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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region
Surigao del Sur Division
Bigaan, Hinatuan


Date: December 2, 2019

I. CONTENT: Reading Academic Texts

A. CONTENT Acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of academic
B. Produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic texts read
C. LEARNING Determines the structure of a specific academic text. CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-
COMPETENCIES Outlines reading texts in various disciplines. CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-8
D. SPECIFIC At the end of 1 hour period, the students can;
LEARNING a. define what is a topic sentence;
OUTCOMES: b. identify the topic sentence in a reading text;
c. construct a topic sentence; and
d. observe the proper way in determining the topic sentence.
E. VALUING: Being kin and careful in determining the important ideas found in reading text or
II. MATERIALS: Felt tip pen,, Projector Balloons , Main Idea Bags ,Visual aids and pictures Worksheets for
the students
III. RESOURCES: Tiongson, Marella Therese A., Rodriguez, Maxine Rafaella C.; 2016. “Identifying the Topic
Sentence” EAPP. Rex Books Publishing House
TIME 60 minutes

Activities Teacher’s Activity Students’s Activity
Preliminary  Prayer
 Setting of Standards
(3 minutes)
 Greetings

Good morning, class. Good morning, ma’am.

How is your day today? It is fantastic, ma’am.

That is good to know, class.

 Attendance
Who’s absent today?
 Review
 What did we discuss last
meeting? What are the There is none, ma’am.
structures of academic texts?
Varied answers
a. Motivation Motivation
Main Idea Bags Activity: The teacher Sample Main Idea Bags:
(5 minutes) places three (3) sets of main idea bags on
the table in front of the class.

Direction: The teacher places each group

of item or pictures or words on cards in
separate bags. Have the students open the
bags, look at the items and figure out the
main idea of the bag.
For example, if a bag had a small pot,
packet of seeds, garden trowel and a small
bag of soil, students would guess that the
main idea is “planting” or “gardening”.

The teacher calls students at random.

Motivational Questions:
 What are the items inside the bag? The students open the main idea bags to see the
items inside it.
 Base on the items that you found inside
the bag, what idea can you draw from it? The students enumerate the different items found
inside the main idea bag.
Items: CD, flash drive, cell phone.

Items: Picture of the icons of Facebook,

Instagram, Twitter, YOUTUBE

Items: Reader’s Digest, novel, pocket book

Main Idea Bag #1: Technology

Very good!
Main Idea Bag #2: Social Media
The activity has a connection to the lesson
that I am about to teach you, class.

Letter Scrabble Activity: Let us try to Main Idea Bag #3: Reading or Book Collecting
find out what is our lesson today.

