Others James Jude

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Circulating File


A compilation of Extracts
from the Edgar Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by

Edgar Cayce Foundation
1971, 1993-2015
All Rights Reserved

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in any form without permission in writing from the
Edgar Cayce Foundation
215 67th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Printed in U.S.A.

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Jesus’ Brothers: James and Jude

Contents Pages
A. Bible Characters Reincarnated and Relatives in the Cayce Readings 5
B. General Extracts from the Readings 5
C. “James: The Renowned Brother of Jesus” by Barbara Robinson 6
D. “James The Lord's Brother” from Smith's Bible Dictionary, 1895 10
E. Friends and Acquaintances of James, Jesus’ Brother 11
F. “Jude”, Mr. [137], by Kevin J. Todeschi 18
G. Extracts from Mr. [137]’s readings 19
H. Edgar Cayce’s dream of Jude, 7/6/34 19
References to James and Jude
I. Case Studies from the Readings
1. Reading # 1158-4, 5, 9, Jesus’ Sister Ruth, reincarnated 21
2. Reading # 1179-8, 12 year-old girl, Mrs. [1158]’s daughter 30
[Susane, Cleopas’ child]

References mostly to Jude

3. Reading # 137-4, Mr. [137], Jesus’ Brother Jude, reincarnated 34
4. Reading # 137-64, 118, Dreams referencing Jude 37
5. Reading # 137-120, Spirit communication with “Joseph”,
Jude’s father 43
6. Reading # 137-121, Mr. [137]’s past lives and relationships 46
Historical Data and Connections of [137] 48
7. Reading # 137-123, 125 Spirit communications, Joseph & Jesus 52
8. Reading # 137-126, 129, Healing, Conception, Business advice 59
9. Reading # 900-426, Mr. [137]’s older brother, general questions 64
10. Reading # 900-441, Dream interpretation and Warning 67
J. Related Books:
1. Edgar Cayce on the Reincarnation of Biblical Characters
By Kevin J. Todeschi
2. The Hidden History of Reincarnation Edited by Noel Langley
3. How the Bible Reveals Reincarnation By Edward L. Van Hoose

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


K. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins*:

1. Christ Consciousness
2. The Essenes
3. Jesus’ Miracles and Healings
4. Jesus’ Mother: Mary
5. Jesus’ Sister: Ruth
6. Jesus’ Teacher: Judy
7. Jesus the Christ: Second Coming
8. Jesus the Pattern and You
9. The Resurrection

Circulating Files & Research Bulletins are available from A.R.E. membership services
at (800) 333-4499 or: http://www.edgarcayce.org/circulating

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Bible Characters Reincarnated and Relatives in the Cayce Readings

Mr. [137] = Jesus’ brother, Jude

Mrs. [140] = Mr. [137]’s wife
Miss [143] = Mr. [137]’s and Mrs. [140]’s 2-yr-old daughter
Mrs. [4255] = Mr. [137]’s current mother-in-law and wife of Jude (Mr. [137]) in the
Palestine incarnation.

Mr. [900] = Mr. [137]’s older brother now, Achilles in a different lifetime
Mrs. [136] = Mr. 900]’s wife

Mrs. [1158] = Jesus’ sister Ruth

Miss [1179] = Mrs. [1158]’s 12-yr-old daughter, Susane, child of Cleopas in the
Palestine incarnation.
Mr. [1151] = Mrs. [1158]’s husband now, and also when she was Ruth.

General Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings

(Q) Did Mary and Joseph have any other children?

(A) James, Jude, and the daughter [Ruth]. 5749-7, 6/27/37

(Q) How old was Joseph at the time of the marriage?

(A) Thirty-six.
(Q) How old was Mary at the time of the marriage?
(A) Sixteen.
(Q) At what time after the birth of Jesus did Mary and Joseph take up the
normal life of a married couple, and bring forth the issue called James?
(A) Ten years. Then they came in succession; James, the daughter,
(Q) Was Mary REQUIRED to wait ten years before knowing Joseph?
(A) Only, you see, until Jesus went to be taught by others did the normal
or natural associations come; not required - it was a choice of them both because
of their OWN feelings.
But when He was from without the roof and under the protection of those
who were the guides (that is, the priests), these associations began then as
normal experiences. 5749-8, 6/27/37

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4/17/73 GD's note:

The following is a Xerox copy from pages 142-143 of SMITH'S BIBLE
DICTIONARY (A. J. Holman & Co., Philadelphia, 1895):


The children of Joseph and Mary were Jesus, James, Joses, Jude (Judas),
Simon, and three daughters whose names are not given (Matt. 13: 55, 56; Gal. 1:
19, 2: 9, 12). His brethren did not believe in Jesus as the Christ at the first (John
7: 5), and some of them not until a few days before the Day of Pentecost (I Cor.
15: 7).
James occupied a prominent position among the apostles, and was surnamed
"the Just". James and Peter seem to have been in authority on equal terms when
Paul was admitted to the fellowship of the apostles on the word of Barnabas (Acts
9: 27; Gal. 2: 18), and after that time he acts as the president of the council in
Jerusalem (Acts 12: 17, 15: 13), whose decrees he delivered formally, a position
recognized and recorded by Paul (Gal. 2: 9), and honored by a formal visit of
ceremony in the presence of all the presbyters (Acts 21: 18).
He is believed to have been appointed Bishop of Jerusalem by Jesus in a
vision, as is reported by Epiphanius and others of the early historians of the
Church, only that Eusebius says the appointment was by the apostles.
Hegesippus, a Jewish disciple in the 2nd century, gives the most minute and
interesting account, in which he is described as the brother of Jesus, holy from the
womb, drinking neither wine nor spirits, nor eating animal food, and wearing both
his hair and whiskers without shaving (but with trimming), and he avoided the use
of perfumes and ceremonious bathing, and wore only linen clothes. He was a
very constant attendant on the services in the temple, and prayed "on his knees"
for the salvation of the people, so that he was looked upon as the "bulwark of the
church," and it is said that "all who became believers believed through James."
This same authority relates that he was thrown from the gable of the temple to
the ground, and then stoned to death, shortly before the siege of Jerusalem.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Friends and Acquaintances of

James, Jesus’ Brother

Suphor, friend of James

Before that the entity was in the promised land, during those periods when
the Master walked in the earth.
The entity was among the children about the land where the Master dwelt.
The entity came directly under the influences of the Master through those periods
when there were the gatherings of the children for His blessings, as He walked
by the wayside.
The entity held to those tenets, those truths; which are the principles of
His teachings even in the present - the beauty of a smile, the beauty of speech,
the beauty of companionship, for the helpful, improving influences in the
experience of others were as the watchword of the entity throughout that sojourn.
The entity was acquainted with some closely, others as afar, of those of
the Twelve that followed with Him; and was blessed by them because of the care
the entity made for the Master's household after the Crucifixion.
The name then was Suphor. The entity GAINED throughout the
experience. The entity brought to James, the brother of the Lord, the helpful
influences through the aiding in the activities in the first church.
2346-1, F 44 (Housewife), 9/16/40

Same household as James

In the one before this we find during that period when the Master walked
in the land. The entity then of the household of the brother of the Lord, in that of
James the Less, in the name Clement. In this period the entity gained, for when
there was the call, when Peter knocked at the door, the entity opened, and was
astonished, as the rest, at that beheld. In this experience the entity gained
through the whole of the experience, and in the present that criterion, that trust,
that hope as is ever builded, if held only in that same way and manner as
THROUGH that experience, will the entity succeed in that as is asked for; for
while physical suffering came TO the entity during that experience, the lauding of
that as is BUILDED will be REVERSED in the present; but keep the faith in the
way as held during that period. In the latter portion the entity also became the
carpenter, even as the Master, and was held by many as the excellent one,
especially in the building of the house in Antioch, and this holds a peculiar
interest for the entity in the reading of same. 1715-3, M 16, 7/19/30

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Stayed with Ullen (Patience) Jhengo:

Before that we find the entity was in that land during the period when there
were the changes being wrought in the activities of the social, the political and
the religious world; by the activities of those who had been a part of that
experience - or when the disciples and Apostles were scattered abroad.
The entity then was among those of the Arab land, and to whose
household Andrew and James came during those first periods of the activities.
This was James the less, NOT the brother of John but the brother of the Lord,
that came in those activities - and the entity learned much of those from those
And also there came confusions by the very activities of the plain life, and
that as experienced by the Apostles when visions and dreams and the quieter
moments became as a part of their teachings and their activities in their
relationships and dealings with others.
The entity then was in the name Patience - or, as termed then, Ullen
(Patience) - Jhengo.
In the experience the entity gained through the greater part of the activity,
even though there were those disturbing forces by the variations in the teachings
of the entity's peoples and those that were embraced by the entity from the
teachings of those who were as companions as well as visitors and friends to the
entity during the period. 1431-1, F 15, 8/27/37

Disciples were not poor

It is sometimes judged that most of the disciples were poor; and this was
not true. For Zebedee and his sons, Matthew the publican, all who were closely
associated were rather well-to-do. Peter and Andrew, of course, were servants
or laborers with the sons of Zebedee; but Zebedee was among the wealthy - and
among those closely associated with those in authority.
For as these were a portion of the family of which John, James, Jude,
Ruth and all became a part, these were kinsmen; and people that were in
authority so far as capital is concerned - as ye would term in the present; and
were not poor! 1151-10, M 48 (Labor-Management Mediator), 11/21/37

Nimmuo, sister of Lucius in Laodicea:

See the next page for the complete reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Nimmuo, sister of Lucius in Laodicea

Bible: Characters: Barnabas Par. 23, 35

: James: Jesus' Brother Par. 17, 25
: John Par. 17
: Beloved Par. 11
: Lazarus Par. 19
: Martha Par. 19
: Mary Par. 11
: Mary Magdalene Par. 19
: Paul Par. 23, 29
: Peter Par. 13, 25
: Psychic Experiences Par. 13, 14

Good: Evil Par. 44-A

Human Relations: Companionship: Self Par. 15


Peace Par. 15

Religion: Christianity Par. 21

Resurrection Par. 8

Truth Par. 31--34

TEXT OF READING 2390-3 F 30 (Bookkeeper, Protestant)

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 8th day of March, 1941.
1. GC: You will have before you the life existence in the earth plane of [2390],
born August 24, 1910, in Marietta, Georgia, and the earthly existence of this
entity as Nimmuo, sister of Lucius in Laodicea. You will give a biographical life of
the entity in that day and plane of earthly existence, from entrance - and how -
into the earth's plane, and the entity's departure; giving the developing or
retarding points in such an existence. You will then answer the questions, as I
ask them, regarding the associations of that period and their influence in the
2. EC: Yes, we are given the records of that entity now known as [2390].
3. This particular experience of the entity in the earth plane is so filled with those
happenings that dealt with the conditions existing among the early adherents to
the Christian principles, - it is well that much of a history be given - from the view
of those studying or analyzing same - that there may be a more perfect
understanding, and to make those lessons gained the more effective in their
present application.
Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4. First, - that particular portion of Asia of which Lucius and Nimmuo were a part
had long been under the supervision of the Roman empire.
5. There had been the attempts of many of those put in authority from the Roman
empire to give every advantage to those who offered promise of being in
sympathy with those rulings, or who were in the position to be conducive to
making for activities in accord with such rulings.
6. Thus we find that all the family of Lucius and Nimmuo were among those
having the greater advantages of the educational facilities of the time. For, much
of the lewdness of that period had come from the Grecian and Roman peoples
that had become a part of that portion of the land.
7. With those activities that eventually arose in Palestine, and the ministry that
had been in the northern most portions of the land during the teachings and
travelings of the Master, - those very close in the family had come under the
direction of those teachings.
8. Then with the changes wrought during the periods of the trial, the Crucifixion,
and then the happenings which had come about from the reports spread abroad
as to what were the actual conditions existent when the hour of Crucifixion had
come; then the third day and the reports of His rising again and of His meeting
with the disciples at the Sea of Tiberius, and then the Ascension upon or from the
holy mount, - these had brought to that family wonderment, and interest.
9. So with the repeating of that as had been the experience of the brother, little
wonder that the sister - Nimmuo - was desirous of knowing more of those
happenings; desirous of seeing, experiencing, being in contact with individuals
who had actually seen and heard the words of the Master; desirous of meeting
those who had been healed by the laying on of hands or by merely the word
spoken; desirous of hearing those who had eaten of bread created by the word of
that Teacher.
10. Thus - though young in years, being around sixteen years of age - the entity
with the brother journeyed to those environs in which those things, those
experiences, had been an actual, living part of the experience of those many
11. Being in the position of not only being countenanced by but friends of those
in authority, there were questionings; yet there was honor shown these two
through their activities in that journey through the Holy Land, across the Sea of
Galilee, down those portions of Jordan, through Perea to Bethany, the house of
Martha and Mary and Lazarus, into the city itself; the acquaintance of the Mother
Mary and the rest of the family that had been gathered by John - then - as in
keeping with that command from the Cross.
12. Each of these individuals heard again and again much of that which has been
lost by the attempt of individuals to interpret it in the varied tongues.
13. And then there came the day of Pentecost, when the entity heard that speech
of Peter; saw John, James and the other Apostles as they sat - as it were - in
awe; when the Spirit had descended as in tongues of fire and sat upon that body
of the Twelve.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


14. It is little wonder then, as has been indicated, that deep in the consciousness
of this entity there is felt the reverence for all forms of spiritual - not spiritualistic
but spiritual - phenomena.
15. There is oft that desire to be alone, to listen to the consciousness within, to
hear again - as it were - that story, that experience of those who had known,
those who themselves may know that feeling, that awareness of His peace, His
presence abiding near.
16. All of these - and much, much more - were the experiences of this entity, this
individual, as she came in contact with those activities which later made the
entity a power in the environs of Laodicea, Thyatira, Pamphylia, Philadelphia,
and those churches through those portions of the activities in the home land.
17. With the establishing of the church at Jerusalem, the entity was present when
James - the brother of the Lord - was raised to that position or place as the head
of the church, through the direct affluence of James and John the sons of
Zebedee. THIS brought about that first of the authorities putting forth their hand
and slaying James by the sword. This happened not by that of trial, but by that
as would today be called a riot; and not incorrectly were James and John called
the sons of thunder.
18. All of those happenings were a portion of the experience of this entity. Most
of the periods there were spent either in the direct companionship of the brother
or of the holy women and their associates, their friends, in and around
19. Oft the entity heard, again and again, the stories of what happened at
Bethany; as to when and how Mary had been cleansed from those activities and
experiences, little of which until then had even been spoken of in the presence of
the entity. Also the entity heard much of Martha, the one sedate, calm, never
even venturing to offer her body EVER in those activities that had made Mary the
byword of so many; also those stories as to how word had been sent to the
Master as to the illness of Lazarus, His visits, and the eventual bringing forth -
after four days in the tomb. Then the entity also heard of the happening and the
experiences as Lazarus himself had given, as to his experience or
consciousness in that period of the interbetween; as to what had happened, as to
how there had arisen that consciousness, that movement within, when that Voice
had called, "Lazarus - come forth!"
20. All of those brought an awareness that was to be a part of the entity's
experience during those questionings which arose later in the church at
21. With the scattering of the disciples, the friends, the entity then returned to the
home in Laodicea; where the entity was one of four children, in a home that had
been of the faith of the Samaritan Jews, but tempered with the teachings of the
Grecians and Romans; later, with the teachings of the Master, who had given so
full and complete an interpretation of God as the Father, God as Love, God as
Patience, God as Longsuffering.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


