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Professional Information:

Name Suchitkumar B. Shah

Date of birth 07-August-1983
Country of birth Kuwait
Current location Ahmedabad
Marital status Married
Mobile +91-8866099482
Availability 30 days to serve notice period (negotiable)
Communication SKills English,Hindi,Gujarati
Reason for Change For Better Opportunity and Better Package

Professional Summary
 More than 10 years of professional IT experience in Software Development Life Cycle,
Object Oriented Programming that includes requirement Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation and Testing of Web Based/Mobile, Client/Server and Database
 Strong capability in J2EE Technology's (Servlets, Java, JDBC, JSP, JSF, Struts, JNDI,
JMS, EJB, Spring, GWT) and JDK
 Expertise in Core Java involving concepts like Collections, Multithreading, Data
Structures, Algorithms, Exception Handling and Polymorphism
 Experienced in designing GUI by using HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Action Script,
 Strong experience in using XML Suite technologies (XML, XPATH, JSON, JAXB,
 Actively involved in Service Oriented Architecture using webservices
 Strong Hands on Experience with IBM MQ Series and JMS for communication
between middleware components
 Robust experience in open source frameworks Spring, Hibernate with 2nd level
Caching memory and Struts
 Designed, developed and implemented Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
using Spring Framework (Spring-Core, Spring-MVC, Spring-Web services, Spring-AOP) and
 Strong knowledge in writing Shell and Perl scripts
 Experience in working with Object Relational mapping (ORM) Tool through Hibernate
 Good experience in using JDBC and working on databases such as My-SQL,DB2
 Experienced in creating Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular JS framework
 Strong capability in Application Servers like Web Logic, Apache Tomcat/Camel, Web
Sphere, Glass-Fish andJ-Boss
 Expertise on Agile (SCRUM, pair-programming)
 Proficiency in development of batch jobs using Tidal. Robust experience in build tools
like Ant, Maven & Jenkins, logging with Log4j, Test Drive Development using JIRA for
 Experience in testing like J-unit, Automated tools like Selenium, Appium and writing
the Script Language in Python and Java.
 Excellent conceptual knowledge in developing Big-Data ,PL/SQL Stored Procedures,
effective Functions, Packages, PL/SQL objects, appropriate Database Triggers and Oracle
Built in Packages to implement various business logic.
 Excellent knowledge of Linux, Unix and Windows Operating System

Education Qualification :

School/College : GCET
Board : Sardar Patel Unviersity
Passed : June-2009
Degree : B.E. Computer Engineer
Percentage : 59.29%

Professional Experience

Employers Designation Duration

TSP Infotech Technical April 2019 - Till

Consultant(Java/J2EE) June-2020

Zenosys Pvt Ltd Sr. Software Eng. May 2016 –

April 2019
Knox Payments Software Eng. July 2014 –
Software April 2016
Alian Software Software July 2011 –
Developer June 2014
Nice Computer Programming July 2010 –
Education Faculty June 2011

Projects Experinece
Project TSP Infotech

Client Apporhcid

Duration April 2019 - Till June 2020

Team 1

Environment Java 1.8, J2EE, Soap, REST, Apache Axis, spring, Hibernate, Log4j,
putty, Oracle 11g, SQL Developer, IBM WebSphere, Ant Script,
JUnit,HTML5,CSS3, JSP,JPA, jQuery, GIT, JavaScript, Angular JS,Micro-

Designation Technical Consultant

Domain Database Security

Project Description :: Mining business process flows from task logs using machine learning
algorithms. This project is a key enabler for R&D work on Adaptive Systems, a new focus area for
building capabilities for Infosys. The work is a custom implementation that extends commercial
Computer Vision, Video & image analytics capabilities and makes them more intelligent and fit for
purpose for achieving business use cases for Retail, Financial Services, Insurance and many other
industries. Plain vanilla open source libraries provide very good capabilities in a narrow field of
operation but usually require extensive training and advanced algorithms to improve accuracy. The
objective of this project is to provide an extensible framework around these open source capabilities to
improve efficiency in the overall system learning and narrowing down of the training set required by the
ML models used by the open source libraries. Specific project requirements are to create a learning
module that has a feedback loop maintained with the larger system being implemented, constantly
learns, fine tunes and advances or retraces as needed to optimize and improve detection and
recognition accuracy for topics such as object, face etc.

