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History of the Discipline

Basic Components

Olympian Succession
Political Science: Rational Choice
Political Science: Value Free & Behavioral
Political Philosophy: Value Based, Institutional & Legislative/Normative

Institution - something that imposes order, people, official order, official office,
manifested in terms of govt.
Presidency, Congress, the Courts, President, Chief Justice.

Institutional Analysis - having separate institutions in a presidential sysmte: legis,

judiciary, and executive VS parliamentary system: combination of the 3.

Legalistic - how to the law mandated things to happen, interconnectedness,

powers of the judiciary —- attained by reading the law.

Positivism is the counterpart of Normativism

Positivism - what something is, how people are Bhevioralism)
The Philippines is a unified state
Normativism - how it should be, how people should act (value based)
The Philippines should be a federalist state

History of the Discipline 1

Rapproachment of Political Science: modern internationalized polsci means that
the succession's result is that political science embraces institutionalism,
behavioralism, normalism, positivism, rational choice.
*approach for the proposal
legalism - analysis the law
normativism - ethics of law
behavioralism - how they are
rational choice - prediction of behavior (mathematical model)

start of politics in greece, why?

progress does not equate to passing of time.
we can say we have progress by:
Quantity of Knowledge - Quality of Insight - Quality of Rigor

The 3 Blips:

Inter-War : Empiricism
Post-WWII : Behavioralism

Post-WWII : Rational Choice


Plato (worst to best)

Tyranny - singular driving force

Democracy - power of the group

Oligarchy - wealth 'oligos' - rich, 'arcos' - to rule

Timocracy - honor and bravery

History of the Discipline 2

Aristocracy (ideal) - knowledge and wisdom
'aristo' - the power, 'cratos' - the best

Aristotelian Forms of Government

Pure Corrupt
One Mono + Arche One + Rule Tyrannia (absolute rule)
Oligos + Arche Wealth +
Few Aristos + Kratos Best + Power

Polity from Polita Organized "Mixed Demos + Kratos Masses +

Constitution" Power

Modern Forms of Government

Quantity/Quality Pure Corrupt

One Mono + Arche One + Rule Tyrannia (absolute rule)

Aristos + Kratos Best +
Few Oligos + Arche Wealth + Rule
Demos + Kratos Masses + Ochlos + Kratos Mob + Power
Power Mobocracy/Ochlocracy

Evaluation by the Stoics or Stoicism.

Universal Humanity***


What are institutional forms?

How do we evaluate them?



History of the Discipline 3

Value based

What should be instead of what is

The Stoics:
Natural Law - making propositions or statements of the natural world based on
the nature of things.

ex: family is defined through procreation, natural for man to procreate.

Universal Humanity - commonality of the group of beings, or man.


CICERO - phrases; dura lex sed lex

Political Law - creation and empowerment of political institutions

article 6 legislature

article 7 executive

article 8 judiciary

'Delegata potestas non delegari potest' Delegated powers can no longer be


Constitutional Law - talks about the citizen's welfare

article 3 bill of rights

article 4 citizenship

article 5 suffrage (vote)

St. Thomas

De Regimine Principium - It is better to have a singular ruler or executive.

Summa Theologiae - Law is an ordinance of reason formulated by the person/s in

authority, —Promulgated for the common good.
'Ignorantia legis, non exensar neminem'

History of the Discipline 4

The nature of Humanity is composed of intellect and will.

St. Augustine

Corruption is a highway robbery.

Justice is to give to another what is due to them.

Man has 2 wills :

Perfect will - love of God

Imperfect will - love of self

There are 2 cities:

City of God - man loves God more than himself

City of Man - man loves himself more than God

Love of God vs Love of Self

Love of Community vs Love of Self

Niccolo Machiavelli

Modernized Political Science


Efficiency over goodness as the new values.

Jean Bodin
Counter-argument (polemic) to Mixed-Constitutions

Absolutism of Sovereignty - one power which is powerful within the society.

ultimate power to command the state.

Supreme, Perpetual, Indivisible

Hobbes and Locke

History of the Discipline 5

State of Nature No laws) Social Contract
Hobbes: Pool the faculties into the
Hobbes: The individual has faculties (unequal).
artificial being Leviathan). No more
The world is unsafe, dangerous (dog-eat-dog)

Locke: The individual has rational thought. The Locke: Revolutions are essential to
world is inconvenient. contract if there is violation.


Leviathan - Government

Hobbes said no more revolutions because if revolutions commence from the

state of social contract we will revert back to the state of nature.

Locke accepts revolution because it would not break the premise of convenience,
unlike Hobbes' belief of revolutions causing 'danger' to the social contract.
Locke - separated the powers of the govt.***

The Separation of Powers




Charles de Secondat Baron of Montesquieu)




"To prevent the abuses of absolutism."

Distribution of Powers


History of the Discipline 6

James Madison

Alexander Hamilton

John Jay

Federation vs Unitary

Federation vs Unitary, Centralism vs Local Autonomy



2 Main Levels Federal and Local)

Power is distributed by the constitution to both levels.
Can either be centralized or decentralized.

2 Main Levels National/Central and Local)

Power is distributed by constitutions to National, then National can share to local.

Can either be centralized or decentralized.

Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis

History of the Discipline 7

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