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United Kingdom
Mathematics Trust

Junior Kangaroo 2019

Copyright © 2019 UK Mathematics Trust

1. C The only digit 4 is at the end of the number and hence to obtain a number which reads the same
from left to right as it does from right to left (known as a palindromic number), the first step is to
erase the 4 leaving the number 1 232 331. There are now three different possibilities to produce
a palindromic number - erasing the two 2s to leave 13 331, erasing the final two 3s to obtain
12 321 or erasing the first 2 and the either the last or second last 3 to obtain 13 231. However, in
each case three digits have been erased.
2. C From the diagram, it can be seen that the sides of the larger squares are 2 × 20 cm = 40 cm and
3 × 20 cm = 60 cm. Therefore the distance Adam walks is (5 × 20 + 5 × 40 + 2 × 60) cm = 420 cm.
3. D The river is 120 m wide and represents (1 − 41 − 13 ) = 12
5 1
of the length of the bridge. Therefore 12
of the length of the bridge is 24 m. Hence the total length of the bridge is 12 × 24 m = 288 m.
4. D Let Evie’s age in years now be x. The information in the question tells us that x + 4 = 3(x − 2).
Therefore x + 4 = 3x − 6 and hence 2x = 10 and x = 5. Therefore in one year’s time Evie will
be 6.
5. E The areas of the two rectangles are (8 × 10) cm2 = 80 cm2 and (9 × 12) cm2 = 108 cm2 . Since
the area of the black region is 37 cm2 , the area of the unshaded region is (80 − 37) cm2 = 43 cm2 .
Hence the area of the grey region is (108 − 43) cm2 = 65 cm2 .
6. B The information in the question tells us that both triangle SPQ and triangle QRS are right-angled.
The area of the quadrilateral PQRS is equal to the sum of the areas of triangle SPQ and
triangle QRS.
Therefore the area of PQRS is 12 (11×3) cm2 + 12 (7×9) cm2 = 12 (33+63) cm2 = 12 (96) cm2 = 48 cm2 .
7. E Let the number of pupils who like neither subject be x. Hence the number who like both subjects
is 2x. Therefore the number of pupils who like only Maths is 20−2x and the number who like only
English is 18−2x. Since there are 30 pupils in my class, we have (20−2x)+2x +(18−2x)+ x = 30
and hence 38 − x = 30. This has solution x = 8 and hence the number of pupils who like only
Maths is 20 − 2 × 8 = 4.
8. C Since the mean of the original five numbers is 25, their total is 25 × 5 = 125. The total of the
new set of five numbers is 125 + 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 + 25 = 200. Therefore the mean of the new set
of five numbers is 200 ÷ 5 = 40.
9. B Since the product of the two positive integers is 240, the possible pairs of integers are (1, 240),
(2, 120), (3, 80), (4, 60), (5, 48), (6, 40), (8, 30), (10, 24), (12, 20) and (15, 16). The respective
sums of these pairs are 241, 122, 83, 64, 53, 46, 38, 34, 32 and 31. Of these, the smallest value
is 31.
10. D Initially there are (39 − 23) = 16 more boys than girls in the group. Each week (8 − 6) = 2 more
girls than boys join the group. Therefore it will take 16 ÷ 2 = 8 weeks for the number of girls to
equal the number of boys. Hence the total number of people in the group when this occurs is
2 × (39 + 8 × 6) = 2 × 87 = 174.
11. A If N were divisible by 55, then it would also be divisible by 5 and 11, making three statements
true. Hence N is not divisible by 55. Therefore exactly two of the remaining statements are
true. It is not possible for N to be both less than 10 and divisible by 11, and it is not possible for
N to be divisible by both 5 and 11 without also being divisible by 55. Therefore the two true
statements are N is divisible by 5 and N is less than 10. Hence the value of N is 5.
12. C The perimeter of the square is 4 × 9 cm = 36 cm. Therefore, since the perimeter of the
square and the equilateral triangle are the same, the side-length of the equilateral triangle is
36 cm ÷ 3 = 12 cm. Hence the length of each of the longer sides of the rectangle is 12 cm. Since
the perimeter of the rectangle is also 36 cm, the length of each of the shorter sides of the rectangle
is (36 − 2 × 12) cm ÷ 2 = 6 cm.
13. C To fill the box, the side-length of the cube needs to divide exactly into the length, width and
height of the box. To obtain the minimum number of cubes to fill the box, we need this
side-length to be as large as possible. Therefore we need this side-length, in cm, to be the
highest common factor of 30, 40 and 50, which is 10. Hence with cubes of side-length 10 cm,
we get the minimum to fill the box. Therefore the minimum number of cubes required is
(30 ÷ 10) × (40 ÷ 10) × (50 ÷ 10) = 3 × 4 × 5 = 60.
14. A In each week, the number of pages Henry reads is 25+6×4 = 49. Now note that 290 = 5×49+45
and that 45 = 49 − 4. Therefore, since Henry reads 49 pages a week and 4 pages every day
except Sunday and he starts reading the book on a Sunday, it will take him 5 weeks and 6 days to
finish the book. Hence he will take 41 days to finish the book.
15. D Since 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 and the sum of Amy’s position, Bob’s position and Dee’s position is 6,
Cat came fourth. Hence, since the sum of Bob’s position and Cat’s position is also 6, Bob came
second. Therefore, since Bob finished ahead of Amy, Amy finished third. Therefore Dee came
first in the tournament.
16. D Note first that the sum of the numbers on the eight cards is 36. Therefore the sum of the numbers
on the cards in each of the boxes is 18. There are only three cards in box P and hence the possible
combinations for the numbers on the cards in box P are (8, 7, 3), (8, 6, 4) and (7, 6, 5) with the
corresponding combinations for box Q being (6, 5, 4, 2, 1), (7, 5, 3, 2, 1) and (8, 4, 3, 2, 1). The only
statement which is true for all three possible combinations for box Q is that the card numbered 2
is in box Q. Hence the only statement which must be true is statement D.
17. A The interior angles of an equilateral triangle, a square and a regular pentagon are 180° ÷ 3 = 60°,
2 × 180° ÷ 4 = 90° and 3 × 180° ÷ 5 = 108° respectively. Therefore the size of the obtuse ∠UVW
is 108° + 90° − 60° = 138°. Since the pentagon and the square share a side and the square and the
equilateral triangle also share a side, the side-length of the pentagon is equal to the side-length
of the equilateral triangle. Therefore UV = VW and hence the triangle UVW is isosceles and
∠VWU = ∠WUV. Therefore the size of ∠WUV is (180° − 138°) ÷ 2 = 21°.
18. E Consider the left-hand column and the top row of the diagram. When we add the values in these
lines together, we obtain 3♠ + 3q = 105 and hence ♠ + q = 35. Therefore, from the middle
column, 35 + ♣ = 47 and hence ♣ = 12. Therefore the value of ♠ + q − ♣ is 35 − 12 = 23.
19. C Since the non-shaded squares are congruent and since M N = 6 cm, both SN and M R have
length (10 − 6) cm ÷ 2 = 2 cm. Therefore the areas of the four non-shaded squares are each
(2 × 2) cm2 = 4 cm2 .
Label the point X on SP as shown. Since all of the non-shaded squares S N M R
are congruent, the lengths of SM and SX are equal and hence triangle
MSX is an isosceles, right-angled triangle with angles of 90°, 45° and 45°.
Therefore, since the non-shaded triangles are all isosceles and have an angle X
of 45°, they are also right-angled. Therefore these four triangles can be fitted P Q
together to form a square of side-length 6 cm. Hence the total area of the
non-shaded triangles is (6 × 6) cm2 . Therefore the area of the shaded region
is (10 × 10 − 4 × 4 − 6 × 6) cm2 = (100 − 16 − 36) cm2 = 48 cm2 .

