Task 17

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Nurse : mr A

Patient: yes im mrs A

Nurse : hi please sit down?
Patient :yes thanks nurse.
Nurse :Same is the same, before the judgment I will ask a few questions to the ‘mrs A, are you
Patient :Yes I will.
 Nurse : how are you feeling now?
Patient :I have a cold and fever.
Nurse :Have you had no appetite lately?
Patient :there is no problem with my nurse's diet.
Nurse :Are there any disturbances in the pattern of urination and bowel movements?
Patient :no nurse problem.
Nurse :Is there a disturbance in your sleep pattern?
Patient :not nurse.,
Nurse :what about your sight and hearing is there a problem?
Patient : no problem because I can still hear and see clearly.
Nurse :Have you ever felt lost hope after feeling this pain?
Patient : never because I always think positive
Nurse :if there is a problem, will you tell other people?
Patient :I always tell my mother
Nurse :how do you solve the problem you are experiencing?
Patient : I overcome it by praying and praying to Allah SWT.
Nurse : okay that's all I want to ask thanks a lot for the information
Patient :Okay, you are welcome

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