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Empowering THE Future

THROUGH Faith & Solidarity


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DECEMBER 2020 • 2020年12 月

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A Quarterly Publication of The Bible Society® of Singapore
BSS 12/20 11M MCI (P) 042/02/2020
“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has
received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's
MISSION 我 们 的 使 命 varied grace...”—1 Peter 4:9-10
To make the Word of God known to all peoples
by making it available through the work of A very blessed Christmas to all! 2020 has been a challenging
translation and publishing, accessible through yet eventful year for The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS).
distribution and literacy programmes, and Despite the disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic,
credible through engagement and advocacy. BSS remains firmly committed to making the Word of God
通过圣经翻译、圣经出版,让世人都能够接触到 known to all through the digitalisation of our programmes.
圣经;通过圣经分发、圣经教育,让世人都能够 One of these was the recent Financial Stewardship webinar,
领受到圣经;通过圣经触动与实践、圣经倡导, held in partnership with the Evangelical Alliance of Singapore
让世人都能够信靠圣经。 (formerly known as the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore).
VISION 愿 景 Our social service arm, SowCare, after the provision of one million Care Meals and
To localise the global Bible Mission and 1.2 million essential items to guest workers, has moved on from the distribution
internalise global best practices. phase to the promotion of mental wellness. We introduced befriending services
将全球圣经宣教本地化,将全球成效经验实践化。 and launched recreational outings for guest workers in partnership with the
AFFILIATES 所 属 机 构 Ministry of Manpower and NParks, to improve their mental wellbeing.
Member, United Bible Societies; This issue marks the final installation of our theme for 2020, C-A-R-E, with the
Associate Member, National Council of
Churches of Singapore;
focus on ‘E’—Empowering the Future through Faith and Solidarity. As part of
Member, Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore. our efforts to fulfil the Great Commission, BSS has been working closely with our
sister Bible Societies in Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines to help the local
communities that have been affected by tumultuous weather and flooding.
CONTACT US 联 络 我 们 As we celebrate Christmas this year, may we be encouraged to share our Heavenly
7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Father’s love with those around us.
Singapore 179932
Tel: 6337 3222 • Fax: 6337 3036 “你们要互相款待,不发怨言。人人要照自己所得的恩赐彼此服事,作上帝各种恩
Email: 赐的好管家。”——彼得前书4:9-10         
恭 祝 大 家 圣 诞 蒙 恩 ! 2 0 2 0 年 对 新 加 坡 圣 经 公 会 来 说 是 充 满 挑 战 、历 经 风 雨
BRC@ARMENIAN 圣经资源中心@亚美尼亚
7 Armenian Street, Bible House, #01-01, Singapore 的一年。尽管受2019冠状病毒疫情的影响,新加坡圣经公会仍然坚定地致力于通
179932 • Tel: 6304 3771 • Email: 过 项 目 数 码 化 ,让 所 有 人 都 知 晓 上 帝 的 话 语 。 其 中 一 个 例 子 是 最 近 与 新 加 坡 福 音
MON: 11am–7pm, TUE: 10am–8pm, 派联盟(Evangelical Alliance of Singapore,前称 Evangelical Fellowship of
WED-FRI: 10am–7pm, SAT & SUN: 10am–2pm, Singapore)合作举办的财务管理网络研讨会。
Closed on Public Holidays
Patron 荣誉主席 120万份必需品之后,已从分发物品转入促进心理健康的阶段。我们与人力部和国家公
Bishop Terry Kee 纪木和会督 园局合作,推出了交友服务,并为客工发起了休闲郊游活动,以改善他们的心理健康。
President 会长
Dr Lee Soo Ann 李赐安博士 本期是2020年“关爱”(C-A-R-E)主题的最后一期,重点是“E”——坚信团结、
General Secretary 总干事 赋能未来(Empowering the Future through Faith and Solidarity)。作为
Rev. Ezekiel Tan 陈业伟牧师
Bible Resource Centre 圣经资源中心
Yap Yee Peng* 叶貽彬*
Building & Facilities 设施与后勤 当我们欢庆今年的圣诞节时,愿我们受激励,与周围的人分享天父的爱。
Joshua Eswaran* 奕卓朔*
Centre for Advocacy, 圣经倡导与
Relations &
Engagement 实践中心 In His grace 靠主恩典
Joyder Ng 黄植春 EZEKIEL TAN 陈业伟
Communications & 通讯与传媒 General Secretary 总干事
Media 魏秉恩
Blaine Uy
Finance & Donor Care 财务与捐者关怀
Jacqueline Tan* 陈玉珠*
Human Resources & 人事与行政
Corporate Services
May Siow
萧美美 Front Cover Caption
Partnerships & Mission 伙伴与宣教发展
It is our aim to sow God's Word and show God's love to His people.
Development Recently, SowCare—the social service arm of The Bible Society of
Aaron Fun Singapore—has been actively involved in caring for the guest workers
Sower Institute™ for 道耕学院— in Singapore. Pictured here is a guest worker who participated in an
Biblical Discipleship 圣经门徒培训事工 organised outing to Labrador Park on 2 September 2020.
Joyder Ng* 黄植春*
Sower Publishing 道耕出版中心 封面故事
Alex Lim
林明强 我们的目标是播撒上帝的话语,向祂的子民展现祂的爱。最近,新加坡
*Acting 暂 代
Rev. Ezekiel Tan
Blaine Uy
Materials in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the Publisher.
Writing Team Word@Work is a publication of The Bible Society of Singapore.
Claudia Tan, Michelle Lee, Jasmine Zhao,
James Kuan, Jorge Luzar All information in our newsletter is correct at press time. The Bible Society of Singapore does not assume and
hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions.
Sophie Liu, Ong Paak Loey, Elise Chang, Sower Institute, ETHOS Institute and WISE are trademarks of The Bible Society of Singapore. Bible Society, 圣经公会,
Ps Grace Deborah Samuel Sheepography, IBEX and Sower are trademarks registered with the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
Designers Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard
Seow Peck See, AJ Tabino, Shellanie Cane, Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission.
Jeslyn Seow (Intern) All rights reserved.
KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd 3
| F E AT UR E A R T I C L E 事工特写 |

The Bible Society of Singapore continues to reach out to the local communities through various digitalisation efforts and online webinars, such
as (from left to right): Financial Stewardship & Sustainability, Christian and Mental Health, From the Desert to the City: Environmental Stewards
& Priest of Creation, Bible and Chinese Culture Festival Virtual Exhibition, Christian Heritage Trail, Colours of the Bible: A Journey Through the
History of Judaica & Israel Art Workshop.

Encouraging Engaging &

Communities IN NEED

hristmas is a very special time of the year; it is Engaging the Local Christian Community:
a time where we come together to remember Digitalisation of Programmes and
the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Initiatives
who came down to earth in human form to bring
In order to remain relevant and continue serving the
hope to humanity. When we consider the birth and
Christian community, BSS has launched several
life of Jesus, we are also reminded of Jesus’ acts of
digitalisation initiatives in the past few months—
kindness to the needy and the care he showed for
which have allowed us to connect with Christians
those around him.
and provide useful faith-based resources in spite
In reflecting on the spirit of Christmas, renowned of restrictions on public gatherings. One of our first
preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, “And when the initiatives was the various online webinars and courses
Lord Jesus has become your peace, remember, there is to engage the public with God’s Word from the various
another thing: good will towards men. Do not try to ministries—the Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship
keep Christmas without good will towards men.” (SIBD), ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity, and our
Chinese Ministry. One of these webinars was the recent
This year presents us with unique circumstances, as Financial Stewardship webinar, in partnership with
we celebrate the birth of Christ in the middle of a the Evangelical Alliance of Singapore (formerly the
pandemic—a greater call for us to cling on to the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore) in conjunction
Word of God, which promises us that all things will with their 40th anniversary. More information about
work together for good (Romans 8:28). This is the these sessions can be found on page 28.
spirit that The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) hopes
to echo this festive season, by encouraging and To further assist Churches and fellow Christian
engaging communities in need as we move towards organisations with adapting to the new normal, BSS has
a new normal. also launched Sower CommuniTech, which aims to help
| FEATURE AR T I CL E 事工特写 |

Photo © Jeslyn Seow

(Top left): Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth & Trade and Industry, Mr Alvin Tan, joined the food distribution exercise.
(Bottom left): Guest workers with their meals. (Top right): Guest workers with MOM Director Tan Shu Xiang during a Project Sunshine outing.
(Bottom right): Homeless individual, residing at S3P@Bible House, provided with essentials items from our partners.

