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PHY 108 Collaborative Problem Solving Chapter 11 Solution and Hints

In this problem set, assume that atmospheric pressure is 1.013 × 105 Pa unless otherwise indicated.
1. Within a neutron star, the material at the center has a mass density of 1.0 × 1018 kg/m3. If a small sphere of this
material of radius 1.0 × 10–5 m were somehow transported to the surface of the earth, what would that sphere weigh?
Recall that the volume of a sphere is (4/3)πR3.
a) 1000 N b) 4200 N c) 4.1 × 104 N d) 7.0 × 104 N e) 3.8 × 109 N
Just use m = ρ V and Weight = mg.
2. How much force does the atmosphere exert on one side of a vertical wall 4.0 m high and 10.0 m long?
a) 2.53 × 103 N b) 1.01 × 105 N c) 8.27 × 105 N d) 4.05 × 106 N e) 2.93 × 107 N
F = PA and P = atmospheric pressure. A in this case is 40 m2.
3. A gas sample is confined to a chamber with a movable piston that closes the top of the chamber. A small load is
placed on the piston and the system is allowed to reach equilibrium. If the weight of the piston and the load is 70.0 N and
the piston has an area of 5.0 × 10–4 m2, what is the pressure exerted on the piston by the gas?
a) 2.8 × 104 Pa b) 5.6 × 104 Pa c) 7.3 × 104 Pa d) 1.4 × 105 Pa e) 2.4 × 105 Pa
The gas pressure has to be equal to the outside air pressure + the pressure exerted by the weight of the piston and load.
4. A swimming pool is 15 m wide and 20 m long and filled to a depth of 8 m with water. What is the total force exerted
by the water on the bottom of the pool? The density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
a) 2.4 × 107 N b) 5.4 × 107 N c) 5.9 × 107 N d) 7.5 × 107 N e) 8.4 × 107 N
The total force is just the weight of all that water.
5. At a location where the acceleration due to gravity is 9.807 m/s2, the atmospheric pressure is 9.981 × 104 Pa. A
barometer at the same location is filled with an unknown liquid. What is the density of the unknown liquid if its height in
the barometer is 1.163 m?
a) 210 kg/m3 b) 4336 kg/m3 c) 5317 kg/m3 d) 8751 kg/m3 e) 9688 kg/m3
The liquid in the barometer rises until ρgh equals the pressure applied to the open end of the tube of liquid.
6. A barometer is taken from the base to the top of a 279 m tower. Assuming the density of air is 1.29 kg/m3, what is the
measured change in pressure?
a) 359 Pa b) 927 Pa c) 2120 Pa d) 2730 Pa e) 3530 Pa
The change in the measured pressure is caused by the absence of the last 279 m of the column of air that exerts its weight
on the open end of the barometer. You essentially moved the barometer 279 m vertically in a fluid (air).
7. A force of 250 N is applied to a hydraulic jack piston that is 0.01 m in diameter. If the piston that supports the load has
a diameter of 0.1 m, approximately how much mass can be lifted by the piston? Ignore any difference in height between
the pistons.
a) 2550 kg b) 5000 kg c) 9800 kg d) 22,000 kg e) 41,000 kg
Remember, F = PA for each piston. Since P is the same for both, the difference in F is caused by the difference in A.
8. Which one of the following statements concerning the buoyant force on an object submerged in a liquid is true?
a) The buoyant force depends on the mass of the object.
b) The buoyant force depends on the weight of the object.
c) The buoyant force is independent of the density of the liquid.
d) The buoyant force depends on the volume of the liquid displaced.
e) The buoyant force will increase with depth if the liquid is incompressible.
9. The density of ice is 0.92 g/cm3 and the density of seawater is 1.03 g/cm3. A large iceberg floats in Arctic waters.
What fraction of the volume of the iceberg is exposed?
a) 0.08 % b) 11 % c) 89 % d) 92 % e) 99 %
The buoyant force (volume under water times density of seawater) must equal weight (total volume times density of ice).
10. Ann uses a hose to water her garden. The water enters the hose through a faucet with a 6.0 cm diameter. The speed
of the water at the faucet is 5 m/s. If the faucet and the nozzle are at the same height and the water leaves the nozzle with
a speed of 20 m/s, what is the diameter of the nozzle?
a) 1.5 cm b) 2.0 cm c) 3.0 cm d) 4.0 cm e) 6.0 cm
The volume flow rate is vA, and that quantity must be constant throughout the hose.
11. Alyssa went to her outside faucet to fill a 0.032 m3 bucket with water to wash her car. Water exits the faucet with a
speed of 0.64 m/s. The radius of the faucet is 0.0075 m. How long does it take to fill the bucket completely?
a) 9.0 s b) 17 s c) 190 s d) 280 s e) 890 s
Since vA gives you the volume flow rate (for example, in m /s), that should tell you how fast the bucket is filled.
12. Oil (ρ = 925 kg/m3) is flowing through a horizontal pipeline at a constant speed when it encounters a vertical bend in
the pipe, which raises the pipeline 4.0 m. The pipe then continues horizontally at the new higher level. The cross
sectional area of the pipe does not change. What is the difference in pressure (PU – PL) between the upper and lower
sections of the pipeline?
a) +2.4 × 104 Pa b) –3.6 × 104 Pa c) +5.1 × 105 Pa d) –7.2 × 105 Pa e) –1.8 × 103 Pa
Since the pipe diameter doesn’t change, v doesn’t change. Now use Bernoulli’s law.

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