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MKT10007 Marketing 
Assignment 3: Group report 
Topic: Situation Analysis of Apple (Laptop) 
Group members:  
Nur Ain Syahira (101232066) 
Christine Tan (101225121) 
Hilary Lim (101232956) 
Fozayel Ahmed (4321618) 
Roy Mbichire (100082422) 
Tutorial Session: Monday 1:00PM – 2:00PM 
Submission Date:  31st May 2020

Executive Summary

This report prepared by Super Sellers covers a situational analysis about Apple company and
its most recent product, Apple MacBook Pro. The three main macro environments effecting
the company are economic factors, social factors and technological factors. Competitors are
the key player for the company’s micro environment analysis. This report also covers the
SWOT analysis of Apple’s top competitor which is Microsoft and Dell. Company can
broaden their market to university students, young working adults and working adults with
high income as these groups has high usage on laptops. Hence demand for laptop in these
markets will increase. Each sub-segment has their own attractiveness and unique
characteristics in terms of size and growth, structural attractiveness and resources and
objectives. The key questions for this research is can apple identify and penetrate new market
segments?, what can Apple do to eliminate their weaknesses?, and how can apple improve
their research strategies. There are several research methods that can be used by Apple
company to improve their market.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................5
Section 1.....................................................................................................................................6
2. Industry Analysis................................................................................................................6
a. Overview of Industries....................................................................................................6
b. Market Trends.................................................................................................................7
c. Key Players of the Industry.............................................................................................7
3. Macro-Environment Analysis (3 Factors / Forces)............................................................8
Factor 1: Economic Factor.....................................................................................................8
Factor 2: Social Factor...........................................................................................................8
Factor 3: Technological Factors.............................................................................................8
4. Competitors’ Analysis......................................................................................................10
Company analysis: Microsoft Company..............................................................................10
Competitor Analysis 2: Dell................................................................................................11
5. Micro-Environment Analysis (1 Factor)..........................................................................13
Section 2...................................................................................................................................13
6. Consumer segmentation....................................................................................................13
a. Choice of Segmentation Base.......................................................................................13
b. Justification of Segmentation........................................................................................13
c. Sub-segments profiling elements..................................................................................14
Section 3...................................................................................................................................15
7. Attractiveness of Each Sub-Segments..............................................................................15
a. Size and Growth............................................................................................................16
b. Structural Attractiveness...............................................................................................16
c. Resources and Objectives.............................................................................................16
Section 4...................................................................................................................................17
8. Recommendations for Additional Market Research.........................................................17
9. Conclusion........................................................................................................................20

1. Introduction  

Apple Inc.  has now become a data innovation organization with a wide scope of items which
incorporate cell phones, PCs, tablets, TV items and wearable gadgets. Apple's clients look for
innovative items that are stylishly satisfying. Apple Inc. was set up in 1976 as a PC
programming and equipment organization. From that point forward Apple has progressed
into the formation of other innovative gadgets and has set up a chain of retail locations to
give their clients with a superior purchasing experience. 

Apple company was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in April
1976. They are amongst the pioneers of personal computers and later revolutionised the tech
industry by introducing the Macintosh laptop.  Today Apple is worth over $260 billion, and
they’ve become the most innovative tech company in the world not only building innovative
laptops, but also building mobile phones, desktop computers and tablets.

Section 1

2. Industry Analysis
a. Overview of Industries

The industry in which Apple Inc. operates is known as the technology and
telecommunications industry. The brand mainly can be categorized as consumer electronics,
which encompasses the production of laptops. 
The word "consumer electronics" can be used to describe the entire range of items intended
for personal use containing electronic circuit boards. Nevertheless, over the past decade, it
has been increasingly been used to classify devices explicitly designed for purposes of
communication, entertainment or information (Liu 2020). As personal computers became
readily available, the emergence of digital computers and their advancement into households
from the 1990s led to the growth of the modern CE industry. Electronic devices of today are
not only more technically advanced than those of 50 years ago, but also smaller, more readily
available and more complex. Consumer electronics include digital tablets, smartphones,
gaming consoles, televisions and cameras other than laptops in the category. 

The tree diagram of the technology and telecommunication industry is depicted below. 

