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The Knights Templar Incognito:

The Successful Rebranding of the

World’s Most Powerful Militia

Joshua Lincoln

Copyright © 2017


1. From Humble Beginnings 3

2. Clash of the Giants 17

3. The Deformation of Protestantism 47

4. English Religious Ping Pong 61

5. The Gunpowder Treason Plot 76

6. Masters of Subterfuge 94

7. The French Revolution and Napoleonic

Wars 106

8. The Second Thirty Years War With an

Intermission 121

9. Gathering the Children 134

Author’s note

They were known as The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ

and of the Temple of Solomon or the Knights Templar
as they are commonly known; an order of warrior
monks who took vows of poverty, chastity and
obedience to the Pope. The Knights Templar were
created for the purpose of protecting pilgrims visiting
sites in the Holy Land, but more importantly they
existed to protect the interests of the Catholic Church.
As a result of their innovative banking strategy the
Templars became the wealthiest private bankers, but
greed and malicious rumours spread by a jealous king
led to their downfall. They disappeared from public
view, but covertly they continued to exist and later they
morphed and re-emerged as “…a sort of Masonic order
– with superadded features of revolting odiousness,
and a thousand times more dangerous.” – Samuel

Their purpose remains the same; to protect the church

and to fight infidels. No longer do they wear armour or
white capes emblazoned with red crosses, but they
have infinite disguises which enable them to go about
their business without most people having the slightest
inkling as to their real motives.

Now for the first time, this book connects the dots and
reveals the identity of the revived Knights Templar; the
most powerful militia which remains hidden in plain
Chapter 1

From Humble Beginnings

The steady decline of the Roman Empire had opened

the way for the ascendancy of papacy to become the
spiritual centre of the world. A series of advantageous
events had catapulted the papacy to this position. One
of the most significant of these events was Emperor
Constantine’s removal of the capital of the pagan
Roman Empire to Constantinople (now Istanbul) in
A.D. 330. At this time the Pope not only inherited the
capital of pagan Rome, but he also inherited the titles
of the Roman Emperor, one of which was Pontifex
Maximus, a pagan title that means “Bridge builder
between heaven and Earth.”

Another significant event was the 4th century forged

Donation of Constantine which supposedly transferred
authority over Rome and the western empire to the
Pope. Only in the 15th century was the document
investigated and found to be a forgery. This exposition
did not however diminish the power and prestige of the
Papacy which was well established by then.

In 538 A.D. Emperor Justinian’s decree proclaimed the

Bishop of Rome to be the head of all the Bishops, head
of all the churches and the corrector of heretics. From
humble beginnings, the Bishop of Rome had risen to
become the head of the Bishops and the churches and
what followed were 1260 years of papal supremacy in
Europe. The Church became very powerful and
controlled every aspect of people’s lives. Baptisms,
weddings and funerals were all conducted by the
Church. The priests were so powerful that they were
known to say “We hatch, match and dispatch”. Anyone
who disobeyed the Church was condemned as a heretic
and suffered the ignominious death of being burnt
alive after they were tortured. There was no room for
dissent. The people were kept in ignorance and could
not read or write. The Bible itself was a rare book that
was either chained to the walls of the monasteries or
was in the possession of a few priests.

With the Church now firmly established the Popes of

Rome set their eyes on Jerusalem, the jewel of the
Middle East. The City of Peace, considered to be of
historic, religious and geographical importance would
be of immense value in the hands of the papacy. The
Catholic Church wanted Jerusalem for herself, but the
means and the manpower were lacking. According to
an ex-Jesuit priest by the name of Alberto Rivera, the
Vatican devised a plan to conquer Jerusalem and to
make it a Roman Catholic city by using the Children of
Ishmael to fight their proxy war.

Through information obtained in secret briefings with

Cardinal Bea, Rivera learned that the Vatican sent a

wealthy Arab nun named Khadijah to search for a man
who could become the prophet to the Arabs. Khadijah
found Muhammad and the two of them got married,
the prophet being twenty five and his wife being forty
years of age. With secret orders from the Vatican
Muhammad started a new religion called Islam. Before
the new religion was created, their god had been called
Allah and after the new religion he was still called
Allah. The only difference was that Muhammad’s god
had become monotheistic, rather than polytheistic. It
was Catholicism for the Arabs and the children of
Ishmael fully embraced it, falling for the papacy’s
cleverly devised plan.

By the time Muhammad died in 632 A.D. Islam was

expanding rapidly. It was now time to put the secret
plan into action. The Vatican financed the building of
Islamic armies, but in return they asked for the Muslim
armies to conquer Jerusalem on their behalf and then
hand it over to the pope. This being agreed the Islamic
armies invaded and conquered Jerusalem in April 637.
Having conquered Jerusalem on the Pope’s behalf, they
were now requested to handover the prized city to
Pope. The Pope’s plan backfired. Realising how much
power they had, the Muhammadans refused to hand
over Jerusalem. The Pope was infuriated. He began to
assemble an army made up of Roman Catholic
believers to take Jerusalem from the Muslims.

In the year 1095 Pope Urban II is said to have given a
rousing speech to knights and noblemen commanding
them to take back Jerusalem from the children of
Ishmael. In an open field in Clermont, France, he
called upon those present to become soldiers of Christ
and promised them the remission of sins and eternal
bliss in heaven if they were to die on the battlefield.
Those who took part in the crusades were to wear the
sign of the cross which in French is Croix, which
mutated into the word Croisade from which we get the
word Crusade. It is reminiscent of Emperor
Constantine’s alleged vision in which he saw the sign of
the cross and heard a voice that said "By this sign, you
will conquer!"

The crusade called for by Urban II was the first of eight

major Crusade expeditions which occurred between
1096 and 1291. Succeeding popes also used Urban II’s
tactic in calling upon Roman Catholic believers to
enlist in papal crusades to win back Jerusalem as it
swung between Muslim and Catholic occupiers. The
Pope’s army won the first crusade and captured
Jerusalem but the Muslims, who were now the Pope’s
enemies, would not give up that easily. Thousands of
pilgrims mostly from Western Europe began to visit
Jerusalem, but many of them were robbed and killed as
their journeys took them through Muslim controlled

In 1118 Hugues de Payens, a French Knight created a
military order with the aim of protecting pilgrims
visiting the Holy Land. The order was first called the
Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of
Solomon and consisted of Hugues de Payens and his
eight friends and relatives. The new order set up their
headquarters at what was assumed to be the temple
mount with the blessing of Baldwin II, ruler of
Jerusalem. It was their connection to the temple
mount which resulted in them being simply called the
Knights Templar. What was assumed to be the temple
mount has since been proved to be the remnants of a
Roman army garrison which was stationed next to the
temple. The temple itself had been completely
destroyed in 70 A.D. as prophesied by Jesus Christ.
When his disciples had shown him the beauty of the
temple buildings Jesus said to them “See ye not all
these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be
left here one stone upon another, that shall not be
thrown down.” Matthew 24:2. This has now been
proved to be the case and even the old ruin known as
the Wailing Wall is just part of the Roman garrison
which was located next to the Temple.

Another myth connected to the Knights Templar is the

story of the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is generally
considered to be the cup from which Christ drank at
the Last Supper and the one used by Joseph of
Arimathea to catch his blood as he hung on the cross.
The Templars are linked to this story because it is
claimed that they are the guardians of the holy artefact.
According to a website by Jason Colavito “the Holy
Grail originally had nothing whatsoever to do with
Christ. In fact, it does not date back far enough to do
so. The first appearance of the Holy Grail is in
the Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes, written around
1190 CE. There, a “golden serving dish” descends
before Perceval in the castle of the Fisher King, but
Chrétien does not call it holy or call special attention to
it, as opposed to an equally sacred lance. A century
later, Wolfram von Eschenbach made it into a stone in
his Parzival. Robert de Boron told a different tale in the
twelfth century, that Joseph of Arimathea had received
the Holy Chalice that caught Christ’s blood and spirited
it away to Great Britain and founded a line of knights
to guard this sacred vessel. The stories of the Holy
Chalice and the magical Grail merged, and suddenly a
myth arose that a line of sacred knights guarded the
magical cup of Christ called the Holy Grail. Medieval
people understood Robert’s poem to be courtly fiction,
not a report of actual fact.”

Other Holy Grail claims promoted in Dan

Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code, are that it is the Holy
Bloodline formed by the descendants of the children of
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. The essence of the
conspiracy theory is that Jesus married Mary
Magdalene, and the two of them had one or more
children whose descendants emigrated to southern
France where they intermarried with the royal family
and became the Merovingian dynasty. This supposed
royal bloodline is protected by the Priory of Sion, a
secret society, which champions their claim to the
throne of France. There is no Biblical evidence for this.
Since the Bible is a historical record we can determine
that the Holy Grail story of Joseph of Arimathea and
Mary Magdalene having children with Jesus are
fictitious theories as they are not found therein. These
types of teachings are both Gnostic and Esoteric in
origin, but amazingly they have been lapped up by a
large number of people.

The order of the Templars became well known for its

signature style of dress, which featured a white habit
emblazoned with a simple red cross. Those who joined
the order had to swear an oath of poverty, chastity and
obedience and made prayer an essential part of daily
life with particular adoration for the Virgin Mary.

In a book titled The Secret Side of History, Dee Zahner

gives us some detail about the formation of the
company of men who would become the Catholic
Churches most powerful order. He says “After the First
Crusade had ended with the defeat of the Muslims and
the capture of Jerusalem, a band of nine Frenchmen
formed an order (in 1118) for the protection of pilgrims
to the Holy Sepulchre. The King of Jerusalem
presented them with a house near the Temple of
Solomon resulting in the name Knights Templar. The
Templars were bound by a vow of poverty and were to

live solely on alms. But donations became so enormous
that they eventually abandoned their vow of poverty
and spread themselves over Europe. By the end of the
twelfth century they had become a rich and powerful
body.” The Secret Side of History, p.21.

The long journeys that were undertaken by the

pilgrims required them to carry vast sums of money to
pay for transportation, accommodation and food. They
needed to find a way to fund their pilgrimages without
becoming the victims of marauding Muslims.
Fortunately for the pilgrims, the Knights Templar had
dedicated themselves to their protection and devised a
cunning banking strategy that enabled the travellers to
deposit their cash in their country of origin and then
withdraw it in Jerusalem. One of the most famous
Templar banking branches was the still existent
Temple Church in London where pilgrims conducted
banking transactions, and were given a secret code
which enabled them to cash their money upon arrival
at their destination.

This master plan resulted in the order becoming the

wealthiest private bankers of the dark ages. As a result
of their success the Templars grew in status and
established many branches in Western Europe. When
they were at the height of success they not only owned
the island of Cyprus as well as a fleet of ships, but they
also loaned money to European monarchs making
them more powerful than kings for “ The rich ruleth

over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the
lender.” Proverbs 22:7.

In 1129 the Templars received formal recognition from

the Catholic Church and some years later Pope
Innocent II issued a Papal Bull giving the order special
rights and free reign and made them answer only to
the his authority, making them true warrior monks. By
the late 12th century Jerusalem had been retaken by
Muslim armies a number of times causing a decline in
the support of the crusades. This lead the Templars to
relocate several times and they began to come under
increasing suspicion and disapproval of European
monarchs and religious leaders who were probably
envious of their vast amount of wealth.

We once again turn to Dee Zahner’s book for a brief

look at the downfall of these warrior monks. “By the
end of the thirteenth century the rumours of their
unscrupulous deeds and low moral life caused them to
become suspect in the eyes of the clergy and the
general public, word of their apostasy even reaching
the Pope. On Philip IV’s orders all of the Templars in
France were arrested. Many confessed that they had
been ordered to spit on the crucifix and had been urged
to commit obscenities and practice unnatural vice.
Later, and without duress of any kind, these
confessions were repeated before the Pope by seventy
two of the French Knights. Similar to other secret
societies, the Templars had a double doctrine. The one

presented to the majority of members at the lower
level, and to the public, was replete with noble
endeavours. If a member was able to ascend to a higher
level by proving to his unscrupulous superiors that he
could be trusted to keep their secrets and carry out
their orders, he was told more about the true purpose
of the order. These evil designs were most often
communicated orally.” The Secret Side of History, p.21.

Many unsubstantiated allegations were made about

the Templars with some purporting that they were
Satanists who spat on the cross and practised sorcery.
These allegations were said to have been created by
King Philip IV of France who was chronically short of
money because of his wars with England and
Flanders. Philip is said to have become aware of the
Templars enormous wealth when they gave him
protection from a rioting mob in their French
headquarters. He became covetous of their treasure
which he envisioned as a way of paying off the
country’s debt. The King sent out a secret order to his
men to arrest the Templars at a given time and date.
It is reported that Clement V was against the arrest
and execution of the warrior monks but he finally
succumbed to pressure from the French King.

In October 1307 the secret order was carried out, but

when the King’s men went to the Templar castles they
found many of them abandoned and their large naval
force that had been anchored at the Templar base in
La Rochelle had vanished. The Templars had
obviously been tipped off in the month-long wait
before their arrest. Most of them had made good their
escape except for a few uninformed victims who were
sacrificed to make it appear as if the Templars were
unaware of the plot. Those that were arrested were
tried and found guilty of offences against God. This
included Jacques de Molay, the grand master of the
order. Many of the knights were mercilessly tortured
until they admitted to committing various diabolical
acts such as devil worship, heresy, fraud,
homosexuality and spitting on the cross. The
Templars were arrested on Friday the 13 th, a date
which has become significant and is associated with
bad luck, although in the occult it is looked upon with

Philip IV conspired with Pope Clement V to have the

Knights Templars abolished which the Pope is said to
have reluctantly done in 1312. After seven years of
imprisonment and torture De Molay and dozens of
Templars were burned at the stake in Paris for their
confessions in 1314. Today it is still debated whether
evidence obtained through torture is admissible in
legal proceedings. A point that cannot be
controverted is that man can admit to anything when
he is being tortured just so he can have relief from
pain. Before his execution De Molay showed no sign
of fear, and he tried not to show pain during his slow
death on the burning stake. As he slowly burned he
shouted a curse at King Philip and the Pope
supposedly predicting that their deaths would come
swiftly as punishment for their treachery.
According to eyewitnesses De Molay’s dying curse,
which was uttered in French, was “Let evil swiftly
befall. Those who have wrongly condemned us; God
will avenge our death.”

The Pope died within 33 days of De Molay’s death, as if

in direct fulfilment of the curse. According to some
historians the Pope’s body was placed in a church
which caught fire overnight causing the body to be
burned to ashes. Philip’s last year of life was not
without trouble. He suffered a stroke while out hunting
and died soon afterwards in Fontainebleau, France.

Although it is reported that the assets belonging to the

Templars were seized and given to a rival order known
as the Knights Hospitallers, it also very likely that King
Philip took some of their vast wealth to pay off his
debts. The Knights Hospitallers, which still exist today
as the Knights of Malta, were forced to leave Malta by
Emperor Napoleon, who stopped at the island on his
way to Egypt. Today the Knights of Malta reside in Italy
and like the Knights of Columbus are considered to
be a secret society that work for the Vatican.

Although many believe that this was the end of the

Knights Templars, this is not the case as they simply
went underground, and found refuge in such places as

Scotland and re-emerging, years later under a new
name. Many monarchs in different countries were very
slow to arrest the Templars which gave them plenty of
time to escape and continue their operations incognito.

In 1484 Christopher Columbus, a navigator and

maritime explorer of Italian descent, visited the royal
courts of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. He
presented his vision of an expedition in which he would
sail towards China by way of navigating a western
ocean route to the great cities of Asia. Columbus
presented these ideas to the Spanish King and Queen
because they were known to have the financial ability
to sponsor such as an endeavour. Columbus’ idea was
presented to a council of so-called “learned men.”
Although Columbus’ proposal was attractive the
scholars decided that the scheme was impossible to
achieve as they believed that the world was much
bigger than Columbus imagined. A minority of men on
the council approved of Columbus’ idea, but they were
quashed by King Ferdinand who considered Columbus
to be a delusional individual and gladly accepted the
majority decision of the council. Isabella
comprehended the idea and envisioned the wealth and
extension of the empire and the Roman Catholic
Church that would ensue if the mission was successful.
The idea captivated her so much that she went against
her husband’s decision and promised to support
Columbus even with the selling of her royal jewels on a
voyage that had never been under taken. The Pinta and
the Mina were the two small ships that were supplied
through Isabella’s purse. A third much larger ship, the
Santa Maria was supplied by a Spanish family called
the Pinzons.

A most interesting fact that is overlooked by historians

is that when Columbus sailed to the New World, the
three ships that he used on the expedition bore the red
cross of the Templars on their sails. The red cross was a
reference to the Knights Templar bringing Christianity
to the heathens of another land, but of course more
important than this was the pursuit of wealth. The
Templars were well established in maritime matters
and it would make sense for them to continue investing
in the shipping business. It made good financial sense
to invest in maritime exploration as they would benefit
from the profits made from the discovery of new land,
resources and the enslavement of native people.

Chapter 2


As the centuries wore on the power of the papacy
continued to grow by leaps and bounds. The next event
to cause upheaval in Europe was the fund raising event
known as indulgences. Pope Leo X came up with the
grand scheme of building St Peter’s Basilica in Rome,
but the funds were lacking. He decided that there was
no better way to raise money for the project other than
fleecing the poor flock of the Roman Catholic Church of
their hard earned cash. Having created the doctrine of
purgatory the church decided to use this same doctrine
of fear to induce the superstitious masses into parting
with their money in exchange for the promise of
avoiding the non-existent fires of purgatory. Pope Leo
X sent his indulgence mongers to various European
countries where most of them made very good business
selling their indulgence tickets to the ignorant masses,
who never having read the scriptures were unaware
that this doctrine was foreign to the Bible. The
indulgence monger sent to Germany was a man by the
name of John Tetzel. Tetzel’s motto was "As soon as a
coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory
springs." He had fared well in other countries with his
certificates and expected to do a roaring trade in

Germany, but a spiritual awakening was at this time
taking place in the country and this was not to be.

An Augustinian monk called Martin Luther was

disgusted by the act of simony in which the Pope
promised the people a gift he had no power to deliver.
On the 31st of October 1517 Luther nailed 95 theses to
the Church door in Wittenburg, questioning the
doctrine of indulgences and challenging anyone who
supported the teaching to a public debate. In his
theses, Luther also protested the abuses of the Church,
but his main argument was against indulgences, where
he showed that they were nothing but a scam to extort
money from the superstitious people and that no priest
or pope had power to forgive sins through the sale of
indulgences. Statement 27 of the 95 theses stated:
“They preach human folly who pretend that as soon as
money in the coffer rings a soul from purgatory
springs.” In statement 82 he said: “for example: why
does not the Pope empty purgatory for the sake of holy
love… for after all, he does release countless souls for
the sake of sordid money contributed for the building
of a cathedral?”

Luther questioned the teachings of the Church,

something that Church members had never done,
especially with regards to teachings that were foreign
to the scriptures. Luther’s actions were revolutionary
and lead the people to free themselves from mental
slavery. Tetzel’s mission in Germany was a failure and
he soon left without raising the funds he had presumed
to raise in Germany. Although Luther had only meant
for his theses to lead to a public debate what followed
were unprecedented events that would lead to spiritual
and political upheaval, not only in Germany, but in
Europe and the rest of the world. Luther had not only
challenged Tetzel and indulgences, but he had
challenged the Church and the Pope himself. Luther’s
main argument was that man is justified by faith alone
rather than relics or the traditions of the church.

Luther’s disaffection with the Catholic Church rather

than being sudden had been gradual; causing him to
slowly separate himself from the system he had loved
and dedicated himself to. Once when he had been sent
on a visit to Rome he had been astonished at the open
practice of sin by the clergy and the members of the
Church. Relics were sold on the streets, the Church not
only owned brothels, but the priests were actually
clients of the prostitutes. As he entered the city Luther
had exclaimed “Holy Rome, I salute thee!”, but once he
had become acquainted with the sinful acts committed
there, he said ‘If there is a hell, Rome is built over it: it
is an abyss whence issues every kind of sin.’” E. G.
White, Great Controversy, p.125.