streamline administrative processes and ministry with befriending services. On 2 September, SowCare
the use of technology. Sower CommuniTech provides was actively involved in an outdoor activity for
a plethora of digitalisation and media services, such as about 50 guest workers at Labrador Park and
a National Church Procurement Platform, SecureMeet, Hort Park. The event was a trial run for Project
Online AGM Solution, PayNow custom QR code Sunshine—in partnership with AGWO and the
generator and webinars on how to use these platforms. Ministry of Manpower — which seeks to improve
For more information, visit the holistic wellbeing of the guest workers. SowCare
has also invited hundreds of churches to participate
Encouraging Communities in Need: in the Project Sunshine initiative to bless more guest
Initiatives for Guest Workers and workers especially during Christmas season.
Rough Sleepers More information about the event can be found
In continuing with our core mission of serving the on page 20.
vulnerable and needy amongst us, SowCare—the social
While we have moved on to a phase of
service arm of BSS—has been working closely with
caring for the mental wellbeing of guest
the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO)—
workers, SowCare is continuing to show
a movement of Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA)—to provide
care by bringing them good cheer during
holistic care for the guest workers since
festive seasons, such as the recent Deepavali.
the commencement of the circuit breaker in April.
SowCare supported AGWO on 14 November
With the combined efforts of our volunteers, partners
to distribute meals to about 8,000 guest
and donors, we have managed to distribute more than
workers from more than 70 factory-converted
one million Care Meals and 1.2 million medical supplies,
dormitories (FCDs)—as reported on The Straits
hygiene products and other food items to over 21,000
Times and CNA. The meal comprised chicken
guest workers in 300 dormitories.
biryani, kesari and laddus (types of Indian sweets),
muruku, other Indian sweets and drinks. More
As these guest workers gradually prepare to
than 100 volunteer drivers were mobilised to help
resume work after months of lockdown, BSS hopes
to deliver the food to the various FCDs across the
to go a step further in showing care for them not
just in relation to their physical needs, but also their
psychological and emotional needs. In this phase, Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth
SowCare is focused on the mental wellness of the & Trade and Industry, Mr Alvin Tan, also joined
migrant workers by providing suicide prevention the food distribution exercise. AGWO was glad to
support, counselling, recreation activities and partner with the Assurance, Care and Engagement

| FEATUR E A R T I C L E 事工特写 |

Photo © Dipankar Rema

Photo © Becky Silva

Photo © The Bible Society of Lebanon

Photo © The Bible Society of Nepal

BSS works closely with our sister Bible Societies all over the world to bring God’s Word and light to communities in need. This year, we partnered
with Bible Societies in Bangladesh (top left), Uganda (top right), Nepal (bottom right) and Lebanon (bottom left).

(ACE) Team of the Ministry of Manpower and other in Uganda, Bangladesh, Nepal, Lebanon, and Israel
like-minded charity organisations in this initiative. to bring the Word of God to the unreached in
these countries. Our partnerships with these
Looking ahead, we are also planning celebrations countries include providing and sharing
with guest workers on International Migrants’ Day resources with them to bring the Bible to
on 18 December and Christmas this year. the local communities, as well as providing
humanitarian aid when needed—such as
Aside from the guest workers, whose lives have
during the explosion that happened recently in
been affected by the pandemic, the ripple effect of
Beirut, Lebanon, which caused the devastation
COVID-19 has also caused substantial disturbances
of homes, and even the Bible House in
and difficulties for the lives of many rough sleepers
Lebanon. In November, Cambodia, Vietnam
in Singapore.
and the Philippines were massively flooded
During the circuit breaker and beyond Phase 1, due to raging typhoons in the region that
Bible House opened its doors to provide a displaced millions of people. We are working
temporary shelter for 10 rough sleepers under the closely with our sister Bible Societies in these
S3P (Safe Sound Sleeping Places) project, launched countries to extend practical help for the
in close partnership with the Ministry of Social and victims and bring the Word of Hope to them.
Family Development (MSF). The temporary shelter at Read pages 10-12 for more information about BSS’
Bible House was known as S3P@Bible House. overseas missions.

Since July, SowCare has also been providing In the words of the late Billy Graham, “Christ didn’t
essential items to almost 260 rough sleepers under only come into the world that first Christmas night
The Innkeeper’s Project. This has been done through in Bethlehem, but He wants to come into our lives
today, and every day of the year.” As we gather
the valuable support from our generous donors
with our families and friends to celebrate Christmas
and partner organisations—CDC Funds, SG Strong,
amidst these new circumstances, may we be moved
and OSCAR@SG Fund. Read page 22 for more
and comforted by the unending hope we have in
information about SowCare’s initiatives to help the
Jesus, and spread His love to those in need.
rough sleepers.

Empowering Global Communities:

Overseas Holistic Missions Want to contribute to the
Global Bible Mission?
Staying true to our mission of bringing the hope
Scan the QR code to donate, or visit
of the Gospel to unreached communities overseas,
BSS has been working with our sister Bible Societies

| FEAT U R E AR T I CL E 事工特写 |

(图从左至右) 新加坡圣经公会继续通过各种数码化项目和线上讲座服事本地社群,如“财务管理及其可持续性” 和“基于圣经


鼓励 和 接触

诞节是一年中非常特别的时刻。在这 的社群来回应这圣诞精神。
段 时 间 里 ,我 们 聚 集 在 一 起 纪 念 我 们
的主和救主耶稣基督的诞生:祂以人的 与本地基督徒社群交流:计划和项目
样式降临人间,为人类带来希望。当我们思想耶稣的 数码化
诞生和祂的生命时,我们也会想起祂对穷乏人的仁 为 了 保 持 与 时 俱 进 ,继 续 服 事 基 督 徒 群 体 ,
慈,以及祂对周围人的关怀。 新加坡圣经公会在过去的几个月里推出一系列数码
——圣经门徒培训事工(the Sower Institute for
今年境况特殊,我们在疫情大流行中庆祝基督 Biblical Discipleship)、思潮基督教公共学术
的 诞 生 ,这 更 加 要 求 我 们 要 紧 紧 抓 住 那 应 许 我 们 中心(ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity)
“万事都互相效力,叫爱上帝的人得益处”(罗马书 及华文事工分别举办。其中一个网络研讨会是最近
8:28)的上帝的话语。当我们迈向“新常态”,新加 与新加坡福音派联盟(Evangelical Alliance of
坡圣经公会希望在节日期间通过鼓励和帮助有需要 Singapore,前称 the Evangelical Fellowship of

| F E AT UR E A R T I C L E 事工特写 |

(左上) 贸工部兼文化、社区及青年部政务部长陈圣辉先生 (右) 与一名客工及“耕心”首席执行官 (左) 在屠妖节的餐食分发活动中

合影。(左下) 客工在“阳光计划”举办的户外活动中玩游戏。(右上) 人力部外劳管理署外展处处长陈书祥先生与客工在拉柏多公园
合影。(右下) 艺康集团捐赠的爱心礼包和5000新元将用于帮助暂居圣经大厦社区安宿处的无家可归者。

Singapore)合作举办的财务好管家系列,以庆祝 他们的物质需求之外,更关心他们的心理和情感需求。
该联盟成立40周年。请阅读第28页,了解更多关于 在这一阶段,“耕心”通过提供预防自杀的支持、咨询、
这些研讨会的信息。 娱乐活动和交友服务,关注客工的心理健康。9月2日,
“耕心”积极参与了在拉柏多公园(Labrador Park)
和 园 艺 园 林(Hort Park)为 约 5 0 位 客 工 举 办 的 户 外
活 动。这 是 阳 光 计 划(Project Sunshine)举 办 的 试
以上平台的网络研讨会。若需了解更多信息,请上网 虽然我们已经进入了关心客工心理健康的阶段,。 但“耕心”也继续在节日期间为他们送上关怀,如最近
的屠妖节分发餐食活动。据《海峡时报》(The Straits
鼓励有需要的社群:帮助客工和露宿 Times)和亚洲新闻台(Channel News Asia)报
者的举措 道,11月14日,
为继续履行服事弱势社群的核心使命,自4月 个工厂改建宿舍的约8000名客工分发餐食。食物包括
阻断措施实施以来,新加坡圣经公会“耕心”社会服 印度香料鸡肉饭、印度甜点 kasari 和 laddus、圈圈饼
务事工(SowCare)一直与希望工程联盟旗下的客工 (Muruku),及其他印度甜点和饮料。100多名志愿者
关怀联盟(Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach) 司机被动员起来,帮助将食物送到遍布全岛的各个客工
紧密合作,为客工提供整全关怀。在志愿者、合作 宿舍。
(Mr Alvin Tan, Minister of State, Ministry of
Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of
随着这些客工在经历数月封锁后逐渐准备 Trade and Industry)也参加了此次食品分发活动。
复工,新加坡圣经公会希望能更进一步,在关心 客工关怀联盟很高兴能与人力部属下的保障、关怀与接触

| FEATURE AR T I CL E 事工特写 |

Photo © Mary Frank Photo © The Bible Society of Nepal

Photo © The Bible Society of Lebanon Photo © Arab-Israeli Bible Society


小组(Assurance, Care and Engagement Group, 国家的合作包括提供和分享资源,将圣经带到当地

简称ACE)及其他志同道合的慈善机构合作开展这项 社群,以及在需要时提供人道援助,如最近发生在
活动。 黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特的爆炸事件。无数家园被毁,
除了生活受疫情大流行影响的客工,2019冠状病 国家的姐妹圣经公会紧密合作,为受灾的群体提供
“耕心” 海外宣教事工的信息。
紧密配合社会及家庭发展部(Ministry of Social and
Family Development)发起的社区安宿处计划,在圣经
护所名为圣经大厦社区安宿处(S3P@Bible House)。
“ 耕 心 ”也 通 过 “ 希 望 客 栈 计 划 ”为 近
的捐助者及中区社区发展理事会基金(CDC Fund)、
新加坡坚毅基金(SG Strong)、OSCAR@SG 基金等