Figure 1 Tree Diagram of the Technology and Telecommunication Industry (Apple Inc.)

b. Market Trends

The market value of consumer goods in the United States alone was estimated to hit 422
billion U.S. dollars in 2020, although global sales was predicted to continue to surpass one
trillion Euros in 2019 (Liu 2020).

Figure 2 Expenditures on consumer electronics products globally from 2016 through 2018 (Statista 2020)

The global computer market is expected to grow at a rate of 0.4% and reach 108.91 US
Dollars by 2025 (Grand View Research 2018). However, the advent of the coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic in 2020 struck the consumer electronics market hard. The Covid-
19 pandemic broke out in China-the center of the development of consumer electronics. As
China took quick steps to contain the virus, domestic production stopped for nearly two
months, putting a near complete stop at the top end of the supply chain. Personal computer
shipments are predicted to decline by nine percent in 2020 (Liu 2020).   

c. Key Players of the Industry 

Lenovo, HP, Acer, Dell, ASUS and Apple are the principal companies in this field. However,
Lenovo, HP and Dell will be among the top 3 players based on their market share. Su (2018)
notes that in the last quarter of 2018 the Lenovo is the market share leader of PCs, showing
solid growth of 5.8% and market share of 24%. HP has a market share of 22.8% in the
international PC market, while Dell has 17.8%. With 5.8% growth between 2017 and 2018,
Lenovo is the fastest growing competitor. 

Figure 3 Market Share of Consumer Electronics Industry form 2017-2018 (Su 2018)

3. Macro-Environment Analysis

Factor 1: Economic Factor 

Because general resources are cost-effective and human resources are cheap, Apple has set up
its production base in China. However, the average hourly wage in China reached US $ 3.60
in 2016, a 64% increase from 2011. This will increase the cost of Apple products. If Apple
wants to make the same profit, it will also increase the price of the product. Apple should
change manufacturing plants to countries with lower labor costs, such as Thailand and
Factor 2: Social Factor 

Apple is one of the world's leading companies. Everything is related to the brand, which is
the name people all over the world want to carry. This has nothing to do with iPhone and
iMac. Apple's uniqueness, innovative design, simple product marketing and higher product
prices all make Apple more attractive to consumers. This will cause Apple to get fewer
customers from low-end customers, because its price is very high, only senior people can
afford it. Apple should launch more products for the lower middle class to expand the market
and increase profits. 
Factor 3: Technological Factors 

Increasingly, cybercrime has made the Apple system vulnerable to attacks and reduced the
safety of consumers. According to data from Malware Bytes, malware attacks on Macs
increased by 270% in 2018 last year. It takes away the most competitive advantage and
destroys high reputation of security. Apple should strengthen the security protection system
and quickly repair system errors to improve the consumer experience. 
Trend Direction Explanation Strategic Implications
Economic – Cost of raw  - Increment of hourly - Change cheaper
materials wages in China leads manufacturer
and manufacturing to high cost production
Social – Targeted only high-  - Due to high pricing of - Release new product
income customers Apple’s product, the with lower pricing
company will only
target upper class
Technological – Increment  - Apple system become - Improve security
of cyber crimes less secure &
Table 1 Macro-environment Analysis

4. Competitors’ Analysis  

This section discusses about the competitors’ company overview and the analysis of their
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Company analysis: Microsoft Company

Company overview
Microsoft company was founded by Bill Gates in 1975. The company’s mission is to
“empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more” (Microsoft
2020). According to Vault (2019), Microsoft company has up to trillion-dollar market
capitalization in the world. Not only that, Microsoft is targeting all types of organizations and
is operating in all aspects.

Excellent software
Microsoft develops software that can be used easily (Business Strategy Hub 2019). This will
be an advantage for everyone as the world is evolving. Young and old are starting to use the
internet. Hence, people who are unfamiliar with technologies will prefer user-friendly
software. Besides, the latest Window is able to support new hardware and games. Microsoft
has improved their system in many aspects such as file naming and standardize their
programs (RJ Systems 2017).

Various applications

According to Microsoft 2020, their product Microsoft 365 offers various application such as
Microsoft Words, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Team and many more. These
applications provide functions that makes users’ work faster and more convenient. Not only
that, the business world and universities are now relying more on online meeting through
their laptops.