20. B Consider a 2 × 7 table with entries a and b in the first column. Since the entries in the following
columns are the sum and the difference of the numbers in the previous column, the completed
table will be as shown below.
a a+b (a + b) 2a + 2b (2a + 2b) 4a + 4b (4a + 4b)
+ (a − b) + (2a − 2b) + (4a − 4b)
= 2a = 4a = 8a
b a − b (a + b) 2a − 2b (2a + 2b) 4a − 4b (4a + 4b)
− (a − b) − (2a − 2b) − (4a − 4b)
= 2b = 4b = 8b
Since the numbers in the final column of Carl’s table are 96 and 64, we have 8a = 96 and 8b = 64
which have solution a = 12 and b = 8. Therefore the sum of the numbers in the first column of
Carl’s table is 12 + 8 = 20.
21. D Let the number of electric eels be x, the number of moray eels be y and the number of freshwater
eels be z. The information on the notice tells us that y + z = 12, x + z = 14 and x + y = 16.
When you add these three equations, you obtain 2x + 2y + 2z = 42 and hence x + y + z = 21.
Therefore the number of eels in the tank is 21.
22. A Let x km be the distance Geraint cycles and let t hours be the time his journey should take if he
speed = time, the information in the question tells us that 15 = t + 6 and
is to be on time. Since distance x 1

that 30 = t − 16 . When we subtract the second equation from the first, we obtain 30 x
= 26 and so
x = 10. Hence, from the second equation, 10 30 = t − 6 and so t = 3 + 6 = 2 . Therefore, to arrive
1 1 1 1

on time, Geraint needs to travel 10 km in 12 hour, which is an average speed of 20 km/h.

23. A Since any two cells which share a vertex are coloured differently, the centre cell in the top row
could only be coloured red or green. The cell below that cannot be coloured blue or yellow or
the same colour as the centre cell in the top row and so is coloured green or red opposite to the
choice of the colour to the first cell considered. The remaining cells in the second row can then
be coloured out from the centre with only one possible colour for each cell. This argument can
then be repeated for the colours of the third row and the fourth row, which turn out to be exactly
the same as the colours of the first and second row respectively, as shown in the diagram. Hence
the colour used for the cell marked X is red.

24. B Since the ratios of frogs to toads in the two ponds are 3 : 4 and 5 : 6 respectively, the numbers
of frogs and toads are 3x and 4x in the first pond and 5y and 6y in the second pond for some
positive integers x and y. Therefore, since there are 36 frogs in total, we have 3x + 5y = 36.
Since both 3 and 36 are multiples of 3, y is also a multiple of 3 and since 5y ≤ 36 we have
y = 3 or 6. If y were 3, x would be 7 and the total number of toads would be 4 × 7 + 6 × 3 = 46.
Similarly, if y were 6, x would be 2 and the total number of toads would be 4 × 2 + 6 × 6 = 44.
Hence, the largest possible number of toads in the ponds would be 46.
25. E Each floor has 35 rooms. On every floor except floor 2, the digit 2 will be used for rooms ‘n02’,
‘n12’, ‘n20’ to ‘n29’ (including ‘n22’) and ‘n32’. Hence the digit 2 will be used 14 times on each
floor except floor 2. On floor 2, the digit 2 will be used an extra 35 times as the first digit of the
room number. Therefore the total number of times the digit 2 will be used is 5 × 14 + 35 = 105.

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