University of Stavanger: Environmental Engineering Petroleum Engineering

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Environmental Engineering

Petroleum Engineering


Energy and Environmental Technology


Petroleum Engineering

Sustainable Energy


Engineering Design – Master

 Industrial Engineering


System Dynamics

 I furthered would like to study Masters in Petroleum

Engineering. My interest in natural resources developed when I came across a detailed article in a
newspaper about "Hubbert's Peak". I became fascinated with the production of oil and the manner in
which drilling for such a widely available resource has become so difficult in recent years. It is truly an
engineering marvel to see companies drilling 18000ft into the sea to obtain a natural resource, which
in years gone by was readily available at 2000ft. I want to be part of a new age where engineers are
constantly pushing the boundaries in an effort to be cleaner, more efficient and extract value of our
world's depleting resources. Enrolling on my specified course is the natural step for me to develop my
interest further and will lead me to my chosen career of working within the field of natural resources.
the program combines high-level engineering training with teaching of mathematical modeling and
data analysis and gaining field experience through research and industry projects.

While looking for the courses in NTNU, I also look for sustainable energy. My goal, associated with
pursuance of a master’s degree is to come back to Pakistan and play my part in solving the persistent
power and energy crisis that has eaten up the country’s economy. By studying this course, I would be
able to design, plan and execute an original programme of work appropriate to answering research or
design questions regarding sustainable energy systems.
In engineering design, failure is expected. It helps you find the best solutions before implementing

them in the “real world”. Having a prototype fail is a GOOD thing, because that means you have
learned something new about the problem and potential solutions. Engineering
design is
an iterative process used to identify problems and develop and
improve solutions. The engineering design process can be extremely useful
to any individual trying to solve a problem. But engineering design can be – and
usually is – done in teams.

During the course of the study, will be able to. The most important factors in
engineering design are thus calculations skills and applied science, which can be
used to solve problems related to design, geometry and material techniques.

This course will provided advanced knowledge within the academic field of
mathematics, physics and engineering and specialized insight in a limited area within
the field of engineering design by participating in projects where I can design, measure up,
model, simulate, redesign and make prototypes

By getting the practical learning, I would be able to apply this practical knowledge to
new areas within the academic field of numerical and analytical calculations,
computations, materials, systematic design process, computational methods,
engineering design 

System Dynamics and working relevanse

System dynamics has given me a very high analytic capability, which allows
me to integrate methods across different theoretical areas, as well as
understanding complex business problems as dynamical problems composed
of non-linearity, delays and feedback processes. System dynamics also
allows me to bring a different perspective to a data-driven methodological
world (mostly dominated by Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Predictive
analysis). This perspective allows me to propose different solutions that are
not contemplated in such world as it is.

Advice to new students in system dynamics

System Dynamics is a powerful and interesting methodology. While it is not

exempt from limitations (no methodology is), it unlocks the power of
defining complex systems in terms of their causal relationships that are able
to explain such systems behavior overtime. This is incredibly valuable for
policy analysis and overall understanding of relevant problems today. I

[1:23 pm, 01/12/2020] Ramiz Ahmad:

[1:23 pm, 01/12/2020] Ramiz Ahmad:

[1:24 pm, 01/12/2020] Ramiz Ahmad: MSc Systems Engineering & Engineering Management

South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences

15 nov was the last date

[1:26 pm, 01/12/2020] Ramiz Ahmad:

[2:15 pm, 01/12/2020] Ramiz Ahmad: Kindly review these courses

[2:15 pm, 01/12/2020] Noman Haider: OK

[2:32 pm, 01/12/2020] Ramiz Ahmad:
this one is relatable but its paid one

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