Attends To Structure and Form More Than Meaning

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1. Attends to structure and form more than meaning.

- Focus on form instruction makes up an important part of the literature on

second language
- More precisely, it reviews its main principles, and points out the
difficulties of implementing this relatively new pedagogical innovation in
all but a limited number of instructional settings. It concludes by
proposing conditions under which focus on form instruction could
effectively function.
+ Focus on form instruction: Foundation and application
 In short, focus on form instruction is a type of instruction that, on
the one hand, holds up the importance of communicative language
teaching principles such as authentic communication and student-
+ Focus on form instruction: selected studies.
 A look at recent research in the area of second language acquisition
reveals that focus on form instruction has been empirically evaluated
using a variety of methodologies.
FOR EXAMPLE: Leeman,Arteagoitia, Fridman, and Doughty
(1995), for example, compared focus on form instruction and focus on
meaning instruction. The participants consisted of two groups of US
college students in advanced Spanish classes, one of which received focus
on form instruction, the other of which received focus on meaning
instruction .=> Post-tests revealed that those students who received focus
on form instruction were more accurate in their production of Spanish
verbs than were those who received focus on meaning instruction.
1. Meaning is paramount
- Learning vocabulary is an essential part of learning a language because the
meaning of new words is often emphasized, whether in books or in the
classroom. It is also central to language instruction and is of importance to
language learners
- Communication is paramount when trying to raise the level of understanding
in your organization. The key to communicating is to use multiple platforms of
media to communicate the same message. We must understand the meaning of
that vocabulary in order to effectively convey the message and understand them
2. Demands memorization of structure – based dialogs
- A dialog system is a computer system that can communicate with users in a
natural spoken language. A dialog system help users obtain the information they
want or resolve the problems by using a natural conversation as if they are
talking to a human assistant.
Because we focus our attention on task-oriented conversations, we need a dialog
structure that ties closely to this type of dialog rather than an abstract discourse-
level structure that is generalized for all types of dialogs.
 Therefore,
2. Dialogs, if use, center around communicative functions and are not
normally memorized.

5.mastery, or “over – learning” is sought: it depends on the teacher's

+: Mastery: Mastery learning is THE transformational education innovation of
our time. At its core, mastery learning enables students to move forward at their
own pace as they master knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Effective
implementation at scale will completely change how students learn, how
teachers teach, and how schools work:
 It will revolutionize state testing, education research, and the labor
 It will transform how curricula are developed, how learning is
measured, and how teachers are trained
5 Key Elements of Mastery Learning at Scale
1. Specific, clear, demonstrable learning objectives
2. Clear mastery thresholds for each learning objective
3. Clear processes for students to demonstrate mastery
4. Clear processes for teachers to assess mastery
5. A system to effectively organize and display the data
+ To overlearn is “to continue studying or practicing (something) after initial
proficiency has been achieved so as to reinforce or ingrain the learned material
or skill,” according to The American Heritage Dictionary.
+ Over – learning: Overlearning refers to practicing newly acquired skills
beyond the point of initial mastery. The term is also often used to refer to the
pedagogical theory that this form of practice leads to automaticity or other
beneficial consequences
5. Effective communication is sought
Definition: Effective communication is a process of exchanging ideas,
thoughts, knowledge and information such that the purpose or intention is
fulfilled in the best possible manner. In simple words, it is nothing but the
presentation of views by the sender in a way best understood by the receiver
- To communicate effectively, people need to use a variety of skills.
Communication skills are considered one of the very essential soft skills for
teachers. Communication with students takes place in all daily activities and
anytime, anywhere in preschool. In addition, teachers also communicate with
colleagues and parents.
 Therefore, the training of teachers' communication skills is very
important, because it is the purpose and means of stimulating the child's
physical, psychological and social development. The article presents some notes
in training teachers' communication skills
Effective communication comes down to these four factors
1. Listening
2. Being clear and concise
3. Possessing emotional intelligence
4. education acumen
7. Native – speaker like pronunciation is sought
- Native speaker: someone who has spoken a particular language since they
were a baby, rather than having learned it as a child or adult: All our teachers
are native speakers of English. He is a native speaker of Russian. Native
speakers just learn these idioms naturally.
- we learn better pronunciation while speaking native speaker:
+ You can learn a ton about speaking other languages by listening to other
people speaking English. This technique works a treat as long as English is their
second language.
+ A keen ear and a little bit of thought will take your foreign language
pronunciation and communication style to a native-like level.
7. Comprehensible pronunciation is sought:
- Pronunciation instruction should make students understandable to other users
of an additional language.
- Students need to develop the ability to be understood by other speakers, not to
sound like a native. Pronunciation must be comprehensible and not detract from
the understanding of a message. Thus, teachers must work on the pronunciation
of individual sounds, both vowels and consonants and on the various sound
- Of equal importance is teaching the intonation, stress and rhythm patterns of
the additional language, which often block effective communication
n the classroom

Several teaching strategies should be helpful in teaching pronunciation:

• Teach students to listen carefully to pronunciation. Often contrasting it with

another pattern will enable them to recognize the important differences.

• Encourage students to use the pattern in isolation and then in natural sentence

• Students should also use the pattern in sentences of their own making.

• Teach students to produce correct intonation, stress and rhythm.

• Learning pronunciation is difficult and takes time. Difficult patterns may need

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