Ready Reckoner 2018

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Author’s Desk

SNAP 2018 is just around the corner and SCMHRD is delighted to share with you a
quick quide to SNAP to help you prepare for the test just in time. It gives a sneak peak
into the various sections of the test and the related topics and formulae.
The total number of questions in SNAP 2018 has reduced from the earlier 150 ques-
tions to now 130 questions. With the introduction of special questions, there is a re-
duction in the total number of questions for all sections without any change in the total
number of marks. This is the one unique way in which SNAP 2018 test structure has
been revamped.
We also recommend that you go through the previous year SNAP papers to be better
prepared. Please ensure that you strictly adhere to the time limit while appearing for
mock tests as it will help you understand and improve your speed as well as accuracy.
This will ultimately save your time on the D-Day and give you an edge over others.

From Author’s Desk........................................................................................................ 1
Formulae for Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation ....................................... 4
Algebra........................................................................................................................... 6
Ratio & Proportion......................................................................................................... 6
Allegations...................................................................................................................... 7
Time, Speed & Distance................................................................................................. 7
Important conversion factors......................................................................................... 7
Relative Speed................................................................................................................ 7
Time and Work............................................................................................................... 8
Numbers......................................................................................................................... 8
Surds, Logs and Indices.................................................................................................. 8
Laws of Indices............................................................................................................... 8
Set Theory...................................................................................................................... 9
Permutations.................................................................................................................. 9
Combinations................................................................................................................. 9
Important Properties...................................................................................................... 9
Geometry....................................................................................................................... 9
Circle............................................................................................................................... 9
Triangles....................................................................................................................... 10
Mensuration................................................................................................................. 13
Verbal Compendium – Do not confuse........................................................................ 14
Current Affairs.............................................................................................................. 26
List of award winner .................................................................................................... 41
Tips to crack SNAP 2017............................................................................................... 45
Nature of Question Paper / Topics and Marks Allotted

Normal Special Total Total

Questions Questions Questions Marks

General English: Reading

Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, 30 5 35 40
Verbal Ability

Quantitative, Data Interpretation

30 5 35 40
& Data Sufficiency

Analytical & Logical Reasoning 30 5 35 40

Current Affairs 20 5 25 30

Total 110 20 130 150

• Please note that the SNAP 2018 test will be computer based test.
• SNAP Test duration is of 120 minutes.
• Date: December 16, 2018; Time: 14.00 hrs. - 16.00 hrs.
• SNAP Test is an objective test. Each question has 4 responses (Only for Normal
Questions). Candidate should choose an appropriate response
• Normal Questions carry 1 mark for each question and Special Questions carry
2 marks for each question.
• Each wrong answer attracts 25% negative marks for Normal Questions and for
Special Questions also.
• For special questions in each section will have blanks where answers will have
to be entered by the candidate by using the virtual keyboard. For example, if
question is “What is the capital of Australia?” The candidate needs to enter the
answer as CANBERRA by using the virtual keyboard.

2. Equal chords are equidistant from the centre. Conversely, if two
chords are equidistant from the centre of a circle,
they are equal.

3. In the following figure, two chords of a circle, AB and

CD, intersect at point P. Then, AP * PB = CP * PD.

4. The angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre

is double the angle
Subtended by it at any point on the remaining part of
the circumference. In the above figure, a=2b.

5. If 2 tangents are drawn to a circle from an

exterior point, the length of two tangent
segments are equal. Also, the line joining the
exterior point to the centre of the circle
bisects the angle between the tangents.

6. The angle that a tangent to a circle makes with a

chord drawn from the point of contact is equal to the
angle subtended by that chord in the alternate
segment of the circle. In the figure above, PA is the
tangent at point A of the circle and AB is the chord at
point A. Hence, angle BAP = angle ACB.


7. An exterior angle of a triangle is an angle that is a linear pair

(and hence supplementary) to an interior angle. The measure of

an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the
measures of the two interior angles that are not adjacent to
it (exterior angle theorem).
8. The sum of the measures of the three exterior angles (one for
each vertex) of any triangle is 360 degrees.
9. Triangle inequality: The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a
triangle always exceeds the length of the third side.
10. Two triangles that are under a correspondence are said to be
similar if every angle of one triangle has the same measure as
the corresponding angle in the other triangle and the
corresponding sides have lengths that are in the same
11. In a right triangle, the acute angles of a right triangle are
12. If the legs of a right triangle have the same length, then the
angles opposite those legs have the same measure. Since these
angles are complementary, it follows that each measures 45
degrees. By the Pythagorean Theorem, the length of the
hypotenuse is the length of a leg times √2.
13. In a right triangle with acute angles measuring 30 and 60
degrees, the hypotenuse is twice the length of the shorter side,
and the longer side is equal to the length of the shorter side
times √3.
14. Area of Triangle S = 1/2 x b x h
where S is area, b is the length of the base of the triangle, and h
is the height or altitude of the triangle.
S = abc/(4R) = r*s
where r = inradius, s = (a+b+c)/3 and R = circumradius