扶持全球社群:海外整全宣教事工 请扫描二维码捐款,或上网

新 加 坡 圣 经 公 会 始 终 践 行 将 福 音 的 盼 望 带 给。


| WORD IN ACTION 真 道 与 实 践 |

LIVES Forever
Changed :
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory,
the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."
—John 1:14

ore than two thousand years ago, As we give honour and glory to humanity’s Saviour
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas day, for the precious gift that He has bestowed upon
where he took on human form and us, we are also called to give as we have received
lived amongst men for thirty three years before (Matthew 10:8). Burdened by the need to share the
his death on the Cross. The insurmountable love Good News, Bible Societies all around the world are
that God has for His people is evidenced by the act working relentlessly to spread the Gospel and the
of sending Jesus down to earth—knowing full well love of Christ—through the provision of the Word,
that he would die to save humanity from their sin Bible advocacy programmes and meeting the needs
(Romans 5:8). of impoverished communities.
Photo © Becky Silva

Zaninka Joyce, a widow and mother of 10, attends a healing group session in Uganda. Having suffered from insomnia after some of her children were
brutally murdered, she is now able to go to sleep after regularly attending the healing group.
| WORD IN ACTION 真 道 与 实 践 |
Photo © Bangladesh Bible Society

Audio Bibles are an essential means for reaching the rural people in Bangladesh, as many of them are unable to read.

In this edition of Word In Action, we bring to you Bangladesh

stories and testimonies from Bible Societies all over Another country that has dedicated much of
the world—individuals and communities who have its Bible Mission work to Bible distribution is
been touched by the Bible Mission. Bangladesh. In a country where Christians make
up only 0.4% of the population, the Bible Society
of Bangladesh has been translating the Bible into
Located in Central East Africa, Uganda has a
languages that are understood by the different
population of more than 45 million, of which 30.2%
language groups. To reach the illiterate
consist of children aged six to 14. In spite of their
communities living in remote areas, they are
tender age, many of them have been faced with a
also in the midst of producing audio Bibles,
myriad of problems, such as neglect, drug abuse,
so that even more will be able to hear the
rape and hard labour. Some of them have also
Word of God. Thus far, their audio Bibles—
become victims of child trafficking. To combat these
available in different languages—have been able
problems, the Church in Uganda has been developing to impact about 900 individuals, which would
programmes to bring the Word of God to these not have been possible without the help of our
children. To increase the reach of their ministry, generous donors and supporters.
the Bible Society of Uganda has been working
with the local Church to organise Bible advocacy Israel
activities like Bible Quizzes and Bible Recitals. Life is full of uncertainties but there is a certainty
Bibles are also given to these children so they may of hope when we cling on to the Lord and
read the Word of God on their own and encounter the His promises (Jeremiah 29:11). A teacher from
love of God in an intimate manner. Armed with the Nazareth, Israel discovered this truth through
Book of Promises, it is hoped that these children will one of the programmes by the Arab-Israeli Bible
be better equipped to face life’s challenges. Society. She was suffering from anxiety and

| WORD IN ACTION 真 道 与 实 践 |
Photo © British & Foreign Bible Society

The Arab-Isaeli Bible Society organises workshops and other programmes, such as a retreat for mothers and teenagers focusing on Biblical
principles in familial relationship building.

sleeplessness due to worries about all aspects of This is but one of many testimonies from
her life, especially about her children, who were Israel, the Holy Land. Despite Israel being the
serving in the medical field in these perilous birthplace of Jesus and the site of many miracles
times of the COVID-19 pandemic. She was also He performed, only two percent of Israel’s
constantly fretting about her future and the population are Christians. As such, there is still
future of her children, resulting in problems in much to be done in Israel to further the Bible
her relationships with others. Mission.

Through the invitation of a friend, she attended As Paul said in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become
a workshop on anxiety conducted by the Arab- weary in doing good, for at the proper time we
Israeli Bible Society. She said, “Participating in will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Staying
the session at the Arab-Israeli Bible Society true to our mission to make the Word of God
Centre was beneficial for me. I received a known to all peoples, we endeavour to continue
lot of information and tools to deal with being a vessel of blessing to the nations. We
my anxiety and concerns besides immediate would like to invite you to partner with us so that
comfort.” One of the pastors she met at the we can reach more countries in need of the Word
centre encouraged her to hold on to the teaching and of practical help. Visit
and explained to her about God’s acceptance of or scan the QR code below to contribute to our
us, no matter what. Inspired and encouraged, she cause.
then committed her life to the Lord. She was also
given a version of the New Testament and urged
Want to contribute to the Global Bible
to pray, read the Bible and participate in church Mission? Scan the QR code to donate or
services. visit

| WORD IN ACTION 真 道 与 实 践 |


千多年前,耶稣基督在圣诞节降生。 重担 ,通过提供圣经、圣经宣传倡导项目和满足贫
祂道成肉身,行在世上三十三年后, 困社群的需要 ,不遗余力地传扬福音和基督的爱。

在为救主赐予这份珍贵礼物而归尊贵与荣耀于 乌干达
祂时 ,我们也受呼召 ,既已领受 ,也要给予(马太福 乌干达位于东非中部 ,人口有4500多万 ,其中

音10:8)。世界各地的圣经公会肩负着传扬福音的 30.2%是6至14岁的儿童。尽管年幼 ,许多孩子面

Photo © Becky Silva

| WORD IN ACTION 真 道 与 实 践 |
Photo © Bangladesh Bible Society

施瑞莫蒂·露易丝达(Srimoti Luisda)参加了孟加拉国圣经公会支助的识字班课程,她这样描述自己掌握的新技能 :

临种种问题,如被忽视、滥用药物、强奸和苦工。 为止,不同语言版本的有声圣经已经能够影响到大约

他们中的一些人也惨被贩卖。为了解决这些问题, 900人。如果没有我们的慷慨捐助者和支持者的帮助,

乌干达教会一直在制定方案,将上帝的话语传给这 这是不可能实现的。

生 活 中 总 是 充 满 了 不 确 定 因 素 , 但 当 我 们 紧 紧

些孩子们能用圣经这本应许之书更好地装备自己, 29:11)。一位来自以色列拿撒勒的老师通过阿拉伯-


孟加拉国 危险时期在医疗领域工作的儿女而患上了焦虑和失眠。

另一个以分发圣经为圣经宣教事工重点的国家 她也经常为自己和儿女的未来担忧,导致与他人的关系

是孟加拉国。在这个基督徒只占人口0.4%的国家, 出现问题。

孟加拉圣经公会一直致力于把圣经翻译成不同语言 通过朋友的邀请,她参加了阿拉伯-以色列圣经公
群体能够理解的语言。为了向居住在偏远地区的 会举办的焦虑症课程。她说:“参加阿拉伯-以色列圣经
不识字群体传福音,孟加拉圣经公会也在制作有声 公会的课程对我很有帮助。除了直接得安慰外,我也学
圣经,让更多的人能够听到上帝的话语。到目前 到很多处理焦虑和担忧的知识和方法。”她在那里遇到

| WORD IN ACTION 真 道 与 实 践 |
Photo © Olivia Styles










Photo © Richmond Joydhor

丧 志 , 因 为 若 不 灰 心 , 到 了 适 当 的 时 候 就 有 收 成 。”


成为祝福万民的器皿。在此,我们邀请您与我们同工, 新加坡圣经公会很荣幸能够支持孟加拉圣经公会开展事工,
让我们能向更多需要上帝话语和实际帮助的国家 的学员,所用的孟加拉语资源由孟加拉圣经公会提供。



| PR AY W IT H U S 代祷事项 |

Prayer Requests
代祷 之 窗

Pray for the upcoming initiatives and programmes

of SowCare—the social service arm of The Bible
Society of Singapore—as they seek to engage
the guest workers in our nation with various
recreational activities to help improve their
wellbeing. Pray for the safety of the guest workers
who are returning back to work.



Pray that the Translation of the Khmer Pray for the Myanmese Youth Scripture
Old Version Bible will help to increase the Engagement initiative; that the lives of the
local community’s understanding of the youths will be impacted by the Word. Pray for
the Bible Mission to continue growing strong
Scriptures. Ask that the Holy Spirit guide the
despite the Religious Conversion Law, which
individuals who are working on the project inhibits evangelism. Lastly, pray for peace
with His insight and strength to build up the between the ethnic and religious groups in
Cambodian churches. the country.

