3.2 Urb - Imm Note Taking Guide Fillable

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the houses were dirty and oftentimes had no windows

Many families would cram into spaces only meant for a few The privacy was in the back yard.

crime, violence disease and air pollution

Contagious diseases raged in such conditions. Immigrants often lived in buildings abandoned
an organized group, headed by a city boss, that controlled
activities in a city government.

Controlled access to jobs

Built parks, sewer systems, and waterworks
Gave money to hospitals, schools, and orphanages.
So that…..people would vote for them.
a Democratic political organization in New York City, founded in 1789 as a
fraternal benevolent society (Tammany Society ) and associated especially in the
late 1800s and early 1900s with corruption and abuse of power.

The NYC Courthouse was being built. The project cost tax payers $13 million,
while the actual cost was only $3 million! The difference went to the Tweed Ring.
It is estimated that the Tweed Ring stole between $30-$200 million dollars from

The first known use of kickback was in 1920. Financial Definition of kickback. A
kickback is a method of bribery in which something of value is exchanged for a
favorable decision. A kickback can take many forms, all of which are illegal.

illegal use of political influence for personal gain

Most of the these people Majority were Protestants. They

came from northern & came to escape religious &
political persecution or economic
western Europe. opportunities

most immigrants coming to Extremely poor and

the United States were uneducated
from southern and eastern
and habits
Spoke English They spoke little or no
Catholic, Jewish,
Orthodox Christian

Extremely poor and


Gradually immigrants became “Americanized”

Assimilated into mainstream assimilated into mainstream American society by learning
American society its values and behaviors. Often it was the children of the
immigrants who were first to become "

The Naturalization Act of 1870 was a Workers blamed immigrants for low
United States federal law that created a wages or shortages of employment. A
system of controls for the naturalization resentment of foreigners crept into
process and penalties for fraudulent
America's attitudes.
The Chinese Exclusion Act was the law The law barred Chinese immigration
passed by Congress that greatly reduced for 10 years and prevented the
the amount of Chinese immigrants coming Chinese from becoming U.S. citizens
to America in the late 1800s.

Under the Gentlemen's Agreement; Americans showed prejudice against Japanese

immigrants as well.
Japan's government agreed to limit
Japanese immigration to the US in In San Francisco; the local school board put all Chinese;
exchange for the repeal of the San Japanese; and Korean children in special Asian schools.
Francisco segregation order.
Nativism is an extreme dislike for The flood of immigrants into the
foreigners by native-born people U.S. worried many Americans
and a desire to limit immigration who felt their way of life could be

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