22. Thus the entity, for the time, became an enigma to the mother Sophia and to
the father Philippi, who not until the teachings or the ministry of Paul understood
or interpreted aright the entity's attempt to give the better or greater impressions
of what had been received by the visit to Jerusalem and those happenings there.
Much of this, of course, was owing to the circumstances - as might be said - of
that day or period.
23. Yet with the coming of Paul and Barnabas, there was in the house of Philippi
a great awakening to those possibilities, those probabilities as being presented
by the whole acceptance of those teachings.
24. Then more and more were the other disciples frequenting those portions of
the land, as they were scattered more and more by the edicts that had been
brought about in the church in Jerusalem.
25. When there was the establishing of the church, and thus the choice of Peter
and of James the brother - or the head of the church, and of Lucius as the elder
or as the bishop of the church, - THEN the brother returned to the place in
26. With him came Mariaerh as the companion or wife, who had been a part of
the activities in a portion of the Jerusalem experience, and who - though much
younger even then in years than Nimmuo - became acquainted with, and
associated with, the activities in Laodicea.
27. Then the activities with the royal family and the companionship with Vesta, -
these overpowered Mariaerh, as it were; as to the meanings of the associations
and activities there.
28. For, many - MANY - questioned the purposes of Vesta with Lucius.
29. Yet Nimmuo - having known, having heard much of what had been given by
Martha, by Mary, by Lazarus, by John and the other disciples - felt for and sided
with that royal personage, even against Paul who had espoused the part of
30. Thus the entity was thrown or drawn into a disturbance that made for those
conditions in which ANOTHER (Ulai) brought about what was almost the dividing
of the church in Laodicea, and caused that saint in Patmos to declare "I will spue
thee out."
31. Eventually the entity brought about order, discipline; even treading where
others would have feared to undertake to admonish those who were the
superiors as to positions in the church. For the entity admonished those also
who were many years the senior. But having received that conviction, that
purpose, that ideal from those experiences in Bethany, in the home of the Mother
of the Lord - in John's home as well as in that experience on the day of
Pentecost, - the entity stood as a mighty power - alone with the TRUTH in the
lack of condemnation to any!
32. These again bring into the experience of the present entity a concept of truth,
right, justice, mercy, love, as few may know. And though the entity itself may not
always be able to put same into words, if those who are seeking - really seeking -
will watch, listen, there may be brought to them oft that counsel, that
admonishment, that force and power from the very presence of the entity; that
will bring strength to the failing, the doubting ones.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


33. Hence again it may be indicated that the entity itself is good for those of
younger, tender years; for those in trouble, for those in joy, for those expectant,
for those disappointed; for those preparing for the great adventure; for those
expecting the greater expectancy of all; for those in sorrow from death; for those
in joy at birth.
34. All may gain much from the TRUTH, the deep conviction that lies with THIS
entity from its activities, in its search itself for truth, and its application of same in
those troubled periods in Laodicea.
35. At the age of twenty-four the entity was wed with one of the newer converts
that were a portion of the activities with Barnabas.
36. For, with those disputes that arose in those vicinities, the entity went with
many of those teachers to the various groups. For, as indicated, the entity - in its
preparation - spoke many of the dialects as well as the languages of the varied
37. In that companionship there grew three offspring, that later were known as
the strengths in the various activities through Rome and Spain, as well as the
other lands.
38. The entity lived to a very ripe old age, as would be called today; eighty-four.
39. And throughout the experience the entity brought the greater interpretations
of the power of the "word" in the hearts of those who would live - LIVE - His life.
40. Ready for questions.
41. (Q) Did I at any time see the Christ and recognize Him as the Christ?
(A) In those meetings just before the Ascension, yes.
42. (Q) What is the meaning of the name Nimmuo, that I had then?
(A) One sent.
43. (Q) What part of my life seal comes from that period?
(A) The ever springing anew of those blossoms in the foreground, see?
44. (Q) Was I associated with Posnell, now [845], of the ruler's household in
(A) Acquainted with, but not a close associate of.
Keep - in the present - ever close to that as ye so oft sought through that
experience; to go aside and to put self - as it were - in the place of those from
whom ye heard, and by and through whom ye experienced that ability to bring
harmony into the hearts and minds of those disturbed from any cause.
And hold fast to that faith as ye expressed oft - so much good in all, none
may bear to speak evil of any! We are through for the present.


7/8/41 See husband's Life Rdg., 2533-1, Par. 54-A--56-A re their past
associations in Laodicea and advice regarding a successful marriage.

3/20/43 See 2390-7, her Check Life Reading on her Egyptian incarnation as the
companion of Ra-Ta, now [294], Edgar Cayce.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Matthew 13:53-58; Mark 6:1-5; Epistle of Jude, Case 137
Extract from
Edgar Cayce on the Reincarnation of Biblical Characters
By Kevin J. Todeschi
According to the New Testament, Jesus had
younger brothers whose parents were also Mary and
Joseph. Many contend, however, that Jesus was an only
child and that when the Scriptures refer to Jesus'
"brothers" they are actually meaning cousins or distant
members of the same family. Edgar Cayce stated that a
number of years after Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary and Joseph began normal
marital relations and had several children, including a son named Jude and a
daughter named Ruth. (See also "Ruth.") Apparently Jude did not believe in
Jesus' claims or ministry until after the Resurrection. Later, however, he became
an important member of the early Church. Well versed in the Old Testament
Scriptures, he wrote the brief Epistle of Jude in the New Testament which
encourages the faithful to remain firm in their beliefs in spite of those who deny
the existence of the Christ.
In 1924, two brothers, Jewish stockbrokers, became an integral part of the
Cayce work. For the next six-and-a-half years, they would obtain hundreds of
readings, underwrite the construction of the Cayce Hospital in Virginia Beach,
and explore countless topics in the readings. (See also "Elam.") Devout in their
faith, they were also extremely interested in the life and teachings of Jesus. This
interest was traced, in part, to the fact that the younger brother had been Jude,
one of Jesus' brothers in the Holy Land: “Just before this, we find in the days
when the Master came into the Promised Land. This entity one that followed
close in the ways of the teachings as set by Him. In the personage of the brother
in the flesh, Jude.” (137-4) Cayce stated that records of Jude's writings still
remained in Roman tombs that had yet to be unearthed.
Additional past lives included one in Assyria where he had served as a
builder and an armor-bearer to Ezekiel, and in Atlantis where he had come to
know of the importance of establishing a firm spiritual foundation before
attempting any endeavor. His reading stated that in the present Mr. [137] could
excel in speculative occupations or in the business of construction. Also keenly
interested in things of a mystical nature, he was innately intuitive and often had
valid insights through waking impressions as well as in his dreams.
In spite of their involvement in the Cayce work, Mr. [137] and his brother
withdrew from the Association in the early 1930s. At the time, they became
involved in a small printing and greeting card company. During the same period
they converted to Catholicism and joined the Catholic Church. In 1939, [137] sold
his seat on the New York Stock Exchange.
In 1974, Mr. [137] visited the A.R.E. and was shown how the Association
had grown. He was surprised by the magnitude of the records that had been
collected. One of the final reports on file states that he died in 1980 of cancer.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Extracts from Mr. [137]’s readings

(Q) [137]: I have certain thoughts regarding the Association's
environments and condition. Can you give me counsel of those?
(A) In the interior forces of self, there is seen that no higher counsel may
be had than that as may be gained by self through that attunement of self to that
power. Heed none other. Let no conflict of any nature separate thine self from
that ability to attune self with Him, and in counsel of every character He will
guide, whether it be of those that pertain to material, mental or spiritual. He was
in the flesh thine brother. 140-35, 5/6/30

(Q) When was I [137] before associated with [5768] in earth's plane?
(A) In the rebuilding of the wall, and in the blind healed by the pool of

(Q) Does that refer to my [137]'s experience as Jude?

(A) "My experience as Jude."

(Q) In what capacity was [5768]?

(A) The man healed!

(Q) Does that give [5768] a liking or disliking for me now?

(A) Can't keep away. At times like, and at times would like to take
advantage of. 900-422, M 33, 1/13/29

(Q) [137] has foreseen his own death, the sequence of our death - that is,
he has seen that he will outlive, in a physical form, all of us. [see below]
(A) This following in the natural sequence of the individuality of the entity,
as related to the forces as are being studied, used, and as will be taught and
manifested by the body - even as it may be said of the body, "If I tarry till one or
the other return, that will be as he hopes" - and they will!
900-461 M 34 (Stockbroker, Hebrew), 12/14/29
2/4/65 GD's note: Edgar Cayce died 1/3/45, Mr. [900] died 4/9/54, and Mr. [137]
is still living.

7/6/34, Edgar Cayce’s dream:

It was as if I was talking with Jude. First he was describing to me how
(this was then many years after the crucifixion) he as a young man, between
sixteen and nineteen years old at the time, had become interested in the
teachings of the apostles. He described how he was very small - between two
and a half to four years old - when his father Joseph died; and he had not seen
Jesus until then - as he had come from what we now call Persia soon after
Joseph's death, and made arrangements for the property that he had to take
care of Mary and the rest of the children. Joseph had one son older than Jesus.
Then there was James, and two other sisters, and Jude. And it was because of
his mother's teaching and being with the disciples after Jesus' death and before
the persecution began, that he learned a great deal about the life of the Christ -

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


or of Jesus. Then he described what the various apostles looked like.

Bartholomew was the older one. Though they were not richly dressed, they
were always CLEAN in their appearance. Peter was clean-shaven, but never
VERY clean-shaven. Bartholomew had very sparse beard, and was just a little
bit stooped, with a very sharp but not large nose like many of the others.
Their under garments were mostly white and blue. John, the apostle, was
the younger, not being more than 22-23 years old when Jesus was crucified.
Both John and James were quite wealthy. All the apostles, except John and
Judas Iscariot, were married. John and Judas were never married. James, the
brother of John, was several years older. They were sons of Zebedee and
RELATIVES of Mary's - cousins. Then he gave a description of the last evening
in the garden, as told him by his mother and by John and by James his own
brother - who was the lad that went with the soldiers when they went there to
arrest Jesus. The figure of the man Jesus, while heavy and muscular, was not
what we would call fat at all. He had very little hair on his face; a little on his lips
and a little on the chin. Most of the apostles except James and John and Peter
had grown rather lukewarm, even at the time of the arrest, because of Jesus not
taking advantage of the desire of the crowd the day before - or the same day as
he entered Jerusalem - for making him the leader of their group.
Judas, not Iscariot but the other Judas, being among those most
outspoken at the time - as was Andrew, though Andrew was controlled more by
his own immediate family. John and James were among the more wealthy of the
disciples, with Mathew - who had considerable of this world's goods. When the
moment came to the garden, they came to where the nine were before they
came up to where James, John, Peter and the Christ were - who came back to
them at the time of the betrayal - walked up to them. Even then some of them
wanted him to escape, because he could. Judas didn't think they could ever
arrest him.
Then he spoke about his latter ministry after he was of age; he became
connected with those that were counted among what we would call the deacons
in the church when James his brother was made head of the church, and he
grew to be rather heavy - and went into what we would call now Persia as a
missionary. He was better educated than some of them, and all spoke in
Aramaic, but he understood something of Greek also. His epistle is a very small
portion of the letter which he wrote to his mother, but the portion taken is that
given to his wife - that was not with him when he wrote the letter. He had grown
a great deal heavier then. John had dark brown eyes, very curly lashes. His hair
tended to curl up, though not waved on top of his head; didn't have any beard at
all at that time. His hair was brown, that tended to look more like red - if seen in
the light. His face was oval, and neither long nor square. Good features, mouth
inclined to be more effeminate than masculine, but a very strong chin and
forehead. The apostles' wives lived in Capernaum near Mary, the mother of
Jesus. Especially Peter's mother-in-law and wife were among the leaders of the
women of the group. Thomas, Andrew, and Thaddeus and Bartholomew - the
latter's children were almost grown, while the others' were all young during that
period. [See 5749-1 on 6/14/32 in re Jesus.]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 1158-4 F 46 [edited]

Ruth, Jesus’ sister

Bible: Characters: James: Jesus' Brother Par. 5, 12, R3

: John: Baptist Par. 10, 13
: Jude: Jesus' Brother Par. 9, 39, R3
: Lazarus Par. 25, 29


Jesus: India Par. 6

: Miracles Par. 25
: Persia Par. 6

Karma: Home & Marriage Par. 17—28

Triune: Holy Par. 34

: Oneness Par. 34


B1. See 1158-2, her Life Reading, on 5/31/36.

TEXT OF READING 1158-4 F 46 (Housewife, Christian Background)

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 19th day of November, 1936.

(Check Life Reading on appearance as Ruth, sister of Jesus, in Palestine


1. EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity, Ruth; now the entity known
as [1158].
2. As has been indicated, that experience as Ruth, from the records we find, was
a very full experience; and one from which much may be gained in the present.
Not only by the material associations, but it may be seen as to how and why the
teachings of the Master MUST become THE factor in the experience ever - as
well as in the present.
3. That there may be the proper interpretation, much of that recorded here as a
background becomes necessary to be interpreted also:
4. With the return of Joseph and Mary to Palestine from the Egyptian sojourn,
and with the return of the ACTIVE service among the peoples, there was created
quite a different environ for Joseph and Mary - the father and the mother then of
the entity, Ruth.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


5. For soon after the return, and that recorded in Writ of the journey to the city for
that period of the Passover teachings, we find that James - the elder brother of
the entity - was born into that experience.
6. In the next year, when there had been by the Wise Men of the East the
beginnings of the teachings of Jesus and his sojourn in Persia, India, and when
those activities brought about the change in the material or financial status of the
family, Ruth then was born - in that city of Capernaum; and surrounded with the
activities that befitted the peoples of that period, that day.
7. There was awe in the minds of the peoples as to what had taken place at the
birth of the mother's, or Mary's, first son.
8. Hence the entity, Ruth, was rather in awe of the suggestions, the intimations
that surrounded that experience; and questioned the mother concerning same.
9. As the entity grew into maidenhood, and after the birth of Jude, then the death
of Joseph brought that brother - Jesus - home! and there were those activities
that surrounded the entity concerning that unknown, that strange kinsman; that
kinsman whom the peoples held in awe, yet said many unkind things about him.
10. With the departure of that brother to Egypt for the final initiations or
teachings, with John - another kinsman who had been spoken of and held in
awe, his mother having been a chosen vessel by the priests of the Essenes, and
he, John, being the lineal descendent of the high priests of the Jews - we find
that in the entity's latter teen ages such ponderings brought a great many
disturbing influences to the entity, Ruth.
11. As the circumstances from the material angles began to alter, or as the
position of the family began to fall away or change as it were, they again brought
to the entity the experiences that have found expression in the experience of this
entity in the present; that is, the necessity of expending self's efforts mentally,
materially, for the aid and understanding of those that are in less fortunate
circumstance from the worldly angle - or to bring a knowledge to those in sundry
places as to the cooperation that might be attained or gained by those in such
circumstances with those in authority politically as well as religiously.
12. Hence we find the entity was divided in thought and activity between those
tenets held by the elder brother, James, those held by the mother, and the actual
activities of the entity as one among those of a peoples that were being
questioned and doubted!
13. With the return of John, the cousin, and the beginning of his ministry - one
that had renounced his position as a priest that might serve in the temple, to
become an outcast and a teacher in the wilderness - to the entity, Ruth, there
was brought consternation.
14. And again there was a questioning with the mother as to those experiences
of the mother preceding the birth of that Jesus.
15. Then the return of Jesus to the Palestine land, after those periods of the tests
in the wilderness, after his meeting with John; and then the return to Capernaum
and the teachings that he, Jesus, accorded there.
16. The entity then for the first time heard in the synagogue His first utterances,
as to the prophesies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the teachings of the lesser
prophets, and as to how they applied in the experiences of that day.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