祈愿《中部高棉语圣经》的翻译能够帮助当地社群更 请记念缅甸“青少年圣经倡导”的推行,愿上帝的
好地理解圣经。求圣灵以祂的洞察力和力量引导参 圣言影响他们的生命。在宗教皈依法的禁止下,
与翻译项目的每一位同工,以坚立柬埔寨的教会。 圣经宣教与福音事工仍能蓬勃发展。末了,也请
Photo © Cambodian Bible Society

photo © Terence Ho
Background graphics ©

“The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry.”—Psalm 34:15

| FEATURED APPEAL 项 目 与 筹 款 |


Photo © Arab-Israeli Bible Society

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love “我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱;

one another: just as I have loved you, you also are
to love one another.”—John 13:34 我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样彼此相爱。”
While Christmas is a time of celebration, what
stands in stark contrast to the joy and good cheer
of the Christmas season is the situation in the
Middle East. 势却与之形成鲜明的对比。
This year, tensions were inflamed in the Israeli- 今年,尽管各方努力达成两国解决方案,但以色列
Palestinian conflict despite efforts to achieve a
two-state solution. To make things worse, the 和巴勒斯坦冲突的紧张局势进一步加剧。更糟糕
COVID-19 pandemic has struck fear amongst the 的 是 ,2 0 1 9 冠 状 病 毒 大 流 行 病 使 人 们 深 感 恐 惧 。
people. Ms. Dina Katanacho, General Secretary of
the Arab-Israeli Bible Society said, “Our region is 阿拉伯-以色列圣经公会总干事迪娜•卡特纳曹
full of hatred, segregation, and anger. I pray for 女士(Dina Katanacho)说:
the peace of the Gospel to dominate our region,
[...] giving birth to a culture of Biblical love. I pray 仇恨、隔离和愤怒。我祈求福音的平安临到我们所处
that the Arab-Israeli Bible Society contributes to 的区域……孕育圣经式爱的文化。祈愿阿拉伯-以色列
bringing about this reality, through making the
Word of God visible, accessible, and engageable.” 圣经公会通过让上帝的话语可见、可及、可触,为实现
In spite of the challenges, the Bible Society of
Singapore is determined to support our sister Bible
Societies in the Middle East and press on with the 尽管面临挑战,新加坡圣经公会仍决心支持我们在
Bible Mission. 中东的姐妹圣经公会,并继续推进圣经宣教。
We look forward to having you partner with us to
impact lives with the Word of God through your
generous giving. 用上帝的话语影响生命。
Wishing you a blessed Christmas. 祝您圣诞蒙福!

Mr Aaron Fun
Associate Director, Partnerships and Mission Development 新加坡圣经公会
The Bible Society of Singapore 伙伴与宣教发展副主任

Inspired to make a difference? You may mail us a cheque, made payable to The Bible Society of Singapore,
using the enclosed envelope. You may also visit or
to learn more about how you can partner with us in the Bible Mission. Scan to Donate
The Bible Society of Singapore。您也可以上网或,


The COVID-19 pandemic has Conversely, a group of volunteers revealed is the stark social distances
made social distancing necessary formed WIMBY (Welcome In that exist between people groups—
because of the infectiousness of My Backyard) to encourage the rich and the poor, the majority
the coronavirus. It has also brought Singaporeans to show hospitality race and minority ethnic groups,
to our attention another kind of to migrant workers who have etc. The pandemic has shone a
“social distancing”, one which been relocated from dormitories light on the ugliness of the social
precedes the pandemic and which to Housing Board estates because alienation, discrimination and
is deeply entrenched in many of COVID-19. This is a small but fear of the other that have always
societies. The social distancing significant step! plagued human societies. It is
that I am referring to here has
The Bible has much to say about hoped that when the pandemic has
nothing to do with preventing the
this unsavoury form of social passed, societies all over the world
spread of a deadly pathogen. The
distancing. The most striking is will learn the many hard lessons it
practice has in fact perpetuated
surely the parable of the Good has taught, especially the need to
the spread of a social virus, fuelled
Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). The put aside prejudices and to respect
by irrational fear, prejudice and
parable of the Good Samaritan one another as valued members of
points beyond itself to the One the human family.
Social distancing of this kind who bridges the chasm between
usually begins with prejudice, the holy and the sinful. In the
which leads to discrimination based Incarnation, we not only see God
on race, religion, socioeconomic taking up human flesh, but also
background, or other identifying himself unreservedly This adapted article was first published
characteristics. In Apartheid, South in the July 2020 issue of
with humanity in all its fallen
Pulse, and reflects the author’s personal views
Africa, non-whites were denied concreteness, although He remains on the issue. Kindly visit
voting rights, and because they are sinless (Hebrews 2:14-17). We might
seen as inferior, they had to live say that because of Christ, the to peruse the complete article.
in different neighbourhoods and alienation between the sinner and
ghettoised communities. the holy God has been eradicated
(Matthew 1:23).
In Singapore, social distancing
of this kind is exemplified in the Similarly, in Christ, the chasm
NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) between human beings is bridged
syndrome. For example, in May (Galatians 3:28). In one of the most
2012, some residents in Bishan profound passages in Paul’s letter
estate signed a petition to stop to the Galatians, the apostle writes:
construction plans for a 260-bed “There is neither Jew nor Greek,
nursing home on an empty field there is neither slave nor free,
in Bishan Street 13. The main there is neither male nor female; by Dr Roland Chia
objection to the development is for you are all one in Christ” (3:28). Theological Research Adviser, ETHOS Institute;
that the residents did not want to Chew Hock Hin Professor of Christian Doctrine
have the aged sick living “in their Among the many things that at Trinity Theological College, Singapore
backyard”. COVID-19 has inadvertently

| SPE C IA L RE P OR T 特别报道 |


SowCare—the social service arm of The Bible Society of The Innkeeper’s Project, a programme which temporarily
Singapore—has always endeavoured to be the hands and houses homeless individuals in HDB estates. As a supporting
feet of Christ’s love to those in need. To do this, we partner charity, SowCare has thus far assisted in providing holistic
with like-minded organisations such as Hope Initiative care for almost 260 homeless individuals.
Alliance (HIA) to reach out to needy communities.
SowCare received a letter of appreciation from HIA. In
On 16 October, SowCare’s key partner, HIA, won the the letter, HIA expressed gratitude to SowCare and The
President’s Volunteerism and Philanthropy Awards Bible Society of Singapore for their steadfast support and
(PVPA) 2020 in the Organisations of Good category. partnership. Noting that charities working together can
HIA also picked up a special commendation in the Leaders reach a wider swathe of society, HIA said, “Your treasured
of Good category for Rev Samuel Gift Stephen, the Lead partnership has helped us multiply efforts to reach the
Director of the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach—a less fortunate in these unprecedented times. Without
movement of HIA. Organised annually by the National your overwhelming support during the crisis, we
Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), the PVPA is the would not have been able to reach so many in such a
pinnacle award and platform to recognise individuals and short time. You are the unsung hero who should share
groups that have achieved excellence in giving. These awards in this Award. We look forward to continue joining our
represent the highest honour for giving to the community hearts and hands in reaching out to those in need.”
and are conferred by the President of the Republic of
Singapore. Looking ahead, SowCare will continue to espouse the heart
of Christ for the needy, reaching out especially to the guest
SowCare has been blessed to be able to partner HIA worker and homeless communities. We will continue to
in a wide-range of projects to care for the vulnerable partner HIA and government agencies such as the Ministry
and marginalised communities, especially amidst of Social and Family Development and the Ministry of
the COVID-19 pandemic. We celebrate HIA’s PVPA win Manpower to make an impact in the lives of the less
as affirmation that these collective efforts have made an privileged. As Jesus said in Matthew 25:35, “For I was hungry
impact. One key initiative was the Care Meals and Festive and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
Care Pack distribution to guest workers living in factory- I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” In the spirit
converted dormitories from April to July this year. SowCare of loving our less privileged brothers and sisters, we
helped to mobilise more than 600 volunteers to pack and would like to invite you to partner with us and make a
deliver the Care Meals and Care Packs, and also raised funds difference in the lives the Lord has entrusted into our
for the effort. SowCare also supported HIA in responding to care. Head to to find out how you can donate,
New Hope Community Services’ appeal to rally support for partner or volunteer with us!

The Awards were given out by President Halimah Yacob. President of HIA, Rev Ezekiel Tan (left), received the Award on
behalf of HIA while Rev Samuel Gift Stephen (right) received his special commendation in person.

From right: Director, Foreign Manpower Management Division, at the Ministry of Manpower,
Mr Tan Shu Xiang with the Chief Executive Officer of SowCare and
Lead Director of the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach.

