Task 12

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Task 12

Questions answer
Goals and objectives tell me what’s brought you in today ? well i’ve been getting some
diarrea raining
The food consumed And do you ever see any food that’s not Not, no that wouldn’t be
digested properly in it? something no
Event during diarrhea So you said diarrhea but how many times Well i would say somewhere
a day does it actually happen? between well at the moment
probably somewhere like
yesterday was probably about
eight times ,i don’t think it’s
been like that every day for the
last three weeks but up to eight
Felt at the time of How do you dascribe that pain ? I thought it’s off so cramping
And what about weight loss and changing I think i probably have lost
that potoski? ways actually over the last few
weeks and my trousers
definitely fell a bit looser
Alletgic are you allergic to anything? Yes, i’m allergic to my mock
sucilian, so that penicillin? So
allergic to penicillin
Consumption of what about alcohol do a drink alcohol at Patient: not much really my
alcoholic beverages all ? joke weekends

Nurse : Hello my name is Evan hotel, i won the GP registrar’s here so i’m just going to find out a
little bit about the problem that you’ve come in would that be all right ?

Patient: oh yes

Nurse : I make some notes and basicallythis will just help me write it up on to the computer later on
so just in your own words tell me what’s brought you in today ?

Patient: And well i’ve been getting some diarrea raining yeah for the loss of wow two three weeks

Nurse : Okay so before two or three weeks no problems really ?

Patient: umm so before that no, i mean i know i just been going normally which is once every couple
of days or something, yeah no problems normally

Nurse : Okay, so just have s little bit more about the diarrhea what it’s like and

Patient: umm so like what my poonam okay i’m task it’s quite light it’s funnier jeff lewis really
normal, i dont think there’a any change in my colour or anything, and i probably but i’m just going a
lot more often

Nurse : Okay, so check do you have any blood in it all?

Patient: Goshyes, i’m surprised haven’t said that already isn’t worrying me and yet that i’ve had for a
couple of coupleof days

Nurse : That is it difficult to flush away at all ?

Patient: No,it’s not to have got to flash away

Nurse : And do you ever see any food that’s not digested properly in it?

Patient: Not, no that wouldn’t be something no

Nurse : So you said diarrhea but how many times a day does it actually happen?

Patient: Well i would say somewhere between well at the moment probably somewhere like yesterday
was probably about eight times ,i don’t think it’s been like that every day for the last three weeks but
up to eight times

Nurse : Just get up at night to go to?

Patient: yeah, never had to do that

Nurse : If you’re losingsleep over it?

Patient: Yeah

Nurse : And you have any tummy painat all?

Patient: Yes, that quite a sort of crampy and mainly just before i go the toilet there can be other times

Nurse : But then does that pain go away once you’ve been to the toilet?

Patient: yeah, a little bit. I would say so a little

Nurse : Does anythink make the pain worse at all ?

Patient: Just eating i do not like, i can really think of

Nurse : Any pointed your tummy exactlywhere is it?

Patient: It’s just around the middle of really

Nurse : How do you dascribe that pain ?

Patient: I thought it’s off so cramping

Nurse : I’m he is what he said isn’t it and how bad is it ? can was excruciating and one was very little
pain where would he put it

Patient: It was they stopped i’ve had worse i’m sorry about for

Nurse : Yeah so it’s not agonized but it certainly is there,and you’ve told me about when it comes on
and what makes it a little bit better and wors as well which is good i;m just gonna ask the rest of the
questions jut about the whole gut itself give any gets go to chewing your food at all?

Patient: Oh no

Nurse : No mouth ulcers or anything like that ? any difficulty swallowing your food at all do you ever
get indigestion, noy really ?

Patient: Sometimes maybe honor my gonna weekend so good times

Nurse : okay, but not usually,so this was only about three weeks ago that you’ve had lots, and prior to
that what was your bad habit like that

Patient: Awesome really it’s over maybe pnce a day one every two days

Nurse : Once a day once every two days but certainly no diarrhea,normal form so it’s quite harder, no
blood not a lack at all,okay that’s great thank you very much fot that,so just want to ask you some
questions aboutthe other systems of the body, so do you get any headaches fits faints blackoats
anything like that?