On his return to Germany Luther began to preach that

Christians should not receive any doctrines other than
those taught in the Holy Scriptures. He continued to
challenge and oppose the teachings of the Church of
Rome. His writings extended to England, Holland,
Switzerland, France, Spain, Belgium and Italy where
they were received with joy. The actions of Luther sent
shock waves through the Catholic Church which
accused him of heresy and summoned him to appear in
Rome to answer the charge of heresy.

Frederick the Wise, elector of Germany, although a

Roman Catholic at the time, liked Luther’s idea and
wanted to protect him as he was a Professor at his
university at Wittenberg. Frederick feared for Luther’s
safety and suggested to the Pope’s legate that rather
than going to Rome Luther should answer the charges
before Cardinal Cajetan in Augsburg. Cajetan grilled
Luther for three days and demanded a recantation of
his views on indulgences and papal infallibility, but on
failing to achieve this he planned to have Luther
secretly arrested. On learning of this plot Luther fled
from Augsburg on horseback and made his way back to

Frederick the Wise refused to hand Luther over,

arguing that as Luther was his subject he was duty
bound to protect him. Luther’s fight with the Church of
Rome eventually led to debates, a bull of
excommunication against him and finally a summons
to appear at the Diet of Worms.

At the Diet Luther’s only defence was the Bible

whereby he challenged his accusers to prove him wrong
from the scriptures. Their only answer to him was a
demand for him to recant. Realising that Luther would
not retract, the spokesman for the hearing became
angry and accused Luther of not answering their
question. He then said to Luther, “…Will you, or will
you not retract?” It was in response to this question
that Luther gave his famous response: "Since your
most serene majesty and your high mightinesses
require from me a clear, simple, and precise answer, I
will give you one, and it is this: I cannot submit my
faith either to the pope or to the councils, because it is
clear as the day that they have frequently erred and
contradicted each other. Unless therefore I am
convinced by the testimony of Scripture or by the
clearest reasoning, unless I am persuaded by means of
the passages I have quoted, and unless they thus
render my conscience bound by the word of God, I
cannot and I will not retract, for it is unsafe for a
Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand,
I can do no other; may God help me. Amen." D’
Aubigne, b7, ch.8.

Luther refused to bow to the threats and intimidatory

tactics of the Pope’s representatives and later on he was
to say that he never pledged to chain up the word of
God. Frederick the Wise realised that the only way to
protect Luther was to devise a secret plan to have him
kidnapped and hidden away in a secret location. On his
homeward journey, Luther was seized by friends and
was taken to the castle of Wartburg where he spent
time translating the Bible into German. His actions
shook the very foundations of the Catholic Church and
sowed the seeds of the Reformation which yielded the
fruits of liberty and progress in Europe and around the
world. His teachings led to the formation of various
Lutheran denominations, which have thousands of
members in Germany and various parts of the world.
Luther’s Reformation of the Church would not have
been possible without the printing press was invented
less than one hundred years earlier. It was this Divinely
inspired innovation which enabled his message to
spread quickly and effectively to various parts of

Luther’s efforts at bringing church reform were not in

vain. His call for reform was supported by many of the
German princes who along with Melanchton, Luther’s
collaborator, presented the Augsburg confession to
Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor in 1530. This
resulted in the signing of the Peace of Augsburg in 1555
which officially ended the religious strife between
Catholics and Lutherans within the Holy Roman
Empire giving rulers the option of choosing either of
the two beliefs as the official confession of their
state. Those were the only two options available to
Christians and it was not until the Peace of Westphalia
in 1648 that Calvinism was officially recognised and
permitted in the empire.

In a book called The Thirty Year’s War, Geoffrey Parker
states that “The same development was taking place in
other Catholic Territories, under the terms of the
‘Religious Peace of Augsburg’ (1555), which put a
temporary end to open confessional warfare in
Germany. The Augsburg settlement created a layered
structure of legal securities for the people of the
Empire. At the top was the right of each secular
territorial ruler, from the Electors down to the Imperial
Knights, to dictate whether their subjects’ religion was
to be Catholic or Lutheran (the only officially permitted
creeds: Calvinism and all other faiths were forbidden).
This principle was later known as cuius region, eius
religio: that the religion of the governed should be the
same as that of their territorial ruler, and that subjects
whoso desired were to be allowed to emigrate. The only
exceptions to this rule were the Imperial Free Cities
and the Catholic ecclesiastical states. In the former, the
Peace guaranteed that where both Lutheran and
Catholic groups existed, both were to enjoy freedom of
worship (in effect this only applied to eight of the sixty
or so Free Cities, because almost all the rest were either
wholly Lutheran or wholly Catholic).” The Thirty Years’
War, p.16, 17.

It is believed by many that Luther began the

Reformation, but in reality Luther was only a catalyst
for a movement that had been well underway by the
time he stepped on the scene. The real pioneers of the
Protestant Reformation were the Waldenses and
Albigences who had kept the truths of the Bible alive at
a time when the world was covered by spiritual
darkness. Over a century before Luther, John Wycliffe
of England followed by John Huss of Bohemia (modern
day Czech Republic) had proclaimed the gospel and
called for Church Reformation in their respective
countries. Although the Reformers disagreed on many
Bible doctrines, they were agreed on two important
tenets which are: the sole authority of the scriptures
and the identification of the papacy as the antichrist of
Bible prophecy. For example Martin Luther said “We
here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of
the true and real Antichrist...personally I declare that I
owe the Pope no other obedience than that to
Antichrist." (Aug. 18, 1520) Taken from The Prophetic
Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 2., pg. 121 by Froom.

In response to a papal bull [official decree] he said: "I

despise and attack it, as impious, false... It is Christ
Himself who is condemned therein... I rejoice in having
to bear such ills for the best of causes. Already I feel
greater liberty in my heart; for at last I know that the
pope is antichrist, and that his throne is that of Satan
himself." --D'Aubigné, b.6, ch. 9.

John Wesley of the Methodist Church, speaking of the

Papacy said: "He is in an emphatical sense, the Man of
Sin, as he increases all manner of sin above measure.”

Ellen G. White of the Seven Day Adventists said "This
compromise between paganism and Christianity
resulted in the development of "the man of sin"
foretold in prophecy as opposing and exalting himself
above God. That gigantic system of false religion is a
masterpiece of Satan's power--a monument of his
efforts to seat himself upon the throne to rule the earth
according to his will.”

John Wycliffe, Cotton Mather of the Congregationalist

Church, Roger Williams of the First Baptist Church in
America, John Knox of the Scottish Presbyterian
Church and various other large and small
denominations held the same belief. The Protestant
Reformation helped to move Europe out of the Dark
Ages into the Modern Era and lead to the rise of true
religious freedom and the separation of church and
state which is expressed in the First Amendment of the
United States constitution.

A few years after the Reformation officially burst on the

scene and the Pope’s triple crown was tottering on his
head, a Templar incognito appeared on the stage whose
ideology would transform the world and reverse the
Reformation. The influence of Inigo Lopez de Loyola
who changed his name to Ignatius Loyola, as he is most
commonly known, was so great that “In 1627- The
University of Cracow portrayed Ignacias holding the
world in His hand, fire streaming out forth of His heart

with His motto “I came to send fire into the world.”
Preached by F. Doza J.S. The Fiery Jesuits p.66.

Note how the word “his”, referring to Loyola is

capitalised in the previous quote. The words attributed
to Loyola here are taken from Luke 12:49 where Christ
Himself said “I am come to send fire on the earth…”
Not only are the words of Christ attributed to Loyola,
but the Jesuits have given him divine attributes by
taking traits which the Apostle Paul applied to Christ in
Hebrews 1:2 and have applied them to Ignatius Loyola:
“In these days God has spoken to us by his Son
Ignatius, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by
whom also he made the worlds.” History of Jesuits, vol.
2. p. 47, 48.

Loyola is now considered a saint in the Catholic Church

with a feast day in honour of him being celebrated on
the 31st of July. Born to a wealthy Spanish family at the
castle of Loyola in Basque country in 1491, Loyola
became a proud young man who wanted to be a great
military commander. At the age of 18 he joined the
military and fought bravely for his king, but his
aspirations came to a sudden and devastating end
when he was fighting against the French at the battle of
Pemplona in 1521.

Just like the Templars, Loyola did not believe in

surrender and although he and his men were
overwhelmed by the French he would not give up
without causing heavy losses to their army. Whilst
leading in the defence of the citadel Loyola was struck
by a French cannonball which shattered his right leg in
several places. Seeing that their leader was
incapacitated the Spaniards surrendered
unconditionally. The French commander treated
Loyola humanely and as a sign of respect for his
bravery allowed him to receive medical attention from
his own surgeon. Loyola, was allowed to retire to his
ancestral castle and whilst there it was discovered that
his leg had not recovered properly. It was deemed
necessary to have the leg broken again and reset to
effect good healing. Loyola underwent several surgeries
without pain relief, but all this was to no avail as his leg
never healed properly. Having his right leg broken and
then reset a number of times resulted in his leg being
shorter than the other and from then on he walked
with a limp until his death.

The realisation that his military career was over came

as a heavy blow to the Spanish warrior. He began to
imagine other means by which he could serve his King
and it was during this period, whilst he was recovering
from his injuries, that Loyola experienced a spiritual
conversion after reading books about Jesus and the
saints. He envisioned Jesus as a commander of a great
army and saw himself as a saint who would accomplish
the mission of winning the World for Christ. Loyola
had received military training, and when he later
became an extreme religious enthusiast, he conceived
the idea of forming a spiritual militia, to be placed at
the service of the Pope. The idea of combining his
military prowess and spiritual mysticism was conceived
and the image of the Knights Templars was recreated
in the person of Loyola. After he was injured, Loyola
had a nervous breakdown and as a cripple he made his
way to the mountains of Montserrat.

In the mountains of Montserrat was an ancient

sanctuary where there was a sacred image called the
black virgin of Montserrat. Loyola prayed and
confessed to this image for three days and spent an
entire night standing before this statue. Just as the
Templars had done, he devoted himself to Mary, and
committed himself to go on a mission to Jerusalem
where he would conquer the Muslim world for Jesus.
Loyola understood that the Catholic Church with all its
power had failed to retake Jerusalem, but being a man
who was not easily discouraged he was determined to
go forward and achieve his mission. On his way there,
he found he could not go any further because
Barcelona had the plague. He then stayed in the town
of Manresa for ten months and whilst there he found
abode in a cave where, through meditation he received
inspiration and his secret doctrines were revealed to
him. Mohamed, the prophet of Islam, had also spent
time alone in a cave where he received revelation to
write the Quran.

For ten months, Loyola tortured his mind and body
until he started having dreams and visions. He believed
he saw Mary and Jesus and chased the devil like a dog
whilst holding a stick. The teachings that he wrote as a
result of this became known as the Spiritual exercises
of Saint Ignatius and were to be practised by his entire
militia. The grand rule in these teachings was absolute
obedience and they were taught to novices who were
joining the Jesuits to give them the same kind of
mindset as Loyola. This was their basic training. They
were to be moulded into the likeness of Loyola until
they were ready to render cadaver obedience to their
superiors. This obedience was to be reflected in the
inferior’s readiness “to declare his ascent and consent
to his superior in active obedience when he says, the
snow is black, or the crow is white, bidding light the
candle at the wrong end…” They were “to yield perfect,
absolute and unlimited obedience to him they call
Christ’s vicar…” and “by the abdication of their own
will and judgement they are the staff in the old man’s
hand.” And going further it is declared that “…we
should always be ready to accept this principal: I will
believe that the white that I see is black, if the
hierarchical Church so defines it.” The Spiritual
Exercises of St Ignatius, p.141, by Ignatius de Loyola.

A magnificent Jesuit institution was later built at this

site in honour of the Spanish Knight. Loyola finally
made his way to Jerusalem to reignite the crusades
against the Muslims, but was discouraged by the
Monks there who told him that they did not want any
more political trouble. Loyola was not a man who was
easily dissuaded. He began to contemplate how else he
could be of service to the Church and realised that
Protestantism was a greater menace to his Church than
Islam was. He decided to focus his energy and master
plan on combating Protestantism which had dealt a
heavy blow to the Church of Rome. On the 15th of
August 1534 Loyola founded the Society of Jesus to
which his young recruits dedicated themselves and
took vows of poverty and chastity. He then made his
journey back to Barcelona, where he studied theology
and continued to practice and teach his spiritual
exercises to his novitiates, some of whom fainted
during the experience. After this he went to the college
of Montaigu in Paris, arriving in Paris the same time as
John Calvin, the Reformer was leaving.

Although the Reformation had brought many changes

to the Holy Roman Empire, Catholicism continued to
be strong in Spain; one of the most Catholic countries
in the Empire. The Inquisition was still in existence
and continued to operate in an effort to seek out and
eradicate perceived heresy. Loyola fell into the clutches
of the Inquisition and was thrown into prison after
being found to be a member of an organisation called
the Alumbrados or Illuminati, which claimed to be
seeking spiritual illumination and union with God.
Upon release Loyola continued to associate with the
Alumbrados and was once again thrown into prison by
the inquisitors. When he was released again, Loyola
went to the University of Paris where he gathered a
group of young man who became obedient to him
through the hypnotic influences of the spiritual
exercises. Loyola must have had contacts in high places
because escaping from the hands of the inquisitors was
pretty much impossible according to Don Fernando de
la Mina in his book My Escape from the Auto De Fé. It
is fascinating that he was released from the Inquisition
on two occasions when many others perished.

Loyola then made his way to Rome where persistence

and pressure from powerful friends finally brought
Pope Paul III to give him an audience. It is important
to understand that Loyola was not working alone, but
had the backing of Charles V, the Holy Roman
Emperor as well as other powerful European
individuals otherwise his audience with the pope would
not have been possible. It goes without saying that
Loyola was not working alone and that there must have
been other forces at play behind the scenes, pushing
Loyola to resurrect the power of the Templars

Loyola explained to Pope Paul that his mission was to

defend the faith and to fight against the Protestant
Reformation and that he would commit all his intellect
and energy and that of his militia towards the
achievement of this goal. When the Pope asked him
why he did not appear to be fighting Protestantism his
response was that he was fighting it, but not with the
sword or Inquisition as the other Catholic orders were
doing because those instruments would not succeed
against such a foe. Loyola explained that he proposed
to raise up a spiritual militia that would take a vow of
absolute obedience to the pope and would be ready, at
a moments notice, to go wherever he ordered them to
go without the slightest complaint.
They would spread the Catholic faith by preaching,
spiritual exercises, charity and education. Of course the
Jesuits, would not limit themselves to the above
strategies, they would also employ other covert tactics
such as spying, infiltration and subversion in order to
bring back the separated churches back to the Mother
Church. Everything would be admissible “…only that
the Church might be the gainer in the end… and that
the end justifies the means.” Excerpt from the extreme
Oath of the Jesuits taken from Subterranean Rome by
Carlos Didier.

The full extreme oath of the Jesuits is rather long, but

we will look at some of its main points here:

"I, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed

Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the
blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter
and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of
heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior
General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius
Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and
continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin,
the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare
and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-
regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or
Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by
virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his
Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to
depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths
and governments, all being illegal without his sacred
confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.
Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will
defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right and custom
against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant
authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of
Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and
the now pretended authority and churches of England
and Scotland, and branches of the same now
established in Ireland and on the Continent of America
and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be
usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother
Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any
allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state
named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of
the laws, magistrates or officers.”

The Jesuit declares “…the churches of England and

Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of
the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable…”
and further declares that he will go to any part of the
world and will do his”…uttermost to extirpate the
heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to
destroy all their pretended powers”

Going on further he states: “I do further promise and

declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own,
or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or
cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly
obey each and every command that I may receive from
my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus

That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I

may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the
burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of
India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the
wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America,
without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive
in all things whatsoever communicated to me.”

“I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when

opportunity present, make and wage relentless war,
secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and
Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and
exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and
that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that
I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive
these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and
wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads
against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their
execrable race. That when the same cannot be done
openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the
strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the
leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or
authority of the person or persons, whatever may be
their condition in life, either public or private, as I at
any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the
Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith,
of the Society of Jesus.”

The Jesuit dedicates his life and soul to the Company of

Jesus and if he should “prove false or weaken” in his
determination he consents to his “brethren and fellow
soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and
my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly
opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the
punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and
my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell
forever!” The Jesuit Oath of Induction is also recorded
in the Congressional Record of the U.S. (House Bill
1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell,
against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pp. 3215-3216).

The Society will of course deny any connection to this

oath, but that’s to be expected as it is their modus
operandi to deny anything that exposes the secret inner
workings of their company and what they seek to
achieve. This they did when the Secret Instructions or
the Monita Secreta were leaked from various quarters.

Pope Paul was under no illusion as to the desperate
situation the Church found itself in. He recognised
Loyola’s offer of assistance as the only means by which
the Church could survive. After listening to Loyola’s
proposal he looked up to heaven and said “The hand of
God is at work here!” It was almost as if he was
breathing a sigh of relief that help had finally come at

In September 1540 Pope Paul III signed the papal bull,

Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae, (Latin for To the
Government of the Church Militant) giving the Jesuits
official papal approval. As can be seen from the title of
the bull, the Jesuits were not just priests, but a form of
Catholic militia who would be led by a Superior
General, as the head of the Jesuits came to be known.
They became the shock troops or military arm of the
Catholic Church.

Ignatius had in fact called his order the Company of

Jesus, but the name passed through Latin as Societas
Jesu and came out in English as Society of Jesus or
Jesuits as they came to be known by Protestants; a
name which has stuck and one which they proudly
wear on their sleeves. Pope Paul III had only approved
the Jesuits to have 60 members, but by the time Loyola
died in July 1556, there were more than 1,000 Jesuit

Before their transformation the order had worn white
capes emblazoned with a red cross, but from now on,
when appearing as members of the order, they wore
black cassocks and white dog collars, but unlike other
orders their disguises were infinite. They could appear
as politicians, scholars, teachers, theologians, lawyers,
Police officers, journalists, scientists, historians or men
of any other trade without anyone having the slightest
suspicion that they are working for the Pope.

To get further insights into the workings of this

most powerful militia we will look at The Story of
Dan Lyons S.J. by John D. McCallum. An
autobiography of one of the most prominent
Jesuit journalists of the 20th century: “No other
group of men has, down the centuries, furnished
so much material for hot controversy. By far the
largest and, in many ways, most influential of
the religious orders of the Catholic Church, it is
also the most feared, the most suspected and the
most maligned. For 437 years the Jesuits have
had to contend with enemies inside the Roman
Catholic Church as well as outside. There are
those who still believe that every Jesuit has horns
and cloven hoofs. Others will swear no Jesuit can
look you in the eye, and children have been
known to run off yelling when greeted by a
friendly Jesuit.

Wars, revolutions and intrigues have often been
laid to their doorstep, and almost everything a
Jesuit may say is automatically taken by some to
be double talk. The very name, "Jesuit,"
originated as a defamation implying a great show
of sanctimony and nothing is more typical of
the defiant spirit of the order than its adoption
of the taunt to designate the members of what is
still officially and formidably known as the
Society of Jesus-“S.J.” Hence. Father Daniel
Lyons. S.J.
What is the official f unction of the Jesuits in this
world? A body of religious men devoted to the
spiritual perfection of themselves and others, they
may exercise their apostolate in a variety of ways,
including teaching, preaching, missionary work.
and social action. The order's Latin motto. Ad
Maiorem Dei Gloriam-For the Greater Glory
of God- places the emphasis on "greater." Their
minds fixed on this single purpose, the Jesuits
have, through the nearly four and a half
centuries of their existence, contributed no end
to the great forward rush of Western civilization.
The order’s history glows with the names of
brilliant scholars, as those of some thirty saints
and many martyrs. There is no more s t r i k i n g
proof of its appeal to modern Catholics than the
fact that its membership has doubled since the
First World War.

