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1. Independent media plays a …………………. role in a democratic country.
2. ………………… and …………………………. are a recent phenomena in the media.
3. Mass media earns money through …………….. .
4. With typewriters, journalism underwent a change in the ……………….. .
5. At times media is prevented from publishing a story, this is called ………………….. .
II. State whether the given statements are True or False.
1. Media is the plural form of the word middle.
2. Television has made us think of ourselves as global citizens.
3. Changing Technologies help media to reach more people.
4. Balanced report discusses only one point of view or one side of story.
5. Media can be divided into print media and electronic media.
III. Choose the correct answers:
1.Which of the following are forms of media?
(a) T.V.
(b) Radio
(c) Newspaper
(d) All of these
2.Which one of the following is print media?
(a) Newspaper
(b) T.V.
(c) Radio
(d) Television

3.Which is the main source of income of media?

(a) Advertisements
(b) Articles
(c) General news
(d) None of these

4.When did India censor the media?

(а) When there was Emergency in 1975-77
(b) When P.M. Indira Gandhi was Assassinated
(c) When bomb blasts took place
(d) None of the above
5.Government control over the media is known as:
(a) Factual
(b) Censorship
(c) Independence
(d) Emergency

IV. Answer the following questions:

1.What is censorship and factual information?

2. What is a balanced report?

3. Why is it important to have independent media in a democracy?

4. Write a note on ‘setting agendas’.

5. Independent media has reliable and unbiased information. Describe relationship

between media and technology.

6. Describe the ways by which mass media thinks of making money?

7. What is the role of media in democracy?

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