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 Forrest Gump

1. What is the movie about?

The movie opens with Forrest Gump sitting on a bench and narrating his life
story to various strangers who sit next to him. He tells a series of flashbacks. As a
child, Forrest lives with his single mother in Greenbow in Alabama. Even if he has
IQ of 75, on his first day on the school bus, only a little girl, named Jenny, allows
him to sit next to her. One day, when he is being bullied, his braces from legs fall
off and he discovers the he can run very fast. This ability gives him the chance to
join into football team in high-school. Gump joins in U.S. Army and is sent to
Vietnam. There he meets a recruit, Bubba Blue, and his Lieutenant, Dan.
However, Bubba is killed and Forrest saves Dan, but unfortunately, he loses his
legs, and Gump is wounded. While he is recovering, he learns to play ping pong
well enough that he can defeat Chinese champions and becomes famous for his
skills. Gump returns to Alabama and buys a shrimping boat. Lieutenant Dan joins
him in creating the widely successful Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. Dan invests
the profit in Apple Company, and that’s why they become wealthy. After Jenny
declines his proposal of marriage, he spends almost 4 years running back and
forth across the country, before returning home. Then, Jenny introduces to
Forrest their son, and in a short time they are married before Jenny dies from a
serious disease.
2. What makes this film so interesting? What is it that you
liked the most/impressed you the most about this film? Is
there anything that you disliked? Why?
The hardships that Forrest Gump got through make the film so interesting and
what impressed me a lot is the feather because the film starts and ends with a
floating feather, which means that wherever Forrest Gump “landed”, he would
have managed to be satisfied with what he is doing and being always positive
because he believed that world is still full of good people.
3. What is your favourite scene? Why?
My favourite scene is when Jenny introduces Forrest to his son. Because of
Gump is concerned for his son, he is aware that he is “slow” and Forrest is
curious if his son was the same. He asked Jenny if his son is stupid because
Forrest didn’t want his son to go through the hardships he had.
4. Is there any lesson of life that you have learned by
watching this movie?
One of the clearest messages that can be taken from Forrest Gump is that it’s
important to appreciate life while you have it. Gump’s story shows that you
never know what’s going to happen in the future, and that also includes not
knowing when your time will be up or if your life is ever going to be
5. Do you recommend this film to your colleagues? Why
should they watch it?
Yes, I can recommend this film because it is one from which you can learn that
life must be lived and the time must not be wasted.

 All the money in the world

1. What is the movie about?
16 years old boy, Paul Getty III, the grandson of oil tycoon Paul Getty, who is the
richest person at that time, is kidnapped in Rome by an organized crime team.
The kidnappers demand a ransom of 17 million dollars. The media picks up on
the story, with many believing Gail to be rich herself and blaming her for the
refusal to pay the ransom. Meanwhile, Getty asks Fletcher Chace, a Getty Oil
negotiator and former CIA operative, to investigate the case and secure Paul's
release. Paul is kept hostage in a remote location in Italy. Initially his captors,
particularly Cinquanta, are tolerant with him because his quiet and submissive
demeanor causes them few problems. A raid is conducted with several
kidnappers being killed, but Paul is no longer there; he had been sold on to a
new crime organization. The new captors are much less patient with Paul and
negotiate more aggressively with the Getty family to receive their payment. The
kidnappers cut off one of Paul's ears and mail it to a major newspaper, claiming
that they will continue mutilating him until the ransom is paid. After repeated
negotiations with Gail and Chace, and frustration from the captors at how long
the process was taking, they lower the asking price to $4 million. Getty finally
decides to contribute to the ransom, but only $1 million. Gail and Chace take the
money to Italy and follow specific instructions from the captors, leaving the
money in a remote location and receiving orders to pick up Paul from a
construction site. Based on Cinquanta's advice, Paul runs away from the site
towards the nearest town, miles away. Gail, and the captors arrive at the town
to look for Paul. One of the kidnappers finds Paul first, but Cinquanta attacks the
man in order to allow Paul to escape. When Getty dies in 1976, Gail is tasked
with managing her children's inherited wealth until they are of age.
2. What makes this film so interesting? What is it that you
liked the most/impressed you the most about this film? Is
there anything that you disliked? Why?
The thing that impressed me about the movie was the suspense it offered
because it made you be much attentive to the movie, without getting bored.
3. What is your favourite scene? Why?
My favourite scene was when the mother saw her son again after so long time,
because from that love that the mother offered to the son at that moment, it
was noticed how much the woman struggled in order to get her son back.
4. Is there any lesson of life that you have learned by
watching this movie?
No matter how much money you have, the most important thing you can have
is the family because without it you feel deserted in the world and money can
bring you happiness only for a moment, while family brings you happiness all
your life.
5. Do you recommend this film to your colleagues? Why
should they watch it?
Yes, I can recommend the film because it is one you can learn that the only
precious thing is the family.

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