones. Therapy involves ‘wearing the stones around the neck or placing them on particular parts of the body. The special healing powers of the stones is then passed on. Gemstones and crystals are also believed to help the wearer feel more relaxed and ‘mentally alert. Tis, in turn, allows the body to heal itself more naturally. Although holistic medicine is not a new idea, such altemative forms of therapy have been gaining popularity in recent years. Increasing numbers of people void orthodox methods of treatment in favour of more natural (and often, ‘more successful) processes. Holistic medicine may not be for everyone, but ‘more and more people are using these therapies to cure a wide range of ‘medical problems. 1 Massaging the feet will 3. Wearing stones con A relax the nerves A. give you mental strength B apply pressure to major —_B_ improve your skin. glands and organs C help the body get well by improve the body's circulation. making you feel relax 2 Using oils from flowers and herbs 4 Holistic treatment A isa new type of medicine. helps people succeed. B. improves your appearance. B is often not as natural as € only works when they are orthodox treatments rubbed into the skin. € is becoming more popular G Read the text again and match the words in bold to their definitions below. notmal or usual; placed or put; poisons; changes in the body that indicate illness; giving energy to somebody or something: breothed in; something done help cure an illness; have o connection 51 52 19 Which of the following would be suitable clternative title for the text? * Alternative Therapies « SeltHelp for Illnesses * Beads and Flowers ore Just the Thing Listening 20 CYou will hear « conversation between three people who are at the doctor's surgery. Answer the questions by writing L (for Lisa), J (for James) or $ (for Sarah) i Who has got a problem with their back? Who drove to the surgery? Who has a problem with their ear? Who knows @ cure for earache? Who wants a second opinion? Who is waiting for some test results? Who feels nervous about visiting the doctor? Who hos had the same doctor for many years? Nounon fl 2 eee Communication (making & accepting invitations) 2] 0) Use the prompts to complete the diclogue. * Are you doing * Shall we ® Let's mee! * How about Jone anything tonight? Molly: No, | haven't got any plans. Why? Jone: coming to the cinema? "Return of a Hero" is on at the Plaza. It starts at 8 pm. Molly: Great. outside the cinema at 7:30 pm Jane: OK ge for « coffee after the film? Molly: Good idea. See you there. Bye. b) In pairs, use the phrases fo act out similar dialogues. *# be free? * nothing special * not Whet about sl ike that © Why don't we ... ? ‘that be nice ® What time ...? © pick up? * great # 8:30 pm | degreded ond isolated knowing they had a roof over Writing (a letter to the editor discussing a problem and making suggestions) 22 ook at the picture and answer the questions. * Where do you think this man lives? © How do you think he spends his day? © Why do you think he hos a tolley? What do you think i ini? © What is being done to help the homeless people in your country? a} Read the letter below and put the jumbled Pt i paragraphs in the correct order. Dear Sir/Madam, AT ]To begin with, one idea would be to establish trove longiem, permanent accommodation. As result, homeless people would then feel less theit head every doy. BL To sum vp, | feel that we, os a society should do all we con to help overcome the problems of homelessness. | hope my suggestions will encourage people to take postive action ‘am wiling about the serious problem of romalessness which seoms fo be ofecting more ond more people every day. | fly believe thot steps rt ke ken immedi inorder deo wih is [DT ]Whot is more, homeless people deserve to be provided with some kind of job trong. This would certainly give them confidence to find work in the fuure. In this way they would gain a sense of independence and become seltsuficient Yours faithfully, Jones Frederick Jones \ b) Replace the words/phrases in bold with the following: * in conclusion # secondly # consequently * fist of all When we write o letter to the editor newspaper/ magazine to discuss @ problem and make suggestions bout il, we can divide it into four poragraphs. Inthe introduction, we state the reason for writing the letter ‘and our opinion about the topic. In the second and third paragraphs, we present our suggestions and their results. In the conclusion, the editor are usually written in formal or semiformal restate our opinion using diferent words. Leter sy. 24 Write appropriate supporting sentences for the topic sentences below. 1 To begin with, we could have more car parks 2 Furthermore, we could provide more bins along the coast 3 What is more, we could encourage people to use public transport. 25. Reod the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions that follow. | ‘Not enough is being done to help el | people." Write o letter 1o the editor of your k | and making suggestions about what could be done. * Do you agree with this statement? © What kinds of difficulties do you think the elderly hove? Think abou loneliness, difficulty in moving abou * What could be don th © What could be the result of thes nesses, etc. problems? solutions? Read the suggestions (1-3) and match them to the results (A.C), then write sentences using therefore, as @ result or this means that, as in the example. TL] Thete should be specially-eq frequent public anspor. al | newspoper stating your opinion about this problem ZT] leisure centres and lunch clubs should be established. B]_] local supermarkets could provide o home delivery ser A Elderly people would be less anxious ond stressed about shopping. They would probably have a healthier diet B Elderly people would be able to get out. They wouldn't be housebound or feel isolated. € Elderly people would hove a social life and make friends. They would enjoy life more. 1-B There should be specially-equipped, more frequent public ransport. As a resul, elderly people would be able fo Use the plan below and your answers in Exs. 25.26 to waite your letter (120-180 words). You can use the letter in Ex. 23 as a model. ig | Introduction } (Pora 1) ‘eoson for writing ond your ‘Main Body | (Poros 2-3) suggestions and resu Conclusion {Final para) summarise/restate your opinion 53 2 4) Look athe pictures. Which items: do people Lt colec? are used to play sport? are musical instruments? What are the most/least popular A Healthy nea Mind in a Healthy Body soxophone Vocabulary | ] 1 Look ot the pictures and say which school \| subjects you enjoy(ed) most/leas!? | Voor bait | b) Which of these subjects do you consider baa the most/least important?” Why? bosketball hoop r toy soldiers b) Talk about your favourite freesime activity. Explain: Chemistry 54 4g) Putthe words from thelist in the correct column, then make sentences, os in the example. © racquet # tennis # court ® field ‘Football # golf * table * baseball * football boots # clubs # snooker * woier polo # cue ® pool * course * swimming cap ® pitch # baseball mitt Tennis is played on a court. To ploy tennis you need a racquet. 4.4 Match the qualities (o-d) to the people (1- 4), then make sentences, as in the example. T chess ployer —| a ailel, gracehl | 2 mountoinesr a 3 bollet dancer 4 painter b patient, intelligent ¢ imoginative, talented d athletic, adventurous A chess player needs to be patient and intelligent. player ig b) Match the pastimes (1-4) o the descriptions {od}, then ask and answer questions, as in the example. [ Posime | Descripion | T chess Ja creative; tokes o lot of | attic skill 2. mountaineering rb a slow game; takes « lot of | thought and concentration 3 ballet (dancing) | ¢ physically demanding; | excting but dangerous | 4 paining | d_physicaly demanding; move L ments must flow smoothly A: Why does a chess player need to be patient and intelligent? B: Because chess is a slow game and it takes 0 lot of thought and concentration. Your friend wants fo join the boxing club at school. However, you think that boxing is @ Violent and dangerous sport. Persuade him not to join the boxing club. « tall him that you think is © dongerous sport ond give reasons * disagree with his orgumen's * suggest an alternative sport Fill n: sessions, active, compete, dedicated, referee, battle, concentrate, range. I'm going to the archery ater wok to practise for the tournament. Tracy is als} spends houts every day working on her technique. athlete who ‘Come on - on the exercise and stop talking Yim fighting @ losing Lm never going to pass this test The team has three training every week. The blew his whistle and the match began lucy has « very lifestyle She plays several sports and is involved in a number of clubs Pete and Trevor alvays with each other. Complete each sentence with two to four words, including the word in bold. | don't like football keen | football Jenny and her mother both have blonde hati blue eyes and a pale complexion. takes Jenny mother. The dentist said, “I'll have to remove the tooth.” cout The dentist said that he would the tooth, When Mr Grey left, Peter was given his job os monager. took When Mr Grey left, Peter ‘as manager Guolified instructors are always available to help you hand There ore always qualified instructors you. 55 8 Circle the correct response. 1 When did they set off? 2. You mus A: Why not? B: We'll try 3. They ate such good players, how ore we going to beat them? m with the ball. 8: Well do our best 4. We must keep up the pace. B: Thank g 5 Why did the coach A: She's scared we'll hut ourselves. B: She wants us to try harder. 6 I'm expecting my A: Why didn’t sh | tall you she was coming? B: What time is she ing Grammar Jason wants to ask some questions about @ fitness centre. Turn them into reported questions, asin the example. Flow much | (does it cost Jo join? J fire there any changing Bo you have any special offers? What facilities ore available’, ‘Are the staff What ore the quolified? opening hours He asked how much it cos to join the fitness cent. 56 10 4) Turn the following sentences into reported speech 1 ‘OK, Richard, breathe out os you sit up,” soid the trainer, The trainer told Richard to breathe out as he sat up. 2 “Keep your back straight,” said the instructs 3 bend your knees!” said the coach, 4 “Can you feel your stomach muscles tightening?” the personal trainer osked 5 “Move on to the next exercise,” the aerobics instructor soid ) Use the prompts to ask and report questions, as in the example, 1 how much/squash courts/per hour? How much ore the squash courts per hour? She asked how much the squash courts were per hour. 2 what time/gym/close? 3. be/gym/open/at weekends? 4 be/there/sauna? 5 be/gym/airconditioned? 11] Look at the picture and use the prompts to make as many exclamations as possible, as in the example. © nice/dress What a nice dress! How nice that dress is! It’s such a nice dress! *+ pretty/boby * delicious/cake ‘funny /hat * lovely/presents _ * lovely view * beautiful day * great place for hiking * clean air Kchanamoku opened the world’s first surfing club in Waikiki, Hawaii, in 1920. The sport became more, cand more popular and soon it was being practised all over the world. In 1960 the International Surfing Commitee was formed and surfers began to take pert in world championships, Many professional surfers train by running on the beach, bodybuilding and bodysurfing. Bodysurfing involves using your body as a surfboard and letting the waves carry you back to the shore. This helps to develop a sense of balance as well as the confidence to try more adventurous moves. There are many great surfing locations all around the world. Hawaii, Australia and California are the most famous, but surfers can ‘catch a wave" anywhere from Japon to Cornwall. Experienced surfers ace always searching for great waves in undiscovered places where they can find their own private paradise Surfing is believed to have originoted in the Pacific Ocean round the Islands of Polynesia. In order to get from their ships to the shore, Polynesian sailors are soid to have ridden on a wooden board, the original Bes sur! board, However, this sport was only seen forthe firs time by English silos ess than 300 years ago. Listening 13 rou will hear four teenagers, Alison, satrice, Eric and Nadia, discussing their problems with Valerie, a radio talk show hostess. For questions 1-5, choose the best ‘answer, A, B or C. 1. Alison's parents ‘A. don't care about her B ate too old-fashioned. © don't lke her appearance: 2 Beatrice’s schoolmates bully her because A they ate bored. B she’s a good student C of her oppearance. 3 Valerie tells Eric A to stop studying for o while B not fo worry so much C to go ona diet 4. Nadia is upset with her sister because A she doesn’ talk to her. B they share a room. C she's very messy. 5. Valerie advises Nadia to A discuss the problem again B. change rooms. © borrow her sister's clothes. Communication (asking for information about a course) 14 a) Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. ‘© That sounds perfect # Could you tell me * Would you like Con |help you me to '» How do | apply A: Hello ~ Bradbury Community College. 1) > B: Yes, I'm interested in taking your Computer Studies course. 2) what courses are available? Ac Well, we have o certificate course that tokes three months, and @ diploma that takes & year B: Is the certificate course fulltime or parttime? ‘A: I's parttime. There ore classes every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6 to 9 pm. 8: 3) 58 How much doss it cost? A: fs £360, plus the cost of materials. 8: Wall, it's litle expensive, but | suppose | con afford it. 4 2 AS) send you an application form? 8: That would be great! b) In pairs, use the prompts to act out a similar dialogue. © Business Management ® introductory course © 2 months * advanced course * 2 years ‘fulltime # every day from 10 om - 2 pm # £500 plus cost of books © further details Writing (c letter giving advice} 15 a} Read the rubric and the letter below and put the paragraphs in order. J Your friend has written you a leer explaining thot she has just moved into new neighbourhood, where she is having trouble getting to know people. She asks you for advice on how to improve the situation. Write ¢ letler in reply and | suggest ways in which she con meet new [people it re b) Read the letter again and complete the fable. Then use your notes to make suggestions. Suggestion Reason Join some kind of meet other people of club your own age ice, we stat w express symp When we waite an informal letter of ac Dear. In the first paragraph, then soy thot we understand we think we can help. In the main body [paras 2-3 we moke our suggestions, giving reasons ond// examples. We write each suggestion in a saps paragraph. In the last paragraph closing remarks. We end our ete love/etc ond our first name. Good luck/ 16 Use these phrases fo give advice on the following situations. Useful language © IF | were you/in your position, I'd/l would | wouldn't Why don't you ... ? Another good idea is to The bes! thing you can do is Have you ever thought of/about ... ? You should/ shouldn't © This would mean that That way, IF you do this, Aso result, For example, [haven't got any frien Bi 17 Read the rubric and the table, ond match the suggestions tothe reasons. Then moke full sentences, using the useful language in Ex. 16. Your pen friend wants to get o parttime job this summer but doesn’t know how to find one, so she has writen to you for advice. Write a letter in reply giving advice about how to look for parttime job Suggestion out the portiime jlable 18 Write o leer of advice to your pen friend (120-180 words). Use the plan below Ex. 17 to help you. You can use the letfer in Ex. 15 8.0 model. aa : | Dear i | Introduction } Para 1) i | Main Body i F (Pora 2 | (Pore 3 j : reason/example i J Conclusion ' Hara 4) t I Good Wuek/tove ee, i Our Changing World Vocabulary | Match the people to their ac nts, then use the verbs to ask and answer questions, «8 in the example. 