Patient: Yeah, i get a kitchen get headaches , everyone gets headaches,and i’vedone for a few years

Nurse : A few years yeah, now they’re not getting worse at all anything like that okay,that’s good,any
problems with breating and shortness of breath off anything that like any chest pain , do a fetal heart
having extra beads and swelling of the ankles or any difficulty breathing at night ywah nothing that
laughs at all okay you’ve told me a bit about you tell me so any muscle aches and pains at all?

Patient : I sometimes get like hims a weakness you my arm with that day
Nurse : All ight so you get weakness but how long’s that weakness last ball ? any skin problems at

Patient: I’ve had it sort of a little bit of a rash it comes and goes

Nurse ; Do you know what that’s due ?

Patient: No

Nurse : okay but no joint problems ? any process of waterworks at all ?

Patient: At night

Nurse : And contemporary periods ?

Patient: yeah well i’m on the pill actually the i don’t know what it’s called but the one i take it for
three weeks and then i have a week off,so i get that i get my period in that

Nurse : weekly regular and they haven’t changed at all ?

Patient: No i don’t really not that so yes

Nurse : So just a final check on your symptoms so tommy there’s a little bit of blood in the diarrhea?
And this is that every time you have the diarrhea ?

Patient: oh it’s only been in the last couple of days as it’s worried maybe and it’s, i would know i’m
not every time

Nurse : For not coughing at blood nothing like that okay no lumps and bumps anyway?

Patient: I’m aware of no

Nurse : And what about weight loss and changing that potoski?

Patient: I think i probably have lost ways actually over the last few weeks and my trousers definitely
fell a bit looser

Nurse :You don’t know how much weight you’ve done?

Patient: I dont really weigh myself, so no i don’t i mean yeah it’s not very very short bit

Nurse : So it is a little bit of weight loss is any way okay, so that’s fine now let’s more on to your past
medical history any operation in the past of you?

Patient: yeah i did when when i was out sort of in my teens probably i think i was about 15, i had m
my appendix removed
Nurse : in your teens okay but nothing since then no the operation since that okay,if you said that you
take a little bit of pass each mole for your headaches okay, and are you doing any of the madicines at

Patient: Just wives pale, nothing else

Nurse : nothing else of all okay,and nothing else over the counter?

Patient: No, just paracetamol

Nurse: you haven’t had any recreational drungs all?

Patient: no

Nurse :are you allergic to anything?

Patient: Yes, i’m allergic to my mock sucilian, so that penicillin? So allergic to penicillin

Nurse : What happens really a person ?

Patient: That’s what i guess whent you know talk about a rash again

Nurse :Oh i see,so that serrano better ?

Patient: yeah

Nurse : Okay, so rash with penicillin , so do you avoid person ?

Patient: yeah, absolutely i’ve only had it once, well as far as i’m awere happening anyone

Nurse : i checked that you’ve had only the appendidix operation but no the serious illneses ?

Patient: No, i’m about not serious now, okay

Nurse : Okay,that’s fine thank you, so just want to move on to your social history if you don’t mind
but classy are you working at the moment ?

Patient: yeah i’m a teaching a system

Nurse : alright you enjoy it ?

Patient: Yeah, i do yeah they fight kids can be a little bit of a nightmare sometimes, but you know on
the whole

Nurse : So how’s this condition impacting on your world ?

Patient: It’s oh well i haven’t really know if to go in to be honest good becouse if it’s infection i don’t
want to pass in on to their children so actually i haven’t been going in the last sort of couple of weeks

Nurse : too worried about the fack that ?

Patient: yeah, so if it’s an infection, yes you’re supposed to be clear aren’t you for like to 48 hours, i
dont really know what to do but it’s a gone past you

Nurse : Do smoke at all ?