“… In the United States the Jesuits are looked
upon as one of the most active and most
influential elements within the Catholic
community. Best known for their great string
of colleges and universities- among them
Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.;
Fordham University, New York; St. Louis
University, St. Lou is; Marquette University,
Milwaukee; the University of San Francisco;
Boston College; Santa Clara; and Loyola
Universities of Chicago, New Orleans, Los
Angeles and Baltimore-they are now in
charge of more than 150,000 students. However,
education is by no means their sole interest.
American Jesuits run houses of retreat, service
Catholic parish churches, publish newspapers and
magazines, and operate radio and TV stations.
Their Sacred Heart program of music, talk and
prayer, has long been carried by hundreds of
commercial radio and TV stations in every part
of the United States.” p.51.

“…Father Lyons and his fellow Jesuits are

distinguished by no picturesque habit. The ankle
length black cassock, with the broad black cincture,
which Jesuits wear in the streets of Italy and other
European countries, becomes in the United States an
indoors garb. Out on the street, the America n Jesuit
is dressed like any other priest, and the
magnificent, cartwheel Roman hat deteriorates into
a commonplace black felt hat. In hot countries the
Jesuit wears white. And, when a delicate assignment
calls for it, he m ay confront the world in civvies…This
singular adaptability is very much in keeping with the
character and purpose of the order.” p.52, 53.
The last sentence in the previous paragraph is of
profound significances. The ability of the order to
adapt allows it to not only remain relevant, but to
shape the direction in which the world is moving,
religiously, politically and economically. Many
historians have underestimated the ability of the
society to adapt to changing times, because they have
sought to pigeonhole the society, not realizing that
Jesuitism, by its very nature was formulated to morph
without losing its vitality.
Dan Lyons explained further that “Much of the fifteen
years it takes to make a Jesuit is spent, you could say,
in rearranging a young man’s personality. No Jesuit
can forget that St. Ignatius himself described obedience
as “a holocaust in which the whole man, nothing at all
excepted, is offered up.” Where ordinary obedience is a
matter of subjecting one’s own will to that of the
superior, the Jesuit variety affects will, intellect, and
Indeed, the Jesuit, in St. Ignatius’ words, “must offer
up his understanding…that he may not only will, but
also think the self-same with his superior….obedience
comprehends not only the execution, so that the person

do that which is commanded, and the will so that he do
it willingly, but also the judgment, that whatsoever the
superior commands and thinks good, seem just and
reasonable to the inferior, so far as I have said, as the
will, by its force and vigor, can bend the
Hence, perhaps the old superstition that, to a Jesuit,
white must be black if the superior tells him so. In
point of fact, Jesuit discipline has deep spiritual
meaning, as the obedient subject sees, in his superior,
the Lord himself. Still, when St. Ignatius, in the order’s
Constitutions, orders the brethren to obey, “as if they
were a dead body which suffers itself to be borne to any
place and to be treated in any manner whatever.” The
outsider may wonder whether this degree of discipline
can actually be maintained. The answer is, it can.” p.56,
Going further Dan Lyons says “Obedience has a sister,
Poverty. As the society is, technically, one of the
mendicant orders, living off alms-and thanks to a papal
dispensation, tuition fees-austerity is part of every
Jesuit’s life. He may own nothing. What he possessed
in civil life, he is disposed of, like a dying man, in a last
will and testament before becoming a full member of
the order.” p.58.
The previous statement conjures up images of the
Knights Templar logo which depicts two Knights in full
armor astride a single horse as it marches into battle.

The reason why the logo depicts two Knights on one
horse is that the Templars started off poor and could
not afford many horses. The Templars took an oath of
poverty, hence why their original name was The Poor
Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of
Solomon. The vow of the Jesuit novice is identical to
that of their Templar predecessor, as Dan Lyons shows
“…at the end of the two-year novitiate, the young man
takes the triple vows of perpetual poverty, chastity and
obedience. He’s in the army now….However those who
have proved themselves the fittest in the long, painful
process of selection, add to the standard vows of
poverty, chastity and obedience, a fourth-that of
perpetual obedience to the Pope. This fourth vow is the
celebrated Jesuit refinement. Those asked to take it-
one out of every four or five-henceforth form the elite
of “professed fathers,” and they alone may hold high
office…After fifteen years, the young Jesuit’s
personality is formed in line with the established
pattern of the order… “ p.61.
The beautiful book called The Great Controversy gives
us a further insight into the nature and purpose of the
Society of Jesus. She stated that “Throughout
Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by
formidable foes. The first triumphs of the Reformation
past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to
accomplish its destruction. At this time, the order of
the Jesuits was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous,
and powerful of all the champions of popery. Cut off
from every earthly tie and human interest, dead to the
claims of natural affection, reason and conscience
wholly silenced, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of
their order, and no duty but to extend its power. The
gospel of Christ had enabled its adherents to meet
danger and endure suffering, undismayed by cold,
hunger, toil, and poverty, to uphold the banner of truth
in face of the rack, the dungeon, and the stake. To
combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired its followers
with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like
dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the
weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for
them to commit, no deception too base for them to
practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume.
Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their
studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted
to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-
establishment of the papal supremacy.” Ellen White,
The Great Controversy, p.234.

Loyola had at first declined the position of General, but

he later accepted it after the insistence of his new
company and he became the first Superior General of
the order. The third Superior General and co-founder
of the order was Francis Borgia. The Borgia bloodline is
said to be part of the infamous "Black
Nobility" which dates back to the ancient Ptolemaic
period in history. As the head of the Jesuit order,

Loyola was to be styled ‘The Jesuit General’ or ‘Black
Pope’, a title that has applied to all heads of the order.

Lady Queenborough said “the shrewd Roman populace

have long shown their recognition of this fact [by
styling these two great personages severally the ' White
Pope ' and the ' Black Pope '. In truth the society has
never, from the very first, obeyed the Pope, whenever
its will and his happened to run counter to each other.”
Occult Theocracy, p.311

The new revived Templars were to be ruled by a single

man, the same way that power was vested in
Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian King who ruled the
golden Empire and all its provinces with an iron fist.
Speaking of this power over the warrior monks and
over the world, Michael Angelo Tamburini, then
General of the Jesuits, said to the Duke of Brancas in
1720 “See, my lord, from this room—from this room I
govern not only Paris, but China: not only China, but
the whole world, without anyone knowing how ‘tis
managed. Andrew Steinmetz, History of the Jesuits
volume 1.

Whereas Luther had said we should submit directly to

God through the Scriptures, "by which our consciences
should be formed and confirmed.” Loyola’s aim was for
everyone to submit their consciences to the Pope.
The perinde ac cadaver obedience removed personal
opinions or wills and Loyola emphasized this when he
said: "Let us be convinced that all is well and right
when the superior commands it," wrote Loyola. And
again: "Even if God gave you an animal without sense
as a master, you will not hesitate to obey him, as
master and guide, because God ordained it to be so."
Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits p. 26.

Going further he said “All judgment laid aside, we

ought to have our mind ready and prompt to obey,
in all, the true Spouse of Christ our Lord, which is
our holy Mother the Church Hierarchical.” The
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Whereas Martin Luther believed that repentance is the

first step to salvation, Loyola said that guilt should be
dealt with by self-flagellation and the seeking of
supernatural experiences. On the issues of sin and
repentance Luther said: “The true way to Christianity is
this, that a man do first acknowledge himself by the
law, to be a sinner and that it is impossible for him to
do any good work. For the law saith thou art a corrupt
tree (St. Matt. vii 17)...The first part then of Christianity
is the preaching of repentance and the knowledge of
ourselves, of what we are, namely sinners.” Martin
Luther, Commentary on Galatians (Grand Rapids, MI:
Kregel Publications, 1987): 68.

Historian J. H. Merle D'Aubugine tells us

that “Inigo [that is, Ignatius of Loyola], instead of
feeling that his remorse was sent to drive him to
the foot of the cross, persuaded himself that these
inward reproaches proceeded not from God, but
from the devil; and he resolved never more to
think of his sins, to erase them from his memory,
and bury them in eternal oblivion. Luther turned
toward Christ, Loyola only fell upon himself...”

“Visions came erelong to confirm Inigo in the

convictions at which he had arrived...Inigo did not
seek truth in the Holy Scriptures; but imagined in
their place immediate communication with the
world of spirits...Luther on taking his doctor’s
degree had pledged his oath to Holy
Scripture...Loyola at his time, bound himself to
dreams and visions; and chimerical apparitions
became the principle of his life and his faith.” J.H.
Merle D’Aubugine, D.D., History of the
Reformation of the Sixteenth Century (Grand
Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, reproduced from
London 1846 edition in 1976).

And that is how the most secret and successful

rebranding of the Templars took place…

Chapter 3

The Deformation of
Twenty eight years after Martin Luther nailed his 95
theses to the Church in Wittenberg Pope Paul III
convened the nineteenth ecumenical council of the
Roman Catholic Church. The Council was prompted by
the Reformation and sought to clarify the doctrines
contested by Protestants. It is also known as the
Counter Reformation. We speak of it in the present
tense for it is an on-going work, rather than a
movement of the sixteenth century. To quiet the
clamour of Protestants the papacy stated that the
reason for the Council, which went on for eighteen
years (1545-1563) was to deal with the issue of Church
discipline, but as time went on the Council began to
deliberate on doctrines that were disputed by

The Counter Reformation or Deformation of

Protestantism was and has always been led by Loyola’s
warrior monks, who have been very successful in
turning the tide of Protestantism. This is the purpose
and reason for their existence. In explaining this
Richard Thompson said 'The Jesuits, by their very
calling, by the very essence of their institution, are
bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the
destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of
their existence, the duty they must fulfil, or cease to be
Jesuits.” The Footprints of the Jesuits, 1894.

Pope Paul III died in 1549 and was succeeded by Pope

Julius III who issued a new coin with a motto that said
“The nation and kingdom which will not obey me shall
perish.” Julius III was known to be an immoral whose
election to the popedom indicated that there would be
no reform in the discipline and morals of the
priesthood. He was a sodomite who bestowed a
Cardinals hat to a young man named Innocent for
whom he had affections. When the other Cardinals
objected to the promotion of Julius’s lover he calmly
replied “And what merit did you discover in me, that
you raised me to the Popedom?”

The aims of the first session discussed the doctrines

that were disputed by the Reformers and to address the
matter of reforming church abuses as a secondary
issue. In the second session a debate ensued in which
one of the Bishops observed that the Council could not
be fully represented if the laity were excluded since the
Church was made up of clergy and laity. This
suggestion was quickly shut down by the bishop of St
Mark who stated that according to the canons the laity
could not be termed the Church as they only had the
duty of simply obeying the commands given them
without dispute or reasoning. In other words they were
not supposed to think or exercise freedom of
conscience, but to just submit themselves. One of the
most important sessions was the fourth session which
placed tradition on the same level with the Holy
Scriptures and also proclaimed the uninspired
Apocryphal books to be part of God’s Word. This
session approved severe penalties against freedom of
speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of
conscience and also elevated the Latin Vulgate, the
Catholic Bible which contained four thousand errors, to
be superior to the original Hebrew and Greek

The Council of Trent pronounced 125 anathemas or

curses against Protestants who rejected, infant
baptism, the Eucharist, transubstantiation, auricular
confession, the Catholic priesthood and most
importantly indulgences which had been the main
cause of Luther’s protest. These and many other curses
were pronounced against Protestants because they had
rejected the authority of the Pope, declared him to be
antichrist and stated that the teachings of the Romish
Church were alien to the Bible.

The primary plan of the Counter Reformation was and

is the use of knowledge acquired through the
Protestant Reformation to destroy the Reformation. F.
Tupper Saussy explained this well when he stated that
“Just as Leo X’s corruption had ignited Luther,
Clement VII’s shrewdness determined how the Church
would deal with the proliferation of Bibles. Clement
was personally advised by the cagey Niccolo
Machiavelli, inventor of modern political science,
and Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Chancellor of England.
Machiavelli and Wolsey opined that both printing and
Protestantism could be turned to Rome’s advantage by
employing movable type to produce a literature that
would confuse, diminish, and ultimately
marginalize the Bible. Cardinal Wolsey, who would
later found Christ Church College at Oxford,
characterized the project as “to put learning against
learning.” F. Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil.

This explains the proliferation of worthless books,

magazines and newspapers bursting with propaganda
that fill the shelves in our shops today. Since the
printing press had been one of the main channels used
to spread the Reformation, the “learning against
learning” strategy would also make use of the printing
press as a Counter Reformation tactic, introducing
bogus bibles, translated from Catholic manuscripts.
Later on evolutionary “science” would be introduced to
undermine people’s faith in the Bible. We have
witnessed how pseudoscience, such as evolution and
the big bang have flooded western society leading
people, especially in countries where Protestantism
was once strong, to abandon their belief in God and His
Word. The papacy, through their Jesuit agents, would
then lead the ignorant, superstitious masses of the
world back to Rome, which created these theories in
the first place. It will come as a surprise to most people
to learn that the originator of the big bang theory was
actually a Jesuit priest named George Lemaitre, who
“fathered” the theory as part of the Counter
Reformation under the orders of his superiors.

Whereas Luther and the Reformers had made the Bible

and submission to Christ the foundation of their
doctrines, the Jesuits taught that everyone should be
subject to the pope. The Jesuits hate the Bible so much
that they are quoted as saying “Then the Bible, that
serpent which with head erect and eyes flashing,
threatens us with its venom while it trails along the
ground, shall be changed into a rod as soon as we are
able to seize it... Oh then mysterious rod, we will not
again suffer thee to escape from our hands for you
know too well, that for three centuries past this cruel
asp has left us no repose. You well know with what
folds it entwines us and with what fangs it gnaws us." –
Jacopo Leone, The Jesuit Conspiracy, p. 98.

Not long after their formation the Jesuit order

instigated the St Bartholomew massacre in France in
1572. This massacre was ordered by Catherine de’
Medici and started with the assassination of Huguenot
leader Admiral Gaspard de Coligny and other high
ranking Protestant officials followed by a wave
of Catholic mob violence, directed against
the Huguenots (French Calvinists). Catherine, the
Catholic Queen of France and Queen mother, devised a
plan to destroy the French Huguenots. These
Protestants were numbered in the thousands in France
and some of them held prominent positions in
government. Catherine got her daughter Margaret and
a Huguenot Prince named Henry III of Navarre to get
married in Paris in 1572. The Huguenots from all over
France were invited to come to Paris for the wedding.
The plan worked and thousands of Huguenots poured
into Paris, including Admiral Gaspard II de Coligny
and it appeared that Catholics and Protestants were
now united. After the wedding a Huguenot traitor went
through the streets of Paris, signalling to the Catholics
with him where all the Huguenots were lodged. Chalk
was then used to mark a cross on the doors of their

Coligny had been warned not to go to Paris, but he did

not heed the warning and entered dangerous ground,
making the same mistake as the Waldenses and
Hussites when they thought they could make
concessions with Rome. Whilst walking on the streets
of Paris, Coligny providentially bent down to adjust his
shoe when he was hit in the arm by an assassin’s bullet.
The shot shattered his left hand and elbow. Maurevel,
the would-be assassin ran off to a horse that was
saddled and waiting on the banks of the River Seine
and made good his escape. Even after he had been shot
in the arm in an assassination attempt on the 22nd of
August 1572, Coligny did not withdraw from Paris, but
instead trusted in the beguiling lies of Henry II King of
France who sent him a physician to treat the wound
and apologized for the incident, assuring him of his

On the 23rd of August, three days after the wedding, a

bell rang at midnight and the Catholic hordes went
from house to house killing and butchering Huguenots
in a three day period. Blood ran through the streets and
filled the Parisian gutters. The killing started in Paris
and one of the first to die was Coligny who was stabbed
in the chest whilst he was in his bedroom, even though
he should have been guarded by royal troops. Coligny’s
body was then thrown out onto the street through a
window and his head was decapitated and his body
hung from chains in a public arena. Other Huguenot
leaders and their followers were next in the slaughter
which then spread to the provinces of France during
the ensuing weeks.

Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth’s spymaster, was in

Paris with his family at the time of the genocide. He
found safety along with his family and some refugees,
in the English embassy, where they were locked in and
guarded. It is estimated that as many as 70000
Huguenots were killed in the massacre. To celebrate
this orgy of death pope Gregory XIII ordered a jubilee
to celebrate the event. A medal with the pope’s image
on one side and a destroying angel smiting

the Huguenots with his sword on the other was struck
to commemorate the event.

In 1648 the thirty years war broke out in central

Europe. This war was mainly fought in Germany and
was also instigated by the Revived Knights Templar in
an attempt to overthrow Protestantism in Europe. They
failed to accomplish their goal, but one of the maxims
of the Jesuits is that they never give up.

“All throughout Germany the Jesuits spread desolation

and misery whenever the cause of truth and freedom
was overcome by the superior material force of
despotism and bigotry. ‘They were the most able
auxiliaries of [Emperor] Ferdinand II [and King Philip
IV of Spain] in destroying the Protestants; they were in
the imperial cabinet, in his armies, among the defeated
sectarians, and they even dared to penetrate into the
camp of the Lutherans’ (as spies, no doubt). The
Jesuits had formed [General Barclay] Tilly [the butcher
of Protestant Magdeburg and the victor of a hundred
battles], [General Albert de] Wallenstein [who
personally hated the Jesuits for which he was
ultimately assassinated], and [General Ottavio]
Piccolomini, the three champions [military Generals]
of the Catholic cause in the Thirty Years’ War. ‘They
(the Jesuits) accompanied the armies in their march,
they followed them to the battlefield; . . . they preached
the extermination of the Protestants [in accordance
with the Council of Trent having pronounced 125
curses on all heretics], and gave out that no work was
so meritorious in the eyes of God as to kill those
accursed heretics. They did not calm, but rather
excited, the ferocious passions of their pupils the
generals, and, above all, of Tilly, over whom they
possessed a very great influence. . . . They fought here,
as elsewhere, not for their faith or their Church, but for
their idol — the Order. . . . The greatest part of the
properties of which the Protestants were iniquitously
divested went to enrich the covetous and insatiable
disciples of Loyola.” [Emphasis added] G. B. Nicolini of
Rome, 1854 Protestant Italian Patriot Exiled to
England, History of the Jesuits.

As the war came to an end “It was evident that the end
was at hand – that the insane and bloody project,
conceived in the bosom of Jesuitism, and transplanted
to the brain of [Emperor] Ferdinand II, to crush into
the earth the cause for which Huss had died and Luther
had lived, was now doomed to a complete and
everlasting disappointment.” Ridpath’s Universal
History, p. 343.

Eric John Phelps adds to this and says “Indeed the end
was a great disappointment for the Jesuits, but hardly
everlasting. The Treaty of Westphalia, concluded in
1648, secured religious liberty and furthered the
Reformation. At the same time the Protestant Dutch
Republic achieved its liberty from Jesuit-controlled
Spain. The Jesuits had failed to destroy Yahweh’s
Protestant Reformation in attempting to return Europe
to the Dark Ages. They failed to enslave Europe’s
greatest nations to the Temporal Power of the Pope.
For in 1648 the world entered into what historians call
“the Modern Era.” Vatican Assassins, p.142.

Indeed the Jesuits never gave up and went on to

instigate assassination and war in their quest to
overturn Protestantism. They began with such
countries like Germany and England where
Protestantism was very strong, where they introduced
theories that were favourable to the papacy and
through the rewriting of history they covered up the
atrocities committed in papal inquisitions and
crusades. They also took over control of the inquisition
from the Dominicans.