Empowering Our Guest Workers

through Holistic Care:
As the nation gradually opens up, many guest workers feel that kind of a distress or that kind of mental
in Singapore are also recuperating from months of breakdown so we have always been thinking of doing
isolation and homesickness. In order to assist these something when the time is right to help them to
workers during this transitional phase, the Alliance destress, help them to improve their mental resilience.”
of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO)—a movement
of Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA)—seeks to continue One of the guest workers, Mr Khan Md Jasim, shared
supporting government efforts in caring for the guest that he was elated to be able to step out of the
workers, and provide them with holistic care.   dormitory for some fresh air, “This event is very good.
I had been in lockdown for five months and now I’m
On 2 September, HIA and AGWO partnered with the out. This is very good. I think very good.”
Ministry of Manpower (MOM) with the support of
NParks to organise a trial of outdoor group activities This organised activity is an exercise to prepare for the
for about 50 guest workers at Labrador Park and Hort launch of a subsequent series of outdoor recreational
Park. This outing inaugurated Project Sunshine, a series events for the guest workers under Project Sunshine,
of recreational outdoor activities for guest workers. in collaboration with various partners—the National
The guest workers spent the afternoon engaging in a Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), SowCare
time of mini games facilitated by AGWO volunteers, and A Good Space, just to name a few. Project
and had a warm meal of chicken briyani—all while Sunshine will be a continuation of AGWO’s efforts
ensuring that safe distancing measures were in place. to care for the guest workers after the provision of
They also took the time to take a short walk around over one million Care Meals and 1.2 million essential
the park—which provided them with a much-needed items to more than 21,000 guest workers from 300
breather. dormitories from April to July.

Mr Tan Shu Xiang, Director of MOM explained that the HIA and AGWO are thankful for the close partnership
organised activity was to “allow the [guest workers] with the MOM and the support of NParks, whose
to have a change of scenery from the dormitory efforts have made this event possible. HIA would
workplace… to socialise with their friends… to improve also like to thank all donors and volunteers for their
their mental well-being [and] reduce their stress.” support, whose contributions have led to HIA winning
the President’s Volunteerism and Philanthropy Award
The President of Hope Initiative Alliance also echoed 2020 in the Organisation of Good category.
the same sentiments: “Any of us would certainly

Visit to find out how you

may be a part of future initiatives
to care for the mental wellbeing of
our guest workers today!

Scan the QR code to

watch MOM’s video
about the event.
Guest workers at Labrador Park and Hort Park participated in some activities and had a meal of chicken briyani.

| வ ிருந்தினர் த�ொ ழிலா ள ர ்க ளுக ்கான கூ ட்ட ணி (A GWO) |

விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்கள் லாப்ரட�ோர் பூங்கா மற்றும் ஹார்ட் பூங்கா வெளியில் ஓய்வு

நேரத்தை அனுபவித்தனர்.

முழுமையான பராமரிப்பு மூலம் நம் விருந்தினர்

த�ொழிலாளர்களை மேம்படுத்துதல்:
சன்ஷைன் திட்டத்தின் வெளியீடு
தேசம் படிப்படியாக திறக்கப்படுவதால், சிங்கப்பூரில் உள்ள மிகவும் நல்லது. நான் ஐந்து மாதங்களாக பூட்டப்பட்டிருந்தேன்,
பல விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்களும் பல மாதங்களாக தனி இப்போது நான் வெளியே இருக்கிறேன். இது மிகவும் நல்லது
மைப்படுத்தப்படுவதிலிருந்தும், வட்டைப்பிரிந்திருக்கும்
ீ என்று நான் நினைக்கிறேன்.”
தன்மையிலிருந்தும் மீ ண்டு வருகின்றனர். இந்த
இந்த ஒழுங்கமைக்கப்பட்ட செயல்பாடு, “சன்ஷைன்
இடைக்கால கட்டத்தில் இந்த த�ொழிலாளர்களுக்கு
திட்டத்தின்” கீ ழ் விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்களுக்கான
உதவுவதற்காக, ஹ�ோப் இனிஷியேட்டிவ் அலையன்ஸ்
த�ொடர்ச்சியான வெளிப்புற ப�ொழுதுப�ோக்கு நிகழ்வுகளைத்
(HIA) இன் இயக்கமான - விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்களின்
த�ொடங்குவதற்கான ஒரு பயிற்சியாகும், இது பல்வேறு
கூட்டணி (AGWO) - விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்களை
கூட்டாளர்களுடன் இணைந்து செய்யப்படுவது-தேசிய
கவனித்துக்கொள்வதில் அரசாங்கத்தின் முயற்சிகளை
தன்னார்வ மற்றும் த�ொண்டு மையம் (NVPC), ச�ோவ்கேர்
த�ொடர்ந்து ஆதரிப்பதற்கும், அவர்களுக்கு முழுமையான
மற்றும் ஒரு நல்ல இடம் (எ குட் ஸ்பேஸ்) என்ற ஒரு சில
கவனிப்பை வழங்குவதற்கும் முயல்கிறது.
பெயர்களை குறிப்பிடலாம். ஏப்ரல் முதல் ஜூலை வரை 300
செப்டம்பர் 2-ஆம் தேதி, லாப்ரட�ோர் பார்க் தங்குமிடங்களில் இருந்து 21,000 க்கும் மேற்பட்ட விருந்தினர்
மற்றும் ஹார்ட் பூங்காவில் சுமார் 50 விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்களுக்கு 1 மில்லியனுக்கும் அதிகமான பராமரிப்பு
த�ொழிலாளர்களுக்கு வெளிப்புற குழு நடவடிக்கைகள் உணவு மற்றும் 1.2 மில்லியன் அத்தியாவசிய ப�ொருட்களை
குறித்த ஒரு சிறு ஏற்பாடு செய்ய என்பார்க்ஸின் வழங்கிய பின்னர் விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்களைப்
(NParks) ஆதரவுடன் மனிதவள அமைச்சுடன் (MOM), பராமரிப்பதற்கான AGWO முயற்சிகளின் த�ொடர்ச்சியாக
HIA மற்றும் AGWO கூட்டுசேர்ந்தன. விருந்தினர் "சன்ஷைன் திட்டம்" இருக்கும்.
த�ொழிலாளர்களுக்கான ப�ொழுதுப�ோக்கு வெளிப்புற
இந்த நிகழ்வை சாத்தியமாக்கிய மனிதவள அமைச்சுடனான
நடவடிக்கைகளின் த�ொடரான சன்ஷைன்
நெருக்கமான கூட்டாண்மை மற்றும் என்பார்க்ஸின் (NParks)
திட்டத்தை இந்தப் பயணம் துவக்கியது. விருந்தினர்
ஆதரவுக்கு HIA மற்றும் AGWO நன்றியைத் தெரிவிக்கின்றன. HIA
த�ொழிலாளர்கள் மதியம் AGWO தன்னார்வலர்களால்
அனைத்து நன்கொடையாளர்களுக்கும் தன்னார்வலர்களுக்கும்
வசதியளிக்கப்பட்ட சிறு விளையாட்டுகளில்
அளித்த ஆதரவுக்கு நன்றி தெரிவிக்க விரும்புகிறது, அதன்
ஈடுபட்டனர், மேலும் சூடான க�ோழி பிரியாணியை
பங்களிப்புகள் "நல்ல அமைப்பு" பிரிவில் ஜனாதிபதியின்
உட்கொண்டனர் - இவை அனைத்தும் பாதுகாப்பான
தன்னார்வ மற்றும் த�ொண்டு விருது 2020-ஐ வென்றெடுக்க
த�ொலைதூர நடவடிக்கைகள் நடைமுறையில்
இருப்பதை உறுதிசெய்தன. பூங்காவைச் சுற்றி ஒரு
குறுகிய நடைப்பயணத்தை மேற்கொள்ளவும் அவர்கள் இன்று நம் விருந்தினர் பணியாளர்களின் மன நலனைக்
நேரத்தை எடுத்துக் க�ொண்டனர் - இது அவர்களுக்கு கவனிப்பதற்கான எதிர்கால முயற்சிகளில் நீ ங்கள் எவ்வாறு
மிகவும் தேவையான சுவாசத்தை அளித்தது. ஒரு பகுதியாக இருக்கலாம் என்பதை அறிய ஐப்
மனிதவள அமைச்சின் துணை இயக்குனர் திரு டான்
ஷு சியாங், “[விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்கள்] தங்குமிட
பணியிடத்திலிருந்து இயற்கைக்காட்சிக்கு மாற்றத்தை
ஏற்படுத்த அனுமதிப்பது, தங்கள் நண்பர்களுடன் பழகுவது,
அவர்களின் மன நலனை மேம்படுத்துவது, மற்றும்
அவர்களின் மன அழுத்தத்தைக் குறைக்கவும் இந்த
ஒழுங்கமைக்கப்பட்ட செயல்பாடு உதவுகிறது," என்று

ஹ�ோப் முன்முயற்சி கூட்டணியின் தலைவரும்

இதே உணர்வுகளை எதிர�ொலித்தார்: “நம்மில் எவரும்
நிச்சயமாக அந்த மாதிரியான மன உளைச்சலை அல்லது
அந்த வகையான மன முறிவை உணருவ�ோம், எனவே விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்கள் அன்றைய பிற்பகல் விளையாட்டுகளில் அவர்கள்
உதவி செய்ய சரியான நேரம் வரும்போது ஏதாவது வென்ற பரிசுகளுடன் உணவை சாப்பிடுகிறார்கள்.
செய்ய நினைத்தோம். அவர்களின் மன அழுத்தத்தை
ப�ோக்கவும், அவர்களின் மன பின்னடைவை மேம்படுத்த
அவர்களுக்கு உதவவும் நினைத்தோம்.” நிகழ்வைப் பற்றிய மனிதவள
விருந்தினர் த�ொழிலாளர்களில் ஒருவரான திரு அமைச்சின் வடிய�ோவைக்

கான் முகமது ஜாசிம், சில புதிய காற்றிற்காக காண QR குறியீட்டை ஸ்கேன்
தங்குமிடத்திலிருந்து வெளியேற முடிந்ததில் மகிழ்ச்சி செய்யுங்கள்.
அடைந்தார் என்று பகிர்ந்து க�ொண்டார், “இந்த நிகழ்வு

| SOWCARE 耕 心 |

(Left and Upper right) SowCare representatives receiving donations and giving Ecolab staff a tour of the the S3P@Bible House. (Bottom right): Volunteers
from Singapore Youth for Christ interacting with the homeless individuals who are staying at S3P@Bible House.