Direction: Have students pop each balloon

and place the missing letters on the board,
hence, revealing the topic to the students.
The teacher facilitates the students of the
activity. Sample Letter Placement:
First word set
Second word set
What do you call a sentence that holds the
main idea of a certain paragraph?
The students pop the balloons and place the cut-
That’s right! It is called a topic sentence, out letters on the board to reveal the topic of the
class lesson.
As you try to read through a particular
paragraph that you have read through your
favourite books or novels, you try to ask First word answer: TOPIC
yourself of what can be the main idea of Second word answer: SENTENCE
this certain part of the book. You tend to
look for the topic sentence of that TOPIC SENTENCE
That is why our lesson for today plays a
very significant role in your reading.
Setting Objectives for Students: Before we
continue, we have objectives for our class
Let us all read our goals for today, class.
Objectives: A. Define what is a topic
sentence and its types and positions B.
Identify the topic sentence in a reading text
C. Observe the proper way in determining
the topic sentence
The students read today’s goals found on the
b. Activity I will divide the class into three. The
activity is called “Arrange Me”
(15 minutes) I have here set of sentences. The following
groups of sentences can be rearranged to
form paragraphs. After which, they will
underline the topic sentence. Answer:
Group 1
a. Next, add antifreeze to your Driving in winter, especially on snowy,
windshield washer fluid; otherwise, the icy roads, can be less troublesome if you
fluid will freeze and possibly break the take a few simple precautions. First, put
container. on snow tires if you plan to drive on
b. First, put on snow tires if you plan snowy, icy roads very often. Second,
to drive on snowy, icy roads very often. check the amount of antifreeze in your
c. Driving in winter, especially on radiator and add more if necessary. Next,
snowy, icy roads, can be less troublesome add antifreeze to your windshield washer
if you take a few simple precautions. fluid; otherwise, the fluid will freeze and
d. Finally, it is also a good idea to possibly break the container. Finally, it is
carry tire chains, a can of spray to also a good idea to carry tire chains, a
unfreeze door locks, and a windshield can of spray to unfreeze door locks, and
scraper in your car when driving in winter a windshield scraper in your car when
driving in winter weather.
e. Second, check the amount of
antifreeze in your radiator and add more if
Group 2
The increasing depletion of oil
a. A breakthrough in one of these
reserves, along with environmental
areas will hopefully provide a means of
concerns, have prompted some radical
relieving both the overstretched oil
developments in car design over the past
market and the environment.
b. Researchers in the automobile
few years. Researchers in the automobile
industry are experimenting with different industry are experimenting with different
types of engines and fuels as alternatives types of engines and fuels as alternatives
to the conventional gasoline engines. to the conventional gasoline engines.
c. One new type of engine, which One new type of engine, which burns
burns diesel oil instead of gasoline, has diesel oil instead of gasoline, has been
been avaliable for several years. avaliable for several years. A further type
d. Finally, several automobile is the gas turbine engine, which can use
manufactureres are experimenting with fuels made from gasoline, diesel oil,
methanol, which is a mixture of gasoline kerosene and other petroleum distillates.
and methyl alcohol, as an automobile fuel. Finally, several automobile
e. A further type is the gas turbine manufactureres are experimenting with
engine, which can use fuels made from methanol, which is a mixture of gasoline
gasoline, diesel oil, kerosene and other and methyl alcohol, as an automobile
petroleum distillates. fuel. A breakthrough in one of these
f. The increasing depletion of oil areas will hopefully provide a means of
reserves, along with environmental relieving both the overstretched oil
concerns, have prompted some radical market and the environment.
developments in car design over the past
few years
Group 3
Group 3 Some form of written communication
a. Later on, people began to has been used throughout the centuries.
write on pieces of leather, In the earliest times, people carved or
which were rolled into painted messages on rocks. Later on,
scrolls. people began to write on pieces of
b. In the earliest times, people leather, which were rolled into scrolls. In
carved or painted messages the Middle Ages, heavy paper called
on rocks. parchment was used for writing and
c. In the Middle Ages, heavy books were laboriously copied by hand.
paper called parchment was With the invention of the printing press in
used for writing and books the middle of the fifteenth century, the
were laboriously copied by modern printing industry was born.
d. With the invention of the
printing press in the middle
of the fifteenth century, the
modern printing industry was
e. Some form of written
communication has been
used throughout the
c. Analysis With that short activity, we are now ready
(5 minutes) to proceed with our lesson about topic
sentence. But before we proceed, is there
anything you want to know about the
For Calling a Student: I have a fudgee
bar here in my hand. Whoever catches this Yes, ma’am.
will be the one to answer the question. Is
that clear, class?

(Teacher throws fudgee bars at three (3) Each student reads the examples that are found on
students for each of them to read the the board.
Read the examples on the board Each student states the main idea from their
Questions after reading:  paragraphs.
 Base from the paragraphs that A topic sentence is simply the main idea of the
you have read, what is the main paragraph, ma’am.
idea? The preceding sentences in the paragraph
 Base from your answer, how supports the topic sentence, ma’am.
would you define now a topic
 Why do you think that is the
topic sentence of the paragraph?
Very good!

d. Abstraction Lesson Proper

(7 minutes) “Topic Sentence”
The students listen to the teacher
Since there are no questions from you,
class. I believe you know now how to
determine the topic sentence within a

