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Possible remedies for the Prevention of catching Influenza are Bacillinum and Influenzinum. Either of
these prevention remedies or other remedy deemed similar to the threatening epidemic, may be given as

One dose of either remedy 30c, dry or wet, every 1-2 weeks before and throughout the flu season. See
wet description above.
Here are some other options that work well as preventatives:
1) One dose of 200c once a month.
2) One dose of Influenzinum 9c or 30c every 14 days: followed by Bacillinum 30c, one dose, once a
month. This is Compton Burnett’s recommendations.

Either of these remedies may be given in One dose to aid in the recovery from flu, where the vital
reaction has been slow to come back. (by vital reaction we mean: The body’s natural strength/vigor.)
After severe or prolonged illness, this can be slow to return especially in the weak and elderly.

*During an active in house flu you may give the most indicated Simillimum remedy. You can try a low
potency in this manner:  1 pellet dry and 1 wet dose (1/4 to 1 tsp.) daily, until the constant exposure threat
has passed. These prevention remedies are very efficient when given in water, Again, review the
instruction on how to dissolve a pellet in water and preserve. This is a easy method for family use.

I also like to remember that hot baths in Epsom salt are important, Plenty of good spring water or mineral
water, organic grape juice and Chicken Soup in Bone Broth.  Also, I do like to nourish the body with herbs
like Lobelia, Osha root, Elecampane, Usnea, or any that are specific to the issue at hand. (Herbs are
awesome in times of need because they are so nutrient rich) Whole food Vitamin C is Essential, but even
Ascorbic acid can be taken to boost viral killing properties.  Stop and try to remember some of your
grandma’s tricks for illness as well!

Helpful Podcasts:


Remedy Notes from Podcast 1 and 2

If the Flu/Cold Comes on Fast:

Alternate Aconite 30c and Belladonna 30c (in that order bc bell antidotes aconite) - almost always the
first course of action – red and angry with high fevers; headache and throbbing, usually chills and aches
and pains.  "I don't feel well."

Additional helps:
 2 cups of Epsom salt mixed with Essential Oils of frankinsence, ravensara, balsam fir (abes balsemica)
(favorite flu oil), spruce, lemongrass in really hot tub as much as can stand, lay in there until breaking a
sweat and then 15 mins more.  Drain water and cool body slowly until strong enough to get out of tub,
step out, dry off, rub those same oil on bottoms of the feet, chest, back, and as body starts to cool it will
absorb those extra oils.  Must also rest afterwards, can make hot lemon water, continue taking
belladonna if head continues to throb, take good stuff like spirulina and cistus canadensis to help boost
the immune system.

First Stages of Flu:

Gelsemium: one of the best for flu – especially if the person just wants to lay down and be left alone;
headache tends to be in the back of the head or neck not necessarily throbbing, chills, stomach ache,
other flu symptoms including severe body ache
Belladonna: headache is usually on top of the head or side and always throbbing
Bryonia: headache – directly above the eye, cap of the head or frontal part of the head, not necessarily
Eupatorium -- severe body ache, headache, and high fever (usually used in advanced flu stages)

Flu often starts with headache, so if you can find where headache is located, you can figure out which
remedy is best.

If flu is present in the house:

Give everyone else Aconite and Belladonna (in that order) to wake up that immune system
If you feel that you’re being exposed to something, give everyone Arsenicum as well (speaks to body
about toxicidity (body has been exposed to something, tells it to wake up, kick it out, get rid of it)


Remedy Notes from Podcast 1 and 2

Advanced stages (high fever, lung involvement, severe body aches): (failed to catch flu in first stages)
-If it comes on quickly, stick with Belladonna
-If it’s come on slowly and have been too busy to realize the full impact, Baptisia; Sue would get strep throat all the
time, "felt like she was falling apart" with high fevers
Remember, we’re treating the symptoms, not the disease
Also indicated are:  
--Antimonium tart – if influenza hits the lungs and it sounds wet; top remedy for pneumonia and sounds wet, like
coughing thru wet blanket or thru sponge, hear it rattling, ie, drowning victims, babies who inhaled fluid when born.
--Arsenicum – patient is always restless, wants to get up and down, usually something involving the stomach (feel
like throwing up or have thrown up)
--Baptisia – they feel like they’re falling apart; high fever, usually an odor emanating from the body (ie, bad breath)
--Belladonna – comes on fast, usually red ear(s) or cheek(s), look flushed, pupils dilated really large and they can
look really glassy, always complains of something throbbing, anything viral (that can also turn bacterial) interrupts
the virus
--Crotalus horr
--Eupatorium – want to be left alone, eyes can be glassy, headache in back of head, high fever, very ill, severe
body ache, similar to gelsemium.
--Gelsemium – headache in the back of the back of the head, high fever, don’t want anything to do with anyone,
just want to lie still in room.
--Pyrogenium – breath and body starts to smell.