Responsibilities and Contributions:

• Worked closely with Business Analysts for all the Functional requirements
• Responsible for setting record straight with regard to coding standards and documentation
• Involved in writing Test Cases, Testing Application and Implementation plan
• Followed Agile Development process for planning, daily stand-ups and retrospection.
completed the project within budget and ahead of the schedule
• Designed and Developed SOAP Web Services input/output data formats in XSD for the WSDL
and accordingly implementing services using Apache AXIS.
• Implemented Restful and SOAP based web services layer to interface with Oracle database
• Used Spring Security for authentication and authorization extensively
• Worked with advanced MVC framework such as Spring-IOC, AOP, MVC and Batch which is
used for
implementing backend functionality
• Developed and configured the Java beans using spring and Hibernate framework.
• Integrated Spring DAO for data access using with Hibernate
• Used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
• Design the J2EE components of the Restful Web Services and scheduled Java batch jobs based
application in UML. Used existing Deal Model in Python to inherit and create object data
for regulatory reporting
• Used NetBeans for development and WebLogic Application Server for deploying the web
• Implemented EJBs Session beans for business logic.
• Created and deployed web pages using HTML5, JSP, JavaScript, CSS 3
• Performed Client-side validation using JavaScript
• Implemented Reporting SPAs using AngularJS, Angular Directives.
• Used Maven to build and deploy application onto IBM WebSphereApplication Server.
• Developed JSP's with Custom Tag Libraries for control of the business processes in the middle-
and was involved in their integration
• Implemented server-side tasks using Servlets and XML.
• Database development required creation of new tables PL/SQL stored procedures, functions,
views, indexes and constraints, triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time
in the application
Project Zenosys Pvt Ltd

Client Bridgy

Duration July'2018 – Januaray'19

Team 1

Environment Python,Djgano ,Agancoda,Mysql

Designation Senior Software Engineer

Domain Healthcare
Project Descrption:
Ansible inventory
Search against multiple inventory sources simultaneously
Connect to inventory sources via a bastion/jumpbox
Fuzzy search against the inventory
Prompt for single/multi selection for matched hosts in inventory
Open multiple ssh connections via tmux (splits or tabs)
Configure custom tmux layouts (via config)
Seamless connection via bastion (via config)
Setup sshfs mount to a remote dir
Run custom command on login (via config)
Run arbitrary ansible playbooks
Push / pull files (via ansible fetch/copy task)
Ssh tunnel to hosts
ECS support (exec to container, currently only via new relic inventory)
Python3 support :)

Project Zenosys Pvt Ltd

Client Confidental

March'18 – Januaray'19

Team 1

Java JDK 1.8, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Java 1.8, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS
1.5, Angular 2, Node JS, JSON, Angular 2 ,Spring 4.2, SpringBoot, Spring Batch,
Hibernate 4,WebSphere Application,Junit

Designation Senior Software Engineer

Domain Healthcare

Project : The web application provides the control panel to retrieve data with different conditions. The
custom tag called table tag will handle the sorting and filtering the data using Ajax methodology.

