The Great Deception

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Desmond Siegerson


Desmond Siegerson

Copyright © 2016

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise

indicated, are taken from the King James Version
of the Holy Bible.

"Evolutionism is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This
theory has helped nothing in the progress of
science. It is useless," - Professor Louis
Bouroune, former President of the Biological
Society of Strasbourg and Director of the
Strasbourg Zoological Museum, The Advocate,
March 8, 1984.

“The food of Popery is ignorance. Ignorance is

the mother of papal devotion. Ignorance is the
legitimate prey of Popery.” - Samuel Morse,
Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the
United States, p.102.


Chapter 1: A Godless Creation………………….6

Chapter 2: Science Fiction-The Origin of the


Chapter 3: Evolutionary Hoaxes..…………....30

Chapter 4: Evolution and Slavery…………....51

Chapter 5: From the Horses’ Mouth………...67

Chapter 6: The Protest of the Reformers…76

Chapter 7: The Origins of Communism…..117

Chapter 18: Let the Evidence Speak………..122

Chapter 1

“Billions of years ago the universe was created in a
Big-Bang.” “Evolution is a fact, not a theory. Scientists
generally agree that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is
the correct explanation of how life on earth evolved.”
These are statements we hear over and over again.
They are stated with such confidence and arrogance
that there is no room for the sceptic or non-believer to
question or debate whether the theory is factual or not.
From a very young age, children are indoctrinated
with the belief that all life and matter originated with
an event now commonly known as the “big bang.”
These innocents then grow up believing that they
came from nothing and therefore in their lives they do
not have to account for their actions to anyone.
According to the web definition, the big bang “is the
theory that the universe originated sometime between
10 billion and 20 billion years ago from the
cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at
extremely high density and temperature.”

Some evolutionists now will deny that the big bang

has anything to do with an explosion, however the
definition above sand the quote below from one their
“science” books proves this to be the case: “How was
the universe born and how will it end? Most
astronomers believe that about 18 to 20 billion years
ago all the matter in the universe was concentrated
into one very dense, very hot region that may have
been much smaller than a period on this page. For
some unknown reason, this region exploded. This

explosion is called the big bang. One result of the big
bang was the formation of galaxies, all racing away
from one another.” Prentice Hall General Science,
1992, p. 61.

The originator of the theory was George Lemaitre, a

Belgian who came up with the basic idea in 1927. The
theory was at first not widely accepted by
astrophysicists as there were other theories of origins.
The term “big bang” theory was originally coined by
Fred Hoyle in a BBC radio broadcast in 1949. It was
intended to be an insult, but the term is now widely
used by supporters of the theory.
In order to justify this theory, scientists and physicists
have come up with the most amazing oxymora to
explain their theory. The following statements are an
example of the extent to which the evolutionists will
go to deceive people.

“To the average person it might seem obvious that

nothing can happen in nothing. But to a quantum
physicist, nothing is, in fact, something.” - Brad
Lemley, Guth’s Grand Guess, Discover volume 23
(April 2002): 35.

In other words, if you are not a quantum physicist you

are not intelligent t enough to understand these things
and you should just submit your conscience to these
so-called scientists. I maintain that evolution is not
only a theory, but in fact a religion, purporting to be a
science. Dr Tahmisian, of the Atomic Energy
Commission he stated that scientists who go about

teaching evolution as a fact are great con-men, and
that evolution may be the greatest hoax ever. He
further states that there is not an iota of fact when it
comes to explaining evolution. How is it possible then
that so many millions of people across the world have
been deceived by this theory? I believe the answer is
that the lie of evolution has been repeated to people
from a very early age and they have therefore accepted
it as a fact without asking questions. People who are
deceived do not know that they are deceived. In fact
they normally point the finger at others and laugh at
them saying that other people i.e. people who do not
believe in evolution are deceived.

The February 1988 issue of EARTH magazine was a

special issue on Origins. The cover promised that an
article inside would tell us "How Life Really Began".
The article itself, however, said that scientists just
don't know. Even Stanley Miller, whose experiments
are cited in most biology text books, stated in that
article that the origin of life is still unknown
(according to them). This is not a problem for Bible
believing because they do know how life began. The
Bible says that God is the creator of all life in the
universe- problem solved.

Most Scientists believe that 20 billion years ago there

was nothing in the universe except for some elements
and chemical compounds. Scientists do not know
where these elements and compounds came from.
There was a big bang in which nothing exploded and
the universe was formed. It is said that 4.6 billion

years ago the earth was a hot ball of rock which was
cooled down by millions of years of rain which created
oceans. From the oceans formed by the rain we had
what is known as primordial “soup”. From this “soup”
single celled amoebas were formed and it is from these
that different kinds of animals and human beings
were formed. Human beings of course are said to have
evolved from apes despite the lack of evidence for this.
According to evolutionists, the big bang came out of
nothing. Perhaps we should ask what they mean by

“In the realm of the universe, nothing really

means nothing. Not only matter and energy would
disappear, but also space and time. However,
physicists theorize that from the state of nothingness,
the universe began in a gigantic explosion about 16.5
billion years ago. This theory of the origin of the
universe is called the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang
Theory does not explain how the universe began. The
theory only explains how the existing universe could
have developed.” HBJ; General Science, 1989, p. 362.

There you have it in their own words. Nothing

exploded. Elementary mathematics teaches us that 1 +
1 = 2. 0 + 0 = 0. Somehow when evolutionary science
and basic mathematics combine this principle appears
to go out the window. There are no cases where
inanimate objects have ever come to life. This only
occurs in Disney films and Hollywood movies.
Scientists and geologists claim that they can
accurately date layers of rock by what type of fossils

are found in them. These are called index fossils. In a
process called circular reasoning, scientists then claim
that they can tell the age of fossils by which layer they
came from.

Evolutionists are aware that intelligent people have

long suspected circular reasoning in the use of rocks to
date fossils and fossils to date rocks. When accused of
using circular reasoning to push their ideology the
evolutionists will simply ignore the charge and state
that it is not a matter that should unsettle the public
by invoking the Law of Evolution.

Evolution is based on two other false premises: 1) That

mutations make something new and 2) natural
selection makes it survive. These assumptions have
however never been observed. Pierre-Paul Grasse
debunked this idea in Evolution of Living Organisms
when he said “No matter how numerous they may be,
mutations do not produce any kind of evolution.”

Although mutations exist, they only rearrange existing

information that already exists. They do not increase
genetic complexity or add anything new, but simply
scramble existing information. Examples of this are
mutations in animals and human beings. Sometimes
animals like sheep, goats and cows are born with 5
legs. Turtles or snakes with two heads have also been
observed in nature. This is not evidence for evolution,
but simply mutation or deformity within an already
existing creature.

Mutations observed in humans include Siamese twins
or babies born with 6 fingers on each hand. These are
deformities and they do not help animals or humans
better adapt to their environment. Mutations actually
go against the whole theory of natural selection or
survival of the fittest because they inhibit the creature
instead of making it fitter. Although mutations are
cited as examples of evidence for evolution we have
never seen a good example of mutation i.e. one that is
beneficial to an animal or human being.

There is also no evidence of apes mutating into

humans. There may be a claim that this happens over
millions of years and cannot be seen in our life time,
but the fact still remains that evidence of this does not
exist in the fossil record. This is the reason why there
have been so many forgeries and hoaxes because the
theory can only be supported by such.

Adolf Hitler was a strong believer in evolution. He

believed that the Jews and other races were an inferior
species. In a book called Mein Kampf (German for My
Struggle) Hitler is credited with a statement in which
he said a big lie told frequently enough will be believed.
The book was in fact written by a Roman Catholic
Jesuit priest called Bernhardt Staemple and endorsed
by Hitler who followed the plans laid out therein as
confirmed by Edmond Paris in his book The Secret
History of the Jesuits. It is known that Hitler was an
evolutionist who believed in eugenics and racial purity
and the superiority of the Aryan or German race. After
WWII it was discovered that Hitler and his third

Reich had been conducting experiments in which they
were trying to breed the perfect German race. Hitler
and his minions believed that the perfect German had
to have blonde hair and blue eyes. This is one of the
results of evolutionary thinking. That one race is
superior to another and that some races are inferior to
others. A result of WWII was not only the
extermination of over 6 million Jewish people, but
also the extermination of millions of Protestants and
black people.
It’s interesting that evolutionists question the Biblical
account of creation and the miracles that are
mentioned in it, but they do not apply critical thinking
to the theory which teaches that all life in the universe
came from nothing, a belief not based on science, but
faith. It has often been stated that it takes more faith
to believe in the big bang than it does to believe in God.

Often the question is asked “If there is a God then

where did He come from?” As if this is a hard question
to answer. My answer to this question is that God
always existed. He has no beginning and He has no
end. The evolutionists will ignore evidence of the Red
Sea crossing and the discovery of the Ark of Noah on
the mountains of Ararat in Turkey and will put down
all this and other archaeological evidence to mere
coincidence, but they don’t apply this thinking to
evolution. The Bible is supported by archaeological,
scientific and historical evidence and where applicable
Christians simply exercise faith. We do not deny that
it takes faith to believe in God, for it is the evidence of
things not seen. Where the evidence is seen, such as

Sodom and Gomorrah, Mt Sinai and Noah’s Ark we
can accept that as fact. The evolutionists however, will
deny that it takes faith to believe in the big bang and
micra evolution even though they have never been
observed by anyone. For the evolutionists the really
difficult questions such as “what caused the big-bang?”
and “what was there before the big bang?” are of
course not answered. Some evolutionists are honest
enough to say that they simply do not know what
caused the big bang or where time, space and matter
came from, but they will be quick to say that an
inability to answer these questions does not prove that
evolution is false. They expect us to submit our
conscience and believe in a theory which they cannot
explain, but reject the Bible for which there is
overwhelming evidence.


In 1998 scientists began the work of building a

machine called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), now
popularly known as the big bang machine. The work
of building the machine ended in 2008. Over 10000
scientists from 100 countries came together to take
part in the biggest experiment known to man. The
total cost of building the big bang machine was £2.6
billion. The big bang machine is located beneath the

Swiss and French border at Geneva. It weighs more
than 38,000 tonnes, and runs for 27km or 16.5m in a
circular tunnel 100 metres beneath the ground. So far
the machine has failed to prove the one main theory it
was built for. It was thought that the LHC would be
able to reproduce the conditions that existed before
and just after the big bang occurred. A CERN press
release from September 2, 2003 declared, “By
colliding particles at extremely high energies, the LHC
should shed light on such questions as...What was the
state a few microseconds after the Big Bang?”- CERN
Celebrates Discoveries... 2003.
What a waste of money. All this time, money and
resources was spent to prove a theory which was
meant to have happened by itself.

In October 2006, another statement about the LHC

was made in a press release. It said the LHC possessed
enough energy to recreate the first instances of the Big
Bang. It was even thought that the LHC would create
another universe raising questions as to what would
happen to our universe. Needless to say the
experiment was a flop and the desired results never
materialised, yet there are still scientists who are
spending their time and money on this useless
machine. It is claimed that the big bang happened by
itself and that there were external forces involved in
bringing it about. That is like saying that a computer
just appeared out of nowhere and just happened to be
in a condition were it can be used to type and surf the
internet. That is neither scientific nor logical. Nothing
plus nothing equals nothing. Even a small child can

understand that, but many so-called scientists have
thrown away all reason and conscience in order to
promote their own agenda. They hate God and want to
promote the idea that God doesn’t exist and that we
are not accountable to Him for our actions.

Aldous Huxley, who was an atheist, confessed that he

wanted to get rid of God and morality when he said
“The liberation we desired was…liberation from a
certain system of morality (the Bible). We objected to
the morality because it interfered with our sexual
freedom.” Confessions of a Professed Atheist, Report:
Perspective on the News, Vol. 3, June, 1966, p. 19.

Julian Huxley one of the signers of the Humanist

Manifesto once said that the reason for his atheism
was not intellectual nor even scientific, but was rather
that if he acknowledged God, he would be forced to do
something about his sexual promiscuity. Julian
Huxley and his brother Aldous Huxley both wanted to
do away with God because they did not want to be

A German embryologist named Ernst Haeckel read

Darwin’s book and was so impressed that he became a
firm believer in Darwin’s evolutionary theory. As time
went on and no evidence for evolution could be found
Haeckel decided to help Darwin’s theory by falsifying
evidence supporting evolution. Haeckel falsified
drawings that showed similarities between the early
stages of different embryos including human ones to
prove that they had a common ancestry. Haeckel said

the turning point in his thinking was when he read
Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1860. He
believed that "With this single argument (evolution)
the mystery of the universe is explained, the deity
annulled, and a new era of infinite knowledge ushered
in. “- Ernst Haeckel, The Riddle of the Universe (1899),
p. 337.
Haeckel became an evangelist for evolution and
traveled across Germany convincing and converting
many German people to evolution.

The above picture is an example of Haeckel's

drawings. He admitted to falsifying these drawings at
a later date.

The drawings sought to prove that fish, salamanders,

tortoises, chickens, hogs, calves, rabbits and human

embryos all pass through similar stages of
development in which they resemble one another very
closely. The drawings also showed the embryos to
have gill slits and tails in the early part of their
development. Haeckel was obviously trying to prove
that these animals, as well as humans had common
ancestors. Someone decided to check out Haeckel’s
drawings to see how accurate they were and found
them to be false. Haeckel was taken to court by his
own university, the University of Jena, and was
convicted of fraud in 1874. Haeckel’s theory was
debunked even further when an embryologist in 1997
published real photos of embryos which showed that
the differences between real embryos and those shown
on Haeckel’s drawings were even more striking than
originally thought. Over one hundred and forty years
ago Ernst Haeckel confessed to lying and was
convicted, but the concept is still in textbooks today.

During the trial, Haeckel confessed that he had altered

his drawings, but excused himself by saying: “I should
feel utterly condemned and annihilated by the
admission, were it not that hundreds of the best
observers and biologists lie under the same charge.
The great majority of all morphological, anatomical,
histological, and embryological diagrams are not true
to nature, but are more or less doctored, schematized
and reconstructed” - Bowden, Malcolm (1977), Ape-
Men: Fact or Fallacy?

Several scientists, from Germany and around the

world accused Haeckel of committing one of the

worst scientific frauds, yet today we have evolutionists
defending Haeckel’s fraud.

If you’ve ever seen those ape to man drawings you will

have noticed that the ape goes through various stages
of evolution until he becomes a white man. In other
words the lighter skinned the man the more evolved
or superior he is to the dark skinned man. Anything
in-between is still going through the process of
refinement or evolution. This clearly shows that
evolution is racist. It is the root cause of racism.
Whereas the Bible teaches that God created man in
His own image and has made of one blood all nations,
evolution divides human beings on racial lines. In fact
the full title of Darwin’s book was the “Origin of
Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the
Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for
Life.” Darwin was indeed racist. One author had the
following to say about his ideas: “On the last page of
his book The Descent of Man, Darwin expressed the
opinion that he would rather be descended from a
monkey than from a ‘savage.’ He used the words
savage, low, and degraded to describe the American
Indians, the Andaman Island Pygmies, and the
representatives of almost every ethnic group whose
physical appearance and culture differed from his
own … . [In this way] Charles Darwin labelled ‘the low
and degraded inhabitants of the Andaman Islands’ in
his book The Descent of Man. The Iruri Forest
Pygmies have been compared to ‘lower organisms.” -
Jean-Pierre Hallet, Pygmy Kitabu, Random House,

New York, pp. 292, 358–359, 1973.

The belief that one race is more developed or superior

to another is what has led to many evils such as
slavery, colonialism and communism. These subjects
will be covered in later chapters of this book.

As we have seen so far the only evidence that exists for

evolution is based on lies and deceit. One of the most
important missing links in the evolutionary theory is
the absence fossil evidence. There is not a shred of
evidence to support the belief that human beings
evolved from apes to man. Archaeological digs have
been going on for over 150 years, but to date no fossil
evidence that supports evolution has been found.

One of the claims made by evolutionists is that as a

result of evolution, many structures or organs within
the human body have become vestigial or non-
functional as the body does not need them. For
example some “science” books say that the coccyx is a
vestigial tailbone that no longer has any use in the
human body, but it is now known to be very useful in
the performance of sexual intercourse. Perhaps those
that think it is vestigial should volunteer to have it
surgically removed. Another organ regarded to be
vestigial is the appendix. They say it appears to have
no function, but it seems that they make these
statements because appendixes are a major financial
contributor to the surgical occupation. It has since
been found that the appendix has a number of

functions, one of which is to produce white blood cells
that help fight disease. Some have suggested that the
appendix is useless because people are known to be
able to live without it. It is a scientific fact that a
human being can continue to live when they lose
fingers or limbs through amputation, this hardly
proves that they do not need their limbs. People can
live without an appendix, but their ability to fight
disease is found to be diminished after its removal.

All the so-called vestigial organs do in fact have a

function that they perform. This was confirmed by the
Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1946, the Grolier
Encyclopedia of 2002 and it is now widely accepted as
a fact by Doctors and Scientists. If indeed animals and
humans had vestigial organs, why would the organs be
there if they were not needed? Wouldn’t the logical
conclusion dictate that these organs would have
disappeared as unnecessary baggage? Since the
process of evolution is declared to be so perfect that it
can result in humans having a brain as well as eyes,
ears, hands and feet and organs that are just right for
processing food and an immune system, would the
process not have removed the unneeded organs
instead of relying on surgeons to cut these out during
surgery? The big bang and evolution are claimed to
have occurred by chance, but just as the big bang
machine did not appear by chance, but needed over $2
billion to build, the so called “vestigial organs” do not
disappear by chance but need surgery to be removed.

Chapter 2



The theory of evolution is said to have originated with

a man called Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882). Darwin
was an English naturalist and geologist who became
interested in science after he failed to become a doctor.
He later graduated as a priest in the Anglican Church
in 1830, but when he couldn’t get a job he ended up
going down the path of being a naturalist. Darwin was
then invited to take part in a voyage on a ship called
HMS Beagle. During the voyage Darwin visited the
Galapagos Islands, a group of islands belonging to
Ecuador which are located in the Pacific Ocean. It was
while Darwin was studying birds and animals on the
islands that he noticed differences in the Finches and
Turtles of that region. He noticed that the Finches had
different sized beaks and bodies. From this
observation Darwin wrongly deduced that the birds
had come to have differences from a slow process of
evolution. He believed that the Finches had a common
ancestor, which was true. In the case of the Finches
their ancestor would have been a bird. Darwin

however assumed that because the birds had different
characteristics they must have evolved.

This is one of the major problems with evolutionary

thinking. They use the fallacious argument that
“things are like this, therefore they must have been
like that in the past.” What Darwin observed is micro-
evolution, meaning that there are small variations in
the same species. Evolution seeks to explain where
human beings came from, but there is hardly an
answer as to where all the animals came from. There
are no intermediate fossils of fish, birds and other
animals. Darwin’s book the Origin of Species was the
result of his voyage to the Galapagos Islands and is
considered to be the foundation of evolutionary

Darwin himself however could not explain how the

human eye could have evolved and admitted that the
idea that the eye “could have been formed by natural
selection was absurd in the highest degree”.
He supposed that there would be numerous fossils
proving his theory to be true declaring that “…if my
theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties,
linking closely together all the species of the same
group, must assuredly have existed;” - Charles Darwin,
The Origin of Species, p. 211.

This has turned out to be erroneous. If evolution were

true it wouldn’t have needed Darwin to come along
and discover it. It would have been accepted as a fact
long before Darwin due to numerous fossils, but this

is not the case. It is now over 155 years since Darwin’s
book, The Origin of Species was published, but up to
now no evidence supporting his theory has been found.
Although the theory has been proved wrong over and
over again we are constantly being bombarded with its
ideology. The theory of evolution has been described
as the most embarrassing theory of origins, yet up to
now it is still being funded by tax-payer’s money and
is taught to our impressionable youths in our schools,
colleges and universities.

Those who are being taught the theory are never told
of the numerous hoaxes and forgeries that have clearly
exposed evolution as a fraud.
It is also said that Darwin renounced his evolutionary
theory and became a Christian on his deathbed. This
was reported by a noblewoman called Lady Hope who
said that she visited Darwin at his home in England at
the close of his life. Darwin is said to have been
reading the book of Hebrews in the New Testament of
the Bible. Lady Hope also said that Darwin regarded
his writings about evolution to be questions that
people made into a religion.