1 Alec Jeffreys A the light bulb j 2 Alexander B the city of Flem Alexandria | 3. Bill Gates ‘© DNA tests | 4. Thomas Edison D the Windows | 5 Alexander computer program | the Great E penicillin «invent # discover © devise * pioneer # found $1: Who pioneered DNA tests? $2: | think it was Alec Jeffreys. SI: That's right The objects below were used in the post What has replaced them today? Make sentences, as in the example. What other things can you think of that have been replaced in this way? 4 ld candle pater Inthe past, people used candles. Nowadays, we use light bulbs. 60 3 Use the words below to complete the sentences cord # us friendly # kept © broke « instll # lead * plug * build 1 iFwe hed a list of the thi needed to pack, we wouldn't have forgoten cour swimsuits 2 I'd beter start saving now, or Ill be by Christmas. 3 Jane Goodall was one of the fist zoologists to dota on chimpanzees living in he wild 4 Who's going to the nex! expedition down the Amozon River? 5. Lucy is going to the new washing machine herself, instead of calling a plumber 6 The bank's new cashpoint system is very 7 Joe used recycled materials to his science project 8 You have to it in before you turn it on! How has life changed in the last 100 years? Match the pictures and make sentences, as inthe example. 1=C A hundred years ago, people travelled in wagons. Nowadays, we travel by car. Circle the correct response. A: This is my thied porking ticket in o week B: a Good grief b Isn't it wonderful? A: | wish | knew how to play the piano B: a Why noi? b Well i's never too late to learn ‘A: What would you like to do on Sunday? 8: @ That's really up fo you b I wish | felt better. A: What's wrong with you? 8: a Thar’ the problem. b I'm fed up. A: | Foigot to call the travel agency. B: a Oh well, never mind, b Thats a great ideo! A: I'm sure you've taken my favourite ski It was great! b What do you mean? Complete each sentence with two to four words, including the word in bold. While | was reading the newspaper | sow, by chance, an article about an ald friend of mine, come — While | was reading the newspaper | about an old friend of mine How long did it take you to regain consciousness afer the operation, Sue? come — How soon after the operation did Sue? She inherited a small fortune afier her uncle's death came — After her uncle's deoth «@ small forlune Did you say anything when the subject of a poy rise was mentioned again? came Did you say anything when the subject of a ‘again? Even though I'm careful, | ahways catch the flu in the winter. come | always flu in the winter, even though I'm careful. 10) 7 Using expressions from the box below, act out dialogues for the situations (1-3), as in the example. ‘Agreeing * Yes, you're quite/obsolutely right. * Yes, | couldn't agiee with you mi ‘* Well, | suppose you may/could be right Disagreeing | agree up to @ point, but | think I'm afraid | con't/ | think you're wrong, U think it would be o mistake (to ..} 1 agree with you. ‘Asking for and giving Advice © What would you do in my ploce/if you were, me? ® Do you think | should ... ? * Have you thought of ... 2 * What about ... ? Why don't you ... ? # IF were you, I'd # Lihink/don't think you should im Grammar B What would you advise these people to do? Use the prompts fo make sentences, as in the example. osk/teacher/| * have/op} * send/e-mail # put/ad/loct * stop/eat/fatty 1A: I'm so hungry! B: If! were you, I'd have an apple. 2. A:'d like to lose some weight 8 3. A: | need an assiston 8 4 A: I'm late for work 8 5. A: | can't reach Tim on the phone. 8: 6 A:| don't know what to do for my history project. B J Join the sentences, as in the example, 1 Ifyou studied hard, A she wouldn't order 2 Ihe didn't woste takeaways oll the money, 3 fl won the lotiery, | B idn't go on 4 If she knew how to comping holidays cook © she would enjoy 5 Ifshe were a sporty \ watching football person, D | would siop © IF we didn't like working, camping, E you would pass your exams. F he wouldn't be broke 1E Ifyou studied hard, you would pass your 10 Read the text below, then use the third conditional to make sentences, as in the example. The night before her driving test Sarah went bed ot 2:00 am. The following morning, Sar. woke up at 10:00, missed the bus to the diving school ond arrived late for the test As 0 result, she didn’t do well in the driving tes cond didn't riving licence. So she had to take the test again 62 SI: If Sarah hadn't gone fo bed at 2:00 am the night before her driving fest, she wouldn’t have woken up at 10:00 the following morning. $2: IF Sarah hadn't woken up .. ee. 11] Look at the pictures and speech bubbles, then complete the wishes, as in the example. T should have been more careful. 1 Iwish had been more careful, ve got to fx the 12. Underline the correct word. 1 No/None of my brothers have entered the 2 Nov/Bath oxy and Susan work for the health 3 AI/No of our employees hove tended "at ond The Temes ll/both witen 4 Were Ham by Shakespear 5 None/Neither Jenny ed Carol took the post 13. Make true sentences about yourself and your friends, as in the example. Both John and are quite tol, Neither John nor Tim are the same age as me. 14 Complete the sentences. 4 | 5 if ot safe 6 7 I 8 Reading ) 15 0) Who is your favourite singer/group? What type of music do they play? b) Read the article below and circle the correct answer. | ew into a confident and sleek » dance routines as well as her 8 Dé vr “songs and ballads to the group's act. ‘Gassot “she released her first solo album, Ways, in 1989. 1990, Gloria was almost ant. Hours of surgery were ced e straighten her spine after she ° = t fered and dislocated vertebra in her > physical therapy, strength of will, little time for a social life, so Gloria found Gloria attended Miami Uni », dreamed of becoming a there, the shy, over woman joined a Cut The Miami Latin Sound Machir group's leader <} Read the article again and make conditional type 3 sentences, as in the example. If Gloria hadn't looked after her father and sister, she would have had time for a social life. 63 a) Communication (a formal telephone conversation) 16 4) Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. # Would you like to leave a message * Hold on @ moment # Ho ry | ask who's calling Koren: Bryant and Partners ~ Karen speoking. y lyn: Good morning. Could | speck to manager, please? Koren: 2) lyn: lyn Taylor Koren: 3) I'll put yo Toylor, but he's talking on an: moment. 4} lyn: No, thank you. tl call back later. b) In pairs, act out similar dialogues, replacing the words in bold with the prompts below. © director / Mark Jones / Just tell him | called * sales manager / Sue Carter / I'll hold Listening 17 >You will hear five people talking about the most important inventions of the 20th century. Listen, and circle the reasons they give for their choices. 1 Internet find information on any tof ly and easily more peop! travel is much provides entertainment and improves people's working lives 4 CDs @ you con b you get beter 5 Spaceships a we con learn abc b we can disco © lot of music on @ small disc other pla resources 64 Writing (an article advertising a place) 18 «) Read the article, then choose the heading which best suis each paragraph. A 1 An Inter - Space Cae nena ‘is! ermal lg a ce lear ail about sooce. With 15 locations worldwide, there is sure 0 be o location 0 suit you. [sp oetee a B> At Space Camp Intemational, you can spend a ‘week roining 10 be on astronaut. You will experience the freedom of moving and waking in low gravity, fel he excitement of fying the space simulator ond take part in @ chalenging simulated spoce mission. You will even eat space food which is specially prepared and sleep in the space sleeping quarets, js like o eal astronaut! I al this is not enough, Space Comp International aso offers special excursions. You can visit an observatory and look athe stars, or you can take tips to local places of intrest cand find out more about the area (oe ‘ Bm If you hove some free time this summer, and you wan! fo experience the magic of space travel, come to Space Camp Intemational. You'll have the time of your lifel Vist our websie ot for more details b} Now answer the following questions. 1 Where would you find this kind of advertisement? 2. Who is going to read this adverisemen’? 3 Is the style formal o informal? 4. What does the writer include in each paragraph? 5 Which technique hos the writer used in the introduction? * rhetorical question * addressing the reader directly * direct speech 6 Does the writer recommend the place? How? 9) Join the sentences below, using the words in brackels. 1 I's @ fantastic camp. Young people can learn all about computers there. (where) 2. You can even build a robot or cyberpet. It's yours to take home. (which) 3. You can vist places of local interest. You can go whitewater rofting. or) 4 You will enjoy a wide range of activities. You will hove the chance to go on excursions, and) 5. There are so many great activities. You're sure to find something you enjoy. (With) When we write an article advertising o place, we usually divide it into three poragraphs. We should give each paragraph suitable heading. In the first Paragraph, we write the name of the place, its fccation and who the place is suitable for. In the second paragraph, we wile abou! the activities and/or excursions offered. In the last paragraph, we write @ recommendation and give @ contact number or addiess. We use « voriely of adjectives ond complex seniences fo make our aticle interesting to the reader. Ti 20 Read the advertisement, then answer the questions. Sgt! te ing for '* design your own, something web page exciting to do * produce a 3D this summer? animation fim * interested in ‘computers? AND MORE! = aged 7-187 enjoy o variety Of sports ond eee ‘take part in locations across ‘ team-building the USA coctivities '* learn how to. EXCURSIONS! create your own © visit places of computer game local interest + buld a robot or + go white-water cyberpet rating meer eae keel Core What isthe nome of 1 2. Who is the comp suitable for? 3. What can you do there? 4. How would you begin/end this camp? 5. What headi ofthe article? would you give 21 Write an article advertising Cybercamps (120-180 words). Use the plan below and your answers in Ex. 20. You can use the article in Ex. 18a as a model. Introduction i i [Pore 1] name and location ofp i who itis suitabl i Main Body | [Pore 2} activities excursions of i | Conclusion i J FPora 3) ommer i 1 umber/a i 66 Present Simple Afirmative: | play. You pl Negative: | don’t play. You don't play. He doesn’t play. etc Interrogative: Do | play? lay? Does he play? etc Short answers: Yes, | do. Yes, you do. Yes, he does. ete No, | don't. No, you don’t. No, he doesn’. etc Spelling: 3rd person singular affirmative ‘© Most verbs take -s in the third person singular | eat ~he eats ‘© orbs ending in ss, -sh, -ch, x or-0 take -es. | miss ~ he misses, | wash he washes, | watch ~ he watches, | mx he mixes, | go - he goes * Verbs ending in a consonant + y drop the ~y and take -ies, Jey-he cries but I play he plays Pronunciation 3018 in the third person singular is pronounced: + /s/ wih verbs ending in /1/, /k/, /p/, ot /A/ sounds, °.g. he works © Atz/ with verbs ending in /s/, /N/, /11/, /43/, or /2/ sounds, e.g. he faces ‘© /z/with verbs ending in all other sounds, e.g. he buys Use We use the present simple for: + dally routines, / catch the bus fo work of 7 o'clock every day. ‘repeated actions. He cleans the house every week ‘© habits. She usually stays at home on Sundays. + permanent states. He works in o bank © timetables, itineraries. The tain leaves at 7 o'clock Time expressions used with the present simple: every hour/day/week/month/summer/year/ete, usually, always, every morning/sfternoon/evening/ nigh, in the moraing/afternoon/evening, ct noon, at night Adverbs of Frequency + We often use adverbs of frequency with the present simple. Adverbs of frequency tell us how offen somehing happens. These ore: always {100%|, usually (75%), offen {50%), sometimes (25%), seldom (10%), never {0%) ‘© Advetbs of frequency come before the main vet (dtnk, play, eat, ec), but ater auxiliary verbs [hove, do, con, will, etc) and the verb to be. Steven always goes fo school by bus. Mary seldom goes fo the cinema. Lucy doesn’t usually go to bed late. Paula ean never beat Ross at chess. Do you offen visit your grandparents? He is never late for work mmm {'m not ploying. You aren't playing. He isn't playing. ete Am | playing? Ate you playing? Is he playing? etc Yes, lam: Yes, you are. Yes; he is. elc No, I'm not, No, you aren't. No; he isn't. ete verbs add -ing afer the base form of the main verb tell ~ telling, catch = catching, stay ~ staying With verbs ending in-e, we diop the -e and add -ing, weite ~ writing, live — living ‘+ With verbs ending In @ vowel +a consonant, wo dovble the consonant and add -ing it~ biting, cut- euting ‘© With verbs ending in -ie, we change thee lo -y and adding. die ~ dying ‘We use the present continuous for: “+ aclions happening now, at the moment of speaking. Sho’s talking on the phone now -* actions happening around the time of speaking. Fever is staying at his ‘viend’s these days. ‘+ fixed arrangements in the near future, especially when we know the time and the place. 