Each time the Catholic Church wanted to evangelize

and penetrate certain religions of the world, they would
build schools or colleges for this purpose. An example
of this is the Pontifical Gregorian University, set up for
the subversion of different religions. The Jesuits built
magnificent schools all over Europe and these schools
were evidence of the immense wealth under their

To counter the Protestant belief that the Papacy was

antichrist the Society of Jesus formulated two theories
that would destroy this core belief. There were many
traits which led to the identification of the papacy as
antichrist. One of these was the title of Vicarius Filii
Dei, one of the pope’s titles which the papacy has
ceased using due to its association with antichrist.
When translated into English the title means Vicar of
the Son of God. In Roman numerals the letters of this
title add up to the number 666. The Catholic Church
now claims that this title is bogus only because it has
led to the papacy being identified as the antichrist of
Bible prophecy. Besides, disowning this title does not
clear the papacy from the accusations of Protestants as
there are other Catholic titles which also add up to the
number 666. Other such titles are DUX CLERI or
Captain of the Clergy, LATEINOS, which in Greek
means the Latin speaking man, HE LATINE BASILEIA
which in Greek means The Latin kingdom, ITALIKA
EKKLESIA, which in Greek means Italian Church,
ROMIITH, which in Hebrew means the Roman
Kingdom, ROMITI which in Hebrew means the Roman
Man, REX LATINVS SACERDOS which in Latin means
King of the Roman priests, all these individually add up
to the number 666.

Despite the claims of the papacy that the title Vicarius

Filii Dei does not apply to them, a weekly Catholic
magazine confirmed that this title was indeed used by
the popes. Here is the quote as it appeared in the
Sunday Visitor: "The letters inscribed in the Pope's
miter are these 'VICARIUS FILII DEI' which is the
Latin for 'VICAR OF THE SON OF GOD.' Catholics
hold that the church, which is a visible society, must
have a visible head...., as head of the church, was given
the title, 'VICAR OF CHRIST'." Our Sunday Visitor,
(Catholic Weekly) "Bureau of information,"
Huntington, Ind., April 18, 1915.

Since this evidence came forth regarding the title,

"Vicarius Filii Dei" and it's obvious connection to the
666 calculation of Revelation the Roman Church has
taught its followers to declare this title bogus. They
have gone to great lengths seeking to do just that so as
to remove the overwhelming evidence against them.
Some Catholics will claim that the title Vicarius Filii
Dei is an anti-Catholic fabrication, a complete
fake, never used by the Catholic Church. One example
of this is online at the Catholic Envoy Magazine in an
article titled Pope Fiction by Patrick Madrid.

After the April 18, 1915 edition of the Our Sunday

Visitor (the largest Catholic weekly in America) which
stated that the Pope's tiara had the title Vicarius Filii
Dei, the very next issue of the magazine denied this
claim. The editor published a denial indicating that he
was mistaken about what was mentioned in the
previous issue regarding the Pope's title.

A careful study of this topic reveals that it is the Holy

Spirit Who substitutes the place of Christ on earth.
There are many Bible texts which prove this point
including John 14:26, John 15:26 and John 16:7, 8. The
two Jesuits who came up with antichrist counter

theories at the Council of Trent were Francisco Ribera
and Luis De Alcazar. One theory was called Preterism
whilst the other was called futurism. Preterism teaches
that all Bible prophecies concerning the antichrist were
fulfilled in the person of Antiochus Epiphanes, a Greek
King who desecrated the Jewish temple during the
Maccabean revolution. Futurism on the other hand
teaches that the antichrist is a single individual who
appears sometime in the future.

We know from studying the Bible that Preterism

cannot be correct because it does not fulfill the traits of
antichrist who is in existence at the second advent of
Christ (Daniel 7: 21, 22 and Daniel 2: 43, 44). So the
Preterist calculation which attributes 666 to Nero or
any other character is nothing more than a rather
desperate attempt to find some likely candidate for the
Antichrist other than the papacy. Futurism can easily
be proved to be false because it takes antichrist out of
the Dark Ages and throws him way into the future. It’s
a false theory because the scriptures state that the
antichrist power comes out of the division of Rome,
subdues three kingdoms and persecutes God’s people
(Daniel 7: 7,8, 25). We know from history that these
events have already taken place. The Futurist theory
later developed into the unbiblical rapture theory,
which teaches that God’s righteous people mysteriously
vanish as they are raptured to heaven. From this we got
the Left Behind book, film series and apocalyptic movie
starring Nicholas Cage, in which Jesuit theatre has
been used to try and reinforce this false view of
prophecy in the minds of the people to get them away
from the Biblical antichrist.

Despite what many people think, these events do not

just apply to the Dark Ages for Rome has not given up
her ambitions for world dominion. She is even more
determined than ever to achieve this goal as described
by Ellen White when she spoke of Rome’s three
geopolitical aims. “The Roman Church is far-reaching
in her plans and modes of operation. She is employing
every device to extend her influence and increase her
power in preparation for a fierce and
determined conflict to regain control of the world, to
re-establish persecution, and to undo all that
Protestantism has done.” Great Controversy, p. 565.

Chapter 4

English Religious
Ping Pong

In 1533 King Henry VIII, a Roman Catholic, began

proceedings to divorce his first wife Catherine of
Aragon whose only living child with him was Mary.
Henry wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine
because she had failed to produce a male heir to the
throne. He used the excuse that his marriage to
Catherine had been made invalid by the fact that she
was the widow of his now deceased brother Arthur.
Henry petitioned the pope for a divorce, but this was
denied. Whilst all this was going on Henry had lost
interest in Catherine and was having a secret affair
with Anne Boleyn whom he impregnated. Henry began
to make secret plans to have Catherine removed from
her position as Queen of England.

When Catherine discovered the plot she appealed to

the pope who she felt would listen to her case since her
nephew was Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor. The
debate went on for six years during which time
Catherine tried desperately to hang on to her title and
also to ensure that Mary would inherit the throne of

England. When the pope refused to invalidate the
marriage Henry rejected the authority of the pope in
England and permitted Thomas Cranmer, the
archbishop of Canterbury, to annul the marriage.
Eventually Catherine was removed from the king’s
court and was separated from her daughter Mary.
Henry then married Anne Boleyn who gave birth to
Elizabeth. A few years later Anne was executed on
charges of committing adultery, incest and plotting to
kill the king. She was executed in 1536 by having her
head cut off with a sword. Henry went on to have 4
other wives all in the hope that one of them would give
him a male heir to the English throne. The only one of
the six to give him a male child was Jane Seymour who
gave birth to Prince Edward.

Just before his death, Tyndale had prayed that the eyes
of King Henry VIII would be open to the truth. Three
years later his prayer was answered when Henry VIII,
chiefly through Archbishop Cranmer, placed the first
English Authorised Version which was known as the
Great Bible in English churches. This Bible was really
Tyndale’s Bible under another name. After the death of
Henry, Edward VI became king of England aged nine.
He was a Protestant who implemented reform with the
help of Archbishop Cranmer who had to pilot the
movement through a host of enemies.

At the time of his coronation Edward was too young to

rule so the country was ruled by two Lord Protectors,
firstly by the duke of Somerset, then by the duke of
Northumberland. Under their rule Edward introduced
many reforms including the lifting of censorship laws
which resulted in the upsurge of Protestantism in
England. He repealed heresy laws, dissolved chantries,
banned images, arrested priests who wished to
maintain Catholic rites and replaced them with
Protestant clergy. He also abolished
transubstantiation, seized Church land and made the
laity equal to the clergy. At the age of fifteen Edward
became ill and he nominated Jane Grey as his
successor, bypassing his two sisters Mary and
Elizabeth, but the Privy Council switched sides and
proclaimed Mary Queen. Jane Grey had only been
Queen for nine days when she was imprisoned and
later executed for high treason along with her husband
Lord Guildford Dudley. Edward’s half sister Mary
became Queen and it was during her reign that she
pursued a policy of trying to return England to
Catholicism after it had been torn away by Henry VIII.
Mary had mainly been educated by her Catholic
mother who had a very strong attachment to the
Catholic faith. As soon as she ascended the throne she
sent a messenger to the pope to announce to him her
accession which signaled that she would be a loyal
subject of the Catholic Church and would return
England to Roman Catholic obedience. Knowing that
her plan to pursue Catholic policies would cause alarm
and resistance, Mary made deceitful promises to
English Protestants stating that no one would be
molested on the basis of their religion, but as soon as
she was seated upon the throne her speech changed.
Without wasting any time Mary began to suppress
those of the Protestant faith. Men who held positions of
influence and were known to favour Protestantism
were removed from their positions. Mary rejected
Edward’s religious laws and attempted to return
church doctrine to Catholicism, including clerical
celibacy, which resulted in married priests being
separated from their wives. Mass was reintroduced in
every parish and holidays were ordered to be kept.
Worship was conducted in Latin and Catholic symbols
were restored in the churches and streets. At the age of
thirty seven Mary began to look for a husband so that
she could produce an heir and deprive her sister
Elizabeth the throne as she was next in line. She
married Philip of Spain after this was suggested by her
cousin Charles V. In 1555 instructions were given that
spies should be sent out to all English counties to
report those who did not go to mass or failed to behave
like good Catholics. Soon the prisons filled up with
absentees from church and protestant preachers. Two
hundred and eighty eight Christians were burnt in
England during Mary’s reign, leading to her being
called “Bloody Mary”. Those murdered during her
reign included Nicholas Ridley who was the Bishop of
London, John Rodgers, John Hooper who was the
Bishop of Gloucester, Hugh Latimer who was the
Bishop of Worcester and finally Archbishop Thomas

Cranmer was burnt at the stake for dethroning the
pope in England and putting the Bible in his place.

Mary remained on the throne for only 5 years. She died

on the 17th of November 1558 after a long illness and
was succeeded by her half-sister Elizabeth I.

“After her accession, Elizabeth wrote to Sir Richard

Crane, the English ambassador in Rome, to notify the
people of her accession. But she was informed by ‘His
Holiness’ that England was a fief [servant or slave] of
the ‘Holy See,’ that Elizabeth had no right to assume
the crown without his permission, that she was not
born in lawful wedlock, and could not therefore reign
over England; that her safest course was to renounce
all claims to the throne, and submit herself entirely to
his will; then he would treat her as tenderly as possible.
But, if she refused his ‘advice,’ he would not spare her!
She declined the pope’s advice, and the hatred of Pius
and his successors was assured.” J.E.C. Shepherd, The
Babington Plot, Wittenberg Publications, p. 46.

In response to the pope’s threats Elizabeth stated, “I

acknowledge no king in my realm, but Christ”. This was
a rebuke for the ‘Holy Father’, who desired world
dominion. Pope Pius V excommunicated Queen
Elizabeth I stating “…she has commanded that books
containing manifest heresy (the Bible) should be
distributed throughout the whole kingdom” Regnans in
Excelsis, Feb 25, 1570.

Cardinal of Como who was the Papal Secretary of state
said of Elizabeth “Since that guilty woman of England
rules over two such noble kingdoms of Christendom
and is the cause of so much injury to the Catholic faith
and loss of so many million souls, there is no doubt
that whosoever sends her out of the world with the
pious intention of doing God service not only does not
sin but gains merit, especially having regard to the
sentence pronounced against her by Pius V of noble

Elizabeth was a Protestant and after her coronation she

began to reverse the policies that had been
implemented by her sister. Those who had sought
asylum in foreign lands to escape Mary’s persecutions
began to make their way back to England to help
spread and rebuild the Protestant faith. One of these
men was John Knox, a Scottish convert to
Protestantism, who helped to introduce the Protestant
faith in Scotland making that country of the same faith
as England. Pope Pius V and the papists in England did
not consider Elizabeth to be the rightful heir to the
English throne because they disputed her mother’s
claim to be the wife of Henry VIII. On the third of May
1570 Pius V issued a Bull excommunicating Elizabeth
and absolving from all sins anyone who would
assassinate her. There were at least twelve
assassination attempts on Elizabeth’s life by would-be
assassins which ended in failure.

In 1588 John Somerville attempted to take the Queen’s
life, but his mission failed and he was arrested. To
escape a public execution he hanged himself in prison.
In 1584 a letter from Cardinal di Como was discovered
in which he approved William Parry’s intention to kill
the queen and promised to pardon his sins. Parry’s
treason was discovered and he was executed by
hanging. Parry’s plot was followed by the treason of
Throgmorton in which Mendoza, the Spanish
ambassador, was sent back to Spain after being found
to be involved in the plot.

In 1586 a Jesuit priest named John Ballard, who had

been educated at the seminary of Rheims, revered the
pope’s Bull of excommunication believing it to be
infallible and sought to kill the queen. He instigated
Anthony Babington and others to assassinate the
queen. The plot came to be known as the Babington
plot. The plot involved the assassination of Elizabeth
which would be followed by an uprising of Romanists
and an invasion by a foreign army and then the raising
of Mary Stuart, a Roman Catholic, to the throne. This
plot and others like it were thwarted by the penetrating
eyes of Sir Francis Walsingham who intercepted letters
and information of spies and quietly watched the plot
mature before crushing it. Those involved in the plot
paid for their crimes on the scaffold. Unbeknown to
them, they had been infiltrated by Bernard Maude, one
of Walsingham’s spies, who travelled everywhere with
Ballard. Mary Queen of Scotland was found to be
involved in the plot and paid for her crime by having
her head chopped off. Elizabeth signed Mary’s death
warrant, but she did not wish for her to be executed,
even after she was convinced of her crime because they
were cousins, but she was compelled to follow through
with the act being convinced that her own life would be
at peril if she failed to do so.

Realizing that the hopes of seeing Mary Stuart elevated

to the throne of England had failed the Vatican sought
to bring back England to the Catholic faith by another
means. This time pope Sixtus V turned to Philip II of
Spain for help. Sixtus promised to pay Philip II one
million gold Ducats (the equivalent of over six hundred
million pounds in today’s money) if he would invade
England on behalf of the pope. Philip II himself a very
devout Catholic, who was known for counting beads
and crossing himself before a crucifix, still
acknowledged the Bull of Excommunication and the
canons of Trent which enjoined Catholics to extirpate
Protestantism wherever it was found.

Philip financed the building of a mighty armada of

Spanish naval vessels carrying thousands of troops,
tasked with defeating the British navy and putting
troops on shore that would be joined by Englishmen
loyal to Papal Rome within England’s borders. The goal
was to bring England back under the authority of the
Roman Catholic pontiff, who had promised the Spanish
King financial compensation for launching this
invasion. Ship builders from various parts of the world
were transported to Lisbon where Philip was building
the mightiest navy that had ever sailed the sea at the
time. The ships were stocked with various instruments
of war as well as bread, wine, biscuits and the carcasses
of sheep and oxen enough to last six months. The ships
of the Armada numbered one hundred and thirty
vessels and these were manned by eight thousand
sailors, two thousand galley-slaves, twenty thousand
soldiers and numerous volunteers. The English navy on
the other hand only had twenty eight ships. A second
Armada was being built in the Netherlands where the
preparations were almost as immense as those in
Lisbon. These ships were meant to work jointly with
those that would invade the English Channel. When
the greatest Armada ever built was ready to sail, the
pope sent his special blessing and gave the fleet the
title of “Invincible”.

“There was on board…300 Catholic priests

with…instruments of torture, doubtless to be used… on
sturdy English Protestants, who might love their Bibles
more than their lives.” The Story of the Light That
Never Went Out, p. 400.

Queen Elizabeth and her subjects were unprepared

against the planned invasion by the Armada mostly due
to the fact that the Spanish plot had been kept secret
through lies and deception. One of the lies told by the
Spanish was that the Armada was being built for the
purpose of fighting pirates who were harassing their
merchant ships. When it was fully understood that the
Armada had been built for the purpose of invading
England, Elizabeth and her loyal subjects began to pray
and put all their resources towards the defense of the
kingdom. From the onset God was on the side of the
English Protestants and the Spanish Catholics in their
quest to conquer England were beset with hardships.
As they were preparing to set sail, their Admiral who
had thirty years experience suddenly died. Then after
three weeks at sea two storms troubled the Spanish
Armada making it difficult for them to navigate the
channel. One of them went down and two others were
forced onto the French shore.

The Armada was first seen by the English on the 30th of

July 1588. Hill-top fires were lit all along the English
coast through to Scotland as a warning of the
approaching enemy. Francis Drake and his patriotic
crews made preparations to meet the enemy. Their
ships were smaller compared to the Armada and were
manned by an even smaller number of men. What
followed were four battles on the open sea which
brought death and destruction to many Spanish ships
and thousands of their crew. The English ships were
able to manoeuvre more quickly than the Armada
which moved and turned very slowly when attacked by
the English. The huge structures of the Armada made
them an easy target and exposed them to the buffeting
shots of the English. Though the English fought bravely
the Armada was too strong for them. Elizabeth came
up with a bold and ingenious way to save her kingdom
from what looked like certain defeat. Eight ships were
selected and smeared with pitch and their hulls were
filled with powder and various kinds of explosive and
flammable materials. Night time was the favoured time
for this attack and when all was ready these ships were
sent in the direction of the Armada who were taken by
surprise. By the time the Spanish watchmen had given
the alarm it was too late. As the eight English ships
neared the Armada they burst into flames leading to
the loss of some of the Spanish ships.

In the panic and confusion that followed the Spanish

fled into the German Ocean, pursued by the English.
The last battle was fought on the 8th of August led by
Francis Drake. This battle saw many of the Armada
ships go down into the ocean after their broadsides
were pummeled with shots. It is estimated that about
four to five thousand Spanish soldiers were buried in
the ocean and many lay wounded or dying on board the
broken ships. The Armada then fled towards the shores
of Norway and when they were not being pursued by
Drake and his men they were chased by tempests and
storms until their rudderless ships were dashed on the
rocks of the Shetlands. Those who were wrecked on the
Coast of Ireland were slaughtered for their ornaments
by natives who were of the same religion. Thousands of
Spanish soldiers either drowned or were slaughtered by
government troops and Irish natives. Finally, after the
Spanish were retreating, having been beaten by a much
smaller and ill equipped English navy, God finished
them off. The Spanish ships were battered by very
strong winds causing them to be shattered on the Irish
and Scottish coasts. Of the thirty thousand men who
had sailed from Spain in the Armada only ten thousand
made it back to their native country.

“The pope’s blessing turned into a curse when this

Papal Armada was broken by the tiny English
Protestant fleet and providential storm and tempest.
This event changed the course of history.” The British
Christian Crusader, September 2010, p 4.

The project had cost the Spanish monarchy dearly. Not

only had Spain lost its prestige as a military and naval
genius, but the country had been left in financial ruin.
Philip II now turned to pope Sixtus for financial
assistance, but the pope refused to pay a single ducat
for an Armada that had failed to achieve anything and
was now at the bottom of the sea. The English
acknowledged that they had been saved by Divine
intervention. Even the Spaniards acknowledged that
God had fought for the English for how else could one
explain the storms which had caused them havoc from
the time they had set sail for England and had pursued
them during the battles. Spain’s misfortune and decline
was England’s blessing and ascendance in the world.
England became the master of the seas and went on to

become a free and prosperous nation through maritime

Just as Goliath had trusted in his stature and heavy

armour, the Spanish had trusted in the bulkiness of
their Armada, but the size of their ships became
cumbersome and was an advantage to the English as
David, without armour was able to move swiftly to
destroy the enemy. The devil and his agents always
make big plans to destroy the righteous, but God
overrules and takes those same plans and makes them
an advantage to his people. God was on the side of the
English who were fighting for the liberty to read the
Bible and to worship God according to their own

To celebrate the glorious victory Elizabeth commanded

that a day of thanksgiving should be commemorated on
the 29th of November 1588. This day was also
commemorated in Holland and was spent in prayer,
fasting and thanksgiving. Although the reign of
Elizabeth was known as the Golden Age, it was not an
era free from persecution for those who refused to
conform to the new Church of England. These
Protestants, who were known as Puritans, refused to
compromise their faith and fled to Geneva where they
translated the Geneva Bible from the early Greek and
Hebrew texts.