It must be remembered that the big bang theory was

made up in 1927, 45 years after the death of Darwin.
Darwin did not know or believe in the big bang theory.
He had only proposed the theory that human beings
and animals had evolved over long periods of time,
which in itself was erroneous. It is interesting to note
that the theory of evolution itself has evolved many
times ever since it was first developed. The Bible, on

the other hand, has remained constant and
unchanging. It may be interpreted in different ways,
but its’ contents, doctrines and principles do not

The difference in skull and facial structures of fossils

has been cited as further proof of evolution. The skulls
of different races that exist today also have different
features and this has led to racist tendencies amongst
proponents of this theory. Rather than proving that
we all evolved from primates it is proof that God
created human beings with the capacity to produce
variety. Evidence of this can be seen in nature. There
are different types of Antelopes, Elephants, dogs and
even Finches. The same principle applies to fruits and
vegetables. God has placed DNA within each species of
animal and plant which has the capacity to reproduce
animals and fruits of the same kind with different

There is a spiritual dimension to the issues of the big

bang and evolution. Ellen White, writing in what is
probably her best book, The Great Controversy, aptly
describes the real reasons why there is an attack on
the Bible. She exposes the enemy of souls who has
created this deception to draw away men from
worshipping God. In a chapter titled Snares of Satan
she says “The position that it is of no consequence
what men believe is one of Satan's most successful
deceptions. He knows that the truth, received in the
love of it, sanctifies the soul of the receiver; therefore
he is constantly seeking to substitute false theories,

fables, another gospel…. Those who are unwilling to
accept the plain, cutting truths of the Bible are
continually seeking for pleasing fables that will quiet
the conscience. The less spiritual, self-denying, and
humiliating the doctrines presented, the greater the
favour with which they are received. These persons
degrade the intellectual powers to serve their carnal
desires. Too wise in their own conceit to search the
Scriptures with contrition of soul and earnest prayer
for divine guidance, they have no shield from delusion.
Satan is ready to supply the heart's desire, and he
palms off his deceptions in the place of truth. It was
thus that the papacy gained its power over the minds
of men; and by rejection of the truth because it
involves a cross, Protestants are following the same
path. All who neglect the word of God to study
convenience and policy, that they may not be at
variance with the world, will be left to receive
damnable heresy for religious truth. Every conceivable
form of error will be accepted by those who wilfully
reject the truth… Still another subtle and mischievous
error is the fast-spreading belief that Satan has no
existence as a personal being; that the name is used in
Scripture merely to represent men's evil thoughts and
desires.” - Ellen White, Great Controversy, p. 520-529.

The reason why most people reject the Bible is

because it exposes sin and makes them uncomfortable
so they look for alternate beliefs, thinking that this will
silence their moral sense of right and wrong. It is
frightening for them to accept that there is a higher
power because the ramifications of this would mean

that they have to pay Him homage. This would mean a
change, not only in their way of thinking, but in
lifestyle and habits, because when it comes to a
relationship with God there is no area of life that is out
of bounds. It is often difficult to have an honest debate
with atheists because when confronted with evidence
for the Bible they simply turn the other way and
pretend that they have temporarily lost the gift of
sight, as if this will somehow make God go away.

The worst form of superstition is the belief in

evolution. I mean for a human being to actually
believe that they came from soup!? Atheists believe
that in the beginning there was nothing, though they
can't explain what nothing is. Nothing then exploded
in a so called "big bang". It then rained (they don't
know where the rain came from) for millions of years
and the rain cooled down the hot surface of the earth.
The rain created some soup from which single celled
amoebas evolved into various forms of life like
bananas, fruit flies and apes. The apes then evolved
into so-called homo sapiens or modern man. Atheists
believe that bananas, fruit flies, apes and humans are
related. So if we follow this line of thinking every time
we eat bananas we are actually committing

The belief that humans evolved from apes is only

supported by drawings done by artists who have used
artistic licence to the maximum degree. A typical
example of this are the falsified drawings by Ernst
Haeckel and a drawing of Nebraska Man by Amedee

Forestier. This has hypnotised millions of people
around the world who seem to be unable to
distinguish the difference between fact and fiction.

Yes, we admit that the Bible is not a science book. It is

a book about salvation. It is however scientifically
correct and by that I'm referring to true science, not
evolution, which is actually a false religion. When
parents bring up their children to believe in God and
the Bible they are accused of indoctrinating them, but
somehow this doesn’t apply to teaching children an
unproved theory which is funded by tax-payers
money. Indoctrination is what goes on in most
schools, colleges and universities around the world
where they are told that "there was a big bang, then
soup, then single celled amoebas, then apes and here
we are." without any evidence.

I also find it interesting that some people always bring

up the issue of race, claiming that Christianity is a
white man's religion. This is an argument used by
non-whites to explain why they don’t believe in the
Bible. Most of the Bible was in fact written mostly by
Jews excepting Daniel 4 written by King
Nebuchadnezzar and the books of Luke and Acts
which were written by Luke who was a gentile
physician. We know that Caucasian people emanate
from Europe, but the Jews of the Bible were from the
Middle East. They were certainly not white. If any
religion should be called a white man’s religion it
should be evolution.

There have been many hoaxes perpetrated by
evolutionists to further their cause. Thankfully, these
have been exposed and revealed to the world. We shall
now look at several evolutionary hoaxes which were
deliberately perpetrated to further atheistic
evolutionary ideas.

Chapter 3


In 1917 Harold Cook, an American rancher unearthed

a molar in western Nebraska. In 1922 Cook sent the
tooth to Dr Henry Osborne of Columbia University,
head of the American Museum of Natural History. On
examining the tooth Osborne claimed that it belonged
to an early hominid and had the characteristics of
both a Chimpanzee or Pithecanthropus (Java man)
and man. Osborne wrote a letter to Cook in which he
said he had examined the tooth and determined that it
looked one hundred percent anthropoid. Osborne
later stated that the tooth was the first anthropoid ape
from America and was the missing link in human
evolution. Osborne was able to come to this
conclusion based on the examination of a single tooth!
A claim that has been made about many bones, which
have all proven to be false.
A 1922 issue of Illustrated London News featured an
article with a picture of Nebraska Man drawn by
Amedee Forestier. The article explained that the
creatures form was not known and the drawing was
merely the expression of the artists “brilliant
imaginative genius.” In 1927 other skeletons were
found and it later turned out that the tooth was that of
an extinct American pig.

Amedee Forestier’s drawing of Nebraska man produced
from a single pigs tooth.

Today, we hear such expressions as human primates

and non-human primates, as broadcast on a BBC
radio 4 programme on the 10th of June 2014. Such
utterances are made with so much confidence as if the
evidence for the belief actually exists. It is for this
reason that this book has been written. Not only to
point out the many faults that exist with evolutionary
theory, but also to explain why the theory continues to
be pushed on the public when it has been disproved
many times over. There are only two choices: chance
or design. Either there is a God who created the
universe and put mankind on this planet or there is no
God and there is no purpose to life. If there is a God,
then He is in control of this planet, our solar system
and the whole universe. If there is no God then we are
in big trouble because this planet is floating in space

with no one in control!


In 1856 fossils found in the Neander Valley, Germany

were claimed by evolutionists to be that of primitive
ape-like primates believed to be related to modern
humans. Shortly after this, discoveries revealed that
there was no scientific basis to that claim. Erik
Trinkhaus, an evolutionist and expert on the subject of
the Neanderthals, admitted that, “Detailed
comparisons of Neanderthal skeletal remains with
those of modern humans have shown that there is
nothing in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusively
indicates locomotor, manipulative, intellectual, or
linguistic abilities inferior to those of modern humans.”

A German anatomist by the name of Ruldolph

Virchow said in essence that the fossil was the remains
of a modern man afflicted with rickets and
osteoporosis. Rickets is a condition which causes
bones to become soft and weak leading to bone
deformities. It is mainly caused by vitamin D
deficiency, but can also be caused by genetic defects or
other health conditions. In 1872 Virchow, who was
also an anti-Darwinist and skeptic of human evolution,
examined the fossil and reported that Neanderthal’s
ape-like appearance was due to arthritis and rickets.

A Dr. Cave also said that the skull of every

Neanderthal child which had been studied up to that
point in time was apparently affected by severe

rickets. When rickets occurs in children, it commonly
results in a large head due to late closure of the
epiphysis and fontanels. At the 1958 International
Congress of Zoology, professor A.J.E. Cave said that
his examination of the famous Neanderthal skeleton
showed that it was simply an old man who had
suffered from arthritis.

So here we simply have the human remains of people

that had rickets, but according to proponents of
evolution this was evidence to support their theory.
Even though Neanderthal man was proved to be false
we still often hear this word being used in support of


Dr Donald Johanson was credited with discovering

the fossils of Lucy on 30 November, 1974, in Hadar,
Ethiopia. Lucy was a partial fossil skeleton with many
of her bones missing. The find included a V-shaped
jaw, part of the hip and other assorted bones with very
little skull fragments. There were other fossils found at
the same location as well as skulls and U-shaped
jawbones. Lucy was immediately hailed, once again, as
the missing link between apes and humans and
estimated to be 3.2 million years old. Dr Johanson
claimed that Lucy, who was the size of a chimpanzee,
was a female and had been an upright walker who had
mostly ape-like features. One of the distinct features
proving that Lucy was not human was the V-shaped
jaw, a feature not found in human beings. Artistic

license was exercised and it was illustrated what Lucy
would have looked like if all the bones had been found.

Dr. Johanson gave a lecture at the University of

Missouri in Kansas City, Nov. 20, 1986, in which he
explained why he believed that Lucy was our ancestor.
After the presentation Dr Johanson opened the floor
to the audience and gave opportunity to the
approximately 800 people in attendance to ask
questions. The audience was quiet so Roy Holt, a
creationist, asked “How far away from Lucy did you
find the knee?” Dr. Johanson reluctantly answered
that Lucy’s bones had been found about 200 feet
lower and two to three kilometres away (about 1.5
miles!). Dr Johanson believed Lucy was the missing
link because she was an upright walker. This
assumption was made from Dr Johanson’s
observation that Lucy’s femur and pelvis were
stronger than most chimps and therefore “could” have
been upright walker.

The theory of evolution is riddled with such language.

Words such as “Maybe”, “probably” and “could have”,
are used by evolutionists on a regular basis. If
evolution was based on science there would be no
need to employ the use of such language of doubt, but
because the theory is based on assumptions these
words are used to cover it’s numerous uncertainties.
The online dictionary defines an assumption as “a
thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen,
without proof.” This is an apt description of the theory

of evolution.

The St Louis Zoo has Lucy on display with human feet

and hands, yet no feet or hands were discovered by Dr
Johanson. Lucy is also shown with an apelike face, yet
there were no facial bones discovered with her fossils.
Even if Lucy was an intermediate ancestor of mankind
questions would still arise as to why an abundance of
fossils is lacking. If human beings really did evolve
from apes then numerous amounts of fossils would
have been discovered as per Darwin’s assertion in
Origins of Species. Also present at Dr Johanson’s
press conference was Tom Willis who said that
Johanson misrepresented the evidence with regards to
Lucy for the sake of money and would have been
charged with fraud if he was a businessman.


In 1923 to 1927 fossils discovered in Peking China

were thought to be evidence for the missing link
between apes and humans. They were given the name
Peking man or Homo erectus. In 1939, however, two
experts by the names of Ralph Von Koenigswald and
Franz Weidenreich revealed that the fossils were
actually that of a normal human being. In 1944 Ernst
Mayr from Havard University classified the fossils as


Eugene Dubois, a Dutch physician, who became

obsessed by the theory of evolution, was convinced,
for some reason, that he would find the missing link in
the Dutch East Indies (now known as Indonesia).
Dubois set sail for Indonesia and in 1891, on the
Island of Java, he found a skull-cap and three teeth. In
1892 Dubois found a thigh-bone, which looked very
much like that of humans, in the same location. There
is no evidence that the skull-cap, teeth and thigh-bone
belonged to the same individual. Java man became
widely accepted as the ‘missing link’ despite the fact
that a leading authority had identified two of the teeth
as that of an Orangutan and the other as that of a
human- typical identifying marks of a hoax. Artistic
license was once again employed as textbooks and
magazines were filled with artist’s impressions of Java
man which was given the impressive “scientific” name
of Pithecanthropus erectus (‘erect ape-man’).
Drawings showed Java man with the required amount
of hair, a club and a ‘half-ape, half-man’ face despite
the fact that no facial bones had been found.

It has now come to be known that for a full 30 years

Dubois did not announce to the scientific community
that he had also found two skulls in the same location
as Java Man. It is believed that Dubois knew that the
so-called Wadjak skulls, would have exposed Java
man as a fraud. Dubois also kept Java man locked
away for years despite the fact that many scientists
had accepted it as the ‘missing link’. Dubois’ actions
are indeed very suspicious. Why would he keep
evidence of the ‘missing link’ locked up when doing
the opposite would have given evolution more

exposure as the right theory for our origins? Today
some books still refer to Java man as evidence for
evolution despite the evidence proving it to be a hoax.

When we analyse the so-called discoveries of fossils

proving evolution, a pattern begins to form: A scientist
or archaeologist claims to have discovered the
‘missing link’. A press conference is called and the
world’s media trumpets the discovery as proof for
evolution. Artist’s drawings depict the discovery as
walking upright, having lots of body hair and facial
features resembling that of a half-human half-ape.
The drawings are placed in text books and magazines
and sculptures are placed in museums. The fossils are
then given impressive names to bamboozle members
of the public and the show goes on. Even when the
‘discoveries’ are proved to be false, the hoaxes are not
removed from the textbooks or museums. The St
Louis Zoo in America is an example of this. It refused
to remove a statue of Lucy claiming that they could
not update the museum every time new evidence was
discovered, even if it disproved the original claim that
the fossils supported evolution.


One of the greatest frauds ever committed in the

history of science was a hoax now known as Piltdown
man. The story of Piltdown man reads like a murder
mystery novel. Although the hoax was exposed in 1953,
questions are still being asked as to who the main
perpetrators were. I shall now reveal who the main

culprit was and what the real motive was for
committing the forgery.

In 1912 an amateur archeologist named Charles

Dawson claimed that he had found the missing link in
a quarry near Piltdown Common in Sussex, England.
Pierre Telhard De Chardin was a young Jesuit priest
who was finishing his training at a Jesuit College in
Hastings, England when he helped Dawson with the
“discovery”. Teilhard started helping Dawson and
Woodward with the dig at Piltdown in May 1912 and
on one of their expeditions they “found” the lower jaw
of Piltdown man. Teilhard also found a canine tooth
which was said to be a crucial piece of evidence in the
discovery of Piltdown man. Dawson took the fossils to
Arthur Smith Woodward who then announced
Piltdown man to the world. Woodward was the keeper
of geology at the Natural History Museum. Also
involved in the hoax was Martin Hinton , who worked
with Woodward at the Natural History Museum. In
1978 an old trunk was found in a loft above an office
that Hinton used from 1936 to 1945 while he was
Keeper of Zoology. The trunk contained teeth and
bones stained in a similar manner to the Piltdown
remains. More stained teeth were located in an old
tobacco tin of his. Some have questioned whether
Hinton was investigating Piltdown or whether he
created the fakes. I believe the answer is obvious.
Hinton, like Dawson and Woodward, not only had
knowledge of the forgery, but participated in it based
on his acquaintance with those involved and the
evidence found at his office. As the saying goes “Time

is a great revealer of secrets.” It took time for Lucy,
Nebraska Man, Peking man, Neanderthal man and
Piltdown man to be exposed as frauds, but today these
so-called discoveries have all been unmasked. True
science, which we can all rely on, has blown the cover
on these myths.

Piltdown man consisted of a modern-looking skull and

an ape-like lower jaw. For forty years the fraud went
undiscovered and during that time more than 500
articles and memoirs were written about it. The fraud
was only exposed in 1953 after a radioactive fluorine
test proved that the skull fragments were thousands of
years older than the jaw. Piltdown was in fact a
modern human skull and an Orangutan jaw. It was
later discovered that Teilhard De Chardin and Dawson
had actually buried, then dug up the skull and jaw
which they said were the missing link. Also found with
the bones were some primitive tools later discovered
to be imitations that had been sharpened with steel
instruments. The molars surfaces on the jaw had been
filed down to resemble those of a man and all these
had been stained with potassium dichromate to make
them look older. These stains disappeared when
dipped in acid and in the wake of these embarrassing
events Piltdown man was hurriedly removed from the
British Museum where it had been on display for more
than 40 years. Sir Wilfred Le Gros Clark conducted an
investigation of Piltdown man and the following
evidence was found.

“The molar surfaces were examined under a

microscope. They were scarred by criss-cross
scratches suggesting the use of an abrasive. 'The
evidences of artificial abrasion immediately sprang to
the eye' wrote Le Gros Clark. 'Indeed so obvious did
they [the scratches] seem it may well be asked -- how
was it that they had escaped notice before?' He
answered his question with a beautiful simplicity.
'They had never been looked for...nobody previously
had examined the Piltdown jaw with the idea of a
possible forgery in mind, a deliberate fabrication.'” -
Ronald Millar, The Piltdown Men, p.203.

One very important thing that we should not overlook

is Telhard De Chardin’s involvement in this fraud. A
few questions deserve to be asked. Why was Telhard
De Chardin getting involved in a project that sought to
disprove the Biblical account of creation, seeing that
he was a man of the cloth whose calling should have
been to promote the teachings of the Bible? As we dig
deeper into the labyrinth of error known as evolution
we shall discover that the whole teaching of evolution
was developed and exists to undermine people’s faith
in the Bible, even by some who profess to be
Christians. We are indeed in a great controversy in
which truth and error are striving for the mastery.
Truth will triumph, but many will fall by the wayside
because “…they will not endure sound doctrine; but
after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves
teachers, having itching ears;” 2 Timothy 4:3.

The only person to correctly point the finger at

Teilhard as the main culprit in the Piltdown man

hoax was an evolutionary scientist called Stephen J.
Gould. In 1980 Gould wrote an article in which he said
that Teilhard knew what Dawson was up to. This was
later published in his book called The Panda’s Thumb.
Gould received a lot of criticism as a result of his
article due to the fact that many considered Teilhard
to be a “saint”. In 1983 Gould published his thoughts
in response to the criticism in which he came to the
same conclusion. Mainly that Teilhard not only knew
that Piltdown man was a hoax but that he actually
took part in it. In his book, in a chapter titled A reply
to Critics, Gould had this to say: “I hoped that some
old man would come down a mountain or out of a
monastery bearing a yellowed document of confession
from Teilhard. Or that some trusted friend would
open a bank vault and make public the “letter to be
read either at the 100th anniversary of my death or
when someone figures out my involvement in
Piltdown.” Hen’s Teeth and Horses Toes, p.240.

Some people believe that Piltdown man was really a

joke played on scientists to prove their gullibility. On
closer inspection however we see that this was not a
joke at all. Teilhard went on to claim that he had
found more fossils which were then referred to as
Piltdown Two. He would not have done this if his
intentions were to prank gullible scientists. Indeed
Teilhard’s reason for faking a second discovery was to
convince sceptical scientists, who doubted the initial
discovery of Piltdown man as being genuine.

Teilhard was a member of the most powerful and

secretive Roman Catholic order known as the Jesuits
or Society of Jesus. One of the mottos of the Jesuit
order is “finding God in all things” proving that they
are in essence pantheists or nature worshippers.
Teilhard was not a Christian in the true sense for the
Bible itself teaches that if anyone comes teaching a
different doctrine other than that given in the
scriptures they are to be accursed. He did not follow
the teachings of the Bible which simply teaches that
God created the heavens and the earth.

Teilhard De Chardin was a pantheist who wished to

make nature the foundation upon which Christianity
would be based. He was a mystic who abandoned the
literal interpretation of the creation account in the
book of Genesis and the literal explanation of miracles
in the Bible. These were substituted in favor of
allegorical and alternative theological interpretations,
thereby making God, the author of the Bible, a liar.
Teilhard promoted these ideas in his books such as
The Phenomenon of Man. Is it any wonder that most
Catholics do not believe in the literal 6 day creation
account, but instead believe that God started the
process of evolution which led to the evolution of man?
This belief is known as Theistic evolution. One
wonders why God would choose to use this process
when He has the power to create everything Himself
as described in the Bible? The teachings advanced by
Teilhard and others are outside of the Bible, yet many
professed Christians approve and embrace them. God
saw into the future and gave end time Christians
warning in the scripture about such teachings. His

Word says “O Timothy, keep that which is committed
to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and
oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some
professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be
with thee. Amen.” 1 Timothy 6:20,21.

Teilhard went on to become a famous philosopher.

Although Teilhard was shamed through his
involvement in Piltdown man, he is still held in high
regard and frequently quoted by different authors.
Towards the end of his life Teilhard told his friends
that he hoped to die on Easter Sunday, a very
prominent day of celebration in the Roman Catholic
calendar. It is interesting that the Jesuit logo, which
encapsulates what they stand for, is a symbol of the
Sun with male and female points with the letters IHS
in the middle. IHS stands for Isis, Horus and Set, the
pagan trinity.

Teilhard died in 1955, but the impact of his teachings

continues even today. He is known as the “Father of
the New Age” due to his influence on that religion.
Gary Kah, in his book En Route to Global Occupation,
said that Teilard is one of the most frequently quoted
writers by leading New Age occultists. Teilhard
himself said that “Evolution is a condition to which all
theories must bow, a curve all lines must follow” - The
Aquarian Conspiracy, by Marilyn Ferguson, p.52.