Area of isosceles triangle =

Where , a = length of two equal side , b= length of base of isosceles

 Amoral - not concerned with morality
Immoral - not conforming to accepted standards of
 To appraise - estimate the value of: appraised her skills.
To apprise - inform: apprised him of
 Bait - food placed on a hook or in a net, trap, or fishing
area to entice fish or other animals as prey
Bate - an angry mood.
 Balmy - fragrant
Barmy - crazy.
 Beside - by the side of, or compared with
Besides - as well as, or other than.
 Breach - gap or a breaking
Breech - for a gun or for breech birth.
 Canvas - cloth
Canvass - solicit votes from (electors or members)
 Censure - express strong disapproval of
Censor - suppress unacceptable parts of (a book, film, etc.)
 Climactic - forming a climax
Climatic - relating to climate
 Complement - a thing that enhances something by
contributing extra features
Compliment - an expression of praise or politely
 Continuous - without interruption and can refer to space
as well as time, as in the cliffs form a continuous line along
the coast
Continual - happening frequently, with intervals between,
as in the bus service has been disrupted by continual
 Council - an administrative or advisory body
Counsel - advice or guidance.
 Definite - certain, sure
Definitive - decisive and with authority
 Discreet - careful not to attract attention or give offence
Discrete - separate, distinct

 Deprecate - to deplore it
Depreciate - to belittle it or reduce its value
 To desert - to abandon; a dry sandy place
Dessert - the sweet course of a meal
 Egotism - excessive conceit or self-absorption
Egoism - a less common and more technical word, for an
ethical theory that treats self-interest as the foundation of
 Exceptionable - open to objection; causing disapproval or
Exceptional - not typical or unusually good
 Elicit - is a verb meaning to bring or draw out/gather
information. E.g. - I tried to elicit information from my
Illicit - is an adjective meaning not sanctioned by custom
or law. E.g. - The football manager was involved in an illicit
 Fawn - a young deer, and a light brown colour
Faun - a Roman deity that is part man, part goat.
 Flaunt - display ostentatiously
Flout - openly disregard (a rule)
 Forego - precede but is also a less common spelling for
Forgo - go without
 Fortuitous - accidental
Fortunate - lucky
 Gourmet - connoisseur of food
Gourmand - greedy
 Grisly - horrible
Grizzly - bear
 Hoard - store of something valuable;
Horde - disparaging term for a large group of people.
 Historic - means having importance in or influence on
Historical - means of or relating to the character of
 Its – possessive noun E.g. - turn the camera on its side

It's – contraction; short for either it is or it has, E.g. - it's
my fault; it's been a hot day
 Loath - reluctant; unwilling
Loathe - dislike greatly
 Loose - unfasten or set free
Lose - cease to have or unable to find
 Militate - be an important factor in preventing
Mitigate - make (something bad) less severe
 Naturalism - an artistic or literary approach or style
Naturalist - an expert in natural history, or an exponent of
 Officious - asserting authority or interfering in an
annoyingly domineering way
Official - relating to an authority or public body
 Ordinance - an authoritative order
Ordnance - guns or munitions
 Perquisite - is a special right or privilege enjoyed as a
result of one's position
Prerequisite - something that is required as a prior
condition for something else
 Perspicuous - expressing things clearly
Perspicacious - having a ready understanding of things
 Precede - to come before in time or rank.
Proceed - to go forward or onwards.
 Principal - first in order of importance; main
Principle - a noun meaning chiefly a basis of a system of
thought or belief
 Proscribe - condemn or forbid
Prescribe - either issue a medical prescription or
recommend with authority
 Prophesy - to reveal by divine inspiration.
Prophecy - an inspired utterance of a prophet.
 Regretful - feeling or showing regret
Regrettable - giving rise to regret; undesirable
 Stationary - an adjective with the sense not moving or

 Abhor
Synonyms - Hate, dislike, detest, loathe, despise,
Antonyms - Love, fondness, liking, inclination, desire,
admiration, Affection, yearning

 Abscond
Synonyms - hide, slip away ,conceal oneself, leave, steal
away, decamp, retire, depart, retreat, disappear, flee
Antonyms - hold one’s ground, reappear, arrive, remain,
be present, present one self