Lacking innovation
Since they started investing more into research and development, they slowed down on being
innovative to a point where Bill Gates started to criticised Microsoft for the lack of
innovation. Due to that, Microsoft has lost its market dominance.

Depend on hardware manufacturers

Although Microsoft is widely known as a huge software company, it doesn’t create its own
equipment and still would rely on other hardware manufacturers to create the items that
install the Window OS.

Competitor Analysis 2: Dell

Company overview
Dell is an American global PC innovation organization founded in 1984 that creates, sells,
fixes, and underpins PCs and related items and administrations. Dell's mission is ‘to be the
best PC organization on the world at conveying the best client involvement with business
sectors we serve’. During the 2010s, Dell started concentrating on internet business and web-
based life systems so as to arrive at reliability and potential clients with different advertising

Social Impact
Dell has been committing towards a greener industry which involves the life-cycle of their
products and services. Most of their packaging are made from sustainably-sourced materials
which can be 100% recycled. Reducing emissions by 40% has been their main goal in 2015.
Other than that, they also managed to make their products safer by minimizing and try to get
rid most of potential hazardous substances.

Excellency customer services

Dell is famous for giving services for their customers themselves and not through a third-
person to handle the customer’s problems. Their service such as responsive and positivity
towards dealing with customer’s problems successfully put a smile on their customer’s face.

Security Vulnerability
It had become a huge issue when Dell found a security hole which could excess into
consumer’s bank details and some personal information that was in Dell computers during
that time. It was unintentional and Dell faced some trust issues after what happened with
other firms.

Dull technologies
Due to them being old-school and not trying to step up their game in today’s trends, they
don’t really have that much to offer in today’s market. Since Dell products are almost similar
to most brands’, it also lacks individualism and making it harder for it to increase their sales.

Consistent customer retention could be achieved by more or less every one of the competitors
through marketing their laptops through social media influencers. Nowadays, while
contemplating on making a fresh purchase, consumers tend to look at reviews of products to
make a well-rounded choice. To promote Lenovo’s new Yoga 720 laptop, the agency
Midnight Oil enlisted three popular social media influencers to demonstrate how the
computer would help them do their work (Baar 2017). Tech reviewers like Linus Tech tips
and Marques Brownlee provide in depth unbiased review of new products including laptops
and have millions of followers who base their buying choices based on these influencers’
reviews. Since millennials make up most of the customer base of these companies, more
companies should sponsor episodes of these social media influencers’ products to promote
their products and gain feedback on their products.
There are a huge number of threats that the laptop industry faces in this era. One of the
threats are price threats, consumers tend to compare the price of different companies and see
which one is within their budget (Grant 2010). Companies tend to also compete with each
other by investing large amounts of financial resource to have market dominance
(Porter,1979). By competing, companies have to make sure that their customers stay loyal
towards the brand they’ve chosen. Disposable of laptops have environment impact by its
manufacture. If it’s not disposed properly, it could highly affect the environment due its toxic
chemicals that is a part of the laptop.

5. Micro-Environment Analysis (1 Factor)  
Key players: Competitors  
Apple has a lot of competitors in the manufacturing of smartphones, personal computer and
tablet markets. According to (StatCounter,2019), Samsung beats Apple in the smartphone
market by having 31.9 % global market share while Apple only has 22.09%. Due to being
second, Samsung’s Galaxy and Note Series is the reason for Apple’s iPhone sales to suffer
from a drastic fall. While in the computer manufacturers, bases off 2018, Apple placed 4th in
largest in the world. Computer market has always been highly competitive as the constant
upgrade in technological innovations to make consumer’s life easier. Lenovo placed 1st by
having 22.5% while Apple has 6.9% (Holst, 2019). Lastly, for tablet manufacturers, Apple is
the dominant leader due to having market shares of 66.32% while Samsung and Asus only
have 17.31% and 1.2% respectively (StatCounter, 2019). 