“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words
of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” — Acts 20:35

With the outbreak of COVID-19 initiative for the rough sleepers. was given the opportunity
and the resulting economic to make their own lanterns.
fallout, many have had to face Our various partners in this S3P A mooncake and tea appreciation
unforeseen challenges. Amidst initiative conduct routine visits to session was also held for volunteers to
these trying times, the homeless S3P@Bible House. On 11 September, engage in a time of fellowship with
are left especially vulnerable, as EcoLab and Singapore Youth for them and to bring them some cheer.
they lack the necessary resources Christ visited S3P@Bible House.
EcoLab donated $5,000 and 10 care In the hope of bringing light into
to protect themselves. these dark times, on 14 and
packs to the rough sleepers residing
According to figures from the at S3P@Bible House. Representatives 15 October 2020, SowCare organised
Ministry of Social and Family from EcoLab were given a tour of a special Zoom meeting with the
Development (MSF), there are S3P@Bible House. Mr Surachet MSF. The purpose of the meeting
about 300-385 rough sleepers Tanwongsval, Vice President and was to encourage churches to open
who have received help from General Manager of EcoLab, their doors to the homeless.
the government each year commended SowCare’s efforts in In line with our partnership with
between 2016 to 2018. SowCare caring for the homeless: "It was MSF, SowCare is working with
complements existing government a humbling experience for me as MSF and the Singapore Land
efforts to help these individuals, I always thought that there’s no Authority to secure a suitable site
who have little to no resources homelessness in Singapore. Going to for a shelter for rough sleepers.
to support themselves, especially SowCare showed that there’s a lot of
in these unprecedented times. less unfortunate Singaporeans that On behalf of the beneficiaries, we
greatly benefit from the work they’ve would like to thank all our supporting
To that end, as a core partner donors and partners for their
done, in a short amount of time. I’d
of Hope Initiative Alliance generous donations and express our
like SowCare to keep up this effort."
(HIA), SowCare is supporting deep gratitude to our volunteers who
The Innkeeper’s Project— After visiting the Bible House, Ms Irene have helped in various capacities.
organised by New Hope Nah, one of the staff members of As a Body of Christ, let us continue
Community Services and EcoLab, also commented, "It was an to assist the needy in these
HIA—to show holistic care for eye-opener for me too. The organisation challenging times. As Jesus said,
the homeless. Through the has it well planned, including facilities “Truly, I say to you, as you
generosity of our partners for their daily routine and necessities. did it to one of the least of these
and donors—such as CDC They were also well prepared on the my brothers, you did it to me”
Funds, SG Strong, and COVID-19 measures, practising safe (Matt 25:40). While we ponder Jesus'
OSCAR@SG Fund—we have distancing and temperature taking." words, let us remember that we
managed to provide various are doing it for Christ and readily
essential items such as Aside from EcoLab, the Singapore
Youth for Christ also collaborated render help to those in need.
floor mats, foldable tables
and reusable masks to with SowCare to organise a
support the needs of almost Mid-Autumn Celebration for
260 rough sleepers. the individuals residing at
Scan QR Code or visit
S3P@Bible House on 11 September. to make
SowCare has also collaborated The evening's programme consisted donations or to learn more
with MSF to set up the Safe of dinner and an art and craft about the project.
Sound Sleeping Places (S3P) session, where each participant
| SOWCARE 耕 心 |

©Photo from Temasek Trust Video



随着2019冠状病毒疫情的爆发和由此而来的经济 在 参 观 了 圣 经 大 厦 社 区 安 宿 处 后 , 艺 康 集 团 员 工
衰退,许多人必须面对不可预见的挑战。在这段困难时 蓝 丽 华 女 士(Irene Nah)也 表 示: “我 也 大 开 眼 界。
期,无家可归者特别无助,因为他们缺乏必要的资源来 该机构计划周全,为无家可归者提供日常生活设施和必
保护自己。 需品。他们对2019冠状病毒的防疫措施也做了充分的
根据社会及家庭发展部(Ministry of Social and
Family Development)的统计,在2016年至2018年 除了艺康集团,新加坡基督教青年会(Singapore
期间,每年约有300至385名露宿者得到政府的帮助。 Youth for Christ)也与“耕心”合作,在9月11日为
“耕心”慈善事工(SowCare)在政府对这些无法自给 住在圣经大厦社区安宿处的无家可归者举办了中秋庆祝
自足者的援助工作上起到辅助作用,特别是在这前所未 活动。当晚的活动包括晚餐和手工制作,每位参与者都
有的时期。 有机会制作自己的灯笼。活动也包括月饼茶会,让义工
为 此 , “ 耕 心 ”作 为 希 望 工 程 联 盟 ( H o p e
Initiative Alliance)的核 心 合 作 伙 伴 ,支持 由 希望 为了给这黑暗之季带来光明,2020年10月14日、
社区服务组织(New Hope Community Services) 15日, “耕心”与社会及家庭发展部合作举办线上特别简
和 希 望 工 程 联 盟 发 起 的 “ 希 望 客 栈 计 划 ”( T h e 报会,鼓励教会向无家可归者敞开大门。
在中 区 社 区 发 展 理 事会基金(CDC Fund)、新 加 坡 配合与社会及家庭发展部的合作,
坚 毅 基 金(SG Strong)、OSCAR@SG 基金 等 合 家庭发展部和新加坡土地管理局接洽,为露宿者找一个
作伙伴和捐助者的慷慨解囊下,我们提供各种必需品, 合适的地方作栖身之所。
露宿者的需要。 在此,我们谨代表受益者感谢所有捐助者和合作伙伴
设立了社区安宿处(Safe Sound Sleeping Places, 作为基督的身体,让我们在这个充满挑战的时代,
简称S3P)。该计划下的各个合作伙伴对圣经大厦社区安 继续帮助有需要的人。正如耶稣所说: “我实在告诉
宿处进行了例行探访。9月11日,艺康集团 (EcoLab) 你们,这些事你们做在我弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是
和新加坡基督教青年会 (Singapore Youth for 做在我身上了”(马太福音25:40)。当我们默想耶稣的
Christ) 访问了圣经大厦社区安宿处。艺康集团向露宿 圣言时,让我们切记这是为基督而做的,并乐意帮助那些
者捐赠了5000新元和10个护理包。副总裁兼总经理苏 有需要的人。
拉切·坦旺斯瓦尔先生(Surachet Tanwongsval)赞
在短短的时间内,有很多不幸的新加坡人从他们的事工 捐款或了解更多信息

| C HIN ESE MI NI STRY 华 文 事 工 |

© Photo by Jiawei Zhao on Unsplash


我们已经进入了解封期的第二阶段,期待很快 多数的会众来说,相较于参加实体崇拜,线上崇拜更
就可以进入第二阶段后期并且逐步到第三期至完全 加便利。除了可以选择最适合或最方便的时间在家
恢复正常生活状态。政府从阻断期开始就一直提醒 参与崇拜,也可以在网上挑选心仪的讲员听其讲道。
我们,不要期望疫情过后能完全回到疫情前的生活方 高水准的录制技术与教会传统的实体崇拜方式并不
式,国人要调整心态接受新常态的生活方式,因为即 对立,我们应该把它看成是新的外展领域和新的开
或是有了抗毒的疫苗注射,冠状病毒也不会从人间 拓事工。把教会的礼拜带进信徒家里,这是一个新
消失。 现象。总有一些人是不愿意到教堂去的,把崇拜实
面 和 会 议 ,机 器 或 遥 控 取 代 全 人 操 控 的 时 代 提 早 会议和培训教学的方式改变:
来临,餐饮业外卖、限制堂食用餐人数的冲击,团体 许 多 在 教 会 参 与 各 项 活 动 的 会 友 ,经 年 累 月
聚会精简化,实体培训课堂已经被网上教学取代。无 被一件怕得要命的事缠累,就是经常要出席大会
论是艺术表演、宗教活动,通过影视呈现跟现场实体 小会,而且许多的会议是在主日礼拜后留下来开会,
呈现没有太大的差别。大型聚会空间被远程及隔间 要不就是周日晚上开会。加上许多的培训班、课程
化整为零,也在这次对抗疫情的过程中具体而确实地 班也在周日晚上举行,信徒一个星期难得有时间在家
实行。这一切肯定给过去传统生活方式带来极大冲 与家人好好用餐,好好在家交谈。这次疫情的阻断
击。 期,教堂和居家都不准有外人到访相聚,逼得所有大