This is indeed what is occurring today. Some of the

New Age doctrines that Teilhard promoted include
Pantheism, human divinity and the universal Christ.

His teachings not only had an impact on evolution and
religion, but on the United Nations. He said that in the
future mankind would awaken to a "pan-organized"
world.” Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary
General of the United Nations, was a strong believer in
Teilhard’s teachings and had a lot of praise for him.

In 1981 UNESCO assembled an international

symposium and exhibition to mark the hundredth
birthday of Teilhard. A medal, featuring a map of the
world with the Greek word “Omega” on one side was
issued. The word omega was Teilhard’s way of
signifying the earth’s evolution. The other side of the
medal had a portrait of Teilhard. In 2005 UNESCO
held a tribute to mark the 50th year of Teilhard’s death.
So much applause and praise for a man who was
caught forging fossils to prove a non-scientific theory.

UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational

Scientific and Cultural Organization. It is an agency of
the UN that promotes education, communication and
the arts. Through UNESCO, the teachings of Teilhard
are being taught to children and young people in the
world’s nurseries, schools, colleges and universities.
The Jesuits have always been big on education and
through the influence of Teilhard they have had great
success in turning the tide of the Reformation from
Bible believing Christians to atheists.


In 20th century Europe and America the most

important question being asked among evolutionists
was who was human and who wasn't human? At that
time the theory of evolution had spawned the belief
that black people had evolved from the strong, but less
intelligent Gorillas. The Orientals were believed to
have evolved from Orang-utans whilst whites were
said to have evolved from Chimpanzees, the most
intelligent of apes. It was believed, as some still
believe, that blacks are less evolved than whites. It is
quite easy to see how this type of thinking, when
followed to its’ logical conclusion, was used to justify
slavery and colonialism. It has led to racism as
espoused by Hitler and the Nazis in their concept of
racial superiority.

After Darwin advanced the theory that human beings

evolved from animals in Origin of Species and Descent
of Man, it was generally thought amongst
evolutionists that evidence for evolution was not just
to be found in fossils, but in living human beings. It
was thought that these “half-ape, half- human”
creatures could be found alive in various parts of the

In 1904 Ota Benga, a Mbuti pygmy from Congo Africa,

returned home from a hunt to discover that his wife
and children had been murdered and mutilated by
Belgian forces. He was later captured and sold into
slavery. In his own native tongue his name meant
“friend”, but he was not treated as such by his captors.
Benga and other captives, were taken to America by a
businessman named Samuel Phillips Verner who had

been sent to Africa to bring back pygmies to America
by the St. Louis World Fair. Verner negotiated Benga’s
freedom with a pound of salt and some cloth, as if
that’s all he was worth. It is said that when Verner saw
Benga he bent down "and pulled the pygmy's lips
apart to examine his teeth. He was elated when he saw
that Benga’s teeth had been filed to sharp points,
which proved that he was one of those he was
commissioned to bring back to the zoo.

The exhibition of Benga at the fair caused widespread

excitement. One of the reasons for this was that
Benga’s pointed teeth, filed as per the tradition of his
people, were causing the local papers to call him a
cannibal and other such names. At one point the
spectators grew so immense that the military had to
be called in to command the crowds.

After the fair was over Benga and Verner returned to

the Congo with the other pygmies. Benga lived
amongst the Batwa people as his own people had been
exterminated or sold into slavery. He married a Batwa
woman, but she later died from a snake bite. His own
people ostracized him and called him a warlock and
claimed that he had chosen to be friends with the
whites instead of his own people. When Verner later
returned to America he took Benga with him claiming
that this was Benga’s idea. On his return to America,
Verner presented Benga to William Hornaday, the
Director of the Bronx Zoo. Hornaday had always had
the intention of displaying Benga in the zoo. He
believed that there was close similarity between

African savages to the apes. At first Benga was free to
wander around the zoo, but he was then encouraged to
spend as much time in the monkey house where he
was then given a bow and arrow and encouraged to
shoot it as part of the exhibition. He was soon locked
up in his enclosure and when he was let out a zoo
keeper stayed close by to make sure that he did not
run away.

One Scientific American article described Benga as a

small, ape-like, elfish creature. Whilst in the zoo
Benga was given a parrot and an Orang-utan as cage-
mates to keep him company as Dr Hornaday did not
see any difference between Benga and a wild animal.

Verner was a Christian and an academic who was

drawn to both evangelism and evolution. Although
many people saw a conflict between Christianity and
evolution he documented many of his trips to Africa
and advocated that that white people should occupy
Africa and run it on their behalf as ‘friendly directors’.
Along with this belief Verner advocated that black
Africans should be rounded up and placed in
reservations and colonised by white men, which is in
fact what happened.
Verner concluded that the Pygmies were the ‘most
primitive race of mankind’ and were ‘almost as much
at home in the trees as the monkeys’. For many people,
there was a clear difference between a moral Christian
like Livingstone and the naturalism of Darwin, but
Verner did not see an issue with the two principles
and sought to combine them. Verner’s main purpose

for going to Africa was to satisfy his curiosity about
questions of natural history and human evolution.
Benga hated being the object of the white man’s
curiosity whilst he was in the zoo. It is said that Benga
attracted up to 40 000 people in his part of the zoo on
Sundays. All these people flocked to the zoo to see for
themselves the wild man from Africa who they
taunted and chased around the grounds of the zoo.
This was all too much for Benga who is said to have
got hold of a knife and brandished it around the park.
On another occasion he caused a disturbance when he
constructed a small bow and some arrows and began
shooting them at obnoxious park visitors. For the zoo
keepers this was the final straw and Benga had to
leave. If it had been at all possible Hornaday would
have kept him on display in the zoo as he was bringing
in a lot of money, but he had to stop the exhibition
because it caused him more trouble than good.
After leaving the Zoo Benga was enrolled at Virginia
Theological Seminary and College. He learned how to
read and his spoken English improved a great deal.
Benga was later baptised as a Christian and even his
teeth were capped to help him look more normal. On
the outside it looked like he had adjusted, but
inwardly he had not. Later on Benga quit college and
went to work in a tobacco factory. He longed to go
back home to the Congo, but was prevented from
doing so by the outbreak of WWI. He became
homesick and despondent and after removing the caps
from his teeth he committed suicide by shooting
himself in the heart with a revolver he had borrowed

from the woman he lived with. Benga’s life ended in
1916. Two years after the start of WWI.
What happened to Benga shows that evolution does
not bring unity among people of different races or
nationalities. It instead causes division, strife and
terrible human suffering. The evolutionists involved in
the capture and humiliation of Benga and other black
Africans, failed to appreciate one of the beauties of
nature and creation, that our Creator is a God of
diversity. If they had not been prejudiced and
subjective they would have appreciated the fact that
human beings come in all sorts of different shapes,
sizes and colour.
The story of Ota Benga clearly illustrates the evils of
the evolutionary theory. The Bible teaches that man
was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), But
evolution spawned the idea that some races are more
superior to others resulting in the scourges of racism
and slavery.
This leads us on to the subject of slavery which
resulted in the suffering of millions of innocent black
and Indian people.

Chapter 4


When white Europeans and Africans first came into

contact with each other they treated each other as
equals, but as time went on Europeans realised the
military advantage that they possessed over the black
man. Europeans had by this point advanced from
rudimentary weaponry such as spears and bow and
arrows to the use of musket guns and gunpowder. Not
only would it be of great advantage for them to sell the
Africans as slaves, but later on European nations
realised that they would benefit from the vast amounts
of gold, diamonds and mineral wealth that were to be
found in abundance in Africa. The racist and
evolutionary idea that dark skinned people were not
human did not only result with the colonisation of
Africa alone, but extended to Australia where the
native aboriginals were shot or poisoned like animals

by white settlers from Britain.

In the West Indies, the native Indians had first been

used as slaves as the Spaniards were not suited to
work in the mines. It was determined that the
plantations and mines belonging to the Spaniards
would benefit from the labour of the Indians and that
the Indians themselves would benefit from the
religious and social influence of his employer. The
harsh labour and cruelties practised on the Indians
resulted in their rapid decrease and it was decided
that they should not be oppressed, but that they
should be replaced by black slaves because one of
them did more work than four Indians. The rapid
demise of the native Indians and the demand for slave
labour gave birth to African slavery in America and

Christopher Columbus was well acquainted with

slavery before his voyage to the Americas. In his
report to Queen Isabella of Spain, Columbus reported
the existence of Indians on the islands of the Bahamas
whom he intended to enslave. I am sure that Isabella
and her husband Ferdinand would have been pleased
with the report knowing that the trade in slaves would
have enriched their kingdom and filled the coffers of
the Catholic Church of whom they were loyal subjects
as Spain still is today.

Whilst Spain was conducting conquests in the

Americas, Portugal was busy building slave-trading
forts in West Africa and East Africa. Slavery became

by far the most important commercial activity in
Zambezi basin for Portugal, the Arabs and black
slavers. In 1492 Columbus set sail for the new world
on behalf of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of
Spain. The purpose of the voyage was to find new
lands that could be colonised for Spain as well as to
find a quicker route to the East. Spain was at the time
in competition with Portugal for the discovery and
colonisation of new lands. The rivalry between the two
countries caused friction and became so great that in
1494 the pope in the Treaty of Tordesillas divided the
newly “discovered” lands between Spain and Portugal.
The Bull issued by Alexander VI effected a settlement
in order to avert war between the two Catholic
countries by drawing a line at the Cape Verde Islands.
Spain was to have the western half, while Portugal had
the eastern division.

It quickly became apparent that there was a lot of

money to be made from the sale of slaves. The Red
Indians of America have been depicted in films and
books as being savages and brutes, but the truth is
that the Spaniards who went to America were in actual
fact the savages. Sir Arthur Helps, in his book Spanish
Conquest, enlightens us as to how the Indians were a
friendly and peaceable people who only became
violent when they realised that their land and freedom
was being taken away from them.
He states that “Columbus, in telling of the attitudes of
the natives when he first landed in the Western
Hemisphere, says, ‘Because they had much

friendship for us, and because I knew they were
people that would deliver themselves better to the
Christian faith, and be converted more through love
than by force; I gave to some of them some coloured
caps and some strings of glass beads for their necks,
and many other things of little value, with which they
were delighted, and were so entirely ours that it was a
marvel to see. The same afterwards came swimming to
the ships’ boats where we were, and brought us
parrots, cotton threads, darts and many other things,
and bartered them with us for things which we gave
them, such as bells and small glass beads. In fine, they
took and gave all of whatever they had with good will.”
- Sir Arthur Helps, Spanish Conquest, p.81.

In the 1400’s the chief contract for the trade in slaves

was the ‘Assiento’ or agreement of the King of Spain.
This allowed Spain to import slaves into the Spanish
domains, but the popes Bull of Demarkation, signed
on the 4th of May 1493, barred Spain from African
possessions and forced her to contract with other
countries for slaves. In 1600 the Portuguese had the
contract, but in 1640 the Dutch received it and in 1701
the French had it. The War of the Spanish Succession
brought this monopoly to England. It is important to
reflect upon the fact that the different nations
involved in the trade of African slaves had much
respect for pope Alexander’s VI’s Bull of Demarkation.
The popes were clearly aware of the trade in slaves
that was going on at the time, but they took no action
to stop it. Today it is claimed that the Catholic Church
was against slavery and that she has interest in the

cause of black people. We would do well to remember
that Columbus, King Ferdinand, Queen Izabella and
the country of Spain were Catholic and very much
under the direction and sway of the Catholic church.
The popes were not only aware of the inhuman trade
in slaves, but they actually benefited from it. None of
the popes who were alive at the time of the slave trade
ever spoke out against the evils of the slave trade,
except when the tide against the slave trade was
turning. They could have signed a bull
excommunicating or interdicting those involved in the
slave trade, but did not do so. Bearing in mind how
Catholics are fearful of being excommunicated or
anathematized, believing that this bars them from the
pearly gates of heaven, this would have put an end to
the slave trade. Columbus, Isabella, Ferdinand and
Pope Alexander VI and all those involved in the slave
trade claimed to be Christians, but their actions go
against the very essence of Christianity, which is “Do
to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke
6:31. NIV.

Besides the Catholic Church, most other Churches, or

their members were involved in slavery. There were
only four churches, or sects, which denounced slavery.
These were the Quakers, Methodists, the Menninites
and the Seventh-Day Adventist church. Ellen G. White,
one of the pioneers of the Seventh-Day Adventist
church, had the following to say about slavery which
was still going on in her day: “All heaven beholds with
indignation, human beings, the workmanship of God,
reduced to the lowest depths of degradation, and

placed on a level with the brute creation by their
fellow men. And professed followers of that dear
Saviour whose compassion was ever moved as he
witnessed human woe, heartily engage in this
enormous and grievous sin, and deal in slaves and
souls of men. Angels have recorded it all. It is written
in the book. The tears of the pious bond-men and
bond-women, of fathers, mothers and children,
brothers and sisters, are all bottled up in
heaven. Agony, human agony, is carried from place to
place, and bought and sold. God will restrain his anger
but a little longer. His anger burns against this nation,
and especially against the religious bodies who have
sanctioned, and have themselves engaged in this
terrible merchandise. Such injustice, such oppression,
such sufferings, many professed followers of the meek
and lowly Jesus can witness with heartless
indifference. And many of them can inflict with
hateful satisfaction, all this indescribable agony
themselves, and yet dare to worship God. It is solemn
mockery, and Satan exults over it, and reproaches
Jesus and his angels with such inconsistency, saying,
with hellish triumph, such are Christ's followers!” -
Ellen White, Early Writings, p.273.

Some of the popes who were alive at the time that the
slave trade was going on did not even recognise black
Africans as human or “genuine men”. Paul III’s Bull of
1537, titled "Sublimus Dei" recognised only certain
Indians caught up in the slave trade as “true men”. It
said "the Indians were human beings and they were
not to be robbed of their freedom or possessions.”,

but it said absolutely nothing about black Africans.

It was only in 1839, three hundred years after Paul

III’s Bull, that Gregory XVI came along and
recognised blacks as human beings. So the Catholic
Church in 1839 recognised black Africans as human,
but before that they were apparently not. In his Bull In
Supremo Apostolatus, he denounced slavery and the
continuance of slavery. It must be recognised that the
Catholic Church’s recognition of black Africans as
human beings was not only belated, but came about as
a result of antislavery and abolitionist activity in
Britain and America including the formation of the
American Antislavery Society. It was certain at the
time of Gregory XVI’s Bull that slavery would soon be
abolished and he only jumped on the band wagon to
avoid embarrassment. Some Catholics would like to
cite this Bull as evidence that the Catholic Church was
against slavery, but the church, if indeed, it was the
God’s true church on the earth, should have come out
very strongly against slavery from the beginning. To
the contrary, the Catholic clergy, religious orders and
popes themselves owned slaves.

“There are records which show that from the fifteenth

to the eighteenth centuries some of the Popes were
personally involved in the purchase and use of galley-
slaves for the Pontifical squadron in the almost
continuous warfare with Saracens or Turks.” -
Maxwell, Slavery and the Catholic Church, p.75.

Page 380 of the Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, says

“It was the Jesuits who in 1751 introduced the sugar
cane into Lousiana from Hispaniola (Haiti).” In
connection with this we should remember that “The
production of sugar increased the desire for Negroes.”
- Brackett’s The Negro in Maryland, p.7.

Records show that the Jesuits had up to a hundred

and thirty slaves on their estates. Gregory XVI’s Bull
was also not interpreted by the Church to mean that
all forms of slavery had been abolished as evidenced
by Catholic Bishop England of Charleston’s letters to
John Forsyth, Secretary of State of the United States,
in which he sought to draw a line between the “slave
trade” and “domestic slavery”. In Volume III of Bishop
England’s Works, which were published in 1849, he
states, on page 107, that slavery was “ordained of God.”

Avro Manhattan sites further proof of the papacy’s

support of slavery and its opposition to its abolition.
In a masterful expose of the Catholic Church he says
“The Catholic Church opposed the abolition of slavery
e.g. in Brazil, where, during the Latin-American
revolutions, there existed the largest slave class in the
whole of America, over one-half of the 7,000,000
inhabitants being slaves, a good portion of them
owned by the Church. When the Brazilian Parliament
in the last century abolished slavery the Church
denounced the promoters of the Bill with the bitterest
venom indeed, she went so far as to help in the
downfall of the Emperor of Brazil on the ground that
he was one of its main advocates. The Catholic Church
has not only persistently opposed the abolition of

slavery, but sanctioned slavery. A Papal Bull in 1537
sanctioned the opening of slave markets in Lisbon,
where between 10,000 and 12,000 negroes were sold
each year, for transportation to the American colonies.
The Popes approved slavery in Portugal as late as 1837.
No Pope issued encyclicals condemning slavery until
1871, when slavery had been abolished practically
throughout the civilized nations; even less did they
promote mighty crusades to free slaves and thus
abolish one of the most un-Christian institutions of
Christendom, as they did against the American
colonies, against the liberals of the nineteenth century,
and against the Communists of the twentieth. On the
contrary, the abolition of slavery was initiated by
Protestants, liberals, and democrats. It never came
from the Vatican, which opposed it with the utmost
stubbornness e.g. when the various governments of
Europe attempted to sign an international agreement
among themselves to render slavery illegal.” - Catholic
Imperialism and World Freedom, p.141.

Some ignorant persons have suggested that the whole

matter of slavery should just be forgotten because they
are sick of hearing it. This is ignorance of the highest
order. An issue such as slavery should never be
forgotten because as the saying goes, “Those who
forget history are bound to repeat it.” The history of
the slave trade should be taught to children of every
race, whether they are black or white so that those
who suffered and lost their lives in the slave trade as
well as those who fought to abolish it, men like
Abraham Lincoln and William Wilberforce, and

women like Ann Nzinga and Harriet Tubman may
never be forgotten. In his book The Negro, Dubois
estimates that every one of the 10 000 000 slaves that
safely landed on the shores of America represented an
average of five dead slaves in Africa or the high seas.
The slave trade to America alone therefore amounted
to the elimination of at least 60 000 000 Africans.

Just the shear number of slaves who died in the slave

trade should make us thirst for justice, or at least to
educate ourselves about the multitudes who suffered
and died, their only crime being that they were
deemed to be the wrong colour. Many were killed
during the raids that took place to capture slaves in
Africa. Millions died from diseases contracted among
the filthy living conditions aboard the ships. Let us
remember that the slaves were chained to the ships
and there were no toilet facilities on board for them to
use. They would have had to relieve themselves exactly
where they were chained, as if they were a herd of
cattle or a flock of chickens. There were no shower
facilities either and those who became ill were not
given medical attention, but were thrown overboard
where they became food for the sharks to prevent
them passing on disease to the other slaves. Millions
of other healthy slaves were thrown overboard and
drowned as their captors sought to save food or
lighten the ship’s load in storms.

As it stands today no one knows the exact number of

slaves who died during capture and transportation to
their various European and American destinations.

Only in eternity will it be known how many souls were
destroyed in the slave trade. The suffering of the
slaves did not end on the slave ships. It continued
once they arrived in their countries of destination.

In 1857 a runaway American slave named Dred Scott

sued for his freedom and that of his family. Scott's
argument was that because he had lived with his
masters in free states and territories, he could not be
returned to the bonds of slavery. The case went on for
11 years and eventually ended up at the United States
Supreme Court. Answering to the question of whether
African Americans were citizens of the United States
and therefore able to file suit in a federal court, Chief
Justice Roger Taney, had this racist response to make.
“African Americans had for more than a century
before been regarded as beings of an inferior order,
and altogether unfit to associate with the white race,
either in social or political relations; and so far inferior,
that they had no rights which the white man was
bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and
lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was
bought and sold, and treated as an ordinary article of
merchandise and traffic, whenever a profit could be
made by it.”

This infamous case is now known as the Dred Scott V

Sanford case. John Sanford was the second person to
have “owned” Scott as a slave and had also been the
second person to be sued by Scott for his freedom.
Judge Taney was known to be a slave breeder,
meaning that he was a slave holder who owned

Negro women for the purpose of breeding children to
be sold as slaves, just the same as cattle or other
animals. Besides the fact that Taney’s decision against
Scott would have been influenced by very powerful
Americans seeking to perpertuate slavery for profit, it
is not surprising that his decision went against Scott
because he not only owned slaves, but bred them as

The breeding of slaves was common place in the

Southern states of America and many female slaves
were whipped by their masters for not breeding,
whether they were married or not.

