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Moral, John Joseph M.

January 3, 2017
BSME-III Engr. Christian Mortel

“Environment is getting worse day by day”, I definitely agree on this statement.

The climate change that we are suffering today is one of the evidence that our nature
are already damaged, there are a lot of typhoons destroyed our houses, infrastructures,
lives, and growing crops every year that generate a long term losses in personal lives,
economic activity and income in the affected area, as people and companies lose their
means of production and access to the markets. We are grieving from different diseases
cause by uncontrollable heat of the sun because we are burning plastic that ozone layer
is getting thin. We, people have developed a huge and thriving society but on the other
hand, in the process we deforest huge sections of land for living and livestock grazing,
conversion of agricultural land to industrial land for doing businesses, rising up
buildings, etc. These human activity decreases oxygen and increases carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere; possibly adding the global warming through the greenhouse effect. We
just threw our waste like plastics, bottle and cans in the ground that for all we know it
will be decomposed hundred years before which in turn will contaminates our water
supplies that we need for our survival. Business are involved in the production of fuels
that they exhaust oil reserves and pollute the oceans through spills from tankers that will
endanger wilderness and wildlife. All these activities I had mentioned contribute bad
impact to our environment and we are suffering today from the climate change and
natural disasters that causes death, economic and environmental damage, and severe
setbacks for social development. We must know the importance of our environment in
our daily lives and understand that our nature also needs our care. On the other side,
just like love that if we love someone and we give him/her importance, we are also
expecting the return. Then, relate it between you and to our environment. One thing is
for sure, we all need love and care.

Hereunder are some proofs from Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific
2011, the consequences that we suffered from the disasters.

Recent large-scale disasters, including the devastating earthquake and tsunami

in Japan of March 2011; the Asian and Pacific Region where Philippines is included are
vulnerable to many types of disasters including floods, cyclones, earthquakes, drought,
storm surges and tsunamis. During the past decade, on average, more than 70, 000
people were killed by natural disasters annually.
These figures show the average annual population affected and killed by natural
disasters, world regions by 2001-2010.

People Affected:

Asia Pacific



N Am


0 50 100 150 200 250

People Killed:

Asia Pacific




N Am

0 20 40 60 80 100

These figures truly represent the effect to us by natural disasters having a long term
impact. And, it will awake us to realize that our environment is getting worse day by day
because of the bad activities we did like improper disposal our wastes and burning
plastic that we almost did every day. Also, it will serve as a reminder for us to do good
deeds to our environment for our today, tomorrow and for the future generation. Do it
within yourselves and others will follow.
Romblon State University
College of Engineering and Technology
Mechanical Engineering Department
A.Y. 2016-2017 / 2nd Semester
Introduction to Environmental Engineering

Moral, John Joseph M. January 5, 2017

BSME-III Engr. Christian Mortel


1. To know the issues/problem existing in our community.

2. To investigate the possible reasons/causes of the problem.
3. To investigate the effect of the problem to the community.
4. To formulate possible solution to the problem.

Address: Brgy. Lamao, Romblon, Romblon

Lamao is one of the barangays of Romblon. The story behind the term “Lamao”
is that, years ago there are plenty of water sources therefore this place called “Lam-aw”
on its own dialect which means “abundant in water supplies”. As years go by, people
lived here called this place as “Lamao” instead of “Lam-aw”. Today, this barangay is
now growing because of the newly established Lamao Beach Resort, JN Ber Gasoline
Station and Lamao Garden Memorial Park. There are 1023 population over 219
households in this barangay that contributes greater development to our community.

Hereunder are environmental problems present in our barangay and its causes, effects
and the solutions to the following problems.

Environmental Causes of the Problem Effects of the Solutions to the Problem

Problems Problem

1. Deforestation to make more land loss of species Promoting sustainable choices

available for housing

to create ingredients water cycle Educate your friends, family &

that are highly prized soil erosion community about how our
consumer items everyday actions can impact
forests around the world
2. Natural Agricultural Industry Animals are Along with education, awareness
Habitat Loss & endangered should also be raised.
Destruction to make room for
3. Waste Plain Old Trash Groundwater Get rid of bottled water
Pollution Pollution
Disposing of plastic & Land Pollution Shop friendly
garbage Air Pollution Recycle everything
It kills animals
4.Illegal logging For personal interest Destruction of Report to the authorized
wildlife habitats personnel
Income purposes Changing the politics
5.Natural Cutting more tress People killed Environmental awareness
Disasters Improper disposal of Houses are Be ready and alert.
waste destroyed
6.Kaingin for planting agricultural Death of species Teach others the importance of
System crops and trees. biodiversity
7. Air Pollution Smoke and Smells Health damaged Try to resolve by speaking to
whom created pollution
Complain to authorized agency
8. Dog mess Irresponsible owners Air pollution Owners must remove the mess
Brgy. Officials must fixed a
9. Human mess No toilet Air and Land Health education
Can harm fishes Local government must provide
toilet to who are not able to buy
toilet bowl.
10. Littering No discipline Soil Recycling
No trash cans available contamination Waste Management
in the street
Public Participation

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