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1. Representational systems, predicates and submodalities [Dobzhanska-Night N.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Basics in Simple English, p. 28-29].

We have five senses: taste, sight, touch, smell and hearing. And one of the senses prevails in our perception
of the world. According to the dominant sense, there are different personality types: visual, auditory,
kinesthetic (body and movement), olfactory (taste) and gustatory (smell). The first three are the most
common. There is also an auditory digital type that focuses on logic, order, reasoning and common sense.
But it doesn’t have much to do with the way these senses are developed: you can be a visual type even with
poor eyesight, or an auditory type with imperfect hearing. In NLP they are not called senses, but
representational systems, because it is the internal sense which is used to represent the world in the human

Representational systems are the senses preferred by our subconscious, but they can be expressed externally.
We constantly express them through our speech, and even through our body. If we are a visual type, we will
use words related to vision, such as sight, view, look, vision, and we will refer to visual images and
characteristics such as color, brightness, etc. If we are an auditory type, we will use such words as hear,
loud, music, sound, noise, etc. The words we use to express our representational systems are called NLP
predicates. There are three main modalities: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.

Submodalities are fine distinctions that are part of each representational system that encode and give
meaning to our experiences. Submodalities also include other related subcategories, for instance, ways to
describe a taste, or different colours, or the quality of a person’s voice (low, loud, shrill, hoarse). The
submodalities are also called “the building blocks of the representational systems by which we code, order
and give meaning to the experiences we have. Submodalities are how we structure our experiences.”

The internal representational systems influence the ways we learn and interact with other people. For
instance, a visual type learns better through reading and looking at pictures, an auditory type needs to hear
things, and a kinesthetic type needs to feel and try things. So we can say, there are auditory, visual, and
kinesthetic learning styles, and also the same types of communication styles. Of many different people, we
prefer the ones that we have something in common with. We will feel more comfortable with those who use
the same language as we do, consciously or subconsciously. There is one thing we should remember about
our representational systems: they are not fixed. They may change from one type to another, or there may be
mixed types.

1) TABLE 1. NLP Predicates
Present Exp;
Read Body language
Regard signal words
See physical signs

2) As I thought, my representational system is visual. It's easier for me to

remember what I saw than what I heard.

3) Yes is the same.

4) If the eyes often run in different directions, then this person has an audible
representative system. If the view is directed down to the right, then the person
has signs of a kinesthetic representational system

5) Visual: Size, Distance, Location: to the left, right, top, bottom, Brightness, Color or monochrome
Auditory: Mono / stereo, Qualities: Volume, pitch, tempo, rhythm, Variations: looping, fading in and out,
moving location

Kinesthetic: Proprioception: Somatic sensation, location, movement, Tactition: pressure, texture

Thermoception: temperature

Olfactory/Gustatory: Smell Taste

Example: the book lies near (near or far?) VISUAL

This man has a good sense of rhythm. AUDITORY

He better remembered the bright advertising. VISUAL

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Olfactory Gustatory
Large Area or Small
Brightness Area
Pungent Sweet
Stereo or Mono Weight: Heavy or Light
Clarity Fast or Slow Location Fresh Sour
Colour High or Low Pitch Texture: Smooth or Stale Salty
Verbal or Tonal Rough Putrid Spicy
Distance Constant or Intermittent Chemical Bitter
Location Clarity Temperature: Hot or Burnt Tart
(Direction) Pauses Strong or Cold Smoky Savoury
Weak Size Animal Juicy
Shape Shape Faint Dry
Size Pressure

7) I determined that Fedor Dostoevsky was dominated by a visual and kinesthetic

representation system. Because in his works there are many expressions that correspond to
these categories. (small room, dirty big city)

2. Meta programs [Dobzhanska-Night N. Neuro-Linguistic Programming Basics in

Simple English, p. 32-33].

There are many metaprograms Here are some of them:

1. Toward or Away
2. External or Internal
3. Proactive or reactive
4. Options or Procedures
5. Global or details
6. Thinking or Feeling
7. Sameness or Difference
8. Time: Past, Present, or Future
9. Possibility vs. Necessity
10. Independent, Cooperative and Proximity Working Styles
There is some connection to personality types, because personality is determined by the way
we think, consciously or not. But in fact, metaprograms are our preferable styles of thinking,
which our subconscious mind chooses to filter our experiences. They form our internal
representations and also direct our behaviour. They were formed as we grew up – molded by
our parents and teachers, and all the people who influenced us. And we can change them –
or, in other words, we can consciously re-program our brain.
The meta programs can be recognized from the way we think, act or speak. Speech is the
most obvious manifestation of our meta programs.