In 1853 a minister by the name of Philo Tower went

on a three year tour of the Southern States of America.
He wrote a book called Slavery Unmasked in which he
devoted a whole chapter to the slavery situation as he
experienced it in Charleston where he witnessed the
most vile treatment of slaves. Men, Women and
children were sold at auction where they were paraded
like cattle. Families were separated from each other
never to see each other again. The auctioneers would
try to get the highest price for the slaves and to do this
they would touch and uncover the private parts of the
female slaves. This was done to make the female
slaves more appealing to the male buyers who are
known to have raped their female slaves. Those who
went on French leave were sent to the inquisition for
whipping. One male slave desired freedom so much
that he ran away from his master. He spent a number
of days in the forest, probably trying to flee to a free

state, but not knowing which way to go. One day some
hunters in the same forest came across the slave
whilst hunting with their dogs. The fugitive slave ran
away, but was shot and killed by the hunters. They
then cut up his flesh and fed it to their dogs. In their
eyes he was only an animal, whose flesh was only
worthy to be fed to the dogs.

Today we hear that slavery is alive and well in

different parts of the world. Some would have us
believe that there are more slaves in the 21st century
than there were during the slave trade, but they forget
that the conditions were different i.e. they are no slave
ships today, plus millions of slaves never even made it
to the countries of their destinations during the slave

In one of my favourite books, author Bill Hughes says

that “Abraham Lincoln as a child had watched the
selling of young black men and women in a small
Illinois town. As he and a friend walked past a slave
auction, Lincoln turned to his friend and said, “Some
day, I am going to hit it hard!” – The Secret Terrorists,

Lincoln was talking about the American slave trade

which he had witnessed as he was growing up. Lincoln
was a devout Christian who understood that all men
and women are created equal before God and that all
should be allowed to enjoy "Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness" as expressed in the United

States Declaration of Independence. The Declaration
of Independence guaranteed all men these freedoms,
but because blacks were not deemed to be human they
were deprived of these rights. On January 1, 1863,
President Abraham Lincoln an ardent abolitionist,
signed the Emancipation Proclamation which
eventually led to the freeing of all slaves in the United
States of America. Lincoln and those who were
involved in the abolition of slavery were indeed true
heroes. They recognised, as Thomas Jefferson first
stated in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold
these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created
equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable rights; that among these are life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

On reflection and examination of the principles

espoused in the Declaration of Indepence and the
American Constitution, slavery should never have
taken place in America because the rights and
freedoms of all men were already guaranteed under
these two documents. There was no need for the
introduction of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments,
introduced after the civil war to guarantee Americans
freedom as the provision for these had already been

The great men, and women, who fought to abolish

slavery should never be forgotten. The history of these
men and women who were used by God to set His
people free should be taught to our children from
generation to generation, lest we forget. Lincoln, who

is sometimes referred to as “honest Abe” or
“America’s most loved President” recognized the
worth of every human soul and he put his life on the
line for the sake of the slaves that he may set them free.
Here was a true Christian. A man who understood that
human beings are equal, that no race is above another
and that human beings were created in the image of
God. Lincoln had agents in the South who went
around the slave auctions buying slaves for the sole
purpose of setting them free. Some of these men were
imprisoned for conducting these activities and upon
being released they carried on doing the same thing.

Although it is often repeated that the civil war was all

about the issue of slavery between the North and the
South, this is not the full story. There were a number
of issues which led to Lincoln’s assassination after the
civil war. Some of these are detailed in Charles
Chiniquay’s book Fifty Years in the “Church” of Rome.
As already stated, the Catholic Church introduced
sugar cane plantations in America and also owned
estates with slaves on them so it would have been in
their interest to keep slavery going for the sake of free
labour. Lincoln had also opposed the reintroduction of
a central bank and wanted to keep the union of the
states whilst the pope, who had appointed Jeff Davies
as American President, against the wishes of the
electorate, was attempting to destroy the union.
Lincoln stood for the right, and just like John F.
Kennedy, he paid with his life.

Today, many who espouse the teachings of evolution,

would not agree with slavery, yet they do not realise
that the atheistic principles of evolution are indeed the
same as those promoted by slavery, these being the
survival of the fittest and the superiority of one race
above another.

Chapter 5


So far I have shown that the theory of evolution is
false and I stick to the premise that it was created to
destroy people’s faith in the Bible. We shall now look
at who is behind this most terrible crime which has
caused so many people to lose their faith and eternal
salvation. Before we look at who is really behind
evolution and the big bang theory and why these
theories are being pushed hard in schools, in
universities and in the media, we need to embark on a
historical journey, a journey which will sift truth from
error and will help us to better understand how we
arrived at the point at which we find ourselves.

The nemesis of atheism is the Bible. It is the Bible

which they seek to destroy by bringing in theories
which undermine its teachings and principles. Many
people do not wish to read or discuss anything to do
with the Bible because they believe that religion and
science should not mix, but they have come to this
mistaken view point based on their erroneous belief
that evolution is a science. True science and the Bible
actually go hand in hand. Atheists do not realise that
evolution is in fact a religion. It has never been proved
and will never be proved because it is a pseudo-
science. Arthur Keith, a staunch evolutionist rightly
said that “Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We
believe it because the only alternative is special
creation, and that is unthinkable.”

It in fact takes more faith to believe in evolution than

it does to believe in the Bible because the Bible
attributes creation to God, whereas evolution teaches

that everything in the universe came from nothing.
Isn’t it ironic that atheists claim that they have no
confidence in the Bible because it was written by men,
yet they put their faith and trust in evolution and the
big bang which originate with men?

Unfortunately because of evolution many today have

lost their faith in the Bible as God’s Word. Neither do
they believe in Jesus who is the central theme of the
Bible. Unlike the theory of evolution the principles
and beliefs of the Bible are constant. They do not
change whereas the theory of evolution has evolved
countless number of times as shown in previous
chapters. I have asked many evolutionists if they knew
who conjured up the big bang theory and so far not
one of them has been able to answer me correctly.
Most of them will admit that they do not know and
some will take a wild guess to try and avoid the
embarrassment of their ignorance. A quick search on
Google will reveal that a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest
by the name of George Lemaître is the one who came
up with the big bang theory

Many evolutionists express surprise when Bible

believing Christians refuse to believe in the big bang
theory, which they say is based on science. The cry
from the proponents of evolution is “Evolution is a
fact. Why do you not believe in evolution when it is
supported by science?!” There are in actuality two
types of science. There is true science and false science.
True science always supports the Bible, but false
science, such as the theory of evolution, seeks to

disprove the Bible.
There have been numerous attempts to prove the
Bible wrong, but all these attempts have been
unsuccessful. In the early 1900s, the Higher Critics
came out in opposition to the Bible claiming that
Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon did not exist.
Soon after these claims were made, archaeologists
discovered thousands of bricks bearing
Nebuchadnezzar’s name and his proud claim to have
built Babylon. The higher critics also claimed that the
Hittites, an Old Testament nation who were the
enemies of ancient Israel, did not exist. Once again
they were proved wrong shortly afterwards when
cuneiform tablets, relating the history of the Hittites,
were discovered in the Middle East.

Why has there been such a war on the Bible since it’s’
canonisation? Why have phoney Bibles been produced
in opposition to God’s true Word? Why were
Christians persecuted for having copies of the Bible
during the Dark Ages? The answer to these questions
is that it is because it is the true Word of God. Atheists
have not suffered for their beliefs because it is not a
belief worth dying for. In fact it was atheists like
Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung who massacred
millions of people in Russia and China. Today many
people believe that the Catholic Church gave us the
Bible, but history tells a different story. The Catholic
Church actually kept the Bible chained away in its’
churches and prevented ordinary people from having
access to it during the 1260 years of its supremacy in
the dark ages. In 1229 the papacy placed the Bible on

the index of forbidden books at the Council of
Valencia and banned the Bible at the Council of
Tarragona in 1234. It was forbidden to own a copy of
the Bible and those that refused to give up their Bibles
were called heretics and were threatened with
excommunication and death

The Catholic Church in its own encyclopedia declares

its hatred for the Word of God, stating that the "The
belief in the Bible as the sole source of faith is
unhistorical, illogical, fatal to the virtue of faith, and
destructive of unity." - The Catholic Encyclopedia,
Volume XIII.

One priest was asked "Do you allow your flock to read
the Bible at all?" said a writer in the Contemporary
Review to a friend of his, a parish priest. "No, sir, I do
not; you forget that I am a physician, not a poisoner of
souls." - Contemporary Review April, 1894, p. 576.

The Catholic Church also states that it’s doctrines of

are entirely independent of the Bible. True Christians,
who were later known as Protestants, were persecuted
by the papacy for holding on to the teachings of the
Bible. Their refusal to surrender the scriptures was an
offense that the papacy could not tolerate. The Papacy
was determined to extirpate these so-called heretics,
from the face of the Earth. The greatest offense of the
Protestants was that they refused to worship God
according to the will of the Pope. For this “crime”, they
suffered every humiliation, insult and torture that
man could invent. Many of them were:

1) Hanged and their genitals were cut off
2) The mothers were whipped
3) The women's breast were ripped off
4) They were tied up and fried in a large pan
5) Their mouths were sewed shut
6) They were placed into a pot of boiling water
7) Their arms and legs were cut off
8) Some had their eyes bored out
With the invention of the printing press, however, God
gave such a blow to the papacy which they have not
been able to recover from up to now.
“...It was well for Luther that he did not come into the
world until a century after the immortal invention of
Guttenberg. A hundred years earlier his idea of
directing two hundred and fifty million men to read
the Bible would have been received with shouts of
laughter, and would inevitably have caused his
removal from the pulpit of Wittenberg to a hospital for
the insane." - The Faith of Our Fathers, p. 69.

But now once again, with subtlety and deceit, the

papacy is attempting to take the Bible away from the
masses. In this they have been largely successful. They
have promoted evolution in the schools and
universities as an infallible truth.
In a formal statement sent to the Pontifical Academy
of Sciences, John Paul II declared that "fresh
knowledge leads to recognition of the theory of
evolution as more than just a hypothesis“.

On the 3rd of March 2009, the Vatican sponsored a

five day conference to mark the 150th anniversary of

the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species.
Philosophers and theologians from around the world
gathered at the prestigious Pontifical Gregorian
University in Rome to discuss the compatibility of
Darwin's theory of evolution and Catholic teaching.
Christian churches were long hostile to Darwin
because his theory conflicted with the literal biblical
account of creation. But the Catholic Church never
condemned Darwin, as it condemned and silenced

Why would a Christian “Church” sponsor and promote

evolution which teaches that man came from Apes
when the Bible says that man was made in the image
of God? It is because of these teachings that many
millions of people, especially in the western world, do
not believe in the Bible as God’s Word any more. This
result has been of tremendous advantage to the
papacy, because the roots of the Protestant
Reformation were in Europe.

Is it not interesting that atheists do not agree with

anyone stealing their property or burgling their house?
Is it not a contradiction that those who would choose
to do away with the Bible are so quick to call the Police
when they are harmed or when their property is
damaged or stolen? They claim to not believe in God
or the Bible, yet the same laws, which they live by,
such as not stealing or killing are derived from the
Bible (Exodus 20:3-17). It is these commands or rules
which have shaped and ordered society for thousands
of years. These rules are the very foundation of

governmental laws across the world. If these laws did
not exist the whole world would be in chaos. It is
hypocritical for the atheist to claim that he does not
believe in the Bible and yet live by its commands and
principles. If Darwin’s mantra of “survival of the fittest”
were to be applied in society today, then we would all
be free to steal from and butcher each other without
one having recourse to justice through the Police and
courts. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

One of the weapons in the evolutionist’s armoury

against the Bible believing Christian is that they
question where God came from. The answer,
according to the Bible is that God has always been
there. He has no beginning and He has no end. This is
something that the human mind can not fathom. It is
something that is outside our scope of understanding.
Perhaps the most damning evidence against evolution
as a false science comes from the mouths of some of
its own pioneers, such as Aldous and his brother
Julian Huxley, who stated that they conjured up
evolution to do away with God and the Bible.

How did we get to this point? The point where error

appears to be triumphing over truth and truth is being
trodden down in the dust? The point where good is
bad and bad is good? Well, the history of this
controversy started with the struggle for the Bible
hundreds of years ago. Christianity had been marred
with the apostasy of paganism. The Roman Catholic
Church, which was the dominant church in the dark
ages, had amalgamated Christianity with paganism.

Teachings such as infant baptism, Mariology, Sunday
sacredness, purgatory, indulgences and the
celebration of mass, just to name a few, had been
adopted as doctrines of the church. Excepting the
Waldenses, Albigenses and other smaller sects around
the world, pure Christianity had predominantly
become corrupted. Because of their stand for pure
Bible truth and their refusal to submit to the Church
of Rome, the Waldenses, and Albigenses were
persecuted for hundreds of years. As we continue on
with this history we shall clearly see that the Roman
Catholic Church was established to destroy true
Christianity from the earth.

One proponent of evolution stated that evolution must

be true because even the Catholic Church accepted it
due to overwhelming evidence. My response was that
the pope and the Catholic Church accept evolution
because they hate the Bible. That's why pope
“Innocent” III instituted the inquisition in order to
destroy Christians who held to the scriptures and
labelled them heretics. They detest the Bible because it
exposes their false doctrines, such as Sunday
Sacredness, Mary Worship, the rosary, auricular
confession, nuns, convents, transubstantiation,
prayers to the dead, purgatory and indulgences which
are foreign to the Bible.

The Catholic Church has used evolution to its

advantage because it (evolution) has turned people
away from the scriptures and has helped to bring back
the superstitions of the dark ages. Truth is never

popular. The reason why so many people believe in
evolution is not because it is true, but because it is

Chapter 6


During the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries,
hundreds of men and women stood up in defense of
pure Bible based Christianity. Their religion was not
new, but it was simply a return to the Christianity
practiced by the apostles during the early centuries.
The Waldenses or Vaudois of Italy were a small group
of Christians from Italy whose religion can be traced
back to the apostolic church of the Bible. They used
the Old Itala Bible from 157 AD which was translated

from the Textus Receptus. The Bible of the Waldenses
was used to carry the true gospel throughout Europe
and influenced millions of Christians to break away
from the papacy. Their protest against the Church of
Rome became known as the Protestant Reformation.
Of these men and women, a number of reformers
stood up above the rest. We shall now look at some of
these prominent men who brought the Catholic
Church to its knees.

John Wycliffe (1320 - 1384).

In the 14th century, when the Catholic Church was well
established in Europe, God raised up an Englishman
named John Wycliffe to bring light into the spiritual
darkness of that age. Wycliffe, who is also known as
the Morning Star of the Reformation, was one of the
first men to demand the reformation of the Catholic
Church. Contrary to popular belief, Luther did not
start the reformation. Wycliffe and Luther only acted
as catalysts for the movement that had been started by
the Waldenses hundreds of years earlier.
Like many reformers Wycliffe was a Catholic who did
not foresee that his quest for truth would eventually
lead him to oppose the Church of Rome. At college,
Wycliffe studied scholastic philosophy, the canons of
the church and civil law, especially as it related to
England. These studies helped him to fight for the civil
and religious liberties of his country. Upon entering
on a study of the Holy Scriptures, Wycliffe’s eyes were
opened to the plain truths of the Bible and the plan of
salvation, which revealed Christ as the only Savior of

Whilst acting as the king’s chaplain, Wycliffe took a
bold stand against the payment of tribute which was
claimed by the pope from the English monarch. He
argued that the pope’s assumption of authority was
against the teaching of the scriptures. The king and
the nobles were united with Wycliffe in denying the
pope’s claim to temporal authority and refused to pay
the tribute. Wycliffe also stood up against the begging
mendicant friars who swarmed England and emptied
the country of its resources. Wycliffe published tracts
against the friars with the intention of bringing
people’s minds back to teachings of the Bible and to
God. In one of these tracts he said "They draw out of
our land poor men's livelihood, and many thousand
marks, by the year, of the king's money, for
sacraments and spiritual things, that is cursed heresy
of simony, and maketh all Christendom assent and
maintain this heresy. And certes though our realm had
a huge hill of gold, and never other man took thereof
but only this proud worldly priest's collector, by
process of time this hill must be spended; for he
taketh ever money out of our land, and sendeth
nought again but God's curse for his simony." - John
Lewis, History of the Life and Sufferings of J. Wiclif,
page 37.

Among other Roman Catholic beliefs, Wycliffe

challenged the well-established doctrine of
transubstantiation. (Transubstantiation is the
teaching that in the ritual of the mass, the priest can
turn the round wafer into the real body and the wine

into the real blood of Jesus by saying five magic Latin
words.) Wycliffe also believed that Scripture belonged
to the true body of believers who make up Christ’s
universal Church and not to the institutional
church. His efforts led to a translation of the Bible in
to English, and his arguments helped prepare the
religious landscape in England, making it more fertile
for the seeds of reformation that would be sown later.

Later on Wycliffe travelled to the Netherlands, where

he learned much about the corruptions of Rome from
French, Italian and Spanish ecclesiastics. On his
return to England the king appointed him rector of
Lutterworth and he began to speak out against the
corruptions of Rome even more because of what he
had learned in the Netherlands. The English king may
have approved of Wycliffe’s plain speaking, but the
pope did not. Soon afterwards three bulls were sent to
England to silence the “heretic”. Wycliffe was
summoned for trial before the bishops, but he
received protection from two powerful princes as well
as people who believed in his teachings. They
surrounded the building and intimidated the judges
by rushing into the building causing the proceedings
to be suspended. Wycliffe was then allowed to leave in

Many attempts were made to silence Wycliffe and at

times it appeared that the path that he trod was
leading to the stake, but God intervened and his life
was spared.

Later on Wycliffe became the professor of theology at
Oxford University. He preached the gospel in the
university and presented it faithfully to his students
that he received the title of “the gospel doctor.” At one
point Wycliffe became very ill that his joyous enemies
thought he would die. They gathered around him and
urged him to retract all that he had taught against the
Catholic Church and its religious orders. In defiance
Wycliffe stated that he would not die, but live and
again declare the evil deeds of the friars.

In fulfilment of this self prophecy Wycliffe did live and

went on to place the most powerful weapon in the
hands of the English people. He gave them the Bible in
their own language. Wycliffe’s Bible was not an
accurate version of the Bible. It had been translated
from the Catholic Latin Vulgate, which contained
many errors, but at the time was the only Bible that he
had access to. Despite this, his translation had created
a hunger for people in Europe to have the Bible in
their own tongues. By translating the Bible into
English, Wycliffe had disobeyed the Catholic Church’s
teaching that no one was allowed to translate the Bible
into his own language.

Wycliffe wad brought to trial on three occasions by the

papists and each time he was able to defend the cause
of truth to the dismay of his enemies. On the third
occasion his enemies accused him of heresy, but he
was able to hurl this charge back at his accusers. With
words that will forever stand to be true he said “With
whom, think you, are ye contending? with an old

man on the brink of the grave? No! with Truth--Truth
which is stronger than you, and will overcome you." –
Wylie and His Times, b. 2, ch. 13.
Wycliffe then walked out from the assembly and none
of the papists attempted to stop him.
He was later summoned to Rome where he would
have attended had it not been for a bout of palsy
which hindered him. Though he could not attend
Rome in person he determined that his voice should
be heard. He wrote a letter in which he said; “The
pope ought to leave unto the secular power all
temporal dominion and rule, and thereunto effectually
to move and exhort his whole clergy; for so did Christ,
and especially by His apostles. Wherefore, if I have
erred in any of these points, I will most humbly
submit myself unto correction, even by death, if
necessity so require; and if I could labor according to
my will or desire in mine own person, I would surely
present myself before the bishop of Rome; but the
Lord hath otherwise visited me to the contrary, and
hath taught me rather to obey God than men.” - John
Foxe, Acts and Monuments, vol. 3, pp. 49, 50.

The pope and the bishops never stopped hounding

him and it seemed certain that they would soon bring
him to the stake. Just as they felt that their prey was
within their reach Wycliffe was providentially
removed from beyond their reach. He was about to
dispense communion at his church in Lutterworth
when he was struck with palsy and died soon

Wycliffe’s death did not bring contentment to his
enemies. “By the decree of the Council of Constance,
more than forty years after his death his bones were
exhumed and publicly burned, and the ashes were
thrown into a neighbouring brook. "This brook," says
an old writer, "hath conveyed his ashes into Avon,
Avon into Severn, Severn into the narrow seas, they
into the main ocean. And thus the ashes of Wycliffe
are the emblem of his doctrine, which now is
dispersed all the world over." - T. Fuller, Church
History of Britain, b. 4, sec. 2, par. 54. Little did his
enemies realize the significance of their malicious act.
It was through the writings of Wycliffe that John Huss,
of Bohemia, was led to renounce many of the errors of
Romanism and to enter upon the work of reform.” -
Taken from The Great Controversy by Ellen White,
p.94, 95.

Wycliffe laid down the Protestant principles that

salvation was found through faith in Christ alone and
the sole infallibility of the scriptures. His followers,
who were known as Wycliffites or Lollards, spread the
gospel not only in England, where nearly half the
country accepted the truth, but in other countries
where Wycliffe’s teachings found acceptance.

John Huss (1370-1415).

