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In the film “Boyz in the hood” there are multiple depictions of love.

The types of love shown are varied

and are clear. The film is about a young man by the name of Trey who has been sent to live with his
father by his mother. Trey will soon understand how his father is trying to teach him about right from
wrong while he is growing up in South Central Los Angeles. I will be comparing this movie to the song
called all my loving by the band The Beatles. In this paper I will be discussing Eros and Philia love and I
also will be discussing Agape and Storge love and its involvement with the film. I will also be comparing
the film to the song I will finish my paper off with a conclusion restating the intro and a run down of the
paper itself.

In this film there is insight given to those who don’t understand what life is like in the 90’s in Los
Angeles here is gang violence drug selling and addiction that is being displayed. what is going on in a
black community during the 90’s. Which means love is involved, and in more than one way. The first
type of love being discussed is storge love. This love is showed in a lot of ways through the movie. The
relationship between Trey and both his parent are good depictions for storge love. For example when
trey was living with his mother in the beginning of the movie he was acting out and getting into trouble
so his mother decided as a punishment she would send him to his father it was a hard decision but she
knew it was best for him and their situation. I feel like this is a good example because his mother loves
him so much that she would do anything to make sure her child has a better life even if it means being
separated from them. Another Example of storge love is when tray first moves in with his father and his
father is making him clean the yard and everything in the house. His father eventually told him he was
making him do chores to help build responsibility in him. I feel like this also is a good example because it
has a message behind it. His father loves him and wants him to be responsible and dependable so he
makes his son do things that can give him those characteristics. Eros love is shared between Trey and
Brandi. Brandi is Trey’s girlfriend. Trey really likes Brandi and he want to explore more with her, but she
is a smart girl with a good background so she tells trey that they should take things slow. This is one of
the only examples of eros love that I saw in the movie.

My next type of love from the movie is philia love this is the most relevant type of love for this
movie and can be described in many ways. This love is being used for almost every character in the
movie since the movie has tray and doughboy as little kids before doughboy gets sent to jail and it has
them reuniting at a cookout to celebrate doughboys release. Philia love can also be described through
trey’s parent and their relationship together. The parents have been long separated but must remain in
contact with one another for trey. I feel this can be philia love because they are able to have
conversations and they do not have bad blood from their past relationship together. The last type of
love that I will be discussing is agape love. Agape love can be described when trey sees a baby in the
middle of the road and grabs her before she is hit by a car. This is a good reason because for one the
baby is not going to be able to give trey anything in return for him saving her because she is a baby.

I found that this movie and the Beatles song “All my Loving” have things in common. They both
display eros love. For example The song states, “Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true And then while I'm away I'll write home every day And I'll send all my
loving to you”. This can be compared to the love that Trey and Brandi have for each other. One of the
differences is the types of loves shown the movie shows four different types of love while the song only
has one. The Beatles song also is more focused on one specific type of love and that love only while boyz
in the hood wants to share multiple types of love.
To conclude this essay, I would like to discuss what you can take from watching the movie and
listening to the song. The song can give you something to relate to as far as how you are feeling towards
someone you like. This song goes well with two people who like each other and are together. I can also
be confirmation because maybe there are things in the song that you can relate to and understand and
that can help you feel more confident in making your next move with this person if you are not already
seeing each other. While boyz in the hood has many life lessons. The movie gives insight to someone
who does not know about growing up poor in a black neighborhood. There actually lessons from the
movie that has benefited me as far as making the right decisions in life and not getting caught up with
drugs and gang violence.

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