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In this paper I will be doing an analysis on a song called “A Hard Days Night” by the famous

musician band group The Beatles. I will be basing my analysis around a few questions about the song “A

Hard Days Night and it’s correlation to love. My three body paragraphs will be answering what type of

love does the song describe. What love languages does the singer use in the course of the lyrics, what

element of music adds most to the theme of love in this song, and does this song connect to another

Beatles song we have discussed in class. Each question has additional information that will also be

covering throughout this paper.

In the song “ A Hard Days Night” it was overall about having a hard or tough day and not being

too down on yourself because you know there is someone at home waiting for you that makes you feel

like everything is going to be okay. The song does not speak about who the person actually is to him and

the love that I see from the song is not a hands-on type of love so these things lead me to think that this

is a philia type of love because that type of love fits for everyone like your significant other or your

friend or family member. The lyrics that made me come to this conclusion was when he said “I should be

sleeping like a log but when I get home to you I find the things that you do make me feel alright”. I think

these specific lyrics are significant because it was part of the hook and the hook of a song is said more

than once so it was really easy to find that once I read the lyrics.

The love languages the writer uses and receives in this song are words of affirmation and acts of

service. The writer’s lyrics says, “You know I work all day to get you money to buy you things”. These are

the lyrics that are going towards acts of service because he is actually doing something for the person to

help show his love. After he uses his acts of affirmation he says “and its worth it just to hear you say

your gonna give me everything” those are words of affirmation he is using the persons response to his

good deeds as fuel to keep doing those things for that person. I feel that these lyrics are important

because they give the song meaning it helps you envision having a long day and then coming home to

someone who makes you happy.

I feel that the hook adds the most to the theme of love because it is showing what love is about

which is a give and take situation. I believe this is true because in the song he is saying how he works to

get this person money so he can buy them things, that’s the give and the take is his feeling that once he

gets home and figures out what the person did for him makes him feel better than he was before he got

home. I feel that this song goes together with another one of their songs called “There’s a Place”. My

reasoning is because of the lyrics in both the songs they are saying that when they are not feeling their

best or may be feeling down on themselves. They have this scapegoat they can go to help them get

away from their pain and worries. In the song “There’s a Place it says, “There’s a place where I can go

when I feel low when I feel blue”. Those lyrics correlate with “A Hard Days Night” when it says “ Its been

a hard days night I should be sleeping like a log but when I get to you I find the things that you do make

me feel alright”. Its easy to see that in both of these songs the person who is having a hard day has a

place of peace.

In conclusion to the paper I want to shed light on this song and how it defines love. This song

shows what love should feel like and what you love makes you do for someone else. The song shows

how even though we as people get tired and exhausted we shouldn’t let that take a toll on us because in

the end it doesn’t matter what matters is coming home to someone who loves you and has what it takes

to keep you happy. In this song it says, “so why on earth should I moan cause when I get home you

know I feel okay”. The lyrics justify the feeling of love and its connection with the feeling of being

relaxed in tense situations because you are loved.

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