Jan Hus also known as John Huss, was born in
Bohemia (present-day Czech Republic) some three
decades after Wycliffe’s birth, but was influenced by
his ideas. He studied at the University of Prague and
was ordained as a priest after the completion of his

studies. Like many of the Reformers, Huss was a
faithful follower of the Roman Church who believed
that being a member of that church would bring him
spiritual blessings. Huss had received the writings of
Wycliffe from his friend Jerome, a Bohemian scholar
who had studied at Oxford University in England and
had accepted Wycliffe’s teachings. Huss believed that
the pope, as well as all Christians, should submit to
the authority of the Bible and began to denounce the
practices of the papacy more boldly after reading
Wycliffe’s writings. “Hus made his position very clear.
He said “To rebel against an erring pope is to obey
Christ.” He believed that Christ, not the pope, was
head of the Church, and that the Bible, not the pope or
bishops, should serve as an authority.” - Huss the
Heretic, by Poggius the Papist and Paul Tice, p.107.

These, and some other soon-to-be Protestant views,

pushed him onto a collision course with the Roman
Church. Huss was summoned to Rome to appear
before the pope. The king, queen and the university
pleaded for Huss to present himself to the pope’s
representative in Prague. They understood that Huss’
visit to Rome would mean certain death. On his
failure to present himself to the pope he was
condemned and the city of Prague was placed under
interdict. This meant that all the churches were closed
and all religious services were suspended. The dead
were denied burial on grounds dedicated for that
purpose and no marriages could be conducted within
the churches. At this time Huss retired to his native
village to prevent further conflict.

At this time Huss’ mind was at war with itself. He still
considered himself to a loyal subject of the Catholic
Church and the pope, but at the same time he
questioned how the pope and his church could be so
corrupt if they represented Christ on earth. He
believed the pope to be Christ’s vicar, but also
understood that obeying the pope and disobeying God
was a sin. There was no middle ground and he had to
make a decision. He finally resolved to submit his
conscience not to the church, but to Bible which he
believed was the only infallible guide and the final
authority in matters of faith.
Huss returned to Prague when the excitement over the
interdict had died down. He continued to preach the
Word of God with greater courage and boldness. At
about this point Huss was joined by his good friend
Jerome who had returned from his studies at Oxford
University in England were he had accepted the
teachings of Wycliffe. The two men had characters
that complemented each other and the work of
bringing about reform was greatly increased when
their efforts were united.

At this time three popes were jostling for the “chair of

St Peter”. These were John XXIII, the pope of the
Germans and the Bohemians, Gregory XII, of the
French and Benedict XIII of the Spaniards. They
anathematized and excommunicated each other, each
rightly calling the other antichrist. All three resorted
to simony for the purpose of raising money to
purchase weapons and to obtain soldiers to fight

each other. Huss spoke out even more against the evils
committed by the three popes. He called John XXIII
antichrist and thundered against the indulgences
which promised the remission of sins for those who
joined John XXIII’s army and planned to forcibly
remove the other two popes. When a general council
was called at Constance, in Germany, by pope John
XXIII, Huss was also summoned to appear before
Emperor Sigismund and the council. The purpose of
the council was to put an end to the schism in the
church and to quash heresy. Huss was seen as the
main instigator of these heresies and hence why he
was summoned to attend in person to answer the
charge. John XXIII had only called for the Council at
the desire of Sigismund. He feared that Sigismund had
a secret plan to depose him for all the crimes that he
had committed whilst at helm of the church. He was
accused of forty crimes some of which included an
attempt to poison his predecessor, as well as being a
thief, a liar, an adulterer and fornicator (having
seduced 300 nuns), a murderer, a sodomite, as well as
being guilty of incest and simony. There were 37
witnesses who exposed John XXIII’s criminal
activities including his secretary. The man who read
these charges against him at the Council of Constance
closed his remarks by saying, “He is universally looked
upon, as will be found upon the slightest inquiry, as
the sink of vice, the enemy of all virtue, the mirror of
infamy, and all who know him speak of him as a devil
incarnate.” - Huss the Heretic, by Poggius the Papist
and Paul Tice, p.107.

Huss attended the council having received the
assurance of a safe conduct from the Bohemian king
and Emperor Sigismund. On his arrival in Constance
however, the promise of a safe conduct was reneged
on and Huss was thrown into a filthy prison, near the
mouth of a sewer, where he nearly died after his
health deteriorated. Huss was later moved to another
prison where once again he almost died due to being
badly fed. Huss was presented with many
opportunities to escape, but refused to do so believing
that he would be going against God’s will. Out of forty
seven charges, there were six main charges against
Huss. These were 1: That he did not believe in
transubstantiation. 2: He despised the belief that the
pope and the saints were infallible. 3: He disputed the
power of absolution by vicious priests and confession
to them. 4: He rejected absolute obedience to worldly
superiors. 5: He rejected the prohibition of marriage
for priests. 6: He called the indulgence a simony,
sinning against the Holy spirit. Huss had also
conducted mass in the Czech language instead of Latin
so that lay people could understand what was being
said whilst the Church of Rome had prohibited it.
Huss was given an opportunity to defend himself, but
was shouted down by the papists on numerous
occasions. As with the Inquisition, his enemies had
already decided that he was guilty before he had a
chance to prove his innocence. When those in
attendance were given an opportunity to vote a
massive struggle ensued between those who agreed
with Huss and those who didn’t. Finally, the votes
calling for his death out numbered the ones calling

for him to be spared and he was condemned to be

Hus knew that his death would bring changes. On the

day of his execution Huss used symbolic language
describing how his enemies on that day would roast a
goose (Huss means goose in the Bohemian language)
but a hundred years from then a swan would sing
whom they would not roast or catch with a trap. About
a century later a man appeared who the symbol of a
swan as his coat of arms and that man was Martin

Both Jerome and Wycliffe were also found guilty of

heresy by the same Council. It was at this Council that
a decision was made to dig up Wycliffe’s bones and
burn them. Jerome, who had promised to come to
Huss’ rescue if he should find himself in trouble, also
went to Constance. On realizing that he could not help
Huss and that he had placed his own life in danger
Jerome made an attempt to escape but was arrested in
a town called Hirsau, near the Bohemian border. He
was sent back to Constance in irons and guarded by a
band of soldiers. Jerome was confined in a tower and
given the same treatment as Huss. He became very ill
and at this point of weakness he recanted expecting to
be released, but this never happened. Upon reflection
in his cell, Jerome realized that he had sold out the
cause of Christ. He changed his mind and made this
clear to the council which sentenced him to death by
burning on the stake on the 30th of May 1416. Jerome
is said to have sung hymns on the way to his

execution and continued to sing as the flames lapped
up around him and burnt him to death.

The Council had initially decided that John XXIII was

the rightful pope, but they changed their minds when
his numerous crimes were uncovered. They demanded
his resignation, but instead of doing so, John XXIII
fled for his life dressed as a commoner and protecting
himself with a crossbow. He was eventually caught
after several months and imprisoned in the same jail
as Huss. John XXIII was brought before the Council
and was spared because he admitted the numerous
charges against him and submitted himself to the will
of the council. He ended his days as Dean of the
Sacred College under Pope Martin V, who became the
next pope.

When the people of Bohemia became aware of what

had happened to Huss and Jerome they made a
decision to write to the Council stating that the
murders of Huss and Jerome were an insult to their
country. Although the document was written by
hundreds of Bohemian nobleman, the Council refused
to hear them and summoned them all to Constance as
heretics. The followers of Huss ignored the Council
and the pope soon called for a crusade against the
Hussites. Many wars were fought between the papists
and the Hussites which the papists lost. God fought
for the Hussites in the same way that He had fought
for Israel in the Old Testament. On one occasion the
pope’s armies fled from the battlefield after being
attacked by a swarm of bees. Sometimes they would

flee from the Hussites when they were not being
pursued. The Hussites only lost the battle when they
began to make concessions with Rome.

Martin Luther (1483-1546).

Luther was a German who was born at a time when
the seeds of the Reformation were being sown. His
father operated copper mines which earned him more
money than the average person in Germany. He sent
Luther to various schools and then to university in the
hope that he would become a lawyer. In 1505 Luther
enrolled himself at a law school, but discontinued his
studies almost immediately. Luther attributed this
decision to an event which happened to him as he
made his way back to the university. Whilst traveling
back to the university there was a thunderstorm in
which a bolt of lightening nearly struck him. Luther
was so frightened of death that he promised to
dedicate his life to serving God if he would survive the
storm. He thought the best way to serve God was to
become an Augustinian monk in the Catholic Church
where he entered a cloistered friary in Erfurt. His
father was furious at his decision as he thought that
Luther was wasting his education and his hard earned

It was during his time in the friary that Luther

struggled with the guilt of sin. He spent many days
fasting and praying in his cell with the hope that the
guilt he felt as a sinner would be lifted from him. On
many occasions Luther came very near the point of
death whilst fasting in his cell. Luther was so

dedicated that he felt that no monk deserved to go to
heaven more than he did. Luther was later ordained as
a priest and became a professor at the University of
Wittenberg where he also began to preach the gospel.
Later on he had the opportunity to visit Rome. In his
mind he had imagined Rome to be a Holy paradise,
but was horrified at the rottenness and ungodliness
practised not just by the prelates, but by the
inhabitants of the city of Rome. In disgust Luther
wrote “"No one can imagine, what sins and infamous
actions are committed in Rome; they must be seen
and heard to be believed. Thus they are in the habit of
saying, 'If there is a hell, Rome is built over it: it is an
abyss whence issues every kind of sin.'" D'Aubigne, b.
2, ch.6

The pope had issued a decretal whereby he had

promised an indulgence to all who would climb the
stairs of “Pilates staircase” on their knees. This
staircase was said to be the same one that Christ
descended when leaving the Roman judgement hall. It
was said to have been miraculously conveyed from
Jerusalem to Rome. How such a miracle would have
helped with anyone’s salvation is a question that
Rome never answered. It was whilst he was one day
climbing these stairs that Luther heard a voice say to
him “The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17. Luther
immediately sprang to his feet in embarrassment and
from that time onwards he began to trust more in God
than in human traditions. The words “Justification by
faith alone” or Sola fide, became his motto. What
Luther meant by this was that sinners are justified,

or made righteous by faith alone through God’s grace
and not by the rituals or traditions of the church.

On his return to Germany, Luther received a Degree of

Doctor of Divinity at the University of Wittenberg. His
faith in the Holy Scriptures grew more and more and
he firmly declared that believers should not accept any
doctrine unless they could prove it from the Bible.

At this time the papacy decided that they wanted to

build St Peter’s Church at Rome. The funds were
however lacking and in order to raise more money
another indulgence for the forgiveness of sin was
announced. The pope promised that he would forgive
even the most heinous sins, such as murder and rape,
in exchange for money from those seeking the
forgiveness of their sins. There were many corruptions
in the Church of Rome which had caused reformers to
cry out for reformation, but none of them aroused
them more than the selling of papal indulgences.

A criminal called John Tetzel had escaped punishment

for his crimes and had been appointed by Pope Leo X
to sell indulgences in Germany. Tetzel, a Dominican
priest, declared that he had been given the power to
forgive all the sins which the buyers of his certificates
should wish to commit. He told them that not even
repentance was necessary. Tetzel’s motto was “"As
soon as a coin in the coffer rings, the soul from

purgatory springs." We who live in an age of
enlightenment, brought about by the same
reformation recorded here, would be able to easily
discern that Tetzel was a con artist, sent by the pope to
rob poor people of their hard earned cash. The people
of the dark ages, however having been so long
deprived of the Bible, were in spiritual darkness and
most of them did not comprehend that Tetzel’s
promises to forgive their sins were baseless. It was for
this reason that the Bible had been kept away from the
superstitious masses.

Many of those that belonged to Luther’s congregation

purchased certificates of pardon from Tetzel. They
went to Luther expecting him to absolve them from
their sins, not because they had repented, but because
of the certificates they had bought from Tetzel. Luther
refused to honour these worthless pieces of paper and
warned his congregants that unless they repented they
would die in their sins. On hearing this many of them
took their certificates back to Tetzel and demanded
their money back. Tetzel was enraged. He threatened
those who opposed him and said that he had an order
from the pope to burn all heretics who should
presume to oppose his holy indulgences.

Luther began to preach against the pope’s indulgences

and taught the people that only God, through His Son
Jesus Christ could save a repentant sinner. As Tetzel
continued to rob the poor people of Germany of their
money Luther decided to make his protest against the
sale of indulgences more effective. On the eve of a

Roman Catholic festival known as All Saints, Luther
joined hundreds of people who were making their way
to the church of Wittenberg to have their sins forgiven
through the veneration of relics. It was on this day, the
31st of October 1517, that Luther nailed his 95 theses or
95 objections against the indulgences and other papal

The 95 theses attracted a lot of attention from the

people in Wittenberg. Luther’s paper was taken down,
copied and distributed throughout Germany and
abroad. Rather than being just a protest against the
pope’s indulgences, the essence of Luther’s theses was
that truth was to be found in the Bible rather than in
the teachings and traditions of the church. The
predictable reaction of the papacy was that they
excommunicated Luther and burnt his writings in
Rome. Another fact which shows that the Protestant
Reformation was ordained of God was the invention of
the printing press which occurred in the year 1440. If
Luther’s writings had been hand copied it would have
taken a much longer time for his tracts to be
distributed in Germany and the various European
countries. With Gutenberg’s movable type printing
press however, Luther’s writings and his German
version of the Bible could be mass produced in a
shorter space of time.

Tetzel lost the argument against Luther. He was only

able to sell a small number of his indulgences in
Wittenberg and died shortly afterwards in 1519. In
1521 Luther was summoned to the Diet of Worms by

the Emperor Charles V. Charles V was of course a son
of the church and his actions were heavily influenced
by those who controlled his conscience in Rome. By
this time Luther had a large following in Germany,
including support from powerful German knights.
Also amongst his supporters was Frederick the Wise
who demanded that Luther should be given the
promise of a safe conduct before travelling to Worms.
Luther and his supporters were aware of the events
that had led to Huss’s death, despite the fact that he
had been promised a safe conduct, but he accepted the
challenge stating that he did not fear death. Charles V
and the pope’s representatives had summoned Luther
to Worms with one aim in mind and that was for him
to recant what he had written and stated against the
Church. Luther however, stood his ground and was
able to defend his position from the Bible. Not content
with this, the popes’ representatives sought to get a
recantation from Luther by using intimidatory tactics.
One of them shouted angrily at him and said “"You
have not answered the question put to you. . . . You are
required to give a clear and precise answer. . . . Will
you, or will you not, retract?" Luther answered, “Since
your most serene majesty and your high mightinesses
require from me a clear, simple, and precise answer, I
will give you one, and it is this: I cannot submit my
faith either to the pope or to the councils, because it is
clear as the day that they have frequently erred and
contradicted each other. Unless therefore I am
convinced by the testimony of Scripture or by the
clearest reasoning, unless I am persuaded by means of
the passages I have quoted, and unless they thus

render my conscience bound by the word of God, I
cannot and I will not retract, for it is unsafe for a
Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand,
I can do no other; may God help me. Amen." – D’
Aubigne, b.7, ch.8.

Luther was able to leave Worms with the guarantee of

his safe conduct still intact. Once this was expired he
was to be seized and condemned as a heretic. On his
way home a group of armed men stopped his wagon
and dragged him off to a location unknown to his
supporters. After not being seen in public for nearly a
year his supporters assumed that he was dead, but the
armed men had actually taken him to Wartburg castle
which belonged to Frederick the wise. It was whilst he
was there in hiding that he produced his German Bible,
translated from accurate manuscripts, commonly
known as the Received Text. Also worthy of mention is
Melanchthon, Luther’s friend and helper who helped
him to fight the tyranny of papal power.

Luther went on to marry Catherine von Bora, a former

nun who had left the convent in order to exercise and
enjoy her liberty of conscience. Catherine had left the
convent with eleven other nuns who Luther helped to
find husbands for. Luther had been unable to find a
husband for Catherine so he married her and he went
on to have six children with her and adopted four

Unlike other Reformers, Luther was not burnt at the

stake or tortured by the pope’s inquisitors. He lived

to be 62 and died of natural causes in Eisleben, the
city of his birth. The impact of what Luther and the
other Reformers did can still be felt today. Their
struggle against papal tyranny brought us much of the
liberty that we enjoy today, liberties such as the
freedom of speech, press, the right to assemble and
most importantly the freedom to worship God
according to the dictates of one’s conscience. Sadly
many of these freedoms are being eroded due to laws
that are being introduced in response to the War on

Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498). Savonarola was

an Italian Dominican priest from Ferrera who was
known for burning books and for destroying what he
considered immoral art. These were acts which
became known as "The Bonfire of the Vanities". He
vehemently preached against the moral corruption of
much of the clergy at the time, and his main opponent
was Rodrigo Borgia, who was Pope Alexander VI from
1492, through Savonarola's death, to 1503.

On May 13, 1497, Savonarola

was excommunicated by Pope Alexander VI, and in
1498, Alexander demanded his arrest and execution.
Savonarola surrendered along with two of his close
associates. Savonarola was faced with charges such
as heresy, uttering prophecies, sedition, and other
crimes called religious errors by the Borgia pope. The
three were hanged in chains from a single cross and an
enormous fire was lit beneath them.

Ulrich Zwingli (1518-1525). Zwingli was a Swiss
Roman Catholic priest, who reached the same
theological conclusions as Luther by simply studying
the Bible. His ideas spread throughout Switzerland
and he broke free from Rome. Upon hearing that there
were like-minded Protestants in Germany, Zwingli
traveled to that country with some of his followers.
Zwingli and Luther went on to have many debates
about different doctrines, but could not agree on all
that they had come to believe. One of the sticking
points was the issue of mass. Although Luther had
broken away from Rome he continued to believe in
transubstantiation whilst Zwingli rightly believed that
the bread and wine in communion symbolically
represented Christ’s body and blood.

Out of Zwingli’s movement sprang another distinct

movement of Protestantism: the Anabaptists. The
Anabaptists believed that only adults should be
baptized and that this should only be by immersion in
water which is what the word baptize means.

John Knox 1510 –1572. Knox, who was also known

as “the thundering Scott” was one of Scotland’s most
notable contributors to the Protestant
Reformation. He was ordained a Roman Catholic
priest in 1540, but converted to the reformed faith
after coming under the influence of Calvin. Knox gave
rise to the Reformed Church of Scotland which later
became known as the Presbyterian Church. Knox also
taught that the Bible was above popes and men’s


John Wesley 1703 – 1791. John Wesley, the son of a

rector from Epworth, Lincolnshire in England, was
educated at Christ Church College, Oxford, where he
was ordained in 1725. He remained at Oxford after his
studies where he taught Greek. At Oxford University
John became a member of a small group which had
gathered round his brother Charles Wesley. The group
of Christians became known as the Holy Club or the
Oxford Methodists, known today as the Methodist
Church. One of John Wesley’s core beliefs was that the
10 commandments had not been abolished. Charles
Wesley was an abolitionist who also wrote and
vehemently preached against the slave trade at
considerable personal risk.

Thomas Cranmer 1489 –1556. Cranmer,

Archbishop of Canterbury, helped King Henry VIII to
break away from Rome after the pope refused to give
him a divorce from his first wife. Rather than being
theological, Henry VIII’s reasons for breaking away
from Rome were more to do with him seeking to have
a son who could inherit his throne. When Catherine of
Aragon could not give him a son he decided to get rid
of her. Henry VIII was eventually declared to be the
supreme head of the Church of England by
Parliament. Over the next several decades the religion
of England swung between Roman Catholicism and a
form of Protestantism called Anglicanism. In
1558 Queen Elizabeth, a Protestant Queen, gained the
throne and finalized Britain’s Protestant direction.

There were many attempts by Jesuit agents to
assassinate her due to her refusal to submit herself to
the pope as depicted in a film called Elizabeth the
Golden Age. It was during her reign, after failed
attempts to dethrone her, that the Spanish Armada
made an attempt to invade Britain and take it over for
the pope, but they were defeated by the British navy
and by an act of God in which the Armada ships were
shattered by a massive storm resulting in them being
ship wrecked on the coasts of Ireland and Scotland.

After the break up with Rome, the Anglican Church

forsook most of the unbiblical doctrines practiced by
Rome, but over the past few centuries the Anglican
Church has closed the gap between itself and the
Church of Rome by once again adopting Roman
beliefs including Mary worship. Cranmer was still
Archbishop of Canterbury when “Bloody Mary” came
to the throne. Mary was a Catholic Queen who
persecuted Cranmer as well as the Protestant
Christians in England. Cranmer was later executed for
refusing to recant. He was burnt at the stake at the
same spot where Ridley and Latimer, two other
English Reformers, were burnt six months before.

