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LECTURE: Communication is defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts, and

views between or among two or more people. The whole process of communication begins
with the communicator ( who ) sending out a message ( what ) using a medium ( in which
channel ) for a receiver ( to whom ) experiencing an effect afterwards, Aristotle emphasized
that there are three variables in the communication process: speaker, speech and audience.

TYPES of Communication according to Mode: A message may be conveyed as these types:

1. verbal 2. non-verbal and visual. Verbal comm. uses words while non-verbal uses gestures
and facial expressions. Visual communication uses visuals to convey information and
messages. These visuals are: signs, symbols, imagery, maps, graphs, charts, diagrams,
photos, drawings, illustrations, and even various forms of electronic communication.

TYPES of Communication according to Context: 1. Intrapersonal-means within or inside.

Intrapersonal comm.means talking to oneself. It may be labeled as inner talk, inner
monologue, or inner dialogue. 2. Interpersonal--means to establish or deepen one's
relationship with others. This involves two or more people interacting with one another. 3.
Extended--communication that involves the use of electronic media. This includes, tele,
audio, or phone conferencing, video-conferencing, skype calls and other technological
means. 4. Organizational communication--this plays a role in organizational contexts.
Organizations comprise individuals who work for the company. When you become a
professional, you employ this type of communication in your workplace. 5. Intercultural
communication--communication between or among people having different linguistics,
religions, ethnic, social, and professional backgrounds. Gender difference is included in this
type of communication. An example of this is: Australians consider eye contact as important
in assessing the sincerity of a person, while for Indians, looking straight into the eyes of a
person while talking is not appropriate.

TYPES of Communication according to Purpose and Style: Two types of communication

according to purpose and style are: 1. Formal communication employs formal language
delivered orally or in written form such as : lectures, public talks/speeches, research and
project proposals, reports, and business letters. 2. Informal communication--involves
personal and ordinary conversations with friends, family members, and acquaintances about
anything under the sun.

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