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Writing in the Discipline

Content, Composition, Citation

"Writing a paper is like debating"

Debate Scores: Manner, Matter, Method
Your paper is effective because of: Composition, Content, Citation

Purpose of Writing:
Bachelor: Gathers information, Tests a theory
Master: Tests a theory, Attempts to propose a theory
Doctor: Proposes a theory

Ingredients of a Paper — Content — Intellectual Matter

Why Write?

Describe: Vivid — Stimulate novel ideas.

Explain: Factual — Contribute to the body of political science knowledge

Propose: Sound — Aims to get Published.

Where's the Political:

— Know and distinguish the political from the contaminants and digressions.
How can these be political and non-political?

Prostitution in Metro Manila

Federalism in the Galactic Republic

Writing in the Discipline 1

Climate Change

Composition — Expressing your reasoned thoughts.

The Basics of Format:

 Use 3rd Person : The author, the researcher, the writer, this student

 Use Headings : Main (standard), Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion

Sub-headings: sub-topics, usually in discussion ; depending on the topic

** For this class: Times New Roman, Size 12, Top and Bottom Margins — 1",
Right Margin 1.5" , Left Margin - .5" Alignment — Justified, Spacing — double.

Your Voice:
Discuss the content.

Tell the story, describe or explain the phenomenon, propose and defend your

Use reputable and relevant sources.

"Looking like a queen is not enough, but a brave heart a king grasps of affairs will
go for nothing, if the people don't see you as a queen."

Be a storyteller
When writing your paper:

Remember the tautology that YOU are the WRITER.

You are not a nobody who is just stitching together a bunch of


Whether it is qualitative or quantitative, your discussion narrates a particular

THESIS. (thesis: is the subject, argument)

** Avoid direct quotes, makes it less original. MORE of your own words. Use only
direct quotes because it has impact.


Writing in the Discipline 2

This paper...

The author's opinion is...

Based on the ff proofs...



Because of..

All these leads to the conclusion that...


A thesis is the point that you want the reader to know.

It is usually in the form of a proposed argument that can be tested.

Usually a positive generalizable statement about the political world.

Positive: The Philippine government is corrupt.

Philippine democracy is effective.

Negative: Philippine democracy is not effective.

A teacher is not an engineer.

Included within the paper are the proofs that back up your thesis.


 Kantian Law - Since democracies do not go to war, only non-democracies

meet a tax of aggression (begin wars), then if all the states of the world
become democratic, there will be no wars.

Authoritarian governments tend to go to war.

Democracies do not go to war unless provoked.

 Michel's Iron Law of Oligarchy - All organizations tend to end up with a

hierarchy with a small elite at the top.

 Duverger's Law Duverger's law on electoral and party systems)

Writing in the Discipline 3

States with single member constituency tend to have a multi-party
system. (one seat with the MOST number of votes) [ voting for candidates

States with proportional representation tend to have two-party system.

(how many votes a party receives, if the party gets the most votes, they
get 6 seats/representatives) [ voting for the party ]

*insert quotation SCs here*


Use your own words.

The idea of the source must be preserved.

Word count may exceed the original.

Best in maintaining professionalism.

From Flint 2006, A statement made by Modelski is that Power is the ability to
influence global events. Along with his interest in naval history, he had developed
Modelski's model of world leadership. Which was used to gain control of the


A paper is not a series of paraphrases.

It's your ideas laid across pages of reasoning.

Tools: Paraphrase, quotes, other evidences.

Citation — Documenting the source of your ideas

Always keep a record of:

Writing in the Discipline 4

Names of Authors

Name of editors

Name of publisher

Place of publication

Copyright Page ****

In-text Citations:

Author (date) said that..

Quote or paraphrase Author, date)

Instead of said that..

An analysis by...

In the book written by...

Comparisons of various governments by Author (date)

Author's (date) analysis of the 1990's Asian crisis...

Standard format:

Use hanging indention

May be single or double spaced

Use of Chicago or APA

Writing in the Discipline 5

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