Book Report Guidelines and Rubric

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Oral Presentation: Book report

Read the assigned story individually first and then discuss the story in groups
Prepare a book report presentation in a video. Consider the following elements to report as follows:

 Author’s bio
 Summary: use your own words
 Plot analysis: Exposition Setting/characterRising actions: conflict / climax Falling
 Elaboration on the theme(s)
 Pedagogical implication: why would students benefit from reading this story? (language, cultural
aspects, connection to their reality.

Allotted time: 20 minutes per group

Even share of time for each participant

Book Report Rubric

Excellent 4 Good 3 Fair 3 Weak 3

Preparation Student is well Student is Student is not well Student is unprepared
prepared and has somewhat prepared , reads to present
rehearsed prepared. from notes
Seldom uses notes Should have
rehearsed more
Limited use of
Visual aids Student created Student created Student created No visuals are
0riginal, creative and original, partial visual. presented
tidy visuals creative visuals, Many spelling
Spelling mistakes free missing one or mistakes
more Little effort, slopy
elements visuals
Content Information given Information Information given Information given is
demonstrates full given demonstrates poor
poor and demonstrate
understanding of the demonstrates understanding of
element of the story somewhat the element of the poor or no
reported understanding story reported understanding of the
of the element element of the story
of the story reported
Clarity and Student speaks clearly Student speaks Student is difficult
Student does not
expression with appropriate clearly with to understand and
speak clearly, is
volume, inflection and appropriate hear most of the inaudible to the
pace. Maintains volume, time .Does audience. 
audience interest inflection and Maintains
pace. Maintains audience interest
interest most of
the time
Physical Student employs Student Student slouches,
proper posture and employs proper Student is lacking looks uncomfortable
presence gestures, is relaxed and posture and two or more and makes no
confident and maintains gestures, is criteria effective contact with
audience contact.  relaxed and the audience. 
confident and
contact most of
the time. 
Language use Presenter used Presenter used Student is lacking Presenter used
sentence structures, sentence two or more sentence structures,
pronunciation and/or structures, criteria pronunciation and/or
language that was pronunciation a level of language
appropriate in and/or language quite inappropriate
supporting the topic. that was mostly which did not support
appropriate in the topic. 
supporting the

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