17. Returning from that meeting, where a tumult was raised owing to the
utterances of that new teacher, the entity encountered that entity now the
husband; a collector, not in the sense of the "taker in" but the supervisor as to the
abilities of various individuals in various positions to pay that tribute; a Roman.
18. Being not only beautiful of body but active in those conditions that were
accorded to those peoples in the less fortunate circumstance, which became a
part of the interests of that unusual Roman, the natural consequences of the age,
the material circumstance, brought about a bond of sympathy between the two.
19. At that meeting, the introduction was made by one who has been very close
in the cares of the entity in the present experience, as then - a minister to the
bodily needs of those whom oft Ruth, as well as the then new companion, had
20. In the haste to acquaint the mother with the sayings of that teacher, or the
brother, of whom so much had been asked, by whom so much had been said but
so little understood by Ruth, the entity with those two companions acquainted
Mary with what had taken place; warning her of the possible entanglements with
those new authorities - or the Roman activities.
21. Hence those again made for questionings in the experience of the entity.
22. When the associations had advanced then from those periods of the first
timidity of the entity, Ruth, with one of other foreign or alien groups, there came
about an experience of some resentment towards the mother - as to the advice
or counsel given. Yet there was the persistence in the activities, for to the entity,
Ruth, the new found friend to HER bespoke of a greater knowledge of the needs
of human experience than that held to either by the Essenes or by the orthodox
Jewish peoples.
23. Hence the continuations of those activities, in association oft with that friend.
24. Then came those periods when the entity, with its friend, its companions,
began the travels to ascertain the truth of what had been told by the mother as to
the experiences in Bethlehem, those activities of friends in Bethany.
25. And when there came the period when the raising of Lazarus at Bethany was
experienced by the entity as well as the companions, that brought a change
which made for a NEW LIFE, a new understanding, a new conception of the
manifestations of the Creative Forces or God among the children of men!
26. THEN, just before the Crucifixion, there was the consummation of the
wedding between Ruth and that friend, now the husband - then the husband
27. And JESUS attended THAT wedding also; blessed them.
28. And with the recall of the companion to Rome, during those experiences in
Rome, the Crucifixion came about.
29. With the return and the recall of Pilate before the authorities in Rome, with
the meeting again of Ruth with the mother and the holy women - and Lazarus,
Mary and Martha, the friends of the mother - and those periods with Elizabeth,
the mother of John the kinsman - there were the greater effects from the
emotional as well as the active forces brought into the experience of the entity,

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


30. Hence as it has been given the entity, hold fast to that thou hast gained in
Him. For as the entity knew those that were ministers with Him, as the entity was
then in the flesh associated with that kinsman and beloved one of Jesus, John -
study that as He has given, in those last words of His with His disciples, the
apostles, who became - as self and as the companion did - not only by word but
by act the living examples of that as He taught, "As ye do it unto the least of thy
brethren, ye do it unto thy Maker."
31. In the latter portion of the entity's sojourn, while children were born in Rome,
in those activities of the entity and the companion much aid was brought to those
who accepted those new teachings in the Roman experience. Much that gave
help and strength to those to bear the persecutions later was established in the
hearts and the minds and the experiences of those peoples during the entity's
sojourn in Rome - as well as in the Grecian quarters.
32. And those experiences may be recaptured, as it were, by the entity; by
introspection. For He has given, they that call upon Him or upon the Lord in His
name may KNOW what has been the experience from the foundations of the
33. Hence the love of the Father createth the pure understanding. And they that
lack wisdom may ask of Him who faileth not to give that necessary for the more
perfect knowledge, the more perfect activity in the experiences of self day by day.
34. For even as He hath given, it is not by some great influence from without.
For there are Three that bear witness in heaven; the Father, the Word, the Holy
Ghost. There are three that bear witness with thee in thine indwelling in the
earth; the spirit, truth, and the understanding in Him. These are one; these are
AS one.
35. When an individual entity, as this, may apply those tenets, those truths,
indeed doth "My spirit bear witness with thy spirit that ye are the sons, the
daughters of the living God."
36. And how much more in thine experience, thou daughter of Mary, thy elder
brother the Christ - may ye know; for He standeth at the door!
37. Even as thou hast seen Him before those peoples that doubted, so may ye
see Him in this experience standing before the door of those that would proclaim
some other way.
38. But He is the Word, He IS the Way, He IS LIFE! and thou hast a hold upon
Him, in such manners that many another soul would PROCLAIM - even as some
do already - that intercession might be made through YOU, because of thy
closeness with the heart of the Son of the living God!
39. Then hold fast. Turn not away because of those who would give thee this or
that, to bring thee to material understanding. For as thou didst bring the heart of
thy people to Him, as thou didst bring thy younger brother - though he faltered
much; as thou didst give strength to thy elder brother to head the church under
all those vicissitudes of distress without, turmoils within, so thou may find in thine
inner consciousness that door opened that HE, Jesus, will not pass thee by!...
R1. 11/21/36 See husband's third Life Rdg. 1151-4.
R2. 12/2/36 See continuation of her Ck. Life at time of the Master; 1158-5.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 1158-5 F 46 [edited]

Ruth, Jesus’ sister

Bible: Characters:
: James: Jesus' Brother Par. 18


Death Par. 18

Human Relations: Friendship Par. 11


Karma: General Par. 3

Knowledge: Application: General Par. 9, 10

: Misapplication Par. 7

Reincarnation: Purpose Par. 3

Rejuvenation Par. 18

Smiles Par. 20

Soul Development: Experience Par. 3, 4

TEXT OF READING 1158-5 F 46 (Housewife, Protestant)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 2nd day of December, 1936.

(Entity, born Feb. 25, 1890, in Akron, O., and the information which has been
given her in her Life Reading through this channel. You will continue with the
experiences of the entity as Ruth, the sister of Jesus, in the Palestine period….)

1. EC: Yes, we have the records here of this entity now known as or called [1158]
also that information which has been given respecting those activities of the
entity during those experiences as the sister of Jesus.
2. As we find, it would be well here to give for the entity, as well as general
information for those that seek to know more of how experiences in any
individual sojourn may affect an entity or body in this particular experience in the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


3. Know that each sojourn or indwelling may be compared to that as ye have in

your mental experience as a lesson, as a schooling for the purposes for which
each soul-entity enters an earth experience; and why an entity under such
environments came into that experience.
4. Each study of each lesson then adds some phase of development for the soul.
And each merits then the opportunity; for it has been given as to the
graciousness of the divine oneness in not willing that any soul should perish or
lose sight of its identity or lose its hold upon those purposes for each soul's
entrance into an experience.
5. Thus in the study of the activities of the entity previous to the periods of activity
as ye would term the Christian era in Palestine, in Rome, in Sicily, in Athens; we
find these are as human nature, the natural thing - or nature's expression.
6. For that which has been given man for his interpretation of the Creator is ever
before him in the things about him that respond to the emotions; not mental or
bodily emotions as having to do with some activity, but those deeper emotions or
urges arising from those very influences that have and do become a part of the
entity's experience as a growth, or an outgrowth of what each entity has done,
does do, respecting its knowledge.
7. For what brought dissension? Knowledge misapplied!
8. Hence the wisdom of God; that surpasseth the understanding of man save in
the meditations upon, or meetings within, his own divine self.
9. This is the lesson, this is the study that all that has been given is to point out.
As the study of any individual experience is brought to the consciousness of an
entity it becomes more applicable in the material experience of the entity at that
time. Just as if there is a discussion of music or of sculpture or of the artist's
brush in his depiction of any of the phases of human emotions, there may be
discussed through the mental mind those studies, those meditations. But the
applying of the principles of that being discussed becomes a portion of the entity
and influences same in its relationships to its fellow man.
10. For as has been so aptly given oft, it is not what we know that counts but
what we do about that we know, in our dealings with our fellow man. For as ye
do it unto the least ye do it unto thy Maker.
11. For when honor or preference or thought is given a friend, an acquaintance, a
neighbor, for SELF-glorification, it becomes not spiritual but temporal. But if such
preference, such love, such honor is given that there is glorified the emotions of
the knowledge "As I do it, I am doing it to my Maker and not for self," then the
honor comes upon the individual soul and the growth, the new buds of hope, of
life, are a part of such an entity.
12. So in the experiences of this entity in giving that which is so near, so dear to
the heart of God, in that the entity was given the privilege, the opportunity - not
alone of itself but for those purposeful opportunities - to use, to give, to spread
the gospel of good tidings, as the entity did in its associations with those in
authority politically and economically, so does the experience in the present - in
the knowledge of its activities - become a part of the entity's being.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


13. Much has been given as to the doubts and fears that arose in the mental
experience of the entity during the experience or sojourn in that as a national
association with those that were considered heathens, yet who by their practical
application brought hope and the possibility, the opportunity for those that were
afraid bodily yet imbued with the spirit of truth by that reflection of the Son, of the
Holy One, the Holy Child who came as FEARLESS. Yet as is the experience of
human nature in the present, to be doubted, to be fearful for the livelihood of the
day, for the suffering that may be brought to loved ones, for the separations that
might be brought about by those that considered it not - these have and do
become then in a much modified form to be sure, yet just as piercing, just as
questioning. For as the individual entity or soul becomes the more sensitive to
the attunement of itself with divinity, the more the hurt there be.
14. Then for the moment, as the entity saw during those periods when there was
a relating to same of that walk to Emmaus, when there was the conviction
brought that this indeed was the son of a living God, so in the experiences in the
present so oft those periods of conviction come in that those lives, those souls
touched by the entity in its associations, in its activities, are indeed even as they
in those experiences were CONVICTED not of themselves but by that as of a
closer walk with LIFE itself!
15. So these become so much a part of the entity, yet owing to its relationships,
its positions in those periods of activity when by the very companionship
necessitated the journeying to other lands where less of the experiences had
come into the hearts and minds of individuals, so the entity in its present
experience finds, when having been touched by the holy light of the way and the
Word and the Christ-Consciousness, and it comes in contact with the various
groups (though these may be presented by just around the corner, or just
another meeting), and sees the groping and feels that longing in the hearts of
those acquaintances or those that are merely seen as other groups seeking
much of that as was the experience during that life or that sojourn as Ruth -
these become, and will more and more, as indicated, upon the finger-tips of the
experience of the entity, as would be termed in the modern parlance.
16. Yet hold thou fast, O Child of Grace and Promise, to those tenets - not as
tenets but as living truths, that it IS through the grace and the gift of thy Brother,
thy Father-God, thy consciousness within self is being awakened and aroused,
that life in its expressions and manifestations becomes as sweet savour, the
incense of the Lord in the lives of individuals!
17. And hold thou fast to those truths as ye gained in the greater knowledge from
that conviction of the walk to Emmaus.
18. And as ye saw in those intents and purposes when thy elder brother James
became as the head of what is termed the church; not as that YE understand in
thy present surroundings as an elder, a teacher, a minister. For how has it just
been given? He, thy brother James, was exalted to the position of the leader
because the HONOR was to Jesus, the Christ, to Him to whom all honor and all
glory are due; to whom all patience, all suffering, all humbleness became so
much a portion of His demonstration in Life - and for which He only asked that we
as His be a part of, that He may be strengthened in the earth. For to those of the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


earth hath He given the message, "Lo, I am with thee always - ALWAYS!" To
YOU, to ALL who have named and do name His Name is given that charge,
"Feed my sheep, care for my lambs." And even as in thy activities when in the
face of those in authority and with the changing scenes in Rome with the death of
that one who had given and made it possible for the closer associations of His
representatives with those in political and religious authority in thine own land,
then with those changes came the checking up on those that had become
imbued with the spirit of these new teachings. Yet thy light was not hid under a
bushel, but the quietness, the gentleness, the patience that was shown by thine
activities even in the courts of Bacchus and those revelries that were brought to
bear that there might be a satisfying and a gratifying of the material appetites of
men and women during those periods that to thee were debaucheries. As ye
looked on these and saw not the vileness but the flow of those influences of wine
and strong drink that excited the passions of men, rather did ye see the blood of
thy Brother SPILLED in a wanton manner that the earth might know that He lived
not in vain! For those that honor, those that love Him even as He loved the
world, would give, do give their own heart's blood that the world may know that
He LIVES and is at the right hand of the Father; that ye - yea, thy brethren, thy
friends, thy enemies - may have an advocate before that Throne of mercy,
pleading the cause of the wayward, hearing the cry of those that are persecuted,
and saying "Be patient - be patient, my child; for in patience know ye thine own
soul and become aware that I am able to sustain thee, even though ye walk
through the valleys and in the shadows of death." For death hath no sting, it hath
no power over those that know the Resurrection, even as thou hast seen and as
thou hast known, as thou hast heard, how the Resurrection brought to the
consciousness of man that power that God hath given to man, that may
reconstruct, resuscitate, even every atom of a physically sick body, that may
resurrect even every atom of a sin-sick soul, may resurrect the soul that it lives
on and on in the glory of a resurrected, a regenerated Christ in the souls and
hearts of men!
19. As ye saw these even in Rome through those periods of lasciviousness, as
ye saw in Athens in the unwarranted flow of blood for those of thine own peoples
because they held to that, whether it is right that "I should listen to the voice of
God or harken to the voices of men."
20. Then farther and farther away do ye grow from the voices of men and closer
and closer do ye come to the voice of the Christ in the lives of those that are
weary with the toils of the physical, that are sick with the doubts of the spiritual
through the mental activities of the worldly-wise. And as ye give that gentle smile
of assurance and of understanding, even as He looked upon thy mother and thy
friends and gave, "Behold the woman," and to thy cousin and to thy friend gave,
"To you she is given. Be to her a son in my stead." And as ye are to those about
thee in thy daily life the mother, even as in thy associations the soft word that
turneth away the wrath of those that are worldly-wise or that are in fear because
of the doubts of their bodily needs, ye bring to thyself more and more those
consciousnesses of thine experiences in that atmosphere of thine experience as

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


21. For as it brought, even as the name implies, HOPE and new life, YE may
bring - and ye DO bring in this thine experience just that in the experiences and
into the lives of many. And as the little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, so do
thy gentlenesses, thy kindnesses, thy longsufferings, thy patience, bring into this
world that for which He gave His life, His hope - into thy hands and to thy friends'
hands, and into those that have named His Name, the POWER to bring to the
consciousnesses of others that awakening to the glories of a risen Lord….

26. And as ye hold this or that as mere rote or as being endowed, ye set a
barrier. For He made Himself of no estate, though He came into a world created
by His very breath. The WORLD knew Him not, but YE have known Him - ye
KNOW Him; for thou hast seen, thou hast tasted, thou hast heard, thou hast felt,
thou hast proclaimed, do proclaim, the love of God through the Christ, even
Jesus the man, thy Brother!

1158-9, F 47 (Ruth, Jesus’ sister reincarnated), 3/28/37

(Q) Is Peter known to me today?

(A) Not known. There are many of the Apostles, as has been indicated, or
Disciples, that may be known. There's Bartholomew that may be known. There is
Andrew, there is Jude (thy brother) that may be known. There is even Judas - don't
know him, shouldn't know him; not as a fault in his, but better not. John may enter,
and will be known - and as one that may be proclaimed by the entity. These come
only, to be sure, as conditions - but may become personal experiences. Just as this:
How personal is thy God? Just as personal as ye will let Him be! How close is the
Christ as was manifested in the physical body, Jesus?
Just as near, just as dear as ye will let Him be!
Oft ye may ask, from thy enquiring mind, when I so desire to know Him, why
then do I not see, do I not hear?
How long, O Lord, how long? Look not for a sign, as a SIGN, as He gave, but
BE - and ye ARE as One with Him!
These become not as trites, not as sayings - they must be EXPERIENCED by
self! They may not be experienced by merely being told. Ye live them! "As ye live
in me and I in the Father, ask what ye will and it will be done unto thee."
Ye wait, then, knowing. He knoweth what thou hast need of before ye ask.
Then ye say, Why ask?
In the love of thine own children, is it those who ask or those who do not ask that
make a response? Not that ye love one more than the other; not for impunity, but a
reciprocal reaction!
Those things are as God is. And they that would know Him must BELIEVE that
He is; and most of all ACT that way!