Section 2 

6. Consumer segmentation 

a. Choice of Segmentation Base

The choice for segmentation on high-tech laptop’s market segmentation is

demographic. This segmentation is segmented into ages, income and family life-cycle

b. Justification of Segmentation

One of the criteria of chosen market segment is substantiality, which means that it is large
enough to profit the company.  
According to the research conducted by Kathryn (2011), it is stated that 70% of millennials
which ages around 16-37 years old owns a laptop or notebook. Meghan (2010) discussed the
age distribution of university students ranges from 18-24 years old and OECD stated that the
highest employment rate is adults aged from 25-54 years old. With this, it can be concluded
that millennials will have a higher demand on laptops as these two fields needs laptop.  
Next, the segment is measurable. It is expected that the total sales of laptop will increase to
171 million units in 2023 as the demand of laptop is increasing rapidly (Statistic Research
Department 2020). 

Lastly, the chosen segment is accessible as they can be contacted and reached
easily. According to the research conducted by Emily (2019), 86% of Millennials claimed
that they are accessed to the internet and they are using social medias. Therefore, it will be
easy to reach out to them by the Internet.  
c. Sub-segments profiling elements

Segments  Social Media Personality  Benefits Lifestyle 

Usage Rate  Sought 
University - Very frequent  - Sociable - Chasing - No job/do part-
Students with - Active on - Brand trends  time 
no stable every social conscious - Feasible  - Busy
income  platform  - Loyal    with schoolwork 
Young - Frequent  - Determine and - Suitable and - Part time jobs
working adults - Easy access  ambitious  easy to apply to with well-
with high    - Loyal  work  paying 
income     - Stable jobs
with decent
- Simple 
Working - Medium   - Quality -Work related  - Has a stable
adults with - More conscious  job 
high income  dedicated to -Workaholic  - Lavish 
work than    - Busy 
Table 2 Sub-segments profiling


University students
Based off a survey by Vanson Bourne, 71% of students in universities/college prefer Apple
laptops over other brands. Out of the 71%, 64% would own Apple products because they like
the brand. Therefore, it’s making them the easy target for the company. Moreover, students

prefer products that are lightweight so it’s easy for them to carry it anywhere and use it

Young working adults with high income 

One of the key strategies for this segment is how they are devoted and loyal to Apple. This
company has successfully made their brand look cooler and fun. For this group, they tend to
prefer choosing their product as simple as possible. Based off Leonardo Da Vinci,
“Simplicity is more sophisticated”. So regardless of how they go through their cash, the
customers will be more than content with what they spend for a fact it merits each penny.  

Working adults with high income 

For this segment, one of the reasons why this group was chosen is solely due to them being a
working adult with high income and is not afraid on how they spend regardless the price is, as
long as they are getting outstanding qualities. Since they don’t really spend their time on the
social medias that much, it’s best to send out personalized advertisement such as through
their personal emails to update them with the latest. Other than that, advertisements in
televisions brings out the best to attract them.   

Section 3 

7. Attractiveness of Each Sub-Segments 

Segment  Size and Growth  Structural Resources and

Attractiveness  Objectives 
University Students  - Large size  - Easy to enter  - Low
- High Growth  - No competitor  marketing effort 
- Profitable  - Cooperation with - Match the
university  resources and
Young Working - Large size  - Easy to enter  - High marketing
Adults with High - High Growth  - Acer, Asus and effort 
Income  - Profitable Huawei  - Match company

Working Adults with - Large size  - Easy to enter  - Need high
High Income  - High Growth  - Huawei  resources to market 
- Profitable  - Match company
Table 3 Attractiveness of Each Sub-segments


a. Size and Growth 

According to 2017 Teaching with Technology Survey, university students uses computers in
the classroom (57%) more than mobile phone (33%), so most college students prefer to buy a
computer to help their work. In the Vanson Bourne’s survey, 2244 of university students use
Mac or prefer Mac. The MacBook’s design is luxurious and very consistent with the young
working adults with high income. For working adults with high income, they need to buy it as
its easier for them to send documents to another device.  
b. Structural Attractiveness 

It’s easier for Apple to go into those segment target market because of their features which
are luxury design, high performance and easily send documents, which MacBook received
consumer preference. There are no strong, entrenched competitors in the university students’
market. In the Young Working Adults with high income market, Acer, Huawei and Asus are
the strong, entrenched competitors in this market. However, only Huawei is strong,
entrenched competitors in the working adults with high income. Apple can communicate with
the consumers in all segment. Apple can deliver the product to university students’ market by
cooperation with university. For the other segment, Apple can use their luxury brand for the
attractiveness to attract the consumer into purchasing it.