The Geneva Bible was the first Bible to add numbered
verses to the chapters, making the referencing of
specific passages easier. It was translated by English
Exiles living in Geneva at the time. William
Shakespeare quoted it hundreds of times in his plays
and between 1560 and 1644 at least one hundred and
forty four editions of this Bible were published. It was
referred to as the first English “Study Bible” due to its
extensive marginal notes and was also called “the Bible
of the Protestant Reformation” having been the Bible of
choice for English speaking Christians for one hundred
years. The 1611 King James Bible shows clearly that its
translators were influenced much more by the Geneva
Bible, than by any other source. It retained over ninety
percent of William Tyndale's original English
translation showing that his efforts to get the Bible into
the hands of English people had not been in vain. The
Geneva Bible was the Bible of the Puritans and
Pilgrims and holds the honor of being the first Bible to
be taken to America. It was out of print since 1644, but
has now been brought back into print by Tolle Lege
press. This Bible laid the foundation for the Republican
form of government in the United States and played a
key role in the formation of the republic.

The spread of the Bible would not have been possible

without the divinely appointed invention of
Gutenberg’s printing press with movable type. Though
he gets the least mention, Gutenberg is probably one of
the most influential men that ever lived; certainly in
the top five men that influenced the Reformation.
Before this, Bibles had been hand written, a technique
which consumed a lot of time and effort, they could
now be reproduced and spread in a short amount of
time and the papacy could not stop their dissemination
by burning them.

Chapter 5

The Gunpowder
Treason Plot

Every year on the 5th of November, effigies of Guy

Fawkes are burnt to commemorate the Gunpowder
Treason plot, but most people are unaware that in
former times an effigy of the pope was also burnt. This
was because the plot to blow up parliament and
Government was a plot of the Roman Catholic Church,
of which the pope is the head. In 1540 the Society of
Jesus had been set up with the express purpose of
overthrowing the blessings brought to the world by
God through the Protestant Reformation. Remember,
the Protestant Reformation brought us the liberties
that we enjoy today. Liberties which are being eroded
by the Jesuit led Counter Reformation.

By the time Queen Elizabeth died the Bible was the

most read book in the land. When she died in 1603 she
was unmarried and had no heir to the throne. The next
in line to the throne had to be a descendant of Henry
VII and this was James IV of Scotland, a Protestant
king. He had been King for thirty six years in Scotland
after being crowned when he was only one year old. On
his succession to the English throne he took the name
of James I. King James joined England and Scotland to
form the foundation for what was known as the British

None of the Protestant Kings and Queens of England

had been perfect and James I was no exception. He
believed in the divine right of kings which meant that
he could do as he pleased without any regard for
Parliament. He also opposed Catholics and Puritans
because they differed from him in matters of religion
and because they refused to submit to official church
bureaucracy. In a fit of rage at the Puritans, King
James vowed, “I shall make them conform or I will
harry them out of the land, or else do worse.”
The uncompromising Puritans, who were also known
as Separatists, would not violate their conscience by
participating in the (Anglican) Church of England with
its remnants of Catholicism. The Puritans believed that
the head of the Church was Christ, not the King or the
compromising church establishment. Their request to
start a new Church was denied by King James.

After years of persecution and religious restrictions by

the state, which denied them the Christian right to
share their faith, the Puritans finally made the decision
to move to Holland, yet they were not allowed to leave.
After a number of attempts some managed to leave the
land that they loved so they could practice their
religion without harassment.

While Holland offered a sanctuary from
persecution, the Puritans were still within reach of
King James, who continued to harass the dissident
pilgrims. Continued harassment led to a decision to
migrate to America where they could not only practice
their faith without harassment, but also to share their
faith according to Christ’s great commission.

In 1604 the Protestant clergy in England approached

King James and petitioned him for a new translation to
replace the Bishop's Bible which was first printed
in 1568. They knew that the Geneva Version had won
the hearts of the people because of its excellent
scholarship, accuracy, and exhaustive commentary, but
they did not want the controversial marginal notes.
They believed that the people could read and
understand the scriptures for themselves and only
wanted scriptural references for word clarification or

Despite his treatment of the non-conformists, King

James authorized the translation of the Bible we know
as the King James Version. One of the men who
approached the King was a Puritan named John
Reynolds who urged the work to be done which was
accomplished by fifty four scholars from Oxford,
Cambridge and Westminster. The new Bible would be
known as the "translation to end all translations" and
took into consideration The Tyndale New Testament,

The Geneva Bible, The Coverdale Bible, The Matthews
Bible and The Great Bible.

In 1605 an abhorrent attempt to destroy the King, the

royal family and the Government of England through
the Gunpowder Plot was hatched. The ultimate aim of
the plot was to derail the publication of the King James
Bible and to destroy the Protestant faith in England.
The Gunpowder Plot also known as Gunpowder
Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason was itself a reaction
to what Catholics perceived as King James’s betrayal of
a promise to rescind the Penal Laws which forced
Catholics and Presbyterians to join the Church of
England. We often hear that the main person in the
plot was Guy Fawkes, or Guido Fawkes, but very little
is said of a Jesuit priest named Henry Garnet. Another
lead player was Robert Catesby, an ardent Roman
Catholic who was addicted to the worship of the “virgin
Mary” whom he trusted with his salvation. Catesby
gathered around him a group of men who were able to
assist in his plot. These men were John
Wright, Thomas Wintour, Thomas Percy, Robert
Keyes, Thomas Bates, Robert Wintour, Christopher
Wright, John Grant, Sir Ambrose Rookwood, Everard
Digby, Francis Tresham and of course Guy Fawkes.

Guy Fawkes was put in charge of the gunpowder

because he had a great deal of knowledge about
explosives. The Gunpowder Plot involved much more
than just the destruction of the parliament buildings.
The plot involved the digging of a tunnel that would go
underneath the parliament building, but the plan failed
because the conspirators were not good at digging and
they also faced the problem of disposing of the dirt that
would be dug up. As their luck would have it the
conspirators found that a coal merchant was moving
his property from a cellar under the parliament
building and they immediately seized the opportunity
of getting their gunpowder into the cellar without
doing any digging.

Catesby met the other conspirators in their homes

where it was decided that the gunpowder would be
transported by river at night to avoid detection. It was
then placed in the cellar and left there until the 5th of
November when parliament was due to open. There
was one thing that the conspirators overlooked and
that was the Divine Hand of God which overruled the
plot just as had occurred with the Spanish Armada. A
big mistake that Catesby made was his selection of
Tresham. Tresham had two noble relatives whose lives
would be put in danger by the blowing up of
parliament. His conscience troubled him and he could
not find rest until he had warned his relatives.

One of Tresham’s relatives was William Parker, 4th

Baron Monteagle, who received a letter from Tresham
on Saturday the 26th of October 1605 warning him not
to attend Parliament, and predicting that "they shall
receive a terrible blow this Parliament; and yet they
shall not see who hurts them". Monteagle was unsure
of the letter so he handed it to Robert Cecil, the
Secretary of State, who then handed the letter to King
James. King James suspected that the letter referred to
a plot which involved the use of gunpowder or some
other kind of explosive device. His father, Henry
Stuart, had been assassinated through the use of
gunpowder which had been placed under his
bedchamber and blown up. Robert Cecil, who was also
the Earl of Salisbury, already had three months prior
knowledge of a Catholic plot but had no concrete
evidence until he was shown the letter by Lord
Monteagle. The Earl, who could be said to be the
founding father of the modern secret service, became
the key figure in tracking the plots and conspiracies of
the Catholic terrorists in England. He had highly
trained men who infiltrated the ranks of the fanatical
men who were bent on destroying Protestant England.
It is believed that he waited until the completion of the
plot so that all those involved would be recognised and
captured, and dealt with according to the law at the

When the conspirators received the news that the letter

to Monteagle had been delivered to the king they were
seized with panic and fled from London. In their panic
stricken escape the terrorists did not find time to warn
Guy Fawkes of what had happened. So Fawkes
returned to the cellar and finding it in order remained
there all night so as to be ready to blow up the powder
in the morning. At about midnight he stepped outside
for some fresh air, and a body of soldiers, under Sir
Thomas Knevet, seized him. When asked about the
gunpowder, Fawkes told the soldiers that had they
gone into the cellar to capture him, he would have
blown the gunpowder.

Fawkes was taken to the king, and although he

confessed to trying to blow up Parliament, he refused
to give the names of the other conspirators and lied
that his name was John Johnson. He was sent to the
Tower of London under a strong escort. Over the next
few days he was tortured mercilessly until he confessed

A proclamation was issued declaring that the Jesuit

“Fathers”, Henry Garnet, John Jerard and Oswald
Greenway were proved to have been “peculiary
practitioners” in the treason, and a reward was offered
for their arrests. Catesby escaped to the midlands and
tried unsuccessfully to raise a rebellion. The Sheriff of
Worcestershire gathered his forces and stormed the
house where Catesby, Percy and others tried to put up
a fight, but were shot. Grant, Keyes and Bates were
taken to the tower of London. Others were captured
later, including Garnet and another Jesuit named
Oldcorne who were both in hiding. Out of the thirteen
conspirators only eight survived to be committed to
trial in Westminster Hall. They were all found guilty
and their punishments were terrible. They were then
hanged and while still alive cut down, drawn and

New laws were passed so that the anniversary would be

remembered and charging the papists, Jesuits and
seminary priests with the guilt of the plot. It is said that
they envied the true and free possession of the gospel
by the nation. A new service to remember the 5th of
November was introduced into the services of the
church of England in which the King, royal family,
nobility clergy and commons are spoken of as having
been, “by popish treachery appointed as sheep to the
slaughter, in a most barbarous and savage manner”
while the day itself was marked in the calendar as the
“Papists Conspiracy.” This special service of thanks was
added to the Book of Common Prayer and was not to
be forgotten by the public. Every successive
anniversary of the fifth of November was
commemorated as a feast-day in every town and village
throughout England.

If the gun powder plot had succeeded it would have

plunged England into spiritual and intellectual
darkness. There would have been no Commonwealth
and no American Republic. Also very importantly,
there would have been no King James Bible. At that
time the King James Bible was one year in the process
of being translated into English.

The King James Version (KJV) was for centuries the
most widely used Bible in the English language until
spurious Bible versions were introduced to counteract
it. Some of this work of countering the KJV took place
in the halls of Bible societies, seminaries, tract
publishing companies and translation committees
where agents working for Rome pretended to be
Protestants. One of these agents was John Newman
who later openly became Roman Catholic having
performed his duty.

The first editions of the King James Bible contained a

preface which started by giving thanks to the king who
authorised its production and went on to explain the
reasons for the translation of the Bible and the
opposition they faced from the Catholic Church. This
has since been removed from modern King James
Bibles for obvious reasons. They acknowledged that the
work undertaken by King James “hath given such a
blow unto that man of Sin, as will not be healed”. They
acknowledged those who were questioning the need for
a revision of the Bible in English when there were
already several in use and explained that they did not
intend to make a new translation, but to make a good
one better or out of many good ones, one principal
good one.

They declared that the work of producing the King

James Bible had forced the papacy to produce an
English Bible of their own and made mention how
Rome had opposed their work stating “So that, if on the
one side we shall be traduced by Popish persons at
home or abroad, who therefore will malign us, because
we are poor Instruments to make GODS holy Truth to
be yet more and more known unto the people, whom
they desire still to keep in ignorance and darkness:”

The translators expressed their desire for all Christians

to be able to read and understand the Scriptures using
a translation that reflects the common language of the
day. They emphasized the need for Scripture to be
translated into the common, everyday language of the
people and asked “But how shall men meditate in that,
which they cannot understand? How shall they
understand that which is kept close in an unknown
tongue? (referring to the Latin Vulgate) as it is written,
Except I know the power of the voice, I shall be to him
that speaks, a Barbarian, and he that speaks, shall be a
Barbarian to me. The Apostle excepts no tongue, not
Hebrew the [most] ancient, not Greek the most
copious, not Latin the finest. Nature taught a natural
man to confess, that all of us in those tongues which we
do not understand, are plainly deaf; we may turn the
deaf ear unto them. … Translation it is that opens the
window, to let in the light; that breaks the shell, that we
may eat the kernel; that puts aside the curtain, that we
may look into the most Holy place; that removes the
cover of the well, that we may come by the water, even
as Jacob rolled away the stone from the mouth of the
well, by which means the flocks of Laban were watered.
Indeed without translation into the vulgar tongue, the
unlearned are but like children at Jacobs well (which
was deep) without a bucket or something to draw with
…” and added that “…we desire that the Scripture may
speak like itself, as in the language of Canaan, that it
may be understood even by the very vulgar.”

They declared that translations should be relevant to

the times and that they were simply building upon the
foundations of earlier work including that which was
accomplished during the time of Henry VIII, Edward
VI and Queen Elizabeth.

At his death on the 27th of March 1625, King James was

succeeded by his son Charles I. Though his father had
been a Protestant, Charles clearly had inclinations
towards Catholicism. First of all, his wife, Henrietta
Maria of France, was Catholic and had a significant
spiritual influence on him. Secondly the political and
religious decisions that he made benefitted the Catholic
Church such as his failure to support Protestant
countries that fought successfully in the thirty years
war. Some of his religious beliefs included “high
church” ritual practices associated with Roman
Catholicism which led to him being opposed by
Puritans and Calvinists who rightly suspected him of
being a closet Catholic. Like his father Charles paid no
attention to Parliament. He even ruled without
Parliament for eleven years when his plans to impose
taxes without Parliamentary approval were opposed.
On the 3rd of January 1642 Charles ordered Parliament
to give up five members of the commons and one peer
who were accused of high treason. When this was
refused Charles foolishly marched to the Parliament
building the next day on the advice of his wife. With the
warrant and an armed guard he entered Parliament,
but news of his approach had reached the wanted men
before his entrance and they managed to make good
their escape. After dislodging the speaker from his
chair Charles abjectly declared "all my birds have
flown", and was forced to leave empty-handed. His
invasion of Parliament was deemed to be a breach of
Parliamentary privilege and led to his downfall. He was
forced to flee to Hampton Court after Parliament
seized London. Charles then proceeded to Windsor
Castle and then sent his family abroad before travelling
northwards. What followed was the English civil war
which resulted in Charles being arrested after his
royalist army was defeated by Oliver Cromwell and his
New Model Army.

Charles escaped a number of times, but was each time

apprehended and handed over to Parliamentary
representatives. Parliament tried to negotiate with
Charles as they thought he would change his ways, but
at every turn he proved that this wasn’t the case and
they lost all hope of coming to an amicable agreement.
Whilst in custody Charles signed a secret treaty with
the Scottish who invaded England, but were defeated
by Cromwell’s army. He was charged with treason and
when put on trial and asked to plead he said with his
usual stammer “I would know by what power I am
called hither, by what lawful authority...?” He believed
that only God could judge him and believed that he did
not need to explain himself to his subjects. He was
found guilty by a High Court of Justice and executed on
the 30th of January 1649.

After Charles’ death England was ruled by a Rump

Parliament which was disbanded by Oliver Cromwell in
1653. Cromwell, who was a Puritan, who successfully
ruled as Lord Protector of England, Scotland and
Ireland. He was a deeply religious man who believed in
prayer and had faith that God would protect him from
his many enemies. God had indeed protected him since
he had survived two civil wars in which he had led his
men from the front as their commander. Cromwell also
had many enemies, including royalists who had lost the
war, Parliamentarians who viewed him as a dictator
and Roman Catholics who opposed him due religious
differences. There were many attempts to assassinate
him, but all of them failed. In a book by J.T. Headley
called The Life of Oliver Cromwell, we read that
Cromwell was surrounded by a group of one hundred
and sixty men, ten of whom were always on duty about
his person who could unflinchingly protect him from
the assassins knife. When the enemy realised that they
could not kill Cromwell, they got to him by poisoning
his favourite child Lady Elizabeth Claypole who died on
the 6th of August 1658. This affected Cromwell
immensely and is said to have had an adverse effect on
his health.

When the news reached Cromwell that six Catholic

regiments had slaughtered the Vaudois and had driven
the rest from their homes in the middle of winter he
burst into tears for the sake of God’s saints. He was
supposed to sign a treaty with France that day, but
refused to do so until Louis XIV and his Catholic
confessors pledged to help him save the Waldenses.
Cromwell declared a day of fasting and humiliation and
a collection was taken which amounted to £38,000 to
save the Waldenses. He was prepared to wage war, not
just with France, but the whole world in order to save
God’s saints. In all his treaties he made the rights of
Protestants a priority and insisted that French
Huguenots should be given religious freedom.

On the 23rd of October 1641 the Catholic Church began

the massacre of one hundred and fifty thousand Irish
Protestants in order to annihilate them from Ireland.
At the time of the Irish massacre Cromwell was at war
with Charles I and so could not come to the rescue of
the Irish Protestants. Cromwell warned the Catholics to
stop the murder of Protestants, but they paid no heed
to him. So in 1649, when the civil war was over,
Cromwell invaded Ireland and warned a Jesuit Catholic
town called Drogheda to stop persecuting Protestants.
When they did not comply with his order he went in
with his army and all two thousand people were killed.
In today’s history books Cromwell is portrayed as a
barbarian for his actions in Drogheda, but no mention
is made of the murder of Protestants that went on there
for over eight years. On one occasion Cromwell warned
the Pope that if he did not stop his attempts to subvert
Britain he would send ships to shoot canons at St
Peter’s Basilica. Like Martin Luther, Cromwell believed
in spending time upon his knees in prayer. On one
occasion he was looking at the statues of famous men,
when he turned to a friend and said: “Make mine
kneeling, for thus I came to glory.

Charles II was eighteen years old when his father

Charles I was executed. He moved to Scotland where
he was crowned King and began preparations to invade
England after raising an army. Unfortunately for him
his army was defeated by Roundhead soldiers at the
battle of Worcester in September 1651. Charles fled for
his life and spent a whole day hiding in an Oak tree
where the Roundheads failed to notice him. He then
made his way across the channel to France disguised as
a servant.

Cromwell’s son, Richard took the throne after his

father’s death in 1658, but abdicated shortly
afterwards. With the help of General George Monck,
commander of the parliamentary army in Scotland,
Charles II managed to secure the restoration of the
crown and was declared King. He was notoriously
extravagant and licentious. He had a bevy of mistresses
including a prostitute named Nell Gwynne who later
became an actress. The most cowardly act that Charles
II did was when he disinterred Cromwell’s corpse,
hung it on a gallows in Tyburn and stuck the head on a
pole at Westminster Hall. The judges who had
condemned Charles I to death were also executed or
imprisoned, although many of those who held
positions in Cromwell’s commonwealth remained in
their positions with many of the land deals made
during Cromwell’s time being legalised. Divisions
between the Anglican, Catholic and Puritan Churches
continued with Parliament getting its own way against
the king’s wishes to extend Catholic toleration due to
money shortages.

In 1670 Charles II signed The Treaty of Dover with

France which allied the two countries against the
Dutch. A secret clause in the treaty committed Charles
to restoring Catholicism in England with the help of
French troops, but this was never carried out. Charles’
wife failed to produce an heir which created a problem
for him because his brother James, the heir apparent,
was a known Roman Catholic. In order to prevent
James from becoming King Parliament passed the Test
Act of 1673 which barred Catholics from all public
offices. In 1678 a Jesuit plot to assassinate Charles and
replace him with his brother James led to the execution
of thirty Roman Catholics as well as a further attempt
to stop James from becoming King.

When Charles died from a suspected stroke, James
succeeded him and though his succession had initially
gone well it soon became clear that he wanted to re-
establish Catholicism in Britain. He dismissed
Parliament and ignored the Test Act in order to
promote Catholics to prominent positions in
government. He issued two Declarations of Indulgence
granting tolerance to Catholic, Anglican and Protestant
dissenters, but Parliament smelled a rat and saw
through the act as a disguise to bring back Catholicism.
James’ actions caused alarm especially amongst
Anglicans which led to prominent Englishmen inviting
the Dutch William of Orange, the Protestant husband
of James’ daughter, to come to England and take the
throne. William obliged and successfully invaded
England, in what is known as the Glorious Revolution,
with five hundred ships and twenty one thousand men.
He permitted James II to leave London and go to
France where he was looked after by Louis XIV. Mary
refused to rule alone so it was agreed that the two of
them would be joint sovereigns. Their reign saw a
succession of parliamentary acts which limited the
powers of the Crown. The Act of Settlement, which was
passed in 1701, barred all Catholics from succession,
but this did not stop the English religious ‘ping pong’
which carried on until recent times.

