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Word Definition Translation

1. aliance system political, economic or military alignment of nations; promotes Sistem de

the common interests of members (ex: NATO) alianță

2. agony column A column in a newspaper or magazine offering advice on Coloana in ziar

personal problems to readers who write in.
3. agreement Harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling. înțelegere

4. avoid contract Repudiate, nullify, or render void (a decree or contract) Contract null

5. balance of power nations aligning themselves to maintain peace and security; no Balanța puterii
one nation able to impose a major threat on others

6. bargain An agreement between two or more people or groups as to what Negociere,intele

each will do for the other. gere
7. bill A draft of a prupoused low presented to parilement for factură
8. bipolar world world co-domination of two superpowers with opposing Lume bipolara
ideologies (ex: Cold War)
9. briefing A meeting for giving information or instructions. Adunare

10. chairperson a person who presides over a meeting, committee, board.. președinte
11. circulation The number of copies sold of a newspaper or magazine. tiraj
12. commitee A group of people appointed for a specific function by a larger comitet
group and typically consisting of members of that group.
13. conference A formal meeting of people with a shared interest, typically one conferință
that takes place over several days.
14. conference call A linking of several telephones or computers, so that each user Conferinta
may communicate with the others simultaneously. Telefonică
15. cooperation supportive action or joining together for common interests cooperare

16. Cultural awareness Someone's cultural awareness is their understanding of Conștientizare

the differences between themselves and people from culturală
other countries or other backgrounds, especially differences
in attitudes and values.
17. cultural imperialism the spread and domination of a particular nation’s culture, Imperalism
values and beliefs throughout the world by way of trade, cultural
electronic communication, businesses and the media
18. deadlock A situation, typically one involving opposing parties, in which Impas, punct
no progress can be made. mort
19. domestic policy a government’s plan to deal with internal issues of the country Politica interna
20. foreign policy a government’s plan to deal with international issues that Politica externa
impact it
21. freelancer a person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, Lucrator
selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than independet
working on a regular salary basis for one employer.
22. gag Prevent from speaking freely or disseminating info. Impunere la
23. globalization the growing economic and cultural interdependence of nations Globalizare
24. governement A group of people with the authority to gouvern a country or a Autorități
25. gutter press Reporters or newspapers engaging in sensational journalism, Presă bazata pe
especially accounts of the private lives of public figures. sentimente
26. haggling Dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of Târguială
27. headline The most important items of news in a newspaper or a Titlu
broadcast news bulletin.
28. hegemon the most powerful political, economic and military nation-state hegemonie
in the world (ex: USA)
29. high-stakes involving serious risks if there is no success: Mize mari
30. international multilateral interaction between nation-states Relatii
relations internationale
31. international system maintaining a beneficial and peaceful pattern of interaction Sistem
among major global players international
32. judge A public officer appointed to decide case in a low court judecător
33. low The system of rules for a particular country or community lege
reorganized for regulating the action of its members and which
it may inforce by the imposition of penlities
34. major players/actor countries, organizations and institutions that have a great Actor major
influence on world affairs (ex: France, Red Cross, Sony)
35. management the activity or job of being in charge of a company, organizare
organization, or team of employees
36. member of the A person elected to the legislative body Membrii
parliament parlamentului
37. multinational private companies that have operations and or divisions in corporatii
corporations (MNCs) many countries multinationale
38. multipolar world when several major nations compete for power and influence Lume
39. nation a group of people who share a common identity; language, natiune
history, culture, etc..but lack a defined country (ex:
Palestinians, Kurds, Kashmiris)
40. national interest a country determining its involvement in world affairs based on Interes național
the outcome or benefits it receives
41. national sovereignty a nation’s right to establish its own form of government and Suveranitate
laws without external influence națională
42. nation-state most powerful political unit in the world; having definite Stat național
boundaries and organized institutions
43. negotiation Discussion aimed at reaching an agreement. negociere
44. news blackout A suppression of information imposed on the media, typically Refuz de a
by the government informa
45. nongovernmental nonprofit international agencies having a particular common Organizații
organizations cause (ex: Greenpeace; Doctors Without Borders, etc..) nonguvernament
(NGOs): ale
46. obituaries A notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, typically Anunt de deces
including a brief biography of the deceased person.
47. paparazzi freelance photographer who pursues celebrities to get paparazzi
photographs of them.
48. parliament The highest legislace which controls the executive bronch Parlament
49. persuasion The action or process of persuading someone or of being convingere
persuaded to do or believe something.
50. policy Laws or principles politică

51. prepresident The elected head of a republic and state Președinte

52. Press release An official statement issued to newspapers giving information Comunicat de
on a particular matter. presă
53 Prime-minister The head of a elected government or the principle of the state Prim-Ministru
54. public speaking The action or practice of addressing public gatherings; the Vorbire in
making of speeches. public
55. rally A mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing adunare
support for a cause
56. regional blocs specific areas of the world cooperating together for political, Blocuri
economic and social reasons (ex: European Union; NAFTA, regionale
57. rhetoric The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, retorică
especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other
compositional techniques
58. slander The action or crime of making a false spoken statement bârfeală
damaging to a person's reputation.
59. small talk Polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial Conversatie
matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions. scurta
60. sound bite A short extract from a recorded interview or speech, chosen for Fragmente de
its succinctness or concision sunet
61. sue Institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), A da in judecata
typically for redress.
62. tabloid A newspaper having pages half the size of those of the average tabloid
broadsheet, typically popular in style and dominated by
sensational stories
63. trade union An organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, sindicat
or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and
64. transnational organizations trying to promote global unity for peace and Agentii de
agencies security (ex: United Nations) trazactie
65. transnational global problems that undermine the power and status of many Presiuni
pressures nation-states (ex: pollution, terrorism, AIDS, natural disasters, tranzactionale
66. tycoon A wealthy, powerful person in business or industry magnat
67 unipolarity the existence of a particularly powerful state that is both able unipolaritate
and willing to manage the international system (ex: USA, 19th
Century Great Britain)
67. values Principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is Valori, principii
important in life.
69. workshop A meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive Like training
discussion and activity on a particular subject or project

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