Analysis of El Filibusterismo

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Rodrigo S. Najarro Jr.

, BSARCH-3C SOLCIT (6:00-7:30)

October 3,


Today Rizal is considered the national hero in the Philippines. Rizal spent much of his
time in Europe between 1882 and 1891 and produced two important novels, namely Noli me
tangere (1887) and El filibusterismo (1891). Critics regards the first text as a genuine filipino text
and the second as a “novela mundial” a claim that accurately reflects the two novels’ distinct
scene settings. While almost all events in Noli me tangere occur within the Philippines,.
[ CITATION Hag05 \l 1033 ]

“The Filibusterism” or literally the regime of greed. This was the second novel that Rizal
wrote and dedicated for his country specifically the three martyr friars, namely: Gomez, Burgos,
and Zamora. The three priests were accused by the Spaniards on being a traitor to the
government and were sentenced to death. Also, this novel was the continuation of the Noli Mi
Tangere. But, even though Noli talks about romance and love, El Filibusterismo talks about the
politics and governmental issues in our country. It targets the Spanish government in indirect

This novel tells us how cruel and how purely evil the Spaniards was. Nevertheless, it also
tackles the bravery of the Filipino community. It shows the unimagined bravery of our
countrymen on fighting the greediness and cruelty of the Spaniards.[ CITATION Kon09 \l 1033 ]

By reading this poetic novel, you can conclude that the sword is not the only one who can
cut through the steel armor but also words can shatter the pride of anyone in this world. It cannot
result in to a fatal death but the wound it can cause will gradually devour you. If I’m a Spaniard
and I’d read his novel, surely, I’ll lose my mind to anger and grudge. I am thankful not only for
Jose Rizal but also for the people who fight for freedom in a war of words and thoughts. Even
though it is not directly into war, but the effect was very unburdening to the enemy. El
Filibusterismo, a novel about the word war for freedom.

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