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 1179-8 F 12 [edited]

Mrs. [1158] = Jesus’ sister Ruth
Miss [1179] = Mrs. [1158]’s 12-yr-old daughter
Susane, child of Cleopas

Attitudes & Emotions: Faults & Virtues Par. 4

Bible: Books Of: John 8: 32 Par. 20, 24-A

: John 14: 6 Par. 20
: Luke 24: 13--29 Par. 2
: Philippians 4: 7 Par. 31-A
: Characters: Cleopas Par. 2, 7, 29-A
:Jude and James Par. 11
: Lazarus Par. 33-A

Ideals: Service Par. 33-A


Jesus: Miracles Par. 33-A, 34-A

: Feeding Multitudes Par. 24-A

Karma: Family Relations Par. 29-A, 31-A, 32-A

Meditation Par. 34-A

Soul Development: Nursing Par. 22

Soul Retrogression: Materiality Par. 20

TEXT OF READING 1179-8 F 12 (Protestant Background)

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 24th day of November, 1940,
in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [1158].

1. HLC: You will have before you the life existence in the earth plane of [1179],
born August 14, 1928, in Akron, Ohio, and the earthly existence of this entity in
that of Palestine at the time of the Master, as Susane, child of Cleopas. You will
give a biographical life of the entity in that day and plane of earthly existence,
from entrance - and how - into the earth's plane, and the entity's departure, giving
the development or retarding points in such an existence. You will answer the
questions, as I ask them:
2. EC: Yea - yea - Cleopas - one who walked on the road to Emmaus.
3. We are given here the records of that entity now known as [1179] - as Susane.
4. In giving the biographical sketch, while every activity may not be indicated at
once, these are chosen with the desire and purpose that this be a helpful
experience to the entity; enabling it to magnify the virtues gained, the purposes,
the ideals, and to minimize the faults or failures.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


5. It is well that something be understood of the history or the background of the

entity's environs or surroundings.
6. In the period there had been those appointed from Rome as collectors of the
various forms of tax as imposed upon and collected from the people.
7. Cleopas was among those that were of the faith of the peoples at that time, as
had been Matthew.
8. Hence it was in that environ or that shadow, as may be termed, of one
professing a faith in the teachings of the Scribes and Pharisees, yet
COLLECTING the tribute for a power over the peoples.
9. This brought condemnation to many of the household, then, from those who
adhered more to the orthodox manner of living or activity. Yet the entity, Susane,
was one that grew up during that period of the early life of the Master in the
earth; acquainted with those of the household of Joseph and Mary. For, the
entity was of the city of Capernaum at that time.
10. As to comparative ages, the entity then was near the age of the sister of the
Master; and there were the close acquaintanceships and friendships, though
there were the varied degrees of associations, owing to those questions as arose
in the various groups that were of the synagogue activities. There were the close
companionships, though, until there were the separations owing to the varied
manners of education of the two.
11. Hence the entity knew a great deal about the happenings in that household.
The acquaintanceship with Jude and James was also a part of the entity's
experience; though the entity, more than most of the holy women - as they were
eventually called years afterward - followed the teachings of the Master under the
varied circumstances; being in the areas about Bethsaida in that period of the
expression manifested when there was the feeding of the five thousand, and
when there were the rebukings of the peoples that were especially about Judas
at that time.
12. In the beginning the entity Susane rather favored the manner in which those
groups about Judas sought to proclaim Jesus as the deliverer of the peoples
from that bondage, that taxation.
13. This brought to the entity condemnation from her own groups of people.
Then with those changes as came about by the shifting of the ministry of the
Master to the area closer about Jerusalem, the entity joined with those activities
at Bethany.
14. Thus the entity in the latter portion of His ministry was near to, and present
at, those demonstrations of His power over death. And those activities of the
entity with Mary, Martha, and the closer associations that later came with the
Mother of the Master, after the Crucifixion and Resurrection, brought the periods
of the greater development.
15. For, after the Pentecost, when there were the establishings of the
ministerings to the needs of the peoples far and near, the entity sought, felt,
realized the real purposes in those tenets, those expressions of the Master
through His periods of ministry in the earth.
16. Through the days of the teachings of those who followed Stephen, Philip,
Barnabas, Paul, - all of these were a portion of the entity's relationships.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


17. The activities of the entity were the more constant in the ministry to the
physical, the mental and spiritual needs of those throughout her sojourn in the
land during those periods following the Crucifixion, those periods of the
construction and the applications of the early church.
18. The entity was not one that would in this day or period be termed a nun, but
one ministering firsthand as nurse, as one working with the hands, as one giving
counsel, as well as collecting and distributing from the sources of activities
through that experience.
19. When there were the persecutions, and the dispersing of those who had
gathered in Jerusalem, the entity was among those in the church in Laodicea,
and under the association with Lucius, Mark, Luke, Paul. There the entity
remained to be established as one of the first of the deaconesses of that church.
There the entity remained throughout the period of its earthly experience, giving
a great deal of self in the carrying on of the activities and the establishing of the
ministry of the Holy One.
20. Throughout the period the entity gained, save in that period when there was
the desire for material gains from the persecutions of the political natures. For,
as indicated, with the full concept of the purposes, the hopes, the desires, the
wishes - as it were - to be expressed by Him - who is the way, the truth, the light -
the life was given as a minister to the needs of those who sought to know the
truth that maketh men free indeed, though they may be under the shadow of a
service to a higher power materially.
21. Much of those activities in the entity's service were through the ministering to
those who were without the faith.
22. Thus in the present the entity's application may be in a ministering as a
nurse, as one who by its own life may give itself and so live that others may take
hope, may find the way, may enjoin others to a greater search for that attuning of
the self with the creative forces as manifested in Him.
23. Ready for questions.
24. (Q) Can you tell any conversation Jesus had with this child?
(A) In those periods especially at the sea, when there was the feeding of the
five thousand, there was something of the rebuke; when the entity was reminded
of its association in the household of the Master and the purposes for which His
entrance into the world had been - as He gave, not for self, not for material gain,
but that ALL should know the truth that would make ALL men free under EVERY
circumstance in a material plane.
29. (Q) Did the entity know in the Palestine experience her present father,
(A) Yes; for he was a companion of the entity's father then, on the walk to
30. (Q) What may be said to be the outstanding tendencies and urges in the
present from that sojourn?
(A) The being patient, the desiring to help those who are termed today as the
unfortunate, or the underdog, or the more diplomatic way of handling situations
with others in various ways and manners.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


31. (Q) Why was this child born into the present family?
(A) If there is the analysis of the experiences of each of the parents, there
may be easily drawn a conclusion, and why there would be the attraction for the
entity in its search for its way back to that full consciousness gained there. For,
they each had their part in, their associations with the truths that have lived, do
live in the hearts of those who seek to know that peace which passeth
understanding - as found in Him alone.
32. (Q) What was the relationship in that period with the present mother, [1158]?
(A) As indicated, oft in the household, acquainted with, and separated only
when that period came for the education. For, it is not as so oft considered, that
the family of the Master lacked material opportunities. For, from many sources
there had come the opportunities for those in the household of the Master to
have the greater training. For, that entity who is now the mother was educated
not only in the best of the land but in other lands; and yet brought together with
the companions of the entity in that experience.
33. (Q) What was the experience, the thoughts of the entity when she witnessed
the raising of Lazarus?
(A) The thought that inspires each soul to determine within self to give itself in
service to that ideal, that principle in Him.
34. (Q) Can she help her own present physical condition by her way of thinking?
(A) By deep meditation, as she saw in that experience, as given by Him to all
at the period; that to each there should be the turning within and the trusting
wholly in the power of God.
35. (Q) Did she have any other close contacts with Jesus?
(A) As indicated, these were not only in the period when she was close with
those in the household but also as she ministered; for she followed closely with
these. Oft was she in the presence of and among the throngs that heard His
ministry and His teachings to the peoples along the way.
36. We are through for the present.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



: Arcturus Par. 3
: Jupiter Par. 3
: Mars Par. 6
: Mercury Par. 3
: Moon Par. 6
: Saturn Par. 6
: Sun Par. 3
: Uranus Par. 3
: Venus Par. 3

Bible: Books Of: Job 1: 6 Par. 17

: Job 2: 1 Par. 17
: Philemon Par. 14
: Characters: Ezekiel's Armor Bearer Par. 16
: Jude: Reincarnation Par. 15

Creation Par. 17

Incarnations: Atlantis Par. 17

: Bible: New Testament: Jesus Par. 15
: Old Testament Par. 16

Life: Balanced Par. 9, 10

Planetary Sojourns Par. 3, 14, 17

Universe: Solar Systems Par. 3


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


TEXT OF READING 137-4 M 26 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 28th day of October, 1924, in
accordance with request made by self - [137] - via Brother [900].
1. GC: You will give a horoscope reading for this entity, a reading giving the
effect of the solar systems on the life and destiny of this entity in the present
earth plane, naming the planet, or position, from which the soul took its last flight.
You will give the vocation in life for which this body is most adapted, or may
adapt itself, giving also the high points in the life of former appearances, giving
the name and place of sojourn on the earth plane, with the characteristics as
brought forward in the personality in the present life.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the entity, the conditions as have been created,
the conditions irrespective of the will force in the present earth plane.
3. In this we find, with the influences of the solar systems, there are many
elements that enter to make this rather an exceptional entity in the present earth
plane, for at the time of the birth, (though the soul took its flight from Mercury,
and this brings especially vivid understandings in a material world of definite
conditions) there were so many influences in the house of birth that the body
partakes of those influences that were experienced in other spheres and planes,
and brings them to the present earth's forces and may, with the knowledge and
understanding, be able to manifest many of the unseen forces in the earth's
plane. These special influences being Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, Venus. These
all bring extraordinary vivid conditions, yet with the mental forces, especially in
the conditions of Mercury, this gives exceptional forces to the entity in many
respects. Also we find the Sun and Arcturus, the greater Sun, giving of the
strength in mental and spiritual elements toward developing of soul and of the
attributes toward the better forces in earth's spheres. This brings, especially, the
conditions of these characters:
4. One that is exceptional in many ways, manners and faculties, especially in
those of mental forces having great vision in every direction, especially those of
the unseen elements, bringing then much psychic and occult forces to the body.
5. The highest conception of all domestic relations, the highest conceptions of
honor. The highest conceptions of respect. The highest conceptions in every
relation in friendship and in every element relating to others.
6. This brings the forces that gives the greater elements in the life, yet with the
undue influence by the Moon's forces, when square to Saturn and Mars, brings
doubts within the body's mental forces. In will's realm then must the entity bring
the better forces when such conditions arise.
7. We find one then, without respect of will, as this:
8. The natural inclination to excel in every way. Not just as good but better than
the best; not with the desire to lord over others, yet not censuring other in their
9. One that with the physical in subjection tends to be mystic and visionary to
others, and brings often at such times questions from those that would be closely
associated with the body. Hence one that should give special attention to the
physical body, that the indwelling of the forces manifested through the spirit, soul
and body of the body, should be manifested well for the Maker's realm.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


10. One that should understand much of the spiritual forces, that the physical
may manifest the more perfect in the flesh.
11. One that would do well, with the physical and material, in the business of
construction or building materials, and of this nature better than of speculative
12. One that should give much time, attention, and study, to the mystic and
occult and psychic forces through the spiritual elements.
13. One that will go far in will's manifested forces in that direction, to give light to
many peoples.
14. As to appearances, we find only three: yet in that element wherein the
physical, mental and soul has developed toward the mark of higher calling, as set
in Him.
15. Just before this, we find in the days when the Master came into the Promised
Land. This entity one that followed close in the ways of the teachings as set by
Him. In the personage of the brother in the flesh, Jude. [GD's note: 5/12/29 See
137-121, Par. 5-A, elaborating on [137]'s life as Jude. Page 42 of this file.]
16. In the one before this, we find in that of the one calling the chosen people
from the Assyrian lands to the building again of the walls of the Holy City, and
this entity in that of the armor bearer for Ezekiel.
17. In that before this, we find in the days when the Sons of God came together
to reason in the elements as to the appearance of Man in physical on earth's
plane, and this entity was among those chosen as the messenger to all the
realm. The personalities as exhibited in the present plane from these:
18. In the first, that of the leniency toward all laws concerning every mode of
worship to Jehovah, and of the respect to every entity's own belief.
19. From one before that, the desire for every condition to be perfect before
attempting to build upon any foundation.
20. From the first, that of the innate forces of the love of the beautiful.
21. We are through for the present.


R1. In the early 1930's Mr. [137] and his brother [900] retired from the "street"
and became active in a small printing and greeting card company. They also
both joined the Catholic Church, although they had been born Jews and brought
up in that faith.

R2. 1/12/25 See 137-12, a Ck. Life Rdg. See subsequent rdgs. in date

R3. 7/24/25 He obtained another Ck. Life - 137-18.

R4. 3/10/26 See dream rdg. 137-64 giving additional information in re his
incarnation as Jude at time of the Master.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Bible: Books Of: Jude 1 Par. 3-A

: Characters: Jude: Reincarnation Par. 3-A, 4-A



B1. 3/8/26 Mr. [137]’s Brother [900] submitted the dreams.

TEXT OF READING 137-64 M 27 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 10th day of March, 1926, in
accordance with request made by his brother, Mr. [900].