c. Resources and Objectives  

Apple company has provided many resources to their customers. One of the helpful apps
(iStudiez Pro) is suitable for the university students because it can lessen their burden in
completing assignments. For the young working adults with high income, since most of them
are very busy, Apple provides a lot of apps that can help the consumers make their work
unchallenging. For the working adults with high income, Apple company provide Airdrop
which helps transfer document easily from a device to another device. In conclusion, Apple

should invest more resources in the young working adults' market because those consumers
have strong purchasing power and vanity. 

Section 4 

8. Recommendations for Additional Market Research 

Throughout this research, several issues were raised which Apple needs to address in order to
improve sales of their laptops. These key questions are: 

Can Apple identify and penetrate new market segments?  

As is seen from the research, Apple primarily targets the middle to upper class demographic
who are ready to impart extra money for quality and longevity. Millennials are also a huge
target market for Apple as millennials are typically reliant on technology more than other
generations and are seeing an influx of money. This indicates that there is a whole market, for
example, of elderly and middle to low income people that Apple still has left to exploit. 

What can Apple do to eliminate their weaknesses?  

Although they offer better overall quality, Apple still charges a premium price for their
products for which a much cheaper alternative is available in the market. In this particular
fact, Apple can conduct research to find out the desired price point of their target

How can Apple improve their research strategies?  

Currently, Apple has a 'Market Research Survey Feedback' platform on their website where
users are able to provide their feedback for a product. Apple has hired an outside research
firm to conduct research in behalf of them and provide insights on the customer's needs and
preferences. Although, Apple takes their customer feedback very seriously and promptly acts
upon them, they must adopt newer methods to efficiently collect feedback and implement
them. Additionally, surveying on the users of their competitor's products could identify what
they are lacking in order to understand their market and provide a better product for the
consumers in the future. 

Among the points above, the key question has been chosen to focus on: "What can Apple
do to eliminate their weaknesses?" This question aims to answer questions to Apple's
marketing strategies and customer feedback. The best method to gather information on the

said topic is to collect primary data through a survey. Primary research is information and
data that an organisation collects first-hand. This information can be gathered through
recorded interviews, focus groups, surveys and questionnaires. This kind of data is known as
external primary research data. Apple could conduct a survey of a chosen demographic to
evaluate what their weaknesses are and how to develop their product in the future to
eliminate existing weaknesses. The survey should comprise of about 8 to 10 questions.
Examples of questions in the survey are shown below.  
i. Do you own an Apple product? 
ii. Do you own the Apple MacBook Pro?  
iii. How satisfied are you with your Apple MacBook Pro?  

The answers collected through the survey should be analysed using software and then
narrowed down to the most popular features that the customers desire in the Apple product.
Apple can also collect data on common complaints from users and use it to improve their
product and ensure a better user experience. 
Apple should take into considerations by reviewing Tech YouTube reviewers with large
followings to get feedback on MacBook Pro, the reviewers give information on the positives
and negatives in comparison to alternative brands which will help in the product
improvement by evaluating the weaknesses and furthermore the positive key points will give
marketing team info on emphasis points to market the MacBook Pro. Additionally comments
on the videos of reviewers provide key opinions on potential customer thoughts which can
help identify target market opinions which the Apple marketing team in deciding the
approaches to take in their marketing e.g. Content creators' positive feedback such as editing
functionalities provided and ease of use of the MacBook Pro. 


The pros of the Tech reviewers are that it allows Apple to acquire original raw data that is
contemporary and highly specific to the Product. The data is cheaper to acquire as it is free of
charge and can be quickly obtained as it is available online.


The process of acquiring constructive feedback from the comments may prove to be tedious
and is time consuming. Some of the existing data may not have currency necessary to be
useful (Toxplanet 2019).

