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UD CHALLENGE BOLD + UNIQUE ° DISRUPTIVE CHALLENGE _| POUR IT FORWARD Create a brand-centric sustainability strategy for AB InBev India Brewing quality beer starts with the best ingredients. This requires a healthy, natural environment, as well as thriving communities. We are building a company to last, bringing people together for a Better World, now and for the next 100+ years. That’s why sustainability isn't just part of our business, itis our business. SUSTAINABILITY GOALS We've been dedicated to sustainability for years, but now we are going further - with goals that will havea measurable & positive impact on our communities. Through our 2025 Sustainability Goals, we are connecting thousands of farmers to technologies and skills, ensuring quality water access in high-stress communities, partnering with our suppliers to increase recycling content, and adding renewable electricity capacity to regional arids. ABInBev 100+ Water fer) Circular Stewardship xsi bt Lal} products in high stress areas have are skilled, connected comesfrom renewable _will be in packaging that measurably improved and financially sources & 25% reduction _is returnable or made water availability and empowered of carbon emissions from majority-recycled quality across our value chain content AB InBev India has many global and local brands in its portfolio. What these brands stand for and who they cater to can be found out with some primary and secondary research. While all our brands have unique propositions, there is tremendous potential & opportunity to leverage sustainaibilty through our brand strategies in India WATER STEWARDSHIP Our water stewardship goal states that “100% of our communities in high stress areas should have measurably improved water availability and quality by 2025". Water has been a key focus in India as 5 of our breweries (1 in Rajasthan, 1 in Haryana, 1 in Maharasthva, 2 in Telangana) are located in high water stress areas. The sustainability team has been active in this space with some of the key initiatives being ~ mB Water ATMs ~ Clean drinking water access for communities near our breweries by installing water ATMs that purify groundwater through an extensive process and provide drinking water to nearby communities at the rate of Rs. 3 for 20 liters @ Groundwater Recharge Structures - Creating community ground water recharge structures like village ponds with groundwater recharge shafts and check-dams with aim of recharging more than twice the amount of groundwater that our breweries consume for making beer ml Farm Ponds — Making farm ponds for farmers so they can harvest rainwater and use it for irrigation instead of relying solely on groundwater 1-4: Water ATMs 5: Groundwater Recharge Structures 6: Farm Ponds GLOBAL WATER STEWARDSHIP INITIATIVE We are inspired by the way Stella Artois has championed sustainability globally. Water has been integral to Stella Artois’ 600-year brewing heritage. The Stella Artois “Buy A Lady A Drink” initiative was launched in 2015 in partnership with Waterorg, a leading international nonprofit, to help mitigate the global water crisis. The campaign is now active in ten countries Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, South Africa, U.K, Uruguay & US. 4 CHALICE = 5 YEARS y OF CLEAN WATER FOUR | 7, FORWARD ‘@) BuyaLadyaDrink Ne In 2017, Stella Artois and announced a new four-year commitment to help provide 3.5 million people in the developing world with long-term, sustainable access to clean water by 2020 Stella Artois doesn't have a big presence in India and neither is the campaign active here. We want to create a similar success story with another initiative and a different brand. A few (directional not exhaustive) questions need to be answered before kicking-off this exercise: |B Who could be our potential external partners for collaboration? | What should be the communication themes? Whats the opportunity for deployment in India? BE Which existing initiatives can we re-deploy? NE Whatare the organic brands who we can leverage for the initiatives?

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