1. GC: You will have before you the body and the enquiring mind of [137], and
the dreams this body had on the dates which I will give you. You will give the
interpretation and lesson to be gained from each of these, as I read same to you,
and you will answer the questions which I ask you regarding same.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body and the enquiring mind, [137], ..., New York City,
N.Y., and the dreams we see as come to the entity are for those experiences,
that the developing of the mental consciousness in the physical plane may gain
those necessary lessons for the development of that that builds up the spiritual
forces, as are magnified through the entity's sojourn in the physical planes.
Ready for dreams.
3. (Q) March 7 or 8, 1926. I fear to write - or as I write this I am still frightened
from this vision, but it must have had its import in my life, and it is that I seek. I
visioned something pertaining to the Lord Almighty dying, and then something
happened just one and a half years later. What happened and how does it
pertain to my present life? The death of the Lord and this subsequent happening
one and one-half years later reminded me of the death of the nineteen year old
king, Tut-ankh-amen. What relationship does the Lords' death, and a following
event (what was this event?) to the death of the nineteen year old pharaoh?
(A) In this there is seen, would the entity turn the body-mental mind
introspectively, find that the inner consciousness of the entity has dwelt upon
those lessons as have been gained by the entity from time to time, and there is
seen then, in the analysis of such retrospective view, that there have been times
and occasions when there was the physical resistance against the accepting of
the tenets as presented; yet in this latter view there is seen that which brings to
the subconscious forces that awakening of the experiences of the entity, in the
death of that One that presented the WAY to the giving of self to the service of
man, in the Son of Man, and the brother of entity [see 137-4 indicating [137] was
Jude, brother of Jesus]; and in the flesh there comes, in the year and a half after
this death, the acknowledgement of the Master as the Master of the entity, and in
that day the entity then only nineteen, as is viewed by the entity.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


As is seen by reading that as was composed by the entity in that period, and
set down now in the sacred scriptures [Jude: 1-25 verses], there is seen that the
entity in that period was the deep thinker, and one that sought out many
conditions as had been presented through the knowledge of ancient days, in that
period, and the entity likens self to that entity, in that of Tut-ankh-amen, who had
brought to his people the better understanding of the UNION of strength in the
peoples, for, as was seen in that rule, the households were gathered or knitted
together, through the efforts of that young monarch.
The entity, then, views these conditions in this subconscious retrospective
condition, and these are presented to the entity, that the lessons as were gained
may now be AGAIN presented in the life of the entity, and in this manner gain the
better UNDERSTANDING of conditions as are being presented to the entity
SUBLIMINAL SELF, bringing to the physical consciousnesses those conditions
and truths that are the FOUNDATION of LIFE, and relation with that ONE
UNIVERSAL FORCE as expressed in the physical world.
4. (Q) Did I live on earth at the time of Christ's crucifixion?
(A) As the brother.
5. (Q) Did I previously live at the time of Tut-ankh-amen's reign and death?
(A) No.
6. (Q) This seemed to refer to me - how?
(A) In the way and manner as has been presented.
7. (Q) Saw [5768] return to post on floor of Exchange.
(A) This again that presenting to the entity, a portion of conditions as are
presented through this emblematical way and form, of seeing the return of a
NORMALCY to the activities on Exchange.
8. We are through with this reading.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Bible: Books Of: Jude 9 Par. 6-A

: Jude 12 Par. 2
: Luke 23: 34 Par. 6-A
: Romans 12: 10 Par. 2
: Characters: Ezekiel Par. 5-A
: Joseph Par. 1, 2, 3
: Jude: Reincarnation Par. 1, 2, 3
: Moses Par. 6-A


Knowledge: Misapplication Par. 6-A

Soul Development: Ideals Par. 1, 2

Soul Retrogression: Self-Aggrandizement Par. 6-A


: Ideals Par. 1, 4


B1. 4/1/29 Brother [900] submitted dreams of [137] for his readings, 137-117 and

TEXT OF READING 137-118 M 30 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 6th day of April, 1929, in
accordance with request made by self, through his brother [900].

(Dream Suggestion)
1. GC: ([137]'s dream) "I beheld the hospital and a beautiful university at Virginia
Beach. [900] was established as a professor therein and I was an associate
professor, lecturing on numerology. The institution grew and the Board of Ass'n
of Nat'l Investigators grew to be a respected and powerful factor in its field of
learning and education. The latter years of our life came and with it peace and
satisfaction. Then came one eventful meeting of the board. I stood up and
addressed the numbers thereof in a rather inspirational manner. In conclusion I
said: 'Gentlemen, this is the last meeting that I shall be with you. My time has
come. I am about to die'. (It seemed I knew just the time I would die). I
admonished them to uphold the standards and ideals we had set. Upon this
solicitation over my impending death, I told them I had no fear and was ready
and willing to go. [14O], my wife, had preceded me in death.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


"Thereafter I died at the time given me and I beheld myself in spirit still
attached to my beloved work in Virginia Beach. In a few short generations or
during this period there came those into the work who exploited its institutions for
money-making and under a hypocritical purport of good sought material gain.
They sought to use the institution to gain power and wealth for themselves under
the guise of an advertised purpose to do good. The work degenerated. To
resurrect it and renew its old standards I again returned to the earth plane, into
the flesh condition of man. I entered as the son of parentage living right in
Virginia Beach. [14O], my present wife, seemed with me to earth, staying near
me. In that lifetime I again worked to enlighten the human mind and raise their
ideals through and in the Virginia Beach institution. I seemed to succeed. Again
the board of the Association and again the latter years of that experience. Again I
addressed the board for the last time saying: 'Twice before have I come into the
world to give to the world a great message. Once before in connection with this
very institution, after which you deserted its standards, ideals and purpose for a
purely material purpose of material gain. Now again have I returned and served
that the institution may be restored to serve its higher purpose for which I, as one
of its founders, originally established it. Behold, now, will you not heed that
purpose, and again turn from the ideals and practises consistent with that
2. EC: Now, we have the body, the mind of the body of [137] as respecting those
visions innately experienced through those of the presented self as was guided
by the paternal father in the experience in the earth's plane as Jude. The entity
in this experience is able to see self in the light of how the development of self in
a physical, mental manner, may be guided even in the ways as the sincerity of
self in promise to those that would aid in alleviating pain, giving the
understanding to those that seek, making the paths straight for those that err
unwittingly, and directing the feet of those that seek light in this mundane sphere
of experience - and as the self visions the experience, the GROWTH in an idea
and IDEAL is seen even as in the days when Jude - as the younger brother - felt
that this was but a questioning of fates as drew people to an idea of an ideal life,
an ideal experience; yet fostering same there is experienced in the heart and
mind of the man, as the years go by - and as the individual cries out, in how that
there is left no way in which man may find access to the knowledge of the
Creative Energy, of God, save through Him who had given Himself in no
UNCERTAIN way and the path is made straight for those that seek the light
through the expressing in self's earthly experience those of - not dejection in self,
not making self of the way of those that would bring physical pain for the mere
presenting to a peoples a phase of persecution in self - but rather that those that
do such become as clouds without water, that only cast a shadow - and it does
no man good, either in the way of reflection or in the experiences of a material

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


life; but only in the LIVING OF the ideal, only in the practising of that preached -
on the belief in the oneness of self with that whole universal force - and in the
application of self in same may one gain the full understanding; and, as is still
visioned, the entity becomes in the practise of same even as "my son Jude" did.
So may "David" [GD's note: David was [137]'s middle name in this life, which EC
said it would be well to call him.] in this present experience become the
interpreter, the director, in the field of the prophecy and the prophet to "mine
peoples, " and to those and to Him who teaches Israel in the ways that go down
by the sea - and in directing these, even self may choose - even as the brother in
that experience brought self again into a material world to still magnify that name
- that name - that becomes on every tongue that of the CRUCIFIED one in the
manner that self is crucified to the fleshly desires, that the spirit of man be not
proud - but rather preferring the spirit of the Holy One before self, and
considering the neighbor as thine self.
3. Then, in the manner as experienced may the entity - may the body present
self, so conduct, so guide, so direct others as to bring MANY an one to a more
perfect understanding - and may the work of the hands be blessed in thy
EARTHLY days, even as thou wilt be and hast been blessed through the
understanding that may be delivered from thine own directing force - thine father,
even the carpenter, who brought through those trying days of the dwellings in the
holy land - thine own understanding to the minds, the hearts, of a waiting people.
4. Then, bind up thine feet - My Son, keep thine ways aright, knowing there is the
advocate with the Father, even as thy own self had before the foundations of the
earth were laid - and as the foundation of that school may be laid in the efforts of
thine own hand as a material witness of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual
attributes of those that gather under thine guiding hand, so keep the ways, the
feet, the hands of those that direct same, and when thou art called into account
of those deeds done IN the body, blessed will be those that come under the
directing of thine endeavors! Keep - Keep - the faith - the promise in thine self,
that WE - in THIS plane - may keep in thee the guiding light to many a soul
seeking the way. Ready - Ready - Let's Go!
5. (Q) Will [900] and I be established in the university as predicted in the
(A) Will self keep that as is committed unto thy keeping, then the promises are
sure in David - and in THINE efforts will much good come to mine people, and as
the prophets - which the self understood, as the recorder for Ezekiel - so will
those records made by self in THAT institution become a light to the world in
understanding of what is written in Gezer(?). [Gizeh?]
6. (Q) Will my wife precede me in death and will I be able to foretell my own
death as given in the prophecy?
(A) Even as thine earthly brother gave, "I go up to be bound of those that know
not what they do" - even so will self be able to know within self that which is to
take place in material planes. Be not overcome by much knowledge. Be not
overdone nor undone by that as may be given. Remember, mine son, that thou
saidst of him who DID wage war - even with Him - concerning the body of Moses,
whom thou may even direct - that though he recognized his power, yet railed he

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


not - but said, "God will deal with thee." Not of thine OWN power may these
forces be done - but flesh and blood may manifest a spiritual truth, but may not
ORDER a spirit in ANY direction! Aid and succor may come THROUGH flesh
and blood, even to those near the pit - yet there is fixed that impassable gulf, and
he that makes his will one WITH the FATHER may be committed a care through
His direction. Keep that as is given, my son, and err not in well-doing; for oft, as
has been said, those that call upon the forces only in distress may be heard from
afar. Keep thine self CLOSE, that those that would direct may be ever near thee
- for the stumbling block ALWAYS lies in self-aggrandizement of power and
ability stored in one's own self, in the misuse of self in relation one to another.
Keep the faith, My Son - Keep the faith -
7. We are through.


R1. 4/9/29 See brother's reading, 900-434 interpreting other dreams had by

R2. See subsequent dreams and warnings in later readings.

R3. 5/18/30 See Atlantic University reading, 2087-3, Par. 13-A, apparently
referring to above 137-118 as to ideal and purpose.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Bible: Books Of: Haggai 2: 8 Par. 5-A

: Isaiah 11: 1 Par. 6-A
: Joshua 24: 15 Par. 3
: Mark 3: 35 Par. 5-A
: Matthew 12: 50 Par. 5-A
: Psalms 23 Par. 5-A
: Psalms 50: 10 Par. 5-A
: Characters: Ezekiel Par. 6-A--8-A
: Joseph Par. 4-A--8-A
: Jude: Reincarnation Par. 3, 4-A--8-A

Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes:

"Content But Not Satisfied" Par. 3

TEXT OF READING 137-120 M 30 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 27th day of April, 1929, in accordance with request
made by self - [137].

1. [137]: Now you will have before you the body of [137], who is located in this
room. Also the associations and environments of the body. If it is fit, the Forces
- whom we know are perfect in all their givings - will answer the prayers of this
body, in its desire of understanding and of becoming in understanding the
oneness with the One, and his desire of doing his part rationally and normally in
the development of the teachings being undertaken by him and his associates.
May his prayers, if seen fit, be answered, and will questions please be answered.
2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [137]. This we have had
before, and many come and seek to give counsel to the body at this time. In
seeking knowledge, my son, and the oneness of the purpose of the sojourn in the
earth's sphere during this experience, take much counsel in that thou taught in
thine experience with thy brother, who gives thee oneness of the forces as may
be made manifest in the material plane. And as the application of the various
experiences of self in this plane come to the better understanding through
application, the oneness of thine own experience will be made more and more
clear to self in the ways in which the associates, the daily contacts, are drawn to
self in that as is shed abroad through that self is able to accomplish through the
contact OF the oneness of forces as are made manifest in this material plane.
Not all in moneys, houses, stocks or bonds, but each in their place, their time,
and in their way serve to fill the purpose of man's understanding of that one truth
that was so often given by self in that OTHER period: that all forces in the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


material plane are manifestations of the unseen plane, or the evolutions of life
are as the evolutions of the spiritual life. And even as the sound of many waters,
or of mighty winds that bring into the various experiences of man of the unseen
channels that have effect in the daily life, these are but manifestations of the One
Spirit. And self, kept in that way that brings to thine understanding the varied
conditions as are presented, only aids self in the greater development in each
and every phase of understanding. And as the body physical, the bodily efforts
in the mental man, become the pictures of those elements that make up the inner
man, so will the various manifestations enable the self to expand in the various
fields, as not only that of a man well rounded in the material side, but able,
capable, and with an understanding heart and purpose teach, manifest, those
very powers, by the laying on of hands or by the speaking of the word, even as
thou hast accomplished in the present understanding.
3. These, as thou knowest, have been given as ensamples of that as may be
accomplished in keeping self in at-onement with the forces as are manifest in this
plane, whether of the material, of the mental, of the spiritual; they are one, even
as "I and thy Father are one." In Him and through His understanding comes the
satisfaction of the CONTENTED life. Not satisfied ever, other than in well-doing -
but in the states of development let each contend as they may, but ever let thy
watchword be, "Others do as they may, but for me and mine house, WE will
serve" - and in service find even that as was given, "Though He was led as the
lamb, yet opened He not his mouth" - for He took upon himself the sins, or
obligations, of many, that there might be the better understanding, the better
knowledge of that oneness as is manifest in that thou walkest in that way. Ready
for questions.
4. (Q) Was this father Joseph speaking?
(A) I, even I, Joseph, as I last - as thou knowest in thine self - leaned upon
thine arm, as I commended to thee, Jude, that thou wouldst not lightly consider
those deeds as were being done even in thine own house. Even in the shadow
of thine own domicile hast thou seen and known, my son, the various
understandings that come with the full knowledge of WEAKNESS in self alone,
but mighty strength in Him that makes the path straight for those that would trust
in the Oneness of all love - law - understanding. Yes, I - even I, Joseph, again
commend unto you that as thou hast promised in self. Keep - keep - Oh keep
aright, in the ways that bring the greater love.
5. (Q) In the prophesy made before this question, was it referred to that there is a
possibility that by keeping in the right way so-called miracles can and will be
performed -
(A) By self, even as awakening in the minds and hearts of each individual that
thou associates with, there comes the knowledge of, that THIS man has gotten
the GLORY of the Father and it shines in the day, and in every act of the body
and mind. And as fear is put aside there comes the full knowledge of that as was
said of old, "The cattle and the gold are mine, and I WILL recompense, in that
thou mayest come unto me and serve, " saith the Lord of Hosts; for even HE
approachest near to thine own couch, and has hallowed it in thine meditations,
and brought to thee that as is in thine hand, the abilities of hosts to give the

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


better understanding of even David as he cried unto the Lord in his tribulations,
or his gladness, when he said, "Though I walk through the valley, His rod, His
staff, they comfort me. My cup runneth over. SURELY goodness and mercy
shall FOLLOW ME, EVEN as I show goodness and mercy to these, my brethren.
And who is my brother? Who is my father, my mother? He that doeth the will of
Him that gave me the OPPORTUNITY to make manifest that He commits unto
my keeping, saith the Lord of hosts." Keep, O keep, my son, that as is
committed, as thou hast promised in self, and He is faithful to those to whom He
may be faithful, through their faith and faithfulness.
6. (Q) Is the promise referred to, "Be thou faithful until I come and thine desires
shall be fulfilled"?
(A) That is the promise, for in thee many will call thine associates, thine self,
thine brother, blessed; and through thee there will in his hand be established that
there is STILL a rod in Jessie, and in DAVID - for my servant David's sake will I
bless many that approach the holy, holy, city. Even in that thou undertakest, it
shall PROSPER in thine hand. That thou sowest will magnify, even in thine own
sight. That thou leadest will NOT go astray, for I have spoken, even through
Joseph, to thee, my servant DAVID.
7. (Q) Is this the same blessing as was given directly from Jehovah?
(A) Directly from the throne, O son, would thy blessings come, and keep thou
faithful to the end.
8. (Q) Is "My son David" in Ezekiel myself, now?
(A) My son David in Ezekiel, in Jude, myself - [137] now known among men by
this moniker; yet - yet I, I will call on thee saith the Lord of hosts to come into a
greater light in the affairs of men, as the director in the affairs of many a
FINANCIAL undertaking. Let these, my son, not turn thine heart from SERVICE
to thy brother.
9. We are through.


R1. 5/6/29 See brother's rdg. 900-440 interpreting dreams also for [137].

R2. 5/9/29 See brother's reading 900-441 in regards to business relations of

[900] and [137], also past incarnation influences of [137].

R3. 5/11/29 Ditto 900-442.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Bible: Books Of: Jude Par. 5-A

: Characters: Ezekiel Par. 7-A
: Jacob Par. 6-A

Environment: Greece: Achaia Par. 5-A


: Human Relations Par. R1

Names: People Mentioned: Cayce, Hugh Lynn Par. R1

: Davis, Gladys Par. R1
: Sugrue, Thomas Par. R1

Prophecy: Archaeology Par. 5-A

Work: E.C.: Groups: Reincarnation Par. R1

: Historical Basis Par. R1


B1. See [137]'s previous Life Readings.