William Tyndale 1490-1536. Tyndale is my favorite

Reformer. He was born in Gloucestershire, England
which at the time was filled with the teachings of the
Waldenses and Lollards. It is possible that Tyndale
and his family were influenced by these teachings.
Tyndale studied at the Universities of Oxford and
Cambridge and later on became the student of

Erasmus. He left England and went to Germany after
being unable to get support to translate the Bible into
English. Whilst in Germany he dodged Roman
Catholic authorities who sought to put an end to his
work. England at the time was bowed down by
Romanism and steeped in paganisms and superstition.
Tyndale realized that the only way to bring light into
this darkness was to make the Bible available to the
common people in his country. In 1525, he started
printing his New Testament in Cologne, but had to flee
to Worms to continue his work after being betrayed.
This translation of the New Testament was to be
known as the Tyndale New Testament. Hundreds of
copies of his New Testament were smuggled to
England in bags of grain, flour, casks of wine or in
false sides and bottoms of chests, but some that were
found by authorities were burned at St. Paul's Cross.
Tyndale spoke seven different languages fluently. His
mastery of Greek and Hebrew obviously helped him to
accurately translate the scriptures. Like Luther,
Tyndale only used accurate manuscripts to translate
the scriptures into English. Tyndale’s greatest desire
was for everyone, rich or poor to have their copy of the
Bible. The Bible was then only available in Latin and
most of the English people could not read this. As
Samuel Morse said “The food of popery is ignorance”
and it was by denying the English people access to the
Bible that the papacy was able to keep them in
ignorance and superstition.

Tyndale described the attitude of the papists towards

his desire to translate the Bible to English stating

that “Some of the papists say it is impossible to
translate the Scriptures into English, some that it is
not lawful for the layfolk to have it in the mother-
tongue, some that it would make them all heretics” -
William Tyndale, preface to The Five Books of Moses,
cited from Schaff, Church History, VI, p. 726).

One day a priest said to Tyndale, “We are better

without God’s laws than the pope’s.” On hearing that
Tyndale replied “I defy the Pope and all his laws. If
God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy
that driveth a plough to know more of the Scriptures
than thou dost.” - Foxe, "Chapter XII", Book of

Whilst still undergoing his project of translating the

Bible he was kidnapped and imprisoned by Antwerp
authorities after being betrayed by a spy. Requests for
his release were denied by papal authorities. In 1536,
he was executed at the stake, but before his death he
prayed “Oh Lord, open the King of England's eyes!”
His prayer was answered when King Henry VIII who
had opposed his work went on to permit the
translation of the Great Bible. Tyndale was only able
to translate the New Testament and portions of the
Old Testament into English. His great desire to
translate the whole Bible was completed by his friend
Myles Coverdale. The completed work is known as
The Coverdale Bible.

Tyndale was the first one to give us an accurate

version of the Bible in English. His work led to the

publication of the Geneva Bible, which was based on
eighty percent of his work. The Geneva Bible is known
as the Bible of the Reformation, because it was the
primary Bible that the Reformers used in the sixteenth
and Seventeenth centuries. It was used by Oliver
Cromwell, John Knox and John Bunyan, author of
Pilgrims Progress, and even William Shakespeare
used this Bible in his writings. It was this Bible that
the Pioneers took to America with them on the
Mayflower. It preceded the King James Version by
fifty one years. The Geneva Bible was the first Bible to
use chapters and numbered verses and became the
most popular version of its time because of its
extensive marginal notes which were written by
leading Reformers to help explain the scriptures to the

The King James Bible, authorized by King James I,

was first published in 1611 and used eighty percent of
Tyndale’s work. For this reason the KJV and the
Geneva Bible are very similar with the main difference
being that the marginal notes were removed from the
KJV. It was because of his authorization of the King
James Bible that King James I and those in the British
parliament nearly lost their lives in the Gunpowder
Plot of 1605. Although Guy Fawkes is named as the
main conspirator in the plot, a little research will
reveal that the main conspirator was Henry Garnet, a
Jesuit priest who was later caught and executed for his
part in the plot.

In fact, there have been numerous plots by agents of

the papacy to destroy the Bible, including the
publication of bogus Bibles, which were translated
from corrupt Catholic manuscripts. Some of these
Bibles translated predominately from Codex
Vaticanus and Sinaiticus manuscripts, are the New
International Version (NIV), Good News Bible,
Revised Standard Version (RSV), American Standard
Version (ASV), Jerusalem Bible, the Douay Bible,
which is a Jesuit version of the Bible and even the New
King James Version (NKJV). Most of these Bibles
have missing texts or texts which have been given a
Catholic slant to promote Catholic doctrines thereby
destroying the work which was achieved by the
Protestant Reformers to get Christians out of Roman
superstition and back to God’s Word.

Although the Reformers disagreed on many points

they were united on two main points, 1) That the Bible
was God’s infallible Word and that 2) the papacy is

The statements from Reformers proclaiming the

papacy to be antichrist are too numerous to mention. I
shall only refer to a few of them here. The first is from
Ellen White who said “When the papal bull reached
Luther, he said: “I despise it, and resist it, as impious
and false. . . . It is Christ himself who is condemned
therein.” “I glory in the prospect of suffering for the
best of causes. Already I feel greater liberty; for I know
now that the pope is antichrist, and that his throne is
that of Satan himself.” - Great Controversy, p.141.

Thomas Cranmer, who was Archbishop of Canterbury
during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary
I, said "And as for the pope, I refuse him, as Christ's
enemy, and Antichrist with all his false doctrine” -
Heinze 1993, p. 279.

"When the western church was divided for about 40

years between two rival popes, one in Rome and the
other in Avigon, France, each pope called the other
pope antichrist - and John Wycliffe is reputed to have
regarded them as both being right: "two halves of
Antichrist, making up the perfect Man of Sin between
them." - Review and Herald publishing assc, 1950-

"Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther, Calvin, Cranmer; in

the seventeenth century, Bunyan, the translators
of the King James Bible and the men who
published the Westminster and Baptist
confessions of Faith; Sir Isaac Newton, Wesley,
Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards; and more recently
Spurgeon, Bishop J.C. Ryle and Dr. Martin
Lloyd-Jones; these men among countless others,
all saw the office of the Papacy as the antichrist."
- Michael de Semlyen, All Roads Lead to Rome,
Dorchestor House Publications, p. 205. 1991.

The Biblical exposure of Rome’s false doctrines and

the pope as antichrist led to the mass exodus of
millions of Catholics from her fold. The power base of
the Catholic Church has always been its people whose
ignorance it had always fed on. No longer would the

majority of Catholics allow this to happen. They left
the Church in droves and there was nothing that the
pope or his minions could do. When the Catholics
realised that salvation was not based on the teachings
of the popes or tradition, but rather upon the Word of
God and faith in his Son, the shackles fell off their
hands and feet.

The pope would not take this sitting down. Something

had to be done to stop the Reformation, and to regain
the power and wealth that had been lost through the
Protestant Reformation. The pope’s inquisition which
had led to the slaughter of over one hundred and fifty
million Christians had had no effect in stopping the
Reformation. In fact the massacre of God’s innocent
children had led to its progression. As Tertullian said,
“the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church”

Speaking of this time in the history of the Christian

Church Ellen White said “Throughout Christendom,
Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The
first triumphs of the Reformation past, Rome
summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its
destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was
created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of
all the champions of popery. Cut off from earthly ties
and human interests, dead to the claims of natural
affection, reason and conscience wholly silenced, they
knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no
duty but to extend its power… It was a fundamental
principle of the order that the end justifies the means.
By this code, lying, theft, perjury, assassination, were

not only pardonable but commendable, when they
served the interests of the church. Under various
disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of
state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and
shaping the policy of nations. They became servants to
act as spies upon their masters. They established
colleges for the sons of princes and nobles, and
schools for the common people; and the children of
Protestant parents were drawn into an observance of
popish rites. All the outward pomp and display of the
Romish worship was brought to bear to confuse the
mind and dazzle and captivate the imagination, and
thus the liberty for which the fathers had toiled and
bled was betrayed by the sons. The Jesuits rapidly
spread themselves over Europe, and wherever they
went, there followed a revival of popery…Such were
the means which Rome had invoked to quench the
light of the Reformation, to withdraw from men
the Bible, and to restore the ignorance and
superstition of the Dark Ages.” - Ellen G. White, Ages.
Great Controversy p. 234

It was the Bible which had been the foundation of the

Reformation. It was the Bible which had given the
Reformers the courage and boldness to say “No!” to
papal tyranny and enabled them to shake the papacy
to its core. If the devil had not raised up the Jesuit
order the papacy would not have as much influence as
it does today or quite possibly it would have been
rendered extinct. The popes and the Jesuits
understood that the power of the Reformation lay in
the Bible and that without this the world would be

returned to the ignorance of the dark ages and be
made to bow at the feet of the pope of Rome. Various
plots were put into play to begin the process of taking
the Bible away from the masses. By this time the
printing press had been invented and the Bible was
easily accessible to anyone who wanted to buy a copy.
Because of this the Bible could no longer be taken
away from Christians by force, therefore subtlety and
deception would be the name of the game when it
came to the grand scheme “to withdraw from men the

It was with these plans that Ignatius Loyola, the

founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)
approached pope Paul III for him to officially
recognize the Jesuits as a Catholic order. The Jesuits
promised the pope that they would take a vow of
absolute obedience directly to the pope and that they
would go anywhere in the world, at any cost to life and
comfort and without protest, in order to defend and
propagate the Catholic faith. One of Loyola’s plans
was to destroy the Protestant churches through
infiltration and subversion. On hearing all this Paul III
looked up to heaven and said “The hand of God is at
work here!” An interesting statement, bearing in mind
that God, throughout the ages has never worked
through such means. Paul III did not hesitate to
approve the new order, understanding that this was
the last and only means of survival for the papacy.

Other tricks in the bag of the Jesuits would be the

introduction of bogus bibles, translated from

Catholic manuscripts and later on the introduction of
evolution as a science to undermine people’s faith in
the Bible. We have witnessed how this false “science”
has flooded western society leading to people, even in
countries where Protestantism was once strong, to
abandon their belief in God and His Word. The papacy,
through their Jesuit agents, would then lead the
ignorant, superstitious masses of the world to follow
the pope of Rome, just like in the Dark Ages. In
Matthew 24, Jesus warned four times that deception
would be one of the many signs of His second coming.
We can clearly see this prophecy being fulfilled right
in front of our eyes. Today we have the expression
“Jesuitical lie” because as we have read from Ellen
White, lying, as well as other evil deeds would be
commendable to the Jesuits as long as it served the
interests of the Church.

In 1540 Pope Paul III signed the papal bull, Regimini

Militantis Ecclesiae, (Latin for To the Government of
the Church Militant) giving the Jesuits official papal
approval. As can be seen from the title of the bull, the
Jesuits were not just priests, but a form of Catholic
militia who would be led by their Superior General, as
the head of the Jesuits came to be known. They
became the military arm of the Catholic Church.
Ignatius had in fact called his order the Company of
Jesus, but the name passed through Latin as Societas
Jesu and came out in English as Society of Jesus or
Jesuits as they came to be known by their enemies.
Pope Paul III had only approved the Jesuits to have 60
members, but as time went on the order grew to have

thousands of members in it ranks.

Whereas Luther and the Reformers had made the

Bible and submission to Christ the mainstay of their
doctrines, the Jesuits taught that everyone should
submit themselves to the pope, who they claimed was
infallible. The Jesuits hate the Bible so much that they
are quoted as saying “Then the Bible, that serpent
which with head erect and eyes flashing, threatens us
with its venom while it trails along the ground, shall
be changed into a rod as soon as we are able to seize
it... Oh then mysterious rod, we will not again suffer
thee to escape from our hands for you know too well,
that for three centuries past this cruel asp has left us
no repose. You well know with what folds it entwines
us and with what fangs it gnaws us." – Jacopo Leone,
The Jesuit Conspiracy, p.98.

To bring in changes that would reverse the Protestant

Reformation a Church Council was convened in Trent.
This came to be known as the Council of Trent and the
aims of the Council became known as the Counter
Reformation. Pope Paul III convened the Council of
Trent in Italy which met three times for a total of
eighteen years: 1545 to 1547, 1551 to 1552, and 1562 to
1563. The Counter Reformation was and still is led by
the Jesuits. The main role of the Jesuits is the
infiltration of churches in order to bring them back to
“Mother church” (the Catholic Church). The Council
of Trent pronounced over 100 anathemas or curses
against Protestants who rejected, indulgences, infant
baptism, the Eucharist, transubstantiation, auricular

confession, the Catholic priesthood and most
importantly indulgences which had been the main
cause of Luther’s protest.

These and many other curses were pronounced

against Protestants because they had rightly pointed
out that the papacy was antichrist and stated that the
teachings of the Romish Church were alien to the
Bible. Not long after their formation the Jesuit order
instigated the St Bartholomew massacre in France in
1572. This massacre started with the assassination of
high ranking officials followed by a wave
of Catholic mob violence, directed against
the Huguenots (French Calvinists). In 1648 the thirty
years war broke out in central Europe. This war was
also instigated by the Jesuit order in an attempt to
overcome Protestantism in Europe. They failed to
accomplish their goal, but one of the maxims of the
Jesuits is that they never give up. Indeed the Jesuits
never gave up and went on to instigate assassination
and war, including WWI and WWII as evidenced in
The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris and
The Secret Terrorists by Bill Hughes.

To further the destruction of the Protestant

Reformation the Jesuits instigated the War on Terror.
This war has resulted in the erosion of civil and
religious liberties that were attained through the blood
and sacrifice of the Reformers. The war to silence the
protest of the Christians would be waged on many
fronts. This would include the infiltration and
takeover of the world’s educational system. These

“Men in Black” began to control the educational
systems of Europe and made people forget the past
through the rewriting of history. They began with
such countries like Germany and England where
Protestantism was very strong, where they introduced
theories that were favourable to the Catholic Church
and through the rewriting of history they covered up
the atrocities committed in papal inquisitions and
crusades. They also took over control of the
inquisition from the Dominicans.
Each time the Catholic Church wanted to evangelize
and infiltrate certain religions of the world, they would
build schools or colleges for this purpose. An example
is the Pontifical Gregorian University, set up for the
subversion of different religions. The Jesuits built
magnificent schools all over Europe and these schools
were evidence of the immense wealth under their
control. As I have already evidenced, the Jesuits aim
to take people away from the Bible by introducing
false teachings based on Greek and Babylonian
religions and fables. In order to control the minds of
the people you have to start with the children.

Caryl Matriciano, Vice President of Jeremiah Films

said that “75% of all children raised in Christian
homes who attend public schools will reject the
Christian faith by their first year of college.”

I guess this is one of the reasons that children in

schools are being taught evolution at such a young age.
Get them in the schools when they are young and you
have them for life. The Universities began to teach

that science, not the Bible had the answers to all our
questions. This led to atheistic teachings and beliefs
which were taught mostly in western countries where
the Reformation had been strong. Some countries
sought to emulate the United States of America which
had created, at it’s founding, a Republican form of
government, and had given it’s citizens individual
freedoms and liberties, based on the book of liberty-
the Bible. These countries were quickly crushed with
the hammer of communism, wielded in the hand of
the papacy. Examples of this were China, Cambodia
and the USSR. That the papacy was and is behind
Communism may come as a surprise to some, but
once we understand that both communism and
evolution benefit the Catholic Church then everything
will fall into place.

In the Council of Trent, two Jesuits by the names of

Francisco Ribera and Luis De Alcazar formed a
counterfeit theology to that of the protestants about
who the anti-Christ was. These two theologies were
known as preterism and futurism. In preterism, the
Jesuits taught that the anti-Christ had already come
and was in fact Antiochus Epiphanes who sacrificed
unclean animals in the Hebrew sanctuary. We know
from reading the Bible that this cannot be true
because the Little horn and the Roman system in the
feet of Iron and Clay are in power when Christ appears
at His second coming (Daniel 7: 21, 22 and Daniel 2:
43, 44). In the theology of futurism, the Jesuits teach
taught that the Anti-Christ comes sometime way in
the future. This is a way of fooling people into a false

sense of security and blinding them to the fact that the
Anti-Christ is here today. Futurism is based on fables,
because the Bible tells us that the little horn power
comes out of the division of Rome, subdues three
kingdoms and persecutes God’s people (Daniel 7: 7,8,
25). We know from history that these events have
already taken place. The two lies created by the Jesuits,
were meant to take heat of the Papacy as it had been
identified as anti-Christ by Protestants in the Dark
Ages and the Reformation. The theologies of preterism
and futurism, later developed into the theology of the
rapture. In this doctrine, it is taught that the righteous
mysteriously vanish as they are raptured to heaven.

If anyone thinks that these events have no relevance

because they happened a long time ago, think again.
The principles and aims of the Council of Trent were
reaffirmed by Pope XXIII when he convened the
Vatican II Council in 1962. We will do well if we
remember that the boast of Rome is Semper Eadem-
always the same.

Georges Lemaître a Belgian Cosmologist and Catholic

Jesuit Priest is openly credited with forming the big
bang theory. Today he is known as the father of the big
bang theory. Along with his big bang theory Lemaître
also proposed the theory of an ever expanding
universe which is wrongly attributed to Edwin Hubble.
The big bang theory teaches that all the matter in the
universe was contained in a single point. Scientists are
unable to explain where this matter came from. This
single point of matter then exploded resulting in the

formation of the universe. In January 1933, Albert
Einstein, a friend of Lemaître, travelled with him to
California for a series of seminars. Lemaître stood up
and presented his theory in which he proposed that
the eruption of a “primordial atom” had given birth to
the universe. Lemaître described the beginning of the
universe as a burst of fireworks, growing from the
centre outwards. He believed that the burst of
fireworks was the beginning of time which took place
on “a day without yesterday.” After the Belgian
detailed his Big Bang theory, Einstein stood up
applauded, and said, “This is the most beautiful and
satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have
ever listened.” This just proves that Einstein wasn’t as
clever as most people think because he allowed
himself to be fooled by the embarrassing doctrine of
the big bang theory.

It may surprise many to hear that the papacy seeks to

destroy the Bible by reintroducing the ignorance and
superstitions of the Dark Ages, when they appear to be
doing so much good. Good, however, cannot be
measured by words alone, but by actions. It is what
the papacy is doing behind the scenes that really

The doctrines of the Catholic Church are in fact based

on the teachings of Aristotle, Socrates and Plato.
Instead of studying the Bible, the priests of Rome,
while preparing for the priesthood, spend most their
time studying philosophy. Aristotle denied the Biblical
creation account, the existence of Adam as the first

man on earth and did not believe that man was
accountable to God. This is exactly what the Big Bang
and evolution promote and it is for this reason that
the papacy has supported this false theory and has
always been against the Bible which exposes her.
Today the big bang theory has worked wonders for the
papacy, for it has managed to reverse, to a great extent,
the Protestant Reformation by withdrawing from men
the Bible. This false science has undermined people’s
faith in God and the Bible just as planned.

On the 28th of October 2014 The Independent

published an article in which pope Francis I, also a
Jesuit, declared that the big bang and evolution are
real and God is not a magician. It is not that difficult
to see the picture once you connect the dots.

Evolution is in fact part of the Counter Reformation.

An agenda to undo all that was gained through the
Protestant Reformation. Most of the evolutionists that
I’ve come across were not even aware that a Roman
Catholic priest was the one that conjured up the big
bang theory. He did not believe in the Bible, but
sought to destroy people's faith in it, and
unfortunately many have fallen for this great

Chapter 7


The French Revolution was another fruit of
communist atheistic beliefs. Whilst the Reformation
had been embraced in many Europeans countries such
as England, Germany, Switzerland, Bohemia and
Scotland, it was predominantly rejected by the French
people. Karl Marx is often credited with being the
originator of the Communist Manifesto from which
Communist principles are derived, but true history
tells a different story. A group of men, called the
League of Just men are actually the ones who wrote
the Communist Manifesto. Marx was hand-picked and
credited with writing the Manifesto mainly because he
was Jewish and because the Jews have to take the
blamed for the evil deeds that are being done around
the world.

Ellen White explained this very well in her historical

masterpiece The Great Controversy. She said that “In
the sixteenth century the Reformation, presenting an
open Bible to the people, had sought admission to all
the countries of Europe. Some nations welcomed it
with gladness, as a messenger of Heaven. In other
lands, the papacy succeeded to a great extent in
preventing its entrance; and the light of Bible
knowledge, with its elevating influences, was almost
wholly excluded. In one country, though the light
found entrance, it was not comprehended by the
darkness. For centuries, truth and error struggled for
the mastery. At last the evil triumphed, and the truth
of Heaven was thrust out. “This is the condemnation,
that light is come into the world, and men loved
darkness rather than light.” The nation was left to reap
the results of the course which she had chosen. The
restraint of God's Spirit was removed from a people
that had despised the gift of His grace. Evil was
permitted to come to maturity. And all the world saw
the fruit of wilful rejection of the light. The war
against the Bible, carried forward for so many
centuries in France, culminated in the scenes of the
Revolution. That terrible out breaking was but the
legitimate result of Rome's suppression of the
Scriptures. It presented the most striking illustration
which the world has ever witnessed, of the working
out of the papal policy,—an illustration of the results
to which for more than a thousand years the teaching
of the Roman Church had been tending.” p.273, 274.