Project Zenosys Pvt Ltd

Client Andalusia Health

Duration February’17 – Feburaray-2018

Team 1

Environment Java 1.7, J2EE, Soap, REST, Apache Axis, spring, Hibernate, Log4j,
putty, Oracle 11g, SQL Developer, IBM WebSphere, Ant Script,
JUnit,HTML5, CSS3, JSP,JPA, jQuery, GIT, JavaScript, Angular

Designation Senior Software Engineer

Domain Healthcare

Project Description: The Billing Web (BW) is a web-based application which allows Hospital
patients, and internal staff the ability to view invoice and balance information along with
payments, and performing insurance transfers.
BW processes multiple types of payments including Patient Payments, Client payments, and IVR
payments. This application interfaces with complete billing systems, Care360, IVR, QDIB, MQ,
Identity Hub, and banking interface files.
Roles and Contribution :
• Worked closely with Business Analysts for all the Functional requirements
• Responsible for setting record straight with regard to coding standards and documentation
• Involved in writing Test Cases, Testing Application and Implementation plan
• Followed Agile Development process for planning, daily stand-ups and retrospection.
completed the project within budget and ahead of the schedule
• Designed and Developed SOAP Web Services input/output data formats in XSD for the WSDL
and accordingly implementing services using Apache AXIS.
• Implemented Restful and SOAP based web services layer to interface with Oracle database
• Used Spring Security for authentication and authorization extensively
• Worked with advanced MVC framework such as Spring-IOC, AOP, MVC and Batch which is
used for
implementing backend functionality
• Developed and configured the Java beans using spring and Hibernate framework.
• Integrated Spring DAO for data access using with Hibernate
• Used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
• Design the J2EE components of the Restful Web Services and scheduled Java batch jobs based
application in UML. Used existing Deal Model in Python to inherit and create object data
for regulatory reporting
• Used NetBeans for development and WebLogic Application Server for deploying the web
• Implemented EJBs Session beans for business logic.
• Created and deployed web pages using HTML5, JSP, JavaScript, CSS 3
• Performed Client-side validation using JavaScript
• Implemented Reporting SPAs using AngularJS, Angular Directives.
• Used Maven to build and deploy application onto IBM WebSphereApplication Server.
• Developed JSP's with Custom Tag Libraries for control of the business processes in the middle-
and was involved in their integration
• Implemented server-side tasks using Servlets and XML.
• Database development required creation of new tables PL/SQL stored procedures, functions,
views, indexes and constraints, triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time
in the


PROJECT Verizonis

Client Name Confidental

Duration February 2016 - January-2017

Team Size 1

Environment Java JDK 1.7, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Java 1.7, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular ,
Angular 2, Node JS, JSON, Angular 2 ,Spring, SpringMVC, Spring Batch,
Hibernate 4,WebSphere Application,AWS,Jenkin,JWT
Designation Software Engineer

Domain GPS

 Worked along with the GCT UI team in designing the frontend website using Angular2.
 Highly used Angular2 router to build single page application for navigate through the different status
and multiple modals.
 Developed visually appealing and interactive user interface designs focused on usability and cross-
browser compatibility using Bootstrap, JavaScript with ES5, and Angular2.
 Coordinated various web pages with appropriate links and multimedia elements in collaboration with
design team members.
 Maintained and updated HTML5/CSS3 templates on a regular basis and as required.
 Used Node's package manager (npm) to install all dependencies and modules for building the app.
 In Node, the package.json file has all the configuration of the app built.
 Angular 2 uses typescript, we used node.js to transpile our typescript to javascript for the browser to
 Used Rest Web Services to communicate with the GCT API.
 Worked on migrating the java project to Spring MVC project for improving performance.
 Used Log4J logger to record the logs.
 Worked on scheduling the Jobs using Spring Batch Jobs.
 Created Jobs, Tasklets, Factory Process to perform daily and weekly scheduled jobs from the script
 Used Hibernate for mapping the java code with SQL.
 Written code for storing and updating the records from jobs in database.
 Used multithreading concept in Spring Batch jobs for reading a large file and storing it in database.
 Used gradle to build the project in STS getting all the dependencies.
 Managed exceptions using Exception Handling.
 Worked in enhancing the look and feel of the application view for better user experience.
 Used Log4J logger to record the logs.
 Developed Object-Relational (O/R) mapping using Hibernate 4 to create high performance
persistence layer to interact with various databases using Hibernate Query Language, Criteria APIs
and NativeSQLQueries.
 Extensively worked on front end, business, and persistence tiers using the struts frameworks.