Research Description   Pros  Cons   Recommendations 

Questionnaires  Open-ended- - Rich array of - Time Yes 
asks the information.  consuming to
respondent to - Allow analyze
answer based infinite number of information. 
on phrased opinions.  - Lower response
responses.   - Insight rate. 
on respondents' thoughts. 
  Closed- - Easier to tabulate  - Omission for No 
ended-asks - Fast means to collect important
the information.  choices. 
respondent to - Inaccurate
answer based data. 
on limited -
responses.   Misinterpretation
of respondents. 
  Scaled- - Easier to tabulate  - Omission for No 
response- - Relatively fast means to important
focuses on collect information.   choices. 
intensity of -
response of Misinterpretation
closed-ended of respondents. 
Sampling  A subset -Cover larger array of - Time No 
from a large information Consuming  
target from various target - Tedious to set
population to market groups.  up 
Focus group  Obtain -Ease of feedback once - Tedious to set Yes 
response via established.  up  
interactive - Quick response 
sessions over - Current informed
a live chat.  responses. 
Table 4 Research Methods descriptions and recommendations (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel 2011)

9. Conclusion 

In conclusion, we can say that despite the competitive force keeps getting

intense MacBook's mimic a universal standardisation and has already reached a
new potential level of its own.  Apple integrated its global marketing strategy into its laptops
as well making it difficult for the competitors to keep up. This is something different to other
competitor visions and that’s why apple still stands out.  However, there are different views
regarding understanding the initiative taken by them. This report considers a situational
analysis of Apple Mac Book product line and report weighing the pros and cons which
can bring a positive aspect in terms of strengthening Apple as a brand. These are crucial parts
of a market analysis and a company’s marketing strategy.  

The recommended research methods include Open-ended Questionnaire and Real time online
focus group. Open -ended questionnaires avail respondents with the choice to respond
without limitation and therefore with the right group of respondents Apple can gain a rich
collection of information which will be highly beneficial. The real time online focus group is
a simplest means of data collection which Apple will benefit as it can cover relevant issues
online with a relevant party. 

Total number of words: 2846 words

The Group’s Assessment of the Group’s 
(The Group will complete this Form and submit together with the video link.) 
1. You will read the Rubric on the next page. 
2. Then you will mark the squares below to show which ones best describe your
3. Then, please answer the Questions on this page. 
NOTE: Teamwork is worth 10% of your final mark for Assignment 2. Your mark will be
based on BOTH the marker’s assessment of the Assignment’s quality overall PLUS your
Group’s self-assessment. Please refer to the Task Rubric for further explanation. 
Competent  Not yet complete  Competent  Sophisticated 
How well the Group resolved any issues regarding           
the contributions of individual Group members. 
The Group’s evaluation of the Assignment we           
How well the Group thinks we demonstrated our          
subject knowledge. 
Presentation and referencing             
4. Answer these questions: 
What worked well this time? 
- We finally managed to get every tasks done just in time. The work’s easier to be shared by
using office 365 word and everyone gets to see everything and add any changes if needed.
Although everyone is having some problems due to the pandemic, we managed to overcome
What did not work so well this time? 
-Although we managed to get the work done, it was hard to get everyone to communicate
with each other and make everyone attend the assignment briefing. 
What will you do differently next time? 
-Since teamwork and communication is important, I would want everyone, (including

myself) to be more punctual and responsible towards their assignment. Not only  that,
everyone is required to put their heads together since teamwork is the key to getting the work
done efficiently. 

Anything else? Would you as a Group like to meet your Tutor to discuss this further? 
-There’s no any further discussion. 

Tasks  Notes  Date 

Assignment briefing and Group of members were 4/05/2020 
dividing tasks for section 1  presence 
Finalising task 1   Industry overview – Fozayel 10/05/2020 
Macro-Environment analysis –
Hilary & Christine
Micro-Environment analysis –
Competitors Analysis –
Christine, Syahira & Fozayel

Distributing tasks for section Section 2 – Christine & 13/05/2020 

2, 3 & 4 Syahira  
Section 3 – Hilary
Section 4 – Fozayel & Roy
Finalising tasks for section 2 Everyone done their parts 28/05/2020 
and 3  efficiently 
Writing up executive summary Marlon  & Christine 29/05/2020 
and introduction  
Finalising the report, checking Syahira and Christine 30/05/2020 
the reference list, making sure
that the report is well
Submit assignment   Report was submitted before 31/05/2020 
the deadline  
List of References  

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