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The world’s best/worst/… invention

The world is constantly changing and different new inventions appear. They
influence on our lives in a different way. They help us in a daily routine and with a
lot of other staff, and at the same time some inventions can bring us harm.
In my opinion the worst invention of all the time is weapons, especially nuclear
weapons. If talk about pros and cons of different bombs, guns and so on, I can’t
find anything positive. They have a lot of drawbacks and are dangerous not only
for people, but, also, for nature. After nuclear explosion nature needs at least 100
years for transformation. And it’s scare even to say how many people have died
and how the crime rate has increased because of weapons. I think that people make
kind of mistake, if think that weapons in necessity in our days. On the other hand,
there are inventions which help us. I think, that the best one is the wheel, that
appeared in ancient times. I’m convinced, that wheels helped the world to develop.
Now we use it in a lot of things, such as cars, bicycles, different machines and
mechanism. I can’t even imagine our lives without wheels and how many different
things can stop working without them.
So, some things, that we’ve come up with ourselves, can cause irreparable
damage, even if they were created with good intentions. We just need to be more
cautious and think about consequences.

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