The teacher does a refresher of the

topic. A topic sentence tells the reader the main
idea of the paragraph.
What is a topic sentence?
We will know that particular sentence is the
topic sentence of the paragraph by looking at
the supporting details that the paragraph
How do you know that particular contains. When it talks about the certain topic
sentence is the topic sentence of the that connects to the main idea of the
paragraph? paragraph, you will be able to determine the
topic sentence through that method.
e. Application To check whether you have understood (The students listen and follow the teacher’s
about the topic, let us now have a short instructions for the activity)

Group Activity: The teacher divides the

class into three (3) groups and hands
each group a copy of their tasks to
write topic sentences.

Direction: For 5 minutes, write two or

three topic sentences for each of the
following topics. You should choose
two or three different controlling ideas
for the same topic.

Group1- Smoking cigarettes

Group 2- Foreign Travel Example:

Group 3- d. Rock music or Television's effects on

rock musicians children
1. Television is
harmful to children
Topic sentences: because it teaches
them violence as a way
of solving problems.
2. Television can
improve a child's
general knowledge.

There will be three (3) groups in the

class to participate in the activity. Each
group will provided with different
paragraphs to identify the topic
f. Values Infusion Did you have fun with your activity? Yes, ma’am.

Why do we need to know the main idea We need to know the main idea of a
of a paragraph? What trait can we paragraph so that we can be aware of what
develop from it? the paragraph is all about. Thus, it can also
develop the trait of being observant and kin at
Very good insights, class. the same time.

Your values are truly developed.

V. Evaluation Now to check whether you have

(Formative understood the lesson, let us have an
Assessment) evaluation for you to apply your learning
(4 minutes) about the lesson.
Statements for True or False: Test what
you have learned about topic sentences by
answering the following questions. Write
true or false.
The students answer the work sheets.
1. The topic sentence is usually the first
sentence in the paragraph.
2. The topic sentence is the most
important idea in a paragraph.
3. The topic sentence tells what idea will
be developed in the paragraph.
4. The topic sentence is usually found in
one of the detail sentences.
5. Details provide the framework for
the paragraph.
6. Everything in the paragraph must point
to the topic sentence.
7. All sentences in the paragraph work
together to support the details.

VI. Assignment Write good topic sentences to begin each

(1 minute) of the following paragraphs. Remember to
include both a topic and a controlling idea.
1. Americans relaxing at home, for
example, may put on kimonos, which is a
Japanese word. Americans who live in a
warm climate may take an afternoon siesta
on an outdoors patio without even realising
that these are Spanish words. In their
gardens, they may enjoy the fragrance of
jasmine flowers, a word that came into
English from Persian. They may even relax
on a chaise longue, while sipping a drink
made with vodka, words of French and
Russian origin, respectively.
2. In European universities, students
are not required to attend classes. In fact,
professors in Germany generally do not
know the names of the students enrolled in
their courses. In the United States,
however, students are required to attend all
classes and may be penalized if they do
not. Furthermore, in the European system,
there is usually just one comprehensive
examination at the end of the students'
entire four or five years of study. In the
American system, on the other hand, there
are usually numerous quizzes, texts, and
homework assignments, and there is
almost always a final examination in each
course at the end of the semester.
3. For example, the Eskimos, living
in a treeless region of snow and ice,
sometimes build temporary homes out of
thick blocks of ice. People who live in
deserts, on the other hand, use the most
available material, mud or clay, which
provides good insulation from the heat. In
Northern Europe, Russia and other areas of
the world where forests are plentiful,
people usually construct their homes out of
wood. In the islands of the South Pacific,
where there is a plentiful supply of bamboo
and palm, people use these tough, fibrous
plants to build their home.
a. No. of students who earned
80% in evaluation

b. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for remedial

c. No. of learners who

continue to require
d. Did the remedial lesson
works? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use / discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by: MA. SOFIA MAY M. TUMAMAC – SHS Teacher II

Checked by: REX B. MARTINEZ – School Head

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