在 过 去 这 几 个 月 ,国 民 先 后 都 实 实 在 在 经 历 小会议、培训课程、小组、研经查经班、诗班都必

了欢庆各族的新年和宗教节庆,也许过得有点七零 须在线上举行。这么一来,人人都可留在家中参与,

八乱,但也没有活不下去:没有圣周,没有最后晚餐 不 仅 出 席 率 超 高 ,也 大 大 提 高 彼 此 的 互 动 交 流 。
( 本 文 其 余 部 分 可 上 网 阅 读 ,请 扫 描 本 页 下 端 二


过去半年里,我们已经渐渐熟练于制作线上崇 张振忠会督(博士)
拜的视频,给教会的崇拜方式多了一个选择,对我们 新加坡卫理公会会督

| CHIN ESE MI NI STRY 华 文 事 工 |

© Photo by Portuguese Gravity on Unsplash


新加坡的教会多年来在增长快速、资源丰富的美 媒体的吸引力远远超越教会的项目。牧者在这处境中
景中怡然自得。年初突发的冠状病毒对全球各领域冲 如何供应各年龄层信徒的需要,同时保护他们不至迷
击空前巨大,教会也未能幸免。让我们在寻索应变门路 失于缤纷诱人的网络世界中?
的同时,从教会的本质与使命作反思与自省。 疫情催使教会提升资讯科技的使用。网络时代带
牧养的省察 教会与福音机构必须集中资源设立长久合作机制,
基督徒信仰不只是一套圣经与神学知识,更重要 引导众教会一同向前迈进,掌握数码科技这新工具
的是信仰的认知在生活上的落实。家庭生活与团契生 以完成基督托付的使命。
隔措施执行以来,信徒的灵性生活与教会的牧养关顾是 见证基督的时机
否也受阻隔,为何受阻隔。 冠状病毒这微小的病毒至今竟然已使六千多万
1. 这期间多数在家的信徒是否只能依赖教会线上 人得病,约一百四十万人丧命。国际政治与经济受
供应“灵粮”?若没有线上的崇拜与聚会,信徒 重创,无数企业倒闭,无数人失业,无数家庭出现危
的信仰生活如何维持? 机,无数人身心灵失调。当代如此先进的医学与生命
2. 信徒在家参加线上崇拜与各种聚会的参与度与 科学与这小得几乎看不见的病毒搏斗,至今仍没有取
效果如何?有哪些困难或挑战?能如何改进? 胜的把握。这疫情再次提醒人们人类的渺小与限度。
除了线上的供应,教会还提供哪些牧养措施? 更可怕可悲的是,这疫情也再次暴露人心的黑暗
3. 我们看到在战争或非常时期,信徒不能到教会 与人类的困境。各国各方为私利而勾心斗角,不愿合
崇 拜 与 聚 会 ,信 仰 仍 能 通 过 家 庭 代 代 相 传 。 作面对共同的敌人。几千年的世界历史证明人类不能
今天信仰能在多少信徒家中传承?为什么? 依靠自己解决人的问题。在我们坚信唯有基督是人类
4. 阻隔期间教会提供哪些线上的教导与培训?
5. 教会中病弱的信徒与独居的老人,他们孤寂且
6. 这期间病重或临终信徒与他们的家人得着什么 5:13)愿我们心存敬畏聆听冠病敲响的警钟,醒悟
牧养?丧家能领受什么安慰与支援? 教会的脆弱与不足,及时校正方向,修补漏洞。
7. 对于事业出现危机或被公司裁员的信徒,教会
8. 信徒有心理或家庭问题时,教会提供什么辅导
9. 疫情是否让我们看到教会牧养事工的不足与

数码时代的挑战 李宗高牧师
当前资讯巨流已泛滥成灾,信息良莠不齐,而社交 圣经公会华文事工委员会主席


Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity


Calling out all Church
and ministry leaders,
volunteers, befrienders In 2018, the government
and everyone who is keen
made some amendments
to the Maintenance of
on becoming a community
Religious Harmony Act
carer to someone with
(MRHA), a Singapore
suicide ideation.
statute which was enacted
This LIFE Training by Parliament on
workshop helps 9 November 1990.
participants identify Join this seminar to learn
potential suicide cases and introduce them to the basic about these amendments
principles of suicide identification and prevention via the and how they will impact
LIFE Care Model (LIFE). the ministry and mission of the Churches in Singapore, and also
the relationship between religion and politics in Singapore as
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: set out by the MRHA.
• Apply the concepts learnt in a facilitated role play
session Date: 20 March 2021
• Identify the risk factors and warning signs of a suicidal Time: 9.45am–4.15pm
person Venue: Bible House if situation permits,
• Understand that suicide is preventable and the person is otherwise it will be over ZOOM
sending out HELP signals Guest of Honour: Minister K. Shanmugam
• Connect at-risk individuals to trained professionals for help Speakers:
• Prof Mark Chan, Professor of Systematic Theology,
Date & Time: 19 Dec 2020, 9am–1pm or Trinity Theological College
22 Dec 2020, 6pm–10pm (choose 1 slot) • Rev Dr Chiang Ming Shun, Dean of Students,
Venue: Via ZOOM Trinity Theological College
Speaker: Ms. Brenda Koay • Prof Eugene Tan, Associate Professor of Law, Lee Kong Chian
(Training & Programme Manager, Caring for Life) Fellow, Singapore Management University

Register online at Speech, Panel Discussion and Question and Answer by
For more information, contact Joyder Ng at 6304 5286 or Minister Shanmugam
email Register online at
Contact us at 6304 3765 or email
for further enquiries.

Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship 道耕学院


Trauma is part of the 院旨在为本地和亚洲的
human experience in a 信徒提供门徒培训、领
broken world. It can arise 导力、识字班和宣教方
when one is overwhelmed 面的装备和训练。从圣
with intense fear, 经与宣教的角度出发,
helplessness and horror. 拓展全方位资培训课
It can stem from personal 程,同时也开发门徒培
issues, such as the loss of a 训课程。华文道耕学院秉持圣经的原则和指导,提升基督徒
loved one or divorce; from
large-scale devastation like natural disaster or from global
crisis such the COVID-19 pandemic. 下列为2021年1月至3月的课程,欢迎大家上线一起学习!

Join the course to identify trauma symptoms, and learn how 1月4-6日 3月1-2、8-9日
to restore hope, dignity and intimacy with God. Participants 人在江湖系列A 传道书研读: 从传道书看
will learn about fundamental principles of trauma care, mental 欧国彪牧师 虚空(蒸气)人生
health concepts within a Biblical framework and how to apply 苏立忠博士
these principles through Scripture and real-life stories. 腓利门书研读:恩情与治愈 3月8、15、22、29日
王志扬博士 五相有趣读经法(第三期)
Date: 27–30 January 2021 洪茂祥牧师
Time: 9am–5pm 2月22-24日 3月22-23、29-30日
Venue: 7 Armenian Street, Bible House 健康家庭,圣经怎么说 栽培门徒,圣经怎么说
罗鸿文老师 沙德珍博士
Register online at
For more information, contact Florence Kang at 6304 3765 or 请上网
email for further enquiries. 了解更多道耕学院的课程或通过WhatsApp +65 88406991



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Sower CommuniTech is the Digitalisation and Media Services arm of

The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS), that was created to meet the
future digitalisation needs of the Christian Community. In addition to
digitalisation efforts to strengthen our online platforms for effective
community engagement, BSS also endeavours to help churches to
streamline their administrative and ministry processes through the use
of technology.

As the government prepares to allow Church services and gatherings,

Sower CommuniTech has channelled its focus to two core areas of need.

Firstly, as Churches gradually allow physical worship services, there is a need to

For more information on
ensure efficient online booking of appointments, as well as actual-day registration Sower Communitech,
processes which adhere to the COVID-19 protocols. To this end, BSS has partnered please visit
with ThunderQuote, to assist Churches to adapt to the new normal of Church
registration and attendance.