 Altruistic
Synonyms - Benevolent, Charitable, Considerate,
Generous, Humanitarian, Philanthropic, Self-sacrificing,
Antonyms - Egoistical, Greedy, Self-interested, Selfish

 Baffle
Synonyms: Amaze, Astound, Bewilder, Confound,
Confuse, Daze, Disconcert, Elude, Flummox, Mystify,
perplex, Stump
Antonyms: Clarify, Elucidate, Explain, Explicate, Interpret,
Spell out

 Brusque
Synonyms: Discourteous, Gruff, Cut, Abrupt
Antonyms: Courteous, Sooth, Polite, Polished

 Contemptible
Synonyms: Despicable, Paltry, Pitiful, Vile, Detestable,
Antonyms: Respectable, Admirable, Excellent, Important

 Cynical
Synonyms: Sceptical, contemptuous, Derisive, Distrustful,

Ironic, Misanthropic, Mocking, Pessimistic, Sarcastic,
Sardonic, Scoffing, Scornful, Sneering, Unbelieving
Antonyms: Credulous, Gullible, Hopeful, Optimistic,

 Desecrate
Synonyms: Abuse, Violate, Contaminate, Befoul, Defile,
Profane, Pervert, , Ravage, Sack, Spoil, Waste, Dishonour.
Antonyms: Honour, Sanctify, Praise

 Interpolate
Synonyms: Annex, Add, Append, Enter, Throw in, Intrude,
Introduce, Interlope, Intercalate, Inject, Interpose, Fill in
Antonyms: Erase, Remove, Subtract.

 Insolvent
Synonyms: Bankrupt, Busted, Foreclosed, Receivership,
Lost, On the Rocks, Out of Money, Strapped, Wiped Out,
Antonyms: Moneyed, Rich, Wealthy

 Kindle
Synonyms: Ignite, Inflame, Light, Agitate, Excite, Incite,
Antonyms: Extinguish, Put out, Satisfy, Satiate

 Ostentation
Synonyms: Affectation, Array, Boast, Brag, Flamboyance,
Flaunting, Flourish, Parade, Splurge, Spectacle, Vainglory,
Antonyms: Quiet, Modesty, Reservation, Plainness

 Officious
Synonyms: Self Motivated, Busy, Forward, Impertinent,
Inquisitive, Interfering, Meddlesome, Meddling,
Obtrusive, Overzealous, Pushy, Rude

Antonyms: Timid, Modest, Circumspect, Chary, Demure

•  Penitent
Synonyms: Apologetic, Abject, Atoning, Sorry, Rueful, Remorseful, Contrite,
Antonyms: Impenitent, Unrepentant, Unremorseful

•  Ponder
Synonym: Muse, Cogitate, Contemplate, Daydream, Debate, Deliberate,
Meditate, Mull, Noodle, Ruminate, Speculate,
Antonyms: Forget, Ignore, Neglect.

•  Recalcitrant
Synonyms: Defiant, Intractable, Obstinate, Refractory, Stubborn, Uncontrollable
Antonyms: Amenable, Complaint, Docile, Obedient, Submissive, Obdurate,
Adamant, Dogged, Firm

•  Satiate
Synonyms: Satisfy, Stuff, Cloy, Content, Overdose, Sate, Saturate, Slake, Surfeit
Antonyms: Dissatisfy, Deprive

•  Transient
Synonyms: Brief, Fleeting, Fugitive, Transitory, Evanescent, Temporary,
Antonyms: Long lasting, Detailed, Permanent, Persistent

•  Veracity
Synonyms: Accuracy, Actuality, Credibility, Exactitude, Sincerity, Probity,
Trueness, Trueness, Truism, Truthfulness, Verisimilitude, Truthfulness
Antonyms: Falsify

•  Vehement
Synonyms: Ardent, Emphatic, Fervent, Eager, Earnest, Passionate
Antonyms: Feeble, Mild, Affected, Moderate, Apathetic, Calm

•  Zenith
Synonyms: Acme, Apex, Climax, Crest, Peak, Pinnacle, Summit, Apogee
Antonyms: Base, Bottom, Depths, Lowest point




BATCH OF 2018-20
7% 68%

 HR 21%  Engineering
 Operations  Arts
 Marketing  Commerce
38%  Finance
4%  Others


69% 31%

Male Female


6% 35%
 Freshers
37%  West
20%  1-11 Months
 12-23 Months  East

 24-35 Months  South

 More than 36 Months  North

 International
25% 8%


Colgate Palmolive JLT Apollo Tyres
Godrej Consumer Products J. P. Morgan Bosch

HUL Marsh India Cummins

ITC Yes Bank Hilti
L’Oreal L&T
Mother Dairy Lear Corporation
DCM Shriram
Nivea Mahindra CIE
Piramal Group
Perfetti Van Melle Tata Motors
Reliance Industries
Philips India
Pidilite Airtel
Godrej Properties