The rebranded Knights Templars were immensely

successful in their fight against Protestantism. “The
Jesuits rapidly spread themselves over Europe, and
wherever they went, there followed a revival of
popery.” Ellen White, Great Controversy, p.235.

Chapter 6

Masters of Subterfuge

The Counter Reformation was so successful that even

in countries where Protestantism had taken root the
Jesuits were able to turn the populace back to
Catholicism. Poland, which had once been a Protestant
country returned to popery after the entrance of the
Jesuits. This success was achieved predominately
because the Jesuits were the advisors of reigning
monarchs and other heads of state. They advised these
powerful men and women to implement draconian
laws which forced Protestants to convert to Catholicism
or to emigrate to other states.

King Louis XIV of France is an example of this. His

confessor was a Jesuit priest named Père Lachaise.
From the time Louis XIV commenced his reign up to
1660 Protestantism had been openly tolerated because
of the Edict of Nantes which granted freedom of
worship to Huguenots and Calvinists. This all changed
when Lachaise pressured the King to revoke the edict
of Nantes. Louis XIV had initially hesitated to sign the
decree that would end Protestant freedoms in France,
but he finally relented after being told by Lachaise that
it was a sin to permit the heresy of Protestantism to
remain in his dominion, a sin for which he would face
eternal damnation.

Education was the other powerful tool that brought

success to the Counter Reformation. The Jesuits were
not only concerned with the building of Churches, but
of schools as well. Martin Luther had advised
Protestants to build schools and educate their own
children, but this advice was mostly unheeded. He said
“I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of
hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy
Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the

When the Jesuits were at the height of success they

were faced with the same ordeal as their Templar
forerunners. The complaints that led to their fall from
grace were that they were involved in political intrigue
and accommodationism, in which they were accused of
permitting idolatry such as with the Chinese
Confucianists who Jesuit missionaries allowed to
continue in ancestral and idol worship. It was thought
that this policy was harmful to the Catholic Church and
needed to be stopped.

Pope Benedict XIV complained about Loyola’s

company in his bull of 1741 stating that “They dare
before us, to enslave the Indians of Paraguay, to sell
them, or buy them . . . separating mothers from their
children, and to despoil them of their goods and
property.” Pope Benedict XIV Bull of December, 1741.
In Paraguay, the Society of Jesus organized the
Guarani Indians into secret communes that the
Portuguese King, whose dominion it was, did not even
know about. The Indians in Paraguay were taught to
rely on the Jesuits, to give unquestioning obedience to
them and to spy upon each other. The Indians
manufactured mats, clocks, watches and musical
instruments which were transported on Jesuit owned
ships and sold mostly in Europe. The money they made
from these products was used to finance wars against
Protestants in various parts of the world.

“The Jesuits, as it is well known, held very large regions

of Paraguay under missionary control from 1650 to
1750. More than a quarter million natives worked
under their [absolutist] direction, and no payment was
made directly to them. . . . They were educated, trained,
housed, clothed, fed and, to some extent, amused, but
what became of the surplus profits of their labours, and
of the extensive trading that was carried on? Over two
thousand boats are said to have been engaged in
carrying merchandise and goods on the Parana River;
and the economic value of the Reductions was beyond
doubt very great: so great indeed as to have awakened
the envy of Spanish and Portuguese traders. Robertson
estimated that the reductions represented at least
$25,000,000 capital for the Society.” The Jesuit
Enigma, E. Boyd Barrett, (New York: Boni and
Liveright, 1927) p. 211.

The discovery of the communist reductions by the King
of Portugal led to a struggle between his government
and the Jesuits. The Portuguese King demanded that
the Jesuits stop their activities in the Paraguayan
settlements, but of course, the General having absolute
authority refused to comply with this order. And so
they were banned from Portugal and her territories and
from one country after another.

“Between 1555 and 1931 [1921] the Society of Jesus was

expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and
cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversive
plots against the welfare of the state, according to the
records of a Jesuit priest of repute [Jesuit Thomas J.
Campbell, The Jesuits, 1534 - 1921] . . . practically
every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue,
political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting
to political insurrection.” J. E. C. Shepherd, 1987
Canadian Historian The Babington Plot.

By the middle of the 1700's there were many

governments that had turned against the papacy
because of the Jesuits who were deemed to be giving
bad political advice. In 1769 Pope Clement XIII was
pressured into suppressing the order altogether, but
refused. This decision was probably based on a case of
self-preservation rather than a support for the activities
of the Jesuits. Finally when the pressure got too much
for him he relented, but the day before he was to sign a

Bull of Suppression banning the warrior monks he was
assassinated by being poisoned to death.

Though the institution of the Loyola’s company had

been given official recognition by a Pope, the Jesuits
would not permit any Pope to interfere with their order
because their obedience was to their General. After
Clement XIII died in 1769, anti-Jesuit forces backed a
candidate who won the popedom and became Clement

The continued interference of the Jesuits in political

matters raised concerns even among Catholic countries
and the complaints of Catholic heads of states began to
pour into the Vatican until finally pope Clement XIV,
after four years of investigation was compelled to
abolish the order. On 21 July 1773, Clement issued a
Bull of Suppression abolishing the Order of the Jesuits
from every country forever. One official at the time
said: “The Jesuits, in principle at least, were no more;
but Clement XIV knew very well that, by signing their
death warrant, he was signing his own as well.”

Clement XIV was not ignorant of the perils to his life.

In acknowledging the danger to his life he said: “This
suppression is done at last and I am not sorry about it.
I would do it again if it was not done already; but this
suppression will kill me.”

Lorenzo Ricci was arrested on 17 August 1773 and
although the banning of the sons of Loyola was largely
heeded many members of the order continued to
function as secular priests, and in some places were
allowed to continue to teach and to run schools. Not
surprisingly, the order survived as an organization in
Prussia and Russia, where the East Orthodox Empress
Catherine valued them as schoolmasters, and refused
to allow their dissolution.

In September 1774, Pope Clement XIV, like his

predecessor was also assassinated by being poisoned to
death approximately 14 months after he had signed the
papal document banning the Jesuit Order forever.

Ricci remained imprisoned until 24 November 1775,

when his death was announced, but interestingly no
successor was appointed and some historians believe
that he never really died at that time. Ricci was
imprisoned in Castel Sant’Angelo which had a tunnel
connecting it to the Vatican, allowing him to enjoy
direct access to Pope Pius VI.

In his book, Rulers of Evil, F. Tupper Saussy made the

claim that Ricci went to America, where he was known
anonymously as “The Professor.” Descriptions of this
anonymous figure match Lorenzo Ricci. Saussy was not
the only historian to make the claim that Ricci travelled
to America for the purpose of fomenting war between
the American colonists and the British government. It
is said he set the stage for the war by using the
draconian Stamp Act to manipulate the colonists into
fomenting the American Revolution as well as the
establishment of the Republic. What Saussy claims is
that Ricci used the old Hegelian Dialectic reasoning or
argument employed by the 19th Century German
philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel who presented the method
as a way of defeating two opposing sides. The method
works by presenting a problem, which is then followed
by a reaction and then a solution. In the case of the
American Revolution, the problem that precipitated
the revolt was unfair taxation and the Quebec Act to
which the American colonists reacted. The solution to
the problem was a separation from Britain which was
seen as the offending party in the argument. The
winner was the one who instigated the whole argument
in the first place

If indeed Ricci travelled to America and fomented the

revolution then that would be another example of Sun
Tzu’s principles at play because The Art of War says:
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when
you are weak.”

Saussey also credits Ricci with being the mind behind

Joseph Marie Amiot’s Sun Tzu, The Art of War; the
most celebrated treatise on war ever published.

Even the design of the American flag seems to have had

Jesuit influence. Robert Allen Campbell in his
admirable little treatise, Our Flag, details a mysterious
chapter of American history in relation to the designing
of the colonial flag of 1775. In chapter two of his book
Campbell speaks of a strange figure who he says played
an important role in the design of the flag. The man,
who was uniformly referred to as “the Professor” was
an old man of above 70 years of age. The events
occurred around the time the colonial Congress was in
session in Philadelphia in 1775 where Benjamin
Franklin was part of a committee appointed to
recommend a design for a colonial flag.

Campbell gives the following description of “the

Professor” which is also quoted in Secret Teachings of
All Ages by Manly P. Hall:

“Little seems to have been known concerning this old

gentleman; and in the materials from which this
account is compiled his name is not even once
mentioned, for he is uniformly spoken of or referred to
as ‘the Professor.’ He was evidently far beyond his
threescore and ten years; and he often referred to
historical events of more than a century previous just
as if he had been a living witness of their occurrence;
still he was erect, vigorous and active–hale, hearty, and
clear-minded–as strong and energetic every way as in
the prime of his life He was tall, of fine figure, perfectly
easy, and very dignified in his manners; being at once
courteous, gracious and commanding.”

"By something more than a mere coincidence, the
committee appointed by the Colonial Congress to
design a flag accepted an invitation to be guests, while
at Cambridge, of the family with which the Professor
was staying. It was here that General Washington
joined them for the purpose of deciding upon a fitting
emblem. By the signs that passed between them, it was
evident that General Washington and Doctor Franklin
recognized the Professor, and by unanimous approval,
he was invited to become an active member of the
committee. During the proceedings which followed, the
Professor was treated with the most profound respect
and all his suggestions immediately acted upon. He
submitted a pattern which he considered symbolically
appropriate for the new flag, and this was
unhesitatingly accepted by the six other members of
the committee, who voted that the arrangement
suggested by the Professor be forthwith adopted. After
the episode of the flag, the Professor quickly vanished;
and nothing further is known concerning him.

"It was during the evening of July 4 1776, that the

second of these mysterious episodes occurred. In the
old State House in Philadelphia, a group of men were
gathered for the momentous task of severing the tie
between the old country and the new. It was a grave
moment, and not a few of those present feared that
their lives would be the forfeit for their audacity. In the
midst of the debate a fierce voice rang out. The
debaters stopped and turned to look upon the stranger.
Who was this man who had suddenly appeared in their
midst and had transfixed them with his oratory? They
had never seen him before, none knew when he had
entered; but his tall form and pale face filled them with
awe. His voice ringing with a holy zeal, the stranger
stirred them to their very souls. His closing words rang.
through the building, 'God has given America to be
free!' As the stranger sank into a chair exhausted, a
wild enthusiasm burst forth. Name after name was
placed upon the parchment: the Declaration of
Independence was signed…”

In June 1776, brave Elizabeth Ross, an acquaintance of

George Washington and a widow struggling to run her
own upholstery business, was secretly approached by
three committee members who wanted her to sew the
first American flag. The three representatives were
George Washington, Robert Morris and George Ross,
her late husband’s uncle. At that time various flags
were being used by the colonies including the “Don’t
Tread on Me” “Rattle Snake” flag which was used by
the Continental Navy. “The Professor” had designed
the flag with thirteen six pointed stars in a circle, but
Betsy, as she was also known, thought that the five
pointed star was more beautiful and suggested this as
an alternative design. The three representatives out of
respect for her sense of beauty accepted the design
which was made up of the thirteen stars placed on a
blue field with the standard seven red and six white

stripes, amounting to thirteen stripes, completing the

George Washington first hoisted this flag on 2 January

1776, months before the Declaration of Independence
was written. When the British officers saw the flag,
they cheered and saluted, thinking that it signalled the
surrender of the colonists. Instead, it meant that the
American Revolution was to be fought under the flag of
a Jesuit-owned company.

So the flag of the notorious Jesuit owned East India

Company, the prime opium trafficking agency of the
British Crown became the flag of the United States of
America. The flag consisting of thirteen alternating red
and white stripes with the double cross or Union Jack
in the upper left hand corner, was altered and became
the symbol of a country that was supposed to be
independent and opposed to Great Britain. Though
America, at its founding espoused the principles of
Protestantism and Republicanism, as time went on it
stretched its hand over the gulf and clasped the hand of
Rome to form a mirror image of the persecuting power.
Today America is the military arm of the papacy,
fighting wars on behalf of the Vatican, just as Spain
and France had once been. They are waging war and
colonising other sovereign countries on behalf of the
papacy on the pretext of fighting terrorism. As of
October 2016 America is reported to have eight
hundred military bases in seventy countries. The cost
of running these bases runs into the billions of US
dollars every year. American governments spend more
money on their military than the other top 10 military
spending countries combined. It is no wonder that
America is in so much debt; twenty eight trillion
Dollars and counting at the time of writing.

After their abolition, the Jesuits found refuge in

Prussia where their existence continued under the
protection of Frederick II who protected them with a
view to using their skills and political knowledge
against his enemies. They were also given refuge in
England and Russia where they plotted their comeback
under the guise of a different title.

Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the Jesuit College at

Ingolstadt formed a secret society known as the
Illuminati of Bavaria on the 1st of May 1776. Remember
that Loyola had been a member of the Alumbrados or
Illuminati before he formed the Jesuit Order and this is
where Weishaupt got this name from. Weishaupt was a
Jewish Roman Catholic who set up the Illuminati as a
front organisation so that the Jesuits could continue
their operations in the shadows without anyone
suspecting that they were the ones pulling the strings.

Chapter 7

The Art of War by Sun Tzu’s became a best-seller in
2001, when Tony Soprano, a TV mobster, played by
American actor James Gandolfini, told his therapist
that he’d been reading the book. The series had a large
following and many of the viewers wanted the book for
themselves leading to a re- print of thousands of

As the story goes, the Chinese King of Wu’s kingdom

was being invaded by his enemies at a time when his
army was weak and lacked discipline. The King
summons Sun Tzu, a military strategist who assures
the King that he can defeat the large invading forces
with a small, well-disciplined army. The King had
doubts Sun Tzu’s claims that he train anyone to
become a warrior and challenges him to train his
concubines who are used to a life of luxury. Sun Tzu
insists that he can and accepts the challenge on one
condition; he must have absolute authority. The King
agrees. Sun Tzu picks the King’s two favourite

concubines to be the platoon commanders and tells
them that his orders will be relayed by means of drum
beats, but when Sun Tzu orders the exercise to begin
the women simply laugh and fail to perform their
duties. Sun Tzu says “Maybe my instructions were not
clear enough. I will explain myself again.” And tells the
concubines that when the drum starts beating they are
to assemble and fall in line, but the result once again
was more giggling. Sun Tzu says “If words of command
are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly
understood, then the general is to blame. But, if orders
are clear and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it
is the fault of their officers.” so they must be punished
in order to instil discipline in the troops. So Sun Tzu
beheads the two leading concubines and appoints two
other concubines as platoon commanders and the next
time the drum beats they follow commands perfectly
and without hesitation. Sun Tzu proves his point and
the impressed King agrees to put Sun Tzu in charge of
his whole army.

The story is of course allegorical and deals with the

conflict between the Catholic Church and the
Protestant Reformation. The King of Wu symbolises
the Pope, while Sun Tzu is the General of the revived
Knights Templar. The invading armies represent
Protestantism and the concubines are the militia at the
disposal of the General.

The French edition of Sun Tzu’s Thirteen Articles
Concerning Military Art was published by Amiot in
1772. Since Amiot was a Jesuit priest under obedience
to Superior General Ricci, F. Tupper Saussy maintains
that Ricci is “the author of Amiot’s Sun-tzu based on a
remark by Malachi Martin that a book written by a
Jesuit due to the obedience factor can be presumed ‘in
essence to be the work of his Superior General.'”

The Art of War gives fascinating insights into the mind

of the General and his war tactics. The following are
principles 18 to 26 of war from chapter one of the book:

“18. All warfare is based on deception. 19. Hence, when

able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our
forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we
must make the enemy believe we are far away; when
far away, we must make him believe we are near. 20.
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and
crush him. 21. If he is secure at all points, be prepared
for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. 22. If
your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate
him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.
23. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his
forces are united, separate them. 24. Attack him where
he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
25. These military devices, leading to victory, must not
be divulged beforehand. 26. Now the general who wins
a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the
battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes
but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many
calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to
defeat: how much more no calculation at all! It is by
attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to
win or lose.”

Though they had been abolished, the revived Knights

Templars did not cease to exist. Just as before they
went underground and continued their operations
under the guise of another organisation. The Illuminati
was their chosen front organisation. The same
organisation that the Templars had used and Ignatius
Loyola had been a member of when he was arrested by
the Inquisition. This time the man who was credited
with heading this organisation was Adam Weishaupt, a
German Professor at Ingolstadt University. In reality
Weishaupt was actually a Jesuit who taught Canon Law
at the university. Although it is claimed that he had left
the order we can make a safe assumption that he
remained a member of the order until his death due to
the goals of the Illuminati being parallel to those of
Loyola’s society. In Des Griffin’s book "Fourth Reich of
the Rich", he shows that the main goals of Weishaupt’s
Illuminati were:
1) The abolishment of all ordered Government
2) The abolishment of all private property
3) The abolishment of all inheritance
4) The abolishment of all Patriotism
5) The abolishment of all Religion
6) The abolishment of all family and marriage
7) The creation of a World Government or World
Order- to take the place of all of the above things that
had been abolished

Now that the General was on the back foot it was time
to employ some of the tactics from the Art of War. As
already stated principle eighteen in chapter one says
“All warfare is based on deception.”

Whilst the Reformation had been embraced in many

Europeans countries such as England, Germany,
Switzerland, Bohemia and Scotland, it was
predominantly rejected by the French people. The
French Revolution played a big role in this

Speaking of the French Revolution Ellen White said

that “In the sixteenth century the Reformation,
presenting an open Bible to the people, had sought
admission to all the countries of Europe. Some nations
welcomed it with gladness, as a messenger of Heaven.
In other lands, the papacy succeeded to a great extent
in preventing its entrance; and the light of Bible
knowledge, with its elevating influences, was almost
wholly excluded. In one country, though the light
found entrance, it was not comprehended by the
darkness. For centuries, truth and error struggled for
the mastery. At last the evil triumphed, and the truth of
Heaven was thrust out. “This is the condemnation, that

light is come into the world, and men loved darkness
rather than light.” The nation was left to reap the
results of the course which she had chosen. The
restraint of God's Spirit was removed from a people
that had despised the gift of His grace. Evil was
permitted to come to maturity. And all the world saw
the fruit of wilful rejection of the light. The war against
the Bible, carried forward for so many centuries in
France, culminated in the scenes of the Revolution.
That terrible out breaking was but the legitimate result
of Rome's suppression of the Scriptures. It presented
the most striking illustration which the world has ever
witnessed, of the working out of the papal policy,—an
illustration of the results to which for more than a
thousand years the teaching of the Roman Church had
been tending.” p.273, 274.

The motto of the French Revolution was

"Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.” Rather than
bringing liberty or equality the revolution brought
bloodshed and tyranny. Anyone who was simply
suspected of being against the revolution or its
principles was persecuted and many innocent people
lost their lives at the guillotine.

There was a hidden hand behind the French

Revolution. This was a secret society called the Jacobin
Clubs. The Jacobin Club were a secret fraternity
created and handled by the Jesuit order. Their purpose
in the French Revolution was to prevent the entrance
of light into the country through the Protestant
Reformation. They instigated riots and protests which
were blamed on King Louis XVI’s alleged bad
governance of the country. At the time when the
revolution was just beginning King Louis XVI was
actually in the process of bringing about reform. He
had promised to listen to the wishes and requests of
men and women throughout the French kingdom. The
king’s plans to bring about reform were blocked by
members of the Jacobin Club who sat in the French
Assembly. They blocked any effort which was made
toward reform by arguing over unimportant details.
These Jacobins had brought about the revolution by
spreading false rumours. An example of this was a
manufactured food crisis in which those behind the
revolutionary conspiracy bought all the grain and then
blamed the shortages on the King and Queen. The
revolutionaries were encouraged to march upon the
King’s residence in order to obtain bread.