Secondly, embracing digital would also mean that Churches’ annual general
meetings can be held online. Thus, BSS and Thunderquote have pioneered
SecureMeet, which helps Churches organise their annual meeting virtually.

| PO ST EVENTS 精彩回顾 |

Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship


In conjunction with the
Marriage is God’s 40th anniversary of the
design and to build a Evangelical Alliance of
healthy one requires an Singapore, Sower Institute
understanding of God’s for Biblical Discipleship
intention for marriage. launched a series on
At this online marriage Financial Stewardship and
preparation workshop Sustainability over seven
from the Walk Thru sharings and Q&As.
the Bible programme, With more than two decades
trainer Elder Jeffrey of experience in the wealth
Goh brought management and financial
participants through planning industry,
the six partnership Mr Christopher Tan, Founder
principles of marriage. and CEO of Providend
Ltd, shared about how to
Having solemnised manage one’s finances in
a God-honouring manner.
more than 250
More than 200 participants
weddings and
were equipped with
conducted Pre-marital essential skills on financial management and learnt about the
Classes in Churches, Elder Jeffery Goh shared his wealth Biblical principles behind good stewardship. The sessions also
of experience and insight with the participants who saw attendees taking away with them practical tips on topics
attended. Married couples learnt how to build enriching such as investment and managing their CPF monies so as to
relationships with their partners while singles were taught enjoy financial security during retirement. A participant shared
how to develop a Biblical roadmap for choosing a godly this feedback: “Speaker gave good and practical advice. Thanks
marriage partner. for teaching us how to wisely and better steward our God-given
Dates: 15, 16, 22 & 23 Sep 2020
Dates: 9, 17, 24, 26, 30 Sep, 10 & 24 Oct 2020

ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity


The doctrine of Creation is a central tenet of the Christian
faith. It is found in the first pages of the Bible (Genesis 1:1-
31) and enshrined in the ecumenical creeds of the Church.
Over two and a half hours, this conference explored the
doctrine of Creation as it is presented in Scripture and
Attended by more than 240 participants, this conference
was segmented into four sub-topics. Firstly, Mr Issac Wong
from Acts College took the participants through the
foundations of the doctrine of Creation as it is presented
in Scripture and Tradition. Secondly, Mr Lim K Tham from
Divinity Theological College also expounded on the place of
this doctrine in the Church’s theology and worship. In the
second half of the conference, Dr Robert Sears shared the
significance of the doctrine of Creation for dialogue in the
natural sciences. Finally, Reverend Dr Andrew Peh (Trinity
Theological College) delved deeper into the doctrine’s
significance in relation to the natural sciences and the
current ecological crisis.
Overall, participants were reminded that while Creation
shares in the effect of humanity’s sin, we also get to share
in the fullness of Creation’s redemption. We are saved along
with Creation, not out of Creation. God’s intention is to
redeem the whole of creation, and we can be part of that,
and in so doing become a part of the new Creation.
Date: 3 Oct 2020

| PO ST EVENTS 精彩回顾 |

Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship Centre for Advocacy, Relations and Engagement


The Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship —A NEXTGEN ONLINE CONVERSATION
aims to equip the body of Christ in the
Having physical interaction
areas of discipleship, leadership, literacy,
with ministry teachers
and missions. This year, the Sower Institute
proudly introduced a four-part series called is one of the main ways
the Secrets of the Vine. the younger generation
learns, experiences and
Rev Peter Poon, a master trainer with gets discipled by God’s
Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship, Word. However, due to
who led the sessions, the pandemic, face-to-face
delved into the Word of meetings have been largely
God and shared with the prohibited.
participants concepts on
how to bear fruits that are The NextGen online
pleasing to our Heavenly conversation aimed to equip
Father. He also shared how churches, ministry leaders,
they can do that through parents and teachers with
abiding in the True Vine– best practices for home
that is, Jesus. discipleship amidst the new
In Secrets of the Vine, participants learnt how to make
maximum impact for God, and discovered life-changing truths Through this NextGen online conversation, panelists shared their
that will lead them to new joy and effectiveness in God's insights and experiences about supporting Children’s Ministry
Kingdom. This series opened the eyes of many to the Lord's during COVID-19. Participants had the chance to learn about
hand in their life, while uncovering surprising insights pointing useful online platforms, tools and resources to support the
the participants toward a new path of consequence for God's educational ministries of the Church.

Dates: 5 & 19 Aug, 2 & 16 Sep 2020 Date: 13 Oct 2020

Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity

Eager to tackle The lecture on
the challenge of Christianity, Public Policy,
understanding the Old and the Law was led by
Testament, participants Mr Dominic Chan, who
is a practising litigation
came together for
lawyer, lay theologian
an interactive Walk
and a member of
Through the Old
Catholic Theology
Testament in otLIVE. Network. In this session,
Rev Peter Poon, a master firstly, the participants
trainer with Sower explored how public
policy and the law
Institute for Biblical
played distinct roles in
Discipleship, introduced
preserving, promoting
the key events, places and protecting moral
and people in the values and the common
Old Testament in an good. Secondly, it was
engaging format. also discussed how
Participants had a Christians could contribute to the process of determining
chance to understand the chronological flow of the Old which moral values and components should be enshrined in
Testament from Genesis to Malachi, familiarise themselves public policy or the law.
with the major events that led to Jesus Christ in the New
The participants learnt how to evangelise in our modern
Testament, and how those play an important part of world. In this lecture, Mr Chan highlighted the importance
God’s grand story. Having vividly experienced the Word of public policy and the law in protecting morality, as well
for themselves, the participants were inspired to read and as how Christians can play an important role in this process.
study the Bible regularly. Overall, this thought-provoking session shed new light on
how Christians can be the salt and light to the world.
Date: 17 Oct 2020
Date: 29 Oct 2020

| PAR T NE R S HI P S 合 作 与 访 问 |


在亚洲福音派联盟分享 新一届思潮基督教公共学术中心
On 17 & 18
November, the
General Secretary
was invited to
share at the
general assembly
of Asia
Alliance (AEA).
He was also elected as a member of the executive
committee of AEA.
1 1 月 1 7 日 和 1 8 日 ,总 干 事 应 邀 在 亚 洲 福 音 派 联 盟
(AEA) 大会上分享。他也被选为亚洲福音派联盟执行委 The new ETHOS Institute Steering Committee met up
员会成员。 on 4 September. The General Secretary is the Executive
Director of ETHOS Institute. The steering committee
appointed Rev Keith Lai as the new Chairman of ETHOS.
He is also the President of the National Council of
Churches of Singapore (NCCS).
PREACHING AT FAIRFIELD METHODIST 9月4日,新一届思潮基督教公共学术中心(思潮)指导委员
CHURCH 为卫理公会花菲堂证道 会召开会议。总干事是思潮的执行主任。指导委员会任命黎
On 27 September, 事会主席。
the General
Secretary was
invited to preach


at Fairfield
Methodist Church.
Pray that more
people will 人力部线上感谢活动
understand the
Bible Mission
and its purpose
and mission of making the Word of God known to all


APEX领袖团契 HIA-AGWO—a key partner of SowCare, the social
service arm of The Bible Society of Singapore—is
The APEX Leaders humbled to have been part of a virtual appreciation
Fellowship was event by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on 21
held on 2 Nov, October. The General Secretary also attended the
where senior event. Minister for Manpower and Second Minister
pastors and for Home Affairs, Mrs Josephine Teo; Minister, Prime
leaders from the Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Manpower
Evangelical and Trade and Industry, Dr Tan See Leng and Senior
Alliance of Minister of State for Manpower and Defence, Mr Zaqy
Mohamad took the opportunity to thank MOM’s NGO
partners, who have worked with them to help guest
National Council of Churches of Singapore and Love workers during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Singapore gathered.
希望工程联盟-客工关怀联盟(Hope Initiative Alliance-
The Alliance of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches
Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach)是新加坡圣经
of Singapore (APCCS) was also invited to participate in
the fellowship and discussion.
APEX 领袖团契于11月2日召开,来自新加坡福音派联 谢活动。总干事也出席了这次活动。人力部长兼內政部第
盟、新加坡基督教全国教会理事会和爱新加坡的资深牧师 二部长杨莉明女士、总理公署部长兼人力部和贸工部第二
和领袖齐聚一堂。 部长陈诗龙医生及人力部兼国防部高级政务部长扎吉哈先
新加坡五旬灵恩基督教联盟(APCCS)也应邀参加了联谊 生借此机会感谢人力部的非政府机构合作伙伴在2019冠
和讨论。 状病毒大流行期间与人力部合作,帮助客工。

| WORD@PLAY 轻 松 一 刻 |

Name: (Mr/Mrs/Ms) Age: Phone:


Postal Code:

Email: Church:

Two winners will be chosen through a draw of correct entries. Stand to win an attractive prize worth more than $50!
To enter the contest*, send your entries by mail to: The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, S179932
or scan and email: or fax: 6337 3036.
Completed entries (please include all details) must be received no later than Friday, 22nd January 2021.
Names of winners and the answers will be published in the next issue of Word@Work.
*Participants will be added to our mailing list for future updates from the Bible Society.


《道耕》9月刊问答获奖结果 Answer to September's Word@Play

Congratulations to the winners of our Word@Play

contest in the September issue of Word@Work:
1. Mr Timothy Cheong (Left) 2. Ms Rachel Seah (Right) 2 1

5 4

6 3
Each winner received the
Every Day with Jesus One Year Bible (NIV)
which helps readers develop a well-balanced
Bible-reading plan.

Any paid advertisement placed in Word@Work does not imply endorsement from The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS), unless explicitly indicated that the event
in question is "supported" or "co-organised" by BSS. BSS accepts paid advertisements to help subsidise printing and maintenance costs, which also functions
as one of the ways we serve the Christian community in Singapore. Please do not hesitate to bring any potentially offensive advertisements to our attention in
order to allow us to take any necessary action. It is not our intention to cause any misconceptions or inconvenience through previous advertisements placed in
Word@Work. We look forward to furthering our partnership in the Bible Mission with you.



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