Advanced Adjectives and Prepositions 1 PDF

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Advanced adjectives and prepositions 1

Today let’s look at some more advanced adjectives and their prepositions.

• Characteristic of (typical): This dish is characteristic of the region.

• Fraught with (full of, for difficult things): The journey is fraught with difficulty.
• Astute about (clever): She is very astute about money.
• Vexed by (annoyed): I am utterly vexed by this software!
• Reminiscent of (reminds you of): The photo was reminiscent of the early 20th century.
• Amenable to (will probably do): I think she will be amenable to helping us.
• Oblivious to (not aware of): He was oblivious to her anger.
• Disparaging about (critical): Don’t be disparaging about my work!
• Indifferent to (not care about): She was indifferent to what she ate.
• Vital for (necessary): Vitamins are vital for good health.

Let’s review! What’s the correct preposition?

1. I don't think he's amenable __________ lending us money.

2. Don't be so disparaging __________ my cooking!
3. Whisky is characteristic __________ Scotland.
4. She's indifferent __________ clothes. She doesn't care what she wears.
5. He's not very astute __________ relationships.
6. Time off is vital __________ good health.
7. We were oblivious __________ the time passing.
8. He was vexed __________ her reaction.
9. Writing a book is fraught __________ difficulties!
10. This food is so reminiscent __________ my childhood.

1. I don't think he's amenable to lending us money.

2. Don't be so disparaging about my cooking!
3. Whisky is characteristic of Scotland.
4. She's indifferent to clothes. She doesn't care what she wears.
5. He's not very astute about relationships.
6. Time off is vital for good health.
7. We were oblivious to the time passing.
8. He was vexed by her reaction.
9. Writing a book is fraught with difficulties!
10. This food is so reminiscent of my childhood.

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