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“ Meal Basket”

Course Name:Integrated Marketing Communication

Submitted To:
Brig Gen Mohammad Mahbubul Haq (retd)
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration in Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies

Submitted By:
Name: Ainoon Nahar Akhi
Batch: MBA (Professional)

Submission Date: 10thOctober,2020

Q1:Discuss the reasoning behind each team’s choice based on the information provided and the
individual factors outlined in this chapter.



 Carry on the traditional and ongoing social media effort within the "fan club" on FB and
 This is acceptable as the previous TV campaign received awards that do not really
address the need for growth and new consumers.

The cost for this option was $123 000


 Begin immediate testing of new technology via smartphone including augmented reality,
3D design, and location-aware services with QR code technology from third party
 1It is argued that the effort will attract new consumers and cut through the current
advertising clutter.

• In Turkey, 25% of the population already has a smartphone.

 The cost for this option is $339 000 Questions remain about the
adaptability/understanding of novel technologies as well as third party technologies

Option 3

 In no internal agreement a found, reputable global advertising agency has proposed a

 Its a traditional mix of print,tv, radio basic social media, and ambient marketing in
 Yemeksepeti has never worked with that agency.

Q2: Identify the factors that favor each team and the factors that are a challenge for the


Factors favoringeach team are discussed below:

IT Team:

1. Increasing young technology-lover customer base.

2. Inventing new technology and marketing solutions.
3. The new campaign will increase IT Departments power over the other departments

Marketing Team:

1. Prefers varied skillset.

2. Previous TV advertisement campaign was a success
3. Has a strong experience of the practice acquired over the years and is up-to-date with the
latest web analytics backing its views.

Finance Team:
1. Understands the importance of growth drivers, but can take the low-risk option if
2. Takes a passive approach in decision making

BOD Team:
1. Prioritizes company growth and future plans.
2. Opinions and brainstorming of other department can serve as potential decision making

Challenging factors for the company:

1. Keeping up with market transformations.

2. Coping with market competition.
3. Balancing quality and growth.
4. Building effective market strategies.
5. Decisions regarding whether to prioritize the previous segments or focus on the emerging
6. Technological dependency may not be as effective as it seems
7. Risk regarding working with foreign 3rd party advertising agency
8. Keeping up to speed with innovations.

Q3: How should Nevzat Aydin make the final choice, given such a great divergence in opinion


Nevzat should take all the pros and cons of each option, compare it and make a decision. For
example, if he is more likely to take risk, he should choose option 3 as the company never before
used a global advertising agency. However, if he wants to be more cost saving, he should choose
cost 1 as its least costly compared to option 2 and 3.

Q4: What should Nevzat Aydin say to the team members whose preferred option is not chosen?

He can say, “"I had looked through all the pros and cons of each option thoroughly I believe
have chosen the right option. I hope that you all will support me during this marketing campaign.
There will be more opportunities in the future. Thank you for your understanding and support.”

As the IT team is already supporting the 2ndchoice, Nevzat can use factual analysis from the IT
team to support his opinion and convince the finance team to come on board. As the Marketing
team is the only team that needs to be convinced strongly, He can use the forecasting from the
finance team to persuade them further.

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