TEXT OF READING 137-121 M 30 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 12th day of May, 1929.

1. [900]: You will have before you [137] and [900]. You will answer the questions
I will ask you regarding these, the first being regarding [137] who seems to have
intuitively worked out many past associations that he was associated with as
Jude and in other incarnations. The one he seeks here is, who in the earth plane
now was his wife as Jude?
2. EC: His mother-in-law! [4255]
3. You see, there has been much given the body [137] as respecting the intuitive
abilities of the body in many varied and different directions. The body [is] one of
the few who has taken self sufficiently in hand as to prove in self's own
consciousness that of the reality of the continuity of forces manifest in the body
from experience to experience. One who has literally, from the material
viewpoint, accepted that as has been given to many of those of old who sought
to conduct their individual physical experience by the tenets of divine law and

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


In that as was said to David, "Try me - Seek me", saith the Lord - and the
body, [137], has sought in the direction of, would the divine forces show to self
that the experience of Jude was an experience of reality in the earth's plane,
through the application of powers innate in self as respecting the effect of
suggestive forces to individuals in their action. This has been proven to the entity,
and so again and again many of those forces as are expressing themselves in
the daily thought of the body [are] made manifest as respecting associations,
affiliations, conditions, to be met. And in the same manner as the body finds the
conditions, so must the body keep self in the way that will not bring
condemnation, nor even the breaking up of the thought as to the abilities of self
and promises to the Creative Energy, and to self. See?
4. (Q) That is, he bears the same relationship now as he did as Jude to his wife
(A) The same.
5. (Q) Then, his conclusion regarding that written by Jude to his wife is correct?
(A) Correct. This has been given the body [GD's note: 10/28/24 See 137-4
and its 3/21/78 Reports.], that in the reading of that written, as has been
translated - this not all the letter as printed, and the body may in the days to
come gain physical possession of much more that was written by the entity in
that period; for with the breaking up of the groups, the body served in the land
that is to become soon a source of knowledge to peoples seeking to know of the
records as were put away during the 90th, 96th and 97th year after the Lord's
ascension. The entity (Jude) wrote much in the confinement at that place now
called Achaia (?), [Achaia (?), Acts 18: 12, Province of Rome in Greece?] and
with the unearthing of those tombs to which the body was then confined, there
will come - on the tablets in the rolls that will be taken from these in the days to
come - much more of the writings of the body.
6. (Q) He feels, likewise, that our father's name (in the last incarnation [5769]) at
the time of the building of the walls of the temple was Jacob.
(A) Jacob, the builder over the gate, and the keeper of the exchequer, or
moneys as were brought in by the various bands that continued to return during
this rebuilding.
7. (Q) Was [2886] standard bearer to [137] in that period?
(A) Standard bearer to the scribe to Ezekiel, or the keeper of the records of the
peoples under Ezekiel, who builded during that period. The standard bearer in
that period meaning the one that waited on the scribe and assisted in the keeping
of the records.
8. (Q) What would be the intuitive relationship between the two, and between
[140] and [2886] - all who dwelt at that period and time. Did I know them then?
(A) The relationship, that of the protector - for the feeling of innate belief in the
sincerity of the individual, yet the condemning of error in any position of trust. In
the meeting of such ones, there is ever the feeling of having known, or being
some common knowledge that is inexplainable to the consciousness, save as of
associations. All [were] associated during that period. We are through.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



R1. [The following was originally Supplement]
Being a treatise on the entity's relations and relationships with the officers and
trustees of the Association of National Investigators and various other members.
Compiled and edited by the Historical Committee of the Association of National
Investigators, Inc., at Virginia Beach, Va.: Thomas J. Sugrue, Hugh Lynn Cayce
and Gladys Davis.
[GD's note: The actual writing here seems to be Thomas Sugrue's in the first
part and Hugh Lynn Cayce's in the last part. As a member of the Committee, I
only furnished the material.]
Now we find in this entity's past appearances a stressing of the religious,
mystical, and philosophical; which in the present give that high-mindedness and
altruistic vein of thought and desire, bringing the entity close to the spirit forces
and in sympathy with mysteries and truths of life as exhibited in religious worship
and the study of philosophy and metaphysics.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God." St. John 1: 1. 137-4
In that before this, we find in the days when the Sons of God came together to
reason in the elements as to the appearance of man in physical on earth's plane,
and this entity was among those chosen as the messenger to all the realm...that
of the innate forces of the love of the beautiful. 137-4
In this appearance there is none of the physical urges of man, none of the
retarding motives, only the greatness of God and the beauty of His truth.
In this appearance is the basis of that common sense and far - seeing insight
into basic causes and circumstances. It is the ingredient necessary to make the
dreamer and idealist a balanced and rational character. Few who have the love of
beauty and the instinct of art have this gift. It would be well that they did. 137-4
In the one before this, we find in that of the one calling the chosen people from
the Assyrian lands to the building again of the walls of the Holy City, and this
entity in that of the armor bearer for Ezekiel...the desire for every condition to be
perfect before attempting to build upon any foundation. 137-4
Here the entity met with the peoples as are contacted today, and this is the
only period of such contacts. In the associations here is found the key of the
urges in the present. These will be given later.
"Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus
Christ unto eternal life." Jude 1: 21. 137-4
Just before this, we find in the days when the Master came into the Promised
Land. This entity one that followed close in the ways of the teachings as set by
Him. In the personage of the brother in the flesh, Jude...that of the leniency
toward all laws concerning every mode of worship to Jehovah, and of the respect
to every entity's own belief. 137-4

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Now the urge of the spiritual and beautiful is made stronger and carries on to
this present life unhampered by any later appearance in the flesh. It would seem
that in these three appearances such great strides have been made by the entity
that almost perfection has been reached. Then in the present we would expect
to find one very close to the spirit plane, and very much in harmony with the
universal forces as manifested through the entity and those contacted with.
In the beginning the entity was in the spirit plane when the decision was made
to inhabit the bodies of earth. This period has no history for us, only wonder and
awe, and the dream of going back.
The next period concerns the prophet Ezekiel. Now Ezekiel was a Hebrew
prophet, being one of the temple priests deported to Babylon by
Nebuchadnezzar in 597 B.C. He received the prophetic call in the fifth year of
his exile, and came back with the message. His message at first consisted
largely of denunciations of his countrymen both in Babylon and Palestine; but
after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. he became a prophet of consolation,
promising the eventual deliverance of the chosen people and their restoration.
Then the entity was armor-bearer to Ezekiel, and [257] was in the position as
scribe to the same master. [900] was among those who worked on the walls,
and also [953], the latter being defender of the south gate; [140] [present wife]
was then, as now, the wife of the entity, and advanced much in this period. [143]
[present daughter] was in the household of Ezekiel, and close to the entity and
his wife; and [5769] [present father] at that time was builder of the gate and
Chancellor of the Exchequer. [106] [present mother] was in the city and one of
the chosen people, having much to do with the rebuilding of the city. [903] [wife
at present of [257]] was present also, learning much from the teachers and
contacting with all in the holy work. [136] [present sister-in-law] died as a child
here, but [142] [present nephew] was scribe to the high priest and gained much
in the service of others. [4162] [brother of [257] at present] was a worker on the
walls, and [2653] [brother of 257]] was keeper of the shew bread, both gaining.
[759] [young son of [257]] was physician to Ezekiel and the peoples, and gave
much and gained much.
Mrs. [5673] [nurse at Cayce Hospital] was sister to [257] in this period. In the
present she is nurse at the hospital.
[165] was armor-bearer to Sanballat, who resisted the builders and lost, for
they builded for a purpose, [953] was the one sent to treat with Sanballat then,
and there will be an urge of antagonism between he and [165].
Many others were in this period, including [943] as priest; and information as to
the other participants can readily be given if desired.
The Second Palestine period is that of Christ, and the history is that of the
New Testament. It seems that the book of Jude was a letter to his wife, [4255]
an unbeliever; who in the present is the entity's mother-in-law; and in the same
position of unbelieving it would seem.
These we shall give as to officers and trustees and employees of the
Association and Hospital; and any others can be added at the request of entity.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


As to [900], the contact is in the first Palestine period, when [900] worked with
[953] on the south gate. Present is the urge to cooperate in one common cause
for one common good, serving the one Master.
[195] has never been contacted before. Both are highly developed, the urges
are good; both should cooperate free from any hindering hang-overs.
[953] superintended the building of the south gate of the Holy City under
Ezekiel, and there was task-master to [900]. He will therefore feel dominant to
this entity, but should cooperate in the one cause with others of this period and
side. Enmity for [165] as opposing force. He was in the court of Herod later, but
lost his life in the invasion of Pilate, thereby being eliminated before the coming
of Christ.
[257] will work with the entity, from the appearance together under Ezekiel.
But later the entity [257] as a Saracen in the time of Christ held aloof the best of
himself from the teachings of the Master. Entity [137] will feel and recognize now
the same holding off in this man. Remember the three negative urges of the
entity [257] burning strange fire on the altar; that is, misrepresentation,
exaggeration, and the holding aloof of the best of himself from the work. Aid him
in overcoming these by example and gentle teachings. He respects and will
work with the entity, therefore lead him right. Refuse to talk the business angle
of the work with him, as he tends to overstress it. Only these two contacts, and
they tend for cooperation.
[341] was with the entity in the beginning, and from the spirit plane comes the
same love of the beautiful and same desire for the same high ideal. Later as
Andrew the same urge, the same following, the same Master. Urges are all
good, and these two should understand innately the ideals and desires of each
other and work for their accomplishment in complete harmony.
[2694] has never been contacted before, but has developed as an amiable
person and a go-between for everyone, being able to approach either side and
conduct a reasonable understanding. Needs only the occasional perking up as
to ideals and purpose, as these are apt to slip from his perspective.
[294] was in the beginning, and nowhere else do we find contact. Then there
is the innate desire and ideal, the beautiful urge for the same high goal; and we
have the promise given before birth of the entity to assist. Perfect cooperation
and harmony should result. Only that one sensible urge for a firm foundation as
to business angles should ever arise between two, and it is best to see the firm
foundation always laid.
[288] has never been met before. Her urges are strong in the fear of
oppression and the wrong-doing of man. A very sensitive nature feeling the
slightest hurt deeply.
Only in Palestine did [136] [present sister-in-law] appear with the entity, and
then she died as a child. Her closeness to [900] will give her the better urge, but
she is at-variance at times, and may hinder the entity [900] in his reaching for the
Mrs. [538] has not been met before. Her position as wife of [294] brings an
understanding and the innate feeling that entity understands.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


In Palestine [165] was met, and was opposed to all that party. Now all the
families of [137, 900] and [257] were there, and this entity has an urge to oppose
these people. Handle him carefully with gloves. Allow him the Vice-President
idea - in a high position, yet holding only the function he is capable of. Do not
shut him out because he does not understand. Help him.
[903] [wife of [257]] was met in the first Palestine period, with all the rest, and
the urge of cooperation in one project under one Master carries over and brings
harmony of relationship. But her closeness to [257] will bring antagonism if it is
thought he is being bucked.
Dr. [204] has not been met before. With others he has an urge arising from
the oppression of several periods. As with [165], so with Dr. [204].
[849] has not been met before. He is very close to [900] and [341], and has
through every period been subjected to the writing urge. This with three
experiences as priest bring him to the capability of writing and interpreting the
philosophy of the work and all other publicity.
[5453] has not been met before. His experiences fit him for his work. He has
no antagonisms, being peculiarly fitted to an amiable disposition.
Neither Dr. [5618] or Mrs. [760] have been met before. Dr. [5618] is fitted
through the Egyptian period to be one to keep the opposing sides together, going
to neither one. Later he has the urges of a doctor. Mrs. [760] has all the urge for
her present position of matron and house-mother. [1005] has not been contacted
before nor has [419]. These latter two have close associations with [195] in the
field of science and building.
Mrs. [5673] can be looked to for cooperation and understanding. Her
appearance with you in Palestine tends to this, as does her Egyptian appearance
with the other members.
In summing up we find the entity having a peculiar set of appearances.
Prominent and dominant are the urges of high-mindedness and idealism,
closeness to God and the Universal Forces. Without the Egyptian appearance
then the entity has no trouble with any members of the Association. In the First
Palestine period the only enmity gained was that of [165], largely overcome by
[165] himself later, for he was in the wrong. In this period entity gained the
stabilizing influence necessary to the balanced and rational life, and also came
very close to all the members of his present family and those of [257]'s family.
So the entity is fortunate in appearances, and more than any other has few
urges to overcome and can understand and advance in the work without
preliminary trouble.
R2. GD's note: 7/23/29 See Historical Committee's analysis of [137]'s brother,
[900]'s associations, with same group, etc., filed in 900-275 Supplement.

R3. 4/25/78 GD's note: The extracts from 137-4 used in the original report as
supplement to 137-121 were paraphrased by Tom Sugrue and Hugh Lynn
Cayce. Their paraphrased quotes were changed by me to verbatim quotes when
this supplement was retyped.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 137-123 M 30 [edited]

Bible: Books Of: John 14 Par. 23-A, 24-A

: Characters: Andrew: Reincarnation Par. 17-A, 18-A, 20-A
: Bartholomew: Par. 21-A, 22-A, 23-A
: Jude: Par. 23-A
: Peter: Par. 17-A--20-A

Business Advice Par. 15-A--17-A

Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed Par. 5, 12-A, R1

Environment: Locality: Change Par. 5, 12-A--14-A, R1

Knowledge: Application Par. 10-A, 11-A

Work: E.C.:
: Dissemination Par. 10-A, 11-A
: Spirit Communication Par. 17-A--26-A

TEXT OF READING 137-123 M 30 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 28th day of July, 1929, in
accordance with request made by self - [137].

1. [137]: You will have before you the body of [137], present in this room, and
[140] located in Deal Beach, N.J., and conditions surrounding these bodies. You
will first give a physical check on [140], then answer the questions I have before
me, and then give spiritual counsel and advice to [137].
2. EC: Yes, we have the body and enquiring mind [137], and [140]. These we
have had before.

5. As for the body [137], present, here we find much of that as has been given as
to how the intuitive influences for, in, and about the body, may bring in the
physical conditions that as is desired for the body. WELL, however, that
occasional rest from anxiety of the physical attributes be given, and these are
best made on great expanses of water. THESE we would occasionally do.
Ready for questions.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


10. (Q) In [140]'s mental condition, how can she be brought more in attunement
with the ideas and ideals of the Association?
(A) By personal application of the various experiences as come to the body
from time to time. That is, as these influences, as are so often about the body,
give their expression in physical and mental enforcement to the body, these,
applied by self - and it may not be applied by anyone else! - these, applied by
self, will bring the better attunement.
11. (Q) How can I help that application?
(A) In prayer.
12. (Q) Regarding the suggested water trip for [137], would August 20th be a
good day to start, considering business, [140], [143], and all associates? [See
137-124, Par. 5-A again advising the trip.]
(A) Good day. [See 9/2/29 ltr. under 137-123 Reports, Par. R1.]
13. (Q) Was that deduction figured out through numerology or its use?
(A) Through the astrology WITH numerology.
14. (Q) Can that be developed in the physical on this plane?
(A) It may.
15. (Q) In the business of [137] - [900] Brothers, is the trust given Kaufman wise?
(A) Wise.
16. (Q) He will not abuse that?
(A) Will not abuse that as long as under the influences of these that are
counseling and reasoning with this body.
17. (Q) The body [137] has had numerous visions, experiences - some recorded
and others unrecorded - one of which was given to [900] and said, "Tell [137] the
year book of 1913 has been affirmed."
(A) This, as visioned, is related to those conditions as are in the minds of
these individuals as respecting the developments of those interests and
conditions for others that are near and dear to each, and, as is seen, as there is
the consideration of the contemplated expansion of the efforts in this direction,
these refer to the aids as may come from ones that came into the experience of
this year, in this way and manner. This one coming - the entity being that one
whom the body in its experience counseled with oft, and who was as the father
(earthly) and counsellor (spiritually) during the experience of Jude, and in the
development of this body there will come into the association of the body, [137],
this individual, who, when he comes, will be known to the body as the one who
will be able to assist the body and those associated with same in carrying out the
continuation of the year book, or the review of the experiences through the
psychic field. Then, being forewarned, be prepared when this experience comes
to counsel with and be of aid to such an one, and he will be pointed out, even as
his brother called him aforetime to the counsel of Him they both defended.
18. (Q) Does this mean -
(A) Andrew will call his brother again to the attention of [900], [137], of the
experiences of his brother Peter in this period, see?
19. (Q) Is the body Peter living today?
(A) Born in 1913.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


20. (Q) That is the entity referred to?