'm Rying to Paris tomorrow. ’ ‘Expressions used with the present co now, at the moment, at present, these days, tomorow, etc Stative verbs ore verbs which do not normally have continuous tenses because they describe a siote rather than an action. Some of them are: have (= possess), like, love, hate, want, know, remember, foiget, understand, think, believe, need, smell, se, cost, ete Thave a red dress. NOT: | emcboning-c red dress.) ‘She loves windsurfing. (NOT: She #Jeweg- windsurfing.) Some slative verbs have continuous lenses, but there Is difference in meaning. Study ihe following exomples: © She has a blue bicycle; [= possesses) She's having breakfos! of the moment, (= is eating) [think she’s a very clever gil. = believe) 1'm thinking about moving to 0 bigger fot. (= om considering) © The soup smells owiul. {= has an awful smell He is smelling the flower. |= is sniffing) © f.can see.a bird in the hte. (= perceive with my eyes} 1'm seeing the doctor this afiemoon. (= am meeting) “Sees 67 Ne: Relatives Relative pronouns (who/which/whose/thet) + Relalive pronouns (who, which, whose, thi) plinas/ nie introduce relative clauses. We use relative clauses Le fo identty/describe the person or thing in the main sentence, The man|who is siting next fo melis my brother. relative clause «We use who/that insiead of subject pronouns (I, you, he, etc) 10 refer lo people The gil who/that won fis! prize inthe competition iso friend of mie. © We use which//thot to refer to objects or animals, ha tee WH Aker ts We aoner very © Who/Which/That cannot be omitted when it is the subject of the relative clause; that is, when there is not a noun oF subject pronoun between the relative pronoun and the verb. J mef a woman. a @ hairdresser. I meta woman who/that is a hairdresser. (The relative pronoun is the subject.) ‘© Who/Which/That can be omitied when itis the object of the relative clause; that is, when there is a noun or subject pronoun between the relative pronoun and the vero, That's the man. | savlhiglon TV. That's the man {who/that] ! saw on TV. (The relative pronoun is the object.) ‘© We use whose instead of possessive adjectives (my, your, his, etc] with people, objects ond animals o show possession | That's the woman whose daughter is a bollet dancer. © A relative pronoun is not used wih another pronoun {), you, me, him, ete) The dog which,x is black is Bion's Defining/Non-defining relative clauses + A defining relative clause gives necessary information and is essential to the meaning of the main sentence, The relative pronoun can be omitied when its the object of the relative clause We never put the relative clause in commas. People who/that park ilegally will get o parking fickel. (Which people? Those who park illegaly.| The bicycle (which/that | got for my binday is red. [Which bicycle? The one | got for my birthday.) + A nomdefining relative clause gives exta information, but is nol essenial fo the meaning of the main sentence. In o nondefining relative clouse the relative pronoun cannot be omitted and cannot be replaced by that, The relative clause is always put In commas Sarah's car, which is porked outside, is really expensive As - Like ‘© We use as + noun fo say what somebody or something relly is. She works a8 teacher ino privola school. # We use the verbs feel, look, smell, laste + | lke + noun My brother looks like Ewan McGregor. This orange juice tastes like vinegar! eerie 68 © We use like + noun/pronoun/ing form io show that wo people or things are similar or shore some of the same quoliies, He swims lke 0 dojphin Our house is very small i's nothing like thei. The new video game is very ealistc; i's hike flying a rea! aeroplane. © Present Simple — Present Continuous > Write the third person singular of the verbs in the list and put them in the correct box, as in the example. © show # fly © wish © stay © shout # fouch # do # look # try # apply # lay # say +8 shows, ss, ‘sh, “ch, ~x, 0 + 88 vowel +y +5 consonant + y —* ies ‘Add -ing to the verbs in the list and put them ing in the correct box, as in the example. ‘* work @ give ® lie * go * tie * buy * run * share * diop # die * operate © set ing working My + ing drop e + ing double consonan! + ing Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 1A: Whot 1) [you/do)? B: 12) (plant flowers. A: 3} [you/work| in the garden every weekend? B: No. | usvally 4) (meet) ny fiends. 2 A: Where 1) (you/gol? B: To the supermarket, | 2) {need} to do some shopping Ag (you/went) me to give you o lift? B: Oh, yes, please 3 AN [you/wait) for the train to london? B: Yes. 2) lorrve) in fen minutes ‘A: Oh, good! B: 3) {you/live} in London? A: No. 14) (a0) there on business A@* ‘A. 0) Look atthe information, then talk about the person. ‘Mes lyness — university professor work from 9 to 4 always have lunch «al campus restaurant prepare a lecture now travel to France in two weeks ) In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. A: What does Mrs lyness do? B: She's a university professor. 5 Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct position, as in the example. 1 Wy parents don’t go out to dinner. [usualy] ‘My parents don’t usually go out fo dinner. 2 Angie is on time for work. (always) 3. Does Dave study in the library? (often) 4. Peter drives tothe city centre, (seldom) 5. Rosie and Frank travel abroad. {sometimes} 6 Mike forgels to feed his dog. (never) Make true sentences about yourself. What do you always/never/usvally/sometimes/ rarely/often do: on Saturday afternoons? on i igs? in winter? Look at Mary's diary for the next three days. Use the prompls to ask and answer questions, as in the example Mon 8th Tues Sh Wed 10th * 10am ballet |* 3 pm haircut | © visit Grandma lesson * clienoon | © 6 pm meet shopping with] brother for Mum dinner ‘A: Is Mary having a ballet lesson on Tuesdoy? B: No, she isn’t, She’s having o ballet lesson on Monday. 69 Look atthe pictures, then use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example, * Relatives 10 Fillin who, which or whose, then soy whether or not the relative pronoun can be omitted, as in the examples. ‘Mr Bennett is the man who lives nexi door to me. [cannot be omitted} Those are the keys which | am locking for. [can be omitted) n whose daughier is a film star [cannot be omitted} Mary gave me. parenis work abroad rs I planted isin my other This is the house wont to buy. That is the man office is opposite mine. 10 Carol is the woman painted 11] Look ot the pictures and make sentences, as in the example. John/pick flewers/ do every Saturday morning? Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous Dear Susie, Thanks for your letter | always 1) (love) to hear your news. the moment, 2) (lok) fr onl) (need) oo ot pay) more mone than he te tho 15) on mevapoper ever ey on 6) ea thom ee tse f thee 7) (oe) er af dvrisomert. ee 8) pe (en of ig on todo iy fend Care 10) ‘co Pe neeronb andi 1) tea ogo wh hr Se fe 2) (rere hac bu se hts ig clr Love Zoe 1 A microscope is something [which] we use to see finy objects 70 so to 12. Underline the correct item. He's the boy who's/whase gol a motorbike 2 That's the woman who's/whose sister works for That’ the gil who's/whose an excellent singer. She's the woman who's/whose parly we went to, That's the man who's/whase got o Ferrari one 13 Complete each sentence with two to four words, including the word in bold, as in the example. 1 George is @ lawyer. His office is located in london whose George iso lawyer whose office is located in London 2 Susan is a hotel receptionist. She likes 10 help people. who ‘Susan, receplionist, likes to help people. 3. John decided to call about the position of estate agent. Itis a fulltime job. which — John decided to call about the position of a fulltime job. 4 That is the woman. Her brother is a very creative florist whose — That is the wéman avery creative florist 5 He has a wellpaid job. It requires excellent technical skills. which He has @ wellpaid job skil © As - Like 14 Underline the correct item. 1 John works as/like a policeman 2 She looks as/like a film star. 3. Cindy swims os/like a fish, 4. Pier has gota job as/like « mechanic 5 No one can paint as/like Van Gogh. 6 He looks exoctly as/lke Tom Civise 7 She runs as/like the wind. Poe Ray % ‘Se PREPOSITIONS: congry with sb about sh | argue wih sb about sh copologise to sb for sth | bored with copply to sb for sth bortew sth from sb approve of busy with 15 FFillin the gaps using the phrases from the table, as in the example. 1 You can't argue with Mike about his decisions: He's very stubborn 2 I need to some money David before | go to the cinema. 3. ‘I'm very Steve.” "Why?" "Oh, I'm something he said 4 Jane wants to the Evening Post the position of secretary 5 Don't disturb Mum, She is the arrangements forthe dinner party. 6 Clare doesn't people who smoke. 7 You must lucy forgetting her birthday. 8 Lom this programme. Le’ wateh something else PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES against the low at times, ot least at once at the age of at war at the some time 16 Fill in the gaps using the phrases from the table above, as in the example. 1 Both the doorbell and the phone song at the some fie. 2 When you hear the alarm, you must leave the building 3. Alot of children leave school siteen, 4. When wo counties are : everyone suffers. 5 ittakes two hours to drive to London, 6 tis to drive a car without a licence, 7 Carol is kind, but she can be impatient 1 Past Simple (Regular/Irregular verbs) Afrmative: _|/You/He/ete walked Negative: _|/You/He/ete didn't walk. Intertogative: Did [/you/he/ete walk? Short answers: Yes, I/you/he/ete did. No, /you/he/ete didn't. | Spelling: Past Simple affimative of regular verbs We add -d to vetbs ending ine. I ive — I lived With verbs ending in @ consonant + y, we drop the -y and add -ied. I try — I ied ‘With verbs ending in a vowel + y, we add -ed. ! ploy ~ | played \Wih vetbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, we double the lost consonant and add -ed. ! drop + | dropped | © For verbs ending in, we double the | and add -ed. { cancel -+ ! cancelled Irregular verbs For the past simple form of inegular verbs see list ofintegular verbs on p. 128. Use We use the past simple: «for on action which happened at a definite time in the post. The ime is stated, already known or implied. Bob bought a new car last month, (The time is stated. | ‘© for actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past first he took o shower and then he went Io bed. | © for past habits or slates which are now finished. In such cases we can also use the expression used to. ‘My grandmother read/used to read me bedtime stories when { was lila. [past hobil Time expressions used with the past simple: yesterdoy, yesterday morning/evening/etc, lost night/ week elc, hwo weeks/a month ago, in 1984 Past Continuous ‘Affirmative: | was studying. You were studying. He was studying. etc Negative: | wasn't sudying. You werent studying. He wosn't studi Interrogative: ‘Was | siudying? Were you sudying? Was he studying? el ‘Short answers: Yes, | was, Yes, you were. Yes, he was. ee a No, | wasn’t, No, you weren'. No, he wasn't. etc | oe | Use We use the past continuous; «for an acon which was in progress ota stated time inthe past. We do no! mention when the ction stated oF fished. A? eight o'clock yesterday evening Tom ond Mork were doing thelr homework, (We do no! krow when they stald or slopped doing their homework.) 712 MeN * for @ pas! action which was In progress when another action interupted it. We use the past ‘continuous for the action in progress [longer action| and the past simple for the action which interrupted it (shorter action. He was exercising when he felt o sharp pain in his lower back. * for two of more octions which were happening ot he same fime in the post [simultenecus actions). Sarah was waiching TV while | was reading 2 novel. * 10 give background information in a slory before we describe the main events The band was playing and the people were singing and dancing when we arrived of the concer Time expressions used with the post continuous: while, when, as, all day/nighi/momning, oll day yesterday, ete Order of Adjectives * Opinion adjectives Igood, ugly, etc) go before fact adjectives (big, small, yellow, etc. That's 0 beautiful red ciess. * When there are two or mare adjectives of the same category, the more general adjective comes before the more specific one. @ nice polite lady POs] 2 ctAdjectives 1 | | __ Adjectives size | oge | origin | material | used for/be about [noun | | lisa! nice small old | square) white | Italian wooden | dinner ‘rable, | | ot [eat Ee | Time Clauses Time words such as when, while, before, offer, unil are used to iniroduce time clauses, © We don’t use future offer time words, We use the present simple or the present perfect instead vwhen we are talking about the future. Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave. Compate: When / ge! home, I! call you |when is a time word in the example, soit is net follawed by a verb in a future form) BUT: When will she be back? [When is © question word in tis exomple) When the time clause comes before the main clause, we separate the two clauses with a comma While she was hanging out the washing, i! started raining * We don't use o comma when the lime clause comes after a main clause. 1) stoned raining while she was hanging out the washing Possessives Possessive adjectives show: * that something belongs to somebody. 1 This is my bed. (@ « the relationship between two or more people. They are my parents ‘We put possessive adjectives before nouns This is my book. B 74 oe * Possessive Pronouns Possessive pronouns show: + that something belongs to someone. They do not take @ novn | Singular Plural ae mine outs Compare: This is their room. (possessive adjective! yours yours Iris theits. (possessive pronoun) his hers | theirs * Thee is no possessive pronoun for “i” Possessive Case ‘We con use the possessive case fo shaw that o noun or group of nouns belongs fo somebody. This ccan be formed with ’s/s' or with “of. Possessive with ‘s/s! We form this by: * adding ’s to singular nouns (person or animal That is Paul's coat. * adding ’ to regular plural nouns the boys’ school. * adding ‘sto irregular plural nouns which don't end in s/es, the children’s toys Possessive with ‘oft | ‘We form this with * of + the name of thing the banks of he river © of + possessive case/possessive pronoun That's @ fiend of Mary's, (one of Mary's friends) I've got a book of yours. {one of your books} We also use “s with phrases of place or time at the chemist’s, today’s pope, two weeks' holiday Relative Adverbs ‘Where, when and why are velalive adverbs and can introduce relative clauses, © Whete is used to refer to a place, usually after nouns like house, hotel, stieet, town, county, ec. It can be replaced by which/'that + preposition. In this case, which/that con be omitted The shop where he works is near my house. The shop which/thal) he works in is near my house © When is used to refer fo time, usvally after nouns like time, period, momen!, day, summer, ete it can either be omited or replaced by that 1940 was the year (when/thal the second World Wor sited. ‘© Why is used to give reason, usually after he word reason, It can either be omitted or replaced by that The ceason (why/thal) the teacher punished Tom wos that he was very rude. reer © Past Simple - Past Continuous ] ©) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, James and his friends 1] (decide) to go camping on the mountainside for he weekend There 2) {be} few of them so they 3) (need) two tents. They 4) (spend) mos! of Friday evening packing their ‘equipment. The friends had offen camped out on the mountain and 5) [know) the path to the top very wall. The site they 6] (choose) 1 {be} ot the base ofa steep clif. By the time they 8) fortive) athe site ‘hey were very tired so they 9] [pu up their tents, and then 10) frei) until lunchtime, Jomes 11) (light) the two stoves and 12) (cook) them all some food. It was still quite early when they 13) {go) io bed. They 14) {wake} up just afer midnight because of loud thunder The sound of rain 15) (keep! them awake, so they 16) (sit) up for the test of the night. In the morning the sloim 17) (poss). The boys were finally able to enjoy their camping weekend, b) Now use the verbs from the tex! to complete the table below. Read the sentences below and use where, ‘when, who and what to write questions for the ‘answers given in bold, as in the example. 