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Session 6

Ø Literature review
Ø Theoretical framework
Ø Citation: APA

Gentle Reminder

Chapter 7 (pp. 145-151)
STEM Diplomacy: A Reflection of Cambodian-Sino Relations

Q.1. How is the introduction organised?

Q.2. How is the literature review organised? Themetic or Chronological?
Q.3. What is the theoretical framework of the study?

1. Chinese support for Cambodian HE in comparative
2. Chinese support has increased since the launch of BRI
3. Various forms of Chinese support
Answer to Q.1 4. Qualitative case study research – ICHEI’s support for
5. The purpose of the paper
6. The structure of the paper

1. International Assistance WWII: North-South Modality
2. China’s unique role: Recipient & donor
3. China’s foreign aid driven by foreign policy
4. Historical snapshort of Canada’s educational
assistance for China
Answer to Q.2 5. Ongoing debate about China role as a donor –
(Chronological) Creating the gap for this study to contribute

International Comparative &

academic Foreign policies international
relations education

Science Diplomacy

Science for
Answer to Q.3

Science in Diplomacy
diplomacy for science

American Psychological Association

How do you quote the following sources, using APA reference style?

American Psychological Association

In-text citation
1. Unlike most other developing countries, where the World Bank’s education aid
targeted universal basic education, China persuaded the World Bank to fund its
higher education in the early stages (Hayhoe, 1989).
2. Likewise, Bräutigam (2011) points out that, “Influenced mainly by their own
experience of development and by the requests of recipient countries, the
Chinese aid and economic cooperation programs emphasized infrastructure,
production, and university scholarships at a time when the traditional donors
downplayed all of these” (p. 11)
3. STEM diplomacy is defined as “the use of scientific collaborations among
nations to address the common problems facing 21st century humanity and to
constructive international partnerships” (Fedoroff, 2009, p. 9)
American Psychological Association

Some selected references

• Council of Ministers. (2015). Industrial development policy 2015-2025: Market
orientation and enabling environment for industrial development. Phnom Penh:
Council of Ministers.
• Crossley, M., & Watson, K. (2003). Comparative and international research in
education: Globalisation, context and difference. London & New York: Routledge
• Duggan, S. J. (1997). The role of international organisations in the financing of higher
education in Cambodia. Higher Education, 34(1), 1–22.
• Hayhoe, R. (1989). China’s Universities and the Open Door. Armonk, New York: M.E.
• International Centre for Higher Education Innovation. (n.d.). Background - ICHEI.
November 17, 2016, from
Assignment 4

Choosing a theoretical/conceptual framework for your study

1. Think about your topic and problem statement
2. From the literature, look for a theory you think can help guide you in your research process
3. In your paper, provide reasons why the chosen theory/concept is relevant to your study

• Format: One page

• Deadline: October 3, 2020

Thank you


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