Module 2 Lesson 2 Ecotourism Facilities

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The word gender equality restroom is the highlight of the argument. It would trigger the idea,
principle and belief of different groups. Surely, it would create a strong and dependable discourse
depends on the given argument both parties.

This is not the typical toilet system that we used to currently, we been practiced the separation
of toilet system based on sexual preference. But in the figure cited above, it pictures out the view
point of having the same toilet facilities of regardless on the gender preferences that you have. The
main goal of this system is to promote equal right among genders. It promotes freedom, respect and
acceptable in all transgender, lesbian, gay, men and women. Through using a common utility. If a
nation aims for a gender equality, why don’t they include members of Lgbt? Why their focus is mainly
on the two acceptable gender. A male and female? It is time to fully accept that our society is
composed of different gender and it is the right time to unite together. The principle of Gender
Equality Restroom is to send the message to the masses that having a common toilet facility strong
the relation of all gender. Also, to fight for the gender discrimination that rampantly raised in our

Indeed, unisex toilet facility needs a deeper commitment to fight for. It opens our perspective
towards respecting all gender type. However, it needs mandatory regulation to have rules upon
forming this kind of system to ensure safety of everyone.

Comfort rooms are important facilities in any ecotourism site. Do you think gender preference
of potential visitor has to be considered in comfort rooms of the sites you visit? Why or why not?

In creating an ecotourism site, there are factors needed to consider, one of these is the
comfort room facilities. The visitors should feel safe and respected upon using the toilet facility. It is a
way to showcase that the ecotourism site offers a comfortable place for everyone regardless of their
gender. Comfort room is the main facility that a visitor wants to visit and criticize the maintenance of
the place. If the management able to produce a better and comfortable comfort room, then a visitor
would feed delightful for the services you offered.


Instruction observe the pictures of the ecotourism sites.
1. In each picture, classify the facilities that would be built at these site and explain their
functions as to how they would use operationally.
Facility Functions
• Water trail It seems as the mood of transportation along the
rivers, lake, mangrove area to roam around the
ecotourism site.
• Boardwalk Suitable for non walking surface like a mangrove
forest. It is good to have a boardwalk, so that a
visitors can walk around and
• Parking area It is essential for an ecotourism site to have a
space for the personal cars of the visitors.
• Public establishment Located along the entrance. In which this would
serve as the room for the management.
• Comfort room Personal comfort of the visitors should consider.
Giving them the clean and safety comfort room.
• Resting facilities In which a visitor can gather here and take some
rest. They could also have the opportunity to feel
the presence of nature.

2. Enumerable the factors to be considered in building such facilities

• Location of the ecotourism site. - One factors need to consider in which, the facility that is plan
t build would depend on the location or the place.

• Kind of ecotourism activity. - The facility would depend on the proposed activity that the
management wants to promote. Ike if the activity is to roam around the lake, the management
may use water trail to amend their plan.

• Behavior of expected visitors. - The management have the idea on what does the visitors
preferred to experience upon visiting their sight.

• Personal comfort of visitor. - They would offer a refreshing and stress free environment. They
eager to offer a less hassle for everyone.

• Capacity of the ecotourism site- The whole facility would depends on the capacity and ability
of the site could offer.

Why do you have to thoroughly consider the after mentioned factors in building ecotourism facilities.
How do you think will it impact that experience of tourist in an ecotourism site?

It is important to consider the factors in building ecotourism facilities to ensure sustainable

development of the nature. It was essential to protect, preserve and conserve natural resources. As to
ma eke these, there are factors needed to comply and follow.
The facilities and building the plan to build in an ecotourism site will give a pleasant and
satisfaction feeling for the visitors. That is one of the goals of ecotourism site aside from protecting
the nature it would give unforgettable experience for the tourist and the value of embracing the
beauty of nature.

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