Patient: no,i never smoke, i have yeah i spoke to college

Nurse : How many did uses me ?

Patient: about 10 a day

Nurse : how many years was that for ?

Patient: my speech for about five three years

Nurse : what about alcohol do a drink alcohol at all ?

Patient: not much really my joke weekends

Nurse : so what would the typical intake being a week living ?

Patient: in a week in the week probably nothing a man but then the weekend zone one night i tend to
go up my tend to go out with my friends or on a partner and so i might get through a bottle of wine
maybe a couple of shots for something

Nurse : whole bottle i like that

Patient: yeah i think so probably over the course the evening and then on the other night we might just
have a couple af glass of you know share a bottle of wine

Nurse : I mean that sounds as if it’s more than about 20 units roughly,becouse a bottle of wine would
be about eight nine unit’s, and than you’ve got the other half bottle and a few shots oh that’s about 20
unit’s which is excessive, i have to say and the fack that you have more that what we call six units
wich is just over half a bottle in a single session at can couse that dis benefits to your healt is where
can harm your healt in the future,i need to talk about that would that be all right ?

Patient: yeah i mean obviously i don’t want your chip you know that’s why i’m here good things

Nurse : sure, we’ll concentrate on that the main problem, so whose was you at home ?
Patient: Yes ,i live with my partner sam

Nurse : okay, no predict problems there at all ?

Patient: no, can’t get about three years

Nurse : is it any family history of note ?

Patient: not, i’m aware of anyway

Nurse : no gut conditions in the family ?

Patient: my aunt maybe, my ount had something to do with her tummy but i don’t know what it was
really it wasn’t cancer

Nurse : so just moving towards the end i just want you to explore your ideas concerns and
expectations really,so what do you think’s going on with this problem?

Patient: but i think it cuold be an infection

Nurse : And you told me about one of your concerns about passing it on to people working specially
the children i guess but any other concerns

Patient: my sister by M fran sister has got bow hunting she’s only thirsty, and so it’s just the bleeding
really more than anything that’s worried me and so i wondered about that really

Nurse : that familiar glad you told me that rule we’ll try and reassure you and let’s see what turn out
in your hey what do you think we need to do yoday to help you ?

Patient: well i wondered if i might need some test i mean i’m really hoping becouse i did have a little
look on the internet and i’m really hoping it’s not going to be one of the you know the cameras a
cogent oscar basel and i took hoping i did i stop that

Nurse : i think i’ve got everything that is it anything else that you ought to tell me actually i’ve just
remembered a lot to ask you about travel have you had any travel in the last few months or weeks
even , and you can’t distinctly say that this is due to a particular funda you’ve had and nobody else
has had thisn problem in your family, just wanted to check yeah ,okay so is it anything else like you
want to tell me about at ?

Patient: about it,no i didi go traveling about three years ago to afrika all, we went to south afrika and
end up into sim bob way

Nurse : but were you well there ?

Patient: yeah i was very happy

Nurse : okay and you have any questions ?

Patient: how likely is it that i’m gonna come back

Nurse : well i think initially would probably run some blood test and do the stool sample and make
sure there’s no infection that i probably need to get a gut specialist to have a look at you it hasn’t got
metter of weeks but and then we’ll take it from there , b ut let me just summarize what’s been
happening there so you’ve had this problem for about two or three weeks , it is distinct diarrhea
around up to einght times a day sometimes overnight as well you have to get up to go you’re
eramping abdominal pain at tummy pain and you’ve got some blood in the motions as wellthere’s no
real past medical history apart from a little bit of migraine you said and the appendix you don’t smoke
at all, now alcohol you know we may need to talk about it later on alittle bit too much there i think but
you’re worried about this becouse one of your somebody you know had bowel cancer and you’re a bit
concerned about an endoscopy as well but would it be alright if we ran the bloos test today and did the
sample ?

Patient: yeah, iwant to get go on then

Nurse : maybe i can see you again next week but

Patient: yeah i was talking what

Nurse : okay right there was thank you vwry much

Patient : thank you

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