1 William Shakespeare was born in England, in 1564. Where was Wiliam Shakespeare born? In England. When was William Shakespeare born? In 1564. Who was born in England in 1564? Shakespeare. on, 2. Cinderella lost her glass slipper ot the bal 3. Sarah went 10 Mexico last July. 4. Mary Shelley wio'e “Frankenstein” in 1818. 3. What did you do: last Sunday? on your last birthday? last summer? when you got out of bed this morning? after school work yesterday? A, Use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example. 1. go abroad an holiday/last yeor/stoy here A: Do you usually go abroad on holiday? B: Yes, | do. A: Did you go abroad last year? B: No, I didn’t. | stayed here. g0 to gym/yesterday/stay home ‘walk your dag in the afternoon/yesterday afternoon /have to work late 4. drive to work/this morning/catch the bus on 5 Look at Lia's timetable, then ask and answer ‘questions, as in the example. A: What was lia doing at 8:15 this morning? B: She was getting dressed. What were you doing: at this ime yesterday? at 10 o'clock last night? ot 7 o'clock this morning? in July two years ago? 75 16 7 Putthe verbs in brackets into the past simple cr past continuous, then use the prompls to write questions for the answers. 1 Where/Alan James/fish? A B: At Borchester Loke. 2 Whot/decide/to do? A B: To cast his line elsewhere. 3) Where/swan/rise from? A B: Is nest B _ Putthe verbs in brackets into the past simple ‘or past continuous. A: Whot I)... {you/do) when the robbery 2} (toke) place? B: 13) {stand} in the queue. A: Whet 4) {happen} next? B: Two men 5] (push) their way to the front. One of them 6) {hold) o gun ‘Ac Then what 7) {the men/do}? B: They 8) (order) the cashier to give them the money. A: How 9] {police/find out) about the robbery? B: Wel, the cashier 10) [set off the alarm while the robbers 11) {put the money in « bag thoppen} (errive}? As And what 12) when the police 13] B: The man with the gun 14) (drop) it, but it wasn't 6 real gun afterall; it was a plastic one. © Order of adjectives 9 Putthe adjectives in the correct order. 1 She bought & (glass /lovely/smal] vose at ihe market 2 John’s goto (German/red/big) cor 3 Jone was weoring © (striped /long/cotion) dress. 4 He decided to throw away the (square /wooden/cheap) coffee table 5 Pelers works in a (conerete/modern/tall office block (0, Describe the things you have got in your bag, as in the example. I've gota purple leather pencil case. * Time clauses 1] Use when, while, after, before and until to join the sentences, as in the example. 1 They watched the J@ | was on holiday. video |b it fell osleep. 2 Amy got mea Je work. newspaper |d they had finished 3 John watered my ‘heir homework plants @ we got home. 4 He got upearyand | f she wos out. went fr oun 5: She sang to the baby | © We went siraight to bed I-d_ They watched the video after they had finished their homework. © Possessives 12. Underline the correct item. Can | use yours/your telephone, please? Have you seen him/his lates film? Thats not my/mine jacket, it’s John /John’s. That suitcase isn't your/‘yours, it's thels/ther. | can't find mine/my sunglasses. Have you seen them anywhere? Is warm today, so we don't need our/ours coats. Is that your/yours purse or is it her/hers? \s that Mrs Eve/Eve's car? No, it's ours/our. | can't remember hers/her name The video is him/his, but the computer is mine/my. ORONe Seone © Relative Adverbs 13. Join the sentences, using the words in the circle. 1 He'll never forget the day | 2 That's the shop 3. Tom wants to know the reason | 4 The local greengrocer’s | 5 | often think of the time @ Tbought the postcards | sent you. b Lused to live in South America. | we used to do our shopping closed down last year dhe won his first medal Jenny can’t join us at the theatre, PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES By accident by misioke by appointment by surprise: by for by the way by heart A. Fill inthe gaps, using the correct phrose from the table. 1 You con see Mr Jones only. He's very busy. 2 do you know what time the meeting starts? 3. Sally wos late for work because she caugh! the wrong bus 4 The news took me | didn’t know what to say. 5 Josie learned her lines for the schoo! play 6 This book is better than that one 7 Dan posted the wrong letier PREPOSITIONS capable of congratulate sb on sih care for sb/sih cope with close to curious about comment on 15 Filin the gaps, using the correct phrase from the table. 1. Janet was too polite to Paul's strange new haircut, er. learning tricks. 2 Dogs are 3 my office, The bus stop is 30 | don't have to walk far 4 Nurses sick and injured people. 5 Doisy is why the boss wanls fo see her. 6 | don't think | can all the work | hove to do. 7 Let's write and Som passing his exams © Revision Section (Units 1-2) 16 Circle the correct item. 1 The fist roin o London ..... at 6 o'clock. A isleaving B leave C leaves 2 | con't remember ..... phone number. A hers B hin C her 3 How ..... do you go to the cinema? A often B much C soon A: She... TV when the phone rang. A is watching B wotched C was watching 5 When it started to rain | used my newspaper con umbrella A like B for C as 6 ‘Can Jennifer come out to ploy?” “Sony ~ she... her homework ot the moment.” A do B does C is doing 7 A flight atendant is the person ..... responsible for the comfort and sofely of the passengers A whose B who's C who 8 When he ..... off the ladder, he broke his orm ‘and hurt his back. A fall B was falling C falls 17 Fillin each gap with one correct word. 1 That's not car. I's Tom's 2 You should be rude fo elderly people. 3. You look exactly your sister 4 How many people were there board? 5. We were about to leave for school the doorbell rang. 6 What nex? 7 Wakes years training to become ‘on atchitet 8 How on the radio? do you listen fo the news 7 78 Present Perfect ‘Short answers: Yes, I/you hove. Yes, he has. ec No, /you haven't, No, he hos. ofc at We us he present perfect fo Cctions which stored in the past and continue up to the present. {have been a teacher for five years. started teaching five years ago and I'm sill taching.] * past actions with o visible result in the present He has washed bis car. |We can see that the cor is clean.) * actions which happened ai an unslaled fe inthe post. The action is more important than the time, She has sold her house. (When? We don’t know, It is not important.) + experiences. Have you ever slep in a tent? * aciions which have happened within o specific time pariod which is nol over ot the moment of speaking. He has visited three museums this morning. (The time period ~ this morning ~ is not over yet.) Have gone to/Have been to/Have been in * Jone has gone fo Faris. |She went to Paris and she's sill there.) * Jone has been to Foris. (She's visited Paris but she’s back now.) © Jone has been in Paris for two years. (She has been living in Paris for Wwo years.) Present Perfect vs Past Simple Post Simple We use the past simple for ‘actions which happened at a definite time in he post, The fine is stated, known or implied. Andrew stayed in 0 youth hostel lastnight. (When? Lost night. The time is stated. | actions which started and finished in the post. Louise ved in London for hree yeors before she moved to York. (Louise lived there for three years. ‘She doesn't live there any more.| ‘© ‘actions which happened in the past. The time is eer known or implied Harold Macmillan fought in World War I {ime is known] She met her fiends after work, (ime is implied) Present Perfect We use the present perfect for @ actions which happened ot an unsioled time in the past, The tine is not mentioned or implied. Andkew has stayed in o youth hostel. (When? We do not know. The time is not stated.) * actions which siorted in the post and continue up lo he present. Henry has lived in london for three years. (Henry went to London three years ago ond he sill lives there today.) Present Perfect Continuous Short answers: Yes, /you have. Yes, he hos, etc No, /you haven't. No, he hasn't. eic ‘We use the present perfect continuous ‘© for actions which started and finished in the post and lasted for some time. The result of the ‘action is visible in the present They have been sunbathing. |The action is aver but the fact that they have a ton is visible.) © fo put emphasis on the duration of an action which stored in the post and confinues up fo the present ‘She has been cooking for two hours. (She started cooking two hours ago and she is sill cooking.) #10 express anger, annoyance of iritaion Who has been using my computer? Note: live, feel and work con be used either in the present perfect or the present perfect caniinuous with no difference in meaning I've worked/I've been working for this company for three years | Time expressions used with the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous: | Eyer is used Justis used! | © in questions, to mean ‘at ony fime before © to show that an aciion finished only a few now’ minutes earle Have you ever climbed « mountoin? 1 have just looked a! the mop. * in affirmative stolements ofier superlatives So far is used ond only os benim a oftd ine It is the most inferesting place | have ever I hove written ten postcards so far. visited. For is used: Italy isthe only county | hove ever been 10. «to express the duration ofan action Never is used | He has owned the guesthouse for ten years. ‘© in affirmative sentences, to mean ‘at no time He has been waiting here for ten minutes. before now’ Since is used: Ihave never rowed a boat * fo sot the starting pont Already is used They have lived in this town since Janvory © in positive statements ond in questions. 1995. Simon hos akeady tried waterskiing. ‘She has been studying since midday. Has Simon tried waterskiing already? How beg tet Yet is used: © in questions to refer to a time period. * in questions and negations Hay buena ei fall oven Have you found your compass yet? How long has he been watching TV? No, t haven't found it yer ern os 79 Prepositions of Place . We use prepotitions of place to say where somebody or something is. These ore: -_ * e in/inside on @ rer ned to under e oe — 6 ‘s ae, © & e = eek over on top of below ‘above round/around ee a D a eo 6 6S Ce © | nex! o/by/beside opposite between behind in front of | $8 |e Q eee Prepositions of Movement ‘We use prepositions of movement fo show the direction in which somebody or something is moving = ”~ - up through post ss fo along across onto Ee =, a. ~ off into out of over Note: With means of transport, we use the preposition by: by car/bus/train/bicycle/motorbike/ taxi/plane/boot but on foot. When there is an article [a/an/the), @ possessive adjective (my, your, etc) or the possessive case before the means of transport, we do not use the ‘preposition by. We say: on the train/in my car/on John's bike. “tetnttsnetensceerinnemnmnennsnensonsieseiens © Present Perfect 2. Look at the list of things Carmen and Jacki hhove/haven’t done for their dinner party ] You and your friend are organising a tonight. Then, use the prompls fo complete wedding reception. Look atthe lis of things their telephone conversation that you need to arrange ond ask and an aaanerionicaln etnies Te seni teleedcay v rear et ae eee aeeek acertioniball 2° dean bathroom and Kitchen 7 * hite 0} * order lowers * artange seating plan 3 ds living room x ‘ 4 hoover corpel x ‘A: Have you sent out the invitations? 5. sweep the yard v B: Yes, | have already sent out the invitalions./ 6 tidy bedroom x No, | haven't sent out the invitations yet. 7. dettas men x 80 eRe 2 2 Hi, Carmen, ifs me. Oh, hi, Jockie. Whats up? Nothing | just waa! to know if you 1) to the landlady about our dinner pory tonigh. Umm... Yes, Ihave, actualy ‘And how are you geting on with the housework? Well, | 2) the bathroom ond the kitchen 3) the living room? No, not yet. And | 4) the corpet, ether. But | 5) the yard! OK. What about your room? 6} ityel? Why? We're having « dinner parly — no one needs to see my room! So, what are you making for dinner? ‘Oh, nol | 7) the meat! Can you Sony — | don't have time. | have loo much werk to dol Bye! * Have gone to/Have been to/in Fill in have gone fo or have been to/in in the correct form. A: Hil ls Mary there? B: Sorry. She the school to pick up Joson. A: | didn’t know Laura lived in Sweden! B: Yes, she Sweden for the last three yeors. Tim speaks Spanish fuenly! Ob yes! He Pe Spain several times, that’s why. A: | haven't seen Craig for ages. Do you know where he is? B: Yeah ~ he the Seychelles for hwo weeks in the sun © Present Perfect vs. Past Simple 0} Use the notes in the diary entries below to talk about the people’s recent news, as in the example. ‘oth November John \ be at college | fohn has been a ‘ne month college for one «find cheap room | month. He has near college \ cheady not make friends yet ‘yesterday join rama society 2 Claire 75th January Join gym last week * already lose weight ‘+ never feel better |» not meet any new people so far b) What have you been up to lately? Tell « friend your recent news. 5 Read the job interview below and put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or present perfect. A: So, Ms Peiers, tell me a bit about your studies, please, B: Wel, 17) ljust/inish)universiy, where | studied archaeclogy. A 2) {you/do} ony work inthe field? B: Yes, 1.3) afield assistant on work) os everal occasions. | 4) (spend) los summer in Tukey A: What 5) (learn) from this experience? B: Well, it 6) (teach) me how to decide what wos important and what wasn ‘A: | see. What area of orchaeology are you most interested in? B: Egypiology. A” lyou/ever/bel 10 Eayoi? B: Yes, 1 8) ‘A: Thank you very much, Ms Peters. you soon (be| there twice. il got back to * Present Perfect Continuous 6 Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb in the present perfect continuous. 