In French writer and philosopher boasted that he

would destroy Christianity. He cursed Christ and

called Him a wretch and boasted that in 20 years he
alone would destroy the beliefs that the twelve
apostles had reared, but as with all other infidels he
failed and the very place where he uttered those words
became a depot of the Geneva Bible Society.

The motto of the French Revolution was

"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.” The revolution did not
however, bring liberty or equality, but bloodshed and
tyranny. Anyone who was simply suspected of being
against the revolution or its principles was persecuted
and many innocent people lost their lives at the
guillotine. There was a hidden hand behind the
French Revolution. This was a secret society called the
Jacobins Club. The Jacobin Club was a secret
fraternity created and handled by the Jesuit order.
Their purpose in the French Revolution was to
prevent the entrance of light into the country by the
Protestant Reformation. They instigated riots and
protests which were blamed on King Louis XVI’s
alleged bad governance of the country. At the time
when the revolution was just beginning King Louis
XVI was actually in the process of bringing about
reform. He had promised to hear the wishes and
requests of men and women throughout the French
kingdom. The king’s plans to bring about reform were
blocked by members of the Jacobin Clubs who sat in
the French Assembly. They blocked any effort which
was made toward reform by arguing over unimportant
details. These Jacobins had brought about the
revolution by spreading false rumours. An example of
this was a manufactured food crisis in which those

behind the revolutionary conspiracy bought all the
grain and then blamed the shortages on the King and
Queen. The revolutionaries were encouraged to march
upon the King’s residence in order to obtain bread.

The overthrow of the monarchy was prevented on two

different occasions, the first by the king himself and
the second by Lafayette, the commander-in- chief of
the National Guard. Another rumour that was spread
was that 15000 aristocrats were planning to kill all
French patriots. The revolutionaries were told that in
order to prevent this, the King’s residence should be
invaded and the monarchy overthrown. The massacre
resulted in drainage systems being installed in order
to carry away the torrent of blood that flowed from
French Guillotines. When it was perceived that the
guillotines were too slow in killing people, the
Revolutionaries resorted to the use of guns as well as
boats on which they loaded the opponents of the

Revolution before drowning them. Churches were

destroyed and thousands of Protestant Christians
were killed. France became a place where religion was
said to be a social disease and a place where a religious
man was said to be depraved. This is further evidence
that the communist revolution in France was really a
war being waged against Christianity. The revolution
eventually led to the execution of Louis XVI, by
guillotine, on 21 January 1793. His wife, Marie
Antoinette was also executed by guillotine on the 16th
of October 1793. Both had been deemed to be guilty
even before their “trials”. Antoinette was accused of

various crimes ranging from orchestrating murder,
organising orgies and even incest. She vehemently
denied the charges and even when plans were made to
help her escape she refused.

The revolutionaries incited the people of France to

reject religion in general and Christianity specifically.
They refused to worship the God of heaven, but
enthroned and worshipped a deity they called the
goddess of reason. The revolutionaries hated God so
much that they even changed the seven day week,
which they acknowledged to have been instituted by
God, to a ten day week. They however abandoned this
idea upon realising that it could not be sustained. The
other aim of the revolution was to abolish the freedom
of the press, freedom of conscience and personal
liberty which the king and his advisors had
implemented in a new constitution. This was replaced
by a constitution that could not be enforced and was
replaced by six others in the following eighty years.
From France, the principles of communism were
exported to various other countries such as Russia and
China where millions were murdered to prevent them
forming republics that would guarantee the people
liberty based on Christian principles.

Chapter 8


The Bible teaches that the heavens and the earth were
created by God, in six literal days and that He rested
on the seventh day Sabbath - Genesis 1. This is where
we get our seven day week from. Many atheists
question the creation and existence of the Biblical
Adam and Eve, but they quite happily believe, without
question, that the universe came out of a big bang
where nothing exploded. They claim that Dinosaurs
came into existence billions of years ago, but as
already explained, this is based on the inaccurate
dating of rocks and fossils through circular reasoning.
Blood has also been found on the inside of dinosaur
bones proving that dinosaurs did not live millions of
years ago as claimed by evolutionists. Carbon dating
itself has been exposed as being very inaccurate. The
1971 Antarctic journal of the United States had an
article about the blood of a freshly killed seal being
tested by carbon-14 showing the blood to be 1300
years old.

If dinosaurs lived millions of years ago surely there

would be no blood found in any of their bones today.

Dinosaurs were known as dragons in times past. Their
name was changed to dinosaurs in 1841. The Bible
also mentions dinosaurs by different names. Job
40:15-24 speaks of a dinosaur called Behemoth and
Job 41:1-34 speaks of a dinosaur called Leviathan, so
the Bible has no problem with dinosaurs contrary to
what some proponents of evolution think. The
evidence actually shows that dinosaurs and humans
co-existed, but the majority of the scientific
community reject this because it would destroy what
is generally believed by biological and geological
history and would support the Bible and the teaching
that some kind of catastrophe, like the flood,
destroyed the dinosaurs. So they already admit that
evolution is unproved and unprovable and then they
go on to deny that dinosaurs and humans co-existed
simply because they want to exclude the belief in a

Many sceptics and atheists have asked for evidence

proving God’s existence. The evidence is all around us
in nature, history and science, but for me the greatest
evidence is found in the prophetic books of the Holy
Scriptures. It was prophesied in the book of Daniel,
that there would be five major kingdoms upon the
earth. There have been many empires in the world,
but these five are mentioned because they have
dealings with God’s people. In chapter two of the book
of Daniel, king Nebuchadnezzar had a dream which
was interpreted for him by God through the prophet
Daniel. In this dream, there was a metal man with a
head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and

thighs of bronze, legs of iron and feet of iron and clay.
In this prophecy, God uses symbols that can be
understood by man and relate to the kingdoms of the
world. The head of Gold represents the kingdom of
Babylon where the prominent god, Marduk was
worshipped and tons of gold was used in the
construction of a temple dedicated to him. Babylon
was a rich kingdom and was famously known for its
hanging gardens. It lasted from 606 B.C. to 539 B.C.

In the year 539 B.C. a nation made up of two tribes,

known as the Medes and Persians or Medo-Persia
conquered Babylon and became the next major
kingdom. Cyrus was their leader and it was
prophesied before the event that he would conquer
Babylon and set the Israelites free from Babylonian
captivity. This event occurred when the Medo-
Persians diverted the river Euphrates which ran under
the City of Babylon, allowing them to walk under the
walls into the City. Belshazzar, the then king of
Babylon knew fully well that he was at war, but
reckoned that the walls of the city would keep the
Medo-Persians out and that they had enough food and
supplies to last a very long time. Belshazzar and his
people got themselves drunk and abused God’s vessels
which had been taken when they conquered Israel.
That very night Belshazzar lost his life, just as God had
predicted in the writing on the wall (Daniel 5). The
Medo-Persians used Silver as their currency and
hence the use of Silver in the image to represent them.
This kingdom was inferior to Babylon in value but
notice as the metals decreased in value, the

kingdoms became stronger. The kingdom of the
Medo-Persia lasted until the year 331 B.C. when the
kingdom of Greece overpowered the Medo-Persians
and became the next major kingdom.

Historic records confirm that in 331 B.C. the Greek

armies destroyed the last Persian king during the
famous Battle of Arbela. The Greeks got victory by the
young and powerful Alexander the Great. The Greek
Empire was then established. The Greeks used Bronze
in their armoury especially in their shields and spear
heads just as symbolised in the image of Daniel 2. Its
rule actually covered far more territories than the two
previous kingdoms. The reign of the Greek Empire
lasted 163 years, from 331 B.C. to 168 B.C.

The next Empire was the kingdom of the Romans

which came to power in 168 B.C. The prophetic use of
Iron to represent this kingdom is perfect because the
Romans used Iron in their armour and ultimately
nailed the Lord Jesus to the cross with nails made
from Iron. Though this kingdom was inferior in value
to the previous kingdoms, it was stronger and far
more ruthless in crushing its enemies. Rome lasted up
to 476 B.C. when it finally fell. The great English
historian Edward Gibbon (1737-1794), though not a
Christian or Bible believer himself, wittingly or
unwittingly used Scriptural language in his
monumental History of the Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire when he wrote: “The images of gold,
or silver, or brass, that might serve to represent the
nations and their kings, were successively broken by

the IRON monarchy of Rome.”

The late Dave Hunt documented how history had

proved the prophecies of Daniel to be accurate. He
said “The two legs in the image foretold the division of
the fourth empire, the Roman, into East and West,
and so it occurred. In A.D. 330 Constatine established
Constantinople (today’s Istanbul) as his new imperial
capital, leaving the Bishop of Rome in charge in the
west and setting the stage for the later political and
religious division of the empire. The final break came
religiously in 1054 when the Orthodox Church in the
East broke off from the Roman Catholic Church in the
West and Pope Leo IX excommunicated Michael
Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople . That division
between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy
remains to this day and is at the root of the current
bloodshed in Croatia-Sarajevo-Bosnia Herzegovina
region of Yugoslavia...” - A Woman Rides the Beast,

After Rome fell, it was divided into 10 kingdoms and

these were: 1. The Saxons, originating the English
nation. 2. The Franks, originating the French nation. 3.
The Alamanni, originating the German nation. 4. The
Visigoths, originating the Spanish nation. 5. The Suevi,
originating the Portuguese nation. 6. The Lombards,
originating the Italian nation. 7. The Burgundians,
originating the Swiss nation. 8. The Heruli. 9. The
Vandals. 10. The Ostrogoths. The Heruli, Vandals and
Ostrogoths do not exist today as they were
exterminated by the armies of the popes after the

division of the Roman Empire.

After the setting up of these ten kingdoms,

represented by the ten toes, the Bible says “And in the
days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a
kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the
kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall
break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and
it shall stand for ever (Daniel 2: 44). Prophecy
sometimes has a double application. Rome was indeed
divided into ten kingdoms, which became seven after
the extermination of the Heruli, Vandals and
Ostrogoths. God did not set up His kingdom on earth
during the time of the ten divided kingdoms of Rome,
so this prophecy cannot be simply referring to those
kingdoms, but to ten other kingdoms which will be set
up on the earth before Christ’s Second Advent. Besides
that when Christ comes He will deal with the whole
world, not just Europe.

Gary H. Kah, in his book En Route to Global

Occupation shows how the world has been divided
into ten regions. These are comprised of 1. The African
Union (AU), 2. The South American Union 3. The
European Union (EU) 4. The North American Union
(NAU) 5. The Mediterranean Union (MU) 6. The
Central American Union (CAU) 7. The Gulf Region
(GR) 8. The Caribbean Union 9. The Asian Union and
10. The Asian Pacific Union.

Each of these unions will have a single monetary

currency and presidents who will be accountable to

the pope of Rome. Revelation 17:12 also asserts this
and says “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten
kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but
receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These
have one mind, and shall give their power and
strength unto the beast.”
A horn in Bible prophecy is a king, kingdom or power.
So here we have ten kings ruling over ten kingdoms
and giving their power to the anti-Christ beast. The
vision in Daniel Chapter two ends with the destruction
of the image by a great rock which symbolises Christ
meaning that the kingdoms of this world, which are
heavily influenced by the religions and philosophies of
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome will be
destroyed. Christ’s everlasting kingdom will be
ushered in, never to be replaced by another kingdom.
Only those who wish to be a part of Christ’s kingdom
will make up its citizens. It is outside of God’s
character to force anyone and those who reject His
love, truth and invitation to be a part of His
everlasting kingdom will not find a place for
themselves in it. Heaven would be like hell for
unrepentant sinners if they were forced to live in its
pure, moral and righteous atmosphere.
A really important point is that the four kingdoms
mentioned practised paganism and worshipped many
pagan gods. The religions of today have pagan and
occult elements passed down through the different
kingdoms we have already looked at. God is a
wonderful teacher, and in Chapter seven of Daniel, He
expands on what He has already revealed in Daniel
chapter two. In chapter seven, God uses four great

beasts to paint a picture of world events. The first
beast is a Lion with Eagles wings representing

Babylon was a mighty kingdom and not only is the

Lion a fitting symbol for this, but the Babylonians
themselves used this beast to represent their kingdom
as depicted on the great Babylonian Ishtar gate which
is now in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.

The next beast depicted is a Bear hunched up on one

side with three ribs in its mouth. This represents
Medo-Persia which conquered Babylon. The fact that
the Bear is hunched up on one side symbolises the fact
that the Persians were more powerful than the Medes.
The three ribs in the mouth of the Bear represent the
three regions conquered by this kingdom. These were
Babylon, Egypt and Lydia.

The third kingdom is a Leopard with four wings

representing Greece which took over from Medo-
Persia. Its leader at the time of conquering the Medo-
Persians was Alexander the Great. The image of a
Leopard is used because it is a fast moving animal and
so were the armies of Greece, not only in the way that
they travelled, but also in the way they conquered
their enemies. Alexander died at the age of thirty three
and after his death his twelve Generals fought for the
kingdom until the kingdom was divided into four
parts. The four heads on the Leopard represent the
four Generals who ruled the Greek empire after the
death of Alexander.

The fourth is a beast that Daniel could only describe as
dreadful and terrible (Daniel 7: 7). This beast
represents the Roman Empire and note that it has
iron teeth and ten horns similar to the thighs and toes
on the statue in Daniel chapter 2.
It was this empire that was ruling when Jesus was
born and the Romans, along with the Jewish religious
leaders, carried out His crucifixion. The Roman
Caesars were believed to be the incarnation of their
god in their pagan religion. This is confirmed by Dave
Hunt who stated that “…Roman emperors like other
ancient rulers, headed the pagan priesthood and were
worshipped as gods” - Dave Hunt, A woman rides the
beast, p.52.

The Rome Emperors became the Popes of Rome. They

both shared the title of Pontifex Maximus or the
bridge builder. There are only four kingdoms in the
prophecies of Daniel and this tells us that the kingdom
of Rome will be the last kingdom on the earth before
Christ’s Second Advent. Thomas Hobbes fittingly said
that "The Papacy is not other than the Ghost of the
deceased Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon
the grave thereof."

The explosion of Christianity after the ascension of

Jesus meant that a lot of gentiles were now turning
away from paganism which involved the worship and
sacrifice of animals to pagan gods. We have this
example in Acts 19: 18,19 where it says that “many
that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their

deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts
brought their books together, and burned them before
all men: and they counted the price of them, and
found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.”
Nero is known by many for persecuting Christians in
the first century. It is now a well known historic fact
that Nero sent his own people to start the fires that
burnt Rome. He sat on a horse watching the fires and
did nothing as the city burnt. Hence the expression
“Nero fiddled while Rome burnt”. Nero then placed
the blame for the fires on the Christians which led to
their persecution. This is a tactic that has been used
many times by governments throughout history to
exterminate enemies and consolidate power.

Speaking of the persecutions under Nero, Ellen White

stated that “These persecutions, beginning under Nero
about the time of the martyrdom of Paul, continued
with greater or less fury for centuries. Christians were
falsely accused of the most dreadful crimes and
declared to be the cause of great calamities--famine,
pestilence, and earthquake. As they became the
objects of popular hatred and suspicion, informers
stood ready, for the sake of gain, to betray the
innocent. They were condemned as rebels against the
empire, as foes of religion, and pests to society. Great
numbers were thrown to wild beasts or burned alive in
the amphitheaters. Some were crucified; others were
covered with the skins of wild animals and thrust into
the arena to be torn by dogs. Their punishment was
often made the chief entertainment at public fetes.
Vast multitudes assembled to enjoy the sight and

greeted their dying agonies with laughter and
applause.” - Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy,

Persecution continued under the Roman emperors

until a man by the name of Constantine became
Emperor. Realising that Christianity could not be
stopped by the killings as this only seemed to help the
numbers of Christians to grow, Constantine pulled off
one of the greatest religious deceptions in history. The
main reason for this act was to save the empire from
breaking up. He professed to have been converted to
Christianity and because most Roman subjects
followed their emperors, multitudes of pagan
worshippers followed his example and came into the
Christian church, but not being truly converted they
brought their idols and pagan beliefs with them. On
one occasion Constantine is said to have marched an
army through a river and declared them baptised. On
the 7th of March 321 A.D. Constantine introduced a
Sunday law forcing people in his empire to reverence
Sunday without support from the scriptures.
Christians had always observed the Seventh-Day
Sabbath, while the pagan worshippers had observed
SUN-day, a day on which they worshipped the Sun
god Apollo or Sol, as their Holy day.

“Constantine supposedly became a Christian in A.D.

313 (really a clever political manoeuvre), he gave
freedom to Christians as well as official status
alongside paganism to the Christian church. Since the
church was now a recognised religious body in the

empire, Constantine, as emperor, had to be
acknowledged as it’s defacto head, As such, he
convened the first ecumenical council, the Council of
Nicea, in A.D. 325, set it’s agenda, gave the opening
speech, and presided over it as Charlemagne would
over the Council of Chalon 500 years later, interested
not in the truth of the gospel but in unifying the
empire, Constantine was the first ecumenist and
introduced that error into the persecution wearied
While heading the church, Constantine continued to
head the pagan priesthood, to officiate at pagan
celebrations, and to endow pagan temples even after
he began to build Christian churches. As head of the
pagan priesthood, he was the Pontifex Maximus and
needed a similar title as head of the Christian church.
The Christians honoured him as “Bishop of Bishops”,
while Constantine called himself Vicarious Christi,
Vicar of Christ. When translated into Greek, however,
as we have seen, Vicarious Christi literally means
Antichrist. Constantine was the prototype of the
Antichrist prophesied in Scripture...” - Dave Hunt, A
Woman Rides the Beast, p.46.

In the year 330 A.D. Constantine moved the capital of

his empire from Rome to Constantinople, modern day
Istanbul in Turkey. This move allowed the Bishop of
Rome to fully exercise his power not only in
ecclesiastical, but political matters as well. Another
massive fraud which was committed by the Papacy
was the forging of a fraudulent document called the
donation of Constantine. In this document, it was

alleged that Constantine had given much of the
territory which was under his rule to the Papacy.

This document was later proven to be a fraud, but the

Papacy continued to use it to extend her rule and
power to vast parts of the world. Whereas the Roman
Empire was called Emporium Romanum, it was
renamed the Roman Catholic Church. The Curia or
legal body of Senators, was changed to the legal body
of Cardinals and the senators were renamed Cardinals.
The Roman Emperor was renamed the Roman Pope
or Pontifex Maximus or Supreme Pontiff. The
Religious Orders Matters was renamed Church
Ecclesiastical matters. The College of Senators was
renamed the College of Cardinals. The Roman
Senators with no territory were renamed Bishops.
Roman Governors were renamed Archbishops and
were put in charge of large Roman territories and it is
the Archbishops that rule countries of the world from
the shadows. Large Roman provinces were renamed
Archdiocese and small ones were renamed diocese.
The Vestal virgins were renamed nuns. The nuns are
consecrated to the Virgin Mary, but before this they
were the Vestal Virgins of Rome, and in Egypt they
were the maidens of Isis, who originally lived in great
chastity, and were objects of the most extraordinary
veneration. They were the 'virgin brides' of their
respective (Solar) gods. These brides were excluded
from all intercourse with men, they are the brides of
heaven, and on taking on this role, they became dead
to the world, just as they are now. Rome never really
died, it took on a different identity and hides behind

Christianity whilst controlling the economic, religious
and political affairs of the world.


Speaking of the rise of the Vatican the prophet Daniel

said “I considered the horns, and, behold, there came
up among them another little horn, before whom
there were three of the first horns plucked up by the
roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes
of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” - Daniel 7:
Out of the ten horns of divided Rome came forth a
little horn. This little horn is the Papacy and it was at
the request of the Papacy that three horns, the Heruli,
Ostrogoth and Vandals were totally exterminated or
plucked up by the roots. It is believed the Heruli,
Ostrogoths and Vandals had a different theology to the
Papacy and were hindering her rise to power. Wave
after wave of armies were sent to destroy these three
nations until they were eliminated. The Papacy was
not interested in maintaining Biblical truth, but rather
maintaining power and control over spiritual and
political matters. The Vatican is described as a little
horn because it is the smallest nation state, yet it has
tremendous power.

We already know from reading the book of Daniel that

a horn is a king, kingdom or power. We will now look
at characteristics that will help us identify the Papacy
with the little horn. Daniel 7: 8 gives us a location
from where this kingdom was to arise. The Papacy

arose out of the fourth beast and from among the ten
divided kingdoms of Rome. After the ten kingdoms
were established, the Roman emperor Justinian gave
the Papacy political power by decree in 538 A.D. The
Bible states that the papacy is a persecuting power
(Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 17:6) and this is
confirmed by vast historic documents. The Bible
portrays the papacy as a blaspheming power and they
cannot help, but fulfil this prophecy. The popes and
priests commit blasphemy by claiming to have power
to forgive sins, which only God can do, as well as
claiming titles that only belong to God. The popes are
called “Holy Father” and “Most Holy Father”, a title
that the Bible ascribes to God alone- John 17:11.