Fever: Children can tolerate/develop higher fever than adults bc their vitality is stronger; do not suppress fevers. 
Use pIckle socks, give Belladonna if came on fast and furious, red cheeks and/or ears but pale/flushed OR Ferrum
Phos if came on slowly and pt looks pale, gray, “green on the gills”

Pickle socks: soak white cotton socks in pickle juice (preferably kosher (with garlic)), put those on the feet, and
then put real wool socks over top and it will pull the fever out naturally

If person has Mononucleosis – Belladonna or Baptisia or Bryonia or Gelsemium, depending on where

headache is located and symptoms; Belladonna or Ferrum Phos depending on if it came on fast or slow,
Ceanothus americanus 6c – specific for mono because it affects the spleen, (can also take in 30c if can find it, but
6c is best for active mono); often people can catch mono because they have been ill and body was weak.

Cough (residual from flu)  – Aconite, depending on type; Spongia (roasted sponge, for dry hacking and whooping
cough, pseudomonas in children (there is a nosode) and Hep sulph; Boninghausen’s trio: Aconite, Spongia,
Hepar Sulph for cough you can’t get rid of.


Remedy Notes from Podcast 1 and 2

Strep throat
– usually bacterial; has flu-like symptoms, sore throat, stomachache, and fever comes on quickly.  In
bacterial strep throat infection, patient almost always acts super goofy or silly the day before (or day and a half or two
days before), has accelerated behavior the day before, so just usually give Belladonna right off the bat, ears look red
or they look flushed.  If you miss that and they get sick, you can give the nosode, then also give Mercurious or Hepar
sulph (depending on patient – moist or wet skin or sweaty, give mercurious; dry or chapped skin, give hepar sulph).  

If definitely strep throat, give Pyrogenium (suspected it’s bacterial, also may or will have the rotten smell), tonsils and
lymph nodes are infected bc bacteria gets in the blood, and pyrogenium is good to reorder the blood.  Use these 3
(Belladonna, Mercurious or Hepar Sulph, and Pyrogenium) in alternating fashion every 15 mins.  

You can put remedies in water bottles if you know they’re going to be taken a lot and alternate them (to do this, put a
pellet or two in a few ounces of spring water in a water bottle, succuss the bottle (hit the bottom firmly against the palm
of your hand), mark what it is the bottle with a marker, and take a sip or tsp every 15 minutes).

Phytolacca can be given if the tonsils are red or swollen, is generally also a good remedy for lymph or mammary

Staph infection – if suspected, give staph nosode

Ebola – is a virus – remember Belladonna, the great viral interrupter; Arsenicum if feeling they’ve been poisoned, (if
they say “feel like someone gave me”), give other remedies as needed (described above similar to flu symptoms).
Give ebola nosode as prophylaxis every 2 weeks/weekly if in the area; Mercurious seems to be a consistent because
of the sweating;  since creates such disorganization that the patient may have blood boils and bleeds to death internally
or externally, Croatalus Horr is for hemorrhagic viruses, especially in advanced stages.  

Potency: X or low C potency when ill, use higher (200C) potency as prophylaxis

Herbs that help to boost immune system (be sure to use natural, organic herbs):
Goldenseal – cleansing herb, though expensive so can take homeopathic hydrastis (same)
Nettle leaf – very cleansing, can drink in tea
Red clover
Green tea, helps with immune system
Chlorella, spirulina – help boost immune system

Pharmaceutical clean up remedies:  Nux vomica 6c, Arnsenicum 6c, Silica 6c, in alternating fashion, for 4-6 weeks,
one dose of each daily to get pharmaceuticals out of the body (for more info, refer to Homeopathy for Mommies book)



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