Project Payment Gateway

Client Knox Payments Software

Duration July’2015 - January’2016

Team Size 4

Environment Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Core Java, Maven, Ajax, JMS, Tortoise SVN,
Servlets, Log4j, Oracle 9i, andNetbeans

Designation Software Engineer

Domain JDBC Technology

Client Description: We believe that those working to create change shouldn't be shortchanged.
e-commerce business and non-profits that create the fabric of our economy and community
lose 3%
+ 30¢ of every transaction to electronic processing fees. We have a problem with this, and we
founded Connexus to fix it.
Project Description: Project developed in java using jdbc technology. I have used database to
all the details of customer account in a table. This system is a simple project and useful for
who want to learn jsp/servlet with jdbc.
Responsibilities and Contribution:

• Worked on Agile model in implementing this project

• Used MAVEN for builds and SVN for source control
• Deployed application Tomcat server
• Worked on Test driven development
• Participated in developing the web application using SPRING MVC framework
• Written functions to retrieve Java entity objects from database using Hibernate
• Configured log4j for logging purposes
• Worked on SQL developer in writing sql queries, procedures
• Worked with JSP, HTML5, JavaScript, and SQL Developer
• Worked on Struts Xml in mapping the action classes and execution methods
• Developed the sign-on functionality using Struts and Hibernate
• Worked on Struts Xml in mapping the action classes and execution methods
• Worked on batch process to read data from database and write them to file using JDBC
• Worked on Test driven development
• Wrote Validation framework and implemented data validation rules for quality checks
•Developed Message Handler Adapter, which converts the data objects into XML message and
invoke an enterprise service and vice-versa using JAVA, JMS and MQ Series

Project Knox Payments Software

Client Rite Aid Pharmacy Replenishment System

Duration February’2015-July’2015

Team Size 7

Environment JAVA, J2EE, Spring (MVC, IOC), Hibernate, RESTful Web Services,
JSON, XML, Rest Client, SOUPUI, HQL, Log4J, JUnit, JSP, HTML,
JavaScript, CSS, JQuery SQL, XML, UML, MYSQL, Apache
Tomcat, Maven, SVN, Windows

Designation Software Developer

Domain Healthcare
Client Description: Rite Aid Corporation is a retail drugstore chain. The Company's segments
Retail Pharmacy and Pharmacy Services. The Company operates under The Rite Aid name. It
operates approximately 4,560 stores in over 30 states across the country and in the District of
The Company's Retail Pharmacy segment consists of Rite Aid stores, RediClinic and Health
Dialog. It
sells brand and generic prescription drugs, as well as an assortment of front-end products,
health and beauty aids, personal care products, seasonal merchandise, and a private brand
Project Description: Rite Aid Pharmacy Replenishment system replenishes the Rite Aid stores
automatically for daily orders by integrating information about Product movement, Actual
levels, Lead time, Weekly forecast, Safety stock and outside factors that affects the demand like
seasonal changes.

Responsibilities and Contribution:

• Worker in designing, development and delivery of the Project. Continuous interact with
clients for requirements and specifications understanding.
• Worked on Program Request (PR) and Change Request (CR) of various releases
• Worked on the scripting languages like JSP, jQuery
• Used ANT and compile to deploy the files
• Worked on SPRING MVC to create mappings and store the data in to database
• Handled Source code management using clear quest
• Worked on Creating the Database Tables
• Extensively used DOM and SAX parsers for parsing XML data and XSLT for XML
• Deployed the application in Websphere Application Server
• Used Oracle DB2 database with SQL to create tables, views, trigger and partitions
• Involved in all the major releases
• Involved in code review documents and bug fixing for improving the performance
• Developed the front end application using jQuery and JavaScript.

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