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Machine Learning

Assignment 1
Submission Date: 5/10/2020
1. What is Machine Learning? List advantages and limitations of the
Machine Learning.
2. Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised learning with
respect to machine learning.
3. Differentiate between traditional programming and machine learning.
4. List out the types of machine learning. Explain comparison between
each of them.
5. Explain the detailed process of machine learning.
6. List out the applications of machine learning. Describe any two of them.
7. What are the different tools available for solving problems in machine
learning? Give details about any two of them.
8. Write differences of followings:
i. Abstraction and Generalization
ii. Classification and regression
9. Write a short note on followings:
i. Histogram
ii. Scatter plot
iii. PCA
10. Explain with proper example, different ways of exploring categorical
11. How can we take care of outliers in data?
12. What is IQR? How is it measured?
13. Write short notes on followings:
i. Interval Data
ii. Inter-quartile range
iii. Cross-tab
14. Write the difference between followings:
i. Nominal Data and Ordinal Data
ii. Box Plot and Histogram
iii. Mean and Median
15. What are the different techniques for data pre-processing? Explain in
brief dimensionality reduction and feature selection.

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