2 He's ongry. He She's ted. She has been ironing for four hours. for half on hour 3 He's very good. He 4 He's very lazy. He for two years. all aftesnoon a J wae) 6 She's very fit. She | | 5. She's bored. She all morning, since she wos four. 7. rs Jones doesn't lke change. She has been doing the same things for the last three years. Use the prompls to make sentences, as in the example. You can add your own ideas to the lis. + eat cornflakes for brealfas! # work as a shop assistant © wear same style of clothes * have her hair long ® live in o small flat © drive @ Mini ‘She has been eating cornflakes for brealfas forthe last three years Use the prompts below to ask and answer questions, as in the example. + collect shells * play football ¢ paint landscapes * buy antiques * grow exotic flowers © sew clothes ® make model aeroplanes What's your hobby? I collect shells How long have you been collecting shells? I've been collecting shells since last summer. What about you? What's your hobby? ebe> 9 Make true sentences about yourself withthe time expressions below. Use present perfect, present perfect continuous or past simple. © for two hours # last summer @ since Augus! + c long jime # last Friday ¢ for & week © for three days since 1998 lastnight # two weeks ago © for three months I’ve been doing my homework for two hours now. 82 1 Underline the correc iter 1. Peier has been playing footbal since/for wo hours. 2 hove never/yet left my car unlocked. 3. Jerry hasn't been eating very well lately/so far. ‘4. Rachel has just/since recorded her latest album. 5. So for/Since the filming of the series has been going according to plon 6 Mary has always/already been an admirer of that opera singer. 7 Supermarkeis have started selling these new hair cis recently/yet Hove you ever/already wanted to go on o safari? * Prepositions of Place 11 0) Look at the picture and complete the text, using appropriate prepositions of place. There is 0 sofa 1) he living room. 1 sofa is 2] the window, 3) the pouffe, 4) the sofo there is a cabinet with o lomp 5) it, There is a coffee table 6) the poutfe and the sofa. There are two candlesticks 7 it. 8) the armchair there is c fireplace. There iso corpet 9) the floor ond « painting 10} the wall There o floor lamp 11) the corner f the room, just 12] the pointing, b) Look at the picture in Ex. 11a again. Use the prompts to ask and answer questions, a8 in the example. candles * lamp * painting * window cushions # fireplace A: Where are the candles? B: On the coffee table. Where is the lomp? © Prepositions of Movement 12. Underline the correct preposi The whisle blew and they were off. They ran through the mud 1) close/towards the brick wall. Tommy was the last o climb 2) over/on the wall to the ober side. He soon caught up with the others as they were going 3) through/under the fence on their hands and knees Next they had to crow! 4) through/off the tunnel. Then came one of the most dificult pars of he event — the wooden beom, Mary of the boys fll os they tied to walk 5} along/inlo the norrow beam. Only two boys made ii to the end; one of them was Tommy. But it wosn't over yet. They sill had to swing 6) across/above the river Johnnie was fis, but he fell 7} in/onto the water Luckily Tommy goto the oer side, and everyone cheered as he ran 8) across/hrough the Finish ine PREPOSITIONS deal with be discouraged from depend on efficient at difficulty with [sth] | exchange sth for sth else disapprove of __| fan) expert al/in [sth/doing sh] 13 Fill in the gops, using the phrases from the fable in the correct form, as in the example. 1. She was discouraged from taking the job by the fact that she had to work weekends, 2 A: Do you think you'll get the job? B: That how the interview goes. 3 Vets often have to dongerous animals 4 Kate is alnl. computer programming, 5 lam hoving my homework, Will you help me? 6 Tom people who spoil their children 7 | want to this stereo 8 Jone is very conferences. another one. organising e PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES. for ¢ change, for fear of, for the time being, for goed, for once, from time to ima, for life 14 Fill n the gops, using phrases from the table. 1 Colin hos gone He's left the country, and he's not coming back 2 Jean is still looking for a flat. She's staying with her sister 3. I'm fed up with taking the train to work. | think I'l tke the bus 4 in your life ius listen to mel 5 My grandmother lives in the country and we visit her When you have children you hove o responsibilty 7 Jane set the alarm clock missing her interview. *# Revision Section (Units 1-3) 15 Fill in each gap with one correct word. 1 Who. been sleeping in my bed? 2 That's the mon dog bit me. 3 This time lost year we lying in the sun, 4 Air pollution geting warse every year 5 How long is it you last saw Bob? Charlie was sleeping I got home. 7 Cindy hos. driving since last year 8 Bob hasn't fed the dog 9 tinda hasn't driven the accident. 10 I've ‘won a prize before! 16 Circle the correct item. 1. She left an hour A ofter B ago C since 2 Ann looks her mother. A suchas Bos C like 3 The car into a tree. A crashed B hit C kell 4 Peter is looking for a new job. A 100 B yet ¢ sill 5. That's the house she was born. A which B where C thot 6 You can take in lots of activities. A place B action C part 83 94 Comparatives/Superlatives Comparison of Adjectives Use We use the comparative form lo compare hwo people, things, places, etc. We usually use than with comparative adjectives. ‘Mary fs younger than Jane + We use the superlative form to compare one person/‘hing/etc wilh more than one person/thing/ tc in the some gioup. We use the... of/in with superlative adjectives. We use In with the superlative when we talk obout places {t's the most expensive necklace in the shop. (NOT: et he shop) # We use (nol) as + adjective + a8 to show that two people/things/ete ore (not similar. ‘My brother is nol) as tall as my cousin. + We use less + adjective + than for two people/things/places/etc High heels are less comfortable than flat shoes. Spelling © With onesyloble adjectives ending in -e, we add rin he comparative ands inthe superlative fom. ice - nicer ~ nicest With one-sylable adjectives ending in a vowel + a consonant, we double the lost consonant and odd -er/-es. thin — thinner ~ thinnest # With twosyllable adjeciives ending in-ly ot -y, we change the +y to i and odd -er/-est. easy — eosier - easiest “Adjective Comparative | Superlative short big Bigger the biggest Ineguar -good._-=—=setier she best cdjecives —smal_—_ smaller _the smallest forms bed | worse | the wort “ryodjectives noisy noisier the noisiest lithe less the least fonds baguit | ore, mest mony more the most adjectives COMM! | beautiful_|_ beautiful much more the most Past Perfect (had + past participle) | Alfimmative: | hod started. You had started. He had stated. etc Negative: Thad! started. You hadn't started. He hadn't started. ete TInlertogative: Hod | storied? Had you started? Had he started? etc Short answers: Yes, I/you/eie had. No, I/you/elc han’ Use ‘We use the past perfect for: * on cctfon which happened before a sioted time in the post ‘She had painted the room by 5 o'clock. (She finished painting before 5 o'clock.) ‘an action which happened in the past before another past action. The action which happened earlier i in the past perfect, and the action which happened later isin the past simple. She hod booked « hotel before she amved in Pris. [She booked a hol fis and then arrived in Pi ‘an action which stared and finished in the past and whose result was visible in the post He had broken his arm, so he couldn't write, (The aciion “had broken’ happened in Ihe pas, cond the result “couldn't write” was visible in the post, 100.| Time Expressions vsed withthe pot perfect fer, already, jus, til/until, when, by six o’clock/midnight/ete, by the time, never, ete Past Perfect Continuous “had been listening. You had been listening. He hod been listening ele [hadn't been listening. You hadn't been listening. He hadn't been listening. ote | Hod | been listening? Had you been listening? Had he been listening? etc Yes, I/you/eic had. No, |/you/eic hada' Use ‘We use the past perfect continuous * lo emphasise the duration of an action which started ond finished before a stoted time inthe post She had been playing tennis for ten years by the time she was eighteen. * fo emphasise the duration of an action which siarted and finished before another post action. The ‘action which happened earlier is in the past perfect continuous, and the action which happened later is in the past simple, He had been studying for soven yoors before he gor his degree * for an action which lasted for some time in the past and whose result wos visible in the post. She was tired becauso she had been cleaning the house all doy. (emphasis on duration) Time Expressions used with the post perfect continuous: {for since, how long, before, uni, ec Clauses of Purpose Use We use clauses of purpose to express the purpose of on action (i.e. why someone does something). They are introduced with + toinfintive He's going fo the supermarket fo buy some milk * in order to (formal] She wenito he bank in order fo apply fora loan. | mus! sing my lonyer inorder fo moke on appointment * so that + can/will (present or future reference). VWe use can ond will when the verb in the main clause i in 0 present or flue tense. He lives in the countiyside so that he ean wotch the bieds ond wilde oa 85 86 pny, wr € «© sothat + could/would (past reference. Ve use could and would when the main ver Is in a pas! nse They took sondwiches «+ in case [+ presen! fense)[present/{ulure reference). Ve never use will wih in case with ther, 50 tha they wouldn't need fo buy food. Don't go out tonight, in case it rains. NOT: in case dewitlesin) «+ in case (+ past tense (past reference] She wrote down my phone number in case she needed to call me. + Comparatives ~ Superlatives 2 | _ 0} Complete the table. Adjective busy Comparative neorer big loiger hot guiet more intresting b) Use adjectives from the correct form, to complete the letter below. Dear Sarch, Uhope y visting many 2} sles is one of the 3) hod. The resort is 4) re well, I'm fine! I'm halidays | have ever * long/short/fair hair Superlative most spacious politest/ most polite table, in the auite 1) ‘on the islond. This than lost year's Joe Feoute i's located ina remote viloge, ond he sett here ore very 5} could even have © panty in il The the 71 teen, Every moming | go snorkelling in the crys clear woters at the 8) sunbathe on the 9) Jots of fun, See you soon. love, Aan swimming pools | have ever ‘Our oom is 6) ‘hon ary hotel room Ive ever stayed in betore, You resort has one of beach and sond. I'm having David old # smarly/casually dres: izabeth Amy Use the prompts to compare the people blow, as in the examples, d ob © ‘Amy is younger than Joe. Alex is the youngest of all St 3. Make exchanges using the prompts, as in the example. 1. Rome/London/beautfel/capital world A: Rome is more beautiful than London. B: Really? | think that London is the most beautiful capital in the world. The Hilton the Ritz/expensive /hotel/New York Dumb and Dumber/ liar Lia/unry/tilm/ever seen Pandas/Koalas ‘cute /animals world Porsches/Ferraris/fast/cars/ever made Brave New World/ 1984/interesting/book/ ever written conor A Compare your town to London. Talk about: ‘the weather # the buildings the shopping centres ® the restaurants * the people 1s colder in my town thon in London. © Past Perfect 5 Use the prompts to say what had happened to each person, os in the example. 1 he/can't wolk/break leg He couldn't walk becouse he had broken his leg. she/not be hungry/just eat they/be tred/not sleep I/g0 to the bank/lose credit card litle gil/be afaid of aeroplanes/not ty before Tom/not go to the porty/have an accident eunen 8 Moke sentences from the chart The old woman was happy 1 2 Tony went io bed late he 3. The teacher was tired 4 The boy was crying because | she 5 The dog was hungry 6 The man had on accident 7 Jessica couldn't find her hat had /hadn't aon © Past Perfect Continuous 6. Make sentences using the past perfect continuous. 1 he/tired/play music for hours He was tired because he had been playing music for hours : she/exhausted/danes all night his eyes/ted/read all night Rita's knee/sore/ride her bike for miles John/tanned/sunbathe for deys She/upset/orgue with her bes! friend OUReNn 7 Complete the exchanges by putting the verbs in brackels into the past simple, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous. TAL {be} realy tired lost night because | {shop} all doy. 8 {you/be) at the shopping centre yesterday? | (be) there, 100, but | [nct/see) you. 2 Al (meet) Joke cond Mike last night ond we {gol out to dinner. B: Why {you/not call) me? Al {ring] you ot about eight, but there (be) no answer B: You're right | (already /leave} aA! {heat) your boss fire) you B: That’ not tue. | (qui. We {have} arguments for a very long time before | (decide) to leave, worked all evening correcting tests. eaten anything for days. ¢ fallen asleep while driving d forgotten where she had put it won the lotery. f been out with friends. 9 sprained his ontle ON GR, vis ‘o Jone Smith isa famous actress. Look at her programme for last week and make sentences, as in the example, Sunday Monday Tuesday 16:00 - 24:00 rehearselhave dinner 17.00 - 21:00 travellreach Paris 1000-1180 ve radio iterlenlleave for theatre Wednesday 1230 - 1400 talk to her agent/agres +0 sign new contract 1450 ~ 11:00 shopign to dress rehearoal 18:00 = 21:00 reatiperfor in Fort of an audience 11:00 - 18:00 sign autograph! ae a prese conference Thursday Friday Saturday She had been rehearsing for six hours before she had dinner. 10 What do a cook and a scientist need these things for? Look at the pictures and use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example. aS * cook food L « record their research ‘© chop up vegetables and meat © examine bacteria ‘© weigh flour and sugar do experiments. oa scales A cook needs o saucepan fo cook food in. saucepan microscope computer 11. ©) Jim is going on a skiing holiday. Look at the pictures, then use the prompts wit case or so that to make sentences, as in the example. 88 mask ego nobtcdg scan posting ‘s can keep his feet warm ‘« want to take some photographs «get sunburnt e get su pa «go snorkeling : + g0 swimming ‘walking boots skis Jim will take a snowboard with him in case he wants fo go snowboarding b) Ted went on a soiling holiday. Say what he took with him, as in the example. Ted took his water skis with him in case he wanted to go waterskiing 12 Join the sentences using the words in bold, as in the example. joel went to the port. He picked up his usin lio} ‘Michoel went to the p 2 Jane took o ick up fis cousin. with her. It was cold at night, {case} 3 Ill bring my video camera. | want to tape the bishday post thot) 4. Make sure you carry 0 compass. You may need i for directions. (in) 5 He rang his porenls. They were worried about him. {case} PREPOSITIONS familiar with hear about |=be told] fed up with heat fom (=receive lett) friendly with/to | he good ot f [=learn that sth or sb exis) guilty of 13 Fillin the gaps, using phrases from the table. 1 Thope | 4 you arrive in Brazil 2 Our new neighbours seem to be very nice you as soon people; they're very us. 3 Jocks very swimming; he clways wins competitions. 4 Did you John's adventures during is safer? 5 The student wos cheoting in his exoms 6 I'd never that actor until | read about him in the paper yesterday. 7 Are you this machine? 