Becton Dickinson Cisco

CONSULTING Boehringer Ingelheim IBM

Deloitte Boston Scientific Intel

EY Cipla Intuit

PwC Johnson & Johnson

Salto Dee Fe UHG Optum OTHERS
Aditya Birla Fashion and
IT/ITES Retail
BFSI Ecolab
DBS HT Media
DE Shaw Maersk GSC
Edelweiss Global Asset & Maersk Line
Wealth Management OYO
Edelweiss Tokio SKAPS Industries

Chief Institutional AVP - Human PIYUSH MISHRA
Business Officer, Resources Managing Director
Bajaj Allianz Life Sony Pictures KPMG
Insurance Networks Batch - 1997
Batch - 1995 Batch - 2007


Head of HR, India Chief Financial Head, Employee
& South West Asia Officer Banking
The Coca Cola Arcelor Mittal Standard
Company International Chartered Bank
Batch - 2001 Batch - 2002 Batch - 1997


EMERGING CEO Commercial and
BATCH - 1999 India Pvt Ltd
BATCH - 2000
Batch - 1996


Specialist – SWATEE
SINGH Organizational
Head – Media SHARRMA
and Leadership Vice President
Services Development
Hindustan Unilever Barclays
McKinsey & Batch - 1999
Limited Company
Batch - 1997 Batch - 2005

Total Rewards MATHUR
Director – Human Chief Operating
Smith & Resources, Officer
Nephew Johnson & Johnson Ola
Batch - 2003 Pacific Batch - 1999
Batch - 2000



Q1. Who resigned as the chairman of FTII on 1st November 2018?

A) Gajendra Chauhan
B) Anupam Kher
C) Rajkumar Hirani
D) Prashant Pathrabe
Answer : Anupam Kher
Q2. What is India’s rank in World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index 2018
A) 56th
B) 100th
C) 77th
D) 121st
Answer : 77th
Q3. What is the name of the e-commerce platform launched by fertilizer major
IFFCO, to address the needs of the farming community associated with it?
A) iMandi
B) iAgri
C) iChaupal
D) iKisanA
Answer :iMandi
Q4. Which of the below is printed on the backside of the new 100 rupees
banknote issued by RBI?
Answer : RANI KI VAV
Q5. What is India’s rank out of 119 countries in the Global Hunger Index 2018
rankings prepared by Welthungerhilfer together with Concern Worldwide?
A) 103
B) 67
C) 76
D) 100
Answer : 103
Q6. Which of the following has been named as the World’s Most Innovative
University by Reuters news agency ranking?
A) Imperial College London, United Kingdom
B) Stanford University, US
C) Harvard University, US
D) Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), US
Answer : Stanford University, US
Q7. Which airport is set to become the first airport in Asia to use face
recognition as boarding pass?
A) Hong Kong International Airport
B) Singapore Changi International Airport
C) Kempegowda International Airport, Bangalore
D) Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Telengana and AP
Answer :Kempegowda International Airport, Bangalore
Q8. Which of the following local stations of Mumbai City entered the Limca
Book of World Records for All Women Staff?
A) Grant Road
B) Vile Parle
C) Andher
D) Matunga
Answer : Matunga
Q9. For which sport did S.MirabaiChanu win the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award
under the National Sports Awards 2018 ?
A) Weightlifting
B) Table Tennis
C) Boxing
D) Athletics
Answer : Weightlifting
Q10. Which amongst the following sportspersons won India’s first gold medal in
Heptathlon in Asian Games 2018?
A) Manjit Singh
B) Hima Das
C) Swapna Barman
D) Bajrang Punia
Answer : Swapna Barman

Q11. What was the theme of the 2018 edition of International Yoga Day?
A) Yoga for Heath
B) Yoga for Peace
C) Synergy
D) Connect the Youth
Answer : Yoga for Peace
Q12. Which of the following states has not granted minority status to Jews?
A) Gujarat
B) West Bengal
C) Maharashtra
D) Goa
Answer : Goa
Q13. In which of the following states was India’s first HeliTaxi service launched?
A) Kerala
B) Karnataka
C) Telengana
D) Maharashtra
Answer : Karnataka
Q14. Where has India’s first Mobile Open Exchange(MOX) Zone, a dedicated
ecosystem for mobile industry, providing integrated platform to mobile
manufacturers, been inaugurated?
A) Noida
B) Ahmedabad
C) Gurugram
D) Chennai
Answer : Noida
Q15. Which city was named World’s most liveable city in the 2018 Global
Liveability Index?
A) Denmark
B) Toronto
C) Sydney
D) Vienna
Answer : Vienna