(A) And will be brought by Andrew to the attention of these entities, as
relating to these conditions. [See 311-6 Par. 8-A, 9/19/31. See 341-51, Par. 11-
A, 12-A on 4/3/43.]
21. (Q) Is [5767] one of the prophets or disciples of the Master?
(A) Bartholomew.
22. (Q) He was Bartholomew?
(A) Bartholomew.
23. (Q) Why is my liking for him so marked?
(A) On account of those associations that endeared all of the apostles or
disciples to this entity Jude in that experience when, through hardships, many
gained the better concept of those experiences through which each were
passing. As is seen in the present experience, this - or these entities, thrown
together under different circumstances, yet each find in the other that confidence
that is not wholly understandable to either - yet, were these to read together,
even this as is given by the Beloved - "The Father pitieth those that would seek
after Him" - or again in "In my Father's house are many mansions; were it not so I
would have told you. I go to prepare a place, that where I am ye may be also.
Me ye have known, and the way ye know, for I am the way, the truth, and the
light. Had ye not known me ye would not have known the Father, but seeing me,
in me ye see the Father also. If I go not away the spirit will not come unto you,
but I go to the Father, and the spirit will ABIDE with you and bring to your
REMEMBERANCE all things whatsoever I have said unto you." These - this,
mine son - and thou wilt see, even in the counsel of thine own hearts, as men,
THIS fulfilled in the street, in the market place, or in thine OWN home.
24. (Q) Is this from the Master?
(A) Joseph - I, Joseph, would counsel you thus. These, my son, the words of
the Master, even as spoken through the Beloved in that of His record. Read
them there.
25. (Q) Why is it, Father Joseph, that it seems at times impossible for me to get
the counsel from you, that at other times comes so readily?
(A) Oft is the reticence, my son, produced by the surroundings, that prevent
the gathering close together. As has been given thee, when thou would counsel,
draw thyself apart, and there we will commune one with another; for, as the way
is opened, and the understanding gained more and more is the spirit made
manifest in little everyday affairs among men, even as thou hast been able to
know those whom ye counseled within days of yore - yet in THIS, thine day of
strength, give ear and heed to those periods when I come - and when the Master
bids, even as here - mine son, mine brother, even as the Father in me was
shown in the life thou gavest for the cause in me, even as the study thou madest
of the words as written by the ones of old, they become as words of wisdom in
the counsel thy words gave to others; so, in this day, know that the spirit is
abroad, and when there is cause for that defense as thou so well gave of old, I,
thy brother, am with you, will keep you, will guard you, and guide you, and HOLD
you by the hand!

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


26. (Q) May we always be worthy of this guidance and trust! Will it be possible, at
any of these instructions of the higher forces, for me to see in physical form
either the Master or Joseph?
(A) Both will come in the days as are to come, mine son, and you will see the
various developments of the various manifestations as will be seen. These are
present, ever, in and about you when thou callest on the Lord.
27. We are through.

REPORTS OF READING 137-123 M 30 [edited]

11/2/29 See 900-459, advice to [900] and [137] in re Wall Street crisis.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 137-125 M 31 [edited]

Bible: Characters: John: Beloved Par. 14-A--16-A

: Judas Iscariot: Reincarnation Par. 17-A, 18-A, 19-A
: Jude Par. 10-A--21-A

Ideals: Belief Par. 10-A

Jesus: Miracles Par. 24-A

Life: Balanced Par. 4-A

Lightning Par. 24-A

Mind: Memory: Soul Par. 5-A

Prophecy: Reincarnation: Bible Characters:

John: Beloved Par. 15-A, 16-A

Work: E.C.: Spirit Communication: Jesus Par. 10-A--21-A

TEXT OF READING 137-125 M 31 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 15th day of November, 1929, in
accordance with request made by Mr. [137] and Mr. [900].

1. [137]: You will have before you [137] and [900] with their intent and purpose,
2. EC: Yes, we have the bodies here, [137] and [900]. These we have had
before. Much may be said respecting these entities and their associations. As
has been given, this union of strength manifested in the material, moral, social
and the financial manners, will wield and influence, and a power that will be
envied by many. For, as has been seen in the making of intent, purport in the
heart, manifesting same in the life the experiences brings about for each that as
is necessary for the development of each, for the understanding of each, and that
promise as has been given in "Who honoreth me, Him will I exalt. He that
furnisheth bread for the brothers shall control many cities. He that honoreth his
God shall not go without full recompense, saith the Lord. For him that I have
loved, him will I also raise up. Him that teacheth his brother the right way, shall
not go unrewarded. Keep thy hands clean. Keep thy strength in me. Love the
Lord. Forget not his benefits. Keep always that in shadow in thine
remembrance, for I will repay, saith the Lord. I will protect thee. AMEN."
3. In the application of the various truths, one needs only to continue acting as
one believes to bring this about. This applies, whether in material or secular
conditions of life. In life one finds the energies are not lost, although the physical
may be so overburdened as to become weary. Keep, then, the physical body fit.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Be not unmindful that this also is necessary, for, as is seen, in application made
by teacher or believer, results are what count to the masses of people.
4. (Q) What may be done regarding the physical of these bodies?
(A) Much has been given and said regarding this. Apply that already given as
application is made of other things already given. Build in self, but until ability to
do this is obtained, apply the remedies given, meeting changes in the physical as
indicated. Rest, play, work and think. Keep self attuned to consciousness of life
in its entirety.
5. (Q) Is [137] capable of teaching that which he is not now teaching? or in a
way he is not now teaching?
(A) As given, each teach in their own way. One, the exalter, teacher and
lecturer. The other, in his teaching and talking, and addresses, manifests in a
way that makes for strength in him who does the teaching by word of mouth.
Yes, teach and be not afraid, for in the hour that you stand before those would
hear, it will be given thee what to say. Even as he brought to remembrance the
promise, for memory brought in the light of consciousness is the outpouring of
spirit. (Memory is the mind of the soul.)

10. (Q) One on the floor of the Stock Exchange said to me, "There never will be a
Jewish banker equal to Morgan." I answered, "Never is a long time," and felt that
I with my associates will one day reach this point.
(A) This will be realized beyond thine own or thine associates, fondest
dreams. While [900] rules through introspection of a few, for thee there will be
many, and thine Brother will guide thee in all that thou doest.
In understanding, does strength, power and might come.
Take this and keep it with thee in thy heart, and in thine mind always. With
power of money, with position, and wealth, comes greater responsibility. But ye
know in whom ye believed, and He is able to keep you against that day.
11. (Q) Is this my brother Jesus talking?
(A) He speaks with thee often in thy meditations and prayers. [5/18/30 See
2087-3, Par. 13-A.]
12. (Q) Will I be able to see Jesus?
(A) You will.
13. (Q) In John, thou saidest, "after my death, the Comforter will come." Who is
the Comforter today?
(A) The Comforter is the gift of the Holy spirit, for it sheds abroad in dark
places, and Him that keepeth my counsel is brought to the full understanding,
and is brought to remembrance of that walk with Him.
14. (Q) Which of the disciples was the one you loved the best?
(A) John. Upon this one Jude leaned in days when chains and bonds held
thee. Freed with him and then sent into the wilderness for thy tenderness. He
(John) will aid you.
15. (Q) Is John now in the flesh?
(A) "John yet abides in me."
16. (Q) Will he again come into the flesh?
(A) That remains yet to be seen.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


17. (Q) Is [5770] Judas Iscariot?

(A) "Judas Iscariot, betrayer of me."
18. (Q) He is a fine man today.
(A) A fine man and leans upon thee. Many have been the trials of this soul in
the destruction of many places and cities. Yet, though today with much of what
the world calls material bounty, he leans upon thee - yet, this soul leans on thee.
19. (Q) Should he be introduced into the work at Virginia Beach?
(A) Yes, the more that are gathered in His name, the greater is the strength
thereof. [See 137-125 Reports.]
20. (Q) Am I guided when and in my approach to others regarding this?
(A) "Thou art. In the hour that thou speakest I put it into thine heart what to
say. For oft in prayer do I speak with thee."
21. (Q) Was [330], my wife [140]'s uncle, there among us?
(A) Not among the direct followers, no, but among those who aided thee in

24. (Q) The experience [of 900] in France while under a tree which the lightning
struck, is this a demonstration of thy protecting force?
(A) This should be a literal demonstration to thee, son of the divine that
would, and does, manifest through thee. Had such occurred in the days when
thou walkest in the hills, it would have been called a miracle. In this day, it is a
miracle still, for sufficient of force passed, not only through the tree, but through
thee, to have destroyed physically many lives, yet, it but cleansed thee.
25. (Q) Does this demonstrate what you mean when you say "I am with you"?
(A) I am and will be with you always, even unto the end.
26. We are through for the present.

[Prayer said aloud by [137] at end of above reading: Our Father, my brother and
myself now bow our heads in gratitude for this beautiful reading, council and
guidance. We pray we may live to merit it and carry out thy purpose. AMEN.]


R1. 12/10/85 GD's note: In re Questions and Answers Par. 17 through 19. A
case number was given to protect Judas' identity in this incarnation. He was a
Gentile this time. We have never had contact with him other than through Mr.
[137]'s questions. Mr. [137] said that [5770] was a good man and the reading
verified it. Several readings referred to Judas indicating that he had not intended
harm to Jesus, who had said to Judas "That thou doest, do quickly." Judas
thought Jesus would evade those seeking to harm him. He had seen Jesus do it
many times. [See index under BIBLE: CHARACTERS: JUDAS, throwing more
light on Judas the man.]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 137-126 M 31 [edited]

Attitudes & Emotions: Fear Par. 4, 7-A--12-A, 14-A

Bible: Characters: Jude: Reincarnation Par. 12-A, 13-A

Human Relations: Counsel Par. 4, 7-A, 10-A, 24-A

Oneness: Forces Par. 23-A

Prayer: Intercessory Par. 8-A

Prophecy: Archaeology Par. 13-A

: Economics Par. 19-A

TEXT OF READING 137-126 M 31 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 30th day of November, 1929, in accordance with request
made by themselves - [137], [140] and [900].

1. [137]: Now you will have before you the bodies of [140] and [137], located in
this room, and that of [900] located in the vicinity of this building at Virginia
Beach. You will have the conditions surrounding these entities, and you will
answer questions referring to their problems, and the divine and higher forces
will, if we may ask them, give that information to [l40] that the physical
consciousness is troubled by. You will have the realization of the hindrances of
the physical in working with the spiritual. You will have that condition of her mind
that causes certain fears and uneasinesses, that to her are important in her mind,
and you will tell her the cause and relief of these conditions.
2. EC: Yes, we have the bodies, the enquiring minds, [140], [137] and [900] and
those conditions and those things that have to do with the physical and with the
mental elements as govern physical and spiritual reactions through these bodies.
3. In giving that that may aid, much that has been given should be given due
consideration, and the variations in the surroundings mentally, physically, and the
spiritual aspirations as may enter in, would have much to do with that as will be
environmental in physical and mental activities for each.
4. As has been given for [140], there may be developments in the mental to such
an extent that the physical fears, the physical attributes, may be in that manner of
circumspect subjugation to those of the mental and spiritual body. In the
relationships to these, there needs be kept much in mind of those experiences in
the psychic or mental body through which the body has passed, and - as has
been given - fear not with the activities, though at times they bring fear and
distortion in their wake, for the perfect love, the perfect trust and truth, will cast
out fear, whether of the mental, of the physical, for the SPIRIT truly maketh alive,

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


will the body allow self to be governed by even those MENTAL intuitive forces as
so often come to this entity. The entity feels at times hedged about - not in fear,
not in a manner of distortion in mental thinking or in the relation- ships that exist
either in the physical or soul or in the attributes of either. These only need be
contemplated in the silence with self, knowing that this hedging about does NOT
close in to make littleness in activities of any nature. Rather the natural
expansion of the mind and soul, developing in that that MAKES the mental and
body FREE indeed. Then, keep those things that maketh alive, in the mental, in
the physical, and He that understandeth, He that beareth all things, will KEEP the
body, the mind, the soul, the spirit, in the right channel, in the right way. The
body-physical finds fears entering. Harken not to the voices without, or those
that would make one afraid. Rather to those voices from within, knowing that -
as the companion and the mate - there comes that understanding in one another,
and take thy troubles to thy friend, thy mate's brother [900], and the dissipation of
those things that worry, mentally and physically, will disappear - even as the mist
before the morning sun.
5. In that condition as surrounds [137] as respecting this same condition, these
fears allay in patience, in care, in love, in the strength of thy might - as COMES
through Him that gives the life, the light, the understanding - for He faileth not
who FAINTETH not in well-doing, and if the Lord be on thy side who can be
against thee?
6. In the relationships as between the two and [900], these come as the counsel
often. Harken when there is the answer in self of that thou seest in thine
INMOST soul. Correct, when these falter from that as would lead to the better
understanding. Ready for questions.
7. (Q) Does that mean in [140]'s case it would be well to take her fears to [900]
for correction?
(A) Oftentimes. More in counsel, and tempered with those prayers of [137]
when there is the close communion of him with the brother.
8. (Q) Through those prayers, then, I can assist [140]?
(A) Most surely!
9. (Q) But must not [l40] assist in that through her mental attitude?
(A) Even as has been given, that as there is the union of mind, spirit and body,
there may come the perfect understanding in the COMMUNION IN mind as
respecting fears, falters, positions, conditions, and these will fade as this
understanding is gained.
10. (Q) [140] asks, is this condition of fear due to any happening when she was a
(A) Much has had to do with these fears. This may be answered correctly
and say yes. This may be answered correctly and say no, not wholly, for it
partakes of BOTH that as brought on by PHYSICAL suffering and by the fears
induced in the relationships WITH same, and the ATTEMPTED friendly counsel
as has at times brought fear - and, as given, harken NOT to external exhortation.
Rather counsel with the mate, with [137], and with those that would speak from
within, and these will be allayed.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


11. (Q) Is her physical treatment being correctly administered?

