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Name: Cabante, Rosann G.

Course and Section: Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Service 201

Subject: Introduction To International Trade
Professor: Prof. Jumel G. Estrañero

"Communism Behind a Democratic Country"

CPP-NPA-NDFP are the communist uprising in the Philippines and a continuing struggle
between the government of the Philippines and the armed wing of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist
Communist Party of the Philippines.
CPP-NPA-NDFP brought some crimes in the Philippines. Their main objective is not to bring
peace but to bring riot, war and death to our country. Their doings have been now exposed by
Jeffrey Celiz or known as "KA ERIC", which he claims that he is a ranking officer of a New
People's Army (NPA) who also publicity accused mainstream organization. He also said that the
reason for his exposure is for the people of the country, he states that "I'm risking my life not just
because I am with the side of Philippine Arm Forces but also for the recruitment of Private
sectors especially youths." CPP-NPA-NDFP have been recruiting youths especially students. He
as well state that he don't want their doings anymore. They kill indigenous people or killing
innocent civilians. "Their ultimate objective is not to bring peace, but to bring death and
destruction to our country by way of radical armed terrorism as their main form of advocating
change in our society" Ka Eric said.
Due to the longstanding communist insurgency, the Philippine government is unable to control
and expand large parts of the region. With this happenings it can really affect not just our
relationship with the countries of ASEAN but also in regards with our economy development as
well that has a partnership to other states. The goal of ASEAN is to create sustain economic
growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through partnership of different
states. Now if these CPP-NPA-NDFP will continue to attack and threaten the Government's
economy, then our relationship with other states will be affected as well because if a Leader can't
control his people, then you are not capable of developing your country's economy, at then end,
your people became your enemy so why would other states trust in investing their resources and
companies here in our country? Some of International states experience terrorism attacks. It
became worst and stronger as I have watched news of the attacks happened in Iran back then.
One thing for sure is there are terrorist everywhere that has the access in country's economy,
government and the people.
The implications of youth recruitment of CPP-NPA is worst. Maybe during early times it wasn't
that bad but as I have watched today, it really became serious. The way how they maltreated
youths and force them to be the front liner of war, it really was the worst. Who is to be blame?
Their parents? Or their ideological thinking? As I have witnessed most students are now
participating on rallies, then this will affect their security. I usually talk to a friend which now a
student in PUP, and ask him some insights about CPP-NPA-NDFP. And he states that there are
participants especially students in CPP-NPA-NDFP because there is something wrong in
government administration and they have one common goal that is to let people rule. But of
course as what my professor have told us "Activism is okay. We have positive Activism. But
when Activism became violence it's already a terrorism".

For me as a student and a future Professional, only President Duterte is capable of handling
battle like this. From the war happens in Mindanao up to demolishing the CPP-NPA-NDFP. The
President has a strong Political and Promises to bring the Philippines into something new and
utmost level of development in terms of terrorism that no President has the nerve to solve such
conflict except for Duterte. Some of them have tried but peace talks didn’t work, it became
useless. The only way to stop violence is through violence. So I suggest to the Legislators or
Law Makers to create a Law which will the term of the President will be extended until the
issues regarding to these terrorism will be settled. Because for me No other President will take
care of our Arm Forces like President Duterte have done. For now, these terrorism can have
access in all even in the congress of the government. Who knows one day, these terrorism will
take our land and rule our people with the use of communism. Let's not wait for that matter to be
happened. And of course as a Student as well, I suggest that my fellow youths to please trust the
Government at all time. I know there are some instances that we lose hope due to the happenings
but with this matter, I think this is the time to trust our President. I don't want to lose my fellow
youths again and sooner became a member with these terrorism because of their hatred in terms
of our government. As long as our government is doing something, we need to trust them and
they will take care the rest. Because today our security as well as the Philippines economy are in
threat. They use our economy to build projects and make their organization became even
stronger and without any hesitation we somehow make them richer. And also one of the CPP-
NPA-NDFP leader put his life at risk to warn us all, because he trust our today’s administration.
I think this is enough reason why we somehow need to learn to give chance to our government
today. Because the threats are already in their advocacy for using violence, threat and killings of
our military and civilians just to overthrow the government.
Overall, I can say that youths nowadays have been exposed and experience tragic and danger of
war at the early age. These terrorist are destroying our youths, they are destroying the economy,
government and the country because of the believes that they wanted to take the lead. Saving the
youth is everybody’s responsibility so it must be stop the recruiting of minors, because each
children in the Philippines deserves a normal life. Terrorist can be kill by wars but we as youths
can kill these recruiters through education, that is why these academic Boycott must put to stop.
We must dispose these ideas to enhance our economy and region health’s development. The
government administration today have put their efforts in terms of terrorism to save the nation.
Now we have insights regarding these terrorism within our country and it has two form of
government already. The running communism in which they hide behind the democratic country.

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