Q16. What was the theme of the 2018 International Youth Day, instituted
by UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) that is celebrated each year on
August 12?
A) The Road to 2030
B) Youth Building Peace
C) Safe Spaces for Youth
D) Youth and Mental Health
Answer : Safe Spaces for Youth
Q17. Who was awarded the Man Booker Prize 2018 and for which book?
A) Anna Burns for Milkman
B) Daisy Johnson for Everything Under
C) Anna Burns for The Overstory
D) Daisy Johnson for The Long Take
Answer : Anna Burns for Milkman
Q18. Which picture won the 90th Academy Awards, honoring best films of the
year 2017 across 24 categories?
A) The Silent Child
B) The Shape of Water
C) Dunkirk
D) Coco
Answer : The Shape of Water
Q19. President Ram Nath Kovind, felicitated 112 women achievers – ‘FIRST
LADIES’ at Rashtrapati Bhawan, earlier this year for setting milestones of
achievement in their respective fields. Who amongst the following won the
award for being the first Indian woman to reach the Mount Everest Summit?
A) Deepa Malik
B) AnshuJamsenpa
C) ChhaviRajawat
D) Bachendri Pal
Answer :Bachendri Pal

Q20. China opened world’s longest Sea Bridge linking Hong Kong, Macau and
Zhuhai. What is the total length of this bridge, which consists of an oversea
stretch, an undersea tunnel and the remaining stretch on land?
A) 55 kms
B) 67kms
C) 100kms
D) 83kms
Answer : 55 kms
Q21. Supreme Court declared Adultery as unconstitutional in a September 2018
judgement. For which section of the IPC was the above decision taken by the
Apex court?
A) 377
B) 497
C) 370
D) 430
Answer : 497
Q22. What is the name of Sikkim’s first airport launched by PM Modi. This
airport is one of the five highest airport’s of the country and India’s 100th
functional airport.
A) Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport
B) Birsa Munda Airport
C) Biju Patnaik International Airport
D) Pakyong Airport
Answer :Pakyong Airport
Q23. Recently, which company has IBM acquired?
A) Pink Hat
B) Red Hat
C) Fluido
D) Nest Labs
Answer : Red Hat

Q24. According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2018, what rank does India
A) 28th
B) 74th
C) 58th
D) 42nd
Answer- 58th
Q25. According to Forbes India Richlist 2018, who is the richest man of India?
A) Mukesh Ambani
B) Lakshmi Mittal
C) Azim Premji
D) Tata Birla
Answer- Mukesh Ambani
Q26. According to Association of Mutual Funds of India, which state tops the chart
for state with maximum penetration and Assets under Management?
A) Rajasthan
B) Kerala
C) Telangana
D) Maharashtra
Answer- Maharashtra
Q27. On which bank has RBI issued a penalty of Rs. 5 crore for non-compliance of
its directives?
A) Bandhan Bank
B) Oriental Bank of Commerce
C) Karur Vysya Bank
D) Bank of Baroda
Answer- Karur Vysya Bank
Q28. Where was the 20th Water, Energy, Technology and Environment Exhibition
A) Dubai
B) Sydney
C) Rome
D) Sri Lanka
Answer- Dubai

Q29. Where was the 13th annual summit between India and Japan held?
A) Mumbai
B) Delhi
C) Tokyo
D) Chennai
Answer- Tokyo
Q30. According to Henley Passport Index 2018, which country’s passport is the
most powerful?
A) Singapore
B) Japan
C) China
D) Canada
Answer- Japan
Q31. Who recently took oath as the CM of Meghalaya?
A) Biplab Kumar Deb
B) Conrad Sangma
C) Neiphiu Rio
D) Arvind Kejriwal
Answer- Conrad Sangma
Q32. Who has sworn in as the new President of Peru?
A) Martin Vizkarra
B) Keiko Fujimori
C) Hector Becerril
D) OllantaHumala
Answer- Martin Vizkarra
Q33. Who is the first rapper in history to be given a Pulitzer award? He won it in
A) Kendrick Lamar
B) Kayne West
C) Drake
D) Eminem
Answer- Kendrick Lamar