The overthrow of the monarchy was prevented on two

different occasions; the first by the king himself and
the second by Lafayette, the commander-in-chief of the
National Guard. Another rumour that was spread was
that 15000 aristocrats were planning to kill all French
patriots. The revolutionaries were told that in order to
prevent this, the King’s residence should be invaded
and the monarchy overthrown. The massacre resulted
in drainage systems being installed in order to carry
away the torrent of blood that flowed from French
Guillotines. When it was perceived that the guillotines
were too slow in killing people, the revolutionaries
resorted to the use of guns as well as boats on which
they loaded the opponents of the revolution before
drowning them.

Churches were destroyed and thousands of Protestant

Christians were killed. A baron and member of the
Illuminati named Anacharsis Clootz stated that
“Religion is a social disease which cannot be too
quickly cured. A religious man is a depraved animal…”
- Nesta Webster p.432.

This is further evidence that the communist revolution

in France was really a war being waged against
Protestant Christianity. The revolution eventually led
to the execution of Louis XVI, by guillotine, on 21
January 1793. His wife, Marie Antoinette was also
executed by guillotine on the 16th of October 1793. Both
had been deemed to be guilty even before their “trials”.
Antoinette was accused of various crimes ranging from
orchestrating murder, organising orgies and even
incest. She vehemently denied the charges, but when
plans were made to help her escape she refused.

The revolutionaries incited the people of France to

reject religion in general and Christianity specifically.
They refused to worship the God of heaven, but
enthroned and worshipped a deity they called the
goddess of reason. The revolutionaries rejected
anything connected to the Bible and even changed the
seven day week, which they acknowledged to have been
instituted by God, to a ten day week. They however
abandoned this idea upon realising that it could not be

“The immense reforms brought about during the

revolutionary era were not the result of the Revolution.
It was to the King and his enlightened advisors . . . that
the reforms in government were primarily due; it was
the noblesse that dealt the death-blow to the feudal
system; it was the Royalist Democrats, abhorred of the
revolutionary leaders, who drew up the Declaration of
the Rights of Man and framed the Constitution. The
work of the Revolution was to destroy all three reforms
— to abolish the liberty of the press, liberty of
conscience, personal liberty, to replace the
comparatively mild feudalism of the Old Regime by the
most frightful tyranny the world has ever seen, and
finally to annul the Constitution demanded by the
people in favour of a Constitution that could never be
enforced, that lasted exactly twenty-six months, and
was followed by no less than six others in the eighty
years that followed.” Nesta Webster, p. 487.

The principles of communism were perfected in the

communes of Paraguay from where they were exported
to France, and from France to various other countries
as stated by Webster:

“What we learn to-day from the study of the Great
Revolution,... is that it was the source and origin of all
the present communist, anarchist, and socialist
conceptions.... up till now, modern socialism has added
absolutely nothing to the ideas that were circulating
among the French people between 1789 and 1794, and
which it was tried to put into practice in the year II. Of
the Republic. Modern socialism has only systematized
those ideas and found arguments in their favor, . . .” -
Nesta H. Webster, The French Revolution (Costa Mesa,
CA: The Noontide Press, 1992), p. v.

When the chess pieces were in place the men in black

decided that it was now time to punish their enemies.
Napoleon Bonaparte, who had been brought to power
through a coup de’ tat instigated by Jesuit trained Abbe
Sieyes and his cohorts was the perfect man for this job.
Napoleon himself was a Roman Catholic Freemason
and was a very useful tool in their hand in what they
called ‘payback’.

Not only had the Jesuits been expelled from several

countries, but even the Pope had abolished their order.
The Jesuits wanted to put an end to any form of
resistance to their power. It was time for them to teach
the papacy, including Roman Catholic heads of state
and Protestants a lesson they would never forget.

Sun Tzu says "Appear weak when you are strong, and
strong when you are weak."
Napoleon punished the Dominican inquisitors who had
taken over this job from the Jesuits after their
abolishment and exposed their work by opening a
prison in Toledo which was said to be like opening a
tomb. Out of these dungeons came out men with
beards up to their chests, nails like bird’s claws and
wasted bodies with only skin and bones on them. Some
were crippled due to the fact that the dens they were
kept in were so low they could not stand up straight.
Torture instruments found in the prison filled even
battle hardened man with horror.

The Knights of Malta who had expelled the Jesuits

from Malta were punished by having their treasure and
weapons confiscated and were then driven out from the
island of Malta. In 1798, Berthier, Napoleon’s General,
marched into Rome with his troops and arrested the
ungodly Pope Pius VI who is said to have fathered two
illegitimate children with his sister.

The French Emperor defeated the Protestant Dutch

Republic, established by William I of Orange. He
conquered Italy, and vanquished Austria as both
nations had expelled the Jesuit Order. Napoleon
invaded and conquered Protestant Switzerland, once
again benefiting the Society of Jesus. With the Jesuits
having finally achieved their goal, the remaining
French soldiers had to be sacrificed. It was now time
for Napoleon to destroy his massive army of loyal men
who could not be allowed to return to France, where
they could potentially resist the coming tyranny. In
1812, Napoleon attacked Russia and then abandoned
his men and made good his escape on a sleigh, wearing
a fur coat whilst 250,000 of his men either died in the
snow or were captured by the Russian army. The
remaining troops were sacrificed at the battle of
Waterloo where it is said that Napoleon, a great
deliberately picked the wrong point for attacking the
British, thereby losing the war.

This is validated by General “Stonewall”Jackson of

whom it is stated that: “In the summer of 1856, he
employed his long vacation in a European tour, in
which he visited England, France, and Switzerland.
During this journey he carefully examined the field of
Waterloo, and traced out upon it the positions of the
contending armies. When he returned home, he said
although Napoleon was the greatest of commanders, he
had committed an error in selecting the Chateau of
Hougomont as the vital point of attack upon the British
line; it should have been the village of Mont St. Jean.
This opinion has subsequently been corroborated by
high authority in the military art.”

The Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the

Congress of Vienna after Pope Pius VII agreed to the
re-establishment of the order in 1814 as the price for
his release from prison. So Pope Clement XIV
abolished the Society of Jesus forever, but Pius VII re-

established it; so which of the two Popes was infallible
seeing as the Pope’s claim infallibility?

The last act in the drama was Napoleon’s betrayal by

the very men who had orchestrated his rise to power. It
was at Waterloo that Napoleon was captured and
banished to an Island on the South Atlantic Ocean
called St Helena. There in anger he described the
power of his Jesuit masters.

“The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious

order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere
father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this
organization is: Power. Power in its most despotic
exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to
control the world by the volition of a single man.
Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at
the same time the greatest and most enormous of
abuses . . . The general of the Jesuits insists on being
master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the
Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it
may. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and
therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all
constituted authority. Every act, every crime, however
atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the
interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of
the general.”
On the 5 of May, 1821, Napoleon was poisoned with
arsenic by his English jailer and as he lay in the grip of

death this is what he had to say: “I die prematurely,
murdered by the English oligarchy and its hired
assassin.” John Clark Ridpath, Ridpath’s Universal
History, Vol. XIV, p. 748.

Next on the hit list was Tsar Alexander I who had

expelled the black Templars from all of Russia in 1820.
Alexander I had not oly expelled the Jesuits, but he had
also supported President Lincoln during the American
civil war by sending the Russian navy to U.S. waters
thereby preventing the intervention of the French and
English in the war. He was assassinated by use of the
poison cup in 1825 and his son, Tsar Alexander II was
blown up by an assassin’s bomb in 1881. These events
were not just precipitated by politics but a religious
undercurrent which had been running since the time of
the Great Schism.
In 1054 the Orthodox Church had split from the
Catholic Church due to irreconcilable differences.
There were two main reasons for the split. One of these
was that the Western Church, the Catholic Church, had
abandoned the keeping of the Seventh-Day Sabbath,
whilst the Eastern Orthodox Church had continued to
observe the Sabbath until later on in its history. The
Popes became the heads of the Catholic Church whilst
the Orthodox Church had its patriarch and did not
accept the primacy of the popes of Rome. In Russia the
Orthodox Church became the state religion and was
given special protection by the Tsars and this was the
religious reason that they had to be removed.
In 1917 the communist Bolshevik revolution took over
Russia and led to the formation of what would be
known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(USSR). Vladimir Lenin was initially at the head of the
revolution. Though he was a communist his policies
were a lot milder than those of Joseph Stalin who
became the Russian leader after his death. Stalin, who
had trained as a Jesuit priest, was one of the most cruel
people that ever lived. His antichristian policies led to
the death of over 40 million Russians. The principles of
the French revolution were exported to the Soviet
Union were anyone who was suspected of not being
sympathetic to communist policies was hunted down
and murdered. Orthodox priests were nailed to church
doors and members of their churches were also
murdered by the state Police.

Like Edmond Dantes, in Alexandre Dumas’ The Count

of Monte Cristo, the General had managed to escape
from prison to take revenge on those who betrayed
him. Dumas’ book was really a satire about the Jesuit
General getting vengeance when the Jesuits were
suppressed, and many of them were consigned to an
island, three hours sailing, West, off the coast of
Portugal. And so, when the Jesuits finally regained
their power, they punished the Knights of Malta and
all of the monarchs of Europe who had suppressed
them, driving them from their thrones.

Chapter 8

The Second Thirty Years

War With an Intermission
On 15 August 1871, Albert Pike, a Brigadier General in
the American confederate army, received a vision
which he described in a letter he wrote to Giuseppe
Mazzini. This letter graphically outlined plans for three
world wars that would be used to bring about a New
World Order or Novus Ordo Seclorum, as it says on the
American Dollar. Pike was a 33rd degree Sovereign
Grand Commander of the of the Scottish Rite branch of
Freemasonry. In his letter Pike’s letter said:
"The First World War must be brought about in order
to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the
Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of
atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the
"agentur" of the Illuminati between the British and
Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At
the end of the war, Communism will be built and used
in order to destroy the other governments and in order
to weaken the religions."

The goals that were set for the Second Thirty Years War
were achieved since the war saw the overthrow of the
Czarist system that protected the Orthodox Church.

The war also resulted in the annihilation of Orthodox
Christians in Serbia and Russia.
“Among the 1,766,188 victims up to the beginning of
1922, figures obtained from the Soviet documents,
nearly five thousand were priests, teachers, nuns, etc.
of the Orthodox Church.... Nearly 100,000 Lutherans
banished..... Whole villages were wiped out....
Thousands of churches of the different branches have
been demolished and the work of destruction goes
on...…” Arno Gaebelien, Conflict of the Ages, The
Exhorters, pp. 103-106.

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and

his wife on 26 of July 1914 did not warrant a war
between nations, but it was a planned event that was
used to foment a war that would benefit the black
Templars and their church. Bill Hughes, author of the
Secret Terrorists states:
“Thus we see that the pope realized that if Austria-
Hungary crushed the Serbs, then the Serbs’ Orthodox
Christian brothers from Russia would enter the fray.
Then Germany, France and others would join in, and
you have World War One. The papacy was thrilled to
see Russia enter the conflict. Russia was predominantly
Orthodox and the papacy wanted the Orthodox
Christians in Russia and around the world annihilated.
The papacy’s Jesuits had another reason for being so
happy when Russia entered the conflict. It was payback
time. About 100 years before World War One began,

Alexander I, the Russian emperor, kicked the Jesuits
out of Russia.” The Secret Terrorists, p.65.

Avro Manhattan, a BBC journalist and author, also

added his voice to the chorus of those who believed
that the “War to end all wars” was but a war with
ulterior motives: “The overthrow of the Czarist system
therefore, brought with it the inevitable overthrow of
the established Orthodox Church. To the Vatican,
which had waged war against the Orthodox Church
since the eleventh century, the downfall of her
millenarian rival was too good to be true.” Avro
Manhattan, The Vatican Billions, pp. 120, 121.

There can be no revolution or war without money and

the Second Thirty Years War was no exception. The
finances for the Russian Revolution were to come from
America. By this time, the Federal Reserve had been
illegally set up in 1913, principally by a Jesuit called
Jacob Schiff. It was through the Federal Reserve that
many wars would be financed.
War is a business, and those who instigated the conflict
supported both sides to make sure they would “make a
killing” regardless of who won the war.

“In the February 3, 1949, issue of the New York Journal

American, Schiff’s grandson, John, was quoted by
columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his
grandfather [Jacob Schiff] had given about twenty
million dollars for the triumph of Communism in
Russia.” G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll
Island, American Opinion Publishing, p. 265.

It makes sense that the Society of Jesus would be

involved with the setting up of a central bank in
America. After all the Knights Templar were the first
and most successful international bankers. They have a
majority share in the Bank of America and various
other multi-billion dollar businesses. "Here are a few of
the Jesuit-controlled corporations that totally support
their Jesuits in congress and the government:
American Airlines, TWA, Anheuser Busch, AT&T, Bell
Atlantic, Boeing, Cigna, Coca-Cola, Daimler Chrysler,
Exxon, Shell, Ford Motor Company, General Electric,
Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot, May Company,
McDonald’s, Motorola, Philip Morris, Price-
Waterhouse, Rite Aid, RJR Nabisco, Sony Corp. of
America, Texaco, United Parcel Service, Walt Disney
Company, and Wells Fargo." Earth's Final Hours,
Chapter 13.

In the 1800’s the Jesuits were already a financial

powerhouse as Charles Chiniquy testified in his book:
"The Jesuits of the United States form one of the
richest and most powerful corporations the world ever
saw." Charles Chiniquy, 50 Years in the Church of
Rome, p. 375. "The Jesuits of the United States form
one of the richest and most powerful corporations the
world ever saw." 50 Years in the Church of Rome, p.
Edmond Paris addressed the financial aspect of the war
when he said: “The public is practically unaware of the
overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and
its Jesuits in the starting of two world wars - a situation
which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances
at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving
them power in so many spheres, especially since the
last conflict.” The Secret History of the Jesuits.

Bill Hughes states that “Another reason for World War

One was to pay back Germany for its opposition to the
papacy and the Jesuits in the 1860s and 1870s.
Germany was the birthplace of the hated Lutherans.
Twice during this time, Chancellor Otto von Bismarck
led Germany (known as Prussia ) to military victories
over the Jesuit-controlled countries of Austria in 1866
and France in 1870. Bismarck also outlawed the Jesuit
order with the Kulturkampf law in 1872. These ‘crimes’
against Rome and the Jesuits had to be repaid in kind.
Hence, many thousands of Germans were slain in the
bloodbath of World War One.” The Secret Terrorists,

After World War One, an attempt was made to create

the League of Nations, but America one of two
superpowers at the time did not join this league and
this gave impetus for the second phase of the Second
Thirty Years War to convince her that it was necessary

for her to be a part of the planned world governing

Continuing on with the vision of three world wars Pike

said to Mazzini: “The Second World War must be
fomented by taking advantage of the differences
between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This
war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed
and that the political Zionism be strong enough to
institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During
the Second World War, International Communism
must become strong enough in order to balance
Christendom, which would be then restrained and held
in check until the time when we would need it for the
final social cataclysm.”

These words came true during the Second World War.

On one side were Roman Catholic Hitler and
Mussolini, the fascists, and on the other side were
Churchill and Roosevelt, the Zionists. The war brought
so much death and suffering to dispersed Jews that
they finally agreed to go back to a newly created state
of Israel in 1948. The much desired world governing
body known as the United Nations was created in 1945.
Its purpose was not to stop wars, but to bring about a
world government through the uniting of nations, as
their name aptly implies.

Hitler understood the power of the Jesuits and did not

hide his admiration for the sons of Loyola stating: “I
have learnt most of all from the Jesuit Order. …So far,
there has been nothing more imposing on earth than
the hierarchical organization of the [Roman] Catholic
Church. A good part of that organization I have
transported direct to my own [Nazi] party. …The
Catholic Church must be held up as an example. …I will
tell you a secret. I am founding an order [the Nazi SS].
…In [Heinrich] Himmler [who would become head of
the Nazi SS] I see our Ignatius de Loyola [the founder
of the Jesuit Order].”

F. Paul Peterson exposed Rome’s complicity in the war

stating that: “The Pope was just as much in the Second
World War as was Hitler and Catholic Mussolini and
therefore just as guilty of the murder of six million
Jews. In fact, Popes have been in or instigated most, if
not all, the European wars down through the
centuries.” F. Paul Peterson, Peter’s Tomb Recently
Discovered in Jerusalem, p. 63. (Quoted in: Is Alberto
for Real, Sidney Hunter, Chick Publications, page 41).

The Vatican helped Hitler to gain power by ‘advising’

the Catholic Party of Germany to vote for Nazi
candidates. The Catholic vote gave Hitler the majority
he needed to legally form a government in 1933.
Further to this, the Vatican ordered Catholic members
of the Reichstag Parliament to support legislation
giving Hitler the power to rule by decree. This measure
gave Hitler the dictatorial power he needed to destroy
the German Communists.
The whole Vatican-Hitler bargain had been conducted
in secret before Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
in January 1933.

In June of the same year, Hitler and the Vatican signed

a Concordat, under terms of which the Church swore
allegiance to the Nazi regime. Soon afterward, Catholic
Franz von Papen, the second in command to Hitler, put
the essence of the Hitler-Vatican alliance very
succinctly in these words: “The Third Reich,” he said,
“is the first power which not only recognizes, but puts
into practice, the high principles of the Papacy.” Avro
Manhattan, The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance,
Ozark Books, (quoted in Sydney Hunter, Is Alberto for
Real, Chick Publications, pp. 42, 43)

The Papacy also signed a Concordat with Benito

Mussolini in 1929 which restored Vatican City to the
papacy. The arrest of the Pope by Berthier, Napoleon’s
General in 1798 was declared by Protestants of
prophecy to be the deadly wound prophesied in
Revelation 13:3. The signing of the Concordat with
Mussolini in 1929 was headlined as the healing of the
wound by many papers of the day.

Pope Pius XI was so elated with Mussolini’s actions

that he said: “Mussolini is making rapid headway and,
with elemental strength, will conquer all in his path.
Mussolini is a wonderful man — Do you hear me? — a

wonderful man.... The future is his.” The Wickliffe
Press, The Vatican against Europe, p69.

Whilst Nazis and Italian fascists were made to look like

the axis of evil, the Americans were sending huge sums
of money to the Germans to enable them to build their
war machines because the German economy had been
destroyed after World War One and the Treaty of
Versailles, which set reparation demands that were
impossible for the German people to keep.

“Immense sums belonging to our national-bank

depositors have been given to Germany on no collateral
security whatever... Billions upon billions of our money
has been pumped into Germany by the Federal Reserve
Board and the Federal Reserve Banks... On April 27,
1932, the Federal Reserve outfit sent $750,000,
belonging to American bank depositors, in gold to
Germany. A week later, another $300,000 in gold was
shipped to Germany in the same way. About the middle
of May $12,000,000 in gold was shipped to Germany
by the Federal Reserve banks. Almost every week there
is a shipment of gold to Germany“. H.S. Kenan, The
Federal Reserve Bank, The Noontide Press, 1966, p.

Today we hear that the Inquisition ended in the Dark

Ages, yet the massacre of Orthodox Christians in
Russia and Yugoslavia continued into the 1940’s. In
Yugoslavia nearly 1 million Orthodox Christians were
murdered by the Catholic Ustashi. Just as in the Dark
ages, this religious genocide included the raping of girls
and women, live burnings on the stake, the impaling of
young children on stakes, gouging out of the eyes of
live victims to make necklaces, the use of starvation as
a weapon, burying victims alive and crucifying
Orthodox priests to wooden doors and other cruel
inventions of torture too heinous to be recorded.
“This is the record of torture and murder committed in
Europe in 1941-1943 by an army of Catholic Actionists
known as the Ustashi, led by monks and priests, and
even participated in by nuns. The victims suffered and
died in the cause of liberty and freedom of conscience.
The least we can do is to read the record of their
sufferings and keep in mind that it happened, not in
the dark ages, but in our own ENLIGHTENED
generation. Ustashi is another name for Catholic
Action.” Monica Farrell, Ravening Wolves, Protestant
Publications, cover. “The mass expulsion or forced
conversion of the Orthodox Christians to Roman
Catholicism was on the agenda. All measures, aiming at
the elimination of Serbdom in Croatia were carried out
under the slogan enunciated by one of the Croatian
ministers: “We shall massacre the first third of the
Serbs, expel the second third from the country and
force the final third to accept the Catholic faith,
whereby they will be absorbed by the Catholic
element.” Lazo M. Kostich, Holocaust in the
Independent State of Croatia, Liberty, p. 18.

