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That the prosecution case in short is that on 22.03.

2020 one Snehashish Das, SI, appeared in

Kotwali Model Police Station along with the Accused Petitioner and filed a case being Case
No. 77 dated 22.03.2020 under Sections 24(2)/ 30(2)/ 30(3)/22/35 of the Digital Security Act
2018 and 406/420 of the Penal Code stating inter-alia that on 15.03.2020 one Most.
Shahanara Parveen appeared in Kotwali Police Station and lodged a complaint stating that
some miscreants had called her on her mobile number and claimed that they were BKash
agents who had mistakenly sent money to her by BKash and asked for her PIN number. Upon
their request, she gave away her PIN and the fraudsters cashed out BDT 73,914 (Seventy-
three thousand nine hundred and fourteen). She also complained that these fraudsters
introduce themselves as BKash agents to customers and appropriate their BKash account
details and usurp their money. Upon communicating this information with his seniors, the
Complainant along with accompanying forces raid the house of the Accused Petitioner on
21.03.202 and intercepted them. Upon further questioning, the Accused Petitioner revealed
the mobile phone device that was used to defraud innocent customers. The police then seized
several mobile devices, SIM cards, some cash in the presence of witnesses and prepared
seizure list of the same. The Accused Petitioner also revealed the names of his accomplices
namely __ who were also subsequently arrested from their place of residence and the devices
used by them were recovered and seized. The Accused Petitioners also revealed the name of
other Accused who have not yet been arrested. The Accused Petitioners are a organised
criminal circle who defraud innocent customers and appropriate all their money with the help
of technology and digital means which is a direct infringement of the Digital Security Act
2018 and the Penal Code and hence the case.

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