8 I'm all your les! | never want fo see you again PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES in addition to (+ing form) | in a hurry in common in the long run in the direction of in the meantime in exchange for 14 Flin the gaps, using phrases from the table. 1 Tonio and Rudy have « lot of hobbies 2 I'm going to the supermarket; make sure you finish vacuuming 3 lucy is ee she's worried she'll miss her flight. 4 Iillend you my bike your skateboard. 5 snowboarding, | also enjoy skiing © A monthly bus pass may seem expensive; but i's cheoper 7 They wolked the church. * Revision Section (Units 1-4) 15 Circle the correct item. 1 eat eggs. | don’t like them A always B never € often 2 What do you usually for breakfast? Athove — B had C having 3 Whot A do you do © ate you doing 4 I wos watching television A while B when at the moment? B you do he was studying C because @* 5 They two weeks ago A leave —B_were leaving C elt 6 His car down yesierday. A bicke —B break broken 7 My mother always while I'm ot work A looked —B looks 8 shopping tomorrow? A Ave you going B Do you go C Have you gone cer my children has lacked 9 Hove you been to that new café 2 A just B yet C never 10 I'm tired because | for four hours. ‘A have been studying B study C am studying 11 He wos crying becouse he his leg A wos huting B had hust C have been hurting 12 The suburbs are than the city centre. A queer B quiet C quietest 13 This is the ....... car 've ever driven A fost B foster C fastest 14 He has Japan for over o year. A been to B beenin C gone to 15. He ..... for hours before he reached the village. A is driving B has been driving C had been driving 16 Fillin each gap ‘one word. 1 He doesn't like his flat. He looking for somewhere else. 2 Did you visit he Pyramids when you in Egypt? 3. was very late for work today the train broke down. 4 hope that Julie gets the job. She always wanted to work for that company. 5 | hove learning French for three yeors now. 6 John hopes thai he will have enough money to buy a new cor soon. He has been saving more than six months 7 They wanted to talk to Mike at the party but by the time they arrived he olrecdy lft. 8 They love lioly — they been going there on holiday every summer for years 90 on GR, & s o % Future Simple - will _nterrogative: ome? Wil yo | Short answers: will. Yes, you will. Yes, he will ‘won't. No, he w Use We use the future simple «for prediclions about the future, usualy with the verbs hope, think, believe, expect, imagine, tc, the expressions I'm sure, Im afraid, ele ond the adverbs probably, perhaps, etc 1 think he'l be there, soo. Vexpect it wll rain morrow. The teacher will assign us 0 project. for promises. ("ll call you at six o'clock for onthe-spot decisions. There's no bread. I go and buy some. for threais. Turn down the music or !' call the police. to make predictions based on what we think or imagine. {don't think shel like her present Time expressions used with the future simple: tomorow, he day fier tomorrow, nex! week/ month/year, tonigh, soon, in a week/month/ year, ete Be going to TTam/lm going fou are/You'te going to . He is/He's going fo... le ‘ou aren't going i... He sn going fo. ec re you going fo ... ? Ishe going lo ee ‘are, Yes, he is. etc “ “No, fm na No, you'te not. No, he isnt ec oS Use We use be going to: © fo tak about furre plans and intentions. They're going fo spend the weekend neor the sea. [They're planning fo do ths.| + fo moke predictions based on wha! we see or know. She's going to have a baby. I knovr that she is pregront.) Present Continuous (for fixed arrangements) Use We use the present continuous for fixed arrangements in the near future, especially when we know the time and place. I'm flying to Mascaw tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock ‘Hr Eenreetemreenineenennem Conditionals - Type 0/Type 1 * A conditional consists of ho ports: the if-elause (hypothesis), which begins with the word if cand the main clause, which shows the result of the hypothesis. [they earn a lot af money.) [hey'll buy a bigger house. if-clause main clause ‘When the if-clause comes before the main clause, we separaie them with a comma. When the main clause comes before he if-clause, hen we do not separate them with a comma, iF he doesn't go o the interview, he won't get the job. He won't get the job if he doesn’t go fo the interview. Conditional Type 0 Use * In this ype of conditional we can use when * Conditionals Type 0 express a general ith, instead of if Jaw of nature, something which is aways tue or Hf/When you burn yourself, it hurts. something thot clwoys hoppens os 0 rest of Form semehing eke : if you put an apple in a bowl of water, he clause main clouse Eine if + present simple present simple Conditional Type 1 Use Form ‘© Conditionals Type | express a real or very a a | probable situation in the present o: future. : a Ges a | ‘We can use unless instead of if... notin the a | if-clause. The verb after unless is chuays in E abaae A the affirmative {f you don't wake vp early, you'll be late, Unless you wake vp ery, you'll be lato. + bore infinitive Countable / Uncountable Nouns * Countable nouns are nouns which we can count. They have singular and plural forms. one apple, two apples, hyee opples * Uncountable nouns are nouns which we cannot count. They only take singular verbs. These nouns include: food (cheese, meat, sal, etc) liquids (coffee, milk, woier, 120, ec); solids (glass, ice, iron, etc; subjecs of study French, English, etc); games [football, basketball, etc); diseases (fv, measles, ele; natural phenomena rain, wind, sunshine, ele); some abstract nouns {accommodation information, knowledge, etc; collective nouns [baggoge, luggage, fumilure, etc) Remember to buy (some) meat. | lke to drink milk * We can use the following nouns before uncountable nouns to show quantity: @ botle, @ glass, @ cation, @ cup, a bowl, « packet, a sice, a loaf, a kilo, a bar (e.g. a baile of Coke, a cup of tea terrence 91 92 eee ‘© We use plural forms with the nouns people, police and clothes. The police are investigating the burglary «nouns which refer to objects that consis! of two pars, such os trousers, shorts, shoes, gloves, socks, earrings, scissors, ec We do not use o/an or number with these nouns. We use the phrase a pair of... instead, Where are my shoes? J need @ new pair of trousers. ‘A/An - Some - Any Use © We use a/an in all forms (affirmative, negative ond interrogativel with countable nouns in the singular There is a photo album on the table. There isn'ta chair in the room. Is there an ashtray here? + We use some in the affirmative with elther countable nouns in the plural cr uncountable nouns. We need some potatoes ond some meat. Note: We use some in the interrogative for offers or requests. Would you like some juice? (oer) Can | have some water, please? (request) © We use any in the negative nd the inlerrogative with ether countable nouns in the plural or uncountable nouns. There oren’t any books on the shelf. There isn’t any milk. Are there any apples lof? Is there any coffee in he pot? Alot of - Much/Many ~ How much/How many — (A) few/(A) litle Use © We usually use @ lol of in affirmative sentences with either countable nouns inthe plural or uncountable nouns. We omit of when a [ot isnot followed by 9 noun. She has got a lot of books. Ass there any cheese? B: Yes, there's a lt + We usually use much ond many in the negative ond the interrogative. We use much with uncountable nouns, ond many with plural countable nouns | don’t drink much coffee. I haven't got many pencil. [s there much tea in the pot? Have you go! many toys? + We use how much and how many in questions. We use how much with uncountable nouns and how many with countable nouns in the plural How much lemonade have you had? How many shiris have you got? + We use a few [= not many; some} with countable nouns in the plural. We use a litle (=nc! much; some] with uncountable nouns. We've got a few books. We've got a litle flour OuReNn Result Clauses Use Result Clauses are used to express the result of something + such ofn) + {adjective] + singular countable noun (+ that) twos such a great party hat we'll never forget it. + 50 + adjective/adverb (+ that 1'm 50 fred that | could fal! asleep standing up. She wos speaking so loudly that nobody could concentrate, Reflexive Pronouns us Singular “myself + Reflexive Pronouns are used ater certain verbs nae (behave, bum, cut, enjoy, hut, look ot, laugh fice at, inoduce, dry, teach tc) when the subject and the object of the verb are the same. Did you hurt youself? We introduced ourselves. * Certain verbs do not normally take a ‘reflexive pronoun. These are: wash, shave, dress, complain, meet, rest, feel, stand up, get up, sit down, wake up, etc She feels fine. (NOT: She feels fine hevsell.) However, we can use a reflexive pronoun with wash or dress when we talk about young children or animals, ‘My son knows how to dress himself |without help; alone themselves | ee * Will - Going to Complete the sentences using your own ideas. in I's hot in here. | Pie ora Sep Heth ora Sally is good at science. | think © 1'm sure | will ¢ I don’t think | will # Thhope | will ¢ I wan't be able to eo eee mee. | go to university next year |X| 2 1 2 3 4 Be carefull You 5 6 3 Use the prompis fo ask and answer, as in ‘A: Will you go fo university next year? ineveinplad B: | don’t think | will. play tennis later (| * see Mr Hartis?/type these letters go shopping this afternoon (¥/| * phone the clients? /finish this report watch the thriller on Saturday (X] © print that document?/send this e-mail be at John’s porty tonight [7) + post these bills?/tidy my desk remember to wash the car ix} * put those files away?/make some phone calls *# go to lunch? /do all my work A: When ore you going to see Mr Harris? B: I'l] see him after I've typed these letters. 93 A. Fill in will or om/is/are going to. b) What ore your fixed arrangements for next week? Look at those clouds! Oh, yes! It looks like rain! 5 I'm seeing my friends on Monday. 2 A: I'm col B: A B: Cenatouaaaie oe * Countable/Uncountable nouns 1 know. I think he a 5 a fomous writer one day 6 Fill in o/cn or some with the following 4 A: Look, Mum| I'm climbing the tree! ee B: Be carefull You fall . milk © opple * biscuit 5. A: IFyou don't stop making that noise, = ieee ee send you fo your room. chicon aoe ce B: Oh, all right. Sorry. 6 A; I's getting late. You should be asleep. B: | promise | goto Look at the pictures, then use the words to bed when this programme finishes ‘ask and answer, os in the example. 7 A: Why have you bought so much Because hove a dinner party. J? satton # packel # jar # bolle # tub # can # bar 8 A: Simon has been saving money for months: B: | know. He buy a new car. 7 2 9 A: Don't be late, will you? B: | promise | be home by six o'clock. | 10 A Hon up We niscuticn’ 1 B: OK. I'm coming. * Present Continuous (fixed 5 arrangements) EI = 5, 0} Use the verbs to complete Mr Parker's timetable, then ask and answer questions, as in the example. shove * fly ® attend © discuss * see * give ve Seminar ‘A: Is Mr Parker seeing his dentist on Monday? 1 Als there any milk left? B: No, he is attending a business meeting. B: Just one carton. 94 8 Use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example. 1 bread - a loaf A: Do we need any bread? B: Yes, we do. There's only a litle lef. A: How much do we need? B: | think a loaf will be enough. 2 water ~ a bottle 3 tea ~ a packet 4 jom~ 0 jar 5 beans a tin 6 orange juice - @ carton * Conditionals Type 0/1 J Use the prompts to make full sentences, then ‘say which type of conditional each sentence is. 1 mix blue and yellow paint — make green paint IF you mix blue and yellow paint, you make green paint {Conditional Type 0) 2 not go fo bed early =» be tied in the morning 3. freeze water = become ice 4 >is the train — be late for work 5 not eo! breakfast -* be hungry later 6 put salt in coffee + taste awful 7 not water plants - die 8 go to party = have fun leave ice cream in the sun —* melt 10 not study hard -* not pass your exams 10 Use the prompts to continue the story, as in the example. * Vera leave countryside * move to the cily * live in flat * not hove garden # be unhoppy + move back to countryside A: If Vera leaves the countryside, she'll move to the city. B: If she moves to the city, ... ete oo a 7 @* 11] Write the verbs in the correct tense. 1 sfyou [cut down on} sweets, you'll lose weight 2 Ifyou (pour) water on a fire, the fre goes out 3 If you add sugar to your coffee, you (make) i sweet 4 If Clare is late, we (n01/wait} for her 5 she (not/do} her homework, the teacher will be angry 6 fhe touches the oven, he (burn himself 7 Ifyou heat metal, i {become} liquid 8 Il (have) some free time, I'l drop by. 9 rhe gels the job, he (be) very happy. 10 fl {see} Paul, I'll give him the book. 12 Fillin: if, when, unless 1 you finish your homework, you can't goo the pay you don’t run, you will miss the bus you are ready to leave, call me. it slop raining, we won't go fora walk you eat your dinner, you can have some cake ORen 6 he comes soon, we will have: to leave without him: a you finish the report, give it to the manager 8 you like this soup, you con have 9 you leave the house, lock the door. 10 ‘we save some money, we con't go con holiday this year 13. Use the prompts to make sentences with if/ when/unless, 1. get married - move to @ bigger house IF get married, Ill move to a bigger houss When I get married, I'l move fo o bigger house. | won't move to a bigger house unless! get marie. find 0 job ~ buy 0 car poss the exams — get o ceriicale Save some money ~ go on holiday ge! my degree - become a doctor need you - call you ooneNn 95 96 9 * Reflexive pronouns 14 Complete the dialogues using the correct reflexive pronoun, Did you need o map to find the hotel? No, we found it by Paul's o very talented guitar player. Yes, he taught The Smiths’ house looks great! I believe they decorated it What's wrong with julie? Oh, she just wants to be by. Where did you buy your dress? \ didn’t buy it. | made it a oe o SPOrererer 15. Use the verbs in the lst and the correct reflexive pronouns to complete the sentences, asin the example. ‘s hutt # scald # serve ® switch # lock # pour 1 He locked himself out, so he had to climb through the window, 2 Mos! pettol stations these days ore seltservice. You have to 3 The oven will off when the food is ready. 41 when the kettle stared boiling 5 They were thirty, so they dink 6 Chlos when she fell off her bike © Result Clauses 16 Fill in the gaps with so or such o/an. 1 The day was for a picnic. sunny that we wen! 2 Ih was great parly thot we didn't want 10 go home. 3 Clare was fined thot she fell asleep at her desk 4 Heis talented singer that everyone ‘wants to get tickets for his concert. 5 Sam shovied loudly that the neighbours heard him. 17 Rewrite each sentence with two to four words, including the word in bold. 1. FF you're not careful, you'll hurt yourself unless You will hur yourself careful. 2 You will be fred unless you go to bed early. # — Youwill be tired to bed eaily 3. She is such @ rich woman, As a result, she doesn't have to work so That woman 2 she doesn't have to work. 4 The weather was so bad thot our holiday was ruined sucht wos ‘our holiday was ruined. 