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32 jQuery_Method_Chaining_Tutorial_in_Hindi___Urdu(360p)

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Entity Relationships Model:

Entity relationship diagram is a logical representation or logical view of data in an organization

or a faculty. It represents that how the data or entity related to each other. It is the basic
components of entity relationship diagram without entity we do not make a database. If database
exist then after the existence of database we create ERD. Entity relationship diagram or model
introduce first time by Peter Chen in 1976.

2.3 Advantages of ER Model:

Some important advantages of ER model are given bellows:

2.3.1 Conceptual Simplicity:

Entity relationship model represents the conceptual of a database along with the entities
and relationships in an easy way due to this it becomes easier to develop and manage the
complex database designs by using ER model.

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