From Thrones To Bushes

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From Bushes to Thrones

Ned stark said winter is coming and it took winter 8 seasons to finally come in the North. I
think similarly we are in the 5th season of “Acche din aayenge” and there is still watch of 3
seasons are left to finally predict ACCHE DIN AAYENGE or not.

Games of Thrones (GOT) and their creators got all the success and fame but also faced A lot
of bashing from its viewers for killing all favorite characters similarly BJP used “ACCHE DIN
AAYENGE”, and “ABKI BAAR MODI SARKAR” as their key slogans in the campaigning of
2014 making already popular BJP (with Narendra Modi as their Prime Ministerial
Candidate) more popular and they reached every household, but at the end of their first reign
Indian public started bashing Modi government and their decisions and they also used these
lines for mocking them.

This being said let’s look at the other similarities this Emmy award-winning fantasy show
(GOT) and Most critically bashed government as Indian Political expert’s states (BJP) have
among themselves.

 Joytiraditya Scindia being Theon: One of the most shocking scenes of Emmy
winning Fantasy show was when Theon attacked Winterfell in season 2 and acquired
it. In 2020 INC witnessed the same shock as one of the oldest royal families in middle
India THE SCINDIA broke the ever-lasting bond and joined their rival and ruling
party of India BJP, Scindia wanted to go Upper house of Parliament but that old
school thought of INC resulted in the huge loss to them as they lost one of the most
former and only allies from the Royal family in the heart of India.

 The Wait of North is over and so does of Ayodhya: When Theon acquired
Winterfell in season 2 North started waiting to have a Stark back in North and their
wait Finally ended in Season 6 when Jon Snow with the help of Wildlings, House
Mormont, and later by House Riverrun took it back from Ramsy Bolton in Battle of
Bastards one of the toughest and exciting scene to perform and depict on TV.
Similarly, when Ram Mandir was destroyed somewhere around 500 years ago,
Ayodha Waited and waited for their God to come back, and finally in 2019 highest
court gave permission to build a RAM Temple in Ayodha, This Temple issue made
BJP one Powerful party and popular too in Indian household as 1990 led by Now
DEFENCE Minister Rajnath Singh BJP marched towards Ayodhya and this issue got
highlighted very soon and it helped BJP too took some ground in Indian Politics.
Similar to what the Battle of Bastards did for Jon Snow as The North Started to
reunite again and his reigns begin in North.
 King Joffery Adapting Rahul Gandhi: One of the most hated characters of the
show was King Joffrey and he didn’t know how to rule but because his father was a
king he was heir to the Iron Throne after Robert’s death. And similarly, Rahul got the
Command of INC in hand because his family ancestors have been ruling this party
but like a lot of people and a political expert says he doesn’t know how to lead. But he
is not the most hated person he is kind of cute but yes he is one of the most trolled
politicians of India but he still really doesn’t know what to say when to say and how
to lead. One of the most bashed scenes of Joffrey was when he ordered the beheading
of Ned Stark and like ways when Rahul Gandhi went on to Hug our PM in the live
session of Lok sabha and when he returned to his seat he winked which made him a
strong and laughable meme material in Recent past.

 Amit Shah Being Tyrian Lannister: “I drink and I know things” the wittiest and
mightiest of them all Tyrian Lannister. He advised his full capabilities and made it
possible for Mother of Dragons to free all the slaves of slaver’s bay and then charge
towards king’s Landing to take what was hers. Similarly, Amit shah when returned to
Gujrat after his banishment he made sure that he will rule make it possible for BJP to
take what was his and he made it possible being on the side of PM Narendra Modi
that BJP not only Started ruling the Country but also made sure that they were the
ruling Party of most of the states as well as they Say “Chanakya of modern Politics”.

 Article 370 abolishment and free slavers of Mareen: One of the most iconic
scenes of Indian politics in recent times was when Amit Shah stood in the House of
Parliament and said “POK is ours and we can die for it”, this line not only showed
how reluctantly BJP wanted free Kashmir and also it was in their election manifesto
for both the election they fought and won historically, pretty much the same what the
Mother of Dragons did in the other side of the sea when she freed Unsullied and
asked them to join her for the purpose she is going to fulfill ahead, and with this huge
army of Unsullied and Dothraki she finally reached Mareen and freed all the slavers
their and made them hers devotees and in a result they stood beside her, died for her,
killed for her till the end.
 Thronies and Bhakts: With an all-time high of over 17 million viewers GOT in its
final season was one of the most-watched shows around the world. Their fans are
known as Thronies but no one uses them unless they not a fan of this show similar to
what Modi fans are called Bhakts well they also don’t call themselves bhakts but you
there are some who don’t like them they called them Bhakts. But as the thronies are
loyal they watch all the seasons with the utmost attention and some watch it on
repeat so does Bhakts do. They don’t mind someone calling them bhakts even if Modi
Ji or any other political leader will not elaborate what they are actually doing but this
BHAKTS knows all and they will give all the information you need. 

Now all the speculations have come to an end the show is now over but not without creating
some huge drama with Mother of Dragon’s murdered by Jon snow for the betterment of the
world and Bran the Broken sitting on the throne their loyal viewers ran a campaign of change
the ending on twitter bashing their creators. Likewise Modi government is in their second
reign and with more than 1 and a half years have already been gone the drama certainly
doesn’t fade away from here as well. COVID 19 and Anti-CAA protest were the major
challenges they faced at the start of 2020 now with GDP steeping low to 23.4% the drama is
not going to over soon with this being said the only difference I can ask for being a Thronies
and not so much bhakat is please don’t make the ending Anti-climax I know BJP is very good
and they actually love when public oppose their decision but as far as I can see the time of
enjoying this banter is now over they really need to do some miracle like 2014 or for that
purpose something like URI in 2016 which made public start trusting BJP back again to
regain their reign for the third time which has never been done before after first PM Pandit
Jawahar Lal Nehru.

There are a lot of similarities left but till next time.,

Keep reading Stay safe! Stay Healthy!

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