5. He will lose his job if he doesn’t work harder. unless He will lose his job harder 6 was such an interesting book that he couldn't stop reading i © The book he couldn't stop reading i. PREPOSITIONS impressed by/with insist on make an impression on sb | interested in increase in jeclous of invitation to keen on sth 18 Complete the sentences with the correct phrases from the table. 1 Each year, there is ofa} the number of runners who fake part in the London Marathon 2 Ifyou are folk music, you should buy tickels forthe local festival 3 The manager being present at all he interviews 4 Charlotte wants ta go to the film festival because she is becoming an acess. 5. The spectators were the sirengih ond courage of the athletes, David was Georgina because her carnival costume wos beter han his 7 you want to the principal, always hand in your work en time. 8 Julie sends us ala) her wedding, we will go. PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES in the mood in return in person in secret in public ina queve 19 Complete the sentences withthe correct phrases from the table, 1 At the graduation ceremony, parents waited to enter the main hall 2 The actor was unable to collect his award because he was in hospital 3 James felt to dance when the jazz musicians staried to play. 4 Mrs Smith gove Tim £10 for his help. 5 Angela arranged the party because she wanted fo surprise her parents. 6 The Princess never went out because photographers chvays followed her * Revision Section (Units 1-5) 20 Circle the correct item. 1 Kate ...... with her grandparents ot the moment, A stays B is staying C stayed 2 The Nile is... river in the world A the long B the longer _C the longest 3. There isn’t... milk left. Ill buy some more. A some B any C no 4 Dovid works .....@ teacher in @ high school. A like Bas C s0 Se 5 I'm hungry. I think |... some chips. A will buy Bam going to buy C om buying © A detective is someone A who B whom 7 We solves crimes C whose to ltaly twice, We love it there. A hove been B have been going € have gone 8 Jone ‘on the phone when the alarm went off. A talked B had been talking © wos talking 9 Can you tell me ..... coat ths is, please? A who Buwhos — C whose 10 Don't worry. Ive ..... cooked dinner for us A oleady —B lately since 11 John’s house is ..... bigger than his brothers A more B much C most 12 Did you really eat a whole ..... of biscuits for breakfast? A tube B cation © packe' al 21 Fill in each gop with one correct word 1 Ive been to Ireland, but | hear it's lovely there. 2 I hoven't finished making dinner 3 Would you like fea? 4 Did you burn 7 5. We don’t have encugh eggs — I'll have to go cond buy 61 ‘eat cottage cheese because it makes me ill 7 Hurry up or you'll be late work gain. 8 They were eating dinner the Fire started 9 Petra is for qualified to work in 2 shop. 10 How hos she worked for the company? 11 Mary has least ten cals in her garden 12. Whot’s the weather during the summer in your country 97 The Infinitive The initvs are he tole (He pronied fo jp me ond he bare infinitive (/ must leave nove). “We use the tonfintve | © to express purpose. / woke up early fo catch the morning train: er certain vets such os advise, agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, offer, promise refuse, seem, wort, etc. They decided fo sell air old car otter adjecives such os nice, sony, glad, happy, aftaid, easy, dificult, eic Its easy to lear how fo drive 0 car + aftor would prefer. | would prefer fo live in the county: | \ | | “We use the bare infinitive ‘fer modal verbs lean, may, should, etc). You can use the phone. ‘© fer the verbs let, make, see, hear and feel. He never lets me pay the bil Tenses a the Infinitive: Reference | Example “Present: (o] go | present and They want fo go home. | fuure He wants fo avel io Chino nex! year “Present Cont: to} be going action They are though! fo be hiding on be | happening now | a remote island “Perfect to) have gane ee | © ose noun. Painting is one of my favourite hobbies. ‘= coffer prepostions. He apologised for being rude | © offer love, lke, enjoy, dislike, hale and prefer lo express general preference I ove cooking for my fiends. He prefers watching TV to dancing. * after certain verbs such os consider, avoid, deny, fancy, spend, mind, begin, finish, admit, | etc, I don’? mind going to the cinema, © afler go for activities. We never go swimming anymore © offer i's no use, i's no good, be busy, can't help, can't stand, look forward to, be/get used |___10, have diftuly In, etc, can’t help feeling nervous during exans | + afer woud rather ond had beter. rater sty ot me tonight We'd bat go now « cfter too and enough. He's foo young fo cross the sieet. I've saved enough money to buy a car. Verbs toking the to-nfinitive or the -ing form with a chang ‘© remember + tornfinitive = no! forge! | must remember o call my paren'sfonight *# forge! + toinfntve = not remember | forgot to turn off the aircanditioner a always remember buying my first car. ‘+ forget + ing form = not recall a) mem! reco! ‘+ stop + tornfintive = siop briefly iodo sth else stop + sing form = finish, give up She stopped to have « cup of coffee ond then carried on with her work, * We use must =o express obligation, necessity and db You must wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. (You have io wear @ hele. =o express thot its necessary to do sth 1 must water the plans, (is necessory ~ for positive logical ossumptions ‘She musi be on aciess I've seen her on TV. {fm sue she's an actress.) + We use can't for negative logical cssumplions. Jack and Paul can’t be shangess, They've been next door neighbours for years. {I'm sure they aren't strangers.) ‘© We use mustn't/can't for prohibitions You musin'V/can't park your cor near o bus stop. I's forbidden to pork there.) © We use have fo fo express that i is necessary fo do sh [especially when somebody else other than the speaker has made the decision). J have fo stay late of work tomorrow. (My boss told me to stay.) ‘+ We use don't have to/needn't io express lack of necessi You don't have to/needh't do the shopping. ve already done it It isn’t necessory for you to do it) {think you should stop playing compuer gomes during lessons | {I never forget sailing down the Nile | | ‘We use can/could/may/might to ask for permission. Could/May/Might aie more formal than ean Can | go to the park? Could/May/Might | take next Monday off? Ils permited for me to... 2] We use can/may to give permission. May is more formel thon ean, Of course you can use the phone You may leave your luggage here, sit IYou ore allowed to... We use can'/musin'i/may not fo veluse permission, May not is formal 'm alroid you can't slay le fonigh. You musin't watch TV after 9 pm. You may not write in ink during the test {You aren't allowed to ...) We use could/may/might lo show that something is possible o likely Tom could/may/might sti! be at school. {It's possible that he is still at school.) We use would/could/can to make o request Could you open the door for me, please? 99 100 1 10 © The Infinitive / -ing Form Put the verbs in brackets into the correct ‘A: Whot did Sally soy? B: Well, she agreed to mee! (meet) us at the train station at 6:00. A I'm really looking forward to {see} Tom again B: Yes. I's been ages since we last saw him A: Do you fancy (visit) the Martins this Friday? B: Yes, that would be nice A: [really want [buy] on air-conditioner. B: Me, too. I's very hot this summer, isn’ i? A: | hate (gol to the opera B: Really? | love the opera! A: Did you remember (call your mother? B: Yes. | called her this morning. A: | couldn't help that Ray has bought a new laptop. B: Yes, his old one was stolen lasi week A: | don’t mind atter your dog while you're away. B: Thanks. That would be great A: What would you like {have} for dessert? B: How about ¢ fruit salad? (notice) {look} A; Does Greg know how to swim? B: No. | don’t know why, though. Is so easy (learn. 2. Circle the correct item. at once! 1 Stop A io talk B talking C talk 2 Vd tather...... steak than fi A have B tohave —€ hoving 3 Jan begged her father to let her ....... out Iote Atosay —B stay C stoying 4 The family were oll looking forward on holiday, A going B togoing ogo 5 The teacher told him he must ...... harder. A study B studying Cfo study 6 He denied ....... the watch. A steal B tosteal stealing 7 \'m busy ....... my kitchen at the moment. A paint B painting Co paint 8 Ben's interested in ....... karate lessons A iotcke —B ioking C toke 9 When you finish ....... yau ean waich television. A eal B ioea! C eating 10 They would prefer tennis on Saturday ‘afternoon rather than Sunday morning, A toploy —B playing play 3 Complete the sentences, os in the example. 1 W's diffcul 10 play the piano, in my opinion. Playing the piano isllfcut, in my opinion 2 Paul doesn't mind taking the dog for a walk Paul is happy for o walk 3. Sue said she would make a salad for the party Sue agreed for the patty 4 It's not my Foul that I'm so nervous. I can't help nervous 5. The children con't wait to go on helidoy. The children are looking ferward holiday. 6 Carol hates watching football matches. Carel can't siand matches. 7 They said they didn’t cheat in the test. They denied the tes! 8 Would you like to go to the theatre? De you fan theatre? 4.9} Read the extract and put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form. My brother always loved (1) (play) the cello, ever since he was @ child, He begon (2) {take} cello lessons when he was five and he always wanted [3} (become) o professional cells. Our parents had no objections and let him (4) (do) whatever he liked. Then one day, when we were all looking forward to him (5) (receive) his diploma, he decided (6) (qui music and join the army. b) Use the prompts fo write a similar short paragraph about « girl colled Donna. * Donna/love/ * begin /take nt/ever since/child 3/5 years ago + now/plan/become/ professional artist * look forward /have/own studi * hope/be/famous some doy 5 Use the words/phrases to make sentences, «8 in the example. * like © expect © dificul # seem * enough * dislike * may * hoppy * decide © promise © consider © is no use ® can't stand * afraid * refuse * fancy # agree * would prefer © can't help ® it’s no good I like meeting new people. 6 Simon is a professional photographer. Use the prompts to talk about him, as in the example, © spend/hours/work/in/datk room * want/open/gollery/in Londen © ahvays/remember/meet/his favourite photographer/when/he/be/a child * love/iravel/all aver the world/toke/photos * hope/own/house/in the south of France/ cone day can't stand /live/in the city ‘© finds it dificul/mest/new people ‘© enjoy/take/long walks/in the country/Sundays Simon spends hours working in the dark room. Read the sentences and underline the correct infinitive tense. 1 The Browns plan to buy/to be buying a new car. 2 A: Where's Laura? B: She must be studying/have studied 3. He hopes to have won/to win fist place in the 4, Harry seems 1 be exying/to ery. | wonder what's wrong 5 A: Why does Tom look so tired? B: Well, he claims i do/to have been doing a lot of overtime lately 6 She claims to have met/to meet the Queen, but | don’t believe her 7 A: Have the police found the robbers? B: Not yet, They ore believed to hide/to-be hiding somewhere in the mountains. Where are you going on holiday, John? | may have gone/go to Portugal, but I'm not sure ye What time do you expect Jane to arrive/to have arrived? B: At 6:30, ° os 101 Kee |; 10 A: Did you know that Pele has entered the london Marathon? B: Yes ~ and he says he expects to be finishing/ to finish in less than two hours! 11. The Vikings are known to reach/to have reached North America 1,000 years ago. 12 A: Did you hear cbout Angie's accident last a B: Yes. She is said to be driving/to have been driving too fast * Modals Must/Mustn't, Have to/Don't have to, Needn’t G _ Read the youth hostel rules and say what you must or musin’t do, as in the example. > Youth ? Hosnel Rules asked to keep the Don't ‘@ smoke in the lounge. ‘© cook in your room. © have parties after 7 pm. Do ‘© turn off the lights when you leave your room. @ pay the rent on time. @ respect other guests. keep the bathroom QD cleanatalltimes. 2 You musin’t smoke in the lounge. Fill in the gaps with mustn’t or needn‘i/don’t have to. 1 A: You be lote for school B: I'm sorry. It won't happen again 2A: Shall | water the planis? B: No, you I've olteady watered them. 102 10 We have to work with children. We don't have to wear <@ uniform, A: You buy any apples. I've just bought @ kilo, B: Great! I'l make on apple pie, then A: You ‘wear high-heeled shoes con the boat B: Oh, I'm sorry I'll take them off A: You feed the dog. | fed him ten minutes ago. B: All right. I'll take him for a walk A; You go to the post office now. You can go later B: OK A You fake the car again without asking B: I'm sorry, Mum AA: Can | fake photographs in the museum? B: No, you I's Forbidden: A: Shoal |help you with your luggage? B: You thanks. It isn't heavy A: Now, you ‘open your exam popes unil | tell you B: Yes, Mrs Douglas Imagine you work at a campsite. What do/don't you have fo do? Make sentences, €s in the example. J] Use have to/must, don’t have to or mustn’t cand the prompts below to make sentences ‘bout travelling fo tropical country, as in the example. * hove the correct currency 7 * get o visa W drink the top water x book a hoiel in advance x ‘hire a local guide x ‘* get a vaccination 7 * respect the local customs and traditions 7 * trovel oround without your passport X You have to/must have the correct currency. * Can/Can't, Have to/Don't have to 12 Use can, can't, have to and don’t have to with the prompts below to ask and answer questions about your school rules. © wear jeans/a uniform * ot during lessons/behave ourselves * play compuier games during lessons/ concentrate * use our mobile phones/tuin off our mobile phones when in class ‘mite in pencil/in ink * use a calculator/make our own caleulations when toking a Maths test ‘A: Can we wear jeans at school? B: No, we can’t. We have to wear o uniform. 13. Replace the phrases in bold with you must, you musin’t, you have to, you don’t have to, you can or you can’t. 1 You are obliged fo wear a seatbelt when driving 2 You don't have permission to pork here. I's private propery, 3 It's not necessary to wear a tie to the party, I's ‘an informal event. 4 You have permission to go to the barbecue, but you are obliged to be home batare 11:00, 5 In some countries, i's forbidden to smoke in public places. 6 I's necessary to have your identity card with you at all times. * Can, Could, May, Can't/May not 1d, Study the situations and write sentences using may, can, could or can’t, as in the example. 1. You want to leave at 4 o'clock instead of 5 on Tuesday. Ask your manager for permission. May/Can/Could | leave work at 4 o'cleck on Tuesdoy? 