The prophecies of Daniel 2 are so important that God

inspired them to be repeated in Daniel 4, 7, 8 and 11.
The only difference is that the succeeding chapters
have more detail than the preceding ones. The book of
Revelation also contains prophecies which not only
prove the existence of God, but have some very
important lessons and warnings that we would do well
to take heed of. There is no other book in the world
that accurately predicts the future the way the Bible


In 1959, Turkish army Captain Llhan

Durupinar discovered an unusual shape while
examining aerial photographs made during a routine
reconnaissance flight over Eastern Turkey as part of

a NATO project. The formation was in rocky terrain at
an altitude of 6,300 feet, near the Turkish border with
Iran. The mountains of Ararat were originally part of
the kingdom of Armenia which used to be Christian
until it was conquered by Turks at the turn of the
twentieth century.

Captain Durupinar forwarded the photographic

negatives to Dr Brandenburger, an expert on aerial
photography at Ohio State University. It was from
reconnaissance photos that Brandenburger was able
to discover the Cuban missile bases during the
Kennedy era. After carefully studying the photo
Brandenburger said "I have no doubt at all, that this
object is a ship. In my entire career, I have never seen
an object like this on a stereo photo."

In 1960 a group of Americans accompanied Captain

Durupinar to the mountain and a spent day and a half
at the site of Noah’s ark. They did some digging in the
area, but did not find anything conclusive and
announced to the world that the boat like shape was a
natural formation.In August 1979, another American
by the name of Ron Wyatt conducted an expedition at
the site after obtaining official permission. Wyatt and
those with him conducted a more thorough search
with metal detectors, subsurface radar scans, and
chemical analysis. The evidence was undeniable and
proved that the formation on the Mountains of Ararat
was indeed the Ark of Noah.

The first part of the survey took measurements of the

object and found that they resembled the hull of a ship.
One end was blunt, like a bow whilst the other was
pointed like a stern. The distance from bow to stern
was 515 feet, or exactly 300 Egyptian cubits. On
average the width was 50 cubits, the exact
measurements mentioned in the Bible with regards to
Noah’s Ark!

The wood of the ark had been petrified and replaced

by minerals from the earth. The 1960 expedition did
not find any chunks of wood as these had been eroded.
Wyatt’s team used ground penetrating radar (GPR)
which revealed the symmetry of a man made structure
like a boat. Artefacts retrieved from the Ark were sent
for laboratory analysis. These were deemed to be
petrified wood, antlers and dung. The petrified wood
was found to have been a beam which had been
laminated with glue to make it stronger. The
laboratory analysis not only revealed that the petrified
wood contained carbon, but also found that there were
iron nails embedded in the wood. Metal detectors
used by Wyatt and his team also found metal rivets
that had been hammered through holes. These rivets
were made of iron (8.38%), aluminium (8.35%) and
titanium (1.59%). The discovery of aluminium at the
site proves beyond doubt that this was indeed Noah’s
Ark as aluminium does not exist in metallic form in
nature. Aluminium would have provided the rivets
with protection from rust whilst titanium gave them
extra strength.

The area surrounding Noah’s Ark provided more

surprises. Huge stones, weighing many tonnes were
found nearby, some standing upright and some lying
down. The stones, which would have been used as
anchors, had holes carved into them and would have
been attached to the Ark with ropes. The stones were
anciently used to help stabilize big ships, to ensure
that the bow was always facing the on-coming waves
and to stop them from capsizing. There are over
80,000 documents about the Deluge which have been
written in 76 different languages. The Gilgamesh Epic
(650 BC), a Babylonian account of Noah’s flood, gives
Mt. Nisir as the landing place of the Ark. The local
name for the town where the Ark was found is Nasar.

There are various legends and traditions which tell of

a world wide flood. These include Chinese legends
which tell of an ancestor called Nu-wah who overcame
a flood. The Hawaiians have a legend of a man called
Nu-u. The Indonesians, Romans, Greeks and the
Indians of North America all share flood legends.

The flood waters caused violent mudslides which

uprooted trees and other forms of vegetation. Human
beings and animals were also drowned in the water
and were covered by the mudslides. The human
beings, animals and vegetation were compacted by the
mud and over the years these rotted and produced
what we know today as fossil fuels. From crude oil we
get petroleum and diesel to run our cars. The
vegetation and animal life also produced coal which
today is burned in furnaces to produce electricity.
Further evidence of the flood exists from the vast

oceans that separate our continents.


The Bible mentions the destruction of two infamous

cities known as Sodom and Gomorrah. It says: “Then
the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah
brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; And
he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the
inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the
ground.” - Genesis 19:24, 25.

The existence and destruction of these two cities is not

disputed as it is known that the actual locations where
these cities were located are South East of the Dead
Sea. The modern names for Sodom and Gomorrah are
Bab edh-Dhra, and Numeira. Large volumes of
sulphur deposits can still be found in the area.

There are formations in the shapes of buildings and

statues which were destroyed when sulphur and
brimstone rained down on these two cities as well as
others in the surrounding areas. Today, anyone who
visits the area can see some of the sulphur which can
still be ignited. The smell of these stones when burned
is said to be unbearable. Nothing can grow where
these cities used to be as prophesied in the Bible. God
made sure that the consequences of the sins of these
cities would be remembered forever.


One of the most amazing stories in the Bible is the
story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea after four
hundred and thirty years in Egyptian bondage. The
Bible says: “Then Moses stretched out his hand over
the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a
strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into
dry land, and the waters were divided. So the children
of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the
dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on
their right hand and on their left. And the Egyptians
pursued and went after them into the midst of the sea,
all Pharaoh’s horses, his chariots, and his horsemen.”
Exodus 14:21-23.

“Then the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand

over the sea, that the waters may come back upon the
Egyptians, on their chariots, and on their
horsemen.” And Moses stretched out his hand over the
sea; and when the morning appeared, the sea returned
to its full depth, while the Egyptians were fleeing into
it. So the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst
of the sea. Then the waters returned and covered the
chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh
that came into the sea after them. Not so much as one
of them remained. But the children of Israel had
walked on dry land in the midst of the sea, and the
waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on
their left.” Exodus 14:26-29.

Evidence for the Red Sea crossing has come to light in

recent years. Ron Wyatt conducted expeditions in the
area mentioned by the Bible and found chariot

wheels, human bones and other artefacts at the
bottom of the sea. Some of the chariot wheels had
coral on them, but some did not because they were
gold plated and coral does not build up on gold.

“What is truly amazing is the bottom of the sea in the

vicinity of their crossing. See the cutaway diagram of a
bathymetric chart of the sea bottom. God prepared a
relatively shallow undersea land bridge for them to
use for their crossing. On either side of this land
bridge the depth of the water is about 5,000 feet,
where the underwater slope to the bottom is much too
steep for them to have crossed.”-


In Saudi Arabia, there is a mountain with a blacked

out top. The top of the mountain appears to have been
burnt with very hot fire. This is the Biblical Mt Sinai.
The Bible says that the nation of Israel met with God
at this mountain as they journeyed through the
wilderness on their way to the land of Canaan.
Speaking of this event the Bible says “Then it came to
pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were
thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the
mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud,
so that all the people who were in the camp
trembled. And Moses brought the people out of the
camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of
the mountain. Now Mount Sinai was completely in
smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire.

Its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and
the whole mountain quaked greatly. And when the
blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder
and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by
voice. Then the LORD came down upon Mount Sinai,
on the top of the mountain. And the LORD called
Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up.”
Exodus 19:16-20.

Some researchers have claimed that the Biblical Mt

Sinai does not exist. This is because they conducted
their research in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula area
which Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine,
had stated to be Mt Sinai. Helena founded a church at
the location which was established as St Catherine’s
Monastery two centuries later by Emperor Justinian.
Exodus 3:1 identifies Mt Horeb or Sinai as being in
Midian. It says “Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro
his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the
flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the
mountain of God, even to Horeb.” The Bible reveals
here that the region of Midian is undoubtedly the
same as present-day Saudi Arabia. This has been
confirmed by numerous sources.
If the researchers and sceptics had read their Bibles
right they would have found that it is accurate and can
be relied upon every time.


At the turn of the 20th century, when evolution was

becoming more and more accepted in western

civilization, criticism of the Bible was becoming the
norm. Bible critics questioned the existence of
Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian King, as well as the
existence of the Hittites, a nation mentioned several
times in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Bible critics denied the existence of king

Nebuchadnezzar until cuneiform tablets referring to
him were discovered. Nebuchadnezzar is mentioned
several times in the book of Daniel in the Old
Testament. God used Nebuchadnezzar to chastise the
Israelites when they had become disobedient to Him
and had started worshipping the gods of the heathen
nations around them. The Bible records that
Nebuchadnezzar warred against the inhabitants of
Jerusalem and prevailed against them. He destroyed
the temple in Jerusalem and took the king of Judah
captive as well as most of the inhabitants of the city.
The vessels from the city were also taken from
Jerusalem to Babylon. The existence of
Nebuchadnezzar was denied until thousands of bricks
as well as cuneiform tablets which made reference to
him were discovered in Iraq where the capital of
Babylon was established.

"Modern research has shown that Nebuchadnezzar

was the greatest monarch that Babylon, or perhaps the
East generally, ever produced. He must have
possessed an enormous command of human labor,
nine-tenths of Babylon itself, and nineteen-twentieths
of all the other ruins that in almost countless
profusion cover the land, are composed of bricks

stamped with his name. He appears to have built or
restored almost every city and temple in the whole
country. His inscriptions give an elaborate account of
the immense works which he constructed in and about
Babylon itself, abundantly illustrating the boast, 'Is
not this great Babylon which I have built?'" - George
Rawlinson, Historical Illustrations of the Old
Testament. Nebuchadnezzar built the hanging gardens
of Babylon, which were one of the seven wonders of
the ancient world. Nebuchadnezzar is said to have
built the gardens for his foreign wife, to comfort her as
she was far away from the country of her origin.


The Bible was written by 40 different men over a

period of 1500 years. In the year 4 B.C. Jesus the
Messiah, was born to a humble and lowly virgin in the
little town of Bethlehem. Yes, Jesus was born in the
year 4 B.C. He was not born in 1 A.D. as many
presume. If Jesus had been born in the year 1 A.D. He
would not have been 30 years old when He was
baptised in the year 27 A.D. Neither would He have
been 33 years old in 31 A.D. when He was cruelly
crucified by those that falsely accused Him. These
events were prophesied in the 9th chapter of the book
of Daniel and took place at precisely the right time.

Jesus is the most well known person that ever lived on

this planet. He is also one of the most hated people
that ever lived as well. His name has been maligned,
smeared and blasphemed. The name of Jesus has

become a swear word that is used in vain in everyday
language. What is the reason for all this hatred against
a person who never did anyone any harm? I believe
the answer to this is that the example that Jesus Christ
set for us, through His words and life make a lot of
people uncomfortable. Christ set us an example that
many believe we cannot attain (even though the Bible
says we should aim for Christian perfection). Some
Christians claim that God’s moral law, the Ten
Commandments, were done away with when Christ
was crucified, but He stated Himself that He did not
come to destroy, but to fulfil- Matthew 5:17, 18. He not
only rebuked physical sin, but also rebuked sinful
thoughts when He said “You have heard that it was
said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you
that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has
already committed adultery with her in his heart.” -
Matthew 5:27, 28. The Pharisees and scribes hated
Him because He set the standard for moral behaviour
very high and His life became a rebuke to their
unrighteous lives. His true followers have come to
receive similar treatment. Some people believe that
Jesus is a mystical figure who never really existed, a
sort of a figment of the imagination.

Did Jesus, the physical, living breathing person, really

exist? Unlike the big bang and evolution, the Bible is
supported by historical, archaeological and scientific
evidence. The evidence to support the existence of
Jesus Christ as a real living person is more than

Our dating system is based on the life and death of
Christ. History is divided into B.C. and A.D. segments.
B.C. stands for "before Christ" and A.D. which is
commonly thought to stand for "after death." actually
stands for the Latin phrase "anno domini" which
means "in the year of our Lord." The B.C. and A.D.
dating system is not taught in the Bible, but was
actually implemented and accepted several centuries
after Jesus' death and resurrection.

The purpose of the B.C. / A.D. dating system was to

make the birth of Jesus Christ the dividing point of
world history. The life, death, and resurrection of
Christ are the turning points in world history. It is
therefore fitting that Jesus Christ is the separation of
the Old Testament from the New and the separation of
ancient history from the present.

On page ten of his book Truth Matters, Professor

Walter Veith says “It is also noteworthy that
Christians throughout the ages were prepared to
suffer persecution and even death for His name's sake,
and the entire human history has been divided into a
pre- and post-Christ era, which has been entrenched
in our calendar for centuries.”



He was born of a virgin.

“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign;
Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and

shall call his name Immanuel.” - Isaiah 7:14.

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When

as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before
they came together, she was found with child of the
Holy Ghost... Now all this was done, that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet,
saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall
bring forth a son, and they shall call his name
Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
And (Joseph) knew her not till she had brought forth
her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” -
Matthew 1:18-25.

He was born in Bethlehem.

“But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, [though] thou be
little among the thousands of Judah, [yet] out of thee
shall he come forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in
Israel; whose goings forth [have been] from of old,
from everlasting.” - Micah 5:2.

“…Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days

of Herod the king…” - Matthew 2:1.

He was crucified and His garments parted.

“… they pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all
my bones: they look [and] stare upon me. They part
my garments among them, and cast lots upon my
vesture.” - Psalms 22:16-18.

“Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus,

took his garments, and made four parts, to every

soldier a part; and also [his] coat… They said therefore
among themselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for
it, whose it shall be: that the scripture might be
fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among
them, and for my vesture they did cast lots. These
things therefore the soldiers did.” - John 19:23,24.

He was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver.

“…and I took the thirty [pieces] of silver, and cast
them to the potter in the house of the LORD.” -
Zechariah 11:13.

“And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple,

and departed…And the chief priests took the silver
pieces, and…bought with them the potter's field...” -
Matthew 27:5-7.

None of His bones were broken.

“He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.”
- Psalm 34:20.

“But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was

dead already, they brake not his legs… 36 For these
things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled,
A bone of him shall not be broken.” - John 19:33, 36.

“Some have suggested that these prophecies were

accidentally or coincidentally fulfilled by Jesus.
According to the science of probability, the chance of
any one human being up until the present fulfilling a
selection of just eight of these prophecies (including

the one on crucifixion) is one in a hundred thousand
million million.” - Professor Veith, Truth Matters, p.16.


There are various documents proving the existence of
Jesus as a historical person. This includes the 27
books of the New Testament as well as the writings of
Suetonius and Tacitus who were both Roman
Historians. A collection of Jewish traditions from the
third century called The Talmud also records the
crucifixion of Christ and Flavius Josephus’ detailed
history of the Jews includes an account about the life
of Christ.


“…he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After
that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at
once; of whom the greater part remain unto this
present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was
seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all
he was seen of me also…” - 1 Corinthians 15:5-8.

The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:17 says “And if

Christ be not raised, your faith [is] vain; ye are yet in
your sins.”
There are many Bible texts and many signs that tell us
about the 2nd coming of Jesus, but I just want to
share two.
“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in
the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank,
they married wives, they were given in marriage,

until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the
flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it
was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they
bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the
same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and
brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all.
Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is
revealed.” - Luke 17:26-30.

Today we see an accurate fulfilment of this text. Over

the past few years we have witnessed the promotion
and growth of homosexual lifestyles. Not only has this
practice become an accepted way of life, but it has
been supported and forced through by government
legislation. Gluttony and drunkenness (you can add
drug abuse to that) are also fulfilments of the state in
which the earth would be in at the second coming of
Christ as we see happening today. Luke 17 talks of
people marrying many wives and today we see this
happening through the practices of divorce and
remarriage. The Bible states that the only reason a
married couple should get divorced is in the case of
martial unfaithfulness, therefore those who get
divorced for any other reason are knowingly or
unknowingly committing adultery by marrying
another person.

Matthew chapter 24 also accurately describes some of

the signs of Christ’s coming which are actually
happening right now. Deception (such as evolution),
war, persecution of Christians, the spreading of the
gospel, false Christ’s, signs in the heavens and

selfishness are all signs of Christ’s coming predicted in
Matthew 24. All these signs abound today, proving
that the Bible is reliable and can be trusted.

Jesus has many names and titles, but I really like the
way Ellen White describes Him in the following
paragraph: “Jesus Christ is revealed as the Fullness of
the Godhead, the infinitely merciful Savior of sinners,
the Sun of Righteousness, the merciful High Priest,
the Healer of all human maladies and diseases, the
tender, compassionate Friend, the constant, ever-
present and helpful Companion, the Prince of the
House of David, the Shield of His people, the Prince of
Peace, the Coming King, the Everlasting Father, the
culmination and fruition of the desires and hopes of
all the ages.” - The Desire of Ages, preface p.8.

In Jesus we have the fulfilment of over three hundred

Old Testament prophecies. In a book called Science
Speaks, Peter Stoner states that if there were only
eight prophecies in the entire Christian Bible, there
would be a 1 in 100 quadrillion chance that any one
man could fulfil all 8 prophecies. He then illustrates
how large this number is by suggesting you picture the
entire state of Texas (263 000 square miles, the
following countries are about the same size as Texas,
Ukraine, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Chile, Morocco,
Somalia & Zambia) covered two feet deep in silver
dollars, now paint one of the coins red and mix it into
the pile, then blindfold a man and set him anywhere in
the state you want. Afterwards tell the man he can
travel anywhere in Texas for as long as it takes. His

task is that he can only pick up one coin and it must be
the red one he picks up. He must be 100% accurate on
the very first try. It would be far easier for him to do
that than it would be for eight prophecies to be
fulfilled in one man.
Despite these staggering odds, Jesus Christ fulfilled,
no just eight, but three hundred prophecies while on
earth. This leaves no doubt that He is truly the
Messiah, God the Son!

If God exists, is His existence not worth investigating?

This is an issue of eternal consequence. Either God
exists and there is a purpose to life or there is no God
and we’re all here by chance, with no end to war, sin,
death and injustice. If there is no God then there is no
reason for anyone on this planet to be moral. We
should steal, kill and destroy each other without
anyone making a complaint. After all, “survival of the
fittest” is what Darwinian evolution teaches. If there is
a God however, then He has a solution to all the
problems facing this world. You may have been
allowing yourself to be spoon fed lies through the TV,
internet and the educational system. Is it not time you
started questioning things and doing your own
research to see if the things you have been taught are
true? You owe it to yourself to find out if the matters
presented in this book are true or simply fables. Why
not try God today? You can pray a simple little prayer
and say “Jesus, if You are real, please show Yourself to
me.” Multitudes who have prayed this prayer and have
never been disappointed.

This earth is wearing away like an old garment and
those who hang on to its material possessions in
disobedience to God will one day be disappointed
when they discover these to be worthless. On the other
hand Christ is offering eternal life in a place where
there will be no worry, sickness, death or sadness, but
eternal bliss in His coming kingdom that will be filled
with the presence of His glory. We will not be in want
of anything in that kingdom. Compare that
with this earth which will soon come to an end, where
every day brings uncertainty and the threat of a Third
World War.

God is inviting you to give your life to Christ today, to

choose Him as your personal Lord and Saviour. What
is seventy or eighty years on this earth compared to an
eternity with Christ? The greatest gamble that anyone
can take is to dice with their eternal life by believing in
men’s philosophies, such as evolution over God’s
Word. Very soon each one of us will shall stand before
God’s bar of judgement and answer for the decisions
that we have made and there is no second chance. By
the decisions that we make we show to whom we give
allegiance. “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield
yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to
whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of
obedience unto righteousness?” Romans 6:16.

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose

you this day whom ye will serve.” Joshua 24:15.

For over 2000 years a war has been raging
against the Bible and its believers. During the
Dark Ages the Bible was banned and burnt,
along with those who read it. More recently
attempts have been made to destroy it by
corrupting it through many inaccurate
translations. Now a final onslaught against
the Bible is taking place in the form of the big
bang and evolutionary theories whose gun
barrels are aimed directly at the Bible and the
principles it upholds.

Will the Bible survive this assault or will it be

consigned to the trash heap and be treated
as a book of fairy tales as many now perceive
it to be? Who is behind such a mammoth

The book you hold in your hand proves that

the big bang and evolution were conjured up
for the purpose of destroying people’s faith
in God and the Bible. It seeks to not only
show how this battle will end, but to help you
to have confidence in the best selling book of
all time- the Bible.

* The front cover shows pictures of three men who

were most influential in promoting the theories of
evolution and the big bang. From left to right we have
Charles Darwin, Pierre Teilard de Chardin and
Georges Lemaître.


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