Q34. What is the autobiography of VVS Laxman titled?
A) Numbers don’t lie
B) 281 and Beyond
C) Line and Strength
D) Controversially Yours
Answer- 281 and Beyond
Q35. Which is the first Indian company to cross 8 trillion market capitalization?
B) Reliance Industries Ltd.
C) Wipro
D) Airtel
Answer- Reliance Industries Ltd.
Q36. England’s highest run scorer announced his retirement from International
cricket. Who is he?
A) Ian Bell
B) Steve Vaugh
C) Alastair Cook
D) Andrew Flintoff
Answer- Alastair Cook
Q37. Who was named as the most valuable player in the recently conducted Asian
A) IkeeRikako
B) Swapna Barman
C) Yudai Nitta
D) Neeraj Chopra
Answer- IkeeRikako
Q.38) Which bank launched the first interactive credit card with buttons?
A) IndusInd Bank
C) Royal Bank of Scotland
D) Bank of America

Q.39)Which bank has set up digital Public Credit Registry to capture details of
A) Federal Bank
C) World Bank
Q.40) MoS (Finance) and Health launched which initiative for labour room quality
A) Lakshya
B) LaQshya
D) None of the above
Q.41) Assam government is launching an e-wallet called ________________.
D) None of the above
Q.42) Apollo Global Management LLC has agreed to acquire which cloud services
A) Rackspace
B) DigiSpace
C) TechnoSpace
D) None of the above
ANSWER: Rackspace
Q.43) SEBI has allowed institutional participation in which segment by MF and
portfolio managers?
A) Commodity Futures
B) Commodity Derivatives
C) Both a and b
D) Neither a nor b
ANSWER: Commodity Derivatives

Q.44) Which Low cost airline is all set to start operations under the regional
connectivity scheme (RCS), also known as UDAN (UdeDesh Ka AamNagrik)?
A) Air Asia
B) Air Mauritius
C) Air Deccan
D) Air India
Answer : Air Deccan
Q.45) Name the person who created Indian record by performing for 13hrs 40mins
singing marathon and sang 151 songs of Kishore Kumar’s songs?
A) Krishnaprem
B) ShaileshSiddhatekkar
C) VishalJalan
D) Srikanth Krishnan Nair
Ans. Srikanth Krishnan Nair
Q.46) Karsten Maas created the longest golf club, how feet long the golf club is?
A) 11 feet, 3 inches in length
B) 14 feet, 5 inches in length
C) 9 feet, 3 inches in length
D) 14 feet, 9 inches in length
Ans. 14 feet, 5 inches in length
Q.47) Which month is observed as National Nutrition Month?
A) October
B) September
C) January
D) March
Answer : September
Q.48 ) Which day is observed as World Day against trafficking in Persons?
A) January 18
B) June 24
C) November 5
D) July 30
Answer : July 30th

Q.49 ) “Delhi Chalo” was given by :
A) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
C) Harishchandra
D) Netaji
Answer : Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Q.50) Who has been appointed as Chairman of Himalayan State Regional Council
created by NITI AAYOG?
A) Amitabh Kant
B) Rajiv Kumar
C) N K Singh
D) Dr. VK Saraswat
Answer : Dr VK Saraswat
Q.51) Who has won IBSF World Billiards Championship?
A) Ron Dooley
B) Johnny Archer
C) Pankaj Advani
D) Efren Ryes
Answer : Pankaj Advani
Q.52) Second mega food park of Maharashtra was recently inaugurated in which
of the following :
A) Solapur
B) Nasik
C) Latur
D) Aurangabad
Answer : Aurangabad
Q.53) Which of the following government agency or department has launched
YuvaSahakar-Cooperative Enterprise Support and Innovation Scheme?
A) National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development
B) Small industries Development Bank of India
C) National Skill Development Agency
D) National Cooperative Development Cooperation
Answer : National Cooperative Development Cooperation