(A) These are very good. At times there is felt in self the doubt or fear that
they are NOT wholly being administered properly. At others there is felt that they
must be for the better. These are being administered in a manner that will bring
the good, will the mental BALANCE same in the physical being.
12. (Q) Are these conditions of [l40]'s inevitable in her development as a result of
the Atlantean experience? [See 140-3.]
(A) Each must meet that builded in the body. In the counsel and the aid of
those able to bear comes succor and help. Hence that as was preached by Jude
in the days by the hillside.
13. (Q) Where can these preachings of Jude be found?
(A) These will be found, or a continuation of these, near Ur of the Chaldees.
14. (Q) Is [l40]'s condition the result of what I seem to feel is her confusion of
innate desire with mixed application?
(A) This the near correct. Those contentions and detentions as come from
without bring consternation and fear, while - there be the harkening of that from
within - these will disappear.
19. (Q) [900]'s two experiences, one regarding - or saying, it will be twelve years
before they go up again.
(A) This not relating to any particular or individual commodity or stock, but
rather of that spectacular condition as has existed in that direction. While
INDIVIDUAL stocks will mount even to GREATER heights, see?
20. (Q) We will be guided, of course, in what action we are to take?
(A) As has been given, and as has been seen. These, in their changes,
keeping themselves attuned, will be guided aright.
23. (Q) I heard a voice the other morning, same force as is used in the reading.
It seemed to be talking of the experience of the night before.
(A) This, as is understood by this entity, is all of ONE force - for truly, as thy
FRIEND said, all force is of God, and the manner in which man applies the
KNOWLEDGE OF the force is the MATERIAL result. Even as has existed that
element known as radioactive force, a NATURAL law - and has existed from the
beginning. Man's ability to ATTUNE - THROUGH material elements - TO that of
that active force, brings same to his material or physical consciousness, and is
then of that same force, same energy, as experienced by self.
24. (Q) Then, was it well in counseling not to try to use the force as demonstrated
through those means?
(A) Not until governed, trained, and the correct principle of the application of
same - but counsel well with them. Let them gain that knowledge that the force
being dealt with is of the Creative Energy, a part of same, and will they but
conduct their own selves in the manner as will bring that as may be used for
service, and not for laughter or for consternation. THIS a WONDERFUL
demonstration of that as has been just spoken of, of how consternation brought
to a mind and the attributing of the energy expended to either a purely physical
mind or to unknown sources that may not be depended or relied upon, but
governed aright, counseled aright, these may be made to serve a purpose in
their respective fields. We are through.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 137-129 M 31 [edited]

Business Advice: Investments: Stocks & Bonds Par. 15-A

Conception: Immaculate Par. 11-A

Dreams Par. 10-A

Healing: Physical Par. 12-A, 13-A

Ideals: Service Par. 15-A

Jesus: Healings Par. 12-A, 13-A

Physiotherapy: Massage: Marrow of Beef: Ears Par. 13-A, 14-A

Prophecy: Personal: Childbirth Par. 6-A--9-A

: Reincarnation: Bible Characters: John Par. 6-A--9-A
: Joseph Par. 6-A--9-A

Psychic Development: Intuition Par. 15-A

TEXT OF READING 137-129 M 31 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce this 30th day of March, 1930, at the
home of Mr. [137],..., New York City.

6. (Q) Will it be a boy or girl?

(A) As desired. John may come, or if you desire, Joseph.
7. (Q) When will the event take place?
(A) Early part December, or latter part of November.
8. (Q) Doctor says end of October.
(A) As we see, it will be end of November, or early December.
9. (Q) Is it John's will to reincarnate in this environment?
(A) Dependent upon those who may be physically responsible for the entering
of John into the mundane sphere, for with the desire this becomes as a law.
10. (Q) [140]'s dream.
(A) Fear only. Hold that in mind, that need, desire.
11. (Q) Is this a divine conception?
(A) A divine conception may be made.
12. (Q) Did [137]'s calling on force assist [[137]’s daughter] [143]?
(A) Played a great part. "Know Ye This, A Physical Body is in Vibration with
all Exterior Forces in the Universe." In the material plane are properties that in
their vibration may aid body to gain that enacted in the physical body. Even as
the clay and spittle brought healing to Bartemius. [Bartimaeus - Mark 10: 46]

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


13. (Q) Was the healing in the clay, or in the desire of divine made manifest, that
the vibration might be brought to full force in the material world, the material
forces so used as to act with the divine.
(A) Then in the particular condition with the body here, if you want a concrete
application use marrow of beef, that anointed behind the ear and on the throat, in
evenings. Use same with blessings as sought by self in bringing divine
application. Then do not laud self to [but] give Him the praise.
14. (Q) Should he [137] use the marrow of bone for [143] literally?
(A) The upper joint of hind leg cooked as [137] likes to eat it.
15. (Q) What cause was [137]'s stock market slump pre-ordained as a test, or
just an accident?
(A) He whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth and loveth every- one. In
application by that gain by self's intuition alone should be applied. Make a
differentiation between being guided, and opening self that the desire of the heart
may be accomplished in physical activities. In stocks, in bonds, in friendships, in
the stranger, whatsoever thou doest, do with that singleness of purpose to the
glorification of Him who works with, and through you. Do not condemn self nor
rail on the activities that have gone forth. Rather use same as a stepping stone
for proper understanding.
16. (Q) Is this force working through me [137], the brother of Jude?
(A) The Master, yes.
18. (Q) Would we meet or contact any of this Mendosis group?
(A) Some the body has contacted. Many the body will know. Do not accept
all until test is made, even as of self is made.
19. (Q) Does this mean beware of fraud?
(A) Beware of fraud in self - that is, when concepts arise through association
of individuals and their reflections from within, test same, - pray over same.
20. (Q) [900]'s experience? (Jesus Buchu) (?)
(A) In the glory of that made manifest in this experience vaunt not self as of
one being, especially in doubt, but rather as one offered an opportunity to make
manifest that phase of man's experience as may be manifested through various
forces in spiritual, in mental and in the physical body.


GD's note: It was later learned that Mr. [137] retired to a small town and changed
his name, apparently to avoid creditors opposing his filing for bankruptcy - chief
creditors being his former wife [140] and her parents, Mr. [137] and his brother
[900] lived in this small town with Mrs. [3734] and her husband and opened up a
small greeting card business. Some years later Mrs. [3734] and her husband
died, then Mr. [900]. Shortly after Mr. [900]'s death, Mr. [137] remarried. Today,
2/9/65, he is still living and active in the little business, and apparently is a very
devout Catholic.

9/16/74 Mr. [137] gave to HLC & GD Mr. [900]'s letter dated 12/30/49 predicting
[900]'s heart attack - which was the cause of his death on 4/9/54. See under
900-468 Reports.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 900-426 M 33 [edited]

Bible: Characters: Joseph: Husband of Mary Par. 5-A, 8-A

: Joses Par. 5-A
: Jude: Reincarnation Par. 5-A, 8-A
: Mary Par. 5-A

Books: Confucius Par. 9-A

Names: People Mentioned: Confucius Par. 9-A


Planetary Sojourns Par. 3-A

Reincarnation: People Famous: Achilles Par. 7-A

: Purpose Par. 6-A--8-A

Soul: Attraction Par. 7-A, 8-A

Work: E.C.: Psychic Sources Par. 9-A

: Quotations & Similes:
"Know Itself To Be Itself..." Par. 4-A
: Readings: Life Par. 3-A
: Spirit Communication Par. 2

TEXT OF READING 900-426 M 33 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 6th day of March, 1929, in accordance with request
made by Mr. [195], through Mr. [900].

1. [900]: Now you will have before you the body of [195], Dayton, Ohio, and the
body of [137], New York City, N.Y., and the body of [900] present in this room.
That that we ask at this time is knowledge and understanding, and in the light of
this that we have already received - and that we now seek of a relatively more
advanced type - we ask that the questions we ask be answered. You will answer
the questions I will ask you.
2. EC: There are MANY that would speak to each, or all, of these boys. Seek
and ye shall find. Ready for questions.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


3. (Q) In the life readings as given, explain the difference in lapse of time
between incarnation. Is it that not all experiences in the earth world are given in
life readings, or is it that sufficient development in life makes it unnecessary for a
re-appearance until a long lapse of time? For example, [195]'s first appearance
was 10, 500, 000 years ago, the next appearance 12, 000 years ago. Did entity
have any appearances on earth between these two eras of incarnation? [See
(A) The appearances in the earth plane are given in full. In the lapses there
are OTHER influences THAN the earth plane, just as there are
DEVELOPMENTS other than the earth's plane. Hence oft, as has been given,
that other systems of our present planetary system are the abode, or have had
their influence in the ENTITY'S LIFE. Now life as a whole here, see? not as
EARTH life, but the ENTITY'S LIFE, or entity's experience, and therefore wield
an influence in same. Nearer correct, then, that the development such that there
may be long or short periods from one incarnation to another.
4. (Q) As regards these in between, it has been given that I may somewhat
explain these. I have tried to do it in this so-called letter in my pocket [See 254-
48, Par. 7-A on 3/7/29 which apparently continues in re the same letter - then
held in his hand], that the memory reveals itself sometime after death to a
spiritual minded person, not only as related to the earthy life, or the remaining
earthly thoughts OF earthly life, but ALSO reveals itself as a self unfoldment of
ALL past experiences.
(A) Correct. For life, in its continuity, is that experience of the soul or entity -
including its soul, its spirit, its superconscious, its subconscious, its physical
consciousness, or its MATERIAL consciousness, in that as its DEVELOPMENT
goes through the various experiences takes on more and more that ability of
knowing itself to be itself, yet a portion of the great whole, or the one Creative
Energy that is in and through all.
5. (Q) In reading given for [137] [1/13/29 See 900-422, Par. 20-A.], in which the
higher realms addressed him, and in answer to his question - the question as
follows, "May I ask who referred to me as 'My Son David', the answer was, 'In
that higher force in Joseph'. Does this mean an entity who had appeared in the
flesh as Joseph, or does it mean the cabalistic interpretation, a higher force on a
higher cosmic plane, the cosmic plane called Joseph?
(A) An entity Joseph. Joseph, the HUSBAND of Mary the mother of the Lord,
the [GD's note: At this point Edgar Cayce was talking so fast that I was unable to
record the rest of the answer. The next afternoon, 3/7/29, a reading was taken
specifically to get the rest of the wording. See 900-427, Par. 3-A, giving the
correct wording which I missed. It was then inserted here as follows:] Christ.
Joseph, father of Jose and Jude. Joseph the carpenter.
6. (Q) Now it gave there that [137] had a preconceived purpose as regarding this
work before birth - as we call birth -
(A) Correct.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


7. (Q) Now, was any such preconceived idea in THIS entity, [900], prior to birth?
(A) From the experience as Achilles there was ever the desire as was manifest
in the LIFE (earthy life) of Achilles, to express in the material world that of
strength that was not of the imposing character. Understand?
Mr. [900]: I understand.
(Continuing) There was in the soul of [5769] [[900]'s earthly father this time]
that of the answering in that especially of NOBILITY, that ATTRACTED the body
through THAT channel. Hence the CLOSENESS of the two in life, in death, in
experience, even today. This, then, a combination in the relation of the two of
that BUILDED in the rebuilding of the Holy City, when all labored together as one
man to re-establish the law as was manifest in and through the peoples of the
period. The change from that of Aarat only in application. In the combination,
then - as the mind builder to the material and spiritual builder, to that of the
warrior, that impelled - yet innately held the spiritual the greater, and with that
force of making oneness of purpose in man apply in that direction as a
WORKABLE and not theory only, see?
8. (Q) Realizing the idea and -
(A) An IDEAL, in that there is seen in the experience the ability to apply not
only the force of love as of the due for the son, or of the mother for the child, nor
of that of power as impels through the ability to laud (l-a-u-d-) and the ability to
lord (l-o-r-d-) over thy brother. In the application, then, there is seen in the
present how that the builders in the far land where the two gathered, one as the
physical builder - and STILL the physical builder, the other the builder and
interpreter to the high and the low, gather with one who - through all intuitive
force - may call, may succor, from the throne even as in Jude, who - though
DENYING the brother, the LORD, yet came THROUGH the action of JOSEPH as
the pledger for those that served in that day that were not carried about as clouds
that were without water, nor as the sound in a beautiful cymbal, but rather living
in the life that that made the Lord the way of escape, that men should know there
was the way open, the water free, the light shining, the road clear and straight,
that would keep man - man's soul - in that oneness with the Father, even as was
manifest in the Christ; and in THIS service of three in one in purpose, in intent,
there comes the bulwark of faith to many, and it shall be known that the sceptre
has NOT departed from Judah, neither has the temple been barred from him who
would seek to know the Lord's face, in that they - when all shall STAND BEFORE
that judgement bar - each are accountable to themselves, and that God within
themselves, for the use of that committed into their keeping - whether of that of
the world or of the realms that make worlds; for each pass through the realms in
experience and are one with creative or destructive energy, and each are one in
9. (Q) A very high force of intelligence must just have given this. May we have
the former earthly name?
(A) Study this with the five hundred and eighty-second page in Confucius.
10. (Q) Was my father, [5769], also a builder with me at the time of the Temple.
(A) A Builder.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 900-441 M 34 [edited]

: Jude Par. 3
: warnings Par. 3

Education: Teaching: Example Par. 3-A

Humor Par. 1

Life: Balanced Par. 1

Soul Development: Application Par. 3-A

TEXT OF READING 900-441 M 34 (Stockbroker, Hebrew)

This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street,
Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of May, 1929, in accordance with request made
by self - Mr. [900].

(Dream Suggestion)
1. EC: We have the body, the enquiring mind, [900] - this we have had before.
The dreams, the visions as come to the body, are those experiences in the
various spheres of the body mental and the body physical development, as has
been oft outlined for the body, and are to be used as has oft been given, in the
way and manner as will bring not only the understanding, but the understanding
sufficient to apply same in the affairs of the daily life, as well as that of the
development of the mental and physical body, that the body may magnify that as
has been given for the body TO do in its administration of that as is given through
THIS experience. Keep, then, the charges as has been given, would the body be,
know, and do that as has oft been given; for oft we find the body bordering near
to the subliminal, with that of an understanding bordering near to the ridiculous;
yet again and again is there given those visions that the body may know that
such a faint line exists between the two, that it becomes no wonder that often
those that are of the greatest forces and powers appear ridiculous to that mind,
or minds that only see the other side. Look well, then, and BALANCE all in the
way that faileth not, will the body keep self in accord. Ready for dream.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


3. (Q) Next. This referred to going down to the Beach - might have been Virginia
Beach or any beach. I called Myron and told him to come down. It seemed I
was on the corner - enroute, on the way down or on the way back - and [137]
was standing out in the middle of the track and had a big trolley pole in his
hands. Seemed there was predicted an accident. The accident was about to
happen. I hollered to [137] to drop the connection and the accident wouldn't
happen - to drop it quickly. Then I said, "Now remember, and see, the same
thing happened as Jude."
(A) This again the emblematical condition presented to the body, again, of the
warnings as has been presented, about the body making such association and
such connections as would be those of the detrimental nature. The body also
finds that there is represented as to how, through whom, where and when, these
warnings have come to the body as to NOT make such connections as
QUESTIONS would be asked or brought about concerning same. Again there is
seen the warning to the brother, or the associations as are seen, as not only in
the present experience but those of the past; and again, as these come to the
body in this manner and way, the warning then is to heed, that there be not such
associations, NOT such connections, as to produce questionings as respecting
that that is being ATTEMPTED by the body. Do not preach in one manner and
ACT in another, but let the life and the preaching, let the administering of the
daily walks of life - whether home or abroad, whether in social life or in business
relations, be in accord with that the body gives to others, and in the applying in
SELF, then MAY the body UNDERSTAND as to how, and the way to answer that
question, or those various conditions as arise in the life of others. Not a
SPECIFIC condition, other than making an association or a connection in the
business relations of which the body has been warned. Act, then, in the manner
that is in keeping with that that thou would give to others. Will that be applied in
self, then it may apply to others. Will it NOT apply in self, in the home, in the life,
in the office, abroad or near, then not in keeping with that as has been given into
thy keeping. We are through.

Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


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