1) I am happy with the result. (ТЕСТ В ЯКОМУ Є ТІЛЬКИ ВІДПОВІДІ А ЯК

# Meta-Program Meaning Typical Vocabulary
1a. Towards Focus on goals you need to focus on what you need or want
Focus on
1b. Away problems (away
from goals)
you will be recognized for
Use other
your efforts, according to
2a. External the analysts/ experts, people
standards (e.g.,
will think highly of you, you
will be appreciated
I trust you on this, I need
your opinion, you know
Use one’s own
2b. Internal what's best, only you can
decide, it is up to you, you
can choose what to do
Act quickly, take
3a. Proactive You need to be fast and enterprising
the initiative
3b. Reactive Wait, hesitate

Options, alternatives,
Want to have a
opportunity, flexibility,
choice, to do
4a. Options variety, break the rules,
things in another
expand your choices,
unlimited possibilities
Correct way, proven path,
4b. Procedures Follow rules follow this procedure,
first… tried and true
Big picture
oriented, prefer General, abstract, strategy,
5a. Global
summaries and outline, summary, overview
5b. Details Detail-oriented, Specific, focus on, exactly,
in particular (proper names,
attention to
places, numbers, adverbs
6a. Thinking
6b. Feeling
Are not open to Stability, like before, as we
7a. Sameness
serious changes always do, similar, same as
New, fresh, novel,
7b. Difference Prefer changes completely changed, radical
idea, a revolutionary leap
8a. Past attention to the
8b. Present Present-oriented
8c. Future Future-oriented
Are motivated
by Want to, try, possible, may,
9a. Possibility
what they can choose to, able to,

Take action It’s time, have to, must,

9b. Necessity because they should, got to, need to,
need to ought to
Work best by
10a. Independent
Want to work
10b together, share
Cooperative We, us, our team,
. responsibilities
and rewards
Want to be a part
of a team, with
10c. Proximity an individual
area of

3) Towards: I think these people are confident. They think about how to achieve what
they want or what they need.

Proactive: I think these people are determined. They know how to guide and encourage
4) Convincer Demonstration : You might be convinced that you made a good
decision yet there could still be a feeling that you need reassurance.

Adaptation: Perceiving/Judging: Perceivers are generally happy to go along with

what others want to do. A Judger feels uncomfortable unless they know what is going to happen.

5) помилка силки

3. Calibration [Dobzhanska-Night N. Neuro-Linguistic Programming Basics in

Simple English, p. 35].
Calibration is the ability to read people using all your senses and attention. You should notice the words
people use. Listen to their predicates. Notice the attributes they use. Try to take every word literally.

You should also notice other things that you can hear, besides the language. What is the tone of their voice
like? Is the person loud or quiet? What is the pitch of their voice? What is the tempo of their speech? Is
their speech smooth or jerky? Is it coherent and logical? Do they sigh? Yawn? Exhale? Do they make
pauses? How often? Is the breathing rhythmical and calm, or quick and tight?

According to studies by Albert Mehrabian, our words give only 7 per cent of all information about us,34
our intonation 38 per cent, and the other 55 per cent is our body language.

if you learn how to read a person’s body language, you will be able to read human mind. Very few people are able to
control their feelings and emotions not to expose them through their body language, and even this depends on the
situation. So, what should we observe? Here are some things:

- Facial expression: muscle tension, the mouth, the smile (how wide is it, is a person smiling with their lips only), the
lip (is a person biting their lip, lip size), the forehead (is a person frowning), the eyebrows (are they lifted or
scrunched), the eyes (is a person squinting, are the pupils dilated, in which directions do the eyes look, how often
does a person blink), the nose (are the nostrils dilated), angle of the head, and so on;

- Gestures and movements, bodily posture: the back (is it erect, or is the person slouching), shoulders (do they shrug
or move their shoulders), the hands (do they fumble with an object, do they tremble), the arms (are they folded or
open, do they change their position), the legs (are they folded, are they unsteady), the body on the whole (are they
fidgety or, on the contrary, is the person too stiff, do they lean, do they put all weight on the chair, how do they

The skin and complexion: the changes in the skin color (blushing, becoming pale, red spots);

- Breathing and heartbeat: is the breathing rhythmical, rapid, or slow, is any vein on the neck throbbing, etc.

All these features are called the ‘modalities of calibration.’ They can show you not only signs on the conscious level,
but also the subconscious reactions of a person.

1) Our eyes, eyebrows and mouth clearly show our emotions and
2) Видалено
3) If a person is maintaining strong eye contact they are either, interested in you.
NEW!!! 1)Liars maintain strong eye contact with people.2) if a person looks upwards and to
your right they're trying to remember something they visually saw and if they look sideways
in to the right to try and remember something they heard

4) I think my perception has changed since I began to better understand how

they feel.

5) I looked at their posture, gestures, smile, head and eye movements. Knowing
this can better understand their feelings

6) Their calibration modalities correspond to the characteristics of a

confident person who can achieve a lot
7) By placing my hand on a person's lips and throat, I gain an idea of many specific
vibrations, and interpret them: a boy's chuckle, a man's "Whew!" of surprise, the
"Hem!" of annoyance or perplexity, the moan of pain, a scream, a whisper, a rasp, a

sob, a choke, and a gasp.

The handshake of some people makes you think of accident and sudden death. Contrast this ill-boding
hand with the quick, skilful, quiet hand of a nurse whom I remember with affection because she took the
best care of my teacher. I have clasped the hands of some rich people that spin not and toil not, and yet
are not beautiful. Beneath their soft, smooth roundness what a chaos of undeveloped character!

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