Q.54) Which of the following country has signed a collaborative five year bilateral
cancer research initiative with India on November 14?
A) Finland
B) Austria
D) Sweden
Answer : UK
Q.55) APIX(Application Programming Interface Exchange ) is used in the which of
the following fields?
A) Fintech
B) Automobile
C) Agriculture
D) Metallurgy
Answer : Fintech
Q.56) 87th Interpol General Assembly meeting was held in ?
A) Dubai
B) Paris
C) Toronto
D) Delhi
Answer : Dubai
Q.57) UN Security Council has unanimously lifted sanctions against which of the
following countries after 9 years?
A) Congo
B) Libya
C) Sudan
D) Eritrea
Answer : Eritrea
Q.58) Parmash scheme where top indian varsities will mentor NAAC - aspirant
colleges has been launched by :
D) None of the them
Answer : UGC
Q.59) Who among the following indian American has been appointed as chief
justice of DC Circuit Court of Appeals in US ?
A) IshaniDattagupta
B) Srikanth Srinivasan
C) Neal Katyal
D) Neomi Rao
Answer : Neomi Rao
Q.60) Ministry of Home affairs has recently extended ban on 8 extremist groups of
which of the following state in November ?
A) Nagaland
B) Manipur
C) Assam
D) Meghalaya
Answer : Manipur
Q.61) Which of the following communication satellites was launched on 14th
A) GSAT-22
B) GSAT - 33
C) GSAT-29
D) GSAT-39
Answer: GSAT-29
Q.62) Rs.75 commemorative coin has been issued to commemorate which event
on 14th November ?
A) 75th anniversary of the hoisting of Tricolor for the first time by Netaji
Subhash Chandra Bose at Port Blair.
B) RBI completing it 75 years of existence.
C) SEBIU launched first trading share on Bombay Stock Exchange in 1943
D) None of them.
Answer : 75th anniversary of the hoisting of Tricolor for the first time by
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose at Port Blair.

Q.63) 2nd Startup India Investment Seminar was held by :
A) Beijing
B) Mumbai
C) Seoul
D) Tokyo
Anwer : Beijing
Q.64) India’s first Inland Waterways Terminal was inaugurated recently at which of
the following place?
A) Varanasi
B) Haldia
C) Prayagraj
D) None of them
Answer : Varanasi
Q.65) According to Global Wealth Report by Credit Suisse ,which country topped in
total Wealth?
A) China
B) United States
C) United Kingdom
D) Japan
Answer : United States
Q.66) Which of the following shuttler has won China Open 2018?
A) Chou Tien-chen
B) KentoMomota
C) Antonio Dusk
D) FijoKiamia
Answer : KentoMomota
Q. 67) Which movie was selected as India’s official entry to the Oscars 2019 (91st
Academy Awards) under Foreign Language Film category...
A) Village Rockstars
B) Swarna Kamal
C) Mon Faguni
D) None of the above
Answer : Village Rockstars

Q.68) Who was named as the flag bearer of the Indian contingent at 3rd Youth
Olympic Games held in Buenos Aires,Argentina?
A) Manu Bhaker
B) Neeraj Chopra
C) Rani Rampal
D) Shiva Keshavan
Answer : Manu Bhaker
Q.69) 33rd Asean Summit was held in which of the following country?
A) Malaysia
B) Indonesia
C) Singapore
D) Brunei
Q.70) Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities(GITC) 2018 was held in which
of the following city ?
A) Delhi
B) Seoul
C) London
D) Beijing
Answer : Delhi

Sports Awards
National Sports Awards
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna 2018 – Virat Kohli (Cricket) and S.Mirabai Chanu (Weightlifting)

The Four GRAND SLAMS Australian Open 2018

S. No Category Winner Runner Up
1. Men's Singles Roger Federer (Switzerland) Marin Cilic (Croatia)
2. Women's Singles Caroline Wozniacki Simona Halep (Romania)
3. Men's Doubles Oliver Marach (Austria) & Robert Farah (Colombia)
Mate Pavic(Croatia) & J. Cabal (Colombia)
4. Women's Doubles Kristina Mladenovic (France) Elena Vesnina (Russia)
&TímeaBabos (Hungary) & Ekaterina Makarova

French Open 2018

S. No Category Winner Runner Up
1. Men's Singles Rafael Nadal (Spain) Dominic Thiem (Austria)
2. Women's Singles Simona Halep (Rome) Sloane Stephens (USA)
3. Men’s Doubles Nicolas Mahut (France) Oliver Marach (Austria)
and Pierre-Hugues Herbert and Mate Pavic (Croatia)
4. Women's Doubles Barbara Krejcikova (Czech Re- EriHozumi (Japan) and
public) and Katerina Siniakova Makoto Ninomiya (Japan)
(Czech Republic)

Wimbledon Championship 2018

S. No Category Winner Runner Up
1. Men's Singles Novak Djokovic (Serbia) Kevin Anderson (South
2. Women's Singles Angelique Kerber (Germany) Serena Williams (USA)
3. Men’s Doubles Mike Bryan (USA) and Jack Michael Venus (New Zea-
Sock (USA) land) and Raven Klaasen
(South Africa)
4. Women's Doubles BarboraKrejcikova (Czech Re- Nicole Melichar (USA)
public) and Katerina Siniakova and KvetaPeschke (Czech
(Czech Republic) Republic)

