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120 H TEFL Course, Rabat

Academic year: 2019/2020

Teacher trainer: Mr. Lhoussine Qasserras

Chart summary of the following methods: GTM, DM, TPR, and CTL

The Grammar-Translation The Direct Method

Goals 1. To read literature written in the To communicate in the target language by
target language learning to think in the target language
2. To develop students’ mind
The role of the Authority Director and partner
The role of the Passive listeners partners
Characteristics of Translation, deductive learning1.of T demonstrates word meanings through the use of
the grammar, memorization of words realia, pictures, or pantomime
teaching/learning and equivalents 2. Situation or topic-based syllabus
processes 3. Inductive learning of grammar
4. Practice vocabulary in complete sentences
5. St-St speak a lot

St-Tc or St-St Mostly Tc->St Both

View of language 1. Literary language is superior to1. Language is primarily spoken
spoken language 2.
Emphasis of skills & Reading and writing; vocabulary1. Vocabulary over grammar
areas and grammar 2. pronunciation teaching in the beginning
3. oral communication as basic
The role Mostly used in class for No
Evaluation Written tests (translation) and Oral interviews or paragraph writing (not to
practice of grammatical rules demonstrate the knowledge about the language
but how to use the language)
Error correction T provides the correct answer Self-correction
Chart summary of the following methods: GTM, DM, TPR, and CTL

Total Physical Response Communicative Language Teaching

goals To learn to communicate in a To enable students to communicate in the target

foreign language enjoyably as Ss language based on the knowledge of the
did in acquiring linguistic forms, meanings, and functions
The role of the director Facilitator, advisor, co-communicator
The role of the imitator Communicator to negotiate meaning
Characteristics of1. modeling of the instructor 1. Communicative activities that have features of
the 2. recombine elements of the information gap, choice, and feedback
teaching/learning commands 2. communication is purposeful
processes 3. read and write 3. the use of authentic materials
4. group/pair work

S-T or S-S 1. T to the whole class or individuals; S-S in pairs or groups

interaction Ss respond nonverbally
2. Later Ss command and T respond
View of language1. Speech is primary 1. Language is for communication; linguistic
2. competence + communicative competence
Emphasis of skills
1. emphasize vocabulary and 1. a functional syllabus
& areas grammatical structures 2. language at the suprasentential level (cohesion
(imperatives) and coherence)
2. spoken over written language; 3. integration of the four skills
comprehension before production
The role in introducing No except for explaining activities or
Body movements to convey assignments
evaluation Evaluate students’ performance of Evaluation of both fluency and accuracy in
a series of actions students’ performance or integrative tests such as
writing to a friend
errors Tolerate errors and only correct Tolerance of errors during fluency-based
major errors unobtrusively activities

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