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Using and creating each

* Phrases are a group of words that lacks a
subject, predicate, or both.
* Phrases can take many different forms:
* Prepositional phrases
* Verb phrases
* Adjective phrases
* Adverb phrases
* Noun phrases
* Verbial phrases

* Prepositional Phrases
* Begin with a preposition (a word that shows
position, location, or direction)
* Ends with an object of the preposition (noun or
* Can be used as adjectives (words that describe a
noun or pronoun). Adjectives answer what kind,
how many, which one
* Can be used as Adverbs (words that describe verbs,
adjectives, or other adverbs). Adverbs answer
where, when, how, or to what extent

* Verbial phrases
* Verbs that act as other parts of speech
* Types:
* Gerund phrase = Verb ending in ING and is used as a
noun. Example: Swimming is a fun exercise.
* Participle phrase = Verb ending in ING or ED is used as
an adjective. Example: 1. Rattling in the cabinets, the
dishes were about to crash to the floor. 2. Why didn’t
the tired boy just stand still?
* Infinitive phrase = Verb that starts with to and is used
as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Example: I am afraid
to swim.

* A clause is group of related words that has both
a subject and a predicate. They DO NOT have
to form a complete thought.
* Types:
* Independent
* Dependent

* Independent Clauses:
* Have a subject and a predicate and can stand
alone as a sentence.
* When standing alone, an independent clause is
ALWAYS a simple sentence (ONE subject and
ONE predicate only)
* Example: This ancient oak tree may eventually
be cut down.

* Dependent Clause:
* Have a subject and a predicate, but will NEVER
express a complete thought.
* These clauses can not be a sentence by itself.
* A dependent clause depends on being connected to
an independent clause to make sense.
* These clauses are also known as SUBODINATING
CLAUSES because of the words that start them
(subordinating conjunctions:
HEN, etc.)
* The following words can also start a dependent
clause: who, which, whose, that

* A sentence has at least one subject, at least
one predicate, and expresses a complete
* A sentence ALWAYS begins with a capital letter
* A sentence ALWAYS ends with a
period, question mark, or exclamation mark

* Simple sentences:
* A simple sentence is one independent clause.
* Simple sentences may contain a simple or
compound subject
* Simple sentences may contain a simple or
compound predicate.
* John and his friend played basketball after school.
* Icebergs form glaciers and float in the ocean.

* Compound sentences:
* Happen when two or more simple sentences
(independent clauses) are combined with each
* When making a compound sentence, you must
use the words For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
* Use the acronym FANBOYS to help you remember.
* The FANBOYS cannot begin a sentence (They are

* Complex sentences:
* Combine a dependent clause and an independent
clause together.
* When making a complex sentence, you must use
a subordinating conjunction or a relative
* See page 710 and page 744 for a complete list of
these words

* Complex sentences:
* If a dependent clause comes first, a comma is
used after the clause.
* Example: When I left for home, my aunt stood
teary-eyed in the doorway.

* If a dependent clause comes last, no comma is

* Example: My uncle Louis died soon after I left for

* The four types of sentences include:
* Imperative = giving a command
* Interrogative = asking a question
* Declarative = making a statement
* Exclamatory = showing emotion
* Each sentence ends with a different type of
* The imperative sentence can have what is known as
an understood “you”. This means the subject is not
explicitly stated, but must be interpreted.

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