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Elementary | Basics
Political Science as a Profession
Political Science is not Politics, but Politics is a part of Political Science

It is a Discipline, an Art, Science, Profession and Vocation.

It is the study of:

a. The state and government - born out of the Law

b. Governance
c. Politics
4 Elements of the State:

 Population or people

 Territory

 Government

 Sovereignty - 2 types of Sovereign Peace***

What differentiates politics from the state?***

Concepts, Principles, Theories, Laws

Concept - an idea, we call them by naming them through terms.

Terms - jargon of our discipline.

Theories - statements about how the world (in our case, the political world)
works, needs proving.

Laws - proven theories.

Divine Right of Kings***


Elementary | Basics 1
Concept - the ideas: state, government, justice, federation, federalism 2
levels: natnl & local, power by the consti, but have a differing sets of rules)

Terms - the words or group of words: state, government, justice, federation,

federalism... separation of powers

Theories - The theory on federations by Hamilton, Jay, and Madison

Laws - the Kantian Law of Democratic Peace Immanuel Kant)

Concept: Freedom
Term: Freedom of Speech or Dissent

Art, Science, Discipline

Concepts were created through abstraction - hence you understand them by
doing the same.

Abstraction - finding the essential similarities and differences between


Theories were created though reasoning.

Reasoning - a series of factual/logical proofs (premises) that support a

conclusion (thesis).

Plato & Aristotle Political Identities and Ideas ***

Plato - LInear

Aristotle - Hierarchical

Elementary | Basics 2

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