The attempt to exterminate the Orthodox Christians of
Serbia continued in the 1990’s when Jesuit trained Bill
Clinton ordered the United States military to bomb the
Serbians. There is always a bogeyman and after the war
the finger was pointed at communism as the “evil
empire” that was a threat to world peace. Communism
was in fact a creation of the powers that be and was
used to take away the Bible from the Orthodox
Christians of Russia.

They installed Jesuit trained puppets such as Fidel

Castro in Cuba and Mao Tse Tung who murdered
millions and in communist China.

In the last sentence of Albert Pike’s plans for World

War Two, he mentions that the remnants of
Christianity would be kept in check until the time was
right for it to be used for the final social cataclysm. On
17 of September 2001, George Bush declared in USA
Today, that his administration was preparing a crusade
against terrorism. Crusades were religious wars fought
on behalf of the popes as we have seen. Was George
Bush telling us that he was fighting terrorism or
religious fundamentalism on behalf of the pope?
George Bush claims to be a Christian, so in fact he is
seen to be representing Christianity in his war with the
Muslims. Bush, like his father, is a member of the Skull
and Bones secret society, which is really an offshoot of
the Illuminati, which is also an offshoot of the Society
of Jesus. In invading and colonising Afghanistan and
Iraq, Bush was really doing the bidding of the Pope’s
“janissaries” who benefitted from both conflicts. It is
important to remember that the Knights Templar
existed for the purpose of protecting the interests of the
Catholic Church from the Muslims. Although Loyola’s
society had been created to fight Protestantism, it had
not forgotten its old Muslim foe who its Templar
predecessors had fought in the crusades of the Dark

Hitler was brought to power when on 30 January 1933,

the Catholic Zentrum, axis of all parliamentary
majorities, voted full rights to him. Just as Nero burnt
Rome and consolidated power, the burning of the
Reistag (Parliament) building permitted Hitler and the
Nazis to consolidate power. He then blamed the
communists for the arson in the same way that the
attacks on 11 September 2001 were blamed on

Pike gave instruction for how the final conflict was to

be managed. He said: “The Third World War must be
fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused
by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the
political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The
war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the
Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State
of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the
other nations, once more divided on this issue will be
constrained to fight to the point of complete physical,
moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall
unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall
provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its
horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of
absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most
bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged
to defend themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of
civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with
Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that
moment be without compass or direction, anxious for
an ideal, but without knowing where to render its
adoration, will receive the true light through the
universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer,
brought finally out in the public view. This
manifestation will result from the general reactionary
movement which will follow the destruction of
Christianity and atheism, both conquered and
exterminated at the same time.”

These events have come to pass, not because Pike was a

prophet, but because the events were planned nearly
150 years ago. At the time of writing there are wars
being waged in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and
threats of war against Iran. Once the remaining
pockets of resistance have been removed we shall see a
fulfilment of Pike’s predictions. We do indeed live in
very interesting times.

Chapter 9

Gathering the Children

On the religious front, battles between Protestantism

and Catholicism continued well into the 20th century
and beyond. A notable character in turning the tide in
Rome’s favor was an Englishmen named John
Newman. He was born in London in 1801 and enrolled
at Trinity College in Oxford at the age of 16. Upon
finishing his studies, Newman took up various
appointments within the Church of England and had
an enormous influence upon all around him. In 1833
he visited Rome with his friend Richard Froude. It is
said that whilst there he asked on what condition Rome
would accept the Church of England back to the fold.
The answer came swiftly back “On the conditions of the
‘Council of Trent’”.

This meant subjection to the authority of the Pope of

Rome rather than the authority of the Bible, which had
been the bulwark of the English Protestant nation for
the last three hundred years. Another condition of
return was an English translation of the Roman
Catholic Vulgate Bible.

Newman made his way back home stating that he had

“a great work to do in England”. On his arrival back in
England, he set up the Oxford movement to infiltrate
and undermine the Church of England, and to secretly
turn it doctrinally back towards Roman Catholicism,
which had been banished by law in the 1600’s.
Newman started what became known as the Tractarian
Society with which he endeavored, with his cohorts to
produce tracts causing doubt and division about the
authority of the Church of England.

It appears that Newman had been influenced by Jesuits

while at Oxford University. Rome had been working
behind the scenes for years to infiltrate and bring the
‘rebellious’ Protestant English Church back to Rome.

Those in the Church of England who knew Newman

trusted him because he pretended to be against the
Church of Rome. However, finally in 1845 he revealed
that he was a Roman Catholic, and took almost 250
ministers and theologians, and nearly 625 professors
and Parliament members to serve the papacy. Newman
did his job well and delivered England to Rome. In
1879 the Roman Catholic hierarchy made him a
Catholic Cardinal which proved that he had been
working for them all along! Cardinal John Henry
Newman and other Roman Catholic undercover agents
did their work well in England. They undermined the
King James Bible at every opportunity, and laid
the groundwork for two professors named F.J.A. Hort
(1825-1901) and B.F. Westcott (1828-1892), who would
make horrible changes in God’s Word.
Author David W. Daniels tells us that “Both of
them [Westcott and Hort] were respected professors
who moved through high society, rubbing shoulders
with occultists and psychics…Westcott and Hort also
believed in evolution, and held the preserved Bible in
utter contempt. In 1853 they began their evil task to
‘revise’ the King James Bible! The Church of England
gave Westcott and Hort minimal permission to change
the English Bible – when ‘necessary’. What did
they [Westcott and Hort] bring in? They brought in the
Vatican’s COUNTERFEIT BIBLE!” Did the Catholic
Church Give Us the Bible? p.118-120.

The next great event in the Counter Reformation was

Vatican II Council was convened by Pope John XXIII
in 1962. The Council encouraged ecumenical efforts
towards dialogue with other religions, not just
Churches. Those of different Protestant Churches were
no longer to be called ‘heretics’, but ‘separated
brethren’. This resulted in most of the Protestant
Churches joining hands with the Catholic Church and
putting aside their fundamental doctrines which had
caused friction with the Catholic Church.

When John XXIII died the Council continued till 1965

under the leadership of Pope Paul VI. The Vatican
knew that there was a need to give the Church a facelift
after its shameful acts were exposed to the world like
the colloquial “skeleton in the closet.” The facelift
however, was superficial because the Catholic Church
claims infallibility and sees no reason to change. It is
her boast that “That the Roman church has never
erred; nor will it err to all eternity.” In order to find
acceptance from Protestants, it was felt that the
Catholic Church should give herself a more pleasant
and appealing appearance. This would deceive the
separated Protestants into reuniting with Rome.

This tactic has worked wonderfully for the Catholic

Church because it has seen millions of half-committed
Protestants, not only joining with her, but some of
them have even left their churches to become
Vatican II also encouraged Protestants to focus on
liturgy and celebration worship styles, such as Rock
music, in their churches which focuses the mind on
entertainment rather than doctrine and Bible study.
Spiritualism, in the form of Spiritual Formation and
Spiritual Directors were also introduced in the
congregations that once abhorred popery.

Although she died in 1915, one of the most prolific and

inspirational female writers predicted that the
Protestant Churches would renounce their core
doctrines and unite with the Roman Church on
common points of belief. She said: “The wide diversity
of belief in the Protestant churches is regarded by
many as decisive proof that no effort to secure a forced
uniformity can ever be made. But there has been for
years, in churches of the Protestant faith, a strong and
growing sentiment in favour of a union based upon
common points of doctrine. To secure such a union, the
discussion of subjects upon which all were not agreed--
however important they might be from a Bible
standpoint--must necessarily be waived. Charles
Beecher, in a sermon in the year 1846, declared that
the ministry of "the evangelical Protestant
denominations" is "not only formed all the way up
under a tremendous pressure of merely human fear,
but they live, and move, and breathe in a state of things
radically corrupt, and appealing every hour to every
baser element of their nature to hush up the truth, and
bow the knee to the power of apostasy. Was not this the
way things went with Rome? Are we not living her life
over again? And what do we see just ahead? Another
general council! A world's convention! Evangelical
alliance, and universal creed!"-Sermon on "The Bible a
Sufficient Creed," delivered at Fort Wayne, Indiana,
Feb. 22, 1846. When this shall be gained, then, in the
effort to secure complete uniformity, it will be only a
step to the resort to force. When the leading churches
of the United States, uniting upon such points of
doctrine as are held by them in common, shall
influence the state to enforce their decrees and to
sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will
have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the
infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will
inevitably result.” Ellen White, Great Controversy, p.
444, 445.

In early 1982 in Lima, Peru, the now infamous BEM
(Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry) document was
signed by all the major churches in the world. This
World Council of Churches document is the centre
piece of their determination to bring in a one-world
religion around the planet. The three issues voted on
in Lima were had been divisive points for centuries
since the Reformation. Millions died because of these
three points. Ecumenical unity over these issues was
vital in Rome’s drive for a one-world church.

In 1985, Karl Rahner, the top theological Jesuit of the

Twentieth century authored a book with Roman
Catholic theologian Heinrich Fries. In it they stated
“…with respect to ecclesiastical leadership the average
congregation in the Protestant churches in fact usually
practices the kind of obedience to their church leaders
that is customary in the Roman Catholic church.”
Heinrich Fries and Karl Rahner, S.J., p. 54.

They go on to state that if there was a grassroots

rebellion the leadership of the church can always use
their theological expertise to argue for unity. We can
deduce from this that those who continued their
opposition to unity with the Catholic Church would
eventually be dis-fellowshipped.

The plan was to focus on the leaders and to get them in

partnership with the plan. If the leaders are changed
they will then lead their churches into change that will
render them acceptable to the unification and the
people will follow like sheep to the slaughter. To
accomplish this objective it would be necessary that all
the respective congregations and laity be in absolute
submission to their respective Protestant hierarchies,
which in turn are in submission to Rome. This would
be achieved through the teaching of Spiritual
Formation, a practice derived from Eastern mystical
religions such as Buddhism, but refined in the Spiritual
Exercises of Loyola. The aim of Spiritual Formation is
to get the subjects or congregation to submit their
consciences to their leaders, who would in turn submit
themselves to the pope.

One author alerted Christians against this dark art of

the devil when she said “No man or woman should
exercise his or her will to control the senses or reason
of another, so that the mind of the person is rendered
passively subject to the will of the one who is exercising
the control. This science may appear to be something
beautiful, but it is a science which you are in no case to
handle. . . . There is something better for you to engage
in than the control of human nature over human
nature.” E.G. White, Medical Ministry, p112.

The Catholic Church openly stated that its plan is to let

all the Protestant denominations keep their names and
their structures, and to run those structures as
subsidiary organizations to Rome. So the names would
remain the same, but inside the termites would have
done their work and a form of Catholicism would be

Rahner wrote that the barriers put up by Protestants

had been broken down and they had lost their
‘anti’ Catholic character and gained a positive
independence. This meant that the different churches
viewed each other as just one form of expression within
a “communality.” Therefore Catholic priests can now
preach and lead out in Sunday services at Protestant

Many Protestants believe that Vatican II changed the

Catholic Church, but she herself boasts that she never
changes. At the opening of the Second Vatican Council,
Pope John XXIII stated, "I do accept entirely all that
has been decided and declared at the Council of Trent."

In 1993, major leaders from evangelical churches and

Catholic Churches issued a joint statement called the
ECT or Evangelicals and Catholics Together. The
major premise behind this agreement lay in the need
for the c churches to unite on warring against major
social issues like abortion, drugs, and homosexuality.
Some of the major players in these meetings were
Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson, Richard Neuhaus, and
Cardinal O’Connor. The two groups were willing to
sacrifice some of their beliefs in order for them to be
able to unite in defeating these crippling social issues.
Robertson declared, “The moral crisis facing society
today and the obvious social breakdown mandates a
closer cooperation between people of faith. The time
has come where we must lay aside minor points of
doctrinal differences and focus on the Lord Jesus
Christ…This statement lays the groundwork for moving
forward in a spirit of cooperation.”
Christian/American, May-June 1994

In May of 1995, John Paul II came out with an

encyclical entitled ‘That They May Be One”. As
numerous sources proclaimed the obvious, declaring
John Paul is pushing hard on the accelerator toward
unity. The Catholic Church has been working hard to
develop a non-confrontational relationship with Islam,
but the first order of business is Christian unity or
ecumenism.” Wall Street Journal, July 6, 1995.

In 1994 the Catholic and Evangelical Churches in the

United States signed a historic ecumenical document
called Evangelicals and Catholics Together. This
bridged the gulf between millions of Evangelicals and
the Catholic Church, but rather than being an
agreement between two equal parties it was really the
bringing of the Evangelicals under the supremacy of
the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who later became pope

Benedict XVI said it was incorrect to call Christian
churches, ranging from Protestant to Orthodox, "sister
churches" of the Catholic Church. He said "It must be

always clear that the one, holy, catholic and apostolic
universal church is not the sister, but the mother of all
the churches” Ratzinger even denied that Protestant
Churches were "churches in the proper sense" because
they did not have apostolic succession and stated that
the term "church" may be applied to Orthodox
churches, which broke away from Rome 1,000 years
ago, but not to those that broke away at the time of the
Protestant Reformation, because they are not. These
statements ruffled a lot of Protestant feathers at the
time they were made, but surprisingly the fallen
Protestants Churches have not only continued dialogue
with Rome, but have even signed agreements to join
hands with the papacy and return to her bosom.

The next big ecumenical event happened in 1999 when

the Lutheran Church followed suit and signed a joint
declaration with the Catholic Church. The Joint
Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ)
between the two churches occurred after years of
extensive ecumenical dialogue. The declaration, which
was also signed by the World Methodist Council in
2006, declares that the churches now shared "a
common understanding of our justification
by God's grace through faith in Christ."

Some misinformed people have stated that the

declaration resolved the five hundred year old conflict
over the understanding of justification which was at the
root of the Protestant Reformation. The Catholic
Church has even declared that the Protestant
Reformation had been caused by a misunderstanding.
This is in fact a form of disinformation. The issues that
Martin Luther had with the papacy was not just a
misunderstanding, but rose up out of the corruptions
that were occurring in the church namely indulgences
and other church abuses which he addressed in his
ninety five theses.

Protestants are blind if they think that the papacy has

changed her ways. She has not altered even one of her
dogmas but the reason the apostate Protestant
Churches believe this to be the case is that they have
changed their positions and dropped the doctrines that
caused a gulf between them and the Church of Rome.
They changed their doctrines in order to be less
offensive to Catholics and they have absorbed Catholic
teaching into their own belief systems and also share
common beliefs such as Sunday sacredness which they
retained after the reformation. Because of this
declaration it has been asserted by certain religious
leaders, like the late Bishop Tony Palmer, that the
protest is over. Others claim that Protestantism is dead
and want to mark 2017, the five hundredth year of the
Reformation, as the year when this will be officially
recognized. What they do not understand is that
Protestantism is a God inspired principle which will
not be destroyed and continues on until the second
coming of Christ.

The World Alliance of Religions Peace Summit that
took place in 2014 was another of many attempts to
bring the different religions together under the
umbrella of the papacy. The following excerpt from the
Christian Journal website shows how wide ranging and
inclusive the summit really was. “On 17-18 September,
the 2014 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP)
Summit was held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea,
hosted by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration
of Light (HWPL).

The summit was attended by more than 50 political

leaders including former and current heads of state,
first ladies, Prime Ministers, and ministers from 30
countries, over 680 religious leaders from 120
countries, over 600 members of the International
Peace Youth Group (IPYG) from 150 countries, and
over 200 reporters from more than 100 media
organizations of 80 countries. On the 17th, the first day
of the WARP Summit, the opening ceremony and
congratulatory performances were held at the Seoul
Olympic Stadium. On the second day, the 18th at 10
AM, the signing ceremony of the Unity of Religion
Agreement was held at 63 Convention Centre in Seoul.”

The Unity of Religion Agreement was signed at the
summit in which they agreed that there would be peace
between all religions which would bring an end to war.

In October 2016, just a few weeks before the Trump-

Clinton election, Pope Francis held an ecumenical
meeting which was held in Rome, promoting an
“ecumenism of blood” in an audience with members of
Christian World Communions. This was the biggest
ecumenical international organization where the Pope
talked about “the ecumenism of prayer, work, and
blood.” The meetings are held each year in October
with the aim of improving mutual awareness between

On July 10 2007, the Vatican issued a document

restating its belief that the Catholic Church is the only
true church of Jesus Christ. The 16-page document was
prepared by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith, the doctrinal watchdog, formerly known as the
‘Holy’ Office of the Inquisition, that pope Benedict used
to head. Written as five questions and answers, the
document was titled "Responses to Some Questions
Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the
Church." It said that although Orthodox churches are
true churches, they are defective because they do not
recognize the primacy of the Pope. This was one of the
issues that had caused the Great Schism that split the
Western and Eastern Churches in the Dark Ages. The
document asserted that Protestant denominations

called Christian Communities born out of the
Reformation are not true churches, but ecclesial
communities. It said "These ecclesial communities
which, specifically because of the absence of the
sacramental priesthood … cannot, according to
Catholic doctrine, be called 'churches' in the proper
sense.” Rome’s definition of a church is neither Biblical
nor historical and her statement came as a shock to
Protestants wh0 had thought they respected and
accepted as equals. The early Christian church did not
have a pope, but instead had Christ as the head of their
Churches. Most of the early Christians worshipped in
homes as recorded in the writings of the apostle Paul.
Christ also stated that: “For where two or three are
gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst
of them. Matthew 18:20.

Pope Francis, who is also a Jesuit himself, has stated

that the focus of his pontificate is the environment and
climate change. He wrote an encyclical called Laudato
si, which means “Praise be to you”, subtitled "On Care
For Our Common Home" in which he expresses
concern for the environment and climate change,
which he deems to the greatest threat to human life.
The voices of the majority of scientists who have
exposed climate change as false science has been
largely ignored. In America alone over 31000
scientists, 9000 of whom have PHD’s, have signed a
petition disagreeing with the theory that the release of
carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses are causing an
increase in global temperatures. The Pope’s solution to
so-called climate change is that we should all rest on
Sunday, in order to limit the amount of gases released
into the atmosphere. Where the gospel is in all this no
one cares to explain. It has been predicted for many
years that Sunday legislation will one day be passed
into law, beginning in United States of America. This is
no big surprise for a clue of this is in the sun worship
emblem of the Society of Jesus. It is said that Loyola
came to send fire into the world and that is indeed the
case. Like the Phoenix rising out of the ashes, the clash
of civilisations will usher in a new era where the Pope
of Rome will rule supreme, for the world has been
conditioned to believe that only he has the moral
authority to bring peace and unity upon the earth. But
as the Bible says: “when they shall say, Peace and
safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them.”

This world-wide drama will unfold the same way that

the plot in the Old Testament book of Esther
transpired. Haman, the dark and evil figure, became
the top advisor of King Ahasuerus, but one thing stood
in the way of his ambitions for glory and that was
Mordecai and the Jewish people. Haman poisoned the
king’s mind and painted the Jews as a rebellious and
unprofitable people who did not deserve to live. With
the King’s backing he signed a law which decreed the
slaughter of all Jews on a given date, but his plan
backfired and he was hung on the same gallows on
which he had intended to hang Mordecai.
The Jesuits have been successful and they will continue
to prosper, but they will build their own scaffold on
which they will meet their demise at a divinely
appointed time. It is predicted that “They shall prosper
till the indignation be accomplished.” Daniel 11:36.


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