US Open 2018
S. No Category Winner Runner Up
1. Men's Singles Novak Djokovic (Serbia) Juan Martin del Potro
2. Women's Singles Naomi Osaka (Japan) Serena Williams (USA)
3. Men’s Doubles Mike Bryan (USA) and Jack ŁukaszKubot (Poland) and
Sock (USA) Marcelo Melo (Brazil)
4. Women's Doubles Ashleigh Barty (Australia) and TimeaBabos (Hungary)
CoCoVandeweghe (United and Kristina Mladenovic
States) (France)

2018 Formula World Championship

2018 World Drivers’ Championship title was won by Lewis Hamilton
2018 World Constructors’ Championship title was won by Mercedes
2018 Commonwealth Games
• Held in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
• India’s Rank – 3rd
• No of Gold Medals – 22
• No of Total Medals - 66
The 21st FIFA World Cup 2018
Host Country – Russia
Winners – France
Runners- Up – Croatia

2018 Asian Games

Host Country - Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia
India’s Rank - 8th
No. of Gold Medals - 15
No. of Total Medals - 69
Opening ceremony Flag Bearer - Neeraj Chopra
Closing ceremony Flag Bearer - Rani Rampal

Oscars 2018 – 90th Academy Awards
Best Picture – The Shape of Water
Best Director – Guillermo del Toro
Best Actor – Gary Oldman
Best Actress – Frances McDormand

National Film Awards

Best Feature Film – Village Rockstars (Assamese)
Best Director – Jayaraj for Bhayanakam (Malayalam)
Best Actor – Riddhi Sen for Nagar Kirtan (Bengali)
Best Actress – Sridevi for Mom (Hindi)
Best Popular Film – Baahubali 2 (Telugu)
Nobel Prize Winners

S. No Field Winner Description

1. Physiology or James P Allison (USA) and “for their discovery of cancer thera-
Medicine TasakuHonjo (Japan) py by inhibition of negative immune
2. Physics Arthur Ashkin (USA), "for groundbreaking inventions in
Gerard Mourou (France) the field of laser physics"
and Donna Strickland
3. Chemistry (a) one half to Frances H. (a) "for the directed evolution of
Arnold (USA) (b) other enzymes" (b) "for the phage display
half jointly to George of peptides and antibodies"
P. Smith (USA) and Sir
Gregory P. Winter (UK)
4. Peace Denis Mukwege (Congo) “for their efforts to end the use of
and Nadia Murad (Iraq) sexual violence as a weapon of war
and armed conflict”
5. Economic (a) William D. Nordhaus (a) “for integrating climate change
Sciences (USA) into long-run macroeconomic
(b) Paul M. Romer (USA) analysis”
(b) “for integrating technological
innovations into long-run
macroeconomic analysis.”

ManBooker Prize Winners
Author – Anna Burns
Book – Milkman
Man Booker International Winner
Author – Olga Tokarczuk (Polish)
Translator – Jennifer Croft
Book- Flights

List of Prominent Appointments 2018

S. No. Name of Person Appointment
1. Kailasavadivoo Sivan Chairman of ISRO
2. Chandrashekhar Kambar President of SahityaAkademi
3. Ashok Kumar Gupta Chairman, Competition Commission of India
4. Tushar Mehta Solicitor General of India
5. Hima Das Sports Brand Ambassador of Assam
6. Ram Sewak Sharma Chairman, TRAI (Re-appointed till September 2020)
7. Adarsh Kumar Goel National Green Tribunal
8. Henrietta H. Fore Executive Director of UNICEF
9. Gita Gopinath Chief Economist of IMF
10. Ramon Laguarta CEO of Pepsico

Tips to crack SNAP 2018
Analytical & logical reasoning: Mostly questions are straightforward and many case-lets
are asked. To do well in this section, you must practice different varieties of arrangement
questions and case-lets from the previous SNAP test and mock tests provided to you.
Verbal Communication: This section will evaluate your basic understanding of the rules
of context, appropriateness and correctness. You must go through the basics of grammar
and common errors in usage. Solve sectional tests provided to you on “Countdown to
SNAP” for preparation.
Current Affairs awareness: This section is crucial as it helps you score without much effort
and time. This year, SNAP will focus on current affairs and events happening around us
in various spheres. So, a well-read person or a person following current affairs should be
able to easily attempt atleast half the GK section without guesswork.
Data Interpretation: NEVER assume or use any information that the question fails to give
you. Consider ONLY the information given in each reading passage when choosing among
the alternative responses.
Try rounding off fractions to make the calculations faster. But ensure that you round the
numerator and denominator in the same direction (either up or down); otherwise you’ll
distort the value of the fraction.
Don’t confuse percentages with raw numbers. You can also rely on visual approximations
when it comes to reading bar graphs and line charts. This way you can eliminate certain


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