2 Your son wants @ puppy. Refuse permission Your sister wanis to borrow your camera. Give her your permission, fs ~ ~ 4 Your father asks you if you've seen his glasses You think you saw them on the kitchen table Express this possiblity 5. You want to spend the night ata friend's house. Ask your mother for permission 6 You want to make an omelette bu! have no eggs. Ask your brother to go to the shop to buy some. 15, Underline the correct word. 1 Can/Musin't | leave my luggage here? 2 They musin't/can't be on holiday, 3. I'm ofaid you can't/can sit here, These seats ore reserved. 4 You must/musin't walk on the grass. I's not allowed 5. Could/Can't | borrow your pencil, pleose? 6 Susan may/ean't be abroad! | jus! sow her this morning, You could/may not use my compute. May/Mustn't | speck to Wirs Harper, please? oN Look at the signs. Where can you find them? What do they mean? Make sentences using modal verbs, as in the example. 1 You can find this sign in a library. | means you must be quiet/musin’ talk 103 104 17 Complete the sentences using must be or can’t be, as in the example. 1. The Smiths live in a mansion They must be rich Paul doesn’t know how He «ski instructor, then: 3. Richard isn’t at wark Well, then he at home. 4 ndertul in here. baking a cake ke eating vegek three dogs a chef 18 4) Use must/can’t with the prompts to make sentences about the pictures, os in the example. on a bus/iain ‘ot work 1 businessman student finish work talking to a friend going home He must be on a bus/train. He can't be at work. © frends © students © having a good time * inthe park * be jogging * have lunch yet b} Now look at the pictures below and make your own assumptions. 19. Complete the sentences below using must be, can’t be, must have or can’t have, as in the example. upstairs 2 A:|s that Gary's sister? Bh Gary doesn't have a sister. 3. A: Could you please lend me some money? B: Wha? You spent all your allowance olready 4. A: Why was George limping? B: He sprained his onkle. 5A: | think Danny lied to he manager. 8: | disogree. He's o very honest man, PREPOSITIONS lack of nervous about lend sth to nice to mortied to opinion on mistake sb for sb | opposite to Fill in each gop with the correct phrase from the table, os in the example. 1 You should always be nice to your fiends, even when they annoy you. of he (605, frees can't survive, water in my books never gives them back. 5 Bill has been for fifteen years. 6 lis very easy to Jeff ‘Adam; after all, hey ore identical twins! 7 Carole fet very her first job interview. 8 Everything he says is what he really belioves Marge ~ PREPOSITIONAI PHRASE: on one’s birthday ‘on oln) cruise /excursion/‘vip/tour ‘on one’s mind on the way fo (= as | wos going] on sale oon duty oon the news '|_ Fill in each gap with the correct phrase from the table, os in the example. 1 Are you planning to have « big party on your birhdoy? 2 The car broke down the beach, 3. He must have something , because he looks so serious, 4 The policeman knew he had to be by 10 pm 5 Tickets for the concer! will go this Friday. 6 When Kaie tuined an the TV and sow her brother she was shocked. 7 They've gone round the world, * Revision Section (Units 1-6) 22 Circle the correct item. 1 Anne enjoys her job the long hours cond poor pay. A in spite of B even though C furthermore 2 You'll be oble to find the phone number by looking it in the directory. A for B though Cup 3 The hurricone completely all the houses in the village. A drowned —B destoyed exploded ve. 4 Steve usually ot night and can’t get vp in the morning A studies Bis studying was studying 5. He hasn't driven a cor fen years now. A oleody —B since C for 6 Itiook Mary a long time to get her illness. A by Bove Cup 7 The airline the flight without explaining the reason: A had been cancelling B cancelled C was cancelling 8 Liam walked down the couniry lane, enjoying the peace and quiet. A narrow B small C oldfashioned 9 Enting a balanced diet will lower the risk heart disease, A of B wih C for 10 There's nothing Jane enjoys more than © plate of eggs. A mashed —B scrambled —C grated 11 Did you remember the leer when you went out? A post B posing to post 12 You forget to hand in your project tomorrove ‘A musi’ —B needn't don't have fo 23 Filln each gap with one correct word. 1. Paul is the ski instructor broke his leg 2 sil work on Saturdays. She always goes aay, 3 We going to the theatre tonight. Can you come? 4 Thete was a terrible accident here week. 5 | didn’t sleep because it raining all night. 6 Jason hos playing computer games all doy: 7 Make sure you turn the television before going out 8 If you exercise regularly, you get fit. 9 There isn’t time, so tell me quickly. 10 You touch the paintings, I's forbidden! 105 106 The Passive + We form the passive with the verb fo be ond the past paticiple of the main verb + The present simple passive form is: am/is/are + past participle English is spoken all over the world + The simple post passive form is: was/were + past pariciple The project was finished yesterday We use the passive when we want fo focus on the action of the verb rather than on the person ‘who carries out the action The meeting was cancelled fast week We inroduce the agent he person who carries out the action) with by os the preposition. The ‘agent is mentioned only when the identity of the person is important Penicilin wos discovered by Alexander Fleming. The agent is not mentioned when: ‘o} Iris unknown, Their car was stolen yesterday. |We do not know who stole it.) b} Iris unimportant, She was given o Bosker of fit as a gift. [I doesn’t mater who gave it.) ¢] is obvious from the context. He was arresied. (by he police — only they arrest people] Changing from Active into Passive * The object ofthe active sentence becomes the subject inthe passive sentence. The acive verb changes into a passive form ‘The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent. post continvous “He was painting the house. The house wos being p ‘present perfect simple “He has painied the house The house has been poinied. erfect simple “He 4 re simple = {Subj beet] et [Verb [Objec Subject| Verb] | Agent) ee ivan Acive: The decorator oe ajo Possive: The house is painted by the decorator! Note: We cannot say “it was rained yesterday of “ii was snowed” because only the verbs tha! take ‘an objeci can have passive forms John drives the car. + The car is driven by John. Sennen A@* * When the subject of the active sentence is people, one, someone/somebody, they, he, sic, we clien omit the agent in he passive sentence People speck English in most parts of ihe world. —» English is spoken in most parts of the word: Object pronouns (me, you, him, etc| become subject pronouns (i, you, he, etc| in the passive ‘asked her fo read the book. -* She wos asted to read the book When the vetb of the active sentence is followed by © preposiion, the prepasiton is kepl in the passive sentence os well J put him op for the night. + He was put up forthe night. By/With © We use by + agent in passive sentences to say who or what performs the action. These pancokes were made by my mother * We use with + insirumeni/malerial/ingredient/etc to say what the agent used. These pancakes were made with flour, eggs and milk Compound Nouns Compound nouns ate made up of two or more words and ate formed as follows: + noun + noun: the plural is formed by adding -s/-es fo the second noun taxi diver -* taxi divers greenhouse gas + greenhouse gases * adjective/ing form + noun: the plural is formed by adding -/-28 to the noun, sitingroom -* sitingrooms doubledecker bus -* doubledecker buses © noun + adverb: the plural is formed by adding -s to the noun. passerby ~» passersby motharimlaw —» mothersimlaw Shall (offer/suggestion) '* We use shall (shall I/we| when asking for advice or moking suggestions or offers. Where shall we go for dinner? (asking for advice} Shall | close the window as it's getting cold? (suggestion or offer + We use shall + infinitive without to © We use shall only with Lond we. Shall /we go? NOT Shall-hedshe go? Will/Would (Requests) + We use will/would in questions to ask for information, petmission or assisiance, and to fel people what to do Will/Would you post this letter for me, please? lassstance| Wil/Would you slop talking? (telling people what 10 dol Wil/Would | be able 1o take a week off? (permission) Wil/Would you tll me what the time's? (infomation) + Would you is o more pelte way of making requesis than will you Seen 107 on = o * The Passive 1) Fill in the gops in the table. Tense Active Passive Present Simple: | 1| is/are contaminated Present Cont.: | is/are pumping | 2) Past Simple: were bred Past Cont.: | was/were 4) domaging Present Perfect: have/has been dumped Future Simple: | will destoy | 6) 108 2. Fillin by oF with, os in the b) Use the appropriate forms from the table to complete the sentences. 1 That iver is contaminated by industrial waste cond sewage 2 The lions are very tome because thay ‘ in copiivity 3. Millions of lites of dangerous liquids into our seas everyday. 4 Our planet we don't do something about it now. 5 In the 1950s people didn’t know that aerosols the ozone layer 6 That old car here. I'm going to call the council! 7 You shouldn't pour strong chemicals down the sink, because they enter seas ond rivers ond »xample. 1 The notice was stuck to the wall 2 The film was reviewed 3. The cake wos decorated cand cherries. 4 In 1966 the World Cup was stolen, but it was later found ....... a dog called Pickles 5 The operation was performed laser technology. Selloiape «a fomous critic whipped cream the lotest 3. Make sentences about what you are wearing cond the things in your bag, as in the example. My watch was made in ltaly. 4, 00k at he four pictures and make sentences with the passive in the appropriate tense using the prompts. * fence/build © rubbish/collect * bin/empty * trees/cut down # forest/cl * flowers/giow/g by next week 1 The fence is being built. 5 Use the prompts to complete the dialogues. 1A: Why did you come by bus? B: My bike/steal/ yesterday 2. A: What are you doing on Saturday night? B: I/invte to/a porty 3A: Why didn’t John come last week? B: His car/repair 4 A: Do you have your exom results yet? B: No — hopefully we/tell/soon A: How old is the building? B: Ii/build/1826 A: Is the report finished? B: Nearly ~ ii/type/at the moment Did the police catch the criminal? B: Yes — he/orrest/lost night How are things ot work? B: Great - I/give/a promotion Rewrite the sentences in the passive, as in the example. ‘An elderly couple own that restaurant. That restaurant is owned by an elderly couple. Thousands of people bought the book ‘The newspaper will print the story tomorrow. They are holding the meeting at 11 o'clock. They will open the new supermarket soon, Abig fire completely destroyed the building ‘A famous author was writing © TV documentary about India. They have made huge advances in computer technology in the last five years Use the passive to ask questions about the information given, as in the example. Stomps ate sold at the Post Office. Where are siamps sold? The house was built tity years ago. When 2 The train will be delayed for two hours. How long 2 Bob is paid obout £25,000 a yer. How much % The first Olympic Games were held in Greece. Where 7 The film was directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Who 2 The parcel will be delivered tomortaw. When 2 The curtains have been washed twice. How many times 2 The thief has been arrested six times. How many times 2 The top of a snooker table is covered with green cloth What Blue whale om ~ 8 9) Read the passage and put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense. oe The blue whale is the gee Miao cre Earth, Usually these whales in the cold Arctic and Antaretie they sos. waters for food. that there were on wha 3s century, blue whales {huni fr foed and for whalebone, sv (Ute) fo make women's cl that one day thousands 0 blue whales .. “i b) Ask and answer questions, s in the example, $1 Where are bive whales usvally found? $2_In the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. How many blue whales are thought to survive today? $3 A thousand. Why were they hunted? ete Match the compound nouns, then use the verbs fo write sentences in the passive, as in the example. voleanic spill Verbs oil rain destroy acid petrol contaminate globo! gases pollute unleaded erupiion spoil oir warming threaten greenhouse pollution couse ‘Most of the town wos destroyed by the volcanic eruption. 109 @ PREPOSITIONS {be} patient with sb/sth provide sb with punish sb for protect sb/sth agoinsi/trom sth pay for sth pay by cheque/credit card {ioke) pleasure in {take} price in 10 Fill in each gap with the correct phrase from the list above. 1 Teachers must their students 2 You can't afford a new car. How are you going to in? 31 my work. Labways try to do my best You should wear sunglasses to your eyes 5. didn't have enough cash so | had to credit cord the sun 6 The goverment must hunters kiling endangered species. 7 Schools should children 32 good, basic education. 8! listening to classical music. PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES 110 off he peg = (elothes| bought in a shop off tho record = unofficial remarks/statements off school/work = take time off from school/ worl to one's surprise = when something unexpected happens to this day = even now [i.e. since long ago} to some extent = only partly true 1] Fill in the gaps withthe correct preposi phrase. 1 When I caught the fl | was for two weeks 2 Mr Stevens made some remarks afer the meeting finished 3 Ted wos righ, but there was @ lot of truth in Sarah's viewpoint 4. The statue was erected when the dog died. tourists flock 1o see Greyriars Bobby. 5 He's so tall that he has to have his clothes made ~ he con't buy them © I didn’t think | would pass the exam, but I got an A. 12. Complete each sentence with two to four words, including the word in bold. 1. They ore playing the game at 8 o'clock. being The game is being played at 8 o'clock. 2. Someone should invite Poul to the party be Poul to the pry 3. They agreed to change the rules ‘agreed | ‘hat the rules be changed. 4. Everyone congratulated the couple when they got matted. were The couple everyone when they got married 5 They will send us more information later be More information to us loter, 6 A huge storm caused major flooding, by Major flooding «a huge storm 7 Ateom of scientists will carry out Ihe research, be: The research by a team of scientists 8 Iris reported that several cars were destroyed by the explosion been Several cars are desiioyed by the explosion Ibis expected that Dave will win the race. is Dave the race 10 They will serve dinner at 9 o'clock every night. be Dinner ot 9 o'clock every night. 11. The earthquake destroyed many buildings inthe ciy. were Many buildings inthe cily the earthquake. 12. People say that he is very good ot his job. sid It he is very good at his job. 13. They ate performing the concer in london. being The concer in london, 14 Several newspapers reported that the Prime